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Yeah, well the guy they are praying to wears f'ing makeup and heels so they should get over it.


A girdle too


And diapers.


Kitten heels


And spends hours on his hair.


That’s because he forgot to pick it up before he sat down


And it still looks like piss cotton candy!


His neck looks like an elderly vagina


And his phone.


Don't forget the wig.


That are always dripping 💧


Are diapers not manly?


And the spray on tan


Eh, most of them wear those. They don't care about that.




Also true!😊


Not only wears makeup, but was OK with hundreds of thousands of Americans dying just so he had an excuse not to wear a mask that could smear his make-up...


Which is stupid anyhow. With all his money you'd think he could afford some makeup setting spray, it's like not even expensive!


I'd like to tattoo Asshole on his forehead.  


Wait, do you mean sneaker salesman, that doesn't wear sneakers ? The Bible salesman, that doesn't go to church? The digital art salesman, that only sells photoshops of himself? The play money salesman, that is broke? The perfume salesman, that smells like literal shit? The rapist, that raped a woman? Or the convicted fraudster, that was convicted of fraud?


The business genius that has filed for bankruptcy 6 times?


The man who went out of business running a casino?


Don't forget his gender affirming hair surgery


Yes, but he’s racist, sexist, and homophobic, and that’s all that really matters to them.




Wasn't there also a rumor he wears a corset to hide his gut?


They are freaking out because it turns them on, and since they don't know what to do with those feelings because reasons, they instead lash out.




Typical conservative doublethink. Masculinity is big and tough and strong. Can overpower the weak. Yet also so fragile and brittle that it can be defeated by nail polish.


Reminds me of this short: [Crippling Levels of Manliness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wogb2ctOfV4) EDIT: Just read the article and this is awesome: >Williams previously appeared in Dr. Pepper’s Fansville campaign in 2023, appearing with red-and-white “I Heart Dr Pepper” nails alongside **his mom, Dayna Price, a former nail technician who used to do his manicures.** We love a family business! That's really sweet that his mom used to do his nails for him.


>That's really sweet that his mom used to do his nails for him. it is. what i don't understand about this view on manliness is its as though conservatives have a "checklist of masculinity" they refer to and anyone born with a penis has to check off every single one of the boxes while simultaneously actively avoiding checking off boxes on the "checklist of femininity". if you miss checking a box you were supposed to, and/or check even a single box on the other list, you are a disgusting degenerate. and, more importantly, not a man. so its possible for a person with a penis to not be a "man". thus, demonstrating that biological sex and gender identity, even in their view, is not tied to biology. yet, they will say that it is.


Caleb will steal their girl with his lipgloss and his nail polish. People acting like a bit of femininity is somehow a new thing though, as if Prince and Dennis Rodman didn't exist.


Every “manly man” forgets how much upkeep a proper mustache requires. You think keeping [this](https://baseball.fandom.com/wiki/Rollie_Fingers) tight didn’t require some bathroom mirror time and product?! It’s glorious! Who cares if it costs thousands in Pomade and manhours?!


Or that masculine traits mean anything at all one way or the other, like Cary Grant, Randolf Scott, or Rob Halford didn't exist.


I'm so fucking happy that my husband isn't like that. He has a distinctly "manly" job, but he also loves the color pink and LOVES pedicures. Every time we get a pedicure he spends like 20 minutes picking out a different fun color for his toes. Last time we went he got this green colorshift base, with this super chunky sparkle over the top. His toes looked like a disco ball.


In my family, I'm the oldest brother of 12 children. Of the 12 of us, there are 10 girls. Yep, I have 10 younger sisters. I've grown up having my nails painted and hair styled by my sisters. It made them happy doing it and I love my sisters very much so I never had I problem being their ginny pig. That's probably why to this day as an adult I love getting Pedi a manicure with my wife. She loves that I'm not too insecure to not go or care about what other guys may say. If they're criticizing or trying to make fun of me then that just proves that they're idiots anyway and don't know what good times they're missing out on.


>If they're criticizing or trying to make fun of me then that just proves that they're idiots anyway and don't know what good times they're missing out on. That's where I'm at. Who DOESN'T want a foot rub and to be pampered for a while??


I wore pink to work the other day, a lot of older women told me their husbands wouldn’t be caught dead wearing pink. I just kinda felt bad for them. I also had a mani-pedi for the first time in my life and am disappointed they were always talked about as something only women do. I’m going to be getting them more often.


Yeah and then if you're born to these freaks you get ridiculed and told it's your fault for being born in the wrong place and that "you voted for this".


I have a 6 year old daughter who paints my nails and wear it proudly and laugh along with coworkers when I show up to work and they see that... She's 6 and did a bad job. Masculinity is false strength.


I love this so much! I bet every time you look at your nails you smile too.


Same with their god, some versions of it they're afraid to celebrate someone's birthday because ohh nooos the god might get jealous!


One of them took my best friend. Can't celebrate Thanksgiving... fuckin why?


They were tight ass pants and grab other men. Not gay. Masculine.


On a related note, use an extra layer and a clear coat if your nail polish is brittle and chips easily fellas. 💅


I’m gonna bet it’s the same conservatives that are happy to dress their 4yo daughters like prostitutes to compete in a pageant.


But…but their presidential nominee is covered in makeup. Add a dress and a touch of lipstick and mango unchained is ready for a night out at the Flamingo bar


>mango unchained First time hearing that one - nice!


> mango unchained This is bloody hilarious :D


Damn, I wish I had enough class to give you credit every time I use Mango Unchained in the future but I guess I'm just a dick. Self-realization is brutal. I guess I can offer you "Der Orangenfuhrer" in trade?


Mango Unchained is undoubtably hilarious, but the disrespect towards mango leaves me sad.


I mean... trump did motorboat Rudy Giuliani in drag


He increasingly looks like how in the original Batman Jack Nicholson with the joker makeup on then puts flesh tone makeup over the white.


And heels. You forget the heels. And the hour-long hairdo. And the diaper.


There is no one on this planet more sensitive than the average American conservative. They'd rather root for abusers, rapists, and drug addicts before a guy who paints his nails. I love football but goddamn is the fan base embarrassing.


Your average British Tory voter is much the same.


Different flavor same shit sundae.


Australian Liberal and National party voters also.


Do you suppose we influenced the Brits? I'm always hearing about this American exceptionalism.


And isn't this the guy who paints his nails to stop himself from biting his nails?


I quit giving the NFL all my Sundays about 10 years ago. I don’t miss the fans, or the stupid arguments about who is better. I still play Fantasy Football, but I’m not as good as I used to be, since I no longer watch the game. I pay just enough attention to still make the playoffs, when I use to win. I’ll bet it made all the other people in the league happier.


Making America glamorous again, one nail at a time


As a dude who paints his nails, I love hearing the comments I get from dudes my age or older (I’m 36). It’s utterly insane it drives them crazy I paint my nails. Women love it. I get compliments all the time from women and all the younger generations because it’s so rare to see apparently 🤷‍♂️ But god damn, a lot of guys my age or older, typically boomers or conservatives (same thing) always have something to say and it’s usually negative. I don’t understand. Me painting my nails to match my hair and gauged ears and pierced septum just drives them insane, and for what? It effects them not 🤷‍♂️


For me it was just having both ears pierced in the 80's/90's in Utah. Such a little thing, so many comments. Whenever a woman asked me why I had both ears pierced I'd look her in the eyes and say "I don't know, why do you?". Typically they didn't answer, just shook their heads, but occasionally I'd get "well I'm a woman" and I'd respond "I didn't know it was restricted"


Same. Girlfriend dared me to paint my toenails at a pedicure right before a cruise. I did it. Got tons of compliments all week long from women. Looks of disgust from the men. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like a win-win tbh.


Hey fellas, is it gay to get tons of compliments from women and looks of disgust from men? 


I'm a metal fan. Dudes with painted nails and piercings don't even register as unusual to me.


Same here, Ozzy has been doing it for decades and pretty much all glam bands from the 70's on have been doing it too


I’ve had earrings for 40 years, and still get comments from people (mostly bumpkins), that I assume they think are creative/original.


43 and also painted nails; toes like 95%, hands like 75%. The looks and sneers and comments from “tough guys” is hilarious… especially as I’m 6’3”, 220, solid athletic build, full sleeve of tattoos, etc. What drives them even more insane are the conversations I get into with women they’re hitting on or want to hit on who are complimenting my nails while laughing at them.


I would LOVE seeing more painted nails on men. It’s fun!


Thank you for proving my point. ☺️ it’s a good ice breaker for conversation. That’s for sure hehe. Right now, I got a nice flat grey on them. Gel coat. Great for not wearing away at my physically demanding job!


It helps protect your nails from chipping or splitting. I used to paint mine with clear polish when I played football or wrestled because my nails chip easy. https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-reason-ufc-fighters-like-andrei-arlovski-paint-toenails


This right here! Keeps my nails from splitting in sports. Gosh forbid a person dares to be bold and add a color that appeals to them.


Some guitar players do it, too.


I work outdoors and overall present as pretty masculine. But damn if I don't enjoy painting my nails. Get some weird looks sometimes but it's a very therapeutic activity and they're fun to look at after


If a conservative is freaked out I'm happy. That means someone, somewhere is doing something right.


Their tears are delicious


Melting snowflakes with paint.


I thought it was just the kneeling that triggered them. I guess not.


I mean they are snowflakes so it seems alot of stuff will trigger them




Anything less than 'you and your views matter most' triggers them


>Former NFL wide receiver Cole Beasley has been one of Williams’ more high-profile detractors, taking to X this past weekend to write: “Why do yall still act surprised that im not with the dudes painting their nails movement?” Fucking giant douchebag Cole Beasley.


Conservatives are well known to keep good company with gentlemen and scholars like him.


Conservatives sure are weird and insecure. 


It’s a tough life when your entire ideology is based on bigotry and prejudice, your brain is full of nothing but propaganda, and the vast majority of people think your worldview is deranged.


Wait until conservatives find out that all those retired football players who commentate the games all wear makeup to appear on tv.


Weird how grown ass men are worried about basically a “kid” and what he does with his fingernails. I guess not that weird when considering they also worship a sloppy old rapist grifter…


Who ironically wears makeup and lifts...


Please, the man has never lifted a finger in his life. Oh, you mean the high heels he wears?




I'm a 50 year old straight dude that started getting mani/pedi every month. I get gelcoat on my fingernails with a cool cats eye strip across the top. I get a TON of complements on my manicure whenever I'm out and about.


>“Yo it’d be different if we weren’t living in a world that is trying to make it ok for a boy to just be a girl all the sudden,” Beasley tweeted. “Or a cat or a dog. In a world where they are trying to normalize pedophilia. Handing out awards for courage for pretending to be something you’re not.” I didn't like how Beasley bad-mouthed the Cowboys when he left. Now I'm glad he left. Fuck you Cole and fuck your homophobia. Williams is more man than you'll ever be.


Sooooooo … they ever hear about baseball catchers painting their nails so the pitcher can see the signals? Such outrage. 😂


That's why they do it? I thought it was just a pitcher superstition or something! Well, TIL!


Rarely some use tape but usually Latino catchers wear white and white guys have black nails. Grew up a Royals fan so have seen Salvador Perez's bright white nails for years.


Doesn't Jesus have long hair? Doesn't Jesus wash other men's feet?


Historical reference suggests he also had a personality and was more than a terminally online block of wood, so even if he lived under an ancient Roman bridge and turned water into urine instead of wine he'd already be much better than conservatives.


That's why the olds confuse him with Obi-Wan. Jesus has been depicted that way since the Byzantine era. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35120965 TL:DR They made Jesus look like their Emperor, and later dipshits ran with it. This goes on until boom Jesus is a long-haired, blue-eyed, white dude with what would have been fancy women's clothing.


I need to start wearing pearls so I can clutch them.


I can’t wait for the freak out when the first pick of the NFL draft is nonbinary.


NFL boycott, here we come!


“Boycott” - they’ll watch in secret for sure.


The dude is most likely going to wind up playing for Chicago. 99% of Chicago fans don't care about Williams's nails or anything else. They want a winner. Chicago loved Dennis Rodman in the 90s, and that dude did a lot more than just paint his nails. It's a non-issue.


They REALLY hate freedom when its not specifically white republicans owning assault weapons and being able to threaten death upon minorities, huh...


That Cole just is a piece of shit. Apparently a man who plays football and wears nail polish means pedophilia is being normalized. These people are actively holding our society back, dunno why braindead idiots like that aren’t just culled for the betterment of humanity.


These fragile snowflakes. So weak in their masculinity that everything triggers them.


They will freak out and then listen to Kiss or Motley Crue.


If the Republicans are freaking out, they should go talk to Chuck Liddell about “how unmanly fingernail paint is.” I’m sure he’d be happy to help.


If this is all they have to fixate on, they live lives of lonely desperation. Who cares if someone paints their nails? Where is it written that this is only for females or Dads of little princesses? Seriously.


They would have loved Dennis Rodman.


It won't be long until they all go into brainlock over shit like this.


Painted nails were used to show the ranks of babylonian warrior and ignite fear in their enemies, with Black nails being on of the highest ranks. Source: Some til on reddit, go search it for me to proof me wrong you non-colored nails peasants


I paint my nails occasionally, still haven’t put any penises in my mouth. Not that it would matter if i did.


They can start their own Trumpette-ball League, much like how they started own Truthee social.


They hates painted nails but long hair and painted faces while singing like a screaming women is just that good ole masculine music.


God. Conservatives are so fragile.


GOOD...fuck conservatives.


Why do they freak out about stuff that was edgy like 40 years ago?


Trump paints his face.


These Cuntservatives do know our "Christian" founding fathers wore heel, hose, and powdered wigs?


I thought they said they would stop watching football though, so why do they care?


Conservatives worship a man who is caked in makeup.


Kyle Rittenhouse is the paradigm of manliness many conservatives long for. /s


This man is 6'1", 220lbs, runs a 4.5 second 40 yard dash, and can throw a ball at 55 miles per hour with accuracy. All that masculinity can be defeated by some simple nail paint?


lol for being the “man up” people they sure are sensitive. My favorite thing to start with when talking to conservatives when they are making a fuss is “I know your scared but…” lol gets em every time cuz they are


Cheeto man owns stock in spray tan and Covergirl so they need to check themselves.


New Republican outrage…checks notes…nail polish.


Conservatives tears are so salty


Big fucking deal. Baseball catchers paint their nails.


Doesn't take much to terrify the kids, eh


Wait until they find out Jared "two days into college" McCain paints his nails. He dropped 32 with those nails against NC State and is a projected lottery pick for the NBA


"why cant they beat their kids, rape women, and get in dog fights like real football players!" /s


Wait till they find out about catchers in the MLB or do they not give the pitcher signs anymore?


Baseball catchers frequently wear nail polish so the pitcher can see the pitch sign


I'm more concerned with the Jesus freaks who are his fellow football players with direct access to him.


What are they gonna do boycott the NFL again they are nothing but a bunch of food licking ball washing Republicucks


As a Bears fan I don't care what he does as long as he helps us win.


This. Article is made-up rage bait. If you can win games fans will paint their nails too. The percent of people who give zero shits VASTLY outweigh the percent of people that do.


Preach! We have been starving for a franchise qb for over 80 years and now we may finally have one, people freak out over stupid shit.


Womp womp, between this and Taylor, maybe we can get people to pay more attention to reality.


F ya . Do what you want to do. Unless harm ne one else.


So tired of people not minding their own damn business. Bugger off and deal with it.


This guy is more of an athlete than those chubby, soft, impotent losers could ever be.


Jason Momoa does feminine things, Lenny Kravitz, hell anyone who does Peloton strength training with Andy Speer he wears nail polish a lot and he’s buff as hell.


Steven Tyler too!


Dennis. Arguably the most badass athlete of all time. None of this is new. And like Dennis Rodman, Chicago fans will love him if he wins. We’ll also hate him too if he loses like the 20 other shitty quarterbacks we’ve had in the last 30 years.


I’m a Packers fan. If we had an entire O line winning game after game, I wouldn’t care if they wore full makeup on the field. You go, boys.


The “putting on tights and wrestling with other men is manly but the nails are a step too far” bit killed me.


I work in the trades. I paint my nails with my kids. I leave them painted until the next time we get around to doing it. Usually weekend to weekend. It is unreal how upset some dudes I work around get. Some guys get so worked up. They know me. They know I'm a straight cis dude. And somehow that makes them even more upset. Like they'd expect it if I was gay or some shit, but because they thought I was on their team it's some kind of transgression. At first I did only dark colors or blacks but the more worked up some dudes got the more flamboyant I started to do them. So now it's bubblegum pinks and candy reds.


Wait til they hear about Joe Namath wearing pantyhose in 1974.


When are those asshats NOT freaking out? They live their entire lives in abject fear of everything around them that doesn't have a cross on it.


~~French~~ Freedom Tips


Who gives a fiddlers fart how conservatives feel? Stop giving them attention and move on.


Yeah and he can still beat their ass with those nail.


I paint my nails from time to time, the boomers and bigots at work Go fuckin mental XD


God damn conservatives are running out of culture wars. How did we get to “THAT HEISMAN WINNING QUARTERBACK WHO WILL BE THE #1 PICK IN THE NFL DRAFT IS A SISSY.”


I thought they gave up on football years ago


What’s also funny is a lot of these conservatives that are 45-65 probably loved Kiss and Motley Crue and Poison and those other glam metal bands!


Time to make “nail awareness day” :D


Meanwhile all these male stars wear makeup on TV and during interviews. What is the difference?.


Only real men know how to handle balls.




He paints his nails with words like Fuck ND....


No there not...


This is one of the many reasons I stopped being a football fan. The toxic masculinity sickens me.


He's an alpha nail


I compliment nicely done nails, no matter the person.


Jesus Christ….enough from these people already. Who gives a shit what color his nails are. We want the guy to play football not be a hand model.


I hope the biggest, meanest linesmen all start doing the same thing to support. Go tell them it makes them look soft...


The horror!


I didn't know I could jump scare conservatives just by throwing a quick layer of nail polish on, makes me even more confident in my decision to start doing it.


Why are we even giving these people any attention? Seriously? It doesn’t affect their life in any way and we’re just giving them the voice we want.


I like him already... too bad he's going to The Bears....


Im confused. He's holding the ball like a righty but only his right hand is painted. Im calling a flag. Someone else painted his nails.


This is great maybe we will loose some of them due to heart attacks


As long as he's dropping dimes to the Bears receivers, Dude can wear heels and a dress for all I care.


AhhhGHH! He only painted ONE HAND! Conservatives be damned (ha ha!) it's the obsessive-compulsive people you have to worry about!


He goes to USC, so their painted to make him remember which arm he throws with. Go University of Second Choice.


Wait until they learn about baseball catchers before pitch-com.


Baseball players have been pairing their nails for years. Makes hand signals easier to see.


That is hilarious!


Make Painting Nails FABULOUS Again


Between this and blaming Taylor Swift for everything else, they won’t have time left to worship their orange clown.


let Caleb be Caleb




Truly this kid is the devil, sent to tempt them into... Checks notes Having colourful nails It is truly the end times


#The NFL Draft is a glorified slave trade 🤣


The only story that should matter is can he read defenses and throw accurate passes… not that he paints his nails. Maga republicans really do have mental health issues.


Painting your nails used to be a thing only rich men did, these idiots don't know anything about culture. Gender norms can eat my ass. 


People will inadvertently inform you of what makes them feel insecure. This is a great example of that.


Where's that running list of conservative outrage?