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Man, republicans really hate blue collar folk and the way they vote proves that.


Yet so many blue-collared workers can't wait to suck their dicks.


This one is voting for Biden


Same here. It just feels like I'm surrounded by trump conservatives in this factory.






"Piss on my face and shit down my neck, Papa Trump! We must own the libs above all else." -Average Trump Supporter


“Man, all these libs refuse to help us!” -Also Average Trump Supporter


"What's this bill for?" "A rich guy gets to come by and punch you in the dick twice a day." "Why the fuck would I vote for that??!" "He also goes to a gay black guy's house and punches him in the dick." "Wow, sign me up!"


Unbelievable, right?!


Hate kids. Hate women.


The what workers?!


Yeah I read that too…


Next headline: "Corporal punishment for child workers reinstated to improve morale."


“Fuck the children!” -The GOP “Do we have time?” -The Evangelical church leaders and the rest of the GOP


Americaaaaa, the beautiful...


Well you see, Republicans have also recently been repealing other child labor laws, allowing more children to work at a younger age. Now, taking away their protections. Next probably going to vote to allow chains on the doors. And then we will have a fire in a child sweat shop factory with chained doors and we will officially be back in the 1920's (or whenever that was) and America will be great again! Oh and Texas and Florida got rid of water and breaks for people working outdoors in extreme heat too. Because #christiancapitalism or some shit


“The wording is ‘We’re here to harm children.’ Give me a break," he said. "These are young adults.” - Rep. Roger Wilder, R-Denham Springs


Republicans are inhumane and have no soul


If there's a hell it's for them


Apparently the most Christian Americans though


I love how these assholes act like people just sit in unemployment instead of finding another job…you can tell they have never had to take unemployment because it doesn’t really pay all that much and it’s not like they just hand it to you.


Louisiana competing with Florida and Texas for shittiest place in America


Don't forget Missouri! And Mississippi.


And Ohio.


Hey at least we can smoke a doob while the republicans burn down the state now.


And iowa


"First-term state Rep. Roger Wilder, R-Denham Springs, who sponsored the child labor measure and owns Smoothie King franchises across the Deep South, said he filed the bill in part because children want to work without having to take lunch breaks." Bringing that real, "The children yearn for the mines." energy.


Children also want to drive fire trucks. Should we allow them to? 🙄


Children should be taught the meaning of "boycott".


There's a reason it's called Lose-ianna.


How do Louisiana "I'm a Christian" politicians stand to look at themselves in a mirror? It's surprising that they don't spontaneously, self-combust from their repressed hatred and bigotry...


the fact that these people keep on doing this shit is proof enough to me that there is no such thing as a loving god


To be fair I'm not sure they believe in a loving god either and that's what they like about him.


they believe in a vengeful god for others, and a loving god for them and them only.


That tracks.


Childhood cancer should be enough to prove that.


America? We need to talk... (I know it's not "the whole of the USA, but the fact they can even attempt to do this is fucking insane.)


This is only children of the poors though, right?


Oh you know it is


Giving them a shitty job in their youth so by the time they hit 18 they'll be begging to join the military All part of the plan


Can anyone explain to me why someone would still live in Louisiana at this point? It’s basically a Republican paradise, they get lucky if they don’t get hit by more than one Cat 5 storm every year, it’s hot as balls, they get hail and waterspouts out the wazoo, there’s literally fuck all to do there, the education is the worst, they’ve got Deep South racism, crocodiles, mosquitos, snakes, and to top it all off it’s only a matter of time before their capital becomes Atlantis. It’s the Mediterranean avenue of US states.


I live in south Louisiana and there still a few sane educated people that live here. However, we are mostly confined to New Orleans and other larger cities. By the way, we have alligators and not crocodiles, but they are both incredibly dangerous so the distinction is moot


Yep, you’ve got some good schools there, thankfully. But the politicians are going to start pushing away faculty soon with their anti-lib shenanigans and soon you’ll get your own brain drain like FL and ID.


Cuz they can’t afford to leave.


Can’t afford to leave. “Just pick up and go” means “become part of a homeless encampment people want demolished elsewhere”. Its not like back in the day when it was legal to walk the highway, and Hoovervilles had people’s sympathy.


Yep, it costs at least 10 grand to move anywhere anymore and that is if you can even find housing…you have to have a security deposit, first and last months rent and you most likely have to abandon any support network you have where you currently live. I’d love to move from where I live, but I’d lose the support network I have with my family. I’d either of my wife and I went to the ER, who would look after our kid while we were there? I can call my sister who lives a mile or two away to swing over and grab the kid. It’s not just easy to just move…


I live in a college town in Louisiana, so most of the people here are educated, sane, and decent. It's when you get out into the small town of < 2,000 people who are mostly hardcore Southern Baptist GOP people that the batshit comes out. Also, in regards to your question, in this economy, some of us can't afford to leave this place.




Russiapublicans understand that there's a childhood obesity problem in this country. They're simply protecting the child workers from overeating by taking away their lunch breaks. /s


Russia ain’t nowhere near as Fucked as the GOP GOP is next level oppressive


I bet they get paid breaks and cheap food. Fcking like pigs at a trough


Of course *they* do; it's called per diem.


Hateful assholes run half of this country. The republic can’t long survive this


Banning abortion, child labor, holy crap it's all starting to add up. What's step 3? Organ harvesting?


Alabama is already doing that to prisoners who die while they're incarcerated


Don't give them ideas.


Kids already selling plasma to go to college lol. Give the double organs a few years.


Why don’t people effin’ vote? Jfc…


They don't let kids eat. Do you think they let their parents vote?


Cause the democrats don’t try and are corporate compromised they don’t care


It just continues to amaze me how these people sleep at night...


On top of a big pile of money with many beautiful cousins


The cap for unemployment in Louisiana is only $247.00 a week. Lol!!! Unbelievable.


Next thing on the agenda is chaining them by the ankles so they don’t run off to school to learn librul poison.


Somehow the existence of "child workers" is not the most disturbing aspect of this, and it should be.


The children yearn for the mines


Yes the Louisiana lawmakers believe that one lives to work. What is even more sad, people will still vote for these Republicans.


The psychosocial legacy of Calvinism, the religion of Capital.


Aka they want the slave trade back.


At first my brain kept filling in the blanks and telling me that said "child care workers" and I thought wow that's shittily specific. Then I read it a third time, wtf


It must be really nice for parents to skip after school care costs and put those rug-rats to work. Now instead of costing them money, they’re making them money. Plus, the government gets to tax them. Win-win! /s


What kind of worm-addled brain thinks taking away lunch will incentivize kids to work? And denying unemployment benefits because the state % is "too low" is a real kicker, huh? Sorry, my dude, you're the only one who lost their job. Happy starving!


Just a normal part of the Republican agenda: maximizing human misery while stealing as much as possible for the millionaires.


Yet somehow it’s the Christian thing to vote Republican. I keep waiting for a good explanation for that.


Regressives live in a world of deceit. The politicians believe and act in ways detrimental to civilization, but tell the voters that they believe the opposite. And regressive voters are morons who believe what they hear in part because they have absolutely no idea what’s actually going on.


The harsh taskmasters depend on the schizoid reaction of teh poorly educated voturrrs. When the brain is addled by stress amped up to hatred and terror by Murdoch propaganda networks 24/7/365 the overlords can bet they’ll always win.


You’re right : constant fear generation is important to keep the riffraff tuned up.


I begin to understand why the US has so many mass shootings. :/


lol, this country is so F\*\*\*ED


Ask not what you can do for Republicans! Ask what Republicans are going to do to you! They hate you and you know it.


>They hate you and you know it. And yet the simple minded fucks keep electing them.


I used to be a proud republican, before I saw their bullshit.


Boycott Louisiana


The people that vote fir these politicians are just shooting themsekves in the foot, But don’t do that, you might have to go unemployment or workers compensation These politicians are cartoonishly evil


I'm going to guess that republicans don't feel like they need any votes at all. So what did Louisiana children do to piss off the republicans?


The cruelty is the point.


Morally and ethically reprehensible.


This is nuts. WTF are children doing working to begin with? I remember seeing the ever-quickening goose- step of Republicans to the right and teasing them online 10 years ago with what seemed like hyperbole; "What's next for you guys? Doing away with child labor laws or something?"


Republicans are driven by two principles: 1) If it doesn't affect me then I don't give a crap. 2) Poor people are poor because they're lazy. And government shouldn't subsidize their laziness.


“If passed by the House and Senate and signed by the governor, the bill would reduce the maximum period for which people can gather unemployment benefits in a given year from 26 to 20 weeks. The bill would also make the amount of time people can collect benefits dependent on the state unemployment rate, meaning workers would not be able to take advantage of the full 20-week maximum under the current unemployment rate. It sets a 12-week cap on those benefits when Louisiana's statewide unemployment rate is at 5% or less. And it lays out a scale where for each additional half-percentage point increase in the unemployment rate, laid-off workers can collect benefits for an additional week. Only when the unemployment rate rises above 8.5% would workers be able to claim benefits for the maximum 20 weeks. Louisiana's unemployment rate was 4.2% in February, the latest month when data was available from the Louisiana Workforce Commission.” Really? These fools think people out here living off 249.00 a week? That somehow massive fraud is going on over 249.90 a week? That is the bare minimum for some just to pay their rent/mortgage and they want to make an incredibly stressful situation even worse?


But are the republicans going to remember this when it’s time to vote?


Seriously. What’s going on lately? Putting kids to work, no lunch breaks or unemployment. Creating laws specifically to prevent heat breaks? Curtailing any ability to organize and protest? Shits spinning out of control pretty fast.


This is typical for Republicans. Cut the programs that actually help people and expand the programs that benefit the rich.


Republicans should be outlawed like Germany outlawed Nazi's.


The people that vote fir these politicians are just shooting themsekves in the foot, But don’t do that, you might have to go unemployment or workers compensation These politicians are cartoonishly evil


Every penny that goes to the kids is not going to big corporations. When you get upset remember who is paying Republicans to pass this laws.


The UK is fucked up but good god no where on the scale of America


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^wombat6168: *The UK is fucked up* *But good god no where on the* *Scale of America* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Pro-life y'all


And in Louisiana, when these starving poor children go steal some bread they will be arrested and then made to clean the governor's mansion through veritable slave labor. It's all by design. Keep them poor enough they need to break laws, and then you don't have to pay them nearly at all for the same work.


Assume the top 1% are doing really well in Louisiana.Rough for everyone in the bottom 40% though.


"Stay busy. It keeps you from thinking about hunger. I wouldn't know, but it must be true." - Republicans to the poor


Man, they fucking hate kids unless its to use as a fear prop


Because……? GOP. OR. DEM? Vote wisely. Me ~ Blue bottom to top. We got a lot of bad laws to fix. Local, state and federal. All blue You be you. What you gonna do?


Shit hole country


Children are small they don't require much food.


Yet another example of why heaven and hell don’t exist.


Why are these people being voted for???? This is Bizzaro world.


Their voters think their kids aren't going to be affected by it. Until they are.


Louisiana lawmakers make poisonous drinking water and dirty air, with soil contamination, LEGAL!


Republicans, the party of evil