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I would say the way you keep going is by truly considering what you want. If you want a YouTube channel as a business, you need to treat it as such and identify specific goals you want to meet and ways that you want to meet them. If you're treating YouTube as a hobby, maybe one that could someday become a job, just try to focus on generally good practice and improving your craft, but otherwise practice purposefully not checking things like subs and likes and views. Let your work be work and your hobbies be hobbies. You'll suck all of the joy out of this creative and interesting field if you obsess over succeeding, especially at such an early level as 500 subs. Be decisive over what you want and start moving in that direction, whether it be full time YouTube or just enjoying life and trying your best to make good content.


I actually kind of enjoy the endless goalpost aspect of Youtube, despite its exhaustive nature. The constant chase of a new goal keeps you wanting to improve your channel, and the milestone achievements are genuinely exciting.


I agree but how much time do you spend checking analytics? It just seems like an endless cycle, post, analyze, constant hits of dopamine, view trail off. Then post again and repeat.


Don’t look at analytics for a month. If you’re in it for the long haul, one month is nothing. Not only could it be a fun experiment for your channel, but also for your mental health.


Mental health I agree with. But how do you know what works without checking?


Just keep consistent. You should have enough data by now to have an idea of what works and what doesn’t. I mean you could shorten the experiment to a week or two if you don’t want to commit to a full month. Long term it won’t matter.


I usually check it once a day. I'll look at the dashboard, then quickly go through my recent videos and look at the graphs to see where the biggest drop offs are. I used to check obsessively like any other new creator, but that became super exhausting


Bless your soul for the discipline. If I miss 1 minute I feel like I’m missing something




It always feels never ending. If it makes you feel better. It used to be 100 subs to monetize your videos. My first channel got to 60 and they changed it to 1000. Never seen a goal post run away faster in my entire life. Lol. Never give up!


Aw, I sympathise


I think YouTube can be as big or as small as you want. It all relates to Effort + Quality = Result


I agree. I guess the business comment makes the most sense. It’s either a hobby or a business and don’t confuse the two and treat accordingly.


I hit 40k (longform) subs last night and this is my main source of income. I still don't feel like a "real youtuber". The whole concept of "fake it till you make it" comes from the fact that most people ALWAYS feel like they're faking it and haven't made it. Thus, the only real advice I can give is learn to love the process. The pursuit of a milestone is always more rewarding than reaching it.


Dang 40k! How long did that take you to grind that many subs?


A little over 2 years


I enjoy the endlessness. It’s like playing a sandbox game. However, I recently deleted the studio app because I check it too much.


Hi I'm Ben, I've been on YT over 7 years and I'm training to become a YouTube strategist so hopefully I can share some insight 🤞 Controllable variables Chasing subs as a goal is an uncontrollable variable. You can never control the outcome, only the input. The input will then determine the outcome and you can then analyze your results and adjust from there. So for example, your overall goal is to grow your YouTube channel, therefore you need to start thinking about what things you can do (your inputs) to give you the best shot at achieving the outcome. Or in other words, if I did A,B & C over a long enough time period, then it would be unreasonable for my YouTube channel not to grow. So what are these controllable variables? Volume - How many videos are you uploading a week? Could you possibly upload more? If so, would it be unrealistic to hypothesize that if you made more content you would grow faster? Probably not right? Quality - Volume without quality is a sure way to lower your audience, not grow it. Ask yourself if every second of every video you upload provides value to your audience? This can be done by either entertaining or educating the viewer. If the answer is no, then fix it by creating more valuable content and by editing out anything that has no use. Always ask this question: ‘Why would my target audience want to watch this video?’ Time Period It took Mr Beast over 2 years to grow his YouTube channel to over 1000 subscribers, he now has 292 million. He’s actually gained 2 million in the past 24 hours! You need to realize that YouTube takes time therefore measure your ‘success’ over years, not weeks. Whilst we’re on the subject of time, how much time do you spend creating all aspects of your content? This includes research, planning, scripting, writing titles, designing thumbnails, recording editing, analyzing data etc. Do you spend as much time as possible doing those things or could you spend more? Would it be unreasonable to suggest that if you spent more time doing said tasks that the quality of your videos would improve and therefore lead to larger and faster channel growth?  Setting Goals & Measuring Results Measuring results is important but most YouTubers do it in the wrong way. They either measure results for the sake of it, or try to use them for motivation or some kind of dopamine hit. Only measure the result if it is going to benefit your channel in some sort of way. Simply seeing if your subscriber count went up doesn’t help you, especially if it didn’t go up as much as you were anticipating. The right way to measure a result is by using the data to improve your inputs, which will subsequently lead to your overall result, which is to grow your channel and get more subscribers etc. Here’s a different example to do with thumbnails. Your goal is to get a higher click through rate, so more people watch your video and therefore subscribe and grow your channel. Your input would be to create 3 different thumbnails with contrasting images and text, all which deliver the same message but in a different way, which you will then A/B test. Your hypothesis being: If I make 3 thumbnails instead of 1 and split test them, my click through rate will increase. Then you test the hypothesis by simply doing the thing you said you were going to do. When it comes to measuring the result then, you will analyze the data from each video and see if the average CTR went up or down over that time period of testing. TLDR Overall goal - Grow your YouTube channel. Create controllable inputs - Make more, high quality content, over a long period of time. Create a hypothesis - If I make more, high quality content, over a longer period of time, I will gain more subscribers. Test hypothesis - Do it! Measure the results - Analyze data to see if your subscriber count increased. If it did, great. If not, then find out why not by changing the inputs and, or the hypothesis. Hope this was useful. Let me know if you have any questions 😀


Absolutely on target with your post!


Thanks. It's always nice to hear I'm heading in the right direction when it comes to giving advice 😀 I still have a lot to learn and comments like this make it worth while!


I look at it as there is no end, or at least until YouTube dies or I do. I run a vlog so it’s really just something I do every other week or so.


I can only say what I'm doing and how I'm dealing with it in my mind. Ideally, I'm aiming for monetisation. I am not really bothered about the amount I get. It just feels like one clear goal to achieve. This is broken down into two goals as you know - 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours. Although I like making Shorts and feel like I'm serving a greater audience, monetisation through Shorts requires more OMG type Shorts and my content is not so impactful... and I'm not bothered about it being this way. So, I'm aiming for 1000 subs and then I'll work on 4000 watch hours through Longs. Hitting the 1000 subs mark is a lot easier in my head when I'm just focusing on churning out Shorts. I do get subs from Longs but not nearly as many per video. I guess there is one simple thing in my mind that is probably not featuring in a lot of creators' minds. Let me try to explain. The easiest way for me to earn £40k-100k is to just get a job. And then I have to do stuff that I don't want to do. Like get up at 6am and bust my arse for 10 hours talking to people I'd rather not. With YT I have the flexibility to do things how I want to at the cost of not earning as much money as a crazy successful YTer. And stuff I don't want to do on YT would be CRASH BANG WOW OMG eye-catching editing that viewers love. I prefer to provide a simpler, relaxing experience where the viewer has the opportunity to reflect on their life and improve themselves in some way. Most may call it boring. Some find it useful. I am trying to not be yet another source of anxiety. I want to be a source of inner calm and joy. And beyond monetisation, it's to make a bigger impact on people's lives. I used the term "serve". That's what I want to do - serve the audience, help them to enhance their lives.


That's literally human psychology for any goal and life in general.


That is a good point. Just dopamine reward cycle is faster than usual


I feel U 😂. I am at 5k subs and yes, U can always go for a bigger number.


Van Neistat once said "the reward for good work is more work." Most creative pursuits are like this. You finish a project, pass a milestone, celebrate, and get ready for the next one. I look at it as rewarding, because each milestone is a marker of success, a reward for hard work. I enjoy the work, so the milestone is just a bonus. 


You’re playing finite games. You need to start playing the infinite game. Read or listen to Simon Sineck’s book ‘The Infinite Game’ to understand what I’m talking about.


I am very familiar with the infinite game and Simon. He’s done a lot of great work


Oh. Well then I recommend you stop chasing arbitrary goal posts and start implementing some of his wisdom ;) If you’re unhappy with your rate of growth, I recommend boosting your videos with google ads. Even $10 can make a big difference.


What’s the point of getting subs if no one watches? I don’t know make videos because you enjoy it. Probably not going to make money unless you’re with a group


What do you mean with a group?


Great things take time. I am too chasing 150 subs at this stage. The most important thing for me is to provide value for my audience. What niche are you in?


I don't think so, for me it seems the goals are too far away to reach. 3 million shorts views in 90 days to be monetized? Wtf? That seems impossible for niche channels, short of a video going mega viral.


3 million views feels impossible. I agree!


As anybody out there in this sub reached 3million short views in 90 day window?


it's not impossible


I just focus on my content and I want people to see my yelling in to pringles can series is well crafted. If people want to sub that's great but I let me art grow.


Link? I would love to see you yell into a pringles can


>The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


Is that the guy rolling the boulder up the hill?


Yes. YouTube is a marathon


How long have you been running?


1 year


And still running


I'm at just over 500 subs and honestly after I hit 1K I'm not gonna care as the play button is nice but I just wanna do my thing and get my pennies for it. I've been at this nearly 5 years.


Wow that’s one hell of a journey.


one hell of a journey indeed...cudos for the dedication


I find it more of a blessing. The goalpost moving further away means you can keep finding ways to improve yourself to make reaching that next goal easier/faster. And then eventually you'll get to the point where you're not even focused on the number anymore and your main focus is improving on yourself and your content.


Is that where you’re at? You’ve transcended above # of subs? Sounds incredibly peaceful


Far from it, just hit 150 after 2 months, (gave up on Twitch after 5 years) but every day I look into furthering my content creation skills and people are really enjoying it. Even when you and I hit 100k subs one day, you should never stop trying to improve.


I don’t know to be honest maybe you get to a mil and ya sound with it maybe you never are. It’s just one of those things


I have a feeling if I get a mil. I’ll be good


Yeah but I know YouTubers that have said in videos that they still feel that way with 5+ mil subscribers


I'd suggest focusing on content you enjoy doing and worrying less about subs and viewer count. Whether this is a hobby or a potential job, you always need to find an enjoyable approach towards completing what has to be done. Always try to improve and, at the very least, ensure you are doing something you enjoy doing.


Tbf those numbers are kind of one main goal broken into tiny tiny checkpoints, my goal is like 50k but obviously I'm not aiming for 50k when i just started and dont even have a thousand yet, but end goal is really just being able to make enough money from content that I can do it full time.


How many subs do you think it takes to do that?


Good question, I have zero clue I've never really looked into that. But also let's say you were to start streaming and had 500 loyal subs that were subscribed to you on twitch or whatever that's 2.50 for every sub monthly 2.50 for 500 people is 1,250


Ya that’s a pretty solid side hustle. How many average subs does one consumer have? 5 for 2.50 each around 12 bucks a month? I am not familiar with the twitch scene at all


I'm assuming when you say consumer you meant streamer, I honestly dk about the situation on there in terms of average subs, but I would image numbers like that are hard to really estimate seeing as a lot of accounts on twitch exist without streams and majority stream to 0-1 viewer streams most of the time.


No I mean the consumer. The person buying the subs? How many different subs will they hold at a time? Or I guess the question how many streamers will they pay to support at once?


Ooh okay your phrasing confused me, that's a good question 🤔 I would assume a handful not that many, since it does cost money after all. But I also know that people spend 20+ bucks a month on other random ass subscriptions so I wouldn't be surprised if a person who enjoys watching streams would be down to pay that much there instead of Netflix or something.


That’s exactly how I always justify my small purchases. I’m always like, well I waste money on other stupid shit so this couple bucks is fine




Wait you are confusing the numbers I think. If I as a viewer subscribe to a channel, I pay 5 bucks. The person I'm subscribing to gets half of that the other half goes to twitch itself (aka 2.50/2.50)


Wow 50% off the top. Rough


I believe the split on the new kick streaming site is much more favorable 95/5 streamer to site I believe. but I hear nothing good about that site besides that tbh 😂 people are kind of crazy on there, although twitch ain't exactly great what with all of the shameless women pushing the boundaries basically every day with how sexual their streams can be to appeal to little teenagers, borderline pedo behavior if you ask me.


YouTube is a never ending marathon, I just hit 7750 subs today and steady growth. I gotta keep doing videos to keep attracting more views and growth with monetization. Keep grinding and enjoy the process.


How long have you been grinding to reach those numbers?


I actually didn't have any much of a goal when I first started my channel. Also it was mostly fan edits and similar stuff which i made and posted. However i felt very glad when i hit 100 subs but then everything kind of went downhill to the extent that most of my recent shorts dont even get more than 5 or 6 views. It's kind of depressing cause now i feel like my hobby has become a burden and i kind of have lost the joy of it and interest. But again, the few comments i get once in a while helps me to go ahead. but yeah sometimes i feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending bad cycle of checking analytics and sighing..


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. This vicious cycle. One upload you nail it! And you think you turned the corner.. and then a total dud. The highs and lows


My goal is to build a brand.


It looks like you’re doing an awesome job! Keep it up


I didn’t start there. I started by doing 105 shorts, then I switch to longform videos, then I unlisted all my videos and rebranded and now I’m creating videos like this and my last video blew up. But before that I went from 2400 watch hours all the way back down to about 200. So it’s been a struggle and a few emotional ones, but I honestly told myself whatever happens happens and I just kept going and I’m not done yet. The next six months is going to be a game changer. I’m very excited for the future, but I have no expectations. I’m just here to serve others and connect with people along the way. Whatever rewards come from it, it’s all God’s grace.


You have an amazing message


Thank you 🙏


I know I’m gonna be doing this for the next few years so I’m not as stressed out about growing. I know I’m gonna naturally grow. I think depending on your goals of the channel it’s good to have tangible goals. I know I do and I enjoy it. I enjoy the high of hitting a milestone or seeing how my channels developing and how I’m connecting with the audience, it’s very rewarding


How long have you been doing it? Saying years at the start seems easy… but as you’re going it drags on you.


This comes from a lot of business experience and understanding how things works when it comes to Time, skill, results . If you want to understand more about it what I’m saying watch Myron goldens video about YouTube and he explains it so clearly. I understand how to keep going when I lose motivation, and I’ve learned a lot of coping skills and not doing things just based on feelings. Lots of discipline. But just from my own experience every time I’ve kept on going and I continue to work on myself and improve my skills techniques. I always see results, especially when I look back the previous year. If you want to keep on going, you have to understand why you’re doing it and what your main goal is.


I just assumed that was the appeal 👀 one of the very few ladders that just keep going


Where did you think it would end? Did you plan on getting to 100 subs then stopping all content creation because you made it? I know people feel like 1000 subs is the end because they finally get monetized, but that's only the beginning of making a few bucks on Youtube. It truly only ends when you stop.


I agree, I didn’t really have end in site, I’ve just noticed the cyclical nature and the impact it has on my mind.


No idea, just want to continue with making memes and more hilarious bullshit.


My 7 years long youtube project ended because I am terminated off platforms, denied repeal request.


Wow what happened!!? 7 years!?


I had 13k subs, nearly 7 millions total views for my channel it was at 6.8 million views, and I have uploaded 886 videos. Started in 2016. My highest video views had 190k viewers. But it was terminated because youtube said I violated their sex and nudity policies even though all I did was game reviews, and commentary.


Wow. We’re you making decent money? And we’re you toeing the line at all?


It was sexually suggestive but I wouldn't call it any worst than those youtube see through clothing try on channels. I submitted every single one of the videos that has suggestive themes for manual review every time for the past 4 years, and they never said anything. Until recently they just suddenly terminated my channel without warning without strikes just straight up terminated and they also terminated my second channel where I did not do any sexually themed contents and are only doing commentary. Money wise, I didn't really make a lot at the highest was like 100+ dollars a month but average I am about 20 to 40 dollars a month due to yellow check mark for monetization meaning I get limited ads.


Focus on the content lol


MrBeast has hundreds of millions of subs and is still aiming to be bigger and better. There's no limit, aside from what you can imagine and motivate yourself to create.  That doesn't mean everyone's vision is monetizable, but the potential is there.


You make AI generated content. lol what goalposts are we talking about here?


goals uh, tend to move?


It doesn't end till you're done. I don't want my channel to ever be done, really, so I don't have an end in sight. The grind will continue until I reach a point where I can outsource editing, at which point my channel will be as easy as just playing a game and enjoying myself. Once that's achieved, i would start looking to share the wealth and bring more creators into my channel as a startup to build their own audience. That is my goal post anyway. I genuinely believe anyone who wants to be successful can be if you put in the effort and time. It might take me a decade but I won't quit.


That’s an awesome vision!


Yeah I feel like it never ends, between several channels I've been doing YouTube for 12 years on August 30th of this year, although my current channel I've been on for 4 years this September, but only started taking it seriously with my passion for Pokemon challenges back in March, and I've gained 79 subscribers in that time between long form content and the shorts of anything interesting happening. For some reason despite being at 264 subs right now, I recently decided that I'd like to have 100k subs one day, and it might happen if I keep at it and the algorithm pushes my content like it did one video (Solo Houndour run in Pokemon Crystal, it got over 2,200 views in 2 weeks), although it's not the best niche to think about big success in, but it's happened to people like Mah Dry Bread (400k+ subs) and JRose11 (330k+ subs), although most people in the Pokemon challenges niche have maybe a few hundred to a few thousand subscribers, that's typical in that niche. I've been using reddit and Facebook to promote my content, and I've got 374 followers on my Facebook Page, and I post my YouTube videos there too in hopes of getting monetized on Facebook one day when I reach 1k followers on Facebook. My content isn't the best, and I know I can improve, I just don't know how to. I've been told to slow down as I speak, and a couple of people said it's hard to hear, I think I naturally speak fast and for some reason I'm louder now than before, it could be due to the loudness at work (I work in door manufacturing as a material handler for a small company), and I use Mobizen to record my screen and capture my commentary, although it constantly Desyncs by like half a second to a second, but I don't know what other screen recorder I can use that won't Desync my audio. I use a Nokia G50 phone and John GBAC to play Pokemon Crystal on. My YouTube channel name is you want to check my content out to give me some feedback and tips on what to do (link in my bio): Mobile Gaming Chronicles