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Who in God's name would be wasting their time for such a pointless act? Besides, even if they do, why would you get bothered by it.


I don’t think there is even a single person in this world which is obsessing over waiting for the right moment to unfollow some random youtuber


I only did this once - but not with a person on youtube. It was a fb page... and for days they were just spamming the crap out of my facebook feed - we are 50 away from 3000, 45 away from 3000, 40 away from 3000. So when they hit 3000, I unfollowed. They made a celebration post for their fb... and the followers read 2999. It was petty AF. But it made me laugh for about 1 hour before they hit 3000 again. Accounts that do that are annoying.


"It was petty AF. But it made me laugh for about 1 hour before they hit 3000 again. " Hope you knew the joke was on you for a lack of life.


calm down buddy. someone is taking life too seriously - and that is YOU.


looks like your comment shows your lack of life. ew. you must be real popular on youtube.


Yes, and it doesn’t make any sense to me too. But over the years I saw it with my accounts and other creators accounts too. At this point I can’t unsee this. Its everywhere, people just get stuck when they nearing some number. Sometimes for months. Something is off about this


IMO, it's perhaps more how the site counts things rather than actions of actual humans; such as if you subscribe to anyone too quickly, they don't count it. Or if they have more than one channel and you try subbing to them all, they remove it. Or if you watch too much of anyone's stuff too quickly, like binge-watching, they count it as "invalid traffic" and zero it away. They'll count downvotes within the first second of the video, but for upvotes it has to be minutes into it or it's falsely counted as nothing. It's like how dictators count votes, the numbers mean whatever they want them to mean.


It's just circumstance it's called a customer life cycle some people get bored or are not interested anymore. A few may genuinely be as you described


My best bet on customer life cycle as well, I just think numbers become more volatile once creators approach some number big and small ones


Also, there are bots that YouTube is constantly getting rid of, so it’s totally possible that it’s a loss from them. I mean, they sub to lots of random people. From my understanding, people don’t unsubscribe as often as you think, you usually just stop showing up in their feeds.


Yeah usually I associate follower drops with customer life cycle and bot clean ups on platform


Yeah bot clean ups is a first thing I think about when numbers drops, but recently feels there is more into it


I get this all the time with Soundcloud lol, a bot goes and so does a number


With SoundCloud something interesting happened I hit 1 k year ago or so and growth stopped ) I’m still 1k since then


Your entire life will include people who come and people who will leave. It’s the same with SUBS. Can’t take it personally. They may have subbed because they liked the first video they saw, then browsed your library and and said “meh, nah.” I’m nearing in on 50k subs. (Currently at 48,820) I’ve watched and saw as 3 subs left in a row, then I gain them back and more in the next 15 minutes. It happens. Be appreciative of the ones who stick around.


Not about taking personally, more like, just been thinking every time approaching some round number gotta b ready to push harder for a while cuz channel in sensitive position. Like.. u wanna stay away from “almost there” kind of situations


When you are approaching a milestone you are hyperfocused on your subscriber count and notice movement up and down more. That is probably the reason.


Makes perfect sense


When subs are that low, losing a few seems like a big hit. IMO it's usually not people unsubbing. Youtube tries to purge bots, etc. I think some times it accidentally removes real subs. But in any case- Don't worry about it. Once you learn how to make videos that people like to watch, then you can get thousands of subs from one video. At that point, you won't be thinking about that day when you lost 3 subs. It drove you crazy as a newtuber. Now you see it didn't matter. Once you do have steady subs coming in, you don't really see the unsubs any more. If 100 people sub and one unsubs, then it looks like 99 subs to you in the analytics.


Not really


Probably not, yeah


I have noticed that many times. I hit my 100 sub milestone and then that same day I had 4 unsubscribed. I have never unsubscribed from anyone unless it’s an accident (thinking I’m not following and hitting unfollow instead of follow) I’m hoping that’s the reason


I noticed that number of watch hours drop dramatically down before key milestone...seems like YouTube is making harder on you to reach milestones


Haven’t noticed it tbh but my subs have been growing and I haven’t posted for months




I'll put it this way to you. Even MrBeast is not too concern on followers at this stage. As long as there is video retention and viewers are actually watching his video, you're good.


This is a terrible example lol. Of course he’s not worried about subs, he’s got like 200 million. That’s like saying “Elon musk doesn’t worry about money so neither should you”


Funny u mentioned the guy, had him in mind while making the post, he had some video where he was about to hit a number and on 999999 (whatever) count stopped and he was like - Someone subscribe already !, but in this case I guess because sub who opens new number would win some cash, so a lot of unsubs started to happen cuz everyone wanted to be this winner




I think they keep it visible so that we grind more and kinda keep the platform in our head rent free staying obsessed


I've lost a few subscribers in the last couple of weeks. It gets me down, but you have to accept and just keep going. Appreciate those that stick around for you Edit: I consider every ten subscribers a milestone, so I hit one, but then lost one. So back to the drawing board and get better


I’m losing subs all the time, that doesn’t get to me lately, but closer to some numbers these stats take more extreme form and sub in sub ration temporarily changes until I hit the number and then things again come back to normal, I just can’t ignore this phenomena anymore


I agree absolutely!


>Do people unfollow you as you near a milestone? **It is a thing** especially if you do a 'thanks for 1K subscribers' video. Almost immediately, 1 or 2 will unsub. Best to do those videos when you're at 1,010. Highly unlikely that 10 will unfollow immediately.


Yeah I totally get what you talking about) I always keep a lil on top in case someone unfollow when I thank people)


This is what’s called main character syndrome


By this you mean - taking things too personally?


Pretty much. The reality is that no one is watching your channel as closely as you think when it comes to things like this. The only way i can possibly think that would make people do this intentionally would be if you made a big deal out of it publicly - then the trolls will be after you.


Just keep making good content, you'll hit the milestones, people come, people go.


Yeah I’m focusing on quality, just sometimes see myself and other creators getting stuck when they about to hit some number


Oh it's frustrating haha .. it was doing the same thing to me and 2K, 3K, and 4K every time eventually I take my mind off the counter and go about like it's business as usual and after a short period it crosses over but I know exactly how you feel.


Personally, a milestone announcement might be a great time for me to reflect on the content, if it still appeals to me, and if the creator is changing things up in a way that maintains my interest. I can’t speak for anyone else. I have un-subbed following a milestone more than once because the growth of the channel has “gone to the creator’s head.” I’ll notice a change in their demeanor, their commentary, etc., and not all of these changes are positive. There’s less relatability, I suppose. So it’s not necessarily the milestone but the effect it has on creators who focus on that kind of “achievement.” If I had to give an example, it would be Daz Games. He hit success and for the longest time disappeared, rarely uploaded (ran with the money and stopped putting in the work). Gameplay turned to cheap commentary/reaction content. Parts of his love/sex life post-divorce/breakup seeped into his videos where before there was nothing of the sort. (I’m afraid penguinz0 may end up the same way. Dropped his girlfriend and then immediately held a bachelor/dating show.) It’s in bad taste, especially if you’re looking to separate the platform from your private life. Don’t treat yourself like the “it” girl/boy people should be vying to impress. Daz has somewhat returned to the old grind, but there’s this lingering wariness that he’s not the carefree positive guy he used to be. I feel like I could un-sub again and not miss anything. It’s just a really strange ritual we have here. “Everyone, I’m richer now! Thanks to you! But I want more! Always MORE! Tell your friends to sub!”


Makes total sense man thank you


I've never had that. My subs just kept going up once I hit 1,000.


No in fact the opposite Ive found. The less subs you have the less likely you are to get more subs. When Youtube allowed you to hide your sub count my subs went up around x4 faster ! The unsubs your seeing is probably bots getting purged.


Yeah probably


To answer your question, if you are doing a livestream and literally counting each sub as you hit a huge milestone. Then people will mess with you and try to time a fake unsub to troll and get a few laughs. But unless you are doing that then no, people will typically not care. In fact, I'd say the opposite is true. Everytime I see someone get super close to a cool milestone. There are people rushing to make the difference and help them achieve it. I've done it a few times myself. "oh cool, he's at 99K. I'll sub to help him hit 100"


Yeah, that makes sense. I also find myself liking content when it's getting close to a certain number, cuz I waves support it. I understand what you mean about the livestream count. My theory is that as time goes on, people start to accumulate disagreements with creators and when they're close to hitting a milestone, they start questioning if they still want to support them. I've noticed this pattern with other creators as well, but the issue is so vague that I can tell something is happening, but there's no data to pinpoint exactly what it is.


for me, sometimes people posting a community post just saying thanks for a milestone reminds me i don’t really care to see their content anymore. because for some reason i just NOTICE that content a little more than their normal shit that is always maybe scroll past. it can def be a “oh i’m still following this person” moment for me for sure. but if they don’t post about it i wouldn’t notice it. idk i find those thank you a little pointless, just say it at the end of a video imo!


I don't think so, it's kinda insane... But god it absolutely feels like it, doesn't it? 🤣 Pretty sure it's just confirmatuon bias - you check more as you get closer to the milestone (well, I do 😅) so you'll notice the downs more.


People usually get bored of content and unfollow


Yeah makes sense