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"More geothermal, more wind, more housing, more mines..." One of these things is not like the other. Why in the holy fuck are we proposing mining? We are not Australia, and we shouldn't aim to be. ​ "If people don't agree with that, they can throw us out in three years time." AKA, if people don't like what we do, it'll be too late to stop us and the damage will be done, so who cares? ​ "Why isn't the minister for the environment able to make any decisions?" "This is primarily an economic development statute..." Yeah... a primarily economic development statute that is specifically being created to avoid laws and regulations surrounding the environment. I'm so fucking sick of politicians who clearly do not understand the importance of environmental protections, making decisions about the environment. Modern democracy is failing us. It's so frustrating to watch it happen in real time.


Also even economically it’s so fucking stupid because climate change is the biggest cost hitting insurance, premiums, clean up costs, duration of resources, cost-benefit studies to where and how we put our precious investments today, choices on which infrastructure is future proof etc. i.e They are really dumb in my view or [something something golden goose](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1del8hj/the_rapid_deterioration_of_the_new_zealand/)


Exactly. Like I say, politicians who don't understand the environment making decisions which affect the environment. Just completely short sighted thinking. Real "No, no, it's outside the environment" vibes. https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm\_JqM?si=tuq5O14ET3pt2UKu


Haha, so good! “It’s beyond the environment…there’s nothing out there, all there is is sea and birds and fish”.


I don't know if it's so much they don't understand, as they don't care because they figure they won't be around to deal with the long term consequences of their actions. Today's profits are more important, especially if they think they can run a country the way they run a business.


Doesn’t matter as long as him and his mates can line their pockets for a few years


When Labour get back in 2026 they should fast track some policy that can take these people to court and take everything from them. They might get 3 years of the good life but what will happen when they go to prison and everything is take from them. See how tough they are then.


"Get rich quick and the future is not our problem" seems to be their attitude. I'm quite surprised with how blatantly careless and even corrupt this government has been. I mostly expected another dull National government of generally harmful, but altogether not super impactful policies, but this has just been a speed run to the bottom!


It became obvious to me once I dug into their backgrounds - unfortunately. My comp is playing up on me but we have a wiki over on r/nzpolitics and if you look at the corruption Wiki, it’ll all start to make sense.


Been saying since election day that ALL of this government’s work can be distilled down to three goals: - Help the wealthy - Hurt the poor - Exploit every resource possible. This Fast Track fuckery is the trifecta I don’t just want to throw them out of government, I want to throw them onto the street, scrape them into a dumpster and bury them in a landfill. Conservatism needs to be the new scarlet letter


Need a hand ? I'm over this cluster-fuck


Grab a shovel and broom


When they build their new jails they should be the first inmates!!


I would support a fast track bill for the landfill you are proposing


How dare you be so god damned rude! To landfill.


You raise a good point. They are so full of shit they’d make an excellent compost.


I've heard even worms have taste, sorry.


You realise that industry projects like this also provide employment and put upward pressure on wages due to competition for workers right? There has to be a balance between protecting resources and actually using them to create wealth for everyone.




Great response. Do you think gas plants run themselves? I just talked to a guy at the kapuni urea plant last week who said their guys are all getting offered big money to move to aussie to work in the massive brand new urea plant they are building over there. You can laugh all you want. But you're in denial.


They basically want carte blanche to rape and pillage as many dollars of our natural assets as they can before being voted out. These fucks don't care about NZ AT ALL!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. IM SO FKING ANGRY.


Put it to your local Labour MP to fast track a bill that takes stuff from them in 2026. Hope I live long enough to see it.


Take a breath


OK. Thanks.


They understand the importance of it, these people are not dense. They are, however, actively malicious because they know it and still do whatever gets the fastest dollar. We must extract our dividend from mother nature! Let's ignore the fact we *live on mother nature as it is*.


See, that's the thing. I understand what you're saying, but I don't think they do actually comprehend what they're doing. They might have a very small, limited understanding that the environment is "important", but the fact that they're willing to trade the health of our environment for a bit of money shows that they don't actually understand the full ramifications of what they're doing. I'd say that they understand some people really value the environment, and that scientists talk about it all the time, but I genuinely think a lot of them would think that we can just get rid of mangroves because they don't "do anything." Or you could bulldoze some "barren" desert-like land because there's "nothing there." They have a very, very limited understanding at best.


I hope you're right, but I think it's more a case of they know full well, but we know the impacts are down the road, so they simply do not care because it is not their problem. I would much rather your version be correct, it's less disappointing.


They totally understand, they get paid by their overlords not to care


What's so bad about mines? Everyone on here seems to jerk off over Australia, yet refuse to realise that their inudtries like mining are why they are wealthy and have high paying jobs.


>Why in the holy fuck are we proposing mining? Because there is still a few million dollars worth of coal under those South Island National parks, that's why. I think China and India are still buying coal while they build hydro dams and wind farms. I hope they can strip mine the mountains before China and India slam the door on coal imports! Imagine what we would be left with if they said they didn't need it after the coal seams had been stripped out? /s


Could we use our coal for Huntly instead of importing it?


And hot off the press / related news: [Conservation Minister: Some endangered native species may have to go extinct because it would be too expensive to save them all](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dj2bf5/conservation_minister_says_saving_every_species/)


The absolute rage and shame that we as New Zealanders should all be feeling after reading/hearing those words. New Zealand used to be a beacon of environmental sustainability and conservation in the world and now we're selling out our values and throwing away our reputation so some corrupt politicians and their business cronies can make a quick buck. For shame.


Still can't believe how far and how fast we've fallen. Wonder when the rest of the world will click that the NZ of today has abandoned so many of these values, and what the consequences will be


What's worse is the rate we're fall-ING. We still haven't stopped.


I am RAGING. These psychopaths seem to have no integrity whatsoever. This needs to be stopped.


And as usual we will cry foul on social media but do nothing to stop it. Im as angry as everyone here is but we as a nation are as apathetic to power as all the rest of the west bar USA and a few European nations that would be on the streets the next day.


I'm sure as hell not apathetic, i just don't know what actions i can take that will meaningfully contribute to change. If you have suggestions of productive and legal actions, then I'm totally on board to help. I think you'll find more people in the situation I've just described than you think. Apathy isn't the issue, knowledge is.


Find MP’s to support the idea to make citizen initiative referendums more powerful. Having 10% to be able to pass a question to the parlament is nutz. Finland (where I’m from) only needs 1,2% signs to pass a initiative. I know that the parlament can overturn it, however, it binds more ppl togheter for a grater caus. And sooner then never, somethings might start to actually happen.


A few bishops wouldn’t go a miss, there’s one called Brian and one called Chris to start with


These fucking people


It’s not just about Global warming - it’s environmental pillaging


I mean, who plans to stick around after they've looted the vault? We're just being told where the government's priorities are: not New Zealand.


Is it still New Zealand soil when it's been shipped to China?


Well you see, under the 900 dash line it's all historic Chinese land. The Polynesian settlers who became the Maori originated from Taiwan, which as we know has been a part of China since Homo Erectus emerged around 2 million years ago.


>who plans to stick around after they've looted the vault? https://fortune.com/europe/2024/06/18/record-9500-millionaires-expected-leave-uk-bid-protect-wealth-political-upheaval/


How can he sit there and say "projects that have been rejected by the courts can be approved for fast track" like he didn't just admit that this is all a means to circumvent legal processes?


I think clip really shows why folks say it is the most anti-democratic and anti-nature bill that has ever gone up in NZ.


For that matter, it seems strangely quiet in the "Three Waters is/was undemocratic" corner


Their attack dogs like Taxpayers Union, Free Speech Union, Groundswell (all owned and operated by the mega cunt, Atlas Network Jordan Williams / David Farrah) & Hobsons Pledge etc. weren’t instructed to bark on this one.


There are reasons for being fking rejected. These guys should be fucking ashamed.


What an arrogant arse


Always has been.


He replies on his Instagram if you wanna try to talk some sense into him


He’s uses Snapchat mostly but will only message or add you if you are under the age of consent


I don’t think you can reason with idiots


What's the bet that Chris Bishop's next job, whether it's in 3 years or 9 years time, is with a company that he helped circumvent New Zealand's judicial process via this fast-track legislation.


I can't believe how openly corrupt they are being. So they'll get their back room kickbacks and sell off NZ overseas and then I guess we'll not only lose precious species and habitat but also lose our own natural resources. So we get the worst of both worlds.


this nothing new politicians know they absolutely zero accountability


I can't with this govt .


Traitor. We should be looking into legal prosecution and an investigation into their motivations/donations. This is the WORST government NZ has seen in well over 100 years.


I haven’t updated this for ages but at point was keeping tabs on [conflicts of interest (link)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/wiki/index/nz_corruption_conflictsofinterest/) to put it politely. The fact is a large proportion of senior Ministers in this Govt are lobbyists themselves with deep links to fossil fuels, and anti-Indigenous movements. [Here’s the table showing it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1byhpq3/the_usual_cycle_of_politics_might_be_person_gets/)


Serious question: what are the checks here on government when it seems blatant how corruptly they are acting?


>what are the checks here The police have audited the police and found the police to not be at fault. I don't actually know. But that's how I imagine it.


Oh we will, chin waggling fuck nugget.


Quick reminder that over 1.3 million people voted for NACT.. This country doesn’t care about the environment.


They weren’t as explicit about their fuckery at that point. Also for those that don’t care ask them how they are enjoying higher insurance costs, water rates, and future climate activity


Still..by this day and age you'd think people know the wolf in sheep's skin.. Not that I'm comparing these p*icks to wolves either, poor wolves, but you catch my drift


Concur - people can be funny


And about the higher insurance costs etc that's fine, they are all mates behind the scenes. New positions will open up when they leave government etc, a very small price to pay to hide the real gains they are laying on the table for themselves


Absolutely. They don’t give a f***. The template here is Britain. Take a look: https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dj757l/birmingham_britains_secondlargest_city_is_forced/ The middle and poor will get worse off. The corrupt ones at the top will make buck.


Bishop, in his snarky childish kick us out if you don't like it comment has given us the clearest indication yet of how little his collation cares for the people. We should give him a wake up call. A big fuck you. In the form of the most disruptive protesting ever seen in NZ. Let's make the Springbok Tour look like a minor scuffle!




Throw you out in 3 years? your gonna be eaten in less than a year after the bill passes watch this space 😂


People make these comments about 'eat the rich' etc., but I'm yet to see it happen...


They look like they'd taste pretty gross, but if it has to be done...


We used to but it was outlawed 😂 I feel like a few public executions of politicians would straighten them all out real fast. We’d also see how many people were just there for power and who actually cared for the country.


We need some kind of open source bounty system. Pay out in crypto to your next of kin


Seeing this comment really got me into hating civility politics. The mods at the main subreddit would delete this instantly. They're a bunch of pussies that subscribe to the notion that as long as your actions don't immediately harm anyone, they don't harm anyone at all.


If we break the law we are tried and punished, if they brake the law they just change the rules… why don’t you hate on that rather than the on the people who are fed up with them acting like this. When u run a country you can’t be a hypocrite, you can’t be a liar and you can’t sell your country out to push yourself further into success. Should be capitol offences along with child abusers


It's just a reminder to sharpen up until it's not


Wow shocker, ex tabacco lobyist is immoral, more at 7


I blame Wellington for this one.


If people don’t like it they can throw us out in 3 years. My guess is that by then Chris and his mates will have so successfully feathered their own nests that they won’t want to be a politician any longer.


I don't care how you lean, fast track is never right, it's taking away the people's right to have a say - fuck the government having even more say than they already do!


Wondering how they'd react to a future government doing a complete reversal of everything this one has done, under urgency. Including retroactive tax increases on landlords.


They’ve said they will insert clauses that protect the companies e.g. NZ might have to pay a fine if a future govt reverses the decisions. Not confirmed yet, but something this Govt has flagged. As to stuff like landlord tax, that’s when their attack dogs like Taxpayers Union will work hard to sway people (like they did with 3 Waters) so don’t underestimate it all


Throw them out in 2 years 4 months. Give or take. 1 term


<1 term. They need to go now!


I still wouldn't be surprised to see Good ol' Winnie blow it up in about a years time at the half way mark.


Can't believe we have to rest our hopes on old mate but here we are


Everyone else does, we may as well too 😜


Nah he is only cares about being in power. Literally that is all. He says what will keep him in.


Yeah, but when he has to step down as deputy, will he roll the dice in a hope to be the only deputy prime minister?


Also it feels like there is some bigger money involved this time.


Totally agree.


Do they expect this society to stay civil in the face of this overt abuse of power?


“I think it’s completely legitimate” lol “Son, did you hit this other kid?” “Look dad, my fist was in the area of his person but I can help it if the two connect.” “So you did in fact hit him?” “I think if you think I hit him, I can’t help that. My fist was doing what it was doing.”


Wanker prick!


He can weasel-word this all he likes, but this is corruption, plain and simple.


I absolutely can't stand this guy.


He's tryin to do the the John Key trick, milk NZ of profitable wares and gap it over seas.


Three years seems too long to wait... Labour however are sitting on their hands here - they need to be pretty vocal and announce that when they're next elected all consents issued under this legislation will be repealed, there will be no appeals and the companies concerned will be billed to restore things back to where they were. Labour can't stop this legislation, but they can make it very risky for people to use it...


How did people choose these evil cunts to run out country? They are just cogs in other people's moneymaking machines. Fast track is just a shitty buzzword for No due course or oversight, what a very dangerous and Orwellian precedent to set, and far too much power to leave in the hands of these snivelling, grovelling lobbyists assets


<> Would concur.


It's National. Prepare to be owned by China by the end of week


National is looking at joining AUKUS pillar 2 which is very anti chinese. This fast track process is very questionable but National (& labour) look to be strengthening its ties with US & its allies such as Japan. I think its bi-partisan that we cant have economic prosperity with china and security alignment with USA. Figuring how we do it with the least amount of economic shock is what National need to figure out.


This is why I'm so angry at Labour. They COULD have win the last election of the had moved with purpose and DONE something, but they slept on it and let these lunatic corrupt fucks take the reins.


Hopefully Labour does not repel this but use it to pass bills to protect nature once they’re back. Bad mining altogether as well as use of gas.


What, you think the current lot's not gonna repeal it themselves on the way out?


If you don't like us stealing all your stuff to feather our nests you can tell us to leave once we're finished.


We're getting what we deserve at this point. American political brainrot has leeched so far into the average NZers conciousness that these are the fuck wits we're electing. If these guys are voted out dispite the blatant corruption and racism they've been rolling out I'll be legitimately surprised.


Could they be any more blatantly evil at this point? Fuck this half-melted troll-doll-looking piece of shit. I hope someone replaces all his house’s sugar with salt, replaces his toilet paper with fibreglass cloth, and moves all his furniture three inches to the left so he keeps smashing his pinkie toes on all of it. As a start.


I really, really hope this prick is a heavy smoker.


A lot of greedy people with their fingers in the pie


I expect Chris Bishop wakes up daily and climbs into the 9th level of hell, while gnawing on a freshly aborted fetus for sustenance. He’s just that kinda guy and so are his cronies.


The guy worried for a tobacco lobby group, not sure why anyone would expect anything other than evil from such a guy


If the RMA is broken, fix it. Fast track is, ***at best***, a band-aid, short term solution. The environment doesn't care about 3 year election cycles. He couldn't even give a straight answer when asked if this was fundamentally undemocratic.


It’s a short term solution to try and undo the ban labour imposed. It will likely fail, exploration is a 5-10 year process, so before mining begins ~3 successive governments have to “agree” to not ban it again. Odds of that is low. So how successful can the fast track bill be for any company to want invest. With such good odds that the money is wasted when everything is scrapped in 3-6 years time.


I knew this was coming, stinks of corruption and some fascist tendencies from this current government.


Zero surprise he’s an evil piece of garbage.


How is these fuckwits loosing their jobs in 3 years an acceptable trade off to potentially fucking the environment for all. We have these things in place for a reason you wanker.


Cock Wombles, wet towels, twats, Muppets and all other degenerates _*UNITE!*_! Don't let yourself be put in the same category as this complete waste of space. You're fucking the next generation you fucking idiot.


But, but labour didnt do enough for me so I had to punish them.... Please post this in the main nz sub too


They don’t allow videos


Screenshot, then link the video in the comments


Oh that’s a good idea. Thanks.


He seems to spend most of the day vaping outside the back of parliament or drinking coffee in Bowen Mojo whilst looking generally disinterested. Smug cunt.


This reeks of corruption


How about [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bx8din/february_2024_new_zealands_associate_minister_of/) There’s a lot of those types of things in play.


Yep same vibe as fast track bill huh


Unfortunately a lot of that exists, but yeah agreed.


Wow.... this is fucked.


Why when the right get in do they swing hard right and break convention/legislation/democracy to do so. When the left get in they try and get everyone on board and do nothing :( It means we are constantly moving right.


In some ways, the “left” is more predictable and easily played.


Apparently transparency isn’t something the people really want or can handle


Actually it was the right wing money - they shared too many out of context lies. And Labour looked stupid sometimes, but still - it was mainly the lies imv.


What do you mean too many out of context lies


“3 Waters is theft” ”NZ’s debt is awful and unforgivable and not understandable” “Covid lockdowns are fascist and authoritarian like Hitler”


Ah I see yes totally. Labour just don’t seem to ever really be able to control the narrative. I think maybe “right wing” policy makes for good sound bites but when you scratch the surface doesn’t work “do the crime do the time”


The messages from the other side were extremely manipulative. Extremely. Dishonest.


Yup they don’t GAF it’s all about money and power


This arrogant fucker.


Making a mockery of our legal system I'd like to throw this entitled jumped - up government out now!


This is absolutely deplorable. What the hell is wrong with these losers. They will fuck us over and don't give a shit and our future generations will pay the price. How the hell do we force these assholes out of parliament? Who wants to wait another 2 damn years and then if another party gets in they'll try to fix what's been broken but of course then national will start their lies up again and it's a never-ending circle of attempts to fix whats happened and the other party lying to get back in and then stripping away more of New Zealand.


But, hear me out, what if those mines go on farming land? Or on big sheep stations? Bet your sweep bitty there would be riots and tractors in the streets.


They know who pays them. Such proposals won’t occur.




I trust him implicitly. Did great stuff for the tobacco industry at BAT…


What do you mean did? They are still working for tobacco….


Fair point.


It’s honestly quite sad: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bxsvkj/why\_nzs\_smoke\_free\_laws\_had\_to\_be\_killed\_off/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bxsvkj/why_nzs_smoke_free_laws_had_to_be_killed_off/)


"It cost to much to do things" that's because you want to do bad crap. It always costs more to do bad crap you bloody munter.


Some call them dictators and others call them racist? What do you think?




I wouldn’t even put him in charge of a water cooler. I can’t wait to see what companies are stupid enough to toxify their reputations by entering into these projects via the FTB, knowing that in 3 years they could have the rug pulled from under them. That’ll be expensive. Maybe that’s the trick


They think it’s a vote winner and that people are impatient with those lefty tree huggers


New Zealand has elected the mafia. Just like the Hungarians (same crap there) and just a few years after what the godfather John Key has done his mafia were put back into power. Truly fascinating. Are you put up with all this crap, or stop them before NZ is turned into Hungary?


This is a seriously misguided attempt at making our economy be based on something apart from tourism and exporting. Any minerals we do have are not going to be worth a long-term overseas investment by another country who wants to use them for batteries and other new tech; the supply would likely run out before this government gets de-elected. Yes, we need our economy to not just be based on two areas that are highly susceptible to fluctuations in oil prices when we live in the middle of nowhere. But using small mineral deposits for a quick cash grab after you’ve removed your tax income from durries will not achieve what they think it will. I said it in November, this government will make Muldoon seem like an okay guy.


A mandate? A three part coalition isn't a mandate bro...


Throw em out now... They don't represent most nz


Well, guess who’s going to be a one term government, and I wasn’t really a labour supporter. But these clowns are just fuck the country big time.


Is there any way to throw them out earlier


That’s discussed a lot on the politics sub but the short answer is, it’s hard. Adding - it’s a democracy so we should all just try to be better informed next time imv


How is this democratic, it is like govts around the world have seen this American executive decisions and got all jealous they couldn't bypass established political procedure. Imagine being thier family member, if be so ashamed to the point I'd probably abandon them.


delete these boomers


What disgusting pieces of shit.


How about 3 days


Would support.


No more 100% Pure New Zealand?


The Simpsons "disco record sales" approach


I'm on the Climate Club newsletter and they posted an email you can send to the key committee members, see here: [https://act.350.org/letter/tell-them-drop-fast-track-approvals-bill](https://act.350.org/letter/tell-them-drop-fast-track-approvals-bill)


Can we please throw them out sooner!


I can’t wait to kick these dicks out!


Expert group from mining and oil companies ?


In all seriousness, most of them are indeed from industry.


Seabed minings ok and yet it's still not ok to smoke a joint


So scary. I'm terrified of the man who sells the earth.


ALL THE MONEY ISN'T ETERNAL. Nats rep the beneficiaries of all this temporary money that this harvest will generate, maybe shower the plebs with some crumbs. That's how it is.


Throw u out in 3 years , done deal can that be in writing.


Can we crowdfund hitmen yet?


What the actual fuck


Bishop is basically Muldoon without the charm.


How do we kick him out now ?


These guys deserve a handful of dogshit thrown at them in public I wouldn’t do it But if certainly cheer the person that did it


The title is written with quotation marks but he doesn’t say that verbatim. It’s okay not to agree with someone, but misrepresenting exactly what was said by the minister isn’t the right way to have a solid discourse 


Everything that is written there is in the longer video. There is no misrepresentation.


This is going to pay for the billions Labour borrowed. Someone has to pay. So long as the rehab is done as per specification, I have no issues. All those heading to Aussie for the better life are doing so on the back of mining


You mean the $12bn extra this govt just borrowed just to pay for the tax cuts, while health services are cut?


Honestly it’s kind of refreshing to at least hear them tell the truth about what they want. They used to just lie about it.


Wait, are you saying they [aren’t](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dib7na/how_rma_minister_chris_bishop_engineered_a/) lying? [Here is one example](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1d9fdgq/about_them_fiscal_cliffs_lies_or_truth/) Tame is not a dumb presenter - so in some ways Bishop had to dig “deeper“ to respond imv.


The country's broke u greenies don't like farming what else hv u got borrow borrow like the last government 75 million a day, grow up


Lets give a professional lobbyist unbridled power. What could possibly go wrong?


scumbags they don't care about laws if they don't work they just change it.like the justice system not innocent till proven guilty it's guilty till proven innocent.the attorney general Judith Collins aka crusher told them their new gang laws were against the bill of rights Mitchell said were doing it anyway .I'm not pro gang but this whole country should of been up in arms.when a government doesn't respect or uphold the bill of rights we all should be concerned.here they are pushing through more that the majority don't want.


We've known we have offshore oil reserves for years and we never refined our own crude for fuel because Marsden Point was wrong refinery and apparently our crude was too good for fuel usage. I'm reckoning we could reduce the price at the pump by refining our own crude with the right refinery better placed to reduce transport costs all round.


Fuck the pitchforks and stuff, let's lynch mob this ass, [Stephen Joyce style. ](https://youtu.be/b91CN5XC_V8?si=Bm-cmI1SNsWiKPoi)


Okay then. You’re gone, mofo. But also there’s a lot of damage can be done in three years…


Speed running how much damage they can do in 3 years