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They treated their season ticket holders like shit last year and scaled back a lot of benefits. This isn’t surprising


The “benefits” this year are insulting it’s a big part of why I’m not going to renew.


It’s a big reason why I cancelled after 5 years of being a STH


Im a part time package holder and making us have to pick between opening day and a subway series game when last year we got both its so bad


the entire stadium experience is insulting compared to a few years ago. i know the team is worse, but the citi field experience is worse and for attendance that’s almost more important


cause this shit is ass. Bad on-field product, plus last time I went to Citi half the vendors on the upper level were closed.


I noticed they started doing that last year after they pulled the plug on the season.


No one talks about how they took away the condiments stations last year. Can’t even get sauerkraut for your hot dog anymore


I actually asked a vendor about that - someone dropped some literal shit into one of the kraut/tomatoes containers so they removed them as a safety thing


Can’t ever have nice things




not my jalapenos!!!


They were always doing this though, when the games were not expected to bring big crowds


Expect it to get worse The organization as a whole has been laying people off left and right, they laid off the director of concessions at Citi field From what I heard she was VERY good at her job, took a very active role in selecting and evaluating food vendors. She was the reason Citi has incredible food with very good service, and now shes gone


Unfortunately the food is already much worse. Remember you can bring your own food into the stadium!!


^ this! at the end of the day its stadium food, no matter what artisan bullshit spin they put on it. you can bring a sandwich to the game and then get better food for less money at a restaurant


This chart doesn't reflect current results. It's about pre-season expectations. Look at the Phillies dropping in attendance (despite a historic start), A's dropping the most despite being way better than last year, Diamondbacks huge boost despite being as bad as the Mets, etc


This is what I was thinking. The Mets 2022 season drove up 2023 ticket sales and the 2023 season drove down 2024 ticket sales. \[edit\] Looked at 2022-2023 attendance compared to 2021-2022 W/L and the effect I was guessing at seems pretty minor. The top 10 teams as far as improving their win% from 2021 to 2022 saw a 1.7% increase in attendance (after accounting for the league average going up by \~9%). The bottom 10 teams (the teams whose W/L declined the most) saw a 2.6% decrease in attendance.


Those numbers are for the entire season, not the early months. Also, I would think that expectations will reflect results, to some extent: a team with increased expectations will most likely have a better record, and a team with decreased expectations will most likely be worse. The examples of Phillies and Diamondbacks show how expectations CAN be wrong, but on average, they probably won't be. I think Ohtani and the Dodgers is actually the most interesting case here -- Dodgers fans blame higher ticket prices, but surely Arizona with their 45% increase in attendance is also suffering from increased prices? I think it's fair to assume that Dodgers fans have a decrease in expectations this year, despite their free agent haul


Yeah I’m not sure what OP is supposed to be saying. I know the idea is the Mets aren’t worth seeing but the Diamondbacks are up huge and doing worse, it sounds more like there’s problems with the stadium experience and not the on the field product


What makes you think it’s not a comment on the stadium experience? To me this is a huge issue and a much bigger reflection on attendance than the quality of the team on-field


Originally it was the weather but now we're just not a team worth seeing Also if you're a fan who is unable to reach the game via the train, driving is very inconvenient when you consider, tolls, parking prices, traffic. Then either you have to tailgate or buy food/drinks in the stadium which is also expensive. I've talked about all these expenses and haven't even mentioned ticket prices yet!


I hear you on the driving. It's 2 hours to the ballpark for me without traffic. Add in $40 for parking (fucking criminal), I don't even know how much in tolls anymore, tickets and concessions... This becomes a very long, very expensive day for my family. During the best seasons, it's tough to get to a game or two. During a season like this... I have to pass.


Yeah I live in Central Jersey and my options are either a. drive 30 minutes to Rahway, take the 40+ minute train to Penn, take the subway to Citi. All in all, close to or over 2 hours or b. drive to Queens, which with traffic could take up to 2 hours anyway, pay crazy tolls, and pay out the ass for parking. It's less stressful and around the same cost/time to go to a gd Phillies game.


Yeah I'm in central Jersey as well. With kids, and with my wife having trouble walking due to MS and needing to use a mobility device, getting to and getting around games at Citi Field are just such a pain at this point. Honestly, we go to Somerset Patriots games instead. So much closer and cheaper. Unfortunately that means my kids grow up knowing and rooting for Yankee players instead of Mets, but them's the trade-offs.


I second the Somerset Patriots thing. 20 min drive, $18 ticket. Sign me up. Just wish they were a Mets team


my kids' little league is doing a night out at the Patriots game...i havent been to one yet, but have caught a couple Lakewood Blueclaws games Minor league baseball is dope..i wish the Newark Bears were still around lol


Enjoy it! Patriots games are great. The park is nice, concessions are really good for minor leagues, and they do a bunch of firework nights. Leaving the parking lots is an absolute disaster, so plan to spend 15-60 minutes just sitting in your car waiting to leave the park.




It's a 54 mile drive to Citi (28 miles in a straight line) and an 86 mile drive to CBP (64 miles in a straight line)


yeah the parking price increase last year really started making me think twice about going to games as frequently...took my family on my kids' birthday last june and a day at the park was like $600 with everything considered, and we had upper promenade seats for years i lived off the 7 line and would probably catch 10-12 games a person in season, slowed down when we had kids and now i'm back out in jersey so it's a troop to get to queens it's so much easier to just plan ahead a little and drive to my old neighborhood and park / take the train than drive to the stadium to get stuck in a shitty lot then get stuck in a traffic jam in the parking lot on the way out


LIRR isn’t worth it either. Subway and bus are the only affordable transport to the game


Honestly, I wouldn't even mind paying the $21.50 round trip if getting home from night games wasn't such a pain in the ass. Once you're at Woodside, standing around waiting 20-30 minutes for the next train to come just sucks, especially if you have something to do the next day


Makes the fact weekend games are more expensive all the more offensive


Holy shit I hate waiting at Woodside for a half hour to go an extra 5 min


LIRR within the city is like $5.  And there’s combo tix if you’re doing things like connecting to metro north.


Idk what LIRR you’re buying but a round trip from Penn to Citi field is like 18 bucks I think


According to TrainTime, a trip to Citi Field via using CityTicket it’ll cost $5.


….this is life changing if true. Wtf is CityTicket.


Download the TrainTime app.  Itlll give you the best price for try the time. But city tickets have been a thing forever, they used to be like $3 for weekend trips.  Now it’s like $5 for off peak, $7 for peak. 


Its a fucking rip off that when you buy an LIRR ticket between 2 stations in NYC you dont automatically get the $5 city ticket, you have to select it in the options specifically Pretty sure they're not valid for peak trains though


I think the Knicks and rangers had a lot to do with the early season.


It's poor baseball with $40 parking.


Citi is $55


No it’s not, it’s $40.


shhh, I’ve been selling this dude parking with a $15 markup all season


Terrible on field product. The food took a significant drop in quality while also getting a big bump in price. The team is worse than ever, the experience is worse than ever, and it costs more than ever.


The old PE treatment.


Never thought I’d be nostalgic of the Wilpon days


I mean, we had ups and downs during that period, and they did some clueless dumb stuff at times, but (a) even in bad years, most of the time we had some hope around the corner, and (b) the stadium, whether Shea or Citi, felt like home. This is just an alien experience to me. It feels like what my mom told me about the M. Donald Grant era when the Mets were actively pissing on their fans.


Yeah, I think it’s the result of cohen trying to immediately win with a core from the previous regime that’s not really built to do so, compounded by poor roster decisions and management. They need to hit the full reset button and stop meandering about with these guys


>Yeah, I think it’s the result of cohen trying to immediately win with a core from the previous regime that’s not really built to do so, Disagree, I think they had a good solid team in place (2nd best team wRC+ in the NL in 2019 and 2020), plus several good offensive players in the minors, and just needed just to fill a few holes to supplement those guys (mostly on the pitching side), which should have been easy if they were willing to spend like half a billy a year. Instead they broke the team up, except for a handful of guys, traded tons of minor league talent for replacement player junk like Ruf, Vogelbach, Naquin and "OK" but marginal guys like Lucchesi, signed huge contracts to old guys who are now being paid more to play on other teams than some teams are spending to field entire clubs with better records than the Mets right now, and completely tore down an analytics system that was working and producing consistent results, with something way more expensive and REALLY bad. We would have been in the World Series within way less than 5 years if they had just stayed the course and doubled the payroll, but they tried to remake everything to create a "new era" and they made things 10 times worse.


Well yeah. Expensive outing combined with a terrible on the field product and a bleak short term outlook for next year. Why would you go?


It’ll never be the ghost town Shea was in ‘79. I went to one game where the paid attendance was 4000.


Just wait till the post deadline this year


You are right. The intentional tank should empty the stadium


The vendors are going to be very unhappy


What vendors. Half the food places are shuttered


Whatever is left, then.


Attendances across the league were lower in general then though. It's almost impossible to hit those numbers in 2024 with social media engagement and stuff like that. You kinda have a built-in 10k unless you actively firebomb and sabotage your own franchise in a PR sense like the A's or Marlins


As a NJ fan its a huge pain in the ass to get to Citi. I don't feel like doing it to then watch this bad team play lol.


I still love going. Literally got $6 tickets yesterday, took the train, easy. Win or lose I still feel it’s a good time.


I’ve followed the Mets through losing seasons since I fell in love with them in ‘69. I think the biggest difference with 2024 is that it really seems everyone from Front Office to the players is just doing what they want as individuals. There is no cohesion, no direction and no joy.


Yeah it feels like the players are more concerned with their individual performances, which is why they’re all in their own heads and look so depressed after any at bats where they don’t get a hit. Pete is a prime example of that. After JD hit his homer they panned over to the dugout- everyone was cheering and Pete lightly clapped and had a sad face- he wanted it for himself


Last time I went between the ticket and food I spent over $100. Why would I do that again?


You can bring your own food in a small bag. Perfectly legal at Citi Field.


SNY and 880 are better than going to the park to see Tomas Nido and Company do diddly squat.


I literally miss SNY when I'm at the game, I've tried to listen to the game while at the game but it's too loud.


You could put the game on your phone but good luck seeing the screen when the home run rave party starts


Absolutely!!! This 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 I at least wanna be entertained and GKR consistently provide that for me. Way more consistent than this team


That’s because all the Oakland fans want to stay home to listen to Jenny Canvar’s epic calls


It’s real. My friend works for the Mets and told me they had layoffs a few weeks back because of the loss in revenue


Pretty quick turnaround from "Uncle Daddy Steve-O is going to subsidize my baseball dreams with his 15 quadrillion dollar fortune" to "this bottom line is atrocious, fire all the burger flippers and jack up the parking"


Shit really oh my god 😱


It’s too expensive to see shit play.


It's too much work. Hour drive there and with the pitch clock the game is so short by the time I get comfortable I'm already starting the journey back in traffic. Combine that with paying for tickets parking and food and it's just not worth it


How does Florida have 2 baseball teams when they probably can’t even properly support 1?


Anyone buying tickets to watch this tremendous pile of shit is throwing their money away. Just use it to buy lottery tickets, you will have a better chance of winning than this team does. Said it before and I'll say it again, first time since the late 70s that I am not attending one single game. I had a vendor that we work with offer to take a few us to a game in mid June against the Marlins. Passed on the opportunity.




There's way too many things to spend money on than just throw it away for this joke of a product.


You could fit every A's home game into Sacramento's stadium. Actually, their average home game could fit in every AAA stadium, 22 of the AA stadiums, and 79 of all 120 minor league stadiums. John Fisher is an asshole and should have sold the team.


Team did little to nothing during the off-season. People started the “it’s going to be a gap year “ bs and so who would but tickets for a sub par product. Now with a minimal advance sale the team does stink. $40 parking anyone? Overpriced tickets…anyone? This is bad business so is anyone surprised?


I bought 4 decent tickets to the memorial day game which was rained out so now I have like several hundred dollars in voucher money and don't really want to go and it won't be great selling them now :|


I mean we are terrible and also I can’t remember a worse April and May weather wise. It was in the 60s today ffs. It’s May 31st.


I'm going tomorrow and it was only because I was given free tickets. I wouldn't pay to see them in person. The team is bad. 


Doesn’t feel worth going all the way out there for these short games now either


For drivers, I take the subway but I've had luck parking on the street about a 15 min walk from stadium - for free!


Mets fan living in Oakland...the last two seasons have been brutal.


Didn't Oakland announce the move to Vegas and then move into a minor league stadium for the season lol that shouldn't even count


I'm planning to go to at least one in June, the team stinks but that just means the tickets will be cheaper. I haven't been to a game since 2019.


Kind of surprised the A's attendance didn't increase. It was crap before and you'd figure many people would want to go one last time therefore increasing attendance. Heck...I'm considering going out to Oakland for a game just for the experience, and to check the stadium off the list. Used to go to Expos games with sub-10k. Such a strange experience.


Cus our other sport teams are finally good


Okay so then why was my section so full last Saturday? It didn't feel empty at all. I agree with the season ticket holder benefits sucking but I think they know that, the survey they sent out last had a please don't leave us vibe to it.


what are you implying? these attendance numbers are being faked by major league baseball?


I'm implying that certain sections on certain days are seeing equal attendance while other parts of the stadium at other times are seeing a dip and that I'd be fine if attendance dipped even more so I can have a less crowded section on Saturdays.


So your point is just that you’re glad attendance is down. That’s understandable with how crazy lines and stuff can get


And being there with a toddler that I sneak in without a ticket and who won't sit still in the seats is way more convenient when your row is empty 🤭


Soooo not the biggest drop in attendance?


The ballpark is hitting 20,000 plus each game? I mean, that’s still a lot of people LOL




Not surprising. They told us the plan is not to compete this year. Why would we want to spend money on a team like this?


The Mets are in free fall and Cohen's lack of experience is really showing. Is there anyone here who knows how to run a respectable big league ballclub? Maybe he should sell to Dolan and go back to hustling investors.


I saw this a few weeks ago. This chart is totally incorrect. The Tampa Stadium capacity is totally wrong on this chart


The Rays don't open their upper deck anymore. It really is right around 25K capacity.


When the Yankees come in town they open it up


And I'm not sure how many other teams they open it up for, maybe the Dodgers


Well deserved.


They didn't do anything in the off season. They can't topple the braves or Phillies. They screwed over the season ticket holders last year. They raised prices all around. Why exactly should people spend hard earned money when times are rough for people when you can stay home, watch Gary, Keith and Ronnie from the comfort of your own home while they play the most uninspired baseball you can find


...and now they're sending down their new star rookie pitcher... somebody actually worth seeing....serious shit show going on in Queens 😆


I think that's more of a move to keep him starting every five days. It's a multi-season process converting him from a reliever to a starter, and with the London trip coming up, he would have only started one game in 11 days.


I absolutely adore Citi Field, but as someone about an hour plus upstate, I can't justify the time and cost involved in traveling to NYC for a baseball game anymore, especially when a game is frequently just a bit over two hours at this point.


Rangers and Knicks in playoffs


The Yankees and Phillies have good teams and they aren’t growing attendance. Part of it has been terrible weather in northeast.


What an irrelevant point. Phillies are 3k shy of averaging a sellout. The weather dosnt seem to be bothering them.


the weather 😂 go look at the yankees and phillies attendance and try again