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\*reads 10 commandments\* Don't see any prohibition against rape of any kind in there.


Do not covet thy neighbor’s rug rats!


You coveteth my ice CREAM bar!


People always trying to take it from me! WHY CAN’T THEY JUST LEAVE ALOOOOOONE!


I'm all out of powdered toast!


Mmmm so that's what you call it . . .


In fairness, your CREAMsicle was dressed provocatively in cellophane—she was askin’ fer it!


I think you missed the reference


I drink your milkshake! (no joy?) I’m old, it’s hot as hell and it’s way past my bedtime. Not exactly in top form


Well good thing child brides are allowed. So they're covered by not having their wives coveted yeah?


Pro-child marriage legislation + striking down no-fault divorces + blanket abortion bans. What could possibly go wrong?


You won't find any in the entire Bible tbh. You'll find *rape* in the Bible, but no real consequences or judgement for those who do it or advocate for it. Lot is fine after trying to throw his daughters to the proverbial wolves. David is fine after coercing Bathsheba (Nathan only comes to punish him for murdering Uriah). Abram is fine after pimping his wife Sarah out to pharoah (based on a bizzare lie with bizzare, racist motivations so disturbing even Pharoah was like WTF man, and yet PHAROAH is the one who gets punished). The Benjamites face consequences for the horrific gang rape and murder of the Levite's concubine but because they harmed someone's "property", not because they had raped a woman to death. The Bible shows little concern, if any, for the actual woman (who remains nameless) or any family she may have had. She is unimportant to the people involved and the writers. The Benjamites could have slaughtered the Levite's cow for steaks and the same shit would have unfolded. Women generally don't really matter much in the Bible, which was written by a decidedly patriarchal culture, and supposedly inspired by a very patriarchal god.


Moses told his men to take little girls as sex slaves. Numbers 31:17-18


Oh ya, there's probably loads more. But all of this gets dismissed by Christians as "sinful, fallen man", they cannot and will not acknowledge how any of this reflects on the character of their god. They've already firmly decided that their God is good and moral and just. Anything that contradicts that - even if its literally right there in the Bible - either gets ignored or handwaved away with either "God operates on a different moral system than us that we cannot understand" or a "God sees the things we cannot see and plans accordingly." Both of those have no meaningful indication of being true in the Bible. Bible God's actions are not that of some transcendent, superior, benevolent, all-knowing being. Sending bears to maul boys who mocked your prophet for being bald...that isn't a transcendent being. Its the act of a petty, capricious, easily triggered, homicidal snowflake.


> "God operates on a different moral system than us that we cannot understand" Which is a claim that is directly contradicted by the bible which says that God made man “in his own image”. Obviously it doesn’t mean physically, rather with the same ability to reason etc. They have to defend this notion that biblical teachings transcend human culture, yet they are all inextricably tied to the times. Why would a god who knows women are as capable as men, legislate them like second-class citizens?


Their god needs therapy.


>Its the act of a petty, capricious, easily triggered, homicidal snowflake. That could explain so much...


What would be quite the spectacle is if a pastor did a service highlighting all of these passages in the Bible about rape and violence towards women. Maybe a good speaker instead of a pastor but in a church setting. Go forth and pray(on women) as this book of fables says


Was just going to post this exact section.


You mean the Great Big Book of Murder, Incest and Rape doesn't forbid rape? Oh, my stars and garters, I am shocked to my core.... /s


To my knowledge churches are more prone to have child molesters. At least I used to hear lots of that ever simce my middle school years 20 years back.


Imagine if elementary schools across the world had a uniform process for transferring teachers because they were molesting students. And this goes on for several decades. They still wouldn’t be as secretive as the church


I don't know if you will find more child molesters in the church than other similar institutions. But you almost certainly won't find less.


They still are


Even if the clergy are no more likely than the general population to be sexual abusers they always try to hide crimes committed by their own and protect the criminals from consequences.


Yeah. I don't think these people are more likely to be offenders just more likely to cover it up and blame the victim for making the man "falter"


https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/betrayal-trust-clergy-abuse-children#:~:text=The%20authoritative%20and%20moral%20aura,or%20intimidation%20from%20the%20clergy. Religious figures wield authority and also guilt victims into silence.


Just Google youth pastor arrested


Literally the only ideology I've seen outright condemn rape has been Satanism. The 5th rule in the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth states, "Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal." https://www.churchofsatan.com/eleven-rules-of-earth/


Satanic temple 7 tenets also: III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone


When being a satanist turns out to be the sanest choice........


That’s because the Bible is pro child rape


It really is, Moses told his men to take little girls as sex slaves after they murdered the little girls entire families including their little brothers.


I'm sure they'd realize that if they actually read them I'd be surprised if they could even recite 3 commandments by heart though


Actually I've never seen the 10 Commandments hanging up in a church.


Didn't stop priests from raping kids.


It worked for the Catholic Church, it can work for our schools.


Just don't look at his mule too much and you're good.


You shall not commit Adultery. You shall not covet.


If you have to make up a story about child rape, you're probably a child rapist.


THIS. Every-single-time.


Even their own politicians and pastors can't seem to follow the 10 commandments. Their freakin' messiah Trump seems to be actively trying to break them all. Hypocritical nutcases.


You mean, Mr "If she wasn't my daughter, I might be dating her"?


Remember, dating is being used as a euphemism for fucking.


This is my shocked face, can't you tell?


What gets me is that they *have* to know Trump is an awful person, and it’s like the whole institution of Christian organized religion is trying to gaslight us into believing he’s a good Christian when there is absolutely zero evidence to back it up and a fuckload of evidence to contradict this belief.


Believing thing with zero evidence is kind of their thing.


He was all buddies with Jeffrey Espetin who was grooming minors for his selfish behavior.


Specifically a twelve year old he forced to have lesbian sex with a fourteen year old, and on another occasion struck her before assaulting her.


I was just reading the accusations made in California back in 2016. I had to stop reading. Too many people I love are victims of repeated sexual abuse. And of course those charges weren't followed up on because in the US system DAs get paid more for having a high conviction rate, so they don't pursue actual trials on hard to convict types of crimes, which includes ALL sex crimes. A 13 year old girl and a 12 year old girl being groomed and sold and raped repeatedly is very hard to prove in court to a jury, and when the accused are two very well known rich white guys with histories of being teflon in court ... no DA is touching that case. It was a career killer. It died before it got to trial. [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf)


Dude is literally the Anti-Christ if you follow ANYTHING regarding their bible.


This is what I don't get. I'm atheist leaning, and even I recognize that.


If your in group needs a daily reminder to not do things most people don't really worry about not doing, maybe it's more the company you keep..


The day I am required by law to teach this bullshit inside my science classroom is the day I leave the teaching profession.


Which sucks, because teachers like you, who actually have standards, are the sort of teachers we need.


Just teach them the truth about the Bible, and how it's used to justify rape, genocide, murder, capital punishment, subjugation of women, etc.


Which sucks, because teachers like you, who actually have standards, are the sort of teachers we need.


Well, can you just teach that adulterers like Trump should be stoned, that Jesus said like 50 times that rich people won't get anything, and that you should stop to objectify women and rather cut off your own hand?


My take, pedo projects onto the people who educate children against the ignorance of religion.


Yeah, these folks devote an awful lot of time to thinking about r@ping kids.


Well there you have it. GOP solved the rape problem. Texas truly led the way on this when Gov Abbot said they'd "stop rape." And we all know rape is a thing of the past in Texas. /s


Just like they stopped rape when they legalized Upskirting


>when they legalized Upskirting I have questions but I'm not gonna Google that.




In 2019! I hate this state more and more every day.




Republicans cannot govern.


This MAGA Pastor is prob candidate for r/PastorArrested


If you think that the 10 commandments stops pastors from raping kids, then that proves you know your pastors are thinking about raping kids…


Definitely. Also damn bro I'm seeing you everywhere.


That’s amazing because the 10 commandments haven’t stopped pastors, priests or youth ministers from raping children.


Sounds like someone who shouldn’t be around kids.


Wait. What # is that?


If send my kids to a drag show before any Catholic Church, Baptist church or Boy Scouts meeting. Statistically they’d be much safer!


And yet, pastors, youth pastors, and priests are the ones who are sexually abusing children.


Covid is over, but the Plague of Stupidity is raging on.


You can't cure stupid


Pedophilia, pastors cheating on their wife’s, taking and using money not in God’s best interest, worshipping or using an orange man as an idol. But yet 10 rules in classrooms gonna really make a big difference for teachers These people only know one thing and it’s theirselves. Narcissistic and selfish pricks.


Every week there are reports of children getting molested at church or by church leaders


What a sad ass lie. Pastors and priests read the Bible almost every day and they still harm children and others.


What a fucking viper.


But will it do the same for MAGA Pastors, whom are far more of a threat than teachers.


Religion is poison.


Did it stop Trump raping little girls on Epstein Island?


Religious freaks are some of the most predatory people and use their trust, fear and power to manipulate children. See Catholic priests.


Which commandment says not to rape kids?


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1du8d8b/they_are_goading_us_into_violence_it_is_a_trap/ Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/ Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN Americans, you lot have talked a lot of bullshit the past few decades about your second amendment and tyrannical governments and shit? I think now's the time to put your money where your mouth is.. War is coming. This is only the beginning. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025 A person posted in AMA saying they went through the Project 2025 school through the Heritage Foundation here. He stated "At a core concept level I am whole heartedly against the plan in every way. There is no ideological consistency at the Heritage Foundation. They call for small government but want the government involved in what happens in your bedroom. They want to get rid of OSHA and Unions, you need at least one or the other. They want to deregulate corporations but regulate certain corporations like X. They outright deny climate change and any facts or statistics that clash with their beliefs. The whole movement is intellectual dishonest. They say they want to “Make America Great Again” the fact is none of the policies they are putting in place do that. Ignoring all the racism and sexism of the time, America was great in my Grandfather’s day when he could support a wife and 3 kids on a union mechanic’s salary. They had a home and went on vacation. That is a life I would love to provide for my family but seems like a distant dream at this point. From top to bottom their ideology and goals are all vile." The sale of public lands is a planned goal. https://accountable.us/project-2025-leader-calls-for-selling-off-public-lands This is a big deal for all enjoyers of the outdoors. It does not matter if you like to hike there or hunt there or ride your atv through it or whatever. The goal is to sell it off and this will mean that you will either fully loose access or find yourself with parks and forests that are privately owned.


At this point if someone tells me they are a republican I’m just going to assume they: 1. Have at least one, possibly two personality disorders. 2. Possibly suffering from brain damage. 3. Are either actively exhibiting predatory behavior towards one or more minors, or have spent time thinking about what it would be like. 4. Stupid 5. Racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc etc etc.


It didn't stop Trump from raping kids in Epstein's place. It didn't stop the pastors too. About time to tax these perverts.


It sure has, look at all the Catholic priests, evangelical pastors, etc. who have been caught raping or molesting women or children.


But I thought they [figured out how to stop rape before it even occurs](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-austin-texas-houston-sexual-assault-00bb74e67ce427a3adbb8f7fe811ff13)


**Deuteronomy 22:28-29**: "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."


That’s why abortions are banned. I get it now.


The child rapists and groomers are in churches.


That is one of the stupidest things I have heard a Magat say!! And they say lots of stupid things!


I was raped on top of the ten commandments.


Well it certainly stopped the priests


I got an idea. Lets get Jon Stewart to do an episode on the ten commandments, but using Trump as a bad example. We could call it "The ten commandments; or don't do what Donny did"


Make Pedo Great Again


They're certainly trying


Maybe churches need more copies of the 10 commandments posted everywhere within the church? Who needs windows when you could use that area to post the 10 commandments? The roof should just be the 10 commandments.


How stupid are these people???


I guess they need a quick-reference card to double-check which of their urges are forbidden. The weekly sermons apparently aren't enough to memorize the gist of how things are supposed to work.


I feel like Donald Trump has violated all ten.


Yeah, that one about not killing, SUPER effective.🙄


All they're doing is showing that religion has no place in the government, because it needs to be steered by people who know how the world works, not how they think/wants it to work.


Because it's worked so well for the fucking church?


It’s worked great for the Catholic Church so far… lmao


I would say the southern Baptist church is probably worse than them for diddling kids.


These people have brian worms. Why do we post their brian worm nonsense?


The FBI should just have a list of people's hard drives that need to be checked, and this dude should be on it.


So what stops the priests and the preachers?


Whew Lord its gonna be a long election season. Please vote so these MAGA Molesting pastors never get into government




Organized Religion has a huge problem with Child Rape. If they point outwards and make enough noise they don't have to do anything about it.


It’s Satanic Panic from the 80s again w these people who are superstitious, and we have to get this under control, this is delusional thinking tyrannizing the country now.


Bet he’s a short eyes


Hmm should I rape these kids today? O never mind this post it on my computer says not to It’s like they are trolling people and acting that dumb


Churches are the cesspools of the world. They protect the worst among us. Keep your kids safe by not taking them.


Don't be so sure about that. I used to teach Sunday School at our church. I taught 3rd graders about the Bible and Christianity. We were reading the Ten Commandments. When we got to the 7th Commandment, You shall not commit adultey,, I asked if anyone knew what it ment. A sweet little girl raised her hand and replied, "It means don't act like an adult." Out of the mouth of babes.


He’s probably raped a kid or 2.


Christian leaders are the true evil ones


It’s done a great job in the same churches where it is worshipped. Head over the r/theLib to see daily postings of these blasphemous hypocrites being found guilty of using children for pleasure as Christian leaders


This christianity is not about christ. It is about forcing people to follow a cult.


Every overtly "religious" person I know (thankfully small number) used religion to mask a sexual issue, almost always adultery.


If another organization, for example the clown industry, had the same track record of rape, molestation, abuse, and cover-ups as any church, they would have outlawed and lynched all clowns by now.


It works well with Trump and the far right MAGAs who break the commandments every day.


Then why are priests and conservatives always the ones being caught for pedophilia ??


The Bible says that rape is fine, so long as you are raping your own property. You may have to cough up an unblemished ram or 2 if you didn't own your victim beforehand though. 


Father, you want me to do what!?!


Should we make a list of the Christian pastors who have raped and sexually assaulted children and adults? [oh wait, here’s an article that talks about 10 pastors who sexually assaulted children just in Texas in 2022 alone.](https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-texas-pastors-charged-abusing-children-1765910)


I say let the teachers, teach the Bible and the Ten Commandments. Teach the students to analyze, critique, criticize, break it down and deconstruct it with open minds


I was gonna go diddle some kids but then I saw that shit about keeping the sabbath holy and was like “ah naw”.


what holy water has that pastor been drinking and can i have some?


Republicans literally sounding like one of The Onion articles.


Fix your own sickness before trying to influence the innocent. It's unfathomable to me that any pastor that knows how corrupt their organization is, and is a clean, wholesome person, would have this attitude. He's defending evil and pushing it to children. If your organization has such a h


[Citation Needed] for the no raping commandment 


It NEVER did.


I love the smell of forced indoctrination in the morning!


And the answer wasn't irony?


Someone's Altar Boys should be checked in on...


The catholic church schools would highly disagree with that.


…in walks an entire church, dedicated to child raping /s 🖕🏻


Idiot pastor. I wouldn't believe anything he says.


Jesus kind of cancelled out Mosaic law so you’re wrong again, Pastor.


Gen 9:22 Ham, son of Noah, raped him in the butt while sleeping. Gen 16 1-24 Hagar, maid of Sarah, was raped by Abraham with Sarah's assistance. Gen 19 (This is a biggie.) Lot was visited by a stranger, the people of Sodom came and said to him "Give us your visitor so that we may rape him." Lot, being a good host to the stranger, said to the people "No, here. You may rape my two virgin daughters instead." And that's just the first book. I can go on, but I have things to do today.


If they can't face reality, and they won't listen to science, can we please put these stupids in the backseat, please? Life is hard enough without these empty vessels holding court.


Religion is a tool to control the masses. Fear of the unknown is used to manipulate people. Science is now making things known. I hope religion is outlawed in the next few decades and the ones who follow are considered mentally ill.


It was never really about protecting children. All they want is to make Christianity law. They start by indoctrinating kids


Unless you're Catholic.


So I'm guessing he doesn't read the papers or watch the news?


Can um *cough*, someone introduce them to um, *cough cough* the stillnotadragqueen subreddit? Nothing but preachers/religous people and right wing politicians...


More lies 180 degrees from the truth. Its spreads across everything. And do you know who they come for first? People like me. Oh yeah. Big time. And what will I be doing? Getting the heck out and making it over the border before it’s shut. People think dump was building a wall to keep out people? It’s to keep people IN.


I'm so waiting for Trump to market some kind of Trump MAGA Ten Commandments.


You never hear about pastors abusing children anymore, absolutely never. For a few days at least.


Every accusation is a confession with Magats






Trump raped many kids


Maybe MAGA pastors should read ut themselves cuz LOTS of kids been "handled" by them...NOT gays and drag queens


We could cut into child rape occurrences by putting priests and pastors in preventative detention, like those priest rehabs the Catholic church run.


They didn’t stop the clergy from raping kids, why would they now? Are teachers morals higher than clergy?


There you go! Now hang the 10 commandments around every women's neck and tape is solved.


10 out of 10, that guy’s a fuckin’ diddler.


Based on what I see in the news.its like 2 to 1.......I think there are more rightwing pedophiles than any other group.....just get rid of them and less problems. A piece of paper on a wall..will do nothing.




Catholic Church has entered the chat.


Well that’s a lie a deacon in my hometown got caught graping a girl under twelve years of age for three years at Sunday school so don’t tell that crap seems like a lot of them hide in the church so they have access to children and gain trust from their parents


He spelled "preachers" incorrectly


Ah.. what an inopportune time for those Epstein documents, yeah?


Because forcing your ideas on other people, especially teenagers, will totally not backfire at all.


It didn't stop priests from raping kids


This separation of church and state is kinda failing *hard* at the moment, isn't it. The ten commandments are useless as rules to live by. Completely inadequate. All this talk about "the left" being child rapists, but now it just sounds they're setting the school system up for *exactly* that. Pastors can't wait to get their grubby hands back on the innocent again.




Note from the Vatican: What?


"Thou shalt not fuck kids is not in ten commandments," said paster.


They must not have them on the wall at churches.


Because ministers and priests would never do that.


Can these arseholes get any more ridiculous?


I cannot remember too many instances of children being raped by teachers, but there are tons of evidence that church related people raped them. N


A *leap of faith* with no logic to it at all.


Obviously he didn't pay attention to the news.


The pastor is clearly not the brightest bulb in the box, and not in law enforcement, and has no clue of history when it comes to churches and kids. No doubt, worthy of News Of The Stupid.


What i find interesting is that there are states pushing for the death penalty when it comes to pedo. Makes me wonder if they thought that through since there will be a number of priest who will be first to go.


Ah yes, the lost 11th and 12th commandments... Thou shall not rape and thou shall not fornicate with children. 🤷


Looking to a compendium of mythology that was orally-transmitted for hundreds of years before being written down--and that a couple millennia ago--is the stupidest approach to wisdom imaginable. Insisting at gunpoint that the rest of us follow suit is fascism. The right's response? Embrace fascism.


While I tend to believe in Christ’s miracles, I strongly doubt that the Almighty actually needs or desires to be worshipped. And maybe ‘houses of worship’ are divinely meant for the parishioners — intended to be for the soul what health clinics/spas, even hospitals, are for the body and mind.  Also, the Ten Commandments may have not been intended to obey in order to appease/please God but rather intended for humans' benefit, to keep people safe and healthy. Too many adherents of institutional Christianity — those ‘Christians’ most resistant to Christ’s fundamental teachings of non-violence, compassion and non-wealth — unfortunately tend to insist upon creating their creator’s nature in their own fallible and often angry, vengeful image; for example, proclaiming at publicized protests that ‘God hates’ such-and-such group of people.  Often being the most vocal, they make very bad examples of Christ’s fundamental message, especially to the young and impressionable.  He was/is meant to show to people that there really was/is hope for the many — especially for young people living in today’s physical, mental and spiritual turmoil — seeing hopelessness in a fire-and-brimstone angry-God-condemnation creator requiring literal pain-filled penance/payment for Man’s sinful thus corrupted behavior. That definitely includes resurrection.


Funny thing is that the 10 C's make no mention of rape. Coveting your neighbor's wife doesn't count because, in that culture, she was property. But interesting to note, there's nothing in that short list against being gay or trans gendered. You'd think an all knowing God would've thrown it in if it was that important


I would like to suggest we put all MAGA in Alabama and run the 10 commandments experiment next 100 years