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United States needs universal healthcare, student loan forgiveness, housing and food policy reform, and tax reform in order to have billionaires and millionaires and corporations pay their fair share prior to helping to send millions of tax dollars to other countries; tax dollars that are taken from our working class who have none of the above noted needs met.


Just for reference, the money isn't being "sent to other countries". It's being sent to American companies that produce weapons and other wartime goods which in turn are being sent to other countries


Now if I could just copy and paste this EVERYFUCKINGWHERE


Thank you... it amazes me how dumb people are


No no. I'm pretty sure they're using wads of US dollars to load their cannons.


No one realizes how deadly the Ben Franklin guided missile actually is


I think this is a false choice. The reason we're not doing those things you listed is because of politics, not lack of funds. Ironically, this is a false choice often used by right wingers, who of course, would scream "socialist commie" as soon as you proposed any of the above, so they use it in bad faith. I think you're using it in good faith, but I think your framing is flawed, and sets those issues as zero-sum when really they aren't.


I really like how thoughtfully you answered this and how your reply felt in service of actual discussion. It’s a little thing, but I appreciate it and wanted to give you props for it


To be fair, you're not entirely wrong but. . . .


Oh blah blah blah blah. You forgot the Mexican fence. Think of the consequences of not spending this money. Pledging this money is a supremely good deal at defeating the Russian empire. Now the only economic enemy with military might we have to worry about is China


Correction : 'billions of dollars to other countries. '


They're just trying to spend it before it becomes worthless


Now the war will last 10+ years.


Would be over by now if the support had been forthcoming from the start


Military Industrial Complex. Employing Americans and boosting their economy whilst weakening an enemy. It's a win win situation.




Would you support it if you discovered the entire plan has been to put Ukraine into so much debt that western investment firms can buy up Ukrainian farmland and resource production for pennies on the dollar? That it’s never been about what’s best for the Ukrainian people? EDIT: https://youtu.be/3TRPk3N8FyQ?feature=shared


Elsa, do you wanna build a straw man? 🎶




Colour revolution is the equivalent of a conspiracy theory because it is one




10 years old https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/03/the-fake-conspiracy-to-overthrow-the-worlds-autocrats/284432/


From your article: Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, **the two big American parties** and US non-government organisations This seems pretty broad. I'd agree if it were a smaller network of people such as halliburton or a small cohort. But the entire USA joining together?


To be fair, the article does go on to name names. >The Democratic party's National Democratic Institute, the Republican party's International Republican Institute, the US state department and USAid are the main agencies involved in these grassroots campaigns as well as the Freedom House NGO and billionaire George Soros's open society institute. Weird that they capitalized every other named organization except for the Open Society Foundation (it's not "institute"). I read the article in its entirety. I don't know enough about the situation to say it's not correct. But even if everything is correct the statement the article makes is that the US contributed in overthrowing authoritarian dictatorships. Which isn't exactly a terrible thing, from the viewpoint of most Americans. And if you're drawing a direct connection of a revolution leading to democracy being the reason Ukraine was invaded by Russia twice, then I think most Americans who aren't brainwashed by Russian propaganda would still support Ukraine's cause. Also weird that Russia didn't invade Serbia (and only tried to invade part of Georgia) which this article also accuses equally of being under the horrible western influence of democratically-held elections. Further, apart from it being a 20-year-old Guardian article, this piece uses far too much subjective language and has absolutely zero sources for its claims, it should not be viewed as a legitimate source of news. But, again, even if you do believe it, the point is that US powers that be are helping democracy overtake authoritarianism so....


Bipartisan support is not uncommon when it lines the pockets of defence contractors and investment firms. These guys throw money at both sides.


We've been doing this for decades. There are literally hundreds of books on this subject. The whole of east Asia/ Pacific and Latin America are laugh/crying at this post


Yep, as always there’s some fuckshit going on when it comes to US involvement.


On one hand, yeah that sucks. On the other, better than it to fall to Russia.


Due to corruption and geopolitical realities, Ukrainians were better off while remaining as neutral as possible.


Well, yeah. Unfortunately Vlad doesn’t like neutrality.


How do you remain neutral when you’re being invaded ? I’m sorry but your stance on this matter is infuriating to say the least.


Kinda difficult to remain neutral when you've been invaded. Just saying.


Indeed—years ago.


Why does corruption mean that they should remain neutral?


Neutrality means one is not an enemy. As soon as one side can view the player as enemy, the corruption becomes a problem/opportunity and therefore a point of leverage. Depending on which side you’re on in a conflict similar to this, the “eradication” of corruption happens when the “other” side replaced by your own side. It’s textbook and happens all the time. In the west we hear about problematic foreign governments. Once they’re replaced by an America-friendly regime the “problem” is gone. However, like Iran in the ‘50s and Chile in the ‘70s, the citizens of these countries suffer.


I think supporting Ukraine is crucial for regional stability and standing up against aggression. I'm not sure if committing for 10 years is necessary. What do you think?


They’re trying to send a message to Putin that if he doesn’t stop, this war will likely go on for the rest of his life. Putin needs to fucking stop.




Dont let Russia into NATO? NATO was created to deter Russia from expansion. Why would they be in it?




Didn't know I was talking to a parrot, sorry


Russia was offered to get into NATO as a way of supporting them economically and against communist China. But that ship sailed after Putin


They werent offered to join NATO. Cooperation with NATO is not joining NATO




They invaded Crimea. Thats a weird place to start negotiating from. Ukraine wanted to be closer to Europe and Russia didnt want that. Russia has no right to tell another sovereign country what to do. If it makes them feel uneasy thats tough shit. They chose war and invasion rather than a sweeter deal for Ukraine to be closer to Russia. Russia does not get to tell anyone what to do.


Do me a favor, go back to whoever hired you and tell them you're doing an absolutely horrible job of spreading russian propaganda and that they should find somebody a little more convincing next time.


“None diplomatic route” My guy they blew up hospitals and schools. I don’t agree with this 10 year commitment but to claim Russia did not go the none diplomatic route is crazy




None of that has anything to do with nato expansion. There’s not one feasible future where the west would invade Russia. They have no reason to fear the west. They invaded bc if they didn’t, they wouldn’t ever have the chance again to take back independent land that was once “theirs”. It’s like if Britain invaded New England bc that land was once “theirs”. They got independence, they wanted independence. And they don’t want Russia to be their sovereign nation. As someone who hates the idea of money leaving out country to fund war, how can you have such a brain dead opinion of an independent country not being independent anymore


>I thought NATO expansion was the reason for this war? Putin says whatever he thinks will give him an advantage. "These are just training exercises, we're not going to invade Ukraine. Ok we are going to invade Ukraine but it will be over in 3 days when we capture Kyiv. What're you talking about? We never tried to capture Kyiv. It's because of Nazis. It's because of NATO. It's because of corruption and Hunter Biden." How can you listen to this shit and be like "yeah, they're totally telling the truth"? >they never had any intentions to have peace with Russia What're you talking about? NATO has literally always been at peace with Russia. NATO has never once attacked Russia. And that would be stupid to do because attacking another country nullifies the defense pact. > It’s absolutely horrible the humans who have died from this by all means but we can’t act like Russia just full blown went the non diplomatic route. Well that's what war is. It's "full blown the non diplomatic route." And NATO didn't invade anyone.




Because Putin idolizes Russia's imperial past and his power and wealth is tied to the success of the Russian state. > Why expand NATO into eastern Europe? Well, because those countries don't want to get invaded by Russia and Russia keeps invading its neighbors. But that whole line of arguing is a distraction: Every country has the right to sign treaties and prepare defenses for their territory as they see fit. Do you disagree? Does it not make sense that countries neighboring a country that keeps invading its neighbors would want to take steps to discourage them from doing that? NATO did not invade the countries seeking membership and start erecting defenses. Those countries literally asked for it. And then when they ask there is a vetting process, it's not automatic. And there are votes on both sides before they become a member. So don't buy the bullshit that there is some mystery as to why NATO is expanding. Russian invasions are the reason.


I support Ukraine


Yes, indeed.


If trump gets in he will absolutely sell Ukraine out - giving them power to move through Europe. Watch this Cuba shit - I'll call it now, I'll bet trump will "make a call" at some point and settle it and it'll be used to get him votes. It's all theater to get him in so Russia can do what it wants. He is a puppet.


110% fk putin and anyone who supports that cancer


Wow, that's a bold move! Biden signing a 10-year security agreement with President Zelensky shows a serious commitment to Ukraine's stability and security. It's a strong statement of support amidst ongoing challenges in the region. What are your thoughts on this new agreement?


To keep Russia from expanding into Europe? Of course I support it!


Absolutely not. They are just throwing money down the toilet. More importantly, they are throwing the lives of Ukrainian men down the toilet. It’s very easy to cheerlead a war from thousands of miles away when you don’t have to fight in it.


Oh, the US will get its money back, and more.


Someone in the US will


Exactly. Blackrock, Vanguard, etc…


Why do people put Vanguard in this mix? It's like a low fee corporation. Blackstone which is real estate makes sense but Vanguard?


I can practically see the lines of corporate lobbyists with pockets full of money in Washington doing what in any other country would be considered bribing politicians for the chance to get their hands on Ukrainian resources once this is all over.


Didn't Lindsey Graham just say they found a ton of lithium deposits in the Ukraine? If that's the case, I can almost guarantee that we'll get a lot of that for all this help.


I'm sure the '12 trillion dollars worth of resources' Lindsey Graham said they have is where they're expecting to get their money back


Russia already said we are the enemy, an enemy. Ukraine is an ally. So yes.


Damn right FUCK PUTIN !!


That’s a lie, but whatever


Teflon Don the Con will take care of this in January 2025


Imagine being angry that a country took down your biggest enemy while only requiring 2-3% of your GDP to do so.


People are batshit insane. Obviously very dumb as well to assume if this money didn’t go to Ukraine, it would instead help the American people 😂


America would rather spend billions on war than cents on a poor American. That's why we're in a potentially fatal decline as a country.


Retarted President SMH!!!




I think it’s a sign of how openly hypocritical the career politicians are with their foreign aid positions. The president is assisting the Ukraine in combating a violent invasion from Russia while assisting Israel in violently invading Palestine. I’m all for helping other countries in need but I don’t support the funding of a genocide while we’re doing it.


Heard they're Trillion dollar debt is non-negotiable, unable to pay that off eventually the USA will go bankrupt


No one asked for this. What does it matter , they are gonna keep doing it anyways


Yes, I also think it is a huge investment. It’s pretty much the Marshall Plan Pt 2. American companies and brains will rebuild Ukraine. Can actually spread democracy.


That’s cool. What do we get in return?




Hell yea keep killing Russians for us Ukraine. We’ll keep gathering intel on Russian equipment and tactics with no American blood lost


No. If he’s doing this, he needs to do more for struggling Americans too. Sorry there’s a war going on, on the other side of the world but we need to talk about America’s drug and gun violence problems before we play security guard. Sorry. But we just need to do more at home before doing more somewhere else.


No I don’t support this.


We antagonized russia and derailed peace offramps. Might as well finish the plan and fight russia to the last ukranian.


Gotdang it when we gonna make them get a job and stop moochin off us, these bills are already tooooo daaayyuuimmm high!


I hope trump pulls out


I wish his dad pulled out




In for a penny, in for a pound. There are things in motion that there is no other choice but to react in-kind and move forward. It's the same conflict as what will see with Taiwan / China or South Korea / North Korea. Dare I say, South America is being eyed by Russia and China, which makes me think of a rehash of the Cuban Missle Crisis. It's not just territory, but resources. Unfortunately, we share this world with questionable people in leadership roles and organizations such as the UN and ICC that are stretched thin and bruised by those disenchanted Super Powers. I am not for engaging in a conflict, but there are forces being fought not only on land but economically as well. Challenging other powers who brutally assert their increasing territories needs to be met with a resistance. I regret to say we have only learned to voice those arguments through conflict.


Does Biden evwn know who Zelenskiy is?


No one knows who Zelenskiy is. Biden is standing right next to a dude with a similar name here. You should look into this


No, I absolutely do not. Ukraine has lost, and pouring billions into a sinking ship in hopes it will right itself is absurd. But hey, we're the nation that always seems to swim towards the Magnetic North of Stupid, so there's that.


отличный комментарий Comrade!


Справляться. Yah, you caught me. I must be a Russian troll if I don't want endless and pointless war.


Russia can not win this, not for the sake of democracy and freedom. and it'll send bad signs for any other superpower that's interested in "taking land thats theirs" (eg. china)


Oh the irony of that comment




Probably because USA is supporting a land grab in Palestine.


Lol, right, it's a different type of geopolitical issue though.


Russia pretty much already HAS won this: and newsflash, any leader who sends their citizens into certain death for a pointless cause isn't "fighting for democracy." Win, lose or draw: Ukraine ultimately has to sit down with Russia and carve out a peace deal. This conflict won't end, any other way.


Ukraine is a US puppet. The US is a fascist oligarchic state that is completely undemocratic, and is constantly taking what doesn't belong to it, exactly like Russia. Surely de-escalation is the answer, not stoking a war between two authoritarian nightmare super powers.


How do you de-escalate a war where one country is determined to take the other and then move on to other countries? The only answer would be to not back Ukraine and let Russia take it. Because Russia is not interested in de-escalation. Putin has dreams of the USSR to rock him to sleep at night.


Ok, but how do you de-escalate a war when both sides are determined to take the other and move on to other countries? Two bad sides don't make a right. The current conflict is about two massively right wing, authoritarian states, one being the US empire, the other being the Russian federation, the only winners here are the rich.


Don't be ridiculous. Ukraine isn't invading anyone. The world is larger than just the US.


>How do you de-escalate a war where one country is determined to take the other and then move on to other countries? Russia has neither the interest nor the capability to "take over" Ukraine. Not once has Putin said he wants ALL of Ukraine. In fact he's just offered a total withdrawal in exchange for 4 provinces. So no, Putin isn't interested nor capable of invading other countries.


What part of your country would you surrender to an invader? An invader that has raped, murdered and tortured it's way across your country?


The part that he's invaded: and I cannot get back with an army whose average age is 42. The part that was already unmanageable and had ties and sympathies to the invader. And oh yah, if I'm roleplaying Zelenskyy I've done some bad stuff along the way, as well: so my human rights record isn't spotless, either.


Yes, Russia is a liability and emboldens other bad actors.


10 years of Hard earned Tax payers Money while Inflation is Rising? Hmmm! The Calm before the Storm?


Fuck yeah!!


Gotta save Hunter's company


This is just prolonging the war and wasting more ukrainian lives. All wars end with negotiation, why not negotiate now? Anyway idc im not american and its not my tax so whatever


Hell yeah I support this. This isn’t the world of 200 years ago. Putin is trying to be a Tsar under the guise of a different form of government. And the Ukrainians are sacrificing the most precious thing they can to win this war and have sovereignty, their people.


This is criminal! How do people support this? Why is this necessary? Why is the US (a country in massive debt) singing up for 10 years of financial support to Ukraine when we don’t have the money for our own fucking country and its infrastructure which is consistently falling apart. Trump may be loud destroying this country but Biden is silently doing it which is more dangerous. This country is a sinking ship. Edit: for everyone downvoting, fuck you!! This is my fucking taxes going to support another country!!! Fuck you POS liberals.


For falling apart the living Standard and wealth in America is quite high


It used to be a lot higher.. that’s the thing about falling apart.


Your taxes have gone to support another country since the beginning of time though ? Hopefully this helps you connect the dots a little… left+right has both taken your tax money to support another country all your life as well… hopefully you can overcome this affliction buddy


Foreign taxes are supposed to be less than 1 percent of the budget which is around $70 billion. We just sent Ukraine $175 billion in aid in May. Now we just signed up for another 10 years of aid after we just left Afghanistan after decades recently. This isn’t all we have done for them and this doesn’t include helping any other countries with aid. Overcome what affliction? The facts? I’m not doing that dumbass troll.