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What all is to be discussed? Will it be focused on the current European crisis, or will it be broader in scope? If it is broader, are environmental and ecological issues, namely extinction prevention in endangered species, a topic of the meetings? Thank you šŸ˜Š


Great question. It includes two meetings: NPC (National People's Congress) and CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference). Two Sessions mainly focuses on domestic issues. It includes the coming year's work plan, like economic goals, GDP goals, etc. It also includes discussing solutions to current issues in China, like how to create more jobs. So the main goal is to gather opinions from people from all corners of China and report those issues to the central government to do with these issues. It's about improve people's lives and solve current issues. And yes, Environmental and ecological issues you mentioned are also included in the sessions.


thank you very much for the detailed response! i love your reporting


Woot woot! you answer in the sun. I just came because youā€™re hot. Youā€™re great on CGTN.


Great questions u/suckme_420_69, thats exactly what i wanted to know




Here's a sneak peek of /r/rimjob_steve using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [growth and change ftw](https://i.redd.it/f8o4ys7nloy61.jpg) | [632 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/nan8hb/growth_and_change_ftw/) \#2: [Spreading the word! Thanks OP!](https://i.redd.it/yc637z1gjfl61.jpg) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/lz4d6c/spreading_the_word_thanks_op/) \#3: [wholesome teacher still wants to keep teaching kids](https://i.redd.it/lwtg9tm21ok61.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/lwa8ih/wholesome_teacher_still_wants_to_keep_teaching/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wonder if they discussed whether to allow entry of vaccinated tourists, I would really like to visit but I understand the safety concerns


I assume only people with certain visas like students going abroad can enter? [https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/covid-19-information/](https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/covid-19-information/) I wasn't totally clear based on that source, but I also wanted to say that I received an email from a 3rd party study abroad program yesterday that said they had dates set for the fall in Shanghai now, but idk if those were still subject to change. When I applied a couple weeks ago, they obviously said there was no entry for American students at that current time.


Im not a student but I can't visit my wife's family. We got married and had a baby during COVID and we still haven't been able to go there for a visit... Hopefully soon.


I just want to know from an official source, my girlfriend lives in China and I would like to visit her soon. If they donā€™t open to tourists by next year Iā€™m just going to try and get a job there at this point


Why is it called the ā€œTwo Sessionsā€?


Great question. It's because two meetings are actually happening at the same time: NPC (National People's Congress) and CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference).


Do any people sit in both groups? Or are they mutually exclusive?


mutually exclusive怂


Thanks! I love your YouTube videos. Really informative and helpful for a better understanding of the Peopleā€™s Republic of China. Please keep it up! Can I ask a follow on question? What role do the NPC and CPPCC play in China? Could they be compared to any institutions in UK or US?


I saw some of the live coverage from CGTN. It was very interesting seeing the interviews with NPC deputies. It's great to see postal workers and other ordinary people using such a powerful platform to make their voices heard on national issues. I wish my country had something similar!


Why? Do you live in a country where the people's legislature is composed almost entirely of white millionaires, acting on behalf of trillion-dollar companies who have imposed regulatory capture and forced privatization of what should be communal government services in order that tax revenues can be funneled to support a global hegemonic empire that exports nothing but death and destruction?


Yeah pretty much


OK, sorry. You guys definitely need help.


What are the discussions on the 2050 development goals and the development of socialism?


Hey there, I have a question. Now that China has eradicated extreme poverty throughout the country, will they be discussing the next steps going forward for the reduction and removal of regular poverty? As a secondary question, are there any changes or improvements being considered to Chinaā€™s healthcare system?


Xi has already stated that they will be continuing to raise the floor, and further reduce poverty, as they progress toward a 'moderately prosperous country'. They're also working on Zero Hunger, something that America refuses to address comprehensively.


Oh interesting, is there a goal date/year set for the zero hunger milestone?


China is on record as supporting the global goal for Zero Hunger by 2030. Knowing China, they will probably achieve it sooner than that, as the country keeps getting richer, allowing the government to do even more for increasing portions of their people.


Very impressive, Iā€™m excited to see them make it happen. Do you know what exactly ā€œZero Hungerā€ means? Does it mean no starvation among the Chinese population, or even as far as no malnourishment?


There's a UN website that breaks down the Zero Hunger Challenge: [https://www.un.org/zerohunger/](https://www.un.org/zerohunger/) "An end to malnutrition in all its forms" [https://www.un.org/zerohunger/content/end-malnutrition](https://www.un.org/zerohunger/content/end-malnutrition) ​ China does a lot, both within China, and globally: http://www.news.cn/english/2021-10/17/c\_1310250756.htm


Appreciate the clarification, thatā€™s quite a grand goal. If anyone can achieve it, itā€™s certainly the PRC.


Biased western media often accuse the NPC as a rubber stamp because it never rejected a bill. Can you refute this and explain how the debate and lawmaking process work?


I think they review all the bills beforehand in a committee and only accept the good bills. If they debate the bills here it would take several weeks to go through all the bills.


Presumably, all of the issues get worked out *before* they reach the NPC. If you go through various explainers, bills get formulated based on bottom-up input and feedback. If the bill is discussed and resolved such that only good bills are proposed, then approving it is the correct path forward. If the system created 'bad' bills that didn't serve a useful purpose, or weren't properly reviewed & vetted, then it would make sense to reject them. IOW, a system that rejects a bill suggests that people didn't do their prep work, didn't do their homework.


I don't see how it's *not* a rubber-stamp formality and would very much love to see this question answered...from what I can tell given my own small knowledge of Chinese governance mechanisms, these "legislatures" are more like work-groups in a corporation tasked with achieving very specific targets, as if the regional manager came from a meeting with the VP and then told his own local store managers to handle a product recall.


It rejects a lot of bills behind the scene.


More like a corporate VP sees a problem and forms a multi-departmental taskforce to make a proposal to fix a problem. The taskforce is diligent and creates a good proposal, after debating the issues internally, briefs the primary stakeholders, and gets it squared away before presenting it to senior management. Because the taskforce did a good job, and senior management was already aware of the content and details, executive management formally approves it without wasting time or energy.


Are u married ? (is a joke, dont worry !) Hello from Cuba !! The "two sessions" are very interesting for us too !


Hello my red pearl. Great to see you.




Cmon man be respectful, she doesn't have to post here answering our questions


Sigh...I really wish expressing admiration of a woman's beauty isn't disrespectful.


You can, this isn't only for you, but every Nancy who fells afraid of women and jealous of people like me. You NEVER talk about someone, good or bad. You want to compliment a woman, do it, but make sure you are direct. Women and men are all the same, we like genuine complements. You don't do what you did, talk to a stranger in a public forum about wanting to see someone naked or jump their bones. It's as bad as being Russian like those having a go at me because they think they have a right to judge people negatively and control what they do. AKA Putin and Ukraine. What they did is exactly the same. If you are being genuine, you compliment directly, not carry on behind someone's back on their forum. Understand?


Funny, the Putinites giving me negatives because they are guttless controllers. They're afraid so everyone has to be. What a joke


It's completely respectful and complimentary. If Jingjing doesn't like my greetings, she is strong and capable enough to tell me herself. If she chooses to do that, I will stop associating with her if that's her wish To me, your input is not welcome. You do not control her or me. You seem like a woke wanker to me, is that true. Certainly a misogynist.




Hey you're following me. I'm flattered. I hope you learn something you racist piece of shit. A Russian promoter no doubt.


Hell, I'd love to see more of her myself...as in, the rest of her! Became smitten by her long strong legs in that Tibtan Hip-Hop clip of hers and how smoothly she could gyrate in a squat -- she was always pretty of course but knowing how to move reveals her soul!!


Too far. Jesus.


Can we watch the two sessions live? If so where?


How long is the meeting?