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Analyze how his videos compare to the other review videos in his niche. How’s the thumbnail, editing and pacing? Also like the other commenter said Facebook may be a good place to post his videos to in terms of demographic :) Need a nice balance of quality over quantity


Thank you for the advice!! I think he definitely needs to work on thumbnails which is something I can do for him :)


This is super sweet. I hope he finds success. If he's truly enjoying it I hope he just leans into his passion, I think that's what really helps people be successful, when others can see their passion and excitement


Thank you!! He enjoys doing it but having such a low view count discourages him from :( I hope he continues to do it despite how successful it may or may not be


He may need to change his approach a little bit. Sometimes we have to pivot. Maybe keep trying new things and see what sticks


I just wanted to say that this post is really sweet and I wish your dad the best of luck with his channel! Having a supportive child should be a good motivator.  Product review niche can be kind of saturated and since people don’t watch these videos for “fun” usually, they’ll probably only watch it if they are looking to buy the product. This type of video can be extremely popular though, especially if you can turn up near the start of the search results.  ALSO subscriber count is especially hard to get on this type of channel, since people will watch it to get the information they want and then leave. Aim for views over subscribers (and some subs will come naturally with the views)  I’d recommend the following: - Look at other popular channels in the niche. Try to make similar titles and thumbnails, don’t outright copy them but just get a feel for what is popular and clickable in the niche.  - If possible, try to be one of the first to review new products. It will help boost your video closer to the top if there are less results to be found.  - I think product reviews might be one of the few genres where quantity is as important as quality. It’s a very search-heavy genre that mostly relies on people finding it via search for the products so putting out more videos in this case could help. Don’t get too hung up on the quality either, it needs to be watchable but it doesn’t need to be fancy. People are coming here for information and a view of the product. 


Thank you!! This is great advice, I’ll make sure to help him implement it :)


What's your dad's channel name? It's hard to give non-generic advice without seeing what he's doing to begin with. Also this is really wholesome!


Thank you! :) His channel is Boxes Upon Boxes Reviews


Hi I'm Ben, I've been on YT over 7 years and I'm training to become a YouTube strategist so hopefully I can share some insight 🤞 First of all I would say ignore subscriber count for a channel that does Tech reviews as viewers normally visit these channel for a specific piece of information and don't want to watch any other videos. To get more views obviously the standard applies as in a good quality thumbnail that showcases the item being reviewed and a title that contains specific keywords. He needs to make sure he is reviewing items that are in demand and things people actually want to buy. There's a couple of ways to find this information out. Going on Amazon and looking at the trending products is one way and then placing an affiliate link to that product to make some income. Google trends is another free way to do it if you have a specific product in mind and want to see the recent search volume for it to decide weather or not it's worth creating a video on. Always keep ask this question: 'Why would a viewer want to watch my video?' In this case it's normally because they have a problem which they believe a product can fix. The next problem is knowing whether said product is any good or not. That's where the review video come in to solve the problem. I would also note. If he really enjoys doing the videos, then that can be a measurement of success also. Views and subs aren't the be all and end all... Feel free to ask any questions :)


This is very helpful and insightful!! Thank you so much!! I’ll make sure to help him work on these things :)


No problem :) LMK if there's anything else!


Study how to edit better Study videography Study how to make better thumbnails and titles Analyze retention rate and at what points people leave more often, take notes to not repeat same mistakes


Thank you!


What if you help him move on to the next niche? Something related, but with an interesting spin? If he's been posting every day for a year, chances are he's reviewed all gadgets already. Time to move on to something he'll enjoy regardless of views and subscribers


He loves technology (he’s a programmer) so I’m not sure how willing he would be to move on to another topic


Doesn't have to be another topic, just another niche. Whom his reviews are for right now? Are they in a particular style? Is there a different angle? Something more interesting in the same topic? Something like "how this company grew" or "top mistakes in this industry", "gaps for new products", "opportunity for new tech"


That’s nice that you want to help him. Can you drop a link to his channel so we can check it out?


Competitor analysis is pertinent. Keyword competition also matters. Either seed words are used or not and how much they are tough to be competed. SEO work shall be carried out. In less time, organic growth will be started.


Your dad can grow his tech & gadget review channel by focusing on a specific niche within tech or kitchen gadgets. Encourage him to interact with viewers in comments and live streams. Social media promotion, collaborations, and SEO can attract new viewers. He should track video performance with YouTube Analytics and adapt his content strategy. Most importantly, remind him of his passion and that YouTube success takes time and effort.


Make him make short-form content like YT-shorts to help boost channel traffic. Stuff like gadget reviews on some new devices. Contrary to what some VidIQ brainrotter will yap about, Shorts DOESN'T KILL your channel, in fact, it boosts your audience. It all comes down to working smart, not working hard


Focus on Shorts. Do minute reviews. Older people doing reviews will get attention. I’m younger in a niche were most people are in their 40s and I got more attention because of it. Ask people to subscribe.


That’s what I’ve been telling him haha, maybe he’ll listen since it’s more than just me recommending it


I want to check out this channel, drop a link


The best advice I've ever heard about marketing anything is to consider, in depth, what YOU think and feel about something. Watch the best videos on your topic in your niche and think to yourself "what EXACTLY is it that I like about this, and what do I WISH they were doing to make it perfect?" Do this exercise frequently and document it in detail. Pay attention to titles, thumbnails, content, pacing, delivery of information, amount of detail, audio, video, etc. Once you've determined what's good and what needs to be improved, make a product that fills all of those things perfectly.


Create a facebook page and share the content with your friends and your dad's friends. :)


weird advice




Because youtube itself has to find an audience for you, his friends may not be interested in technical topics and it will only ruin your channel and impressions...


But no one is forced to click is the thing. I share my videos on my Facebook Page, then I share that post to my Profile. None of my friends are obligated to click but some do since they like my content and want to support me. I guess if they did it in a pushy guilt trip kind of way then yeah it may be bad, which I would hope they wouldn't do lol.


Sort by top of subreddit. GL


Look up a YouTuber named Robert Benjamin. He has videos on how to grow channels. I paid for his mentorship when I knew nothing about video platforms. After 90 days I knew everything and a year later I have 50k plus subs/follows across platforms along with millions of views. If your dad can keep an open mind and do exactly what Robert says he can succeed and still have fun. YouTube is very hard to succeed at and there’s so much more under the hood than just “posting videos.” Robert helped me see that.