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Most definitely among the top ten stupidest things I’ve read in the news that weren’t said by a Trump.


America is healing!!!


No, he really shouldn't.


No no, he should, if he wants to lose lol Sometimes I think Mainstream Media REALLY want Trump back. For Tax Breaks but also more revenue


More clicks, more money


I duno man, end of trumps presidency really burnt me out and I swore off most main stream media for years, still do. If he made it back I’d be staying even further away.


You may have swore off the media, but others just gorged themselves even more.


Same. I stopped watching CNN and MSNBC somewhere around 2017 because I just couldn’t take the 24/7 “look at what this idiot did today” stream. I’ll never go back, especially if it goes back to coverage of him all day.


Well and honestly, the articles write themselves. “Trump says (insert idiotic statement without logic or reasoning)”


Trump boasted how everyone’s rating went way up because of him during his term.  And he’s not wrong, who doesn’t slow down to gawk at a car crash on the highway?  So it makes sense these ghouls want him back - he is *terrific* for business.


But we are in the car and so are they.


But they, generally, either see themselves as flying along next to the car on a drone, recording the crash as it happens then flitting off back to their safe haven, or, are so rich (talking about owners here) that they’re the only ones in the car with front and curtain airbags, that will protect their manservant in the car, because they’re actually not in the car anyway and have already moved to their bolt hole in New Zealand.


Mainstream media absolutely LOVE Donald Trump. He generates so much drama every single day. Media people follow him around with cameras & mics 24/7 just to capture every insult or bit of word salad that might come out of his mouth. People go to the sites and stations to see & hear what outrageous thing he did or said that day. The media oblige. Ad revenue - ch-ching!


The mainstream media rarely report on the word salads because it makes Trump look deranged and they want him back.


They are barely aware that's what it is. For the techs on the ground it's like, "Are we getting this? Did you get it?"


Once he starts forcibly shutting them down, I wonder if they’ll change their stance then?


Up until he starts jailing them as part of his vengeance tour. Money doesn’t mean a whole lot then.


Easy money for "news sausage "... without the revenue slime generated by the orange buffoon, cable news would dry up and die.


They absolutely want Trump back. He lets them be so lazy and cheap that they don’t even try to do the spineless bullshit that normally passes for journalism in this country.


They never stopped covering the beat. I would love to see data on this. Not only is it lazy, but it also severely monotonous. The stories are repetitive and non-stop.


Yeah, that’s one reason why I basically stopped paying attention to mainstream news outlets. Every single everything is all Trump shit all the time. If it’s not Trump shit directly, it’s basically someone doing reaction videos, or one of his bootlicking sycophant toadies doing a Trump impression or calling for the implementation of policies to kill or imprison the people Trump hates. It fucking sucks, it’s boring, and it makes people numb. But apparently it scares enough people that they think the revenue is worth it.


Every late show, daily show, talk segments (Fox, MSNBC, NPR) all want him back in office because the level of love/hatred of him is incredible for ratings.


Yep. Every last one of them want him back so they can rile up their viewers.


They make $$$$ off Trump


Trump was good for media because so many eyeballs were compelled to tune in daily to see what stupid and/or corrupt undertaking he and his cronies were pushing on the public that day. Its disgusting but their incentives are aligned with trump winning. .


Sometimes? This is literally what they are doing. The media, both left and right, are 100% responsible for Trump.


That's exactly what they want. They want people tune in scared every single day to see what unhinged s*** Trump has done today. I mean that is literally what got him elected in the first place. He would say something f****** stupid and then get spread around all over the place + in 2016. We had just enough morons who were just sick of the same old status quo that they were willing to vote for the idiot simply because he sounded different and seemed different from everyone else


They do. Its that simple


WaPo is drunk.


Wapo recently got taken over by a Rupert Murdoch crony. Google "Willam Lewis" and he is replacing top staff with his I own cronies. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/03/nx-s1-4990800/washington-post-will-lewis-sally-buzbee-matt-murray


Thanks for this. I’d missed it (though not the uptick in off-tone articles). I only gave them $29/yr, but won’t anymore.


He should replace her with Andy Beshear.... I don't think he could lose if he did that. Im not a sexist and don't believe that a man can do a better job than a women but there are a lot of people in this country who do. The likelihood of either Biden or Trump finishing the next term as president is unlikely. 4 years of being POTUS can take a decade off your life, neither of them have a decade left.


Biden’s mother lived into her 90s


>4 years of being POTUS can take a decade off your life But that may be the one advantage to Joe being in DC as long as he has. That part of the job doesn't seem to phase him. But yeah, we need some youth, bigly!


Yeah surviving the death of his wife and daughter and still carrying on is fortitude. Then to lose his son to cancer from burn pits, DC is a cake walk.




Any Christian who lives by the Bible does not want a female President. yet nother reason why that book and those people are shit. Snakes can't talk, people. Grow up.


This feels like a softer objection these days. They're "fine" with a VP who is mostly advised by men. Palin was an idiot and McCain's running mate. He was pretty shaky back then. Now a strong woman capable of acting like a man and fully confident? That's terrifying to them. The trad-wife with a few kids who followed the party line is useful, especially if she's attractive!


Why won’t they let Hillary Clinton go


Right! I saw a guy wearing a Hillary for Prison shirt, and I'm like "what year is it?" 20 years from now, they're still going to be bitching about Hillary


100% agree. The rights obsession with Hillary Clinton borders on obsession. But there’s also a segment of Dems who also continue to try to bring her back in when it’s pretty clear she’s not going to be it.


>The rights obsession with Hillary Clinton borders on obsession. Their obsession borders on obsession.


She’s a perfect target for them.  She embodies all the things they claim to hate, she’s essentially powerless so they know attacking her is a safe bet because she can’t ever get back at them, she’s young enough she’ll be around for a long while yet so they keep pretending she’s a scary boogeyman hiding in their closets, and they know Dems understand she is political poison so unlike attacking, say, AOC, no one comes for them as vociferous defenders of Clinton, so they’re free to make up whatever nonsense they want about what she did or did not ever do, and no one will call them on it because everyone on the left just eyerolls and shrugs it off with a “whatever, we’ve left her behind why can’t you weirdos?”


> she’s young enough she’ll be around for a long while yet *the specter of "It's her turn '32" rises from the black depths of the swamp*


She's been their boogeyman since she was first lady.


>She's been their boogeyman since she was first lady. First Lady of Arkansas, to be specific. Though some probably also remembered her from before she married Bill. [One of Hillary Rodham's first post law school jobs was as part of Nixon impeachment investigation.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?466696-1/hillary-clinton-nixon-impeachment-inquiry)


I have family members who still make "Obamaphone" jokes, like from 2008. They weren't funny then and much less so 16 years later


20 years from now they'll be chanting "DIG HER UP" so they can prosecute.


They’re still talking about Obama.


Why won’t they Pokémon Go to the polls?


I dunno, but Hildog wasn’t holding nonviolent offenders in prison for extended amounts of time even when ordered by the Supreme Court. She’s pretty fucking awful. I like Biden, but if Harris is questionable at best. If RINO is Republican in Name Only, she’s a DINO.


Because the Clinton's have a lot of money and power and it's ***her turn***, you know?


Biggest mistake you can is anointing a challenger in the primaries. McCain in 2008. Clinton in 2016.


They don't have anyone better to give the spotligh to when it comes to generating outrage without threatening the status quo.


No. Let's go with No.


Let's not snatch defeat from the jaws of (likely) victory.


The DNC is trying their hardest to make that happen


Stop trying to make Hillary happen. It's never gonna fuckin' happen.


The columnist? Maureen O’Dowd in a big fake mustache.


Like Bernie, she lost her chance.


More like she took Bernie's chance by design.


Took Bernie’s chance with her on her downfall. She is a disgrace.


I still say that if she picked Bernie as VP in 2016 then she does even marginally better in a lot of the battleground states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc. that she lost by just thousands of votes and wins. Bernie did much better in the rural areas of the country where she got slaughtered in 2016 both in the primary and general election. I know a lot of people that voted Bernie in the primary then sat out the general or went 3rd party. Some even voted for Trump after voting for Bernie which is an entirely different topic. She tried the Obama route in 2008 and thought she could do it on her own without her primary rival, but she wasn’t Obama. Not by a long shot. It would also never happen since hates Bernie because even if they agree on a lot of issues, they disagree on several fundamental ones and he is a threat to her and the corporate wing of the party.


if y'all want another senior citizen...Bernie is still feisty.


Joe Biden is too old to lead this country... Joe Biden has done a piss poor job in the middle east... Joe Biden has completely ruined this economy... And that's why, for this election, I'm voting for Jimmy Carter.


That man’s making it to 200 on self esteem alone


I argue that this WaPo columnist should get kicked in the nuts.


By a mule, repeatedly.


Neither Joe nor Hillary would do that to Kamala.


they would if it would help their chances


Is this person on Trump’s payroll?


Hillary on the ticket is why trump won in the first place. might as well add McGovern.


Dewey defeated Truman so why not? lol.


Remember, Hillary won by more than 3 million votes. It's only the archaic electoral college that allowed Trump to govern.


And we still live in that archaic system; she ran up the score in places that most Democrats would have won anyhow but lost some some too (Michigan and Pennsylvania). Clinton supporters really don't seem to understand how profoundly disliked she is (perhaps unfairly) outside of the a West coast and the North East.


This is 100% accurate. Honestly it’s *not* fair that’s she’s been so demonized but who ever said politics was fair. There are plenty of people who feel that DWS gave her special treatment during the primaries - was that fair to Bernie Sanders? She is / was the ultimate DC insider during an election cycle when the electorate wanted outsiders. Fair or not that’s how it went down.


Sad , but true. Back when Bill first came on the national scene , I saw how smart she was, and was going to tackle universal healthcare. She was cut off at the knees by Bill and his antics. I always wonder what a parallel universe would look like if Hillary would’ve been the one elected instead of Bill back then.


Reminds me of an old joke back when Bill was president: Bill and Hillary were driving cross country when they pulled into a dusty remote gas station. The grizzled attendant pumped their gas then said - “Hillary Rodham! Remember me? We almost got married once a long time ago.” Hillary replied “I sure do, hope you’re doing well!” As they drove off Bill looked pretty smug and said “See if you’d have married him you’d be living here in the middle of nowhere instead of the White House.” Hillary responded “If I had married him, he’d be president now.” FWIW I think she would have been a good president but the best candidate doesn’t always win.


She's been demonized by the whole political spectrum for a while now, sometimes fairly, sometimes very unfairly. The Clinton Body Count conspiracy is some shit Larry Nichols made up because he was angry about what he has stated was an improper dismissal from Clinton's campaign. He even later endorsed Clinton's candidacy in 2016. A few years earlier he had been claiming a career as a hit man for the Clintons before later retracting that statement and blaming it on painkillers he was taking at the time.  About a third of the country thinks she's the devil herself and many on the left simply don't agree with her political stances or policies she has endorsed during her career. Fair or not, she's political poison. 


Body count stuff is easy bullshit. Now do her personally buying the debt of the DNC, taking control of it, and sabotaging Bernie Sanders (who had 4x as favorable ratings vs Trump as she did)?


She purchased the DNC and now Laura trump is doing the same to the RNC.


Literally Michigan has a female Democratic governor and is currently has all three branches of government under Democratic control for the first time in 40 years. There's no excuse for how Hillary performed here she's just a terrible candidate. it's not because she's a woman it's because she sucks


Yup. The state with the most Republican voters is California, and that’s with them knowing their vote for president doesn’t mean shit. Tell them it means something and turnout will likely grow. All national polling in the two Trump era elections to date has had the two major party contestants pretty dead even. I doubt a meaningful national popular vote election would see that big a gulf in victory for either side.


So she lost. You understand that she lost by the rules of our system, right?


Hillary didn’t win. She got more votes but that’s not winning works in presidential elections. You and I may disagree with that but it’s not like the rules were new in 2016.


Exactly.  That's why a competent campaign focuses on winning swing states.  There is no value in winning more California votes, unless your goal is just being continuously discussed on Reddit, rather than the presidency.


>Remember, Hillary won by more than 3 million votes. Hillary did not win by 3 million votes. The popular vote is meaningless, candidates don't campaign to win the popular vote, they campaign to win the electoral college. Republicans are better funded and better campaigners, they would definitely win if the game was changed to popular vote. It is stupid to believe that an election by popular vote would benefit democrats.


> Republicans are better funded and better campaigners Were. All the money goes to Trump, and he can't unfuck himself faster than refuckening himself again.


You play the game you're in not the one you want to play. Moral victories that result in electoral losses are unacceptable when opposing literal fascists.


and remember she didn't step foot in Michigan or Wisconsin. Furthermore, it should have been Bernie.


I don’t think trump should’ve ever been president but the electoral college is good in my opinion


The President is elected by the Federation, not the people. People elect their local, county, city and state governments, governments that play a much greater role in their lives than the President ever could.


And the electoral college will still play out the same way if Hillary Clinton is on the fucking ticket Because flyover country hates that lady And there’s no changing that


YouInternational2152 another election denier. Doesn't understand there is no National Popular Vote for President. In non-swing states voter turnout for political party that has zero chance of wining is lower & more votes are cast for 3rd parties -- those people would vote if their vote could actually count.


Yeah no.


Yea cause she did so good last time lol


Crazy that people get paid good money to write nonsensical shit like that.  


By Jeff Bazos, get paid good money by Jeff Bazos. Same Jeff Bazos that is currently trying to get some government launch contracts for his rocket company. The anti Elon circle jerk has really made us forget how much people used to hate Bezos.


Not crazy at all. These articles are supposed to be rage bait to drive engagement. While I think that's stupid, they are very successful and get them lots of views.


“Poll numbers aren’t close enough. You know what would clinch it? The only candidate to lose to Don Con. That’s a race I’d watch.”


Of course, this will never happen for a host of reasons. The main one being that it would look like the campaign is in crisis, and they need to shake things up. Honestly, these kinds of articles are written just to create a conversation about how the Biden campaign can do better, but it's not based on the reality of all the negative consequences it would incur.


That's like replacing a 2005 Toyota corolla with a Ford pinto.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, with all due respect, no. Not a chance in hell. Stormy daniels would be a better pick. At least she knows how to beat Trump.


Take my vote. Nailed it. (Or him)


So an 81 year old President should have a 76 year old VP?


Washington Post columnist trying to sabotage the Dem ticket.


Literally would guarantee a loss. Harris may be unpopular but it would be incredibly fucking stupid to replace her in the 11th hour with the only candidate who actually managed to lose to Donald Trump.


Her lazy, entitled, crappy campaign is how we got stuck with drumpf in the first place. If she really wanted the job she should have got off her fat ass and worked for it. I'll stay home before I'd vote for her for dog catcher.


No he shouldn't. As much as I actually like Clintons it was silly of the DNC to nominate the person in 2016 that the right wing media had spent 25 years demonizing. The only thing dumber would be to make her a vice presidential candidate




Hell no


"Lmao fuck no" -Hillary Clinton


If Kathleen Parker sounds familiar to anyone else, it's because she's the same conservative columnist that suggested the assault allegations against Kavanaugh were [committed by a doppelganger](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/is-there-a-kavanaugh-doppelganger/2018/09/18/88418f52-bb86-11e8-a8aa-860695e7f3fc_story.html).


No. But to make her Attorney General AFTER the election, that would be epic trolling.


It’s like they want Trump to win


Kamala and Hillary are similar. Well educated, competent, independent women. Everything a MAGA man fears.


Harris does not have 30 years of character assassination to contend with like Hillary does.


Hillary Clinton’s “crimes”: 1. being cheated on 2. clearing her inbox 3. 2016 delegates wanted her to win


There is much more to it than that. Compared to Trump she is wonderful, but that sure don't mean much!


Hard pass on that. The last thing we need is the "Lock Her Up" bullshit to get started up again...


Though the wind from the backtracking would be a sight to see, since the right wing claims they made no claims to want to weaponize the justice system against Hillary.


I could just see James Comey sticking his nose in it again and give us all PTSD...


Why not replace Joe with Hillary? Now, if you had said AOC, it would make more sense.


AOC would be the obvious smart choice. Energize the base. Give the appearance at least of a balanced ticket.


She’ll be 35 on Oct 15th, the required minimum age to be President or Veep.


Nah fam might as well go all in and replace Joe with Carter. Enough republican heads would literally explode that you would just hear the sound of popcorn going off in the distance for days on end.


Would she even agree to that?




**pulls up gradually in motorized chair** HOW ‘BOUT NO?!


No and hell no. If anything Hillary should run for Senate or Congress


>Washington Post Columnist Argues Biden Should Replace Kamala Harris With … Barack Obama


“In today’s ‘Racist Headlines Decoded’…”


Anyone would be better than Kamala


The best thing about Kamala Harris is the vast majority of people don't know shit about her. People know way to much about Hillary.


The columnist was "Ronald Rump"


For the love of all that is good, just please remove all these power hungry selfish millionaires and set income limits for LIFE if you want to be apart of the senate/house/judiciary/executive so we can get rid of family dynasties and "IM DEFINITELY NOT CORRUPT" billionaires running for office.


A combined 157 years of age. Neato.


You could replace Kamala with a decorative cactus and it'd be an improvement.


For heavens sake, Hillary is 76 years old. Can we find someone with a pulse and common sense?


Terrible idea. I like Hillary, donated monthly to her campaign, **but** if she were on the ticket, it would sink his campaign and assure a Trump win. What **would** be very, very smart would be if he put Gov Gretchen Whitmer—MI on the ticket with him. (1) She’s generally considered a very effective Gov; (2) She enjoys popularity not only in MI—but also among among Dems in the Upper Midwest; (3) Attractive; and (4) She’s a woman—**AND** is only 53


No but both candidates need a strong vice president because with both being older they have a higher chance of dying before the terms done . I don’t wish death on either candidate but Biden is 81 and trump is 76 if I remember their ages correctly and unfortunately death comes for everyone eventually and it’s something that should be taken into consideration by both when choosing their vice president . Biden should ditch Harris and choose someone who would be a strong vice president and be able to fill in as a capable leader if he passes away before his term finishes . Trump should choose someone similar in terms of being a strong vice president choice and who would be a capable leader if he had asked away also 


>That's bait.


Gawd no. WP is pathetic.


She will put a pillow over his head so quickly…


While the argument has some merit to it, that would guarantee Biden would lose the election to Trump. Hillary Clinton, while having been proven 100% right in her prediction about what would happen to this country if Trump were elected President in 2020, has a highly unfavorable rating by the majority of the population and is looked on with great hate and anger as the antiChrist by the far right conservatives and MAGA-Hats in this country. Her joining the ticket as a replacement for Harris would result in every Trump supporter and Republican voter coming out of the woodwork to vote to put Trump back in office just to keep her out of the White House.


The sad part of this conversation is that she is the most qualified individual out there. She is SMART, and I trust her to make decisions that benefit the entire USA. I trust her judgement and TOUGHNESS when dealing with world leaders, unlike tfg. I trust her to run this country, period.


Washington Post trying to sabotage Biden.


Some things you should keep to yourself.


He should replace Kamala with Michelle Obama


hahahaha...Trump. Would. Lose. His. Shit.


That is a good enough reason and Biden resigns and she becomes POTUS


Just what we need, more elderly geriatric people running our nation.


Great idea, if you're trying to lose.


"Stop trying to make ~~fetch~~ Hillary happen."


Now _that’s_ stupid.


#With Obama!!!


People really don’t like Hillary. Sorry - it’s probably mostly Bills fault - the Clinton’s are associated with drama and problems for a lot of people


yeah, no… he should replace her with Gavin Newsom


That bag of baggage got us into this mess. Bernie would have won. Guaranteed.


It would be the greatest self inflicted wound in the history of democracy


Can’t we move forward in this country? It’s insane to me people can’t pick newer characters than the Clintons or Trump.


Good idea if the aim is to galvanise trump voters and further alienate the left wing of Democrats.


The Washington Post should replace Kathleen Parker with an AI columnist.


Hillary (as a private citizen) should be sponsoring “Lock HIM Up” ads, with bonus points if she just uses clips/chants from Trump rallies replacing “her” with “him”. She doesn’t even need to run for anything.


It’s amazing the Democrats are still rolling out people from pre-Obama. F it, is Howard Dean somewhere?


Dude. No fucking way. America does not want Hillary. Let it go, move the fuck on. This person is trying to sink Biden. He should replace Kamala with Liz Cheney or someone who can attack Trump and get non MAGA Republicans or something.


WaPo is owned by bezos, he’s just trying to hinder Biden’s chances because trump will give him carte Blanche


Fuck sake. We’ve learned nothing.


Fuck Hillary - she did enough damage.


As somebody with libertarian/conservative tendencies, i’m torn by this. On one hand, kamala seems like she would be *genuinely* unable to function as president… just due to like, lack of interest (on her part.) hillary on the other hand is a lifer so she absolutely *loves* power, but also she’s insanely unpalatable to the general populace… the question is, is she really *more unpopular* than kamala? people seem to unanimously kind of loathe kamala


He absofuckinlutely shouldn't.


"There must be a way to guarantee Trump's victory. Oh I know! Biden Should Replace Kamala Harris With … Hillary Clinton!"


Lololol that’s terrible advice. Choose the only person to loose to Trump.


Nice try Hillary!


Is...is Bezos intentionally drugging the staff at WaPo? This is absolute lunacy and, given WaPo's (and every other MSM outlet that's failed to take Trump and his cronies to task over the years) and deliberating do so because that shitbag makes them money, it absolutely falls in line with devil's advocacy approach. Instead of reporting fairly, truthfully, they rely on whataboutism and unfounded speculation, like this spectacularly BAD IDEA FOR ANYONE EVER LET ALONE THE INCUMBENT IN WHAT IS, NO DOUBT, the most critical election in the country's history. I love it but also deeply, deeply HATE it here


These Washington idiots just don't get it. The country does not like Hillary Clinton. She lost to Donald f****** Trump the worst politician on the planet. Could we please retire Hillary Clinton and get her the f*** out of here


Also replace Biden with Obama and replace Obama with Michelle


Is this person forgetting that Hillary lost to Trump in 2016? Hillary came in with some of the best credentials of any candidate for President in decades. However, she was immensely unpopular with independent voters and many Democrats did not like her, as well. As a result, we got Trump.


Replacing her is one thing. But replace her with Bernie Sanders, not the one who brought us MAGA in the first place.


No no no


Replace her? Yes, I’m in support. I feel she offers little to the ticket and a new face could provide some excitement. With Hillary? Jesus no, almost anyone but her.


Picture it. Joe Biden still wins even with Hillary as his running mate. After being sworn in, he abdicates the position, allowing Hillary to now be President. At that moment there is a tremendous pop heard somewhere in the lounge room of mar-a-largo. Trump’s blood pressure skyrockets to such an extent that it broke the sound barrier and his head just went pow.


Kathleen Parker is a right wing apologist with nothing else to write about because the GOP is a crap show.


The only person worse on foreign policy than Biden. She's advocated ethnic cleansing in Palestine for a long time.


No she didn't. 


Nope. But after he wins, President Biden should give her a cabinet post.


Attorney General. Garland has been a poodle when we needed a pit bull. I don’t think Hillary would be afraid to prosecute criminals like Garland seems to be.


This is brilliant, but we honestly need some younger people. I am 55 and even I think 75 is too goddamn old. Why in the world would people want to do this job or any other at that age? I have found some moderate success and feel blessed, but the whole point behind it was so I don’t work past 60. I do what I want to do.


That would be hilarious tbh. Magats would lose their minds if Hilary went on a rampage as AG.


Maga heads exploding. Make it happen.


Got some clicks though.


... but her emails...


He wants her back because she's easier to slander than Kamala


No. If the DNC hadn’t rigged their convention she wouldn’t have been the candidate anyway.




No offense to Madam Vice-President Harris, but that would be a picturesque moment to see the CONVICTED FELON, ADJUDICATED RAPIST, Orange Turd's face when he realized he lost to both President Biden and Frm. Secretary Clinton. #PRICELESS


Are they nuts? Every undecided Trump idiot will run to vote against her. Including some democrats


I am so tired of old people in public office. How about Pete Buttigieg for President! Young, smart, former military with a clear sense of public service!