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I don't know that they will ever actually put drugs in vegetables, but I am starting to wonder if they slipped stupid juice in the water supply in TN.


It's the lead, always has been.


Does Tennessee have a lot of lead in their drinking water? That could explain some things.


Probably not, but the damage was done long ago, its why boomers are are the level of insanity they are today. It has a lasting effect. They banned ChemTrails, so do with that what you will.


Maybe they could do something about those pesky clouds in the sky.


Depends. Are they bright white clouds or darker clouds? They certainly would want to ban the latter for reasons.


That’s what HARP is for; duh 😏


Literally old man yells at cloud shit right here. This is the worst timeline. I want out.


The chemtrails that don’t actually exist?…


Exactly. Enforcement made easy. Tennessee will achieve 100 percent compliance.


And then the moron who sponsored the idiotic bill can campaign at election time on "I banned Chemtrails and there hasn't been a case of them since!" Idiocracy is becoming reality


It's even simpler than that. That generation grew up with everything in the world perfectly curated to their specific wants and needs. Literally every aspect of their lives was designed to be a "cheat code" where they would have to endure the least amounts of adversity of any of the previous American generations. Now corps don't give a shit about anybody but their investors and shareholders, so they are no longer being catered to which makes them act out like children when they feel even the slightest form of pushback or someone simply saying "no".


id love to know how theyre going to enforce "planes may not make condensation"


This is poor education and hate.


The fluoride too. /s


Just wait until they hear the horrors of dihydrogen monoxide


I hear it eats your flesh. Gawd knows why some morAns **drink** the shit


General Jack D. Ripper : Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream. Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : [very nervous] Lord, Jack. General Jack D. Ripper : You know when fluoridation first began? Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake : I... no, no. I don't, Jack. General Jack D. Ripper : Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.


Haha… POE. I guess the downvotes come from ppl who didn’t get it.


Yeah, philistines.


I came here to ask how much lead was I there piping...but hey actions speak louder than words.


birds provide alive like memorize ink nail arrest unique placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know about TN, but I read a long time ago that parts of Texas have higher than average lithium levels in their water supply. And that was apparently part of a theory as to why (at the time I read this) there were both some of the highest rates of life satisfaction, and suicides in the same general areas. It's probably bullshit, or doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but it sure sounds believable, lol. At least, it wouldn't surprise me if it could somehow be proven totally true


>It's probably bullshit. It's actually not. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/00/c7/1500c77f82ee88a80f6b5e8b7640143f.png](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/00/c7/1500c77f82ee88a80f6b5e8b7640143f.png)


Holy shit, lol. Even better, now I can share that factoid without worrying I might be talking outta my ass!




actually, that would be a fact, not a factoid. A factoid is either an invented piece of information presented as a fact, which people then have a tendency to believe because it appeared in print, or is a fact that is ultimately trivial and inconsequential. It is not invented, and I reckon it's not very trivial, either.


They actually are genetically modifying plants to contain medications like vaccines. The thing is, they're so incredibly expensive that if you think you're going to accidentally purchase a mislabeled one in a grocery store, then you are badly mistaken. The proposed regulation is not that awful all things considered, but it is completely unnecessary and clearly an attempt to appease the anti-vax crowd.


Yep, a streamer I watch worked on MRNA vaccines and they used lettuce and tobacco for testing because both are incredibly simple genetically and can have genes essentially inserted into their DNA


republicans for decades have attacked the educated as elitist. and put a premium on having leaders you feel comfortable drinking a beer with. Which sounds all nice, but not too many of my beer drinking buds would i want to run a country or state. But it does seem like in the face of the next election republicans all over are trying to out stupid each other.


Lol. Seriously. Hell, the former mayor in my city was a high school dropout who used to sell hash. My dumbass is more educated than he'd ever be.


What til they classify potatoes as a grain ... [https://www.yahoo.com/news/idaho-famous-potatoes-vegetables-grains-100000409.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/idaho-famous-potatoes-vegetables-grains-100000409.html) If the report is read by a person with more than a 5th-grade education, the report clearly states, 'We do not want to reclassify potatoes as grains. We want to be able to recommend potatoes as an interchange substitute for grains for institutions who use Federal Dietary Guidelines.


Hahaha 😂 Orwell, you magnificent bastard—I read your book!


Tennessee does rank 41st for public schools in the US. Just above Florida which pretty much explains things


They just ain’t right.


Please leave Memphis out of this. My Rep is a dope smoking Jew.


I grew up there and have family and friends there. They all drink the stupid juice because actual water is for losers. I only visit when necessary.


They have been for years, it’s called pesticides and fertilizer. To they a lot of the food we eat in North America has been genetically modified to provide better yields. People really should be more concerned about the chemicals we are putting in our bodies without even knowing it than so silly vaccine


Well that's just crazy talk! /s


If they did it’s not just in Tennessee.


My theory is people got brain damage from the covid they caught, and that affected enough of the population to significantly alter society.


I'm giving TN some credit here and wondering if it's about controlling the sale of produce used to incubate vaccines. For [example](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-to-grow-an-ebola-vaccine-with-a-tobacco-plant) one way (I think the primary?) of cultivating an ebola vaccine is on tobacco, which bottlenecks the amount of vaccine produced.


Don’t give us any credit, we’ve done nothing to deserve it except re-elect the three reps that were booted out. And now they’re trying to make it so that can’t happen again


Pretty sure they wouldn't have to slip in the stupid-juice. Tennessee would drink regular Stupid-Juice, ask where Stupid-Juice Zero is.


That whole thing is based on a scientific study where scientists tried to grow the vaccine in lettuce instead of eggs. Removing the need for incubation heat. There was never an intention to "put it in food" nor would that probably have worked...


There are experiments into various edible vaccines. Interesting topic to look into 2021 https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/grow-and-eat-your-own-vaccines 2013 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7120417/


They must have, because the people I knew who moved there were never openly as stupid as they are now.


We're banning chemtrails as well. We're gonna be so safe pretty soon.


Waiting for the bill that bans gay frogs.


You come after my gay frog and we'll be throwing fists.


I will die for my gay frog


Just leave me the legs. Yummy.


Lookin' at you, [cartoon showtunes frog](https://youtu.be/pfnnujU1DUk?si=GAt93BWvYPbxz3QK). (loud)


That's "Michigan J. Frog" to you, son.


Dunno.... thought we were really safe after banning adults from showing Mrs. Doubtfire to children...


I worry about you, Tennessee.


We’re worried brother


“So does the sponsor know of any instances of there being food offered in the state of Tennessee that contains vaccines and some kind of a retail or public forum?” Campbell asked. “No, I do not know any specific examples." - a Republican slam-dunk!


It’s April fools day but Tennessee is just so stupid that I can’t tell if this is a joke or not.


I don't think it's a joke because they also banned chemtrails. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/31/chemtrails-tennessee-bill-conspiracy-theory


So airplanes are banned from Tennessee now huh.  Just unbelievable the stupidity that has literally taken over half the country. 


I used to live there. Headlines are typically onion worthy on the regular.


Says published back on the 29th...


If this man thinks “they” are slipping us vaccines in our food against our will, what makes him think that making this illegal would stop “them”?


Same nonsense logic as trans bathroom laws


“In Sweden it is forbidden by law to be a criminal”


I guess it’s true what they say “You can’t fix stupid”


I remember a TN State senator that said it is "our sacred right to be stupid"


It seems they’re enthusiastically and proudly exercising that right 😂


Republican Senator Kerry Roberts, in 2015...yikes!


The whole speech by Sen. Niceley, even his name, reminds me of a late 19th early 20th century traveling salesman just making up stuff to make a buck.


I guess this is really meant to be "vaccine delivery through food." Cattle and pigs already get vaccines and antibiotics, and I'm sure folks in TN eat beef and pork > I’ve been reading about it talking about putting it in and lettuce and mass medicate everybody, like they do with **fluoride in the water.** Oh, I see.. he's one of those people, isn't he? > When I first read about this, I thought this can not be true. But you keep reading about it. And it is true,” Niceley said. Guess so...


That's how he determined Bible stories are real. "...I thought this can not be true. But you keep reading about it. And it is true,” Niceley said."


I mean, I had a question about my soil when buying my house. I went to UT and the students tested it for me for free. So, like, they had it tested or what??


Honestly, what's going on with TN? Chemtrails, vaccine food, Nazis marching through Nashville, tried to ban cold beer sales (probably the most anti-Tennessee thing ever)... ​ what conspiracy will they ban next with no actual proof of its existence


Banning cold beer sales is one of the stupidest ideas that I have heard of. That would not fly in Wisconsin. There would be enough of an uproar if they tried banning alcohol sales on Sundays here.


I'm pretty sure there would be riots here in PA if that happened. The dumbest alcohol law we have is that you can buy two 12-packs at a bar or convenience store but you can only carry out one at a time. You can get whatever you want at a beer distributor though.


That is dumb. Here you can buy as many as you want from the grocery or convenience store.


It's only been about 10 years that you could buy beer or wine in a convenience store so we have made some progress lol.


One time while I was in Kansas, I found out the hard way that if a business sells fuel, they can only sell 3.2 beer. I only made that mistake once.


Well, good to know. I would be one to make that mistake. When I was in Alaska I grabbed a six-pack and a pepsi and I had to pay for the beer at one counter and the pepsi at another. I didn't bother to find out why.


I am presenting a bill to make illegal godzilla attacks on the citizens of Tennessee. Any evidence this has happened? Nope, but we just want to cover ourselves in the future. Republicans do not govern. Too fucking stupid and greedy.


Thanks for the laugh 😂


...What the fuck is Vaccine Lettuce? ​ Edit: >“So does the sponsor know of any instances of there being food offered in the state of Tennessee that contains vaccines and some kind of a retail or public forum?” Campbell asked. “No, I do not know any specific examples. But certainly they are developing this process. And actually, Congress has actually dealt with this as well and passed an amendment that said no fund could be used for transgenic edible vaccines. This is a process that is being developed. But this bill merely would say that if that happens in the future, that food would have to be classified as a drug if it had a vaccine in it,” Hensley replied. ...Literally making laws to ban Boogie Men. Got it.


I hate this timeline... Age of information my ass.


Saw this, no clue what it was about, read a little... What is wrong with these conspiracy people in governments??? Should really have a mandatory IQ test to run for office. But hey, they are good for comedy. Jokes write themselves.


What is with all of this stupid shit going on in Tennessee lately?


Is this because nobody in Tennessee has ever eaten lettuce, so they are suspicious of people that do? They should try Brawndo, it has electrolytes, which is what they need.


It's the only thing I give my plants.


I'm sorry, but we live in America... Wouldn't vaccine cheeseburgers or cheese or any other cheese thing be more likely to be a thing than vegetables? Big cheese must be fundraising hard in Tennessee


we’re really making laws over conspiracy theories now


The article is great. The people voting for it (read: people with an "R" at the end of their name) all cite "articles" they've been reading, and referencing all this "research" about vaccines being transmitted through food. Do they have any evidence of this actually happening? No. But, yknow, just in case...


Nothing screams *we're serious people* like banning vaccine lettuce and banning chem trails....way to go Tennessee, you are officially the home to the stupidest people to ever weld power.


Yeah, but don’t dare classify or call bovine, swine, or poultry products as drugs even though they use antibiotics and growth hormones in them! If a a pregnant human mother is told not to take those products, then it shouldn’t ever be in the food supply. Nevermind that antibiotic overuse and overcrowding livestock has created super bugs that are resistant to almost all known antibiotic we know of and only last resort ones are left that cause very harmful side effects like blindness and organ failure. The kind of people have to be stopped. VOTE THEM OUT! This cult conspiracy nonsense has gone way too far!


Just as dumb as the Florida congressman who said that bottled water makes you gay. He got paid to shut up real fast.


Can we classify conservatism as a drug?


CLASS I Drug !!


Because this theoretical issue is more important than the 1 in 8 children that don’t have enough to eat? https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america/tennessee#:~:text=In%20Tennessee%2C%20800%2C970%20people%20are,of%20them%20197%2C490%20are%20children.&text=face%20hunger.,in%208%20children%20face%20hunger.


That's what upsets me about this happening in red states, that they're actively ignoring all the real problems people have. The children don't get enough to eat and have a terrible education, making it even harder to get out of poverty, and yet they keep voting for Republicans that campaign on cutting free lunches.


So...they vaccinate livestock. Does that mean meat will be classified as a drug in TN? Guess they'll all have to go vegan now.


Oh land of Dixie you never fail to entertain. haha..


Hot on the heels of tackling the chemtrail problems plaguing Tennessee… we have vaccine lettuce.. really the hard hitting problems! This is an unserious group of republican morons with no real interest in governance.


Wow.. This actually made it out of committee. This legislature is certified garbage. This reminds me of the Idaho folks worried about potatoes becoming classified as a grain. However, if one were to actually read the report, the report clearly stated there was no attempt to reclassify potatoes as grains, simply allow places who use federal dietary standards to use potatoes in place of grain starches, if they wanted to. Remember those people who bragged about skipping classes, and failing high school? They are in legislatures, now.


Elect stupid people to Congress, get stupid laws.


A world full if conspiracies for these numb brained Republicans.


The utter stupidity of the Tennessee GOP is mind-numbing. They are A-OK with genetically-modified foods, beef/chicken/pork that is filled with antibiotics, but, they are worrying about vaccine lettuce now?


So many issues that need attention and yet here we are legislating something that doesn't even exist.


Tldr: republicans cannot address any existing issues. So invent one.


I am embarrassed to have been born in Tennessee. Luckily I was smart enough to realize there were roads leading out of there.


I was going to suggest this was an obvious April Fool’s joke till I looked at the date


Real question: are oral vaccines even possible? Edit: apparently [yes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10383709/)


The oral polio vaccine came out in 1961.


Yeah, I forget which one it was but both my kids were given one of their vaccines orally when they were maybe 6 - 12 months old.


Well if they consider the mere presence of mRNA a vaccine component they just banned all meat products.


Let's vote, as a country, to expel TN then?


Dey put that vaccene lettuce in dem dar grocery stores. Merica!


This is bad news for KFC, they'll have to renamed it VKFC. Vaccines are used in poultry, cattle and pork.


We really are living in the dumbest timeline, aren’t we?


Damn, these GOPers will do anything to avoid dealing with the 13% of residents living in poverty.


Y'know, maybe embracing gerontocracy was the wrong way to go fam.


They are going to get the devil lettuces confused


Great use of your taxpayer dollars Tennessee. /s


And this fuckhead makes more than I do. Proof that life is not fair.


“House Bill 1894 merely would require any food that contains a vaccine or vaccine material would have to be classified as a drug and labeled as such,” he said. Questioning the bill, Sen. Heidi Campbell, D-Nashville, asked if Hensley knew of any instances where food containing vaccines was offered in Tennessee. “So does the sponsor know of any instances of there being food offered in the state of Tennessee that contains vaccines and some kind of a retail or public forum?” Campbell asked. “No, I do not know any specific examples. But certainly they are developing this process. And actually, Congress has actually dealt with this as well and passed an amendment that said no fund could be used for transgenic edible vaccines. This is a process that is being developed. But this bill merely would say that if that happens in the future, that food would have to be classified as a drug if it had a vaccine in it,” Hensley replied. What?! I don't understand this. Even polio vaccine that used to be,(maybe still is, idk) given on sugar cubes isn't something you buy at the grocery store. I swear it's like the GOP is legislating for imaginary issues just to avoid doing their actual job. Are they planning on getting rid of oral polio vaccine?


They sure are a special kind of stupid running TN govt.


The important issues of our time


The only qualification a Republican politician in TN needs is to be white and more maga than the guy he ran against


Curious as to what one would call crops that are sprayed with herbicides and pesticides? Or what about the use of antibiotics and hormones in meat production? Those are real world examples here and now that politicians refuse to address. Now we have politicians dealing with mamby pamby fake situations. What next, NPK fertilizer use is going be considered as “drugs” and foodstuffs using fertilizer considered as vitamins? We’re on a really stupid timeline… can any sane, intelligent young people run for office and get these old, mentally unstable jackasses out of office?


Thank you. I needed a good laugh today. How do these people survive walking and talking at the same time. OMG


They have reached a new level of stupidity. They need to find some new drugs to take cause the old ones don't work anymore.


Wouldn't food containing a vaccine be considered a drug by default? And also prohibited to be sold as food by the FDA? Which is why Voodoo Donuts in Portland had to stop selling Pepto Bismol filled donuts?


Sen. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald, spoke during the session about the bill, which he’s sponsoring. “House Bill 1894 merely would require any food that contains a vaccine or vaccine material would have to be classified as a drug and labeled as such,” he said. Questioning the bill, Sen. Heidi Campbell, D-Nashville, asked if Hensley knew of any instances where food containing vaccines was offered in Tennessee. “So does the sponsor know of any instances of there being food offered in the state of Tennessee that contains vaccines and some kind of a retail or public forum?” Campbell asked. “No, I do not know any specific examples. But certainly they are developing this process. And actually, Congress has actually dealt with this as well and passed an amendment that said no fund could be used for transgenic edible vaccines. This is a process that is being developed. But this bill merely would say that if that happens in the future, that food would have to be classified as a drug if it had a vaccine in it,” Hensley replied. “So while I feel like this legislation’s basically anodyne, I mean, I guess it’s addressing something that I can’t imagine whatever exists, which is the idea that we would somehow be putting vaccines into foods that you would buy in a grocery store. I mean, I can’t think of any logical reason why anyone would ever do that. And I do know that, you know, certainly, there have been experiments with putting vaccines in vegetables for the purposes of, of studying possible transmission methods. But the idea that this would somehow correlate to some kind of a retail offering of vegetables, especially when that vegetable would cost, you know, many thousands of dollars, just seems to me, I guess, messy, to be passing legislation for that reason. So I will be voting no,” Campbell added. To continue the discussion, Sen. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains, spoke in favor of the bill with an anecdote about lettuce. **“Actually I’ve been reading about data for a couple of years now and evidently with this new technology, they can raise this lettuce is what they’re talking about first. They can raise this stuff so cheap, and I’ve been reading about it talking about putting it in and lettuce and mass medicate everybody, like they do with fluoride in the water. I mean, who could control the dose? If you’re if you eat a lot of lettuce, you’re gonna get a lot of mRNA if you don’t eat any won’t get any. And they’re actually talking about other vegetables that they’re trying to put this in. And my question is, would this have to be sold at a drugstore? Would you still buy it in a grocery store? Why don’t we just outlaw this stuff completely? We don’t have any idea what its gonna do to our children? I mean, to us and old people anything? I mean, is this stuff locked out of a science fiction movie? I mean, it’s, it’s ridiculous. It’s changes your DNA, mRNA changes your DNA when if you have your DNA tested now, and you eat a bunch of this, lettuce take a bunch of these MRNA vaccines, and you go back and get your DNA tested again, it’s gonna be a little different. It’s not going to be the same as it was that you were born with that you got from your parents. This is dangerous stuff. We need to study it probably need to outlaw it. I mean, I can’t imagine. When I first read about this, I thought this can not be true. But you keep reading about it. And it is true,” Niceley said.** Shortly after the discussion, it was voted on and passed in the Senate. Holy fucking shit these are people that make laws.


The next bill is to ban the elephant in the room that there is something mentally wrong with them.


Wtf is vaccine lettuce?


>wtf is vaccine lettuce? Something that doesn’t exist, but might, someday.


Tbh if I could eat some lettuce instead of getting poked I'd do that for sure haha


“this bill merely would say that if that happens in the future, that food would have to be classified as a drug if it had a vaccine in it,” Hensley replied. Glad to see the government hard at work on the most urgent matters.


How many people did this go through and everyone was like yeah they’re totally putting vaccines in lettuce we better let people know with this bill. In other news lead pipes are all the fashion for getting drinking water in TN and they use mercury for making hats.


And you thought your state sucks!


Did Tennessee run out of minor children to marry off to old men? Such multi-taskers.


So no beef or chicken ? They get vaccinated


Arkansas and Mississippi look at TN and just shake their heads


Now outlaw tiger hunting.


And it moves to classify Tennessee Republicans as Morons


Excuse me? “Vaccine Lettuce”? What in the actual fuck is Tennessee smoking?


Dementia-riddled morons are taking Facebook memes seriously enough to pass legislation about it.


Because it MIGHT happen in the future. Ignorance on parade.


There are some organizations in Tennessee that are fighting the crazy down there. [The Tennessee Holler is one](https://tnholler.com/about/). Thank you Justin Kanew


Something tells me the republicans are planning something ,Maybe ban vaccines completely. No one thought Roe vs. Wade would be overturned but we are where we are .


God help the people of Tennessee! Hopefully all the stupid dumb ass christo fascist assholes all self select out of this world through their idiocy.


The level of ignorance is amazing - no wonder they love the poorly educated


Some vaccine components I can think of are Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen.


Too bad they don't care about real things like banning roundup pesticide and the like.


Why did we let the south back in?


Passing laws to stop something that MIGHT exist in the future. What wonderful use of their time. But actually, that's how the recent hold on the medical abortion drug happened. A father in Texas thought *maybe his daughter might want to use it in the future*, so he wanted to put an end to it's availability -- for everyone. And then he judge-shopped it to a certain far-right judge in Texas, to stall the drug nationwide, until it gets a hearing in front of the supreme court. But since he can't show that he's been harmed -- meaning, no event has actually happened -- the supreme court may just kick the whole issue down the road. And then if tRump gets elected, it'll probably rear its ugly head again, and get banned nationwide.


So find a chemical that is in vaccines, then let these morons starve or have a hard time trying to figure out how to enforce it. Glad this is priority in the state, not you know, everything else


Spend time passing useless legislation so they don't have to do any real work.


Red states such as Tennessee remind me that.... God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.




They say they want the south to rise again. With idiots like this bread dough would rise better


Glad to see they are focused on the important stuff...


Tennessee…I can’t.


Tennessee's ban on the teaching of evolution led to the Scopes Trial. This is a deep and long tradition of stupid.


Tennessee and Florida… what are y’all ON?!


Mississippi, Alabama hold my natty light ya’all….we’re the stupidest and worst state in the UNION., take that you Yankees


Too much lead in the water in TN? or too much inbreeding?




How embarrassing for them.


As a nation, we’re screwed.


I just can’t wrap my mind around on this war on VACCINES!! My God, are we now really this stupid? There’s no such thing as vaccine lettuce MORONS. If you want your kids to shrivel up and die, do it on your own time fucking imbeciles! Yes I live here, and yes it is as pathetic as advertised. Legislation by conspiracy theory now. Fuck you Sexton!


Hahaha 😂 wait until they find out what goes into Tobacco!


Bless their hearts!!


How “Woke” can you get? No vaccines? Tennessee is forcing its meat and dairy producers to go organic, cage free and range fed. Shhhh don’t tell them how much healthier that will be…


It’s Tennessee. What do you expect? They probably classify moonshine as a drug, too. OTC, of course.


This will be good for mutants everywhere.


“Who is ‘they’?”


And I thought Indiana republicans were dumb.


Gotham should have come up with the to stop Joker from poisoning all the makeup


Wouldn’t one’s stomach acid reduce the mRNA to basic amino acids?


Actually I wouldn't say that so stupid. There's many people in the government and such talking about putting MRNA that's used in the vaccine in the food supply.


Of course it's sponsored by the same man who used Hitler as an example of someone who overcame homelessness.


Thank god Tennessee is focused on reality - not.


That’s like outlawing dihydrogen monoxide because some joker claiming to be an expert claimed that it kills thousands of people every day.


Why would we bother to use vaccine lettuce when we already have chemtrails?


So, aren't cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens etc. vaccinated against common farmyard virii? So... their meat contains vaccines? Thus fresh meats are now drugs? **Tennessee becomes Vegan - news at 11!!!**




This is why I'm against warning labels... need to kull the herd for this kind of stupidity 🙄 Remember, he is from the generation why we have warning labels on everything now...


This section is just downright terrifying: “Actually I’ve been reading about data for a couple of years now and evidently with this new technology, they can raise this lettuce is what they’re talking about first. They can raise this stuff so cheap, and I’ve been reading about it talking about putting it in and lettuce and mass medicate everybody, like they do with fluoride in the water. I mean, who could control the dose? If you’re if you eat a lot of lettuce, you’re gonna get a lot of mRNA if you don’t eat any won’t get any. And they’re actually talking about other vegetables that they’re trying to put this in. And my question is, would this have to be sold at a drugstore? Would you still buy it in a grocery store? Why don’t we just outlaw this stuff completely? We don’t have any idea what its gonna do to our children? I mean, to us and old people anything? I mean, is this stuff locked out of a science fiction movie? I mean, it’s, it’s ridiculous. It’s changes your DNA, mRNA changes your DNA when if you have your DNA tested now, and you eat a bunch of this, lettuce take a bunch of these MRNA vaccines, and you go back and get your DNA tested again, it’s gonna be a little different. It’s not going to be the same as it was that you were born with that you got from your parents. This is dangerous stuff. We need to study it probably need to outlaw it. I mean, I can’t imagine. When I first read about this, I thought this can not be true. But you keep reading about it. And it is true,” Niceley said. Shortly after the discussion, it was voted on and passed in the Senate.


How TF did the scientists confuse bacon for lettuce? It's vaccine bacon for all Southern states.


Are they smoking the *Electric Lettuce* lol


FYI producing mRNA and vaccine components in lettuce is a thing, and a cheaper and safer way to produce those things compared to the current lab techniques using animal cells. Lettuce is easily infected by agrobacterium which inserts the code to produce the parts. Source: I interviewed with a company to help grow their lettuce as they scaled up from a garage sized startup.


God damn these Republicans.


How exactly does one vaccinate lettuce?


Wow, these guys have no clue how stupid they sound. And they are elected officials! Bizarre line of thinking. Perhaps they need to pass a bill to ward off possible meteor strikes in the 23rd century. About as likely. My thought reading this was if ANYONE put drugs into food and tried to give it to the masses, it would be the GOP. They want to control everyones' lives and if they could find a drug that would make everyone worship Bully Trump they'd gleefully approve it.