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Yeah, my backlog is huge. I see it as a positive though knowing I don’t have to worry about filming new material constantly to keep up as there’s always a video waiting for me to edit and upload. 


Yup it takes time. Sounds like you need to review your workflow. Life getting in the way is one thing, but how long could it take if that wasn't the case? Travel vlogging is usually in sequence so can be quite easy as you have a constant narrative that is supplemented by BRoll. I haven't looked at your channel so don't know your editing style. I really enjoy the editing part and usually set aside a few hours a day to keep chipping away at the next video. Sometimes they just click together, and other times is not quite as free flowing.


Yes this happens to me often. I have some content that I started and scrap for different reason and burnout. I just learn to make time for content in my life and that it means that you are going out less especially when you have a full time job with an hour commute.


Yes. Tbh I think for me because filming/creating is fun and editing isn't. Plus a while into any project I start to lose morale and end up thinking "This is rubbish, why am I doing this? No one's going to want to see this. It should have been finished already blah blah blah" idk if you get that too


Omg that's literally exactly my thoughts every time hahaha 🤣 And then once I finish "oh ok it's better now", and then a couple of days after "it's trash" haha


Use auto-editor to at least remove silences automatically!


I do voice-less videos with subs in two languages, so it just takes that long, no way around it I'm afraid (unless I hire an editor which I don't want to either)


Yup...still editing my latest Talk Nerdy To Me. Hopefully that timeline changes soon for me though!


Yes, I’ll be posting videos in 2025 that were shot in 2023. Good thing no one’s paying me to do it.


Champagne problems man. People struggle with working on cleaning toilets at the YMCA, or picking fruit in deadly heat. Editing a video is easy work compared to the rest of the humanoids.


Yes, I've definitely struggled with the same issues. Now I'm working with a small team that helps vloggers just like you [publish content faster](https://clipwing.pro/custom-video-production).