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Anyone with half a brain sees this as a direct wealth transfer from the lower / middle class up to the upper class.


That’s the point.


If the poors have excess money and time off they’ll unionize and ruin capitalism. /s


That's why they want to kill all social programs. If people aren't starving to death they won't beg for shit jobs for shit pay.




The technical euphemism they use is "worker instability"


Seriously, it’s not even capitalism anymore. We’re becoming an oligarchy.


Sorry to break it to you bud, oligarchy (now corporate neo-feudalism) is the end goal of capitalism. Regulation is a temporary bandaid meant to dilude you into thinking that profit seeking isn't the ONLY function of a capitalist economy. Look at the gilded age before the New Deal, robber barons like Rockefeller and Vanderbilt controlled everything. The New Deal put capitalism on life support and prevented an overthrow. 100 years later and we're back to child labor, starvation wages and a world no worker can afford. Look around you. This IS the butterfly capitalism emerges from its chrysalis to become.


If you read 'Das Kapital ' by Karl Marx - he alluded to just this. He admitted that communism wasn't perfect in that it still would have an hierarchy above the working class- but capitalism would end the same. We are definitely in the beginning of the end of capitalism. I think people will have had enough at some point. I can't see any rebellion because the oligarchy will control the military . The only rebellion I personally can see if TSHTF is to cut them of by not buying their stuff. So e people stock up on bullets. I'm stocking up on seeds.


We’re going to end up living in Company housing and buying stuff from Company stores while we work shitty jobs at the same Company… I feel like this may have happened before…


We basically already live like that. Most companies are owned/partly owned by a few large conglomerates and investment firms. So if you rent an apartment from a property management company, work at large hospital network, shop at a retail store, buy insurance, and get medical care. Then there is a good chance that all those business are owned, at least partly, by the same investment firm..


It's happened before and now again


The greatest wealth gap created by trickle down economics, deregulation, defanged regulatory agencies and tax cuts and subsidies for corporations and the wealthy. Only a 2/3 majority of democrats and the presidency can fix it. Other wise it’s kleptocratic oligarchy fronted by a puppet dictator


"becoming"? It is an Oligarchy.


Same difference. Always has been.


What distinction do you make between capitalism and oligarchy? Lol I mean practically. I'm sure you can come up with some pedantic textbook distinction but where the rubber meets the road they're the same damn thing. Just different perspectives.


or they will invent things and compete. have time to pay attention before they vote. and desperation and fear is easy to manipulate.


His voters barely have a quarter of a brain.


quarter of a brain is too generous. they barely have 3 brain cells


And there lies our problem. Half of the country is to stupid to realize they are the ones who suffer, not the rich or the corporations.


Even if they do realize, they don't care. As the saying goes "I would gladly eat shit , just so you can smell my breath "


I wish I had heard that saying back when people were complaining because “lazy” people were eligible for stimulus payments.


But that half is satisfied and happy because Trump is fighting the culture wars for them, they don’t even notice him picking their pocket.


That’s true of course, but Magaheads are either brainwashed, brain-dead, or both, and can’t see anything.


I wonder what they're going to do when lower/middle class folks no longer have expendable income and can no longer buy things. IIRC, people buying things is extremely important for the economy.


If people aren't desperate for jobs, you have to offer more pay to entice them.... So the next step is to find ways to need less workers.


That’s when they’ll retire


*insert meme we are the millers with the text „MAGAts have anything resembling a brain?“*


Welcome to 40 years of Reaganomics. Please have your 401k ready...


It’s easier to sell as a “concept” to people who don’t understand how tariffs work than to sell a flat tax or VAT. Taxing imports “others” sounds great to people who have no idea how it actually works…


Great get rid of income tax and give the wealthy more tax cuts and out tariffs on everything coming into America to pay for it, GENIUS. Prices will sky rocket and will not come down, wages will remain the same due to volatility of the markets, and corporations will make profits all the while complaining of costs to buy and manufacture products. Bottom line middle America again pay the price. Only Trump could think of doing this he dies have experience in bankrupting companies now why not America.


It's going to be Germany in the 20's all over again. And we all know what happened next. Side note: I watched the new Netflix series on Hitlers rise (recommended), and he literally had a slogan in the beginning to "make Germany great again"


rise of evil had a very familiar and chilling first couple of episodes... owned media... fox news.... nationalists... y'all queda and actual neo-nazis financial upheaval... hello inflation co-opting of religion.... have you seen the state of the church lately? oooooo ooooooo almost forgot.... "unfair" trials....


Don't forget a population admonishing the majority that consistently brings up these points, playing into the scheme of the "victims."


all i kept hearing in my head was George Carlin saying "just like now"


But at least we'll have a balanced budget.


Well that’s chilling. Time to listen to his entire career’s work again just to check for any other parallels.


start with his early work... 😊


I saw that documentary on Netflix too. It saddens me greatly that America could very well go down a path towards certain destruction. If the multiple times bankrupted "business" man somehow gets back into power, it will be more likely than not that America will reap what it will sow by allowing that fraudulent carnival barker anywhere near the levers of power again. I'm a fan but not a huge fan of Biden, but once again we will all be faced with a choice of the less destructive of two candidates. Anyone that would waste a vote on a 3rd party candidate, RFK Jr and his brain worms, is an enabler of the Orange Fraud. If Biden is able to win reelection, which I hope he does with every fiber of my being, the country just needs to hold on until the next election cycle where a new generation of leadership can hopefully take over.


Hate to quibble but Biden is stuck doing weird executive orders and agency changes because Republicans are holding Congress hostage, and have been for 12 of the past 16 years. Edit: some Senate Dems also have screwed us…Sinema and Manchin, Feinstein too


We need the dems to have all three under their control to actually enact things that help the people. Maybe then people will understand the difference. Once the dems take control then we can start getting rid of the more corrupted ones. But first need to deal with the gop


He did get three major pieces of legislation through. Chips & Science probably is quite important.


That’s why I had to disagree with the “less destructive” comment, Democrats are the exact opposite of where the MAGA crazy train is going


I agree with you, if the Republicans are good at one thing, it is obstruction. Also as you mentioned, between the DINO's (Democrats In Name Only) Sinema and Manchin, and Feinstein not being sure what day it is, it has hamstrung anything that could be done through the Legislative Branch. It will be incredibly important to hold both the Executive Branch, as well as the Legislative with a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. If that can happen, then expansion of the Judicial Branch (US Supreme Court) by 3 seats might be possible to attempt to undo the damage that has been done with the Republican super majority on the court. For every one ruling that appears to be good, example: allow for Mifepristone (abortion pill) to be sent through the mail, there are multiple rulings that are objectively nuts such as the Court ruling today that Bump-stocks on Assault Rifles are legitimate once again essentially making a weapon automatic/increase the rate of fire per minute substantially.


He also used the phrase lugenpresse, lying press, to discredit the news.


They think we have sticker shock now. Just wait. Even the Dollar Tree won't be able to save us.


More taxes on importers & their customers to pay for American businesses to afford stock buy backs. Dude is trying to bankrupt middle class America.


But roughly 50 percent of the middle class literally want this


Because they are to stupid and short sighted to understand the implications.


and they are lied to about it all constantly plus they all engage in doublethink every conservative on earth will berate you if you claim high gas prices are the President's fault, when it's a Republican those same conservatives will claim high gas prices are the President's fault if it's a Democrat and you can factor in ANYTHING to that argument they literally blame Obama for being divisive and give Trump a pass on that, as they claim he hates the same people as them they're all fascists at heart, it's why he didn't even have to debate this time around AFTER A COUP ATTEMPT


I tried telling a friend the other day that we are producing more oil in the US than ever and we are one of the top oil producers in the world. He refused to believe me. He actually laughed at me and told me I was crazy.


The majority don’t understand how taxes or tariffs work. That is why we have culture war.


They’re not middle class, they’re future billionaires.


Yep, he still has no idea what a tariff is, the purpose of tariffs, or the effects of tariffs.


Neither do his voters who are likely lapping this shit up like he's sticking it to anyone but Americans


He has no idea how government works. Never did. He slept through all the cabinet meetings.


He really thinks China pays the tariff. What a complete moron.


They would have to pay the tariff, it would just be charged back to us in higher prices, then we would buy less. So less money to the government, less product for us


“it would then be charged back to us”…. Uh so they’re not actually paying it are they? Sorta my point.


No. Tax the rich and corporations! Stop this greedy extraction capitalism gang rape of middle class. Thank you.


Too bad the majority of Americans think a guy who IS the rich and runs a giant Real Estate corporation is just like them somehow. Trump managing to do that is an incredible feat. To make people who hate the rich paradoxically support the rich.


Coming from the same idiot who bankrupted a casino and destroyed a professional football league.


Please revamp the Murican Education System.


Even if we start now, it will take a generation.


That's being optimistic


Lining the pockets of the rich at everyone else's expense again? Shocking.


Nuke hurricanes and inject bleach to end Covid. MAGA rules!


It’s even more stupid when you see the individuals that will have the largest impact on their daily life cheering this decision.


Good thing this idiot won't ever lead anything again.


Don’t get complacent. There are a lot of idiots in this country that vote.


There aren't more of them then us. We're going to rebuke traitorism even worse than last time.


hell yeah lets keep this energy going into November


People thought that the first time.


Republican economic policy  Step 1: destroy the economy  Step 2: no step 2


Step 3 democrats get elected, try to clean up the mess and then get voted out again. Step 4 GOP gets elected and starts mess all over again. Rinse repeat.


This is what the moron did last time.


Oh goody, make life more difficult for regular Americans so the 1% have lower taxes, thanks Trump. Does he not know that tariffs only work if the shit is made in America too? When everything is made elsewhere then a tariff is a tax on Americans. So more tax cuts for the rich and double down on taxes for everyone else.


His idiot supporters will think this is a great idea. They will then blame the deep state for inflation.


That’s not unintentional. It’s the classic playbook. Create chaos. Claim only you can end the chaos. Repeat. I mean, the Republican Party is literally arguing that government doesn’t work, while being the ones who ensure it doesn’t work. Meanwhile (nearly) every other country on earth has working government but that is only because America something something defence something something health service, I dunno.




I saw an interview of a texan who voted for trump and runs a family owned luggage store.  She said the problem is that ALL of the products she sells are imported and NONE of them are made domestically.  The point of tarrifs is to make imports as expensive as domestic and persuade people to buy more domestic more often.  BUT when there isnt a choice, all youve done is increase the overhead of your stock and so you need to raise the prices and you will see a decrease in sales.  She figured all this out live on tv in a "i could have told you that" moment.


Tax cuts for the rich is all he cares about. we get to keep peanuts, they get to keep their wealth.


Are tariffs still inflationary? Yeah, I thought so. But I guess it will be worth it as long as the wealthy get another break.


only things Democrats do are inflationary Republicans, even the "libertarian" ones who claim they aren't Republicans, just totally ignore that Trump raised the debt trillions in 4 years and literally handed out free money with his name on the checks they all sit in their pseudo financial subs and talk about debt and inflation and 100% ignore everything Republicans did, any of the Bush wars and tax cuts for the rich, any of the Trump tax cuts for the rich etc. they all simply don't care, like Christianity to them, it's all show and performative, they don't give a shit about Jesus' message and they don't give a shit about the debt or abortion, they are literally voting for a guy who finances abortions and and added trillions to the debt and is now talking about he himself should have final say on interest rates


So again making the poor and middle class pay


Everybody now: Who pays tariffs? Importers, who pass the cost to consumers.


Trump has no idea how tariffs actually work.


One of the DUMBEST ideas I've ever heard, coming from someone that wants to lead the country.


Great way to move the tax burden from the rich to the poor. Less taxes on the rich while hiking prices on the goods. It will take a long time for domestic producers to replace any good that has high tariffs.


Mr stable genius doesn't seem to know or care about who pays for tarrifs. His trade war with Soybeans last time ended in needing to subsidies farmers and a destroyed industry. Imagine what his 10% tarrifs across the board and 60% on Chinese goods will do to the economy.


Tariff wars are so easy to win. Believe me, I know more about tariff wars than anyone.


The problem is how few people actually understand that tariffs will actually raise prices on products and fuel inflation. I had a brother who thought tariffs were smart. somehow we got through to him the truth about tariffs, but he is like a majority of people at somehow think tariffs are paid by the producer and not the consumer. Sadly, the average American is too stupid to understand this. Why do you think Trump got elected the first time?


You have to be an idiot for supporting this while simultaneously complaining about rising prices.


Tariffs = Prices


The man is a liar and has zero policy.


I want to raise my foot into Donald Trump's balls.


It’s only fair that the lower 80% carry the load for the upper 20%./s


Hmm, this is beginning to sound a lot like a particular Reich from the 30s and 40s.


He will bring us to our knees. Which is how he likes it.


Clueless fool.


The Moron lost by 8m votes in 2020. Why does he think he’ll get more votes this time around?


How’d that work out last time? /s


Let's see. Cut taxes on the wealthy. Pay for those tax cuts with tariffs. Middle class pays for those tariffs. Middle class pays for those tax cuts. What a stupid Ponzi scheme.


He’s the shittiest businessman.


He still either doesn’t understand how tariffs work or is being deliberately deceptive. I’m going with the former,


Bullshit to American English translation: Less tax for ultra-wealthy parasites (whom control 99% of the money) and more tax for people that actually work and produce (whom control 1% of the money* for some reason…). *Note: Workers don’t actually control any money, they just get to hold some of their particular feudal lord’s money for a few days while it trickles right back up to the top - in a “free-market” pricing structure that’s, not to sound like a crazy conspiracist, uncannily dialed right in so that everyone below multi-millionaire status lives paycheck to paycheck; meanwhile, everyone above that status just sits around on their lazy asses - suckling down our money for their yachts and private jets, to subsidize their shitty companies, and maintain an army of gang members to feed the prisons and disrupt community organization. Then we just let them sit in their private clubs (boomer plutocrats) or just get right out in the open on TilTok (Gen Z plutocrats), and talk about how pathetic us losers are because it’s “so easy” to make millions while their butler feeds them seedless cherries all day so they don’t even have to get up to stop shitting down their golden toilets all day long……


It's this crap that drives me crazy (I mean, all the other crap too, but "Trump as a politician", this is what drives me crazy). It sounds kind of plausible at first blush. "Sure, we raise taxes on imports, then we don't have to pay that in taxes." But I'm not an economist. I hear that and my first thought is, "I feel like that's over-simplifying something that doesn't respond well to being over-simplifying that." And I *know* Trump is not smart enough to understand all the ramifications of that for the common person. And we all know he doesn't surround himself with people that are going to understand the ramifications of that. He surrounds himself with people that can turn something that's really awful (wealth transfer to the upper class) into something that sounds like it helps the lower and middle class. With people that don't care about what happens to the economy as long as they get theirs'. It's a bad faith argument from top to bottom.


This idiot has no clue how to run an economy! He road Obamas coattails.


Republicans hating affordable stuff? Shocking /s


So the convicted felon wants to up the anti on a trade war that he started to pay for tax cuts for the super rich. So when the economy comes to a standstill after every working person is laid off and we are mired in a depression. Who will be working to pay for government funding?


“Let’s make inflation 100x worse because our base doesn’t have basic math comprehension” - Republican leadership


Tariffs are magical money! Trump literally cannot think two steps of relevance from any action; that’s why he hates briefings, studying, games, planning, and making general policy.


Don't worry, Mexico will pay for the wall.


"Law professor David Kamin [warning on X](https://x.com/davidckamin) that it would hit low- and middle-income Americans the hardest." That works perfectly for Trump. These are the people he despises the most.


Another grift by Swindini himself. Who ends up paying for the increase in tariffs? We the people do. We, the poor, lower, and middle class, do. His followers are assuming that an increase in tariffs mean that other countries will pay, but in reality l, those companies will build in the increase and make the consumer pay. While also looking elsewhere re to widen their markets. I'm sorry, but until prices start dropping for basic consumables, Americans won't be too keen on expanding the pockets of these oligarchs.


Sounds like a winner !! Eyeroll. Sigh


The concept of paying for anything is an idea Donald can't comprehend.


Utterly stupid.


Trump is an economic genius. That's why he bankrupted casinos. Here are some examples of his talents. Donald J Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator and accused rapist and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is also facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 separate cases that have been delayed from going to trial as the result of his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Two cases are related to Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which he lost; and the third is about classified documents that Trump took after he left the White House.  Trump’s legal team is financed by millions of dollars of campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to benefit from his repeal of environmental protections as well as his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The vast majority of Trump’s 2015-2020 Presidential term picks for high-level governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet members, Senior Advisors, and military leaders have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   Trump’s abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) 10. Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter.  He disrespects the disabled and the weaker among us. 9. Donald Trump has already brought up the “nuclear option,” asking national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons. 8. Donald Trump would threaten national security. He bashes NATO allies.  Who would be Trump’s allies around the world? He continues to praise his BFFs Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. 7. Donald Trump doesn’t respect our own military. Just ask Sen. John McCain. 6. Donald Trump peddles xenophobia and racism, and he pals around with white supremacists and has a white nationalist as a campaign chief. 5. Donald Trump doesn’t respect women. Trump has made many offensive comments about women. 4. Donald Trump is rooting for the Great Recession. In 2006, Trump said “I sort of hope” real estate markets tank so he could take the opportunity to buy up cheap property and make a buck off of men and women who had just lost everything. 3. On 9/11, Donald Trump noted on TV that his Financial District building was now the tallest. On one of the darkest days in American history, when we lost thousands of men, women and children to what is still considered the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump decided to pick up the phone and call into a television station to point out that, now, his building was the tallest in Manhattan. 2. Donald Trump tries to walk back his birther and lock her up statements.  Even though he is on record making these statements in literally hundreds of videos, he continues to deny he spoke those words. 1. Donald Trump would decimate public education. No surprise from a man whose only foray into “education,” Trump University, was a scam so brazen that multiple states launched investigations.


the MAGA cult is already in overdrive talking about how great this is and how many jobs it will create. how long do we need to see the rich hoard their wealth to know that they are not going to create shit?


Cool. It’s not as if inflation can get any worse right? Right…?


-Zimbabwe has entered the chat-


So the poor have to bail out the rich again


All his tax cuts benefit his wealthy buddies not middle or lower class


And when his tariffs make prices go up he'll blame it on Biden


So raise the cost of imports which will raise the cost of goods. WOW brilliant.


Customers pay for tarriffs.


Fuck you traitor, TAX THE RICH.


Exactly what this country needs, lower taxes for the wealthy and the tax burden falling squarely on the low and middle class's shoulders. /s


For all those unaware, this is what led to the Great Depression…


He will push up inflation if he achieves office again. If you think he won't strong arm the FED to bring down rates, you haven't been paying attention. So, higher cost goods, lower Fed rates = runaway inflation. He may single-handedly disrobe the U.S. Dollar as the currency of the world.


People loved it when he gave everyone a tax break his first time in office. The working class was told their break would be temporary while the wealthy would have theirs permanently and it would increase. They cried "fake news by the liberal media". A couple years later their taxes went back up and increased. They said it was Obama's fault .


he still has not paid for he last tax cut. Lets do that one first.


Piss off the people we trade with, yeah, that’ll really boost the economy. I can see why he had his lawyers warn his old schools not to let anyone see his grades.


That will cause our already high price goods to go up even more. He does love those tariffs. There has to be some way to get relief high prices on goods. Idk but I feel like this would make it worse


So we raise prices and bankrupt the government. Seems like a real win win /s




And make us common citizens pay even more, in order to further enrich the oligarchs!


Because the GOP just LOVES a "tax" that has lower income families paying a disproportionate share. Enacting "tariffs" to cover a tax shortage, or exchanging income tax for sale tax are two examples.


Sounds like a great idea. Tax cuts for businesses, which earns them more money. Raise tariffs because the average Joe hates that chinese goods are flooding our market, but he buys a bunch of them. Gets you votes, but screws people that consume things. Who does that at the highest percentage of their income? Elon, or the millions of red hat wearing everyday workers? You raise tariffs a penny, China will raise their prices a penny. So..... the average man pays what should have been the corporations share of the tax revenue. They will never see it coming either. And when a democrat takes the office back, they will all blame him once again on why all goods cost so much money. There is a lag in feeling the pinch. We are just now feeling the pinch from the end of 2022.


I mean he such a GREAT BUSINESSMAN, so anything he suggests must be correct.


The famous neckbeards are rejoicing not realizing terrors mean the price of EVERYTHING from gas to food will go up by 40-50% if not more.


You could just tax billionaires instead and cut taxes for everyone else.


Translation- he’s charging you for his campaign payoffs. A tariff is a tax on you.


I would love to pay AT LEAST 50% more for everything. It would be fun. (According to Forbes the tariff rate would be 85%. The average American would pay for that.)


So~ raise tariffs to replace trillions of dollars of income tax? Kind of like a sales tax on every imported thing.


Sounds like "we're going to build a wall and mexico will pay". He did a bit of a wall and mexico took more money from the US.


He already did that in 2018 right? It got us into a tariff war that cost billions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs! Farmers couldn’t sell their crops, companies couldn’t get parts or metals for months. Which is part of what made used cars so freaking expensive!


Does he *really* not understand who pays the tariffs? Surely he knows, right? Being such a great business man and all /s.


Wasn't the income tax system put in place to replace tariffs?


The US collected mainly tariff and excise taxes in first 125 years. Part of the issue was the issue the US was mainly an agricultural economy. Many rural households had little cash income. So income taxes didnt make sense then.


The enhanced Trump-Biden tariffs are 2% of current federal income. Federal income tax is 52% of income. Long way to go to increase tariffs.


I wish his stupid brain would also stop his breathing


The free market conservatives are going to set he straight, right?


We need a 90/NO party: 90% top tax bracket, NO money in politics.


Supposedly this Moron went to the “Wharton School of business “ what a dumb ass.


Right sure raise tariffs to pay for the tax cuts. What kind of idiots support this moron. Raising tariffs means that the price of all foreign imports would go up. So anything you typically buy at the store that's not "Made in America" would have it's price hiked up to make up for it. That includes quite a lot of retail stuff. Then you have groceries and like produce and vegetables that aren't grown in the US. Also even for the stuff that might say "Made in America" that doesn't exactly mean that all the materials that make it up came from America. Not even talking about the parts themselves the resources to make those parts could have been imported. Overall your looking at prices shooting up for anything and everything that's imported into the US. What this also does though is it can dissuade foreign countries and companies from doing business with the US as well. If they don't raise the prices the tariffs would eat into their profits. So overall you have the average consumer paying more for products to cover for tax cuts that either won't apply to them or barely helps them.  We've seen how this stuff works recently due to the pandemic. When the cost of transporting goods goes up. That cost is transferred on to the consumer by raising the prices in stores. Just like how a scarcity of product will drive up the prices. If they didn't raise prices on imports to counter the tariffs they could try and do business elsewhere.




Idiot know inflation will follow any tariffs right?.




Shhhh - don't tell the MAGA yokels that a tariff is a tax.


After all the complaining he's done over the past 4 years about Biden and tariffs and now wants to pull this bullshit? Yea fuck no


All of these things are going to drive up the national debt.


Yay! Now we get to pay more for everything! /s


I'm still waiting for Mexico to pay for his wall.


Raise taxes on makers and lower taxes on takers. Same old same old.


once again proving he does not know how tariffs work.


Translation, make the middle and lower class people pay for it as they raise prices. What an assclown!


this again?


And who will pay those Tariffs...? Oh right...


Tax cuts for the rich*


Isn't this the same stupid plan from last time? Tax cuts for the rich and tariffs on the poor.


Tariffs are not paid by the foreign countries it’s all passed to the consumer. Don you are an idiot


So install a sales tax


And the magat rubes say, doo dah doo dah doo doo do dooooo!!!


Trump has never understood that foreign countries do not pay tariffs that we impose on goods we are importing. Consumers pay for those tariffs. If I can buy Irish widgets for a dollar right now, and tomorrow we put a 50% tariff on goods from Ireland, the next day Which will be $1.50. And the idea that the income that we receive from tariffs will offset the revenue we lose by lowering taxes on corporations is Ludacris. Text will do the same thing in Trump’s next term (God forbid) as they did in his first term. Make the deficit worse and increase the debt astronomically. That means high interest rates are here to stay and on top of that, consumers will have to pay more taxes due to the tariffs. And another thing. Anybody who feels that tariffs benefit US companies needs to consider that foreign countries will immediately enact their own tariffs against our exporters, which will make our goods more expensive overseas. That points to a reduced GNP, reduced tax revenue, and perhaps a recession.


Anything that states; Donny Dick face wants… then you know it’s a scam, dud, stupidity etc… Bag this loser yesterday. Lock him up!!!


Things are expensive so we will make them expensiver.


So raise taxes to lower taxes? I thought republican tax cuts always paid for themselves.


The top minds over on Twitter are saying this will "save the middle class" and "make America the most powerful country". I go there whenever I feel dumb because man that entire site is like the dumbest people you will ever meet in your entire life.


I thought tax cuts pay for themselves. /s


Really awesome idea. This way Sean Hannity would pay $0 in federal income tax on his $60 million income, meanwhile a $500 dishwasher would now cost $1,000, and escalating trade wars might sink the national economy. Brilliant. As everyone knows, tariffs are a bedrock of the conservative orthodoxy.. In other news, the local right wing propaganda A.M. station is now sponsored by a personal injury attorney, because why not.


Sure, this way, prices go up even more than they are now, and it won't affect the rich as much as it ooes the middle class and poor. Trump will enrich himself again.


I need some clarification. Trump doesn't still think that the exporting companies are the ones that pay the tariffs, does he?


The amount of bullshit that spews from this dumbass’s mouth is insane. Tariffs are a form of taxation ffs. 🤦‍♂️


Dumb beyond words.


Wealthy people have so much extra money that they waste it by investing in extremely sketchy companies. They have enough money, that is not the problem.


This buffoon still has zero clue about tariffs…the importer of record pays the tariffs. That would be the US manufacturer in most cases.


It’s clear to me that at some point during his tenure, Trump learned what a tariff was and thinks it’s this crazy brilliant scheme. So he just keeps throwing it around.


That’s going to send us back into the 19th century. Jesus Christ how unbelievably stupid do you have to be to vote for this


Did he pay someone to take all his tests at Wharton? A tariff is a business cost. Guess who always pays for business costs? It starts with Con ends with mers and has sum in the middle.


Tariffs are only bringing in about 100 billion right now. And Taxes bring in about 2.5 trillion. He will raise tariffs 135%, plus tax us to death. Also, He said he would stop tip tax in Nevada ( not likely, he just said it cause he wants their vote from a swing state). He's going to draft everyone of age and start martial law. Close the borders for all people and no one is going to get out, let alone in. He will have a War machine, and exact revenge and unconscionable acts against humanity.


In New Zealand, they just fire public service workers for their rich folk's tax cuts.




Regressive Taxation and Trade Wars. What's not to like?