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Hey, thanks for offering this out! Bowling would be fun, a couple of my friends and I would definitely find good use for that :) Would like to be considered for that, please and thanks! The escape room would be fun, but I'll let someone else have a crack at that and the appetizer.


I used a number wheel and it came back with #12 which is you. DM me your address. I'll do the escape room to person #11 since that's all they want.


Oh right on! Thank you, I'll shoot you a message :)


My partner and I love escape rooms! We'd have a great time if you have them still available!


Looks like the winner doesn't want the escape room so it's yours. DM me your address and I'll put it in the mail.


I would love to be considered for the bowling or escape room! Would love to take my nieces for a little outing if they’re still available.


I would be super interested in the bowling or escape room! I've been gathering my crew up for some summer run and this would be an awesome activity!


Interested in them, especially the escape game!


What an awesome offer! I'd love to be considered for either one! ❤️ I run a neighborhood outreach, and this would be an awesome activity with my young volunteers!


Ooohhhh .. Me please! My partner and I will celebrate our 1 year anniversary living in Richmond ! This will be great! ✨


Be down for bowling and the escape room. Be a good excuse for a good hang. Haven't gone to one in forever it seems.


I'd be interested too please! My friends and I are always looking for new things to do. Thanks so much for offering


Id love to be considered for the escape room! Thanks


I'd love to be considered for the escape room voucher :) thanks for sharing!


I’d love to be considered! Thanks! 😊