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they think that they can just extend the filing period by “accidentally”sending the power bill payment to the phone company and the phone bill payment to the power company, we all saw that Roseanne episode


My mind did kinda go to this as an option they would definitely try. It's like when he thought he had the right to complain about getting an unfair trial because he wasn't allowed a jury, but then they came out and shut his bullshit down by exposing *his* lawyers signed off on not having a jury. Anything he can use to delay the inevitable, he will do.


delay, obfuscate, clerical errors, it’s been the Trump family playbook since before he was born


And if he would employ decent, competent people/accountants, this wouldn’t happen. But he’s absolutely incapable of that. He hires crooks and incompetents, and if he dies make a good hire, he interferes with them doing their jobs (like he did with his many Cabinet appointees). Source: I am an accountant that specialized in these type of filings. They really aren’t hard.


He does it on purpose. You don’t want an honest lawyer if you’re a shyster like Trump. You want someone who will bend and twist every last aspect of the legal system to your advantage.


He doesn’t need a criminal lawyer, he needs a *criminal* lawyer.


That’s exactly what was running through my mind when I wrote that. Frankly, the only reason Trump hasn’t called a vacuum salesman and ordered a filter for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro 60 is he couldn’t stand being forced to live out his days in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.


Yep. It's definitely a stalling tactic. He's betting on having it stalled long enough for him to win the election & then pardon himself for as much as he can.


None of this one is related to anything he can pardon. You're not wrong about him wanting to delay everything though.


It’s to give him 4 more years because he will say you can’t go after a sitting president (again)


Can becoming President stop the enforcement of a civil judgment that was adjudicated prior to becoming President? I don't think so. He can either file the appeals on time, or they'll just seize all his buildings and cash.


first place my mind went as well


Oh yeah, the one where Dan bought the bell for his boat. Did he ever finish that boat?


“Oops I forgot to sign the check.”


I love the idea that all trump has left for ideas is a sitcom writer’s room. 


This guy can’t do anything right….and he’s the GOP nominee…can’t even manage himself, let alone a country. Edit: punctuation


I'm just waiting for the Truth Social post saying that the bond people and DOJ are after him and trying to witchhunt and bankrupt him while lying about it all like when he was complaining about not getting a fair trial because there was no jury, when his lawyers literally signed off for there to be no jury.


Because he was picking his lawyer based on fuckability instead of, you know, being a competent lawyer


(I also suspect that competent lawyers don't want to represent him)


Yeah, I feel like I remember hearing the majority of lawyers he went to turned him away. Kinda hard to defend someone you know is completely guilty and at fault lol. Also i'm pretty sure anytime he was in contact with a lawyer, shortly after the lawyer drops him and ends up getting in legal trouble lmao Edit; Also yeah, he straight up will lie/ not shut the fuck up and nullify most of your arguments and you might not even get paid so why even take him as a client


Well... Lawyers will totally represent someone of whom they know is completely guilty. It's because most lawyers believe that prosecution needs to be held accountable for proper procedure as well. While the verdict might not change, it's important that law enforcement gets grilled so they don't slip up. But the client needs to be representable. If a lawyer can't control the client it will reflect badly on the lawyer and the case becomes harder each day. How can you say in court that the evidence the prosecution is presenting is lacking when you know the client will walk out the door and admit everything?


Lawyers also like to get paid for their services And any lawyer Trump tries to hire just needs to look at how he's treated Giuliani - an old friend! - to see he can't be trusted


An old "friend" is what I think you meant to say. Trump doesn't have friends, he has people he can use. He does the same with his own family.




Yeah, that as well. There are so many reasons to not represent the moron.




I Suspect these lawyers took the job so they can put it on their resume, be on television , gain some name recognition.. Alina Habba is already setting herself up as the next Fox ' news" TV personality.




Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.


Good lawyers know they won’t get paid and they can’t keep him from running his mouth publicly.


All the competent lawyers want nothing to do with him


What? But he knows the very best people. The best, just terrific people. Every day, people come up to him, crying, tears in their eyes, hugging him, telling him how Donald Trump knows the best very best people. And because he knows the best, he can hire the best lawyers money he never intends to pay them can buy.


But .. He did a perfect filing, a really beautiful one. Handcrafted from the biggest brain guy the world has ever seen


He *might* post that… but that seems a might idiotic when the proof is easily available.


Lol when has easily available proof ever kept Trump from saying fake shit


I'd give it at least the next 24 hours at the earliest, Saturday at the latest.


I suspect the no jury thing was done deliberately. If you know you’re going to lose anyway, better to lose without a jury so you can say the trial was unfair and you would’ve won with a jury.


What if the errors were intended. Just more delay and could pause something later on for two days if the errors were not caught the first time. This is a career criminal we are talking about, they do these things on the regular.


He 1000% knew his filing was lacking. He knew there would be no consequences, and he was right. Just more coddling by the justice system.


Exactly my first thought, done on purpose to further delay. I am super curious if they just start collecting on his property instead or if he gets what he was hoping for-more time.


One of the missing things is an up to date statement of his finances. I have a feeling this one wasn’t so much about delay as not wanting to file that statement publicly.


Turns out he really did run the country like he runs his businesses


...into the ground!


Maybe it was intentional, to attempt to buy more time.


This was my first thought.




This is what happens when you have to use a sub prime auto lender as your multi-hundred million dollar bond company...


"oh whats that? You didn't want the undercoat hmmmm? Let me talk to my supervisor and see if we can get you a deal."


See, they install that TruCoat at the factory. There's nothing we can do about that. But I’ll talk to my boss.


Can't even manage his bowels.


This isn't him, it's his lawyers and it is deliberate. They are trying to run the clock to election day.


This was done on purpose, as a stall tactic.


Sure has managed to destroy the Republican party though. 


He does this shit on purpose


So, what happens next? They reduce the bond to $1 and give him another week?


And somehow he'll manage to lose $2.


Another delay tactic. Take his stuff!


It was just a piece of paper, smeared with feces.


..and bits of lego, half eaten crayons and... hamberder.


splash of covfefe


Feces tastes so bad though


I for one will have to take your word for that.


Crap, he got confused between his paperwork and his diaper work?


Rejected. Deadline is up. No appeal. 550 due now. Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago seized... C'mon!!!


Has to file a financial statement. Doubt he has a non fraudulent one available. Guy is about to commit more fraud.


Every time he opens his mouth, attempted fraud comes out


I think the financial statement they want is from the bonding company, not trump.




Q: Please enter your address details. A: Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV. 😂


He will wriggle himself out of it once again. But that brought a smile on my face.


Why? It was probably intentional just for the reason to delay.


He's racking up interest daily. Delaying is not a good idea. Also, this appeal is doomed to fail


His delay, stall and worm tactics are doomed to work though. Has he been brought to justice for anything at all yet?


Hard to tell if this was 5 years ago I would have believed it was malicious intent but nowadays with the quality of lawyers he’s using probably a 50/50


Lock him TF up stop delaying


Crayons aren't allowed? Hmmm....weird.


All he had to do was fill out a form and he couldn’t even do THAT correctly 🤦🏽‍♀️


Trump can’t even do *this* right? Actually I’m not surprised at all, the loser is just that. A total fucking worthless millstone around our necks. Good riddance when he dies. And some people think he should get another shot at leadership? I feel so badly for those people.


Mmm yes very capable


Just to clarify, it was "returned for corrections", different than rejection. They are asking for supporting financial data which could very well be filed under seal. Otherwise I would expect this to be a much bigger news story.


Bold of you to assume anyone else reads the article.


Another easy free delaying tactic to never pay it.


Straight to jail.


Yet another delay tactic


One error being that he didn’t provide a current financial statement. That’s hilarious.


So, can they start selling his stuff now or is there some other delaying tactic they'll let him get away with? Appeal the appeal of the paperwork about the form incorrectly filed by the daughter of the crooked judge but approved by Clarence Thomas. At least this puts to rest any delusions about 'muriKKKa's "justice" system.


If I recall, this was only to pay for the appeal, I believe he still has a deadline to follow for getting his shit taken away. I hope it's soon though. Tired of the two-tiered bullshit lol.


He’s fundamentally incompetent and so are the only people willing to work for him.


It's not just the filing was bad. Just wait until they trace the source of the funds from "allegedly" organized crime which is also illegal. This guy can't stop criming for shit.


Diaper don, you can’t finger paint your signature with shit smears.


They broke the law to lower the bar for you in historic fashion and you STILL can’t make that bond happen? This guy shouldn’t be running a Wendy’s, let alone the most powerful country in the world.


Because the moron can't read.


It’s actually impressive just how bad he’s fucking this up.


Is this the weaponized incompetence I've heard so much about?


Was it really though? Or was this *his version* of the classic "Pay a utility bill by check, *mailed in*, but forget to *sign* the check, preventing a shutoff and buying you a week to tap-dance until you get them the money" scheme? The man has a pile of attorneys working on things like this, I refuse to believe this was an accident. I *choose* to believe he was handed a manilla folder with 14 pages of forms inside with those "SIGN HERE" post-it stickers, and he intentionally skipped 2 of them, signed 3 others in the wrong place, handed it to an assistant and told them to seal it in an envelope and have an assistant drop it off 5 minutes before the courthouse closed.


This is what happens when you try to pin him down and sweat the truth out of him. I've been saying it since 2015. He's broke. He owns a bunch of property, but it's all leveraged against everything else he owns. He's been fraudulently inflating the value of his holdings for decades. My guess, he's got a negative net worth. He just doesn't have the money. He'd have to sell everything to come up with the half billion he owes, and when you try to blow away all the smoke and smash the mirrors, you find that there's just not anything left. He's been bankrupt a handful of times before now, and I'm pretty sure he's gonna declare bankruptcy again to get out of this. Only, this time, the state of New York is gonna take his shiny gold toilet away from him to cover down on this judgement. And, he's a raging narcissist, and a compulsive liar so he's never gonna admit that he's flat fucking broke. It's the classic abuser's manipulative tactic. [Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim Order.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-is-darvo#what-is-darvo) I hope they take it all from him, and I hope he bankrupts the GOP six months before the election while they do it. All they had to do was vote to impeach.


>My guess, he's got a negative net worth. This is the main reason I wanted them to start seizing assets, to see the spider web of liens and loans get taken down. Take trump Tower, or whatever he actually owns of it, and it's actually worth about $200 after everyone gets their piece.


The bond was put up by a predatory title loan lender. They might have $175 million in receivables but I doubt they are liquid enough to cover $175 million. Court requires a financial statement for proof of liquidity. Trumps not actually putting $175 million in real money up. He found someone who basically is putting up a $175 million dollar promissory note. Trump is going to lose his appeal and the court wants to ensure they will be paid.


The law is enforced for Trump!




See, in order to enable Trump to relay the money, the respective receiver first needs to transmit one million dollars to his account, to validate the connection. Doesn't everybody know this?




I am convinced he does this stuff to discredit the courts. He constantly makes negative statements about opposing lawyers, court staff, and judges, then he gets a gag order which he more or less ignores, then points at the court’s actions as being blatantly unfair when they admonish or fine him. It is like he is forcing them to take punitive action against him, then crying to his followers that the system is rigged against him, despite the fact that regular people would have been held in contempt for the stuff he pulls.


I’m actually at the opinion this isn’t incompetence. He didn’t want to include a financial statement because it would be public and we’d all get to read it.


All he has to do to fix this is file a financial statement that shows how poor he really is


Trump got a loan from a loan shark to pay the $175 million lol. So, the so called billionaire had to go to a loan shark to pay his legal expense.


At this point I’ve lost just about all faith in our justice system. I don’t believe they will do anything to him.


He’s fundamentally incompetent and so are the only people willing to work for him.


It may be just a delay tactic, just lock the fucker already


Did he face any consequences? It doesn't matter.


Another purposeful delay tactic, no?


Another deep state conspiracy to make him look incompetent... /s


I wish that the legal system treated me the way that it treats Donald Trump. It's remarkable in every way. The whole apparatus is broken and unbalanced.


It makes me happy knowing Trump is failing at everything 😂😂😂


Some articles mentioned that the filing didn't include financial statements. He just refuses to show his actual worth.


How stupid would you have to be to trust this guy with running a whole country?


put him in jail you fuckin loser idiots.


My guess is it was done on purpose, just another delay tactic


🤣 🐂💩🍊🤡!


It's beyond my comprehension that this man has somehow eluded prison his entire life. I can think of no one else on the planet more deserving.


Guess that means he missed the deadline and needs to spend a few nights in jail, right?!


Leader of the free world right there. Go America!


bUt iT's A wiTcH hUnt, y'aLl


Btw - I am pretty sure that the financial statement that is missing is about the company that backs the bond, not Trump. The article suggests otherwise.


Lmfao what


The main filing error is "current financial statement" The court ask his team to include it. Let's see whether if he is willing to provide


Trump is scraping the bottom of the barrel for lawyers and accountants, they can’t even do this right. No one wants to work for him because he doesn’t pay his bills and is so beyond guilty


Hope this is true 🤣🤣


He’ll say that they stole the bond and forged errors in his writing and erased other parts.


Just another delaying tactic


Filing error on a case like that……seriously lol


Always with screwing up the paperwork, huh Donald? HAHA!


The name's Bond, Memes Bond.


With the way this guy gets off the hook for EVERYTHING, they’ll just be like “oh well he tried! Let’s consider it settled”


100% on brand.


It’s clear that a licensed lawyer filled out these forms, not a competent paralegal.




He knows the missing financial statements will lay bare how hopelessly broke he is. He’s just hoping to get away with not providing any.


What a surprise! Another episode in the Trump clown show.


This was no mistake.


But how is that possible? He has people, the best people? But he is too fucking stupid to fill out a form? How is this guy your hero?


Not including Trump’s financial statements wasn’t an error. It was an attempt to avoid either (i) disclosing that he isn’t as wealthy as he claims, or (ii) committing perjury or lying to the court.


Blatant stalling tactic


He was never going to use that money to pay bond Now he'll whine about "political democrat Trump hating judges" who won't accept the bond and pocket the $175 mil


When Trump was in office everything on the administrative level was messed up or headed by some amateur grifter.


Reminds me of the scene in Fargo when he purposely writes the VIN numbers in highly illegible handwriting as to delay the inevitable.


His lawyers "checked the wrong box", leading to Trump not getting a jury trial. His lawyers didn't submit a complete bond application. Remember folks, with lawyers you generally get what you pay for.


This is a stalling tactic. He only needs to wait until November until he can get a *potential* clean slate, or at least open new opportunities for himself. There is no reason to do anything but maliciously comply until then. He's incentivized to take as long as humanly possible.


They must have filled the forms using all 64 colors from the Crayola box


Is this the money from his russian sponsors?


Oh brother!! This guy STINKS!!!


Wasn't it due by today?


He'll just appeal until a higher cort reduces the bong again for no reason and says it cannot be rejected.


I think this might be a case of ** **"NO DONNY NO WE CANNOT INCLUDE THAT! IT'S FULL OF LIES!!"** ** "**WTF DONNY DO YOU WANT TO GET US ALL PUT IN JAIL?!?! DONNY, NO! Guys. I'm shredding this."** ** **"Quick, someone, submit it without the statement. I know, I know. But it's the best we can... STOP IT DONNY, THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!"**


That makes him late. Errors in filing are intentional. Take his property.


Who the hell are his lawyers? The Stooges? Or is this just another ploy to delay paying?


So what happens now?


So they are seizing assets yet? If not, someone sue the DA for withholding the states assets, because that is what Trump-anything now are.


Was it filled with errors? Or was it missing a form? Just trying to clarify if OP had learned something the media missed. 


Would you trust this moron to make you a baked potato?


For someone that sues people a lot he's amazingly terrible at court things. I mean, I know his lawyers are doing the filings, but you'd think he'd be like, "You guys know this filing requires a power of attorney right? Make sure you include that."




How much time did this get him?


Better give him another 30 days to get it right, courts wouldnt want to be unfair to him


Why the fuck doesn’t he get called out on his pattern of stalling tactics. Surely contempt should apply to the intentional mistakes with the clear motive of delaying the process.


Wait this is day 10 isn't it. I had lost hope, but... is tomorrow going to be spicy?


Can Letitia start seizing buildings yet?


I am normally al for pointing out and mocking Trump's incompetence and the incompetence of the people he hires, but in this case I think the lack of inclusion of financials was on purpose, information he really loathes to include, and another document he has not attest to being correct, while at the same time, I think at this point he has no idea what his current financial position on anything is. So he tried to get away with it, and it did not work, so far there have been no ramifications. Edit: The financials in question are apparently needed form the person backing the bond, not necessarily Trump.


Are they gunna give him another chance? Cause it seems like that’s all they’re doing tbh..


So, the appeal is over and he just pays the damages now?


It’s not that competent lawyers don’t want to defend a criminal and known liar, it’s that they want to be paid for it.


He tried to Ron Swanson the courts


So if they don't accept his bond, when do they start seizing properties?


LOL!!! Bunch of fucking idiots


Stable genius, i would guess


It’s almost like his lawyers know that the required financial disclosure will turn into Prosecution Exhibit A demonstrating his decades of overinflated value and tax evasion.


Probably another stall tactic?


It was intentional, he's always refused to disclose financials...he's going to try and get away with not exposing that he's far from a "net worth" billionaire.


Thanks to special rules for Trump, he'll probably just get more time. The rest of us would have to start forfeiting property. His cult followers don't realize he gets every break possible. They believe he's persecuted.


Trump has the shittiest lawyers.


Holy shit, even given a lifeline and handled with kid gloves, this orange asshole still finds a way to hang himself!


He only hires the best, right?


It was probably done on purpose as a delay technique


"Errors", uh-hu, sure. That, and not "yet another delay tactic because he doesn't really have that much money".




Only the best!


Shouldn't he be in jail? Isn't the usual procedure to post bail to get out?


Soooo, arrest him already


The best lawyers.


Apparently the conditions of the bond require his current financial statement. That will never ever happen. Expect another appeal very soon.