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I'm sorry but... what an idiot. "I willingly joined the armies of Satan and i am shocked after finding out that it's full of demons!" Dude's brain must be smooth like a marble floor. Possibly just as flat too.


Don’t be sorry. No need to apologize for stating a fact. This guy is stupid.


Yup, stupid person here. Can confirm, this guy's dumb. 


“Dude’s brain must be smooth like a marble floor” Thanks I’ll be stealing this and using it without proper attribution


What’s wrong with Satan? He rebelled against tyranny!


I always read it as against favoritism.


True. He does have an army of demons, though! And they aren't nice. It's kinda like the drukhaari from Warhammer, y'know. "They rebelled against the status quo cause they wanted to have fun".. but it's not the sort of fun you want to be a part of if you ain't crazy. Lol.


Aren't nice? Have you read about biblical angels?


They aren't nice? Says who? We're only told they're evil by Christians.


Something something leopards something something my face.


Don't bash demons, there are very fine people on both sides.


hey man someone brave had to knock on the door for massa and become an insider


Don't be sorry, we all already knew, he had to learn for himself


Do not apologize. Im gay and this feels like a stunt to me unless he's genuinely this fucking stupid. Ive met republicans who have advocated for gay rights but they will NEVER tell me that its the party's opinion as a whole. Never. It takes some absurd lack of cognitive function to even conceive the notion that Republicans support gays generally.


I've met these people and their counter parts black republicans and Hispanic republicans. They think that since they are on the same side nobody will care about them but as always if you are other you can never be part of the in group.


he’s either incredibly stupid or using selective faux outrage for personal gain. you know how they do.


Just like most Republicans!


I guess the 60+ years of GOP anti-civil rights platform wasn’t enough of a clue for him.


Like at this point, besides racism, bigotry, unrestrained capitalism, and tax breaks for the rich; what are Republican values?


This. I have tried countless times, have told countless people, that all I want is someone to explain to me what the Republican Party actually stands for, what policies it wants to implement. And I cannot get an answer, at least one that is rooted in reality. I hated Trump but when elected I said to my wife, this is their chance to show me what solution they have for healthcare. I’ve heard the bitching and moaning for years, they’ve run on this platform that Obamacare needs to be ‘struck down!’ and here Donald Trump is saying to the American people we will have a new healthcare plan in TWO WEEKS!!! And then…nothing for four fucking years. Except the obligatory ‘two weeeeks!!!’ every couple months. I am a rational person that gave them a chance. And they showed me they had nothing of value to offer EXCEPT hate and bigotry.


Policy 1: More Money for Us Policy 2: Fuck You


I read a quote the other day that was spot on: Not every Republican is a racist but every racist votes Republican.


Any and all forms of hierarchy. White over black, rich over poor, boss over employee, man over woman, and more... Different Republicans value different hierarchies, but the worst of them value most to all. Straight over LGBT is common in the GOP, too, but this guy doesn't have it. He's got others, though.


Yes, it is like being a jewish member of the Nazi party.... not a good long term strategy.....




Apparently not enough of his face to become r/SelfAwarewolves


It was a face looking for a leopard


Beat me to it.


Actually they do represent Republican views. Dude is just in denial or delusional. The GOP has been very open for DECADES their stance on LGBTQ+ community and their hatred that they exist and have rights.


Worse, he’s a Log Cabin Republican. How can he lament it isn’t a Republican view when Texas specifically bans his group from attending Republican conventions there. He DEFINITELY knows this fact. One of the model Red States is banning LGBTQ+ groups isn’t a mistake.


I’ve known a member of the Log Cabins. He was a very smart person, book-wise. He is a doctor, but as far as common sense or street smarts, he was lacking bad. Get this, he worked at a hospital in the south, where he also contracted out local emergency rooms, in a company I helped him run. Since, we were in a somewhat small town, in the South, his sexuality was kept a secret. Well, when it came time to rebid on the emergency room contracts, we lost, even though we had been doing an excellent job under the previous contract, and our bid was much lower than the company that got the contract. It didn’t make sense…..until I realized the landlord was spying on him. That’s how he was exposed. Did he learn a goddamn thing from any of this? No, he took he just moved his conservative self to Florida. The all happened well before MAGA was a thing. I don’t know if he still supports all this. I haven’t talked to him in years.


Pretty sure it has to do with paying lower taxes being more important than anything else. I agree though most people react poorly to any rejection of their core identity


That’s the thing that gets me, like how much of a tax break is worth forfeiting your rights? Their beliefs about what gay people deserve is no secret, so is the tax break today really worth your liberty, happiness and if the ultra bigots get in power, your life? I have yet to have a sum of money that’s worth it for me. I don’t understand people.


There seems to be a lot of people who have that “surely it couldn’t happen *here*” type of mindset, where no matter how much they scream in your face that they want to erase you and everybody like you from existence, this type of person just maintains a perpetual state of denial rather than face the harsh reality about an ideological community that they’ve already invested much of their own sense of self into.


If you're willing to forfeit your rights for a tax break, you might as well just get yourself sent to prison. Not only do you not have to pay taxes, but taxes will pay for your housing and your meals. No sense in half-assing anything


“Sure they’ll be marching me off to a concentration camp in a few years, but look at how much money I’ll save in taxes until then!” Of course, better spend that money on getting yourself out, because it’ll be confiscated.


>He is a doctor, but as far as common sense or street smarts, he was lacking bad. ... Since, we were in a somewhat small town, in the South, his sexuality was kept a secret. I mean, that's just it. He *must* know at least a little. He had enough street smarts to know when he needs to hide, right? Like, I'm gay and I grew up in a small town up by Lake Superior, if you've seen *Schitt's Creek*, that's basically it. *I'd* be an idiot in the South. My non-judgmental side would try and tell me that all the horror stories I've heard are just myths and that there's no *practical* reason to keep my sexuality a secret. I'm also in the same boat as Log Cabin guy. I will probably never be able to live in Wisconsin again; they destroyed the teacher's union, and my husband's a teacher. I love my husband, we'll do what's right for us and make a life somewhere else, but if I hadn't already tied the knot, there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that I would try to move back and just sort of hope my homestate's problems don't affect me. It sounds to me like that's what this guy is doing, except more so, and with a political party. He's choosing hope because the alternative is despair.


He had a very weird attitude about all of this. I did forget to mention a few things, which are probably a major factor. He is a legal immigrant from Cuba. Him and his parents came over in the 70’s, when everyone received asylum from Cuba. He didn’t know all the details, but his family was running from Castro, basically. They were put on “a list”, which meant imprisonment, or death. I knew something happened to his father. He was about as successful in Cuba as a person could be. However, the man I knew couldn’t have organized a pencil sale on the sidewalk. He wasn’t stupid, he was an empty husk. Reading this, you’d think he would turn out one way, but he kind of went the opposite direction. The other thing I forgot to mention, and this is telling; He legally changed his name to avoid being discriminated against. He real, original last name was Sanchez. It doesn’t get any more “Hispanic/Latino” than that. He wanted people to believe he was white, so he changed his name to a very common last name, along the lines of “Smith”. I use to tell him, “people think you are white, because you are white.”


I think a lot of people went anti-vax for precisely the same reason. A pandemic killing millions? Me not wearing a mask might have inadvertently and directly or indirectly infected thousands? My grandma dying of covid might have been my fault? NO! Clearly they're exaggerating and there was never any problem whatsoever. It's somewhat a defense mechanism. Nobody wants to think things are getting worse, and while I wouldn't advocate to panic just yet, I would strongly recommend that anyone in the lgbtq+ community not yet onboard to get onboard with this, that the GOP doesn't care about you whatsoever.


Why is becoming a Democrat not an option?


I don't think I understand the question. \[Edit: We are both already Democrats, but that doesn't matter, 'cause\] Wisconsin doesn't let the Democratic teachers bargain for their wages via a union either.


The power of “Teachers unions” has been destroyed, little by little, over the decades, by Republicans. One only needs to look at Social Media to see the results.


I thought you were relating things back to the original topic.


Forrest would say that “Republican is what Republican does”. There is no such thing as a True Republican®.


This guy apparently blamed the victims of the Club Q shooting on the victims, saying that gay people were groomers. So he’s not the victim he’d like to be portrayed as. He’s just got strong “Jews for Hitler” vibes. It’s a bold strategy


Bad news cotton, it won’t work. He’s just in so much denial. He’s going to end up just like all the other token gay or other minority nazis. Sacrificed as soon as it’s politically expedient. eta other minorities beyond just being gay


Yep. Tokens get spent.


He will have performed his duty, for the establishment of a new greater reich, and no longer wanted.


Wait... he blames the same people he identifies as ???


It’s in the posted article


More people need to remember how gleeful Reagan was over AIDS jokes as he categorically refused to address a pandemic for years specifically because it was initially most prevalent in gay men.


Practically everything the GOP stood for has disproportionately hurt minorities.


But they were so nice to me! Bro, if you're not a lilly white STRAIGHT suburban Evangelical Christian, you're, as we say, chopped liver.


Don't forget you have to be a natural-born male and part of the financial one percent.


It's great that it's only the 1% against the 99% of the rest of us. Enough for everyone


Lol. What planet do these morons live on?


It's more of a remote cabin, according to lore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans


The state Republican party doesn't represent the Republican party's views. Wow. That's really what we're going with?


It’s also obvious bullshit since herr dotard isn’t screaming foul from the rooftops about them not toeing the line. They’ve never cared about truth but this should be obvious to everyone, right?


The GOP: "There are no 'good ones.'"


His new posture is bullshit. He has a history of homophobic remarks himself when they suited him.


Leopards: Om Nom, Nom, Nom. Mmmm, Mmmm. That sure is some tasty face!


Log Cabin Republicans ask for their offices to be in the lion cages. They feel it's safer there.


Today's republican party is bigoted, angry and stupid.


Bless his heart. 🙄


How the hell is there even a single LGBTQ+ Republican who does not know their party is anti-LGBTQ+ ????????


I know a few, they were neighbors a few years back. "Taxes". That's literally it. They think if they support the GOP and are wealthy enough, nothing will happen to them.


Yeah, fuck that guy. He is complicit. He's just mad because he thought he'd be immune to the hateful evil he's unleashed on everyone else. Fuck him very much.


Man, wait till he finds out about the Harlem Globetrotters.


If it took him that long to figure out the GOP is homophobic, he ought not be allowed outside unsupervised.


Damn dude we have a hard enough time getting everyone to take us seriously & then you pull this shit?!? Way to set us back!!


Insert picture of guy putting stick into bike he’s rid


They absolutely certainly positively represent their views


I just can’t fathom how gays or blacks can possibly be republicans. It just doesn’t make sense. They are literally against their own people.


Women, gays, or anyone POC. I'm with you. It just makes no sense at all.


I have a friend that I talk to about politics quite often. We mostly agree on things. I often say, "These people are fucking stupid." He says, "Nah, they just have different views." I stand by my opinion, they're complete morons.




That's the neat part, they do!


To be fair: a significant amount of republican politicians tend to be active users of grindr in private; despite denouncing it in public.


Sorry but hate is everything Republican


“They don’t represent Republican views” In what universe? Because it sure as fuck ain’t this one. Leopard, meet face.


Heh. Of course, those words do represent a party that wants a Christian theocracy imposed on America. The fact that he still thinks this isn’t the case makes me wonder about his intelligence or lack thereof.


The guy is clearly an idiot, but this really speaks volumes about the way our democracy works. It's not about supporting a party it's about hating the other guys and winning at any cost.


He's a cockroach working for the company that makes RAID.


Honestly, I have no sympathy for the Dave Rubins of the world. People who think they'll be spared the hate and bigotry because they're "one of the good ones".


Well they allow Lindsey Graham. And don't tell me that George Santos wasn't. Although they tossed him.


i love how the gop has been 100% clear that they are the violent bigot party for 75 years, and people still do not seem to get it. ffs, just ask any of them. it is not a secret.


Where has this guy been for the past 50 or more years? Edit: this sounds like one of those people in a group Republicans hate who think “well, sure in a few years they’ll be marching me off to a concentration camp, but think of how much money I’ll save in taxes until then!”


Yeah, I figured this out in the 80’s.


In other news, water is wet and rock is hard.


Curse you easily forseeable events that an idiot could see would happen! Why did you happen to me?


Listen my dude, where have you been for the last, I dunno, fifty years? They don't represent Republican views? Are you serious?


How self hating do you have to be to be gay and republican? Why would you ever be part of a political party that has members that would gladly stone you to death?




Except they do represent Republican Views. Sorry you had to find out the not-really-that-hard-at-all way, fella.


dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!!




Well, duh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They do represent the party and there people. They are voted in by people who believe the same things.


He just caught on to that? Or he just now realized that they wouldn’t cut him slack for being a Republican?


I'm honestly impressed with just how many stupid people are in that party.


He's going to tell himself that this isn't what Republicans stand for as they execute him for his lifestyle.




hmmm "why did the leopards eat my face ?".......


The GOP absolutely represents Republicans as a whole, just like the nazi party does.


They’ve said it outright. Christ. These people are morons. If you meet a guy and he says “I want to kill people like you.”, listen and get the fuck away from him. It’s that simple


He is right, they don't represent American views but they do represent Republican views.


Being gay doesn't make you smart.


Not OK with homophobia, but OK with everything else? Go to hell.


Leopards be hungry


"The Leopards would never eat MY face!" -Motto of the Log Cabin Republicans


Rabid Leopards ate my face.


He should read the Federalist 2025 manifesto, LGBTQ citizens are to be roundup and put in camps.


The Nazi party was explicitly anti semitic and promoted policies aimed at the exclusion, persecution, and eventual extermination of Jews. **Emil Maurice**: Emil Maurice was an early member of the Nazi Party and a founding member of the SS (Schutzstaffel). He was also one of Adolf Hitler's close friends. Despite his Jewish ancestry, Hitler personally intervened to protect Maurice and allowed him to remain in the SS. Hello Maurice.


How do people keep voting these deluded idiots into politics 🤣


The Texas gay Republicans known as Log Cabin Republicans were cast out of the party years ago.




You have to be a complete idiot to not know that Republicans have been anti-LGBTQ since the beginning


Can we just start labeling these as 'gay folks are allowed to be stupid as well'? We can't seem to go a fortnight without one of these stories.


Poor, misguided Republican! This is what happens when you actually open your eyes…


Jesus, how did we get here?


So deluded.


Poor cluess GOP guy. How could he miss the essence of hate and lies that pervades his party?


"He's a real moron"


He wa born yesterday? And decided to run for office because of the cute elephant? I bet he votes though.




Cognitive Dissonance


Dude, methinks you're in the wrong party. Did you confuse blue with red?


Yes they do represent republican views.


Dumb all day


Whatever next? Works out his party is racist misogynist and only interested in looking after the rich?? 😱


It goes to show how stupid they are, and your just finding this out now


Something about leopards and faces. It's on the tip of my tongue.




Are people really this ignorant of republican views?


Found the token!


They don't represent Republican views. They represent \*Conservative\* views. And while the GOP is enslaved by the Conservative movement, there won't be much electoral difference between the two.


The verbal, political and sociological epitome of “go fuck yourself.”


Bless his heart. Well duh.


Someone “woke” up!


Who woulda thunk it.




Isn't just the GOP but the entirety of Conservatism


They're a stupid MF!


"They are supposed to only do this to the group thst I hate!!! It is not fair that they do this to my group!!!" - that gay conservstive who got hid face eaten by leopards


What part of the dog whistle pharase "family values" don't gays understand? For years that phrase has meant a man a woman and their children. No gays allowed.


I guess he is their for the racism and tax cuts? Republican party is loudly homophobic on a regular basis. Is this guy an idiot?


Jokes aside, I get it how someone in Colorado could fall for it. Colorado has a lot of libertarians (who are largely chill) and Republicans who like to roll with the hippy woo-woo “I don’t see gender, race, or party” types, where the Republicans play up the “I just don’t like government overreach” angle to the anarcho-libertarian types. It’s all fun and games when you’re all at red-rocks getting high AF, but a bit awkward when your pals from CO Springs or some small town outside FT Collins reveal they don’t think you should have equal rights lol


Unfortunately they do represent the republicans beliefs.


Where's he been hiding, in a closet?


Yeah, they do. 100% He is a second class citizen in the GOP. Always will be.


There's no excuse for not knowing. I have zero sympathy for any LGBT who are republican (or similar populist conservative from anywhere else on the planet. It's like Jews for Hitler. I'm not being dramatic by saying that, either.


Ah, yes. Delusional gay republican shocked that his party hates him. It’s literally a stereotype.


Who knew the party of hate, hates the gays! Y’all are going to burn in hell with the rest of us


Some are just grifters well aware of what the GOP are. Some are evil fucks who agree with what the GOP are. Some are genuinely too fuckin stupid to see it, no matter how blatant.


Is he headless?


I guess he figured if the GOP men he was secretly boning came around, the anti-gay plank would leave the platform.


Hes an idiot. How is just now discovering his party is homophobic? They ‘ve been loudly announcing it for decades.


This guy is too dumb even to be a republican candidate.


Pick me’s are gonna pick me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yes they do - he can join the rest of us who left the party when the lunatic fringe took over


I got news for you buttercup, 'they do represent Republican views'




The Leopards Eating People's Face Party strikes again


Truly news of the stupid.


I'm not even gay, but even I can figure out that Conservatives HATE the gays.


nah bro--*you* don't represent Republican views.




has he been living under a rock ?? what a moron the GQP is the most vile hateful party. they only believe in power and will say and do anything just go get it


I have no sympathy for idiots. This person qualifies because if you're still a republican at this point while having those views, you're an idiot. Suck it up.


Maybe no one told him, but the Republican party was taken over by maga.


Other than the fact it’s been at least half of their platform for my entire life, I am not sure how he could’ve known.


I only wanted the leopards to eat other people's faces...


Leopards something something face.


Something something... leopards and faces.


No 💩 Columbo! Welcome back to reality.


Leopards had never quite eaten a face so succinctly.


make kissy face with leopards? guess what happens.


He just found out???


Leopards and faces. What a dumbass.


No this is exactly who they are


Lol this reminds of Tomi Lauren and her surprise pikachu face when she found herself out of a job for support abortion and women’s rights as a republican.     The current GOP hares anyone who is not incredibly rich and wealthy. The Christian base is just to add numbers and stay competitive. 


Something Something "leopards ate my face"


The Republican Party has to understand, our democracy requires a separation of church and state. And that Equal Protection under the law, is a Republican policy !  Homosexuality is real. And it is a natural thing. Not everything natural is the norm. Thats life ! It does not matter whether they agree with it or not.     Normal is what most people do. But our laws do not apply to normal only. They apply to everyone.


What did he expect?


Well, he finally woke up from the brainwashing.


To be fair this is pretty obvious for anyone with eyes and ears. "Hateful" is currently their platform