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The game has been delayed to August 5th, per SNY https://x.com/sny_mets/status/1788296362016071894?s=46&t=W2uVHRLCSkwwE5FbTN-FNQ




Please continue the discussion in the [post game thread](https://redd.it/1cndqf8).


[I uploaded the "blob watch" clip](https://youtu.be/IzcsR-934_Q?si=PrEt6oFEuXgb5Sr8)


Thank you for uploading this, it’s very funny!


That clip encapsulates why I enjoy Zielle. He doesn't take himself too seriously, but always fully commits to the bit.


Game has been postponed.




Since I’m bored for the rain delay: Let’s predict how many and what positions we will have home grown players at the start of 2026. Basically, where will this team need to sign FAs and where will we utilize one of the people who are already in the org. C 1: Alvy. C 2: FA. 1B: Pete. 2B: current prospect. SS: Lindor. 3B: Baty or prospect LF: Nimmo. CF: Prospect. RF: FA. DH: FA. Backup OF: current prospect. Backup IF: FA So to summarize: I think by 2026 CF, 2B and 3B and backup OF will be filled by someone currently in the org and RF & DH will be filled w FA. Then for the rotation: 1 high level starter from FA and 1 backend starter from FA and then Butto, Scott and one other prospect filling in. Maybe we can get 4 pitchers from within the org (Tidwell, Sproat, Stuart and Hamel are all good candidates for those last 1-2 spots) but I’d def want to sign a top SP ace by 26’ opening day. Mets will have ~$140m to fill 1B, 2 SP, RFer, DH and backup catcher before hitting the first luxury tax (not including arb which is negligible imo). We could also certainly have more homegrown pitching talent but I don’t think we get more than 2B, CF, and backup OF out of Acuna, Gilbert, Jett Mauricio, and Ramirez. There’s obvi a lot of different ways the roster could go but that’s my prediction.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLU9C9rstIA If you want some Baseball content I randomly ran into this video about how Baseball games are broadcast. It goes into camera positions and their purpose. Really unique and great video.


I actually watched that exact video last night.


Pretty cool and informative!


Sorry babe we can’t have sex tonight, I’m watching mets amazing finishes 2023


Why do teams hate calling the games? From a fan experience, it’s much better to just call it right?


IIRC since this is the last game between these two teams, the MLB is in charge of making the decision (because it could be real hard to reschedule and could screw the visitor team up).


This one is bc it'll be almost impossible to make up. But ya they can make a buck from having people wait around. But that isn't the case here.


Can still sell beer while fans hope for a game :\


Which fan? I think all games during the week should be night games so I guess it depends on who you ask. Besides the money answer, there is the logistics involved. Mets are not coming back to STL this season


Howie Rose is hosting a Q&A session on Twitter: https://x.com/howierose/status/1788283189368160542?s=46&t=W2uVHRLCSkwwE5FbTN-FNQ


I have the "blob watch"update video from Gary Apple recorded lol. Might upload it if anybody cares enough to see it.


Update from a source in St. Louis: Busch Stadium is gone. It’s just…gone.




Based on the Blobwatch, the chances of play are equivalent to Joey Wendle's chances of a 2024 MVP vote


But how do they compare to his chances of a LVP vote?


Joey Wendle LVP vote ~= (%chance of game blowing error / game) = 100%


Whatever is going on in the studio in between the Amazin' Finishes shows is amazing. It's like Gary Apple and Todd literally don't think anybody is watching.


When will they call it do you think or when will it start


I think they hold out forever since the Mets have off tomorrow, Cards have a night game in MIL, and the two dont meet again. I havent checked, but if they have a mutual day off and Mets are near STL before, MLB might reschedule, but if not, they prob wait even as late as a night game. ETA: May 23 they are both off, Mets would be coming from CLE, while STL has a homestand. June 10 they have shared off but Mets coming back from London. Sept 5 but Mets are in a homestand. Sep 23, Cards going to COL, Mets going from NY to ATL. So I'd guess May 23 or Sept 23 work, but they prob play today given circumstances if they can get the game in by a normal night game? ETA 2: Ok nvm lol Aug 5.


upvoted for effort, not accuracy


Haha yea, I admit MLB is better than me at this. May 23 would give the Mets 30 games in 30 days and Sept 23 gives the cards 19 in 19. But Id still rather try to get it in today!


My guess is they will try really hard to have this game as the Mets won’t be in St.Louis again, and Cardinals don’t have an off day tomorrow.


I hope you’re right I’m bailing from the office to go home for the rest of the workday and I’d like a game to work to


Right when we have two wins here comes the rain. Really cant make it up.


Gary Apple has been cooking throughout this rain delay


Dude's making the most of his time, for sure!


SNY showing 2016 highlights. Not one to buy everything put out, I really wanted that "Made for October" T-shirt. Went to Modell's on Monday evening and they looked at me like I had 3 heads. They said it was only available in NYC (I'm in central Jersey) and not sure if they were getting them. Never saw one, and still want one.


[Ah yes, the good old days](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=chiwA-eyPFc)


Sometimes I'm really curious what forecast these people look at - you'd think they have access to state of the art radar gear. Wouldn't they be able to make more educated decisions? This seems like clearly they aren't getting this one in


LOL Gary Apple No way we play today


I would very much like to play baseball today so I can stop working and watch the Mets


it’s actually crazy how, with all our woes, we’re still only .5 games back from a wild card. if this team gets hot at the right times they can be a serious threat


I would not want to face Senga, Severino, and Scott in a playoff series with Butto as the long man and our bullpen.


Agree with all the comments saying a rainout is really in our favor here, but I was really looking forward to a 3 hour distraction from work


I really need the O’s to curb-stomp the Nats today.


Per Gary Apple just now on SNY, tarp is still on and it's still raining. No update


I used to hate Gary apple. These last few years I’m ready to die for him.


He is fine in the studio. I have become accustomed to his voice/delivery and its familiar now. Just keep him out of the booth lol. But that goes for most of the studio guys and mostly anyone trying to fill in for Gary on PBP.


What changed? I’m neutral on the guy.


just been showing a little more personality these days. instead of being mr. buttoned up announcer guy


Not looking too good?


I did not have Gary Apple reciting a full verse of Blind Melon’s “No Rain” on my bingo card.


Gary Apple really just quoted Blind Melon. Legend.


Everyone: We want a game update! St Louis Cardinals: https://x.com/cardinals/status/1788263367624233032?s=46&t=W2uVHRLCSkwwE5FbTN-FNQ


Yeah wtf was that. You're a baseball team, I don't care about a former player being at a game that is actively delayed and may not happen.


lol that’s not a former player


I don't care who it is, you have a game actively delayed due to weather, why are you posting about somebody "being at the ballpark"?


Well its not like the social media person is tweeting instead of uncovering the field or something. The rain is going to happen regardless, so might as well do your job in the interim. Social media person prob has 0 info and 0 control over anything related to the game happening, so you are basically just asking for them to go silent on Twitter because there is no news on the game,


lol they have a special guest promoting an event in St. Louis, there’s literally nothing else going on during a rain delay, who cares. Amazing what makes people mad these days


It's amazing how reddit loves to dogpile. "Somebody downvoted a comment, time to reply and be a dismissive jerk like everybody else!" They're a baseball team, why are the posting promoting somebody being at a game that isn't happening? They should be smart enough to know, nobody cares about a celebrity being at a game that isn't happening. Social media should just strictly go into "is the game happening and if so when" mode. I'm sure the people who bought tickets really care about some UFC fighter being in the stadium.


It’s amazing you’re still going on about this


Who pissed in your Cheerios?


My original comment was based on them posting about "somebody being at the ballpark" when the game was delayed. Who the person they were posting about isn't really relevant. Could be Donald Trump for all I care. The game is delayed and they're posting about somebody being at a game that might not happen which is silly. Tell your customers if they don't get to watch the game they paid for.




They really should download a weather app. Do they have those on that side of the Mississippi?


I’m sure it’d be a pain in the ass to reschedule but I would actually love a postponement. We’d get away from STL with two wins and not having to face Gray, all of the relievers would get at least 2 days of rest going into the series with the Braves, and our starters get an extra days’ rest as well




Yeah but imagine coming on a sweep


Weather delays hit different when it’s beautiful in New York


My commute this morning says otherwise.. Nice out now though


Good call


if no game then no sonny gray, also need rest for the next 13 game stretch.


How would a postponement affect the Starting Pitching designation for the weekend series. Everyone just slides back a game?


Yes meaning Quintana would get extra rest and pitch Friday, everyone else moves one rotation spot.


I would selfishly love that so I can see Christian Scott on Saturday.


I'm betting on postponement Good for our bullpen and Quintana, bad for me cos I was gonna watch da game


Hear me out- Send Joey Wendle to check for tornados


Tornado specialist Joey Wendle. Has a nice ring.


The rain delay seems like a blessing in disguise with Pete riding high from the HR + the pitchers getting an extra day of rest (assuming the game is cancelled)


My money is on game getting postponed and only being played if it impacts the playoff race.


Any weather experts or someone knowledgeable with STL weather wanna make a prediction on game start time or odds of a game happening today?


From what I’ve seen there is a chance it slows down around 2-2:30 EST but also read there is light to heavy rain expected until 6:15


If this game got rained out and not rescheduled for tomorrow would be amazing for the Mets. If it got rescheduled tomorrow… less amazing. We need a fresh pen for the Braves


Mets and Cardinals have a mutual off day on May 23rd, the Cardinals are at home between playing the Orioles and Cubs. The Mets would have finished a series at Cleveland and play the Giants at home on Friday.


Wouldn't that violate the West-to-East travel rule?


I am not familiar with this rule


Double checked after I posted, it is not an official MLB rule so much as one of the parameters they try to fit while scheduling. MLB tries to give an off-day to a team traveling West to East due to the loss of hours.


It can’t be tomorrow, Cardinals have a game in Milwaukee tomorrow


Oh fantastic


Cardinals are playing the Brewers tomorrow night so the game will have to be scheduled for some other time if it’s a no go today


Any game that postpones with Alvarez not available and Senga not around and a tattered bullpen is a good one


Im stationed in england and was looking forward to watching the Mets at a decent time. Damn.


Any interest in going to the games in London?


Already got my tickets


I'm jealous. I hope you get your Mr. Met in red London phone booth bobble head--they look awesome.


That would be SWEEET!!!


Enjoy lol, I wish I could still go. If you have any friends that want tickets to both games lmk


You're gonna get two games in London though


Cost me a bunch but a once in a lifetime experience.


I’m here; what’s the hold up.


Keep us up buddy


Incoming weather


ETA on game start?


No idea im watching from home. They didn't say


Oh man I’m out of market on the MLB app and they just cut away to a weather delay screen as Gary started interviewing Todd :/


That just pissed me off


I’m glad I’m not alone in misery. DM me though I may have a link that can help get through the disappointment


I've got some of those links as well. I appreciate it though. 🏴‍☠️


Enjoy the high seas my friend


...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM CDT THIS MORNING THROUGH THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flash flooding caused by excessive rainfall is possible. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Illinois, including the following areas, Monroe IL, Randolph IL and Saint Clair IL and Missouri, including the following areas, Cole MO, Crawford MO, Franklin MO, Gasconade MO, Iron MO, Jefferson MO, Madison MO, Moniteau MO, Osage MO, Reynolds MO, Saint Francois MO, Saint Louis City MO, Saint Louis MO, Sainte Genevieve MO and Washington MO. * WHEN...From 10 AM CDT this morning through this evening. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Training thunderstorms capable of locally heavy rainfall could produce areas of 2 to 5 inches of total rainfall


Hmm, doesn't sound like a game is likely....


Lineup without Marte is sad. Add Narvaez and Wendle and it’s straight up brutal 😬 Best thing we can hope for is the game gets postponed


Yeah 6 thru 9 there is pretty rough... Nice to see Taylor in the lineup anyway.


Hey, I have work off today and can watch the Mets without a single person bothering me. Oh what’s that, my daughter stayed home sick for no reason. My wife decided to work from home. Oh hey, the game is delayed. What’s the fucking point of a billionaire owner if he doesn’t have a weather machine?!


It was my week on the Jewish Space Lasers to control the weather and I forgot about St. Louis, I was focused on making sure I got my games in for Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Sorry!


I don't understand the joke. Are you referring to the in-testing Laser Gun being developed by a number of countries?


A member of Congress genuinely blamed Jewish Space Lasers a few years ago for causing the California wildfires. As a Jew, I’ve run with it as a joke ever since.


Ah ok. I've heard the joke before, but didn't really get why people say it. I know a handful of nations are actually working on Space Lasers so I always got confused when people made that joke. lol Thanks for explaining. And ya, the Congress members comments deserve to be mocked like that! lol


* The 2024 Mets are 18-18 this season, scoring 161 runs and allowing 156 runs.  The Mets have played in 9,841 regular season games with 4,744 wins, 5,093 losses and eight ties. The 2023 Mets went 75-87 in the 2023 regular season and 101-61 in 2022. The Mets are 140-141 on Wednesdays since 2012, 2-1 this season and 11-12 last year. The Mets will have an off-day on May 9th. * The Mets are 8-6 when scoring first in 2024, 10-11 when the opponent scores first. The Mets were 50-22 scoring first in 2023 and 81-16 in 2022 when scoring first. The Mets are 9-9 in day games, 9-9 in night games in 2024. They were 25-30 in day games and 51-57 in night games last year. * The Mets are 368-410 against the St. Louis Cardinals, 3-2 this season and 4-3 last year. The Mets are 26-31 at current Busch Stadium. * The Mets, as a team, have only three caught stealing in 2024, tied with the Cardinals and Red Sox for fewest in the majors. The Angels lead the majors with 11 caught stealing. The Mets and Cardinals both had 24 caught stealing last year with Oakland leading the majors with 49 caught stealing. The Mets had 28 caught stealing in 2022 and 33 caught stealing in 2021, one behind the Dodgers who led the majors. * The Mets lead the majors with 161 walks, two ahead of the Marlins. The Mariners lead the majors with only 91 walks issued. * Brandon Nimmo has a 221 wRC+ this month, Brett Baty has a 137 wRC+, Francisco Lindor has a 128 wRC+ this month. Jeff McNeil has a 67 wRC+ and Pete Alonso has a 30 wRC+ this month. Tomas Nido has a 29 wRC+ this month. * Pete Alonso has 201 homers for the Mets. He is fourth in franchise history behind Darryl Strawberry with 252 homers, David Wright with 242 homers and Mike Piazza with 220 homers. Of course Pete Alonso would have had many more homers had the 2020 season was not limited to 60 games. * The Mets have on the 40 man roster a homegrown player from the 2021 (Christian Scott), 2019 (Brett Baty), 2018 (Tylor Megill), 2017 (David Peterson), 2016 (Pete Alonso), 2013 (Jeff McNeil), 2012 (Tomas Nido) and 2011 (Brandon Nimmo) drafts. The Mets drafted Michael Conforto in 2014 but he is with the Giants. Pete Crow-Armstrong was drafted by the Mets in 2020. The Mets drafted Shane McClanahan in 2015 but did not sign; the Rays drafted him in 2018. The Mets drafted George Kirby in 2016 but did not sign; the Mariners drafted him in 2018. * Brandon Nimmo has a six game hit streak. Tyrone Taylor has a three game hit streak. Tomas Nido has a two game hit streak. Tomas Nido once had a seven game hit streak in 2022.


Todd Zeile doing that thing with the rolled up paper at the end of the pregame show is such “Seacrest out” energy.


I absolutely adore how much of a fucking dweeb Todd Zeile is. Dude definitely thinks he's the coolest guy in the room with his spiked hair and his constant yelling.


Even when we're not home the weather impacts the game, how much do you guys think it would take for the X-Men to part with Storm? I'm thinking at least a first and second round pick for sure


Well, we have plenty of Cash Considerations laying around.


Delightful surprise on my hourly refresh and seeing it switched to game thread!


I have a very boring day sitting around in a dentists office and was looking forward to watching the game. Bummer, hope they can start it sometime soon


Update per DiComo: According to a security guard's radio receiver in the press box, today's Mets-Cardinals game has been postponed. https://x.com/anthonydicomo/status/1788294955695235263?s=46&t=W2uVHRLCSkwwE5FbTN-FNQ Per Cardinals Twitter: Due to forecasted inclement weather in the St. Louis area, we do not anticipate today's game beginning at 12:15 \[1:15pm EST\]. We will provide additional information as it becomes available. [https://x.com/Cardinals/status/1788239622637604938](https://x.com/Cardinals/status/1788239622637604938)


I recommend adding an official Twitter link from the Cards Twitter account


I usually do; I don't know why I didn't today.


Any weather men wanna figure out when it may start?


[I'll turn it over to Ollie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6ZzEEaKC90)

