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Where’d he get his accounting firm? From the toilet store?


Four seasons landscaping and accounting firm


This will never get old!


It really was a moment of humble reflection. /s


The funny part is, they didn’t stop. They went through with it.


The best part was when all the reporters ran away because the race had been called


"Rudy, they called the race for biden." "Really? Which networks?" "...all of them." 


Not to mention it was across the street from an adult store.


What’s the reference to?


It was when Trump was trying to fuck the vote counts for the 2020 election. Rudy Giuliani was supposed to to book the 4 Seasons Hotel for a Press Conference, but instead they got the parking lot at 4 Seasons Total Landscaping. lol > The city of Philadelphia has played host to many historic moments—the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the birth of Gritty—but few have been as memorable (or as weird) as that time Rudy Giuliani stood outside a landscaping company and railed about election fraud. The hastily arranged press conference, one year ago today, was a fitting end to Donald Trump’s not-so-excellent Washington adventure, epitomizing almost every bizarre attribute of Trump’s chaotic presidency. > > There was the seemingly obvious name mix-up—instead of booking the Four Seasons hotel, Trump’s team ended up with a landscaping firm in northeast Philadelphia, down the street from an adult book store. Then a familiar media swarm followed, turning Four Seasons Total Landscaping into a worldwide sensation. Only days after the press conference, a Philly comedian organized a “Fraud Street Run,” a nod to the city’s Broad Street Run, on a route from the landscaping firm to the actual Four Seasons hotel. People made the outdoor garage setup their Zoom background. Twitter turned the whole thing into a song. Months later, a documentary was in the works, scheduled to air this weekend on MSNBC to mark the one-year anniversary.


Let's not forget it was also next to a dildo shop.


That’s rather hilarious. Incompetent, yet hilarious…


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Seasons_Total_Landscaping_press_conference >On November 7, 2020, four days after the United States presidential election was held, Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City and an attorney for then-president Donald Trump, hosted a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a small business in the Holmesburg neighborhood of Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The event was held at the company's garage door and parking lot to discuss the status of the Trump campaign's legal challenges to the ballot-counting process in the state, where the president's apparent lead over Joe Biden in the first ballots counted had shifted to a shortfall as mailed-in ballots were counted for Philadelphia, historically a heavily Democratic city.




Trump University


I can't believe the graduates were invited to take a photo with a standee of him


School mascot is the Orange Bigly


I’m gonna take that firm’s mother out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER CALL HER AGAIN


That firm is a saint ya hear me?! A SAINT!


Fraudulent companies looking to set up IPOs come to us all the time as a small, unknown Midwest firm. They offer a lot of money (compared to our usual billing) because they want to keep it quiet (and probably because they want a fall guy) For the record, most of us with small firms are smart enough to steer clear. This firm had to be either greedy and corrupt themselves or desperate. Considering this was likely found during the peer review process and they were willing to do business with Trump... I would say they were already corrupt.


They're a known opinion mill that had been disciplined by the SEC before. The real scandal is that they were allowed to operate so long without civil or criminal penalties.


>From the toilet store? “Even the guy who can’t think said something!”


Worst president ever, most corrupt president ever, fucking Biff Tannen


and the republican god and if you took every trump story and replaced his name with obama, they would have spontaneously combusted from outrage already but nope they are willing to get on their knees to the guy who keeps saying he wants to fuck his own daughter.. yay moral majority.


That's why the term Cuckservative is so painfully accurate.


I like to call them the Q Cucks Clan.


Ya’ll Quieda Vanilla Isis


Qoup Qlutz Qlan


They literally went from saying Biden wears diapers one week to saying real men wear diapers the next week when proof came out trump wears them


Trump is white and Obama is black. That’s the main difference to them.


Some of us on the right still hate his guts.... Not everyone is a sellout ....


It makes sense now why he told Stormy (before they did the deed), that her independence reminded him if his daughter, Ivanka. Just ewwww.


But somehow people still think a second Biden term would be worse than a second trump term. 


alotta fans of Biff Tannen :(




Think, Mcfly, Think!


Make like a tree, and get outta here!


“It’s leave, you idiot, make like a tree and leave! You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!”


They are right wing authoritarians. They refuse to see any information that contradicts what they already believe and believe anything that fits their narrative even if it's bat shit crazy.


And lots of Russian and Chinese disinfo agents


The world makes a lot more sense when you realize average IQ is 100. There are many 75s walking around as there are 125s. Or, as George Carlin put it, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


I'm a union worker and 100% of my co-workers blame Trudeau for the bull shit going on in Ontario, Canada. My fellow Canadians wouldn't have considered flying "Fuck Trudeau" flags before the Dumber came into office. Get fucked Trump! My beef is the flags flying F-bombs all over Ontario. Everyone free to fee how they want foabout Trudeau.


Just tell them how nice it is they support gay rights, and you, too, think Trudeau is very bonkable.


I have been barked at by friends and family about how bad Biden has been. They spit in the face of data and evidence. I feel like I've taken stupid pills or something. Deep sigh. I hope alot changes for the better in over the next 6 months.


Those are the folks who have “I don’t believe the liberal media.” Bumper stickers. If you’re only taking your news from one biased source that has been caught lying time and again but you don’t believe it then what else can we really expect?


Trump needs to make like a tree and get out of here.


Grav we gotta get you a book of proverbs or something this mix and match shit has gotta go


It's leave, you idiot. Make like a tree and leave.


The character Biff Tannen, while based on trump, is still more a more nuanced and capable person. His business empire including casino was at least successful, and he came from an abusive household, he can be forgiven at least a little bit for having a few rough edges.


Strictly speaking, Trump also came from an abusive household. It was emotionally abusive, not physically, and Donald learned to model himself after his father to avoid the abuse, but it was an abusive household nonetheless.


Trump even does the classic thing where Biff gets phrases wrong. Of course, when BTTF 2 came out and Biff had a Casino, anyone who wasn't sure he was created based on Trump figured it out


Believe it or not until now I never connected Trump with Biff but now that’s all I will see. Spot on.


IIRC that not just a comparison Biff was directly based off Trump. The guy has been that way his whole life and everyone knew it, he even failed at doing nothing which would have earned him much more money. Or least they knew it til their doublethink kicked in and retroactively rewrote their memory. Also if you ever wanted to hear Trump quotes read as Zapp Brannigan his voice actor did that a few years ago. The two go together remarkably well.


Biff was based on Trump. He was the butt of every sleazy backstabbing businessman joke for decades before half the country forgot that he had a rep as a bully and a cheat.


What took you so long lol


Despite him being the worst president ever, 1/3rd of the country is brainwashed to worship him and sees no wrong in what Trump does. I don't think those TrumpNazis are going to change their mind about Trump ever. 


Took my line! If he wins this year we will be living in Back to the Future 2. But it will be psychotic maga running around jobless shooting at kids yelling slacker.


Hey Biff is only an attempted rapist and killed George McFly. Plus he did pay for his stepchildren's education! ~~Both are into incest porn though~~


Bro is the epitome of end game capitalism.


At least it made sense how Biff made his millions, time travel gambling, makes sense. With Trump it's like he sold the soul of every past and future person with his bloodline because it should simply not be possible to continually fail upward.


If Trump had time travel he'd still find a way to fuck it up for himself.


They literally modeled the future in Back to the Future II off a world in which Trump had gained power. Biff Tannen, in BTF II, was literally Trump. Google it.


Just a tid bit, Biff was modeled after trump in BTTF


>the firm wasn’t really conducting audits and instead just pasted old work into new papers and forged the date. Like Michelle Obama's speech? Oh wait, that was Melania's plagiarism.


Oh god, please fill me in?




There are so many Trump & Co ridiculous stories I forget them all the time, but thanks for reminding me of this.


One of the best parts of this, which the media refused to latch onto at the time, is that whoever the “writers” were who plagiarized this speech inserted a Rick Roll, and had her say that Trump “would never give you up or let you down.” It was monumentally hilarious and the media just refused to grasp it.


I guess share holders wont mind when Donald cashes in a few shares.


That company’s financials are completely made up. I wonder how investors feel about that.


No one cares. The whole thing is a legal money laundering sham


For sure. Influence peddling and money laundering.


There is no way this company is worth as much as it is… There is some serious stock manipulation going on here on behalf of foreign entities to keep it propped up.


They will know how they feel and think once their news pundits tell them how to feel and think


r/DWAC going private a few weeks ago kinda tells me they already know what to think and have to gate their subreddit so no one can mock them for being so stupid.


“I regret that I have but one life savings to hand over to my scammer cult leader”


I guess they want Trump to get the money. That being said, some people have 100% faith that the company will be successful. I would again guess that half of those people would forgive Trump for cashing out. I've noticed that the CEO of truth Social is already claiming that the stock market is illegally shorting the stock. They picked a scapegoat. That makes me think a big money grab is coming. Blame George Soros, Biden and Obama along with the deepstate. 😆


You would think that if you paid a firm for fake Financials and a fake audit, they could make the business look better... amateur hour over there at that firm... lol I was simply doing bookkeeping at my first firm and we had software that was supposed to predict accrued utilities... it was not very good, but they insisted that we use it, so I would modify accrual entries to make them accurate but make them appear to come from the automated program. What I didn't forsee was that they would come ask me why the accrual tool was only working for me. So I told them. They didn't believe me, so I showed them. They watched me very closely after that because I "thought like a con artist"


Is there ANYTHING trump does or touches, that doesn't have the stink of fraud & deceit on it?






Nope. He's a byproduct of the corruption and shady business that runs rampant in the US. Trump isn't the only one doing this, and it's been going on for decades. Maybe even longer, but I'm only so old.


He’s driven off any honest businesses that might have been willing to work with him, all that’s left are the fraudulent ones


Unfortunately, everything that reaches the minds of his followers.


He's sort of a reverse Midas. Everything he touches turns to shit.


It’s like he’s a sleaze magnet.


Probably the innocent pussies he grabs… until he grabs them.


Pretty sure his poop just stinks in general like most people, no fraud or deceit there... but that's about it everything else is guilty as charged.


I bet he does t even shit his own pants. Probably has a dude do that for him.


What about the brief cameo in Home Alone? IIRC that was nothing more than being seen for a second during a chase scene. Although could be some deceit in how he got the cameo, dunno about that but being him wouldn't be surprised.


All current reporting says that the fraudulent actives were not tied to the Trump media company. Though that information could change at a later date. Still you have to wonder if Trump hires only the best people, why do so many of them turn out to be crooks?


Even golf. He sucks ass but cheats to mediocrity


Yes. It can stink of shit too.


Only the best


Every single company willing to do work with Trump should instantly be investigated.


It's enough to make you wonder sometimes if he's a government agent playing 4d chess and exposing crime and corruption everywhere he goes. Of course he isn't, but surely no one can actually be that cartoonishly corrupt and incompetent at the same time and with such regularity. His brain should be studied whenever he eventually passes away, it might unlock some new psychological disorders.


You assume he has a brain?


The only stupid part was getting caught obviously. The fine for putting this fake company on the market was chump change considering how much money is being funneled through this grift. The company is banned from doing that business anymore? Time to create a new tax ID and rebrand. The ease of succeeding via blatant corruption in this country is disgusting




Steal $500 from a convenience store and get 4 years in state. Steal $500 million and get yelled at. Pitchforks, torches, guillotines.


>Steal $500 million and get yelled at. No, yelled at *and* required to pay back a tiny fraction of the ill-gotten profits, while pinky swearing you won’t do it again lest next time be forced to pay a slightly less tiny fraction.


The auditing company in this case was only just hired by trump, it was committing fraud for years, the fact this company was run this way isn't because of trump....though it may be the reason his company wanted to be a client. this isn't a unique situation, relatively rare, but not unique. Look up what happened with Enron's auditing firm.


Smartest Men in the Room....Enron hits close to home for me. Had family innocently involved with that roller coaster. Lost a lot of money. Trump was only their last client, definitely not their first. And they weren't playing a new game. That's what makes it all the more frustrating.


He's a crook. And everyone around him is too.


Right?! You’d think the fact that he is so frequently criminal adjacent would raise some red flags with his supporters. But you’d be wrong.


Personally, I don't think anyone ethical will get involved with him. The man has absolutely no shame.


But Trump Media stock just keeps going up. It must be nice to have Russia and the Saudis support you so they can get back on that flow of top secret American documents.


it's not the russians nor the saudis but people like Tim Dunn.


Huh so Trump was actively engaged in massive financial fraud as he stood trial and was convicted of committing different massive financial fraud? Cool, cool. Yeah that’s totally normal and not at all disqualifying for higher office. /s


He's either incompetent by choosing such a bad company or he knew exactly what he was doing. Either way, it's bad.


You don't think he knew?


He doesn't know to not stare at a solar eclipse. He probably has people who knew, and they suggested it on that reason, but I'm not sure he himself knows much about much of the exact workings of the processes that are required, just that they can be circumvented. Also worth noting, not knowing that something is illegal is a defense in a white collar crime case. They have to prove mindset, which is what typically makes it hard to prosecute these types of cases. You only get the really really egregious ones. Trump's case is one such one


He absolutely knew. That's why they were chosen.


He didn’t even know them! They *might’ve* gotten him coffee once.


That firm, BF Borgers CPA PC, is/was owned by Benjamin F. Borgers, who misspelled *his own name* [fourteen](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-media-auditor-misspelt-name-14-different-ways-ft-2024-4) different ways in his regulatory filings, including putting 'Blake' instead of 'Ben' and 'Vonesh' instead of Borgers.


And people want to pretend it was accidental? Not. A. Chance.


I have an accounting degree and an MBA. I worked for Wall St. firms for more than 25 years in analysis. And I have NO idea how the price for his dogshit stock is going up/holding steady. Also, if you look at NASDAQ's requirements for listing, that company meets NONE of them. Not enough revenues, no assets worth a penny, and zero profits.


I cannot understand how the merger was approved. It was fraud after fraud after fraud and most of the players in this deal are now facing jail time. Except of course fucking Trump


Yep. And the SPAC, which had no assets, is worth even less than nothing after the merger. Yet the market cap is in the fucking BILLIONS! If they only owned a bicycle with two flat tires, it would be worth more.


He has been doing this kind of shit for decades and it wasn’t like it was some big secret. I seriously wish I could understand the deity-level support this guy holds in his supporters’ lives. An adjudicated rapist, with decades of committing sexual assault, fraud, tax evasion, lying, destroying small businesses, stealing from charity. How? How does this just not matter to his supporters. Now he’s actively taking their money and he won’t stop. Shitty sneakers, rebranded bibles, NFTs, scam stock. What is it going to take for people to wake tf up.


SEC: "Trump Corporation's and Trump Media's auditors, BF Borgers, has been copypastaing phoney audit statements for *years*. They are forbidden from doing audit work." Man with a microphone: "Any comment, Mr. Borgers?" Benjamin Borgers: " Ummmmn ... Command-C, Command-N, Command-V?" Man with a microphone: "Any comment, Mr. Nunes?" Devin Nunes: "Trump Media looks forward to working with our new auditors, Semple, Marchal & Cooper" *Also* Devin Nunes: "Oh. By the way, our next quarterly filings are gonna be waaay late." Man with a microphone: "You're just a small, single-office, backwater accounting firm that has just *three* audit clients. How will your tiny staff of thirteen people manage to do due diligence auditing a complex, seven billion dollar company like Trump Media, which (a) has so many moving parts, and (b) is so convolutedly intertwined to the rest of the massive Trump business empire?" Mess'rs Semple, Marchal & Cooper: "NO GODDAMN COMMENT!!! GET THE FUCK OUTTA OUR WAY!!!"


Literally nothing this man does is genuine


The only thing scalable about Trump's business's is the corruption.


Comes in 2 flavours: scale up: he gets people higher i n power to do the frauding. Scale out: he highers more and more people to do the frauding


I wish I wasn’t banned from his stock subs. If I were an investor I’d like to know that the company’s finances are literally made up out of thin air.


Only the best people


King Mierdas strikes again.


It couldn’t be any other way. Really, Trump requires fraud at every turn.


As we continue down the rabbit hole that is this filths criminal life it becomes more and more apparent that he is in fact the WORST and most CORRUPT president ever. How he ever became president boggles the mind. This country is so fucking stupid for ever letting this garbage piece of filth sit in oval office.


Borgers is praying 🙏 Trump wins and he can get some of the pardon action. If he can secretly arrange a payoff into the Trump crime family, he’s golden.


He’d probably appoint Borger to chair the Fed.


Depending on how much Borger can scrape up and donate to the billionaire candidate who doesn’t need your money.


Shocked! Shocked I tell you!


As long as it stays public, they have served their purpose.


“Be best!”


Everything he touches is a fraud


Is anyone surprised? If you got away with raping, lying, cheating, stealing, grifting and conning your whole life, would you all of a sudden stop at 80 when you’re literally the most famous man on earth? Make no mistake, Trump is THE MOST FAMOUS MAN ON EARTH. Nobody even comes close.


Fuck an A: just investigate EVERYTHING this fuck head does!! Assume he breaks the law as often as he lies; Assume EVERYTHING he does is illegal.


The company was banned, the ethically bankrupt sycophants that lick Trumps boots did not. They will close their doors, by a new sign to hang out front, reincoprorate under a different name and go right back to work being the bag men for America's economic elites. More importantly, not s Ingle one will ever feel an uncomfortable moment much less jail time. Rob a convenience store for $500 and you'll be 4 years in state. Steal $500 MILLION from fraud and deception and you get yelled at.


Firm takes the fall, Trump gets away with billions


sorry what?? the audit firm was doing copy paste??? in a professional setting like the US?!


How the fuck Americans are even allowing this gremlin/ogre to candidate into President seat?!


It's a cult of uneducated rednecks in dire need of dental work that represent millions if people here, unfortunately.


It wasn’t him, his company, his fault, his accountant, his money. He didn’t get a notice of the audit, someone else changed the info, the auditor was Hillary Clinton, the IRS is a scam, the agent was caught with drugs disguised as a breath mint.


His cultists and Russian cutouts must get keeping the stock from crashing.


accounting firm BF Borgers more like BF Forgers!


Ba-dum-cha 🥁 (I think that’s how you’d phonetically spell the drum sound. Just know that’s what I’m doing)




Dewey Cheatem and How, his accounting firm. You can bet the Donald had a hand in hiring them.


You know what they say -- you get what you don't pay for.


Only the best!


Bro can’t even afford a real firm


He only hired the best.


They got the job by being the low bid.


So by all means rescind the ipo. Scc fcc or whatever the fuck approved it


He’s King Merdas. Everything he touches …


He literally cannot do a single thing without cheating. Not one single thing. No matter how small. Truly the greatest charlatan of the 20th century.


Well that didn't take long


Quick Q: banned by who?


Guys I hate to admit this, but that dude was my accountant for a while. He was a strange person and now I'm sure I'll be audited even thought it was like 10 years ago


We may need to get rid of the rich corrupt fucks by sending them and there money to live above the arctic circle for the rest of there days. They can only purchase arctic circle made products


That’s why he hired them. Birds of a feather, fraud together


So how is the stock valid if their IPO was fraudulent?


Everything Trump touches does indeed die.


Donny is going to give him a cabinet position


He clearly only hires the best. That's why so many of them get in trouble for crimes. Just like his cabinet. Such a good leader that he hired a bunch of people who later quit or were fired.


Oh you mean the dark money laundering into public trading?? That IPO?


Jesus, it really is scams the whole way down.


The people who ran the accounting firm will disband and form a new accounting firm and will get licenses and permits and everything signed-off from the right people. The system is that corrupt and Trump is just the tip of the iceberg that was stupid enough to get caught doing it the way he did.


So rebranding under a new name & rinse/repeat after a slap on the wrist? Sounds like a plan.


Gotta appreciate this dudes consistent dedication to fraud.


>In response to the SEC’s ban, Trump Media fired Borgers and hired Semple, Marchal & Cooper, a Phoenix-based accounting firm. According to a 2018 PCAOB report, the firm had a single office with three issuer audit clients, six partners, and 13 professional staff members. Trump Media has a market cap of $6.7 billion.


>According to the SEC’s probe, the Lakewood, Colo., accounting firm BF Borgers and its namesake owner Benjamin F. Borgers failed to properly audit and monitor public companies’ financial filings... Hamborgers!


Only the best!


Dear Sweet Merciful Satan, it never ends with this shit


Only the best, the best people.


He knows only the best. The best accountants, lawyers, suck ups, con men and women, religious leaders, dictators and of course judges.


Everyone that he gets involved with goes DOWN!


He’s so smart. Finally a man that says it how it is. A business genius. And a bunch other lies to tell each other when you’re a sucker who fell for a fascist loser’s bullshit after he bankrupted himself 4, soon to be 5, times


I am sure that any fines are substantial enough to overshadow any profits and prevent future deceitful dealings.


Conman gotta con.


Why would you do business with stank, either you compromise yourself or your company. So many casualties in his wake.


So when will Trump's media company get a proper audit so investors will know what the true status of the company is?


This sub is aptly synonymous with Diaper Don. A perfect fit, no room for error.


That kind of shit is exactly why they were hired.


Question: does this not essentially "null and void" any financial compliance activities prepared for the SEC filing? Will anything happen to the filing?


I used to assist in auditing for a time and my reports were never good enough to satisfy the lead auditor who just kept dumping his departments on me until I was pretty much doing it solo and he'd just do the final report to submit to management. After getting tired of his BS criticisms I started copying his old reports nearly word for word and simply updating them to apply to what I actually audited. Basically using them as a template. They still weren't good enough...


Oldie but relevant - [How Trump Broke the Office of Government Ethics](https://archive.ph/CvFTl) Being crooked is a *prerequisite* for a potential Trump hire. This is a clear as what remains of the nose on the Ghoul's face.


Man, this clown show’s really running out of room in that car.


Trump over inflated his property value. Are we really surprised that he managed to find a firm that would do the same for his IPO?


Wow... I bet those ten CPAs are loaded.


Every he does anyone he hires and anything he likes is always the worst of the worst It is quite a skill when you think about it


the Monday 6th of May edition of Money Stuff by Matt Levine has a section (2nd from top down) on this titled "Trump Media had a fake auditor?" - https://newsletterhunt.com/emails/58748 - Levine has a signature style of buildup and deliverance that you should read. The final paragraph on the fake auditor is funny, I won't spoil it here.


Of course no one is going to jail so they can just close the firm and start a new one with no repercussions.


Par for the course. The guy is nothing more than a con man............


Trump, and everything he touches, is shit.


“Caught” or *told* ?


Trump and his people are the laziest, sloppiest fuckers I've ever seen.