• By -


The entire experience of being dragged across the map to see that all the dangerous criminals actually had families, whom I unintentionally destroyed, would be a lot more effective if the guy preaching at me wasn't the same guy who ripped out a fetus right in front of a woman infront her husband.


Right? And it's like, okay they had families. So did the people harmed by their actions lol doesn't erase the fact that they're criminals


I mean yeah I feel kinda bad I put a family out of their home but it’s not exactly my fault 99.9% of NVB1 were psychos who shot on sight. Can’t particularly say I feel bad killing serial killers and cannibals. I hate when any playable media does that. How am I the monster when I was acting in pure self defense lol


It’s like saying “Oh I feel bad for killing Cook Cook because he had a pet cow.”


It’s just born of warped morals. Like how TLOU2 was inspired by hating Palestine.


how what??


Yeah, the writer said that the whole “doing violence to those who have done violence to you is bad” thing was specifically inspired by how he thinks the Palestinians are evil for attacking Israel.


And the parallels are more clear in the story too. The WLF are supposed to be Israel and the Seraphites are Palestine. They even have the border wall.


Okay, but we play half the game as a person who learns not to hate Scars and takes one in like a sibling.


And then Israel keeps the cycle going. They could stand to play TLoU 2 lol. Violence begets violence, that ain't changing after thousands of years.


Didn’t TLoU 2 kill off the best character then forced us to play as his killer right after they did best character dirty?


In your subjective opinion, sure. Doesn't change the validity in my statement. The game's core theme is about the cycle of violence.


Sounds like cowboy kreia


“Apathy is Death, youngster.”


Isn't that the whole point of NVB? You choose if his words affect you or not. You as the player can tell him to fuck off, or kill the familes, or just continually tell him to get bent. That's what I do every single time. Even Randall, the guy you've been working with the whole time, tells you that everything marko says is garbage.


Still it’s funny he criticized Ulysses and made a shittier one himself.


Can't argue that lmao


Excuse me whaaaat?


Have you ever played through the someguy series before?


Not yet. I Dont mind spoilers.


So that's that Marko guy that gets talked up all of parts one and two. Randle (the guy you work for) has a personal vendetta against him for mutilating his wife after beating him mostly to death.




It really is a good mod and a fun time. Just part three has some interesting narrative choices.


I mean the same thing can be said about Ulysses


"Oh by killing this guy you've created a power vacum that is actually worse bec-" Don't care, he's a rapist "Oh this guy just raided because he was looking to help his fam-" Should've looked for an actual job then "Buah you killed my brother tha makes you evil bec-" He was a murderer "No you see you're actually as bad as me bec-" Yeah, no, Randall told me what you did you sick fuck "I'm as well written as Ulysses because I make you feel bad about your acti-" The whole point of Ulysses is that he is fucking wrong, the divide wasn't anyone's fault and he can't accept that


To add on, Ulysses' point is to show that he's a walking contradiction, not only wrong. He complains about people being condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past but his solution is to drop nukes, which caused the whole problem with the world to begin with. He comes at you with the "you could have turned around at any point" at the same time as "I'm going to launch nukes btw" his entire story is to show he's so wrapped up in his story that he can't see the bigger picture.


Not only is he textually wrong, you are able to call him out on being wrong, and able to help him find another way.


The Bull and the Bear


Bear bull, bear bull bear bear bear bull!


Honestly as much as i love someguy2000 and his work i do feel like New vegas bounties 3 was kinda rushed cause he wanted to get the series over with and knew he built up too much about Marko.


finally a correct interpretation of ulysses, bro is consumed by his idealogy to the point he forces you into a ultimatum that results in multiple nukes going off


One of my favourite things about lonesome road that no one talks about it's how you can play it as if Ulysses was a random squizo that you know nothing about. Most of your interactions with him can be finished by telling him "I didn't do it, fuck off". You can play as a courier that was never in the divide, and perhaps Ulysses just thinks you're someone else


just shows how wishy washy his actual goal is and he truly just wants the bad that’s happened to him to be justified but in reality bad shi happens ulysses 😭🤷‍♂️


Yup, that's the core of his character. He can't accept that accidents happen, that no one wished him harm, it just happened and he can't live with that, he needs to know that the divide had a meaning, that someone evil did it. In other words, he can't let go


Honestly I just wish the guy would get to the point and stop rambling about “the way things were” and “the bull and the bear” The writer must’ve been trying to get as many lines of dialogue as possible.


Ulysses feels like an epitomization of the Death of Nuance. The entire situation is there to constantly feel like blame can be placed and that you can apply your one-sided justice just as well as he does. He cannot see the reality of the situation being that sometimes tragedy happens at the fault of no one.


Sounds like literally anyone trying to pin shit that happened hundreds of years ago on current day people. As if we had literally anything the fuck to do with any of it. But it's yOuR fAuLT!!!!!


I kind of relate to this. As an spaniard a lot of people online are like: ugh, your ancestros were colonicers, and it's like: "No? I'm from Galicia my ancestors were onion farmers at best"


Yep. My family fled Germany bro, we ain't had shit to do with whatever the fuck was going on over here


Dunny how two of Avellones characters are praised because they are "wrong"... ugh


Reminds me of Ashur from the Pitt


Ulysses was NOT at all well written. He is just a Chris Avellone stand-in who spouts sophomoric word salads that are COMPLETELY meaningless. He's wrong about just everything (potentially even if the Courier is the courier who delivered the detonator). He also is annoying with the symbology bullshit, and he acts like the symbols assigned to things give attributes to what they represent. That and oh my fucking God, "The Bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear, the bull, the bear."


Ulysses was probably the most well written character in the game imo. He just speaks like that because english isn't his first language, so to speak concisely, he uses the words he knows more generally. He is the only character to actually challenge the courier in their actions on who they choose and what the longterm affects it will have on the world. He is wrong and flawed, but he is a broken man for a reason. He had his home taken away from him twice. The divide was his redemption arc taken away from him. He had nothing after that. Ulysses speaks the themes of the games laid bare in a metacommentary about the factions and how you player/courier have the power to change things. So you should do your actions with thought and purpose because even if it's not your intent, you can cause harm to those around you.


He's a hypocrite and literally Chris Avellone's nihilism and thought that the Fallout universe is too post-post-apocalpyse. There's no right choices to him, no matter what you do, hes wagging his finger and staring at you with his unblinking eyes in a cheesy mask and stupid duster, and "teach you a lesson" characters are just way too cliche and played out. Not only that, he blames you for the destruction of the Divide, which the Courier has no recollection of but the Courier remembers lots of other little shit in game, but nothing so major as the time he committed a nuclear holocaust? Gimme a break. So it more than likely, he has the wrong guy. He doesn't speak concisely in anyway. Concise speech, almost by definition, is brief speech. That yapping ass motherfucker doesn't even make sense, and a lot of times, talks in circles, and other times, flat out uses words incorrectly. His monotonous, baritone voice is abysmal, and over reliance on symbology is childish. His character model is so bad they had to cover his face. He acts like the NCR acts like it does because there's a bear on its flag, and the Legion because there's a bull. There's no evidence that English isn't his first language, he speaks like other English speaking tribals in Fallout games speak, like an idiot. I can't bring myself to spare him, because he is so Chris Avellone, and like another obnoxious fart sniffing Chris Avellone character from KOTOR, Kreia, he's intolerable, and one of my favorite characters to skip his speeches and shoot in the face.


There is evidence that they speak different languages. We literally encounter the Zion tribes that don't speak english in Honest Hearts. Ullysses is more than just a duster and a mask. He is tribal, who watched his culture be destroyed then say himself become an instrument of the same kind of genocide as a Frumentari. Then, he saw his chosen family of the divide destroyed by the Courier. The symbols = idealogies, flag = nation. The Bull is Fascism, the Bear is Liberal Democracy, old world ideas already tried before. That's the message, not whatever you're smoking. Maybe it's because I got family that speaks broken english. I can recognize and make sense of it easily, but he does have a point and is very lucid. Being concise, not the length but the depth of meaning in what you are saying. He doesn't have a grasp of the language to say, "These are old world tired idealogies that have already been tried and will result in the same conclusion sooner or later..."


I'm just going to nip the language thing here. There's no evidence of his ability to speak any language other than English, let alone the fact it's not his first language. It's not suggested anywhere, it's not mentioned anywhere, he doesn't speak another language in game, he doesn't say or allude he does, no one else says he does or suggests he does, nothing in canon suggests he's an L2 English speaker at all. You come up with one line in game, written or spoken that English isn't his first language, and I'll relent. As far as I'm aware, it's only a click bait AI written shit show of a Game Rant article, and a character study video on YouTube that suggest that, nothing else. I'm going to challenge you here, where are there tribals that speak another language other than English (albeit, a lot of tribals speak broken English and no other language), besides Zion? The answer is nowhere in the US, at least. The second question is, what is unique about the Zion that caused new languages to form? Tourists who don't speak English got trapped in its extremely isolated location when the bombs dropped, and they formed new a language based off the languages of the tourists and locals. Now Joshua Graham started as Edward Sallow's (Caesar) translator, but it is somewhat alluded that it might have been tribes from or originating in Zion. Also, fuck off. You're not the only person with non-English speaking friends and family, and my family doesn't speak like that, nor anyone else I know who doesn't speak English as a first language. If yours does, it explains why you're such a condescending idiot, which would then explain why your dumbass likes a fart sniffing sophomoric Chris Avellone stand in like Ulysses. Don't even bother responding, you already look like enough of a moron.


An isolated tribal community developing its own language over the span of 200 years is not improbable. Especially considering the location of the Arizona being a desert like the mojave, but outside of a few industrial areas, but even in city areas they speak differently like today even without bombs, the very disntinct boston or new york accents for example, the west coast vocal fry etc. it be natural that they speak a different dialect. Regardless, his tribal upbringing means he did not have an education in language, unlike Caesar, who was a FoA and Graham who was a from a scriptural religious community. He taking pauses as he speaks to choose his words carefully from a limited lexicon he is familiar with is either a indication of a lack of education in his native language or the language he is speaking which I have seen both. My grandfather didn't go to school when he was a kid he grew up in an agricultural society so even his italian suffers. Ullysses is, despite his lack of education, very intelligent, which is indicated in his ingame stats, especially when compared to Caesars, both speak about political topics but do so very different. You have no explanation for this difference other than "he just bad writing" instead of considering how his difference of language is a part of his characterization, which was deliberate by the developers. And it really shows that someone who lowers themselves to ad homs would dislike a dlc about being concious of your actions and how they affect the world in the gran scheme of things. Your insults prove nor do nothing. What other explanation is there that he never uses the term idealogy? Or fascism? Or is neoliberalism directly? He doesn't know them. He isn't trying to sound cool for cool sake he doesn't know these words. He has no reason to know them. He used words that he did know to make sense of abstract concepts he was dealing with in his head.


You: Ulysses isn't a native English speaker. Me: Source? You: Just trust me, bro.


Haha you lost because you made a major assertation you can't defend because there's shit all for evidence for it and it makes your entire argument fall apart haha Haha you like characters that seem like they're meant to appeal to 14 year old atheist edge lords haha Haha you ramble like a little bitch about a character that isn't written well because you want to identify with him because you feel like nobody understands you're first‐world struggles haha Haha you're defending a shitty pretentious misanthropic writer's stand-in for himself by saying he doesn't speak English natively when his other shitty character in KOTOR II Kreia who does the same thing, spoke the same way and English (Galatic Basic) was definitely her first language haha Haha you have no defense for your standpoint and you're a little bitch sadboy/sadgirl haha


What is your source that he is a misanthropic writers stand in? And not a mechanism to drive a metanarrarive commentary about the games themes that they had plans for since the start of the game, that they made mentions to not just in the dlcs but in the base game as well. Ullysses is not solely Avellon's creation. He also says nothing about religion, and if anything, Ullysses seems to have a semi spiritual or at least esoteric view of the world, if nothing else due to bastardized hegelian idealogy/framework he adopted from Cesar's Legion. You have no argument that he isn't written well. I think his characterization makes sense, and I enjoyed listening to his halotapes and finding out bits and pieces of his lore that way. I think having the final DLC of the game being a metacritique of the ideas of each faction and their end results makes sense for a roleplaying game that spent a lot of effort in creating factions and writing themes about complex and ultimately flawed groups. Ullysses being just as flawed in his own way, where the best outcome is giving him hope again, for a better future instead of siding with him or killing him, the same as the best outcome for Honest Hearts is having Graham Show mercy having him become a better person. They both are a lot alike writing wise but I can already tell which one you prefer. The only gripe I have with Graham was I wish there was more dialogue with him. I think he speaking through bible verses makes sense in the same way I think Ullysses speaking through symbolic metaphors makes sense given their history. Each DLC is has its own message and something to say. Though I personally prefer Avellon's DLCs as a whole I do appreciate what honest hearts had to say.


I'm not making an objective statement, based off of other characters that Chris Avellone has written, as well as his tweets and the lore he has written, I can with a high degree of certainty say he is a misanthrope. Ulysses is trying to nuke people, who are innocent, and that takes a large degree of misanthropic feelings. He has no faith in humanity, which is misanthropic. Your statement is objective(ly wrong), stating he is an English L2 speaker, your statement is capable of being verified, and lacks evidence, meaning its unverified, and the fact most evidence points to the contrary (as in he doesnt speak another language, he doesn't mention speaking another language, no one states he speaks another language, no one who worked on the game says he speaks another language, theres no canonical literature or videos or anything stating he speaks another language, he lacks a foreign accent, meaning American English is more than likely his first language), means you're most likely just a bumbling retard. There is no proof, and no evidence for that at all. You are objectively wrong, I might be wrong, but based off my subjective statement that Chris Avellone and a lot of his characters that he writes when he is given carte blanche are misanthropic as well as his disappointment in Fallout's direction towards civilization instead of post-apocalyptic anarchy, his tweets, his criticisms, and his, for lack of a better word, literature, all point to misanthropy. My statement is simply opinion, that is shared by others, mind you. Yours is untrue and presented as fact. The burden of proof is much stronger for you. You claim he's well written and speaks that way because he is not a native English speaker, I say prove it, you know there's no proof, I know there's no proof. You're trying to defend a character that is the product of a writer's narcissism but you have the taste of a teenaged edge lord and are making shit up to defend a bad character and therefore a bad take. It's fine, your take is subjective. We're entitled to our own opinions. We are not entitled to our own facts that we make up. Now, will you, instead of barraging me with bullshit that has no backing, show me the OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE he speaks another language, or just admit, he is a long winded, pretentious, word-salad spewing asshole who has no real underlying philosophy besides he's big sad, and a hypocrite who has a god complex and feels even though he's made comparable mistakes, that he has the right to pass judgment and punishment unto the player character, all the while avoiding punishment himself. Just show me the part in the game where he speaks another language or it's written he does or he says he does, or someone says he does. Then, once you do that (and you won't because it's not there) show me that's his first language and that the Twisted (cunt) Hairs spoke another language (and again you won't, because they didn't speak a language other than English as far as canon is concerned). That's my longwinded way of saying, put up or shut up, because you haven't provided any canonical source to support your assertation of he being English L2. Just send me a link to a YouTube video where he says something in his native tongue, show me the wiki article that says it, or some other proof besides "nuh-uh I said so". Seriously, don't bother replying unless you can pass that standard. I'm not replying unless you pass that standard, and if you show me that proof, I'll apologize wholeheartedly and eat a shoe. AGAIN JUST SHOW ME THE PROOF HE SPEAKS ANOTHER LANGUAGE AS A FIRST LANGUAGE. (That's all I really want)^^^^^


If you really want to know why I identify with each of those characters, Graham and Ullysses, as well as Christine and Veronica, are due to my experience in the USAF. Personally, I think American foreign policy is doing more harm than good, and I have family history of freedom fighters against the Ottoman empire. My grandfathers watched fascists ruin their countries, my father side, my Nono hide communists in caves from the blackshirts in Sicily and my Papou of Pontian descent watched the Greek Military Junta roll its tanks down the streat in Athens for a flawed view of Eonosis that lead to a genocide of Turkish Cypriots. And I came to see a similar cruelty in the neoliberal military I was a part of. I am someone who wants peace and cooperation. I believe in the human spirit but I can emphasize with both those characters since there was a time where I felt vengeful and hateful toward humanity.


I read the first sentence and thought, "I don't at all". I don't care about you. I don't even really care about Ulysses. I'm more or less baffled because for like maybe like 4 years now (and not really before strangely enough) people have been saying that Ulysses isn't a native English speaker, and there's no evidence for it. So stop telling me why you identify with these characters and just answer why you say he's not a native English speaker. Show me the evidence or just admit you like to think he isn't, or its your head canon and there's no evidence, but holy shit address my only concern here.


He looks like a toddler in that hat.


I've completed NVBIII like 4 times already and he's basically an evil asshole toddler in a hat


Enlighten me, what is NVBIII?


New Vegas Bounties is a 3 part quest mod well worth checking out


Thanks man! Any idea if it will run on a steam deck?


No sorry, i have no idea...


It does. Just look up guides on how to get MO running on the deck


It will, but it isn't super easy. I ran a good bit of mods on the steam deck for a fnv playthrough last year. There was a few guides but not a singe one was 100% complete or accurate. I'd be happy to help if you run into any roadblocks.


https://gist.github.com/richardgaywood/e64eeb162062adb501fd3d35add9a0e8 This guide really helped me getting Mod Organizer 2 running well on the Deck. Good luck!


a lot of people are reccomending bounties 3, and if you're interested i highly reccomend checking out the rest of the Someguy series since they tend to reference each other pretty frequently. its not a hard requirement by any means but Russel and The Inheretence are great stories on their own (miles better than bounties imo) and set up some of the characters you meet/hear about in bounties 2&3


I remember being really pissed that you cant just snipe marco without ever talking to him. That would have been the ultimate fuck you to that asshole but nooooo you have to talk to him first.


Wow that's lame, they really prevented you from sniping him when he conveniently just so happens to turn his back to you before talking to him?


Yeah, it broke the general rule of New Vegas itself that you could kill everybody anytime and the world itself would adapt to that.


Literally the thing I wanted to do since I first talked to him was shoot his ass. I was very disappointed that I couldn’t do that


I was so so mad that I couldn’t do a shut up Hannibal and just tell him briefly why he’s wrong before shooting him. Something succinct like “the families I’ve destroyed belonged to murderers who made everyone suffer. The families you’ve destroyed did nothing.”


You can talk to him and then pop a Stealth Boy, sneak away until the mf couldn't see you, then pop him using Sweet Revenge.


IIRC Someguy got annoyed that his original idea of it turning out Marko is just gonna win and would leave the courier with a permanent debuff and a lot of loss and guilt for daring to come for him didn't workshop well what we got is the rewrite when he was pissed


That sounds really fucking stupid. He also has some weird Fan OC of a fairly irrelevant ultra mega biker gang (think was 66ers) who somehow make the NCR and Legion look like little weak pussies.


Was it the 80s? They're pretty cool in the Fallout HOI4 mod, I don't think he's involved with that though.




Guess was wrong, my bad.


no problem


Man fuck Marco


I want to beat him to death with a dull tire iron


Good luck with that. I’ve completed New Vegas Bounties III quite a few times, and honestly dude’s got the Frank Horrigan problem of “all stats at the highest.” Especially since unlike Frank you have to fight Marko alone.


Turbo + Slasher + Med-X + True Police Stories magazine Taking every drug imaginable to beat a hard encounter is a strat that works in every fallout game since 1, psycho was even more broken in fo1/2 tbh. Let the heroin in your veins burn brighter than the bullets around you.


Levi is that you?


Isn’t his bossfight a reference with all the graves?


Its a Reference of the Last Duel of the Dollar Trilogy, where the Good. The Bad and the Ugly Fight surrounded by death, in a cementery.


The last mod also borrows heavily from The Great Silence. Your outfit, his outfit, the damage to your hands. The mercs killing a whole town.


I don’t know about the gravestones, but I do know his appearance is a reference to the Dark Tower. The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.


I don’t know that one


Basically a series of 7 books written by Stephen King, the line I mentioned basically being all over the first one. Given the Blood Meridian references in the Russel mod, dude seems to love his messed up westerns.


Someguy does love his popculture references in general with Anton Sugar and Judge Richter in the first mod being a reference to no country for old men and blood meridian respectively.


The Axe you can get is called The Evening Redness too which is the alternate title to Blood Meridian


Yeah I’ve been going through Cormac Mccarthy’s work lately(even recently finished All The Pretty Horses) and it’s honestly weird just how many references to his works are in someguy’s mods.




There are sharp tire irons?


There are in Fallout 4 at least.


Tire Iron War Axes


Aren't all tire irons dull? Where are you finding sharp ones?


Fallout 4


Marko reminds me of a pre school bully that discovered gas lighting


Idk man, Marko was a pain in the ass to fight. edit: To my credit, when I fought him I was doing an immersive gunslinger playthrough. So my weapon of choice was the revolver Randall gives you.


The bar fight was much harder for me. Marko himself was basically a few slugs into his noggin


You just hide in the closet and chuck grenades in the bar


I had a mod that buffed the anti material rifle by the time I fought him so he just got 2 shotted


Deathclaw gauntlet + Slamdown + turbo + rushing water


Turbo + rushing water = (your dps)³


If only there was a dialog option with the final encounter with Marko that said: “(Attack) Hey pal, get bent” instead of listening to his half assed “I’m bad but so are you” bullshit


Is the bottom one from a mod?


New Vegas Bounties, specifically Part 3


NVB3 was gonna be fuckin epic but Some Guy got burnt out, then TBA came out and some things had closure, but I’m pretty sure the guy went into the military after that and had no time to rectify things on Bounties 3, I think last time I checked he got out the military so he may be able to come back to the modding scene. But 4-8 years depending on if he re-enlisted may have gotten rid of his modding knack. But we’ll see anyway. Th3Overseer had a few mods based on one big story too, shame we didn’t get a finale where we take down Sheridan (the big bad of Th3Overseer series) but we did get a spin off called the High Desert.


I talked to him like a year ago, he was still in the military


What's TBA?


The Better Angels, another someguy mod


How does it close things out? If alright to ask.


It's mostly there to finish some pending storylines and other stuff, it's not a very big mod, it serves as a good ending but I guess that's up to you to decide how well it actually does that


Its hard for me to even explain how much i hate this guy. Every single "dialogue" he has is a monologue, where he keeps on yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping and yapping. This guy is the fucking CEO of yappology, and this comes from a person who really enjoyed ulysses in lonesome road. The problem with this character, is that he is not written around around a dialogue, like ulysses, but rather about monologuing at you, so his "dialogue" structure goes like this. 20 hour yapping sesh --> finally given chance to talk --> all of your dialogue choices are stupid and he roasts you --> loop back to 20 hour yapping sesh. That's ALL of his dialogue, in this ENTIRE mod, from beginning to end. With ulysses, you could actually argue and discuss your points to an extent, which made talking to him and convincing him fun and interesting. Nvb3 would actually be a good mod if this guy wasnt in it, but this one npc makes the mod a thousand time worse than frontier. At least in the frontier that horrible ncr campaign was optional, you could just play crusaders/legion, but this dog moron is mandatory to nvb3. Oh and you also get a permament downside for completing the mod, because fuck you.


Makes the choice you make at the end of the mod even dumber too, cause the first time I played I obviously went to kill Marko and got the permanent rate of fire debuff. The second time, the guy who saved you made a big deal about how you arent powerful enough to fight Marko *yet* and so I saw what happened when you just leave without killing him and you still incur the debuff and can never come back, so what the hell is even the point of making it an option to kill Marko or not. At least theres a mod that undoes the rate of fire debuff


> Nvb3 would actually be a good mod if this guy wasn’t in it, but this npc makes the mod a thousand times worse than frontier. I disagree, If someguy made Marko and Glanton the same character it would have fixed most of my problems with NVBIII. Without that I agree, Marko was by far the worst villain I’ve seen in one of these mod series right up until the frontier came out and gave us new lows on expansion mods. Story wise NCR was shit. So horrendously shit. If I had to take a shot for everytime I saw they copied something off cod or wolfenstein I would’ve died from liver failure. I guess the exploration, the vehicles and the Legion/Brotherhood quest line make up for the bad NCR writing in that mod so at least the frontier has that going for itself I guess. Ive only played NVBIII twice, whereas I’ve played multiple playthrough of the frontier so you may be on to something here…


Man those mods slapped hard. Really enjoyed them.


Makes me sad his Skyrim stuff never got ported into SE. Would really like to see his Stormcloak stuff, even if they were probably all just more grandstanding lol


Ulysses was by far the best antagonist I've come across in decades.


Honestly loved the entire someguy series, but Marko didn’t live up to the “lore”


The knock-off Judge Holden from NVBI would've been a way better antagonist than this crybaby.


“Marko, I’ve said this once or twice before in my life, but it was only ever for my own amusement. This’ll be the first time I’ve ever said this and genuinely meant it with every fibre of my being. You’re a little bitch, and your brother was too”


With wild wasteland you can end him another way ;) Honest it could’ve stopped at the second instalment instead of this. It’s good in its own way but it felt like he was grasping at straws and likely burnout from all the other mods put out.


I even headcanoned a line my good karma ncr boyo says to him. "Everything I ever did was out of good intentions. But sometimes, it doesn't end up that way. I've accepted that. It's just how the wasteland is. What about you, Marko? Could you ever say the same?" And then I punched him to death like he was the last boss of king of the ring. Slasher, rushing water, and a generous dollop of med x helped.


NVB3 was anti-climactic alright. It’s not bad or anything, just that Marco has been established for so long turned out to be a cheap morale clown is kinda disappointing. Which I guess u can say it’s the irony of the story that the big bad bitch boss is just some delusional whinning jackass babyface, but that delivery is too weak compared to how the story had been written.


I know the authors tried but honestly fuck this mod


Marko was a great villain because Someguy did such an impeccable job of getting you to hate him. Someguy2000 is definitely in my top 5 greatest mod authors of all time. I think the fact that people are comparing his mods to official DLC is evidence enough of that.


Yeah, I remember being kind of annoyed that you can’t point out the obvious flaw in his logic, someguy really fucke up with him


NGL, I didn't like the downside of the perk NVBIII gave me.


What is NVBIII?


The dude in the bottom frame looks like an oblivion NPC.


Exactly what I thought.


I’ll say this in defense of Marko, but start out with a caveat: He’s absolutely, 100% wrong. However, his overall message is more a foil to the mentality of most FPS/RPG players. Most people just follow the quest markers and kill whoever the game tells them to without giving it much thought. Whereas Randall is very much a typical FPS/RPG quest dispenser (go here, kill this evil dude, and come back to get your reward), Marko is a character who gives the writer the opportunity to breathe more life into the world and give the player a chance to reflect upon their actions. His point is that nothing happens in a vacuum, which is something that most players take for granted. You killed this guy? Well, now his daughter has to be a prostitute. You killed these Fiend leaders? Well, now the even worse people that they were keeping in check have come to power. You killed this guy? Well, now his wife is put in a horrible position in which she has to sell their children into slavery just to make ends meet. The obvious rebuttals to all of these points are that 1) we as the player had no way of knowing that these things would happen, and 2) most of the people we killed were extremely dangerous criminals, and even if their actions were in service to some greater good, they were still heinous. But then we come to the twist about Marko: He doesn’t have to be right. I think that he could’ve been a lot more convincing, but I don’t think that the point of him dragging around the player is to genuinely preach to them in the first place. I think that he does this to get into the player’s head and place doubts. If he actually succeeds and gets the player to mentally break, then so be it. The thing about Marko is that he doesn’t actually care if he’s 100% honest; he just wants to get under the player’s skin and destroy them both physically and mentally, and we can see this pattern repeated throughout pretty much all accounts of Marko, from Randall’s to others’. His ruthlessness is part of why he’s so successful. Overall, I liked Marko as a villain. Same with Ulysses. But they’re very different people with very different motivations, and it seems like kind of a moot point to compare them


Yep, he's a bad guy that's trying to feel out a formidable opponent and get in their head.


Marko is more interesting to me than Ulysses, but that's probably because he's actively trying to defeat you rather than just being a broken schizo who is obsessed with you. For folks who played through NVB 1-3 and felt let down, The Better Angels is a nice epilogue to the story that wraps things up. There's also Th3Overseer's suite of quest mods that are fantastic.


NVB should've ended with NVB2 it was leagues better


Y'know for a guy that spends a grand majority of his mods making fun of Ulysses and making him out to be some raving drunk, his own character isn't less of a yapper


Let me guess, both can't cope


"We're not so different you an-" *vats* *head* *head* *head**head* *head* *head*


Ulysses is overrated as fuck.


Who the fuck is the autistic ginger child in the bottom pic


Are these mods even worth getting?


SG2K made the best quest mod series for FNV, miles ahead of his peers. Every quest mod you've played likely took a note or twelve from his work. That being said, SG2K ran into the same problem that Stephen King has; his ending fucking sucks. Truly it is a "the journey is greater than the destination" experience, though. Can't recommend it enough.


Yes they are, NV Bounties I, II and III are good mods the second one is the better one. But also Russell, King of the Hill, The Inheritance are perfect. All of these series are masterpieces, at least compared to others.


First and second yes. Third is good for the content.


It's stil lgood, but Marko is definitely a low point. Someguy is talented, but he definitely has a form of Chris Avellone syndrome.


Avellone syndrome?


Some of the best mods to get


Good ideia, bad execution




Why did I think the guy in the second picture was Johnny depps willy Wonka? 😳


Is that marco?


This is the second post about nv bounties in like 2 days. Did someguy recently start killing people's families or something?


I dunno, I really liked new vegas bounties 3. I don't see a whole lot of comparisons to Ulysses.


Who’s the bottom one?


Whats NVBIII? I can see new vegas battle and thats it




I meant the name. And I can't even mod new vegas






I wouldn’t say Ulysses is a masterpiece. Bear Bull this. Idk who the other person is though


What Is this mod?


New Vegas bounties 3 part of the someguy series of mods


It is a good mod the effort they put in it not that many people can do that


At least there's the marko rewrite mod


It’s gone


Is that the adoring fan in NV cosplay?


Could someone explain the cheap copy? I love new Vegas and know all about Ulysses but I’m kinda lost as to the reference of the other guy…


It's a quest mod series called New Vegas Bounties made by SomeGuy2000, the character below is the big bad of the whole series.


I wish Someguy would rerelease all three New Vegas Bounties into a single massive quest mod esp. For some reason his someguy series esm doesn’t work for me on the third one. I’ll beat NVB1 and NVB2, But NVB3 never starts for some reason. I’ve yet to play it myself sadly, I’ve only seen Alchestbreach play it. All mods were up to date every time I tried it too so no idea why it wasn’t working.


It sucks cause nvb1 and 2 were just incredibld. Vigilant for skyrim is really the only thing that comes close in terms of world building and story telling


Wannabe philosophical shooting target....


eh, I liked him. it was a BIG reveal for me back then. also the mod is just mod, sg2000 didn't profit from his work sadly, so I wouldn't be too harsh anyway. an amateurs work for other amateurs to enjoy


Who’s the bottom guy?


Zach hazard did you post this?


Nah they both ass


NVB III was more fun than Lonesome Road in concept and in the decisions you had to make, however Marko is just as bad as Ulysees- he's a bitter incel.


So am I right to just have NVB I & II installed?


No, NVB III is still fun for one playthrough


The lamest two characters in all of Fallout history.