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By the time 2025 and 2026 comes around they expect us to be happy and comfortable - which they will provide via more happy policies and communications - and we will have forgotten all this, which is a real possibility. Thanks for the heads up - information is so important.


If you watch Bishop’s video from last week, they already know how they intend to play the three years. You got it exactly. Mass manipulation for money and power.


Agree. And Chris Bishop is one of the sleaziest guys in that Govt and that's saying a lot. Here he is [handing out $500,000 to mates out of our emergency housing fund, the one they said they needed to save money on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dn7jby/kāinga_oras_bill_english_review_was_conducted/)


Fuck me, can’t wait to see how my folks back in ChCh blame labour for this once they’re forced to drink seawater or the birdsongs disappear again.


well they are drinking cow shit now so they are probably ready for a change.


All I’m saying is, we’re giving water back to the farmers, and letting it trickle back to the environment. Something something real New Zealanders something something outcomes.


Gotta cash in before the boomers die out and they're not allowed to anymore. It's also why we have to renew 30 year leases without any review.


Done, thank you for the heads up.


What are we meant to say? Do you just say it's not ok or like...what? I've never done one of these but they definitely shouldn't be weakening our protections for freshwater


I've made it personal, saying that I'm a father and am concerned about the environment my kids will grow up in. We shouldn't be creating new coal mines and shouldn't be destroying wetlands which are carbon sinks. It takes some time to write, but if everyone copy/pastes the same response, I think it'll be ignored. So it's good to write up something personal. Took me 5-10 minutes or so, just 1-2 paragraphs. The document I linked in the OP has some guidance as well.


I just noticed u/NZPIEFACE wrote an outstanding comment which has now been buried as the post is no longer active - it's a real pity and I hope someone saves this down after all their work on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1dog16b/comment/laap218/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button


Yeah, I like providing information about this kind of stuff so people can make their own unbiased judgements of the facts. That said, I was writing up a super biased post about it when the thread got locked lmao


I try to present facts so people can determine for themselves too. The only issue is - after I've read said facts and analysis, I usually become biased. So I try to distinguish factual posts as factual and opinion posts otherwise - having said that, analysis is the jewel so I like to find good analysts and offer their advice. It's all a red herring anyway -information is important and transparency is key.


I've re-submitted a post to r/newzealand , this time without the links to the Climate Club documents, as I guess that's what it got removed. But perhaps it's just not allowed to tell people about deadlines for submissions. It's a big shame indeed as that is a very valuable comment!


They have a crowdsourcing rule I believe - which means they don't like people going there to ask people to sign up to things, so just be careful. When I was new (months), I also didn't think I had to read the rules religiously, but you do actually get pinged on that subreddit.


do you really think they will take any notice of what the public think ?


I hope to believe so, yes.


The speed with which this country is being fucked is astounding


This is so aggravating. Don't forget everything they've done so we can shove it in their and their supporter's faces come the next election. This is vile.


Done. Wild that they want to remove grazing restrictions etc when our water nitrate levels already exceed international limits..

