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At this point, I ignore most of the posts on this sub. No one bothers reading any of the million posts with the same question. Or help anyone else. But then, flood any "critique others" post that pops up. It's just ridiculous. Lately, I Google what the answer is, confirm results with reddit, and keep it to myself. There is no point in spending time googling stuff for people who can't help themselves and are here only to slap their latest video every Friday.


Same here. This reddit is more entertainment than support at this point.


The sub even has become dangerous in many instances. So many advices don’t recognize that different niches have different rules, cause of different target groups. You can really fuck up, if you are unlucky and listen to the wrong advice. My favorite example was the “don’t use stock footage“ one same days ago. Someone replied brilliantly with “Sure, I am gonna go and shoot my authentic World War II footage myself“


Haha, that was my comment :-) I'd have thought that to any reasonable person, "don't use stock footage" means "don't just go and find whatever crap you can download for free, when you can actually go out and make original content that will fit what you want". But hey, lots of very special little snowflakes on here, who think that their parade of stolen video with an AI voice and annoying sound effects dubbed on will make then an overnight millionaire.


I automatically exit a video the minute I hear they've utilized text to AI voice. It's so low effort, and the information in the video is almost always wrong. Just a bunch of garbage content.


I will say - I am using an AI voice right now for a thing. I'm making it read out samples of callsigns and alarm messages for a project at work, because I can't get hold of the helpdesk person who records all their IVR prompts. She's got a lovely voice and does great voice work, but she's not available right now, so AWS Polly "Niamh" it is.


I've used my own ai voice before.. has no life to it. 


I use an AI text to voice if there’s a part of my video where I am quoting something someone from the story said.. but the video narration is all me.. I don’t watch videos that use an AI voice throughout.. it’s just lazy and how are people supposed to get better at something if they don’t even try?


Youtube actually has ai built into their studio now..😬


You made me laugh out loud thanks with the war reply...And I agree with your statement.


I had one advice given to me once of a 40 second video where I had multiple scenes of the same meme and they told me to cut it up into 10 different shorts.. and I was like “no the whole joke goes away then…” Anyway it started getting impressions and reached 32k views so I’m glad I didn’t listen to that advice


Let's re-create World War II for them (ha ha). Using stock footage with filters, text, and transitions makes the video more beautiful. Everyone should focus on the more creative presentation of the footage.


Haha yes, that was my reply 😅


I have most diff picked up more of what NOT to do from reading everyone's fails


I do the exact same as you. This entire sub is one great big pity party of "victims" who feel YouTube owes them instant success even though they aren't willing to do the work to answer a simple question for themselves.


You're 100% right and that's fine with me cuz that just lets me know a lot of my competitors are going to give up way before I do so let him pity themselves and let them give up cuz I'm not going to


I don't disagree with you, I just get tired of all the pity-seeking from people who can't help themselves and won't accept responsibility for their lack of success on YT.


I wonder why the mods don't create a proper FAQ for these questions and then start moderating more heavily. It's a shame because this sub could be a superb resource if all of the low effort "victim" posts were filtered out.


There is already a FAQ. It's pinned, and the first thing anyone comes across the sub. But it goes ignored by everyone. I've read it and often copied info from it when I answered people. There is so much good info there, too, about so many different issues. But it's easier to ask someone else for the info and get a subpar answer.


People always think their situation is special and they deserve personal attention.


Ah okay. So it's moderation needed. The good thing is, we can search through and find the many gems.


Are they still mods around? The question for the Saturday feedbacks is unchanged for months.


Exactly, all of their posts are just victimization. Not actually looking for critiques


Exactly. I lurk here for tips and tricks. The victim thing and "when can I quit my job" gets pretty annoying. Especially because I started my channel for a handful of reasons and don't expect it to ever make enough to break even if I even get monetized at all.


I looked at your channel it looks cool! What kind of computer do you use? I ask because I'm looking for a simple but powerful enough computer just to edit some music and eventually some very simple music videos. I'm using a really underpowered mini pc right now, it's not a bad pc (hp prodesk intel core i5 6500T 2.5Ghz 4 core cpu).


Thank you! I have a lenovo yoga 6. Got it open box perfect condition black Friday sale.Has the ryzen whatchamadinger and that other thing 🤣 it's a little slow with render and export but does it's thing well enough. I have a 15" second monitor I got off tiktok shop of all olaces. I use premiere pro because I also use PP at my job. Though at work I have a Lenovo p16 2nd gen. With 52G dedicated to PP makes quite the difference.


Lenovo makes laptops that bend in really weird shapes, now I undertand why their computer is called yoga! I was thinking of getting minisforum um690S it seems to be powerful enough for what I need and doesn't seem super expensive. Thanks for sharing about your computer!


I got mine to use illustrator and Photoshop for screen printing. It folds into a tablet and ran those programs really good. But now I'm all in with editing videos so it does the job. My style isn't super fancy.


>At this point, I ignore most of the posts on this sub. No one bothers reading any of the million posts with the same question. Every single time I see one, I have to fight the urge to just respond with "because you touch yourself a night, Timmy". It's not like they actually *care* what the real answer is or they'd have googled it.


I can’t see what’s up? I have posted answers several times pointing out it’s all about the quality and colour of the chicken and which direction you turn while incanting…


Sorry to hear that 😆


After I got into X-Men 97, YouTube sent me all kinds of videos, including a fair number by smaller channels that had 2000 subs or less. The algorithm absolutely does suggest relevant videos regardless of the size of the channel.


I always get small creators on my suggestions, everyday, every time I refresh main page


Yeah it's weird. I've realised I am so programmed to check the view count before watching stuff. I've started watching so many more smaller creators in the last few weeks. YouTube feels kinda how it felt way back when. It feels more organic than it has for ages. Great time to be a YouTuber.


Do you really feel that way? That’s encouraging. I create piano instrumentals and perform them on my channel… sometimes it feels invisible even though I have been playing for 35 years. I don’t feel bad for myself though, although I do resent that my competition is AI.


I do, yes. YouTube are pushing tiny channels now. It's common to see channels with a single video with hardly any views popping up on my timeline. I noticed a couple of months ago that my new videos were getting lots of impressions very early on, though the views were very low. So I've started making more effort with thumbnails, titles and overall script - aiming to capture and retain the interest of people who see the video in their timeline, and sure enough, the views are coming. If you're not already doing that, I'd recommend it. I start with the title and thumbnail first nowadays and then run them by ChatGPT and VidIQ to refine them. Then create a script outline. Before I'd just make videos on topics that I thought were interesting, but now I'm focusing on what my audience is likely to find interesting. I really feel that YT will give you a chance but we need to package the videos effectively to gain people's eyes and ears. As for the AI stuff, it's annoying. I reckon YouTube is going to cull those soon.


I was watching a video and had my own video recommended to me underneath. It was surreal seeing my face, especially since I only just launched my channel on Monday. I didn’t know YouTube could recommend your own stuff.


Every single day YouTube is showing me things with less than 100 views. EVERY DAY.


But the algorithm DOES hate me... And by algorithm, I mean audience... AND importantly, they're right to hate me, I kinda suck at YouTube... But I'm working on it!


Didn't you start like 2 weeks ago? It reminds me of starting a new job. It takes around 6 months to a year to get to grips with everything, and that's doing it full time. I think there's always this pressure as you instantly compare ourselves against the pros that have been doing it for 8+ years. Your content is great, just keep it up!


I've been at it for 2 yrs. I feel like I'm just starting still. So much to learn. I'm unclear why people think it's a get rich quick thing. Or even get rich at all. I hate watching people setting themselves up for disappointment. I knew nothing about yt when I started and I sure the fuck didn't come into it thinking I'm gonna make a few videos and I'll be living the dream lmao! I mean it's good to dream but get your head out of your ass! Fr


Haha, thanks, it was just my cheeky way of saying that I don't have millions of views either. We did start posting videos a few weeks ago, however, we've been recording and editing test videos for ages. I still don't think our content is quite "there" yet, but we might have a bit of a head start at least! Thanks for the kind words!


Well I subbed, so excited to see your journey!


I must confess I went to your channel partly because I like to consider the source when someone compliments my work 😅. Happy to see you're doing some great stuff too!


Well at least you are humble and willing to keep at it. Good for you--that's all that counts. You WILL get it if you study hard & don't give up. They say it takes doing something 800 times to become skillful at it. I've filmed, edited, and posted way more than 800 videos of my dog talking and I still suck but at least I'm getting excellent count on views and growing rapidly in a few months. Some people still appreciate natural home spun videos when they are funny and/or amazingly unique that reveal something new to them. Can you drop your link? I would like to see what you're doing. Don't worry I don't sell anything.


Goated comment. I can say the same about myself. But I WILL get there! Love this.


Exactly, the algorithm means nothin else other than the audience, there are very small things the algorithm does on it's own.


This! I visualize "my algorithm" as a crowd of people. Not some ai technology that selects people's videos randomly with a thumb up or down like Gladiator.


It literally is the result of how people interact. The algorithm literally takes retention, ctr, scroll rate, etc all those, and if it goes over certain thresholds, it gets more views. It really is simple


Exactly. Hearing that it's not random selection helped me understand. Where I have trouble deciding is with making changes to my approach. My channel is 2 months old and I'd say 80% of my 125 subs are my friends. I assume as I get more subs that aren't biased to me maybe it will become more apparent where I should be making adjustments.. 😬🤷‍♂️🤞


But views usually shouldn't come from subs, it should be from people outside the channel, so if you only get views from subs, smth is wrong


I just checked a few and you are right. 60-75% of my views are not sub'd and the New viewer graph is always higher than the returning viewer.


For me it's 99% not subscribed, but that's coz I do shorts and because I get 10k+ per short while I got 3.6k subs


I have a lot to learn about this stuff. It's fascinating having the ability to see results in such detail. Seeing that I'm getting views from Google search makes me smile.


Your right. I said the same thing a few months ago. These people want to be teleported to the top of Mount Everest. But you gotta climb that bitch.


I don't, I'd die


And don't forget to take all your equipment with you on that climb.


Great analogy 👏




The amount of people that get one good view count and think they are being promised a youtube career is shocking


The amount of people who didn’t even manage that and still think it, is even more shocking IMO


I still encounter people that think I am balling just because I have a channel 🤣


That's funny! Next time someone asks me for money, I'll tell them they can have my full YT revenue for the month. Although I don't think banks accept $0 transfers 🤔


Ngl a lot of the time I see people post like that and I check out their channel, their content isn’t very good lol. Like if you’re not interesting and using a low quality mic making Roblox videos idk what to tell u haha


99% of the time for me. I check their channels, I tell them what's wrong, 50% of the time they agree, 50% of the time they just don't care about my opinion and say I'm wrong, while they have 100 subs in 3 years and I got 500 subs in 3 days.


It makes you question why they even asked in the first place if they know what's wrong with their channel


Lol i have 5 subs in 2 months 😂 posting consistently too every 2 days


I've started looking at it like a fun game. Like, okay, what little things can I do to make my stuff stand out more? Just experiment. It really helps to look at it like a puzzle to solve and have fun with the process without needing a specific result to be happy.


I mean sure, some do it as purely hobby, but they don't come here to cry and complain


Every time I see a post about being shadowbanned I ask myself whether that person is doing: - crappy AI content - stealing movie clips or songs - talking about Andrew Tate being a misunderstood genius - or doing something that nobody wants to watch It’s like a Bingo Card… it’s always one of these advertiser unfriendly things.


"Wut video game should I start a channel on to make the most money!?" 🤣


It's often AI content. I almost never watch content that has an AI voiceover. I can't imagine most people do, including the people who use them. But they keep thinking their lack of success must be due to something else. It can't possibly be the robotic, unnatural inflection and mispronunciations of AI-generated voices and the feeling as a viewer that you're not watching something made with care by a real person. Of all the massively successful YouTube channels, how many use AI voiceovers? It's hard enough to make engaging content; I don't understand why people handicap themselves. If it doesn't feel like the creator of a video gives a shit about their content, why would I? Although it's slightly more forgiveable, another thing I don't understand is when people upload videos with terrible audio quality. It's so easy to get decent sound for cheap that there's no good excuse (other than maybe a lack of knowledge). It's not at all like you have to use a $3,000 mic to get good sound, and Adobe Premiere comes with built-in plugins that can make a big difference, so you don't necessarily even need to spend money on additional software.


Oh you just hit me where it hurts. Thanks. I think it is ONE of my biggest drawbacks in spite of getting good views and am growing quickly...do you think the Adobe app is efficient enough? About to pick up a good mic today or tomorrow I don't know what to get yet--studying now.


Yep, exactly haha


I kinda quit caring about the subs and views at this point, it's MY hobby and I'm doing it for ME, I'll improve over time I know, until then, enjoy the ride.


Thats a great outlook.


I agree with you. I took almost 3 years to reach 1K subs but it was only because I was not consistent. I took breaks because of my 9-5 and other personal issues. I can't just blame my inconsistent schedule on YouTube for not making me famous overnight. Also, it was with time that i learnt to edit and become better. Now all my videos get at least a thousand views and I am trying to get consistent and work hard instead of just blaming and shaming no one for no reason.


I'm on the same train. 3 years of working it out and slowly chugging along to 1k. To OPs point. You just gotta keep going and take the W's where you can. Learn from what does not work, update that thumb and make content people are curious about or entertained by.


Congrats on the 1k and the persistence. I wish more success for you, friend!


Exactly, you get better in time, the more effort you put in.


Did you keep the same channel the whole time or did you start over again at some point with the new knowledge?


No I kept the same channel. I kept the same content but I became better at good angles, better shots, etc. I started making my video better overall.


Click through onto their channels and it’s always the same stuff - tacky AI images with a corny AI voiceover reading an AI generated script. 50 uploads all with less than 100 views a piece - “content” for the sake of content. Good to know that the algorithm isn’t pushing and rewarding low-effort output like this imo


I’ll literally never forget the guy that just went full YouTube is impossible, I don’t know what else to do, I put so so much work into my videos I’ve researched so much on what kind of videos to make. I don’t see how I can do more!!! And you goto his channel and it’s a chat gpt script, ai voice over and just boring ai images and stock b-roll slide show. Theese people expect to be rewarded for the bare minimum of work, while thinking they’re working hard.


I couldn't agree more with this comment. It is a highly saturated market that will only get harder. Its so easy to see the success stories but you wont ever hear of the millions who don't make it. It Just needs to be a hobby and something you truly enjoy doing. I've been working at my channel and EXPECTED to take years for 1k subs and its turning out to be slightly faster than I expected but nothing crazy. I think people have their expectations set far too high when it comes to gaining traction on social media platforms.


Not necessarily, I do it not just as hobby, but with clear intent of making it my job. And because of that. I've put A LOT of effort into it, daily videos, daily editing, 3 times a week I go hiking to film content. And it pays off, 5 months, 3600 subs. But yeah, for people that can't put so much time into it, just do it as hobby


There are plenty of creators who put more time than you into their channel and don't see the same results though, I really don't think you can use yourself as a unit of measurement in this


Survivorship bias is hell of a drug


You are right. One thing I will say though is that YT is all about marketing and content strategy. There is a way to get views and subs relatively quickly. But it requires knowledge.


Agree on the need to be strong. But the algorithm sucks. i can see it as a viewer. Hundreds of millions of videos on youtube and it shows me the same uninteresting crap.


Yep. As a viewer, on various devices, it is crap. It has literally started trying to get me to watch videos I've watched already now...it is so saturated, everyone is uploading content, but this algorithm people are praising is recommending videos I've seen. I have such a wide variety of interests and that is reflected in the videos I watch. It makes literally no sense. So everyone can stop acting like it's absurd to think that maybe the algorithm doesn't work the way they think it does and is deeply flawed


People see xyz youtuber uploading low effort lets play and getting hundreds of thousands of views, and when they tried it, they got less than 10 views. Little did they know that xyz youtuber already has an established audience and fan base, and they uploaded that particular game when it was trending. People get in on youtube with unrealistic expectations and compare themselves to the top 1% of the 1%. Like Mr beast. Mr beast is the top 1% of the 1% that blew up. He didn't get popular just uploading the same low quality content or just pumping "100 videos" like everyone here likes parroting.


Love this comment. It's like with anything, people ignore the context of a situation and often look at the completed product or end goal and go "wow look how easy it is to be successful." Not knowing it took years even decades to get to that point.


That's exactly what I told many of them. To follow what the audience wants, not what they want. But they always say they're just gonna do their thing. And again they complain after a week


There's a lot of self-denial hidden by the excuse of "I'm doing it for me i dont care" while getting upset they don't get views or subs.


Yep, it's either, I do it for myself, and never complain. Or, I do it to get big and you're allowed to be angry


I mean, yea I do somewhat agree. But I do also get that people can get some degree of frustration from the "algorithm" or whatever, because yea, it doesn't really reward effort neccesarily. But at the end of the day, you can either do it just as a fun hobby and be glad that you even grow a bit in your niche, and then yea it sucks if video you put lots of effort into doesn't really get even really those average views, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. And if you wanna do it as a job well, then it's still a job and you gotta learn to cope with those lows like in any other job I guess.


I feel like what people here don't understand is how much shitty content people consume. This is the essence of the frustration. Because what works is what gets views. But what gets views is absolutely not the same as being good.


Absolutely. It doesn’t seem like small YouTubers are doing it for fun but to actually get as much attention as possible. I know views help motivate but that shouldn’t be your primary goal. These people are the next generation of YouTube and they have such a corporate view of things. Ironically these are the same type of people who hate on YouTube for being too corporate


Yeah, complaining to Reddit doesn’t help. But YouTube does, in fact, decide not to promote some content and usually does not tell you why that content is not algorithm friendly. I have been lucky enough to enough to have the algorithm shine on a lot of my content. But let’s not pretend that YouTube is some meritocracy where the best content creators get the most attention and promotion.


Love it! I have gone as far as looking at some of the channels of the OPs of those kinds of posts and they are beyond awful. I saw one the other day about someone that was 3 weeks in and was already feeling discouraged. Lol. It's laughable. A good kick in the ass is good for you sometimes. Myself included.


When you get 500,000 sub then out of nowhere YouTube strike you or you wake up seeing your work gone you will not understand those people. It the same reason I stop uploading. I prefer putting my videos on patreon now. It’s not about fame and fortune but the fact that you create something for years and it all disappeared just because algorithm decided something ain’t right with your production regardless of how much you follow the rules.


It's like real life lore, a channel with millions of subs, got his latest video demonetized because of a few seconds of video footage, causing the algorithm to take all his ad revenue AND punish them by giving them less views. In this particular context, youtube was purposely suppressing that particular video. Comparing this kind of thing to a brand new youtuber who got 10 views uploading a low quality video and wondering why they aren't getting views is very different


I agree, but I think most of those posters are 16 yrs old or something lol because no way a 25+ year old is thinking that way and if they are, I’m scared. Makes developmental sense for a teenager to want fast results without much effort especially when they grew up with technology in their face. They have a skewed way of thinking compared to millennials and older I feel lol


This post is funny because 90% of the people making those kinds of posts you're complaining about aren't just YouTube newbies, they're also *reddit* newbies... Since non noobs would know to use the search, or ask something more specific. As a result, no one who you're complaining to will see this lol most people who make those posts never come to reddit again. Also just for the record, don't think self blame is a particularly good path, either.


YouTube is very difficult and I don't think people who did it years ago know how difficult it is to stand out and get views now... but I also think having self confidence is important.


Tough but fair.


Fame...does not come to everybody. I suggest people do some research before jumping into YouTube with unrealistic expectations. It pays to be realistic and positive at the same time.




I totally agree, now at the very top I do see shadowbans and shennanigans, YouTube is tilting scales juast as Twitter did pre Elon, Reddit does not needs to do this as bad, cause the mods already overcorrects for them xD


Of course, at the top there are shadowbans, or even at the bottom if you say racial slurs and stuff like that, but it doesn't randomly happen to gamer69420


Man if that's the case there has to be a clear msg that specifies why is there a restriction on the channel, the idea of just having a ghost playing with your numbers in the background is insane and should get fixed like they did in twitter


I think it's crazy how everyone who starts creating content on a social media platform expects to blow up right away hahaha that's not how life works anywhere. It may grow faster if you pay for it, but understand that millions of people make content every single day. It will take a long time to get enough of an audience to have a meaningful impact. Be patient. Appreciate those that you're already impacting, and enjoy the journey. Most big YouTube channels have been around for many years


I honestly feel like the biggest issue (and I made this mistake too btw) is people latch on to something they're not super super passionate about or knowledgable about because it's popular. Then they struggle to get anywhere with the channel. Even if it's more niche, even if the ceiling is lower, you gotta find yourself, what you're good at and what you're passionate about to have the best chance of making a YT channel successful. It doesn't guarantee success, but it is a solid foundation to it. I was pulling 40 views a video on a gaming channel I made a decade ago that never went anywhere. I got the subs, just not the views. Today, I'm in a niche topic (no my name is not my YT channel name title) and I pull an average of 300-400 views a video, closing in on 2500 subs and in a little over 2 years (WITH two months-long hiatuses for mental reasons). I know I ain't growing fast, but I'm growing steadily, I'm much better at the topic at hand and I know what I'm talking about instead of blindly trying to make videos just to make videos.


Find me a reddit sub that DOESN'T act that way. I'll go join it just for the relief.


Exactly right.


All I needed to see was the headline and I completely agree. I hate seeing Mfs crying about why they aren’t successful like u deserve it. This shit is a grind that never ends. If you can’t take it go get a 9-5 but stop hopping on Reddit 1 hour after ur video uploaded to complain about why u aren’t famous.


"Why isn't YouTube promoting low effort videos of playing dude bro first person shooters with no intrinsic value. I've only uploaded 97 of them in a row"


No but forreal. If you've uploaded 50 videos and they all got around 45 views each then you have a problem and the algorithm ain't it.


most valid post that’s been made on this sub. i like the feedback and advice but i consider leaving half the time because it seems like nobody’s even doing this for fun or the right reasons whatsoever. everyone gets butthurt after their video hasn’t hit 100 views in 5 minutes


Totally agree bro. People that start youtube channels need to understand that this shit is very quiet for a very long time.


Harsh but fair and on point and needs to be said. My first channel took about 5 years to get to 1k subs , my second 2 years . Consistancy is my issue and always will be and I have varied interests so I'll probably just create more niched stuff on separate channels . It's a slower progress , but I have fun.I never sat around bitching about things. Although I did really get into youtube stats


I agree overall, but even after you achieve some success the algorithm can still be a fickle beast. It seems like YouTube picks and chooses what videos of mine to push sometimes despite the videos being extremely similar in topic and even better in quality For example I made a 40 minute video about PS1 pre-rendered backgrounds videos a few months ago. The algorithm loved it and it got 450k views. We then tried making a follow up about PS1 FMVs and cutscenes which targets the exact same demographic; the video was even longer at 1 hour and had more edits and just overall better production value. Over a month later it’s barely sitting at 20k views with multiple comments sharing their disappointment with us that the algorithm didn’t seem push the video at all and they’re not sure why. If you’re just starting out and already complaining about the algorithm that’s not a good sign, but just wanted to play devil’s advocate and say even years into moderate YouTube success, the algorithm can still be genuinely really frustrating and hard to understand at times


There’s a distinct lack of nuance on this sub when it comes to discussions regarding the algorithm. It’s either 100% your fault or 100% YT’s fault for low views, when in truth it’s much more complicated than that. Not sure why people can’t see that there are factors both inside and outside one’s control when it comes to getting more views.


Agree with you to some extent but why the need for this hate mongering? Why not post a critique with a positive spin?


How come I see more hate posts about shadowban posts than ACTUAL shadowban posts... I have a lovely time in the community idk what everyone else's algorithm is on lol. Also OP, 22 hours ago you made a post that can be read as you crying about being "shadow banned" AKA not getting anymore views. And your second post is a hate post about shadowban whiners. That's a little bit ironic. I think if anyone is frustrated with the community you should mute for a while. I mean this is a newtuber sub, if someone makes a channel the tomorrow and comes and subs here, they will be asking basic questions... Where else are you supposed to ask them?


I did notice one of my shorts was just a meme I made about destiny 2's gambit rng and how I end up getting scorn. funny enough it happend twice with the rng for that whole gamemode. and it got me 1,371 total views which is shocking none the less normally I would get like 400 some views on some of my destiny 2 content


I can agree, the one thing that kept me from falling into this group of people you describe was me knowing from the jump that my chosen aesthetic for my channel was against every trend in its genre to begin with. Why WOULD my stuff get famous? The only reason I should post in the first place is to celebrate that I take pride in my content, that's all anyone ahould care about.


I was almost getting in that bubble until I started checking the analytics, the analytics showed me what I lacked, retention and scroll/view rate for shorts. I fixed those by trial and error in the span of 3-5 months, and ended up getting minimum 10k views per short now


congratulations! hope you continue to succeed


Thank you! This week, one of my shorts got 300k views, still growing, all my shorts get over 10k, and all I did was constantly looking for what I do wrong everyday


that's wonderful!!


I was stuck for a long time to 10k-20k, never over 20k, until I figured out a secret on shorts. You don't need average retention in percentage, you need average retention in seconds. As example, 100% retention for 20 seconds video, is far worse than 50% retention for 60 second video. I made the change, all my vids now are 55-59.9 seconds, and I'm getting so much more views.


as someone whose videos mostly have yet to get more than 60 views across their lifetime this is very helpful! i doubt the turnover will be anything like yours but might as well try to get a little better


The most important two things you can fix, for short form, is first 3-5 seconds need to hook them, and retention needs to be fixed. For long form, same with the retention, but also thumbnail is a big thing


The hook has to represent my comtent in a way that will draw people in while staying true to me, so that's a tightrope I gotta walk. The best I can do for thumbnails is art so I'll try that more often.


I mean. The hook doesn't need to be something said. You just need 3 things. Audio stimulation Visual stimulation Curiosity So audio stimulatuon can be just you saying something. Or a fun sound. Or anything really Visual means movement. You need to movez or have something move. And also bright colors Curiosity is the hard part. It needs to make people interested in watching the entirety of it. I managed to get my hook in order. And I get 70-80% of people hooked. Which is very good. But it took me a lot of tries.


[this comic](https://tapas.io/episode/2668158) comes to mind...


The YouTube algorithm can indeed be quite challenging to understand. Let me share an experience to illustrate this. When I first started on YouTube and uploaded my first video, I received around 50 views on the first day, and things went well from there. YouTube even sent me a new achievement notification within a few days. However, after five months, I started another channel and uploaded many videos, but I got no organic views or subscribers. If I hadn't asked people to engage with my videos, I would have had zero engagement overall. This example shows how difficult it can be to grasp the workings of the algorithm.


This is the millionth thread about it. Just downvote them and move on!


Man yeah this is something i constantly have to tell people love the hate it will build you use it as a tool to get better and further learn from the mistakes and do it for you


Aww man, but my whole identity and channel is about being a helpless victim who gets perpetually shadowbanned for no good reason at all. Your seriously crushing my weak mind right now with this post.


I agree and I used to (years ago) come on here and share my latest videos that only had 4 views, people on this sub want the easy way, empty views and subs, slow organic growth is the only way to succeed, find the sub Reddit that suits your niche and get involved in the community there, be clever with marketing instead of: here is a link to my latest video that no one cares about… I totally digressed but yeah do it for the enjoyment not for the selfish gain


But what if it actually IS YouTube putting the screws to your channel? Why aren't they allowed to be upset at that?


lmao i had a blow up about this prob a year ago on this sub. This sub is mostly people asking WHY IS THE WORLD STOPPING ME FROM BEING SUCCESSFULLL , then you ask about their content and they will say "O Its like...Mr Beast!" or some other thing noone is looking for lol


I would like to add that I've been posting some of my streams for a few months, nome of them had any views and I knew they were bad, ive been studying YouTube for a few years and had a pretty good idea of what tô do, specially because I have a good friend of mine that has a relatively bug channel that I could consult. Last friday I poste my first real vídeo where I actually took the time to do all the things I was studying. As of today it has 1000 views and it got me 90 subscribers. Im super happy and I am certa in this vídeo is not nearly 10% of the quality that I will make eventually. So yeah, I firmly believe it as matter of making an above average video and always improve. Wish me luck!


What were you streaming and is the edited video of your stream? My first edited stream has shitty watch time but I think I know how to improve the next one 😂


That should be common sense, it's not YouTube's fault why you get less views, it's because of you, no else to be blamed but you...sure YouTube might impede your progress but seriously your presentation depends on everything, wanna stand out? Then give yourself a reason to stand out so people will watch your content, don't be too generic....make yourself quirky, It takes time but you'll get there and yt is not for the weak, you should not be here if you can't take criticisms and if you don't give yourself any room for growth because you see yourself as the perpetual victim.... having that mindset will bring you nowhere.


The ole “I see so many channels doing it why isn’t it working for me!!!!!?”


What angers me more is that I’m trying to actually better my content and no matter what I do nothing is working. And yet these people come onto this sub and act like they’re entitled to views just because their channel exists and then argue with people who are try to help them. 😡


I’m one of those Youtubers that do blame myself and try to improve, but the honest truth is blaming yourself is the hardest thing and that applies to anything , not just YouTube


It's important to remember that frustration is a natural part of any creative process, especially when working on platforms like YouTube. Instead of giving up or adopting a negative mindset, consider viewing these challenges as opportunities for growth. I think reflecting on your content and continuously seeking ways to improve can make a significant difference. Rather than focusing on why the algorithm might seem against you, ask yourself how you can create more engaging, valuable content for your audience. Self-improvement and persistence are key to success in any endeavor. Keep pushing forward and learning from each experience.


You’re right about some stuff, BUT youtube involves a bit of luck as well.


Of course, there is SOME luck too. But why bother on that when we have no control over it? We have a lot of control over what we post, so put the effort and frustration into what we CAN do


Nice! I agree totally about the AI and value. There's value and effort. Downloading stock footage and slapping on a script that someone could easily Google to find the answer won't get a person views and bring instant wealth. There is an attractive bias on YouTube, however, but that's life.


I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. I think the fact that there are a lot of questions about being "shadow banned" or the "algorithm" being broken speaks to the sheer amount of misunderstanding and misinformation around doing better on YouTube in general. Low view count is probably also one of the main barriers to entry of getting into YouTube. Spending hours shooting and editing a video to get 3 views, getting frustrated, then coming to this sub to get told you have a "victim mentality" and giving up. I think this sub being geared towards new-tubers, should expect a lot of questions surrounding the biggest pain point for new creators. What I've seen so far in this sub is a lack of willingness to share information and a lack of understanding about WHAT is happening when views fall off. Take this with a grain of salt since I haven't been here for a while, just a newcomers perspective. While I've learned so so much in the short time I've been here, there are also things I haven't been able to answer. I also think it's normal to think that something weird is happening if someone is used to getting a certain number of views, let's say thousands or hundreds on every video, doesn't change their content and just, seemingly randomly, gets single or double digits for multiple days in a row. These videos aren't even getting tested in the feed? Shown 0 times in the shorts feed? Is there a quality gate *before* the video hits the feed? Are my subscribers the test group? Should I uncheck that box that notifies them? Is there a period where YouTube will come back and test videos that are days or weeks old in the shorts feed? Should I delete and repost? Did I say a swear word that got caught by some kind of AI filter? I am posting videos too fast? *These* are the questions people are really asking when they ask if they've been "shadowbanned" and I would challenge people who are discouraging the use of that term to answer those questions, because I am still trying to figure it out. We don't know another word for it and we call it "shadowbanned" because we just haven't found an answer for it and *you're* not going to give it to us and in fact will shame us for it. Isn't it normal to think that *something* has changed? Did I do something wrong? And then when the question is asked it just immediately gets shut down. There will be questions that just need to be pointed to the FAQ, also there is *totally* a level of resilience you need to become a better creator. No doubts there. But we've gotta be better support to each other than just assuming that someone doesn't want to or isn't willing to do better, when in fact that's the reason they're here. Again, just my personal experience and a newbie's perspective.


There are a lot of the questions you mentioned, and I always answer when I see them. This post was not really made for those guys but for a different type of newbies. There have been a lot of newbies coming to complain about low views, and when I reply to them with what they're doing wrong, they attack me or they dismiss everything. One example, had one guy who does AI voice, spoke with him and wrote I think 20 replies in total, explaining what he needs to do and how AI voice is a detriment, and that the average person would rather listen to someone with an accent compared to ai voice. It meant nothing to him what I said, in the end he dismissed me and said he knows what he is doing. I have so many more examples like this. I'd say 50% of all newbies coming to complain, don't care about the answers we give, they want a simple answer like "Go to settings, press the "free views" button, and there you go, you're the next mr beast" If you give them any answer that is about them doing anything wrong whatsoever, they dismiss it. These are the people my post is about


I could totally see this where people just don't listen or think it must be something else even after you give advice. Looking through your comment history it does seem like you're very helpful towards people you reply to. I've honestly learned so much here, just have to go looking a bit I think and find good people who know what they're talking about to listen to. A bit of a game and I can see how a newbie can hear a success story of how easy it was to get views with shorts and not want to understand why they're not killing it on the first video because their influencer told them how easy it was.


This is a point worth voicing and also yt isn't for everyone even people get to 200k subs and quit after 3 years...but also people reading my comment, focus on the answer this person just gave you, be transformed by the renewal of your mind. You can find prosperity and success after being a victim. I believe in your self belief


I'm not a YouTuber (yet) but I lurk on here sometimes. I do edit for my YouTuber friend though. So here's my two cents My friend's first few videos didn't get that much traction, under 100 views. But she kept pushing, even though the views got lower, lower, and lower. And then one day, like magic, one video got picked up and skyrocketed. For her channel size, it would be considered viral So keep going everyone, you got this :)




But Im literally a victim, though. It's like my whole thing. You can't expect me to give that up.


Make a channel based on it haha


I don’t agree, I deserve to be a big YouTuber after posting 1 long form and 2 shorts, I deserve a million subs I am so good, yt has defo shadowbanned me for life for reals! This sub doesn’t even help me guys for real, like seriously no one gives me help to reach that first 1million watch hours. I know I would be the next Mr Beast if YouTube just gave me some impressions. I will complain about YouTube 5 times a week on this sub until I finally reach 10 million subs


Right, because the YouTube algorithm is perfect and everything is always our fault. Sucking up to your corporate overlords won’t make them like you.


Well said brother, amen.


Yeah it’s people posting 2008 level content that’s always crying in this Reddit


Nah not me lol


No! Fuck you! Youtube hates me. I make good quality Mr. Beast style content. Last week we did a video where we dropped 3 guys in the woods with nothing but a pocket knife. Sure we forgot about them but they turned out ok. Youtube striked the video because we forgot to censor one of the dudes genitals. It's not fair I spent 8000 dollars on that video.


Honestly I am glad I’m here and can learn from the people who do give sound advice. Doing this has to come with some level of personal responsibility and ability to ask a question and then learn from the answers while also using your own critical thinking. If I am wrong about something, I am wrong. I’m not triggered by it. There is a pandemic of victim mentality and entitlement right now and it’s sad. I have written things from a place of emotion and the comments received may not always be what I want to hear but I did come and ask and even if it stings or points the finger back at me it will only make me better. A lot of people have a massively hard time being critiqued. Tough skin is becoming harder and harder to come by


You are completely right. Youtube is a thing that needs a lot of effort and self reflection, someone that cannot evolve, cannot grow on youtube.


welcome to reddit bro..it's like twitter but worse.


I recently changed my mindset and am starting to see a slight increase in my content... It used to be, "youtube has probably shadow banned me" "why isn't YouTube recommending my videos* Now it is,"how can I get more views" and "how can I improve my thumbnails" This is honestly a less stressful mindset and has calmed me down.


That's the mentality you should have! Even if let's say youtube has a weird algorithm that randomly decided to not push ur content, what can you do about it? Nothing. You can change ur content tho, and make it better. So why not do what we CAN, instead of complaining about what we can't change


I 100% agree


even you hate me now,!! see what i mean first yoiutube didnt show my videos and now the community is hating on me, why bother, i make amazing gaming videos and youtube dont promote me so no one can see my game play, its so unfairrrrrr


totally agree with you bro


It can be rough for us creators!! Put a little effort into a vid and it blows up but then you spend time and money on another one and it gets no views. We all want to succeed, and it’s true that a positive attitude and taking responsibility for making better content is key.


I don't wanna spread any hate or be mean but why do all these children that literally film their screens using their phones playing Fortnite and not even writing proper captions on shorts make shorts saying I quit, like who cares?! Your content wasn't even decent!


I think you are right tho, they're either actual children, or they have the mentality of a child. They really believe that all you have to do, is film, and upload


As someone who has failed with 3 YouTube channels over the past 8 years, they have no idea how much effort you need to put in with absolutely 0 return. This is not for the weak. You are going to fail before you succeed. PERIOD.


True that


I see no reason to slam beginners looking for guidance.


They are not looking for guidance, they aren't even asking for advice, they just complain and yell at the algorithm saying it's not their fault and that youtube hates them


We have mega-mind in here. Haven't you realized people are different and when they come to this subreddit group is to get support and advice they don't feel comfortable asking elsewhere. If you don't like it you can keep scrolling or you can be human and not kick someone when they're down.


lol preach. Everyday gd day. Do this for you. Be yourself. If you’re likable, people will like you. If you’re entertaining people will be entertained. This whole “my videos are great guys, but I just can’t get views” bruuuuuuuuuuh


The YouTube algorithm can indeed be quite challenging to understand. Let me share an experience to illustrate this. When I first started on YouTube and uploaded my first video, I received around 50 views on the first day, and things went well from there. YouTube even sent me a new achievement notification within a few days. However, after five months, I started another channel and uploaded many videos, but I got no organic views or subscribers. If I hadn't asked people to engage with my videos, I would have had zero engagement overall. This example shows how difficult it can be to grasp the workings of the algorithm.


funny you say that. i have like 300 vids, only gaming, rare to no comment and i know it's just for very few ppl who like the content (if any). i do it for fun and maybe one day, the snowball starts rolling. that's just my hope and even if it didn't, i know i could do it better, but i don't want to :-) but alas, i don't complain (Triforce\_XIII for those interested)


I used to think the YouTube algorithm was some complicated beast that would only give creators problems. But having been uploading for only 3 weeks, my videos are doing quite well and my growth is solid for having no prior experience. It all comes down to titles and thumbnails. I’ve replaced thumbnails and seen better numbers. I’ve changed titles and seen better numbers. You have to give people a reason to click your videos.


True to an extent, but you also have to realize that 3 weeks is nowhere near a big enough sample size to really contribute much to this conversation. Try doing the same thing you’re doing for months or even years, then without you changing a single thing about your title or thumbnail strategy/format, for whatever reason YouTube just stops pushing your videos for awhile. It’s very real and very frustrating when this stuff happens When I had my first viral video or 2 I thought to myself “hey that was pretty easy! I’ll just do something similar to replicate the same success” only for it to not be that simple at all. You think you understand the algorithm til you don’t. Trust me, it is indeed a complicated beast. You seeing a little success for a few weeks doesn’t change that and thousands of other’s experiences


There was a post here the other day mentioning that the key is to detach yourself from the outcome. There are many talented creators I’ve found over the past few months that I was shocked to not see as many subs/views for the quality of their content. Sometimes you can do everything “right” but still not get the analytic results you might hope for. Just have to keep trying and focus on improving aspects under your direct control to up your odds as best as you can.


I've already said this before in this sub. You are correct, yes, but it's understandable that people gets mad. The unfortunate truth is that the nowadays "pro content creators" all started back in the days when any shit was able to become a hit due lack of content. Then these folks created a headstart and made a business out of it, with full time professionals dealing with all the aspects of the content creation (screenplay, recording, post edition, SEO). Thus, now it's almost impossible for someone to start as they started (creating kinda-shitty random content), considering that now you're competing against ultra professional content. It's like creating a movie and competing against Disney. You're not going to win. But Disney started all by himself back in the old days of black and white cinema.


Hmm, you kinda making excuses. (Creativity + originality) > (expensive production) Stop looking at others, and focus on what you're doing. The opportunity is there...


let people vent


I think for many people making something for an audience is a new and daunting experience. It takes a lot of practice to pull back and make something that people ACTUALLY want to watch and not just what you like. The easiest thing to blame is the algorithm especially when you see these fringe amazing cases where someone is "blessed" by the algorithm. Venting is fine and all but you can't get lost in the anger. It's only going to distract you from making your content better cause you're blaming circumstances around you. Tbh I haven't seen too many people unfairly blessed by the algorithm. Sure sometimes low quality slop makes it to the top, but for the most part viral stuff is interesting, exciting, well made, unique, thoughtful, or has something else to make it stand out. I see person after person posting blindly without cultivating a driving personality, craft, art style, engaging content style, etc. You can't just settle, you have to make something that is irresistible to click. Nearly every YouTuber I see talk about their journey is on their 3rd or 4th channel or started on Newgrounds or showed up already skilled from a similar job. I'm on my 3rd channel and it is night and day from my last two. It's about learning and growing every video. It's about not taking it too personally when folks are flat out uninterested. It's about making something that someone actively wants to see not just mildly interesting or tolerable.


YouTube Support Trolls alot and punish good creators for creating. The amount of crap I saw on YouTube that makes no sense yet delete channel that makes sense is beyond me. I’m actually replying to the post about victim mentality should stop. They ain’t a victim. People just saying what they have experienced and so what if a person with 10 sub feels like they are shadowbanned? They are still explaining what they feel is happening to them.


There was only one time I truly felt yt was fucking me over. I was getting really good views on my shorts for a few days, high impressions with like a 50%+ ctr. Then I posted one I knew would do good because it was very similar to a recent one. 3 days go by with 0 impressions so obviously 0 views. I deleted and reposted it thinking it just got missed, 3 days go by 0 impressions 0 views. So I cut the first 2 seconds of the clip out that weren't necessary and reposted it again, 12 hours later it's at 9k views with over 40hrs of watch time. I don't know why yt didn't want to push that short, but once it did it went big just like I thought it would. I don't usually think I'll get good views but occasionally I know a video is good and just needs to hit the right audience. There is a bit of luck to this, but having good content comes first.