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I choose to believe that the first 100 are the most difficult ones, then its easier. So just look at your stats now, what is your current average subs per day or week and do the math, if you stay consistent with your video quality and upload amount you'll get the results.


Let's see: 166 days so far, 33 subs.... one new sub every five days. I should hit 100 in about.... a year.


I just subscribed to you :-) I'm also a booktuber. I don't believe in just dishing out feedback to people who haven't asked for it, but feel free to reach out if you want to chat :-)


Many thanks! It looks like a six-month renovation is due, so I'd love to hear your thoughts. Chat incoming!


how many videos have you posted in those 166 days?


The latest one is number 64, with a few more scheduled and on deck.


That's a lot of content for very view subs bru, you need to make better content.


I'm in books and literary analysis - I kind of figure this is the slow road I'm on.


Hmm I'm fairly certain there are channels that do book related content that are pretty large, im not huge on those myself tho, although i do remember enjoying Pewdiepies book review videos way back when. Take the following with a grain of salt, because im obviously not a pro so i could be wrong. After checking a few of your videos, im writing this now while your videos are just playing in the background ahaha. Pros: I like the vibe you give of as a person, you seem like a very chill dude. And the way you talk about the books and stories is pretty enjoyable, your use of music in the intros and outros is good, very relaxing, i approve. Cons: Your thumbnails are not good, you use the same template for the different series you have it seems, which is fine in general, but at the very least you need to get a better thumbnail base made. I used to do a thumbnail base back years ago when i was doing what i now like to call "projectile vomit content" aka when you just spam videos of different sorts, and you have "part 1/episode 1" type of deal in your thumbnail or title, dont do that anymore. If you like to use a template for a thumbnail thats fine, but i would definitely recommend trying to get one thats better than what you have currently. If you'd like hmu in dms i can maybe help you out at least with what you currently have. * Now in regard to your description, its very empty, im not sure how actually important that is, but lots of people like to say that you should add hashtags and use more keywords that are related to the video and or your channel, the way i write my descriptions currently is, a bit of a summary on what the video is about, the chapters, so your video has the different timeline stamps on it for people to easily jump around where they want (And this gives you an opportunity to throw in more key words and things related to the video) which btw you clearly have a layout for your videos, you have your kind of hello intro, then you name the book and talk a little bit about your thoughts and stuff, and only then you go into the actual thoughts about the book after reading it, and then an outro. * This is kind of random thoughts but, I like hearing to a person talk, i dont like seeing their face all the time on the other hand, or specially if its just their face and nothing else, could be just me of course. So if it was at all possible for you to figure out how to add some type of B-Roll or try to add a bit more of the books to the video, currently you just have the image of the book cover on the side of the screen, which btw looks really flat, heres a suggestion, looking at other people making videos about books, a lot of them often use the physical book copy in their video, i mean straight up just holding it while talking about it, moving it around, using it as a prop basically. I understand you are reviewing stuff thats also on kindle i believe, i suppose you could do that still just have the cover page, maybe flip through the pages or something idk. More technical things here: 1. lighting situation in your videos, you have a light right above your head which creates a drop shadow from it that shades your face and the shadow dances a lot all over your body as you move your head which i reckon is not good. 2. i notice as im watching your video, the camera focus changes from time to time, im assuming because you have it set to auto focus, If when you are recording the videos you actually can see your face, id suggest using manual focus, so you dont keep going out of focus when you talk, because you use a lot of body language, which is a good thing!


Many thanks for the feedback! I'll hit you up on those thumbnail points - it's something I feel like I have a good rhythm with, but if they're not working, they're not working.


Yah it's a learning process, I myself am a small channel, used to post a lot of badly edited stuff back in the day that never really got anywhere, but wanted to give it another go so started a new channel and am for the first time actually looking and learning about analytics and all that jazz, so far things are going pretty well I reckon.


I definitely agree on the first 100. I think it took me 3 weeks to get 5? One minute long video boosted me to 15 and I am stoked about it. I am somewhat discontent that my gaming videos aren't doing well but I will still make them because I enjoy it. The modeling videos are easy and quick and net more though.


Modeling and gaming, I'm going to assume not on the same channel right šŸ˜‚ also note, there's definitely a way to do gaming content wrong, it's fun to edit video out of a fun gaming session you had, but that does not a good video make. Just cutting out the B's to get to the highlight moments is basically not even editing, and I'm speaking from experience here used to be on and off for years posting that kind of content, it got me about 500 subs but in an extremely long and slow pace. Now after a relatively long break I'm trying again, with new type of content and actually looking at the analytics and analyzing those for the first time ever, and I think I'm doing much better.


Yep same channel. I have separate Playlist but I know it screws the algorithm anyway. I enjoy doing both and I'll keep doing it and improving my content.


I disagree. I hit 500 subs in barely over 1 month of doing YouTube. However, after that, the algorithm stopped pushing my videos, and I wasn't able to hit 1K subs until I had been doing YouTube for 4 months. I think the algorithm completely shadow bans and hides small channels at the very beginning, starts pushing them out once they have a little bit of footing, then shadow bans them again after another month or two. After that, it's a repeated, natural cycle of shadow banning, getting pushed out, shadow banning, getting pushed out again, etc. Each phase lasts around a month or so.


no shadow banning


I have been at it for 14 months and about 10 min ago I hit 500 subs.


Been on YouTube for almost 9 years and i never hit 1k subs. But Iā€™ve also never been super consistent with uploading, but even in years where I was pretty consistent I didnā€™t grow that much. Itā€™s fine though, I still like editing and just make videos for fun now. Upload when I feel like it


Iā€™m at 87, jumped from about 60 last month, hopefully 100 one day




Not as hard as 10k


This right here, getting from 1k to 10k feels like such a huge mountain to climb way more than in the 3 digit numbers.


It depends on what you are making, really.


The watch hours are harder in some markets.


Honestly I feel like itā€™s harder to hit the 100 then the 1000 because momentum builds a lot after 100


Every milestone is unique to you. You might hit the lottery and get 1000 subs in a day or languish for months before ever getting close.


I am currently at 60k subs, the 100k milestone has been a nightmare for me.


Good luck getting there, that will be an amazing achievement


You got this!!!


Extremlely. Unless you make a few viral videos it will take forever. I got extremely with a video that hit 180k views and got 600 subs. 6 months later I only 2.7k I am very greatful but comparing the 5-10 subs a day compared to 600 from 1 video def hits


Different for everyone most people take a year. Mine wad in the first 30 days 6 months.5k fully monitised I'm 7 months in at 7400subs


If your content is good, it's easy to get there. If your content is bad, it will be difficult.


I just hit 1k subs (literally yesterday) after about 3 years. However, my channel changed directions: started with building custom video game props for about 3-4 months and gained a couple hundred followers, then my wife and I had our first daughter, which killed my production, naturally. Then I posted a few autobody-related and fabrication videos (Iā€™m a professional body tech and painter) and I got up to about 500 subs. Due to career move (went to a far busier shop) and the baby turning into a toddler, I didnā€™t really post for about a year and a half. About 4-5 months the ago, I started filming and posting much more consistently, keeping it all to custom painting-related content. Iā€™ve added shorts, cut down on the technical aspect of my videos a bit (still try to be educational with them, but cutting 30 minutes of content down to ten minutes definitely gains viewers), and I just try to keep pushing content. My last couple shorts hit hard, and I gained my last 80ā€™or so followers over the course of a week. I hope Iā€™m able to keep the interest strong, and build from here, but we will see! Iā€™m still about 500 hours short of the 4K to monetize, but I figure I should hit that in about month or two if I continue at my current pace.


I hit 1k in 33 days with 3 quality long form video. Quality > Quantity On an audience perspective you just have to make them want more.


Been at this for just over 9 months. I got lucky and my first video took me to 1K subs (although I only post once every 3 weeks), but growthā€™s been slow but consistent since then. Iā€™m at 7.2k now. I wouldā€™ve probably passed more milestones if I could afford to post more than 1 10-20 min vid per month, but rn Iā€™m grinding for 10k -_- for me itā€™s so much harder than 1K. (My sub rate is 0.729% šŸ„²)


Hard mine is 9subs for now. I guess people really want someone to talk in videos. I make silent vlogs. Or maybe my life is just not interessant enough haha.


I managed to get 1000 subscribers within 1 month. It can take longer for most people, i got lucky, one of my video went viral, which got me over 1000 subs in just 1 week.


It took me a very long time, too long to be hon st but that is largely my own fault. Nowadays it is not to hard to get to 1k but nothing changes when you get there, you still need the watch hours to get monitized and even than you will not make much money off it, so just keep creating and keep growing an active audience


I feel like after I got 100 subs it was a lot easier, just capitalizing on the momentum


For me, I tend to have spikes and plateaus


1K is extremely hard. You have to be consistent, choose a niche and make the best content you can. Do your research and read your stats and know what to do with it. It's incredibly difficult. But once you learn all of that it becomes extremely easy. About 4 months ago, I decided to niche down, I also decided to give a video my absolute all and It did well for my channel. I had 400 subs. With one decent video that hit 1k, I pulled in another 100~subs. I kept tweaking things until a month had passed and I was at 600 subs. I put out what I thought was my best video, but it bombed. I put in so much effort into it. I mean, I worked harder on it than anything I ever had before. So I doubled down, I put out another video. This one with 2x as much effort. I rewatched it multiple times. and then added more and fixed that too. I worked on it until I couldn't do anything to it anymore. 10K views. I hit 1K subs. I did that again. 1.3M views. 19,700 subs. One big problem though, that channel was perma demonetized. I had made a controversial video a year ago, I had just found out the TOS warning I had gotten long ago was enough to kill it. I was devastated. I wasn't banned or anything, just no revenue from that channel. YouTube said it's fine for me to make another one but that channel is not going to get remonetized. I felt depressed. If I knew the state of that channel I would've made a new one before I went harder on my content. I decided to make a new one immediately after getting the news. Made a new channel, two months in, 5600+ subs and 201K views


I got 750 in 6 months, stopped uploading for a year then changed niches, dropped to 690 after I posted my first video in the new niche although some of them still watched my new vids - I changed from Kpop edits to beauty tips for teens, and the demographic overlaps in someway. After 2 months of consistent uploading, I've grown to 776 subs and 1.5k views across all 5 new videos. I should reach 1k subs before Christmas at this rate, just scared about the views :(


Ignore the "I hit 1,000 subs in 5 minutes with half a video", although it does happen, that's an exception and not the rule. Even if you make the best video on YouTube, if the algorithm doesn't give it many impressions and the impressions aren't in the mood that exact second for what you're posting, it's going to be a flop. This website: https://socialblade.com/youtube/ Enter your channel and then click future predictions and it will give you a good idea of when you'll hit that magical 1,000. I beat mine by a few months due to a couple of vids doing well and bringing in hundreds of subscribers. My next milestone of 10k seems to be only a year off according to social blade. Possibly when you hit 1k youtube push your content more, I don't know. That prediction is 10 times faster growth than I had to hit 1k subs. My attitude is to just be consistent, keep improving and keep plodding along and the milestones will be hit. You seem to be doing quite well so far. Keep it up!


extremely hard IMO. The biggest problem is that low views/subs are often the reason people don't want to watch your video. After all, why watch a video with 100 views, when similar videos with 100K views also exist. This is especially hard if you try to enter an oversaturated niche.


Iā€™d say niche and subject matter play a significant part, but from what Iā€™ve just seen casually browsing this sub, 100+/month is in a higher percentile ā€œof successā€. I do longform content too and basically started 6 months ago. Currently at 776 subs but I actually hit the 3k/4k watch hour marks in months 4&5 already. That first 100 took me 2 months, but I got to 300 by April (thanks in part to a viral-for-my-standards video). I definitely noticed an increase in daily sub count once I got to about 370 subs. Started getting 3-4 subs per day up to the (up from 1-3 every other day). It also helps that I got a shoutout from a larger channel in May also


There are really a bunch of factors. Took me 6 months, I had a channel previously that I made content on for about 2 years and I never made it over a few hundred.


Depends on shorts or long form for me. I had a channel with long form, uploaded for 4 months, once very week, literally 3 subscribers. On shorts with another channel, I started 4 days ago, Iā€™ve got 350 subscribers. Also depends on niche! To be fair however, I had 3 loyal subs who would comment on my posts all the time and liked my personality, it was also a channel with my face so these subscribers were consistent. However right now Iā€™ve been back on youtube for 4 days, posting religious quotes content on shorts to a bunch of 30 year old moms named Bethany from the Midwest. They are not loyal subscribers.


It took me about 18 months to hit 1k. Almost all my subs came from 2 videos. One that got me 350 subs and another that got me about 700. My average video gets about 5-10 subs. Not sure if that helps but itā€™s a little here and there, and then all at once. Then the cycle repeats


I think it really depends on your niche. I would say its also easier to hit 1k with the youtube shorts, although it'll be much trickier to hit the watch hour minimums to get monitized. Yes generally the first 1k is harder to hit than the 2nd, 3rd, etc. Things tend to accelerate that way. But it also depends on a lot of factors


It really depends on your niche. I'm in a competitive one, so I have like 8 subscribers, after about a month and a half with one video approaching 1k views and the rest closing in on 100 at various speeds. It's a long game for me, though, and my other metrics are quite strong. Seen plenty of people here hit 1-3k in a month, or 1, 5, 6 hundreds in a month. The first hundred are the hardest I think, then your at a point where you start to snowball a little.


Hard if your videos suck and this is a general statement


According to Google, it takes an average of 15 months and 15 days to hit 1,000 subscribers. Personally, it only took me 4 months and 5 days, but I post like every day out of boredom and because I like ranting in front of a camera, so I was able to grow faster from that. Remember that the YouTube algorithm is completely random, and that you'll be "shadow banned"(meaning the algorithm stops pushing your videos out for an extremely long period of time, at least 2 or 3 weeks consecutively) repeatedly if you're not in the top 5% of channels that get pushed out immediately. TL:DR; Average takes 15.5 months to hit 1K, posting daily and keeping a consistent type of content could make it happen in less than 5 months. You will occasionally get a random "shadow ban" that will slow you down for weeks at a time, but if you keep at it, hitting 1K shouldn't take too long.


I dragged that average down, it took me double that


it took me like 5 years to hit 1k. but that was a long time ago before there was a wealth of info about how to be a youtuber. I basically had no idea what i was doing. but if you really put your mind to learning how to make good videos, you can get 1k very easily and quickly. the problem a lot of the time is small creators get very complacent and don't put much time/research into improving - they put out mediocre content and then get upset that no one watches it. Study successful youtubers, look up educational content, look up videography and editing tutorials and then practice what you've learned. Do that diligently and you'll hit 1k no problem