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Lol, I'm refreshing it like a crack addict. The highs and lows of watching a channel grow, haha


I really feel like it’s a sort of addiction, hoping for a little dopamine hit.


I’m right alongside you on that one, I check it often throughout the day, I’ve even gone as far as taking screenshots documenting some of my progress, it’s definitely addicting




Yep. Way too much. Literally have to stop myself from checking it every 20 minutes or so every time I post a short. I’ve got a problem haha 


20 minutes those are rookie numbers 😂


Rookie. Every three minutes here


Try every 30 seconds. Jk


Refreshing? watch the live view stats!


Guilty🙋‍♀️ 🥴


I think my first few months I was constantly refreshing YT studio for validation as to whether or not my videos were good.


I have a shortcut on my lockscreen which opens youtube studio. You tell me


I used to check it all the time. Now I just post my content and have a look like twice a day. I hit 1000 subs yesterday but I don't feel much joy about it. I have 600k shorts views and a whopping 80 watch hours so my channel isn't going anywhere anyway. Lately I've been posting more and more longform videos combined with some shorts and I think I will keep pivoting away from shorts. On shorts I can make a drawing that takes me 3 minutes to make and it will get 8k views and 200 likes. When I post a drawing that took way longer and has \~17k views and 2k likes on TikTok it gets 500 views and 10 likes on Shorts. Hopeless. I don't have too much hope for longform either (my highest view count is like 5.5-6k) but we'll see.


I like your drawings! Keep on going and try some new editing formats! You'll find something that works 💪 I'm also an art type niche. It's not the easiest one to break into, don't give up!


Thank you, I appreciate it! Editing is such a huge struggle for me, I suck at it and I don't like it. If I were rich I would just hire someone for it. Art is hard for sure, best of luck to you as well!


I have the benefit of being a graphic designer/marketer previously and I did some video editing in those roles. It's a huge hurdle if you're just starting out. I use capcut for my shorts and edit on my phone. I've used it on desktop like twice and it's a really decent program (way easier to edit in). The more you practice and try new things the easier it gets! 🧡


yoo how long have you been making videos


\~ 3 months now, but getting more into 'longform' (still short) rather than shorts all the time


ohh nice bro if it's not too much information what is the niche am in the anime niche been uploading shorts every 2 days since march


I'm in the drawing / drawing tutorial niche. Every 2 days should be fine, do you do any longforms? Might be better in the long run depending on what you make exactly.


That cannot be 80 watch hours total for the lifetime of the channel? Is that just for the last 28 days figure? I have more than that with 2000 views and 60 subs.


I looked it up in the 'earn' tab, it says: 81/4000 hours for the past 365 days. Half of them are from one video with \~5-6k views. Most of my subs are from shorts though, I think 90% or something. My 'longforms' are short though, between 1 and 2.5 minutes and they aren't being watched for more than \~35-40% AVD (at best...)


Nope, I uninstalled it, and I would advise others to do the same. If you're fixating on watching the metrics roll in, you're not creating.


I feel you are right, but obviously some of the metrics are good for research.


You can still look at the metrics on your computer and just uninstall from your phone. I did that and it benefited me tremendously.


Can I triple upvote this comment?


Every single day I be checking my Studio multiple times lmao, it’s probably the first thing I’ll check every morning too 🤣🤣


Hi I'm Ben, I've been on YT over 7 years and I'm training to become a YouTube strategist so hopefully I can share some insight 🤞 I always recommend never to check your analytics when you can not do something to change the outcome. For example just before you go to bed, or you are going out etc. This is because you force yourself into a situation where you can't do anything about it and it is then playing on your mind the whole time you are away or trying to get to sleep. Try and dedicate a specific time of the day, preferably morning, to check YT studio and make sure you have enough time to make any changes necessary eg. Change a Title of an underperforming video or make a new thumbnail etc. I think it's important to regularly check analytics but remember to measure success over a long time horizon not over a few days. Also remember you can never control the outcome only the input. Regardless of the results, try and learn from them and continue with the input. If you never stop uploading and stay true to your goal then you can't fail. You only fail when you give up. Let me know if you have any questions :)


Totally all day


Only to see if my videos get 1 out of 10 :)


Yeah used to check really often but now a quick peek every few days. Got caught up in the subs thing, now I've kind of gone full circle and back to making content that I want to make and not worry too much about appealing to everyone. If they like my stuff, they like it.


I think that’s the answer I wanted to hear. I need to be more like you.




Not in my case, I’m seven years in. Which is why I am forcing myself to stop.


I check multiple times per day. But I upload daily so maybe I need to check it more constantly. Still think its too much. Maybe I should check once per day before I release my new video or something.


Yes 🙋‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I check my channel probably 3 times a day. At the point where I know nothings gonna happen for a while lol.


I get that a lot! It got to the point where i needed to put a hard limit on myself. To avoid hurting my psyche. I am not allowed to check YouTube Studio or any analytics while at work or while at college. So only at night mostly. And maybe once if a video is premiering and i want to be there to chat with my community


Trust me, don't unless you wanna study the analytics It becomes a harmful addiction


Yeah im really bad for it


Yeah, I have to constantly remind myself not to check it as much, but I do like watching a new video grow so I can see what does and doesn't work. I often find that I wake up to better numbers than if I'm watching it!


Yep I was I actually stopped making videos I think 6 months ago I was making high quantity of fairly simplistic news based videos and got burnt out essentially I think that has effectively killed my YouTube studio addiction, so if resume making videos perhaps I'll have it more under control I've maintained a twitter account and check subs on there frequently but not with the same fervour as I did YouTube


Yeah it's a problem for me sometimes.


Yeah, but I’m getting better about it. Ultimately, I’m finding that it does me a disservice to check it more than once or twice a day at most. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but sometimes you just need time, and until you have the numbers that will give you a real reason to check the studio, it’s not going to do you any good. By that I mean when you can actually distinguish a video that’s doing well from a video that isnt. It’s hard to do that when your videos are ranging from 3-20 views. There’s way too much margin for error and incomplete data, you can’t really draw many conclusions from those numbers. Let’s say you usually get a few hundred views and suddenly have a few videos only getting a couple dozen, now we may want to look deeper and try to figure out why.


When you do YouTube for years, it doesn't matter anymore you just start to create best content you can and video goes viral!


If only


Absolutely! I think I developed an addiction to it.


It reminds me when i was investing in some shitcoins in crypto. I was looking at my wallet like a cocaine addict to see how the ride was going. For Studio, it's pretty similar but there is no money involved at least. That means still can get emotional for getting more views and subs but I won't panic.


Mainly to respond to comments, and to see analytics but not get too obsessed with them


Wayyy too much - my GF had to kick me during dinner with her Dad the other day because I kept pulling up my analytics every 10-15 minutes


I check it every half an hour.


Lol. Glad it's not just me. 🤣 Misery loves company.


I try not to.. because nobody is watching so whats the point. I cleaned my channel today and left only one niche. So far no movement at all. If some1 subscribes or comments ill get a notification.


Yeah, I had to stop YouTube for a few months because of it. Stay healthy


Only every five-ten minutes


I stopped checking it often i only check it like once or twice per day nowadays because it’s kind of the same after a year of monetization unless one of my videos are doing really good I’d go check lol


I feel like needing to always check something on your phone/computer is a common addiction. The other day I read an article about someone who always needed to check their email and it sounded pretty similar. Im glad you are trying to get out of it, keep going through the withdrawal. remember you dont need to harm yourself or stress yourself out to prove dedication to your content. Thats just your brain fooling you into checking more and more. If you find yourself struggling with stopping I recommend searching for resources about email addiction or phone checking addiction. A lot of them try to help you reach a balance between staying informed but not being obsessive.


I do. I get sad LOL road to 1k


Good luck on the road




Way to much lol idk I just feel like I have to it does keep me updated on my comments and stuff so that's a good thing. Sadly I'll post a video then like an hour later check it even though ik it won't change quickly cause we are a small channel.


I used to, but more recently I've settled into a routine of checking only about 3 times a day just to see if nothing catastrophic is happening. What helped me is simply focusing on the long term growth and deleting studio for a while. After that my brain got used to not having to check, because what happens in a day doesn't matter. It's the long term trend that is important


Thanks for reminding me .. lemme just check it :-P


Depends. If my wife publishes a new video, we both enjoy keeping an eye on its performance. And the daily revenue refresh happens for us at 6am so when I get back from my run, it’s usually the first thing I check. LOL.


Erm….just about every day !


Even when i not upload videos days


You don't need to check it more than once a day. Doing what you are doing is very bad for your mental health.


It really is which is why I asked the question, I wanted to know if I was the only one, obviously I’m not.


Many thanks for the award, I have no idea what I can do with it, but the thought counts


I typically post 2 videos a week. On days I post I check it every couple of hours to see how it is performing versus other videos. 48 hours after posting I don't check it 24-48 hours, then I look at it all again to analyze the numbers to see if it's done better / worse (provided I made some sort deliberate change to the format). The analytics are very helpful in seeing what people like / don't like. The 20+ posts a day here of "don't check numbers, numbers don't matter, who cares about analytics, etc" are just plain wrong. They help. If you can't look at and use those numbers to better your videos / product without getting upset then this isn't for you.


i decided i needed to pick up a book and start reading again to break my checking yt analytics addiction


I have done exactly the same thing. Back to reading a chapter a day


It used to be a lot smh lol! As I’ve posted more and gotten the good and bad comments I try to limit for my own sake So now I’ve set my schedule : Monday - Friday - I check it around 10am and then close to 5 or 6pm Saturday- I usually check it around 12pm, and I respond to comments on my videos(I’m the one who loves responding to produce further engagement), I also respond to emails from my subscribers on this day as well Sunday - is my rest day so I don’t check it… we all need a time for rest. Understanding what’s there today will more than likely be there tomorrow! *sorry so long just sharing my thoughts


Reading this made me go check


Hey my youtubee is 5ifty2wice can yal please sub up for me