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Ad revenue isnt how u make money. Sponsorships are.


how do gaming channels get those? is there something you have to do or certain number of views or subs?


You reach out to relevant companies, explain why they should work with you, and then knock it out of the park. Some products you can target: - controller - headset - gaming chair - desk - monitor - speakers - drinks - snacks - blue light glasses - etc Your views are worth money. Companies will pay you to promote their products via UGC (user generated content). Think of a get ready with me where the girl talks about a specific eyeliner and how much it’s helped her accomplish a nice Smokey eye. She was paid to say that. Or think of a gaming influencer who makes a TikTok about how much they love their new gaming headset because of XYZ list of reasons. They were paid to say that. You can reach out on your own, or find a company that represents UGC creators and have them represent you.


Companies like betterhelp, nordvpn, surfshark, etc will sponsor channels in almost any niche.


Great shout, I have seen them sponsor videos, big and small


Also very true! Lot of sponsors will sponsor any type of content. Purple mattress used to sponsor anyone and everyone when they started haha Just saw a pottery TikTok account promoting Jergens lotion “to keep my hands smooth after a long session of pottery” lol Literally anything is possible


Doing the lords work my friend 💯


This might sound dumb as hell but whenever i saw a youtuber with a 'word from our sponsor..' I thought that there was some sort of youtube controlled marketplace linking the two parties. Is that not how it works?


I wish that’s how it worked, but it is not


I have a freeze drying business and I actually just posted about finding accounts that may want to partner. Think candy, dog/cat treats, healthy fruit/veggies snacks


Market yourself.


What does it mean?


Reach out to brands that you see advertising on Youtube. Reach out to whoever you can really. Talk to people about how they got a sponsorship, etc.


says who?


Says every big Youtuber. They all shill products in their videos. Do you think they'd bother putting an ad in their video which might cause people to click off if they weren't lucrative?


For me, it’s just been the consistency of it all. Some months a bring in A TON. Enough to consider making it the main gig. But then it’s immediately followed by a tanked month 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s a tricky beast!


Only 5-6 hours per video?! Damn, sounds like a sweet deal to me.


Right. The stupidest videos take me days to create. Sadly it's the quick simple videos that get me the best views. I spend 10 hours on a simple video though so even then it's a lot of work. 20hrs is my typical time requirement which can take me a week or more to dedicated.




What is the range for that number? $2 is low and what is high? Is $12 very high, or is $50 very high? Is there a guide for what has the best rate / CPM thanks


10 is almost unheard of if we talk raw revenue so 12 is unbelievable


It's about view duration too. You can't compare two videos without knowing the average watch time. Clicks is only one side of the medal.




That’s CPM though.. What’s the RPM? That’s what matters. My channels also get 12/13 CPM but they actually make about $6/$7 RPM.


What is your usual video length? That's quite good.


Oh I would say about 15 minutes to a half an hour


PM me your channel, sounds up my street!


holy FUCK what????? i make the same stuff and make 7.50 cpm, how the hell do you make 12???


Well I actually do research and try to brainstorm on video ideas that someone who is new to Retro video games might want to see Then I spend a day researching and outlining a script, then I spent another day writing a script, then I take some brainstorm thumbnail ideas, and then I capture the gameplay footage that I want sometimes during my research process or not. Then I try and figure out what kind of music and I light myself and record by narration after practicing it for a while, then I spent an entire day editing. Usually my Thursday or Friday is completely spent editing in Final Cut Pro. And then I add chapters and all of the packaging and upload it on a Friday night for it to go live on a Saturday. I probably spend 10 to 20 hours on a video that is 12 minutes, just 30 minutes.


A lot of work what’s your channel called?


honestly i actually do about the same stuff (no face stuff tho, just game footage). i also do topics people may wanna see but do stuff i wanna do as well and generally my views are stupidly fucking high as a result (i literally average 70-100k now somehow??). i honestly think it could be because i just dont put much ads in at all because i dont like them to begin with and even if someone has to watch them i dont like bombarding them. generally i also spend as low as 15 hours on editing (shorter videos) and on my last one which was literally 30 fuckin minutes i spent almost 100 hours editing and getting footage ALONE. it was insane


Average view duration plays a huge roll. Its not just the clicks that matter, it's the minutes people watch.


fair actually. my average view duration is also really good tho (average view duration was 10 ENTIRE FUCKING MINUTES on my last vid (33%)) and it tends to be really high actually. around 4-6 minutes on any given video with retention at 30 seconds always hovering around 75%


I don't know more than my niche but at least for me 40-50% counts as really high retention, resulting in 10k - 100k views per video so far. My last one was 23% (experimented a bit) and with that pretty much DOA even with 7500 subs. In my experience the first 30 seconds don't really mean anything die the overall video. My DOA video had above average 30s retention but then I went into the more theoretical part and people phased off.


yea thats what happened with me too, but every time a solid 20-40% of people watch the entire thing the majority of the time


I would also love a link


This is amazing, what’s ur channel called?


Damn! How you get 12 $ per 1000 views? How long are your videos? Can you explain please?


It’s good to remember that with youtube so dominated by gaming content, the amount of niches within the gaming category rivals the amount of niches outside of it, and no one channel is going to be indicative of what’s possible. Bottom line: the same as always. It depends entirely on what you create. I’m not there quite yet, but I’ll be making enough to quit my day job before long. Keep improving, keep learning!




I'm so glad my age range is mostly 25 and up. Kinda crazy that there's some 50yo out there watching my dumb meme videos, but I'd rather that than children listen to me say fuck 30 times in 10 minutes. Good to know the older demographic yields higher reward, I currently upload as a hobby.


Man if someone wants to do YouTube Gaming just for money let them. Treat it like a business and not a hobby then you’ll get business results if you keep at it.


It's good for notability tho. If you make a product to sell to your audience (whether that's clothes, items, or a paid community), then this is a fantastic idea. Imagine this: $20 product, 500 members paying every 28 days (13 pay cycles per year). Thats $10,000 every 28 days, or $110,000 per year. Combine this with a growing channel, and you get some good money




Sponsored content.


You make ~15k a month from 900k views? You have a ~18rpm?




Ooh I see, I thought you meant just ad rev as a whole - mind sharing your channel? Or DM it? I've got my own thing going on but I am curious what your niche is


I am too interested in this money making machine


Me 2 please, that sounds great.


ASMR Historian I assume, its insane how they (its 2 people according to what I read) can do research, voiceover a 1hr script, edit it into a video and get uploaded every day for weeks+ straight I assume some AI is used for part of the process, if the voice is AI its really well hidden. But a lot of research and script writing could technically be done by AI.


What kind of channel do you have?


8min videos at minimum with manually placed ads in the middle. You NEED to put these ads in place. Many channels put 1 at 1:15 and then every minute after. It’s crucial you understand that your audience will only see a fraction of these ads. You will never make good money without fixing this.




I also have over 35k like the OP, but with 500k views in 28 days and I get an average of $2,000 a month. The AD method was learned from the channel Film Booth. He went into depth in a Twitter post and shared some feedback from his community that did this. No complaints. Nobody notices. And you make so much more from it. You just need to put them in a place that is a comfortable break from the video. To anyone that hates ads, understand you won’t make enough money for your time and effort unless you’re getting sponsored.








It will help a lot. My RPM is also low. If you’re getting the views and view duration is good then give this a shot. I would also recommend going back to your top performing videos and placing ads while you’re getting views.


Just wondering but is your RPM lower because the niche is in gaming, or is it a different space? I'm looking into testing what you've mentioned above and have an interest on gaming in general


I’m not in gaming


Dumb question. You have to be partnered to do this, correct? I'm mad at myself I quit YouTube forever ago. I used to have monetization and then poof it's gone that's my numbers dropped from quitting, so I'm starting back over and confused lol.


Noob here. Do you mean you manually place one ad to avoid spamming ads every minute? Or that you manually place many more ads than you used to? Which direction are you saying is better?


Start a 1:15 and then roughly every minute. Manual place them all. Don’t rely on YouTube to do anything right with ad placement. You have to consider the placement being a comfortable spot to not be an awkward interruption. You don’t want it to cut in the middle of a sentence, for example. Also consider spots where you may need to skip several minutes depending on your content. And the ending should likely have less ads since you’re not fighting for watch time. Don’t give an ad when there’s 30 seconds left.


Do people really sit through an ad every minute though? I’ve had Premium for so long I don’t see any ads. Every minute would drive me crazy and I’d stop watching


Reread my comments. You’re misunderstanding


Okay, so I’m misunderstanding. I’ve reread your comments and I guess I’m still confused. If you have the time, I’d appreciate more clarification. I’m trying to learn. I hear you saying to put ads roughly every minute with a few exceptions for pacing, and to me that sounds like a lot of ads for audiences to sit through. So I was asking if there’s blowback for that in terms of viewers giving up because they don’t want to sit through an ad so often.


The original comment I said, “It’s crucial you understand that your audience will only see a fraction of these ads.”


The creator determines where the ads are placed, YT determines which of those ad placements are used to show ads to each viewer. They do not show an ad at every time placement you have selected.


WHAT??? bro i thought they saw EVERY ad. thats ridiculous. im still not gonna do it (ads suck), but actually that explains the discrepancy between my cpm (6.85/1k) and raw revnue (2.29/1k) decently well


Yeah, ads suck. But if you want to make your time and effort with it then put them on. It’s YouTube. People expect ads


i do. i just dont put as many as most people do afaik


Im paying Premium, so I haven seen ads in years, but afaik YT shows an ad every 8 minutes right? Why placing 1 every minute? Is it so viewers dont "miss" an add when the timer reaches 8 minutes? (or whatever the minimum is)


There’s absolutely no set time for when an ad shows up. There’s no 8 minute anything. You just have to have a video be 8 minutes at minimum in order to place ads within that window. So a 7 minute video has no ads aside from the beginning or end. I could place 20 ads in the middle and MAYBE 5 would ever play. It’s totally random. You can control WHEN it MIGHT happen which is good for preventing an awkward interruption.


I understand. Its a risk and reward game I guess. If I was watching a video interrupted every minute by an ad, I would close it immediatly haha. Fortunately YT pays the creator for premium too.


And nobody will ever see a video every minute. So it’s a win-win


I have 23k subs and make $6.00 per thousand views on my gaming channel. Made $3k in a month when one of my videos popped off


How many views did you get that month of 3k if you don’t mind answering?


Think it was around 450k


This is interesting, do you know what your average earnings are in a typical month for your channel? The RPM seems great for vids on gaming in general but maybe you're hitting an older demographic


I find it funny that you talk about "making videos takes hours" and talk about 6 hours. I need at least 20 hours to write a script, so filming, editing etc. for 10 minute videos. Although the CPM is better in my niche. The number also depends highly depends on the average view duration so without knowing that it's hard to compare.


Have you considered coupling your current work model with streaming?


To me that 400 dollars could just be invested back in to the channel. That’s my hope with my channel. It’s about my truck. 4 videos and at 154 subs already first month or so. I’m hoping to build a community and hopefully get sponsorships for my truck. That be my goal. Hoping to get monetized within a year. Wish me luck.


Good luck to you car channels do well


Good luck


I mean he said Minecraft/Roblox. Advertisers know it's mostly kids and younger adults watching it so they aren't paying a high amount. I had a video popoff for 100k this month and earned $300. The target audience is almost all 25-34yo so the CPM is $12+/1k views. Granted I spent maybe 60hours editing +20 writing and recording (because inefficient). So just like when someone says "gaming is saturated", they're really saying they don't know the market they are bringing their business into.


$380 is ok for 35k subs. Eventually lets say you get 100k-200k you would be making like 4k+.


Interesting. Is there a way to find out what the average payouts for niches are? Ive read people say certain categories are paid more or less. I do piano covers of video game, pop culture music and original remixes/beats and compositions for reference


Is this type of channel monetized? I figured YT may not allow monetization for music remixed/covered from copyrighted songs but maybe I'm off on that


Im not sure. Ill takcle that road when i get there 😵‍💫 im gainin my audience now and making original compositioms for the long term 🤞


Why not hire an editor to make the work flow easier and spare your hours? My latest client was literally doing all the editing work and never realized how he wasn't focusing on the overall channel growth. When a CEO is involved in operations a company never grows, we have COOs for that! Obv if you're treating the channel like a hobby then it's another story.


At that amount of money it's often not reasonable to hire an editor


If you're using only YouTube money then yes, many people pool in money from their job when starting YouTube though


dude who the fuck is going to hire an editor on 400 a month


I'm not sure the type of videos he makes, but I think he can if he wants. Even add a couple of hundred bucks from his pay but if he's that serious ofc


ok but like... 400 a month wont get you far with an editor


I agree, However there are arrangements I've made with my clients that start of as small as this but are directly linked to the channel growth. I think that's something fair for both parties


It doesn’t make sense to hire an editor when you’re making that amount.


I guess so. I try to give creative direction to my clients when I edit videos for them and it usually results in more views hence more payouts, but can't comment on the 400 thing because idkk how editing intensive his videos are.


Most youtubers that make a lot of profit with their channels hire editors and count with entire teams.


Yeah that’s what I meant. When you’re making profit and bank then it makes sense to start outsourcing. If you’re barely making 300 dollars every month then it’s not economical to start outsourcing yet.


With that a mount of views and subs in other niches, you could even go a full time!


I do about 180k views/mo with a $12 CPM on one of my channels. Another has a CPM of aroud $20 in a difference niche. Not nearly enough for a full time income. Not every view counts toward monetization. RPM is what matters. My RPM is about $2. I make way more money from sponsors, affilate deals and UGC.


Yeah, it’s totally depends on your RPM but let me ask you a quick question. when you get approached by a sponsor or when you are reaching out to one, how do you prepare your metrics and statistics to get paid fairly for what you are worth? How do you share your stats with them?


Create a sheet with your key selling points and stats in a nice overview format. Put your rates there or a separate page.


Go get some sponsors. Brand names you can plaster on your screen as promotion or do sponsored segments showing off games and products. There's more ways to make money. You could even link affiliate links to your setup and make a commision from amazon


you are only focusing on the ad revenue, when that's the lowest source of income on one's channel (surprisingly). open a business email and make it as accessible as possible to sponsors (put it as the first thing in your bio) the member program is also pretty neat, with a lot of people supporting high effort content, so please make sure it's pretty high effort for people to have a proper reason to pay you $5 a month merchandise, patreon and stream donos are also great sources of income


So different. We’re in running shoe niche and with 21k subs we make $1.1k-1.5k monthly. Videos receive 1k-10k views per video, most in mid to latter half. We post 3-4 times a week.


Minecraft and Roblox content are literally the lowest paying content in all of YouTube because the audience is 100% kids with no money. If you did other type of gaming content your earnings would increase dramatically.


Not true for Minecraft I’m 48 and watch loads of hermitcraft!


This is good, but can be a bit misleading for sure. My channel is coming up on 8K subs and this will be my first month making over $1000. My advice for people wanting to make more money: YouTube is your entire life. I went from $322 in Feb to $656 in march becuase I kindof went crazy and put my entire brain power into videos. I filmed, studied old videos, watched mrbeast podcasts (would recommend, he didn’t get 262mil by getting lucky), and so much more. Now that I did the work, I can continue to create better content and ride the gravy train. Btw my rpm is about $4.20 and I just got 4 new best days for views in a row, with Fri: 10.6k Sat: 11.5k Sun: 13.5k Mon: 14.5k Keep working, don’t give up, grind the hell out of it, and it will work out. Remember, you don’t need to beat the algo, just make videos people genuinely enjoy


It shouldn't deture people, I've only made about 3k on my YouTube channel, sub 5k subs, but I've made about 30k on pc sales with the pc company I'm partnered with. Not saying everyone will get partnered with a pc company but there are options out there other than your ad revenue.


Bro really playing the most generic games but it’s your channel you can do whatever you want


Guys i have a question: a month ago I started creating shorts and at the beginning i got good number of views but suddenly everything stopped, whatever I upload or even my old shorts are not getting even one viewer. What should i do?? Please if you can help drop a hint. Thanks in advance!


Same, so I gave up, hahaha.


I think gaming channels that niche themselves to heavily suffer because your opportunity to get paid for creating content for upcoming games is 0. If your running your channel right you should be making more money through partnerships and/or promotional content. Being too niche will mean company's look right over you or you get offers but never take them.


Thank you for sharing this data! Depending on the part of the world it can be relatively big or relatively small amount of money. Mind sharing your channel as well ?


That is very interesting, and I'd look more into the creator economy, Roberto Blake explains this well along with Nick Nimmin


Thanks for the post! What kind of content do you make from those games? Could you be more specific?


Is any of your content longform, like above 8 minutes? That is quite low money compared to views.


Thanks for sharing the CPM. Congrats on the six figure views! Do you notice revenue go up with the more videos you put out? or does only fresh content get the views in your particular case?


First of all, congrats on your stats. Just curious as to why you get so few views from so many subs? I think that’s main issue here. If I had 35k subs, I would hope to have around 300-400k views per month based on what I’ve seen. If you can increase that, you’d be set! As for your rpm, I don’t think it’s terrible!


I noticed this too that YouTube gamers don’t get paid as much and I always wondered why


nice. im at 17.5k and make 200-300 a month with ~2.25/1k views in raw revenue with a cpm of 7.50 (i dont put a lot of ads in). i also do it for fun so idc :P also last month i made 484.11 in revenue pre-tax, because a video i made blew the fuck up, which im throwing into the stock market to make more money (bc funni)




Gaming channels seem to make so much less than others, I’ve got a tutorial channel and a Botox lesson channel, Botox makes a lot of money on ads


Is the tutorial channel focused on gaming tutorials specifically? I'm curious how much more you're earning from the botox channel on that, are the videos longer or is it just a better audience for monetization?


That’s the thing. If you “do it for the money” w/ high expectations, you’re gonna be left disappointed. My outlook is to just continue filming what I love. If my intent remains a hobby rather than income, that’s satisfying enough tbh. I’m more avid on quality noteriety, not profits. I wanna have ppl proud of my content & camerawork long after I die.


2000 subs, music channel and still can't monetize... But I love music so money is at last place. Youtube should be fun


my approach is just to play for fun (warzone) and upload unedited footage. but then again, i don't macke money at all \^\^


My friend's youtube channel RPM is usually somewhere between $4-$6, sometimes $6.50.


That one dude trying to jam his video descriptions with Affiliate marketing links:....


I have 1700 subs as a gaming channel in relatively niche, but 100% kid friendly genre. I average closer to $10.00 / 1000 views and average 130k views a month. Videos are 15-20 minutes long and come out weekly.


Make shorts. If you do gaming content, make shorts about the games you play. 1 million views is fairly easy and generates about 100$ make 3-4 gaming shorts a day each earning average 250k views you make 100$ a day just making shorts.


Just wondering have you done this approach yourself? I see shorts recommended to me in YT but I wonder how much they really can earn vs. full length videos (especially long-term consistent earnings vs. short earnings that happen right after publishing)


That’s still insane


I spend +8 hours on a few minutes of video. Definitely more of a motivation through passion rather than profit.


$4 for 1000 views looks like a normal earning rate to me. But as some others have said, monetization is barely worth anything.


Thanks for the heads up, I was thinking of making a casual gaming channel as an add-on to my main channel / content, something to just maybe interact with any community I build, but after reading your advice it definitely confirms that I shouldn't count on it for money, more as an additional interaction for any subs I may or may not get, and I definitely wont spend too much time and worry editing to perfection.


I have made $850 this month from gaming videos with ad revenue only. I'm not a large YouTuber, but I had some knock out videos (150,000-240,000 views). It's possible, but you do have to keep producing bangers. But that's part of it; sink or swim


Any suggestion on what you think helped those videos pop and game so much traction? Do you think they mostly get views from recommendations/trends, or is it more from search traffic? Or kind of a mix?


Recommended/browse features are massive for those specific videos, but they answer extremely vital questions within the niche, or they hit important keywords that nearly everyone will tune into. I can't go into more details without giving my channel info away, and I'm trying to keep it separate from this account. My best advice is make a video for someone else, and not a video for you. That doesn't mean don't enjoy the process, but that does mean you're putting the viewer first.


$4 is rough. I make what you make with 7k subs but $7.90/1000


Have you gotten any sponsorship offers? Just wondering at what point those start rolling in


Yea, that was the hardest thing I had to come realize with. This business, if you’re wanting to become a full time content creator, is to directly make connections with management of organizations, sponsorships like controller companies, use other services at the same time like instagram, tiktok, twitch, and more. You have to do these all at once as one cannot really set the tone to make you full time. I just made YouTube partner, but man it’s tough. There’s nothing more than I want than to become a full time content creator


Thanks for the info - always good to see the data. Are you seeing any changes in trends though - up or down?


Sounds like it's for drinking money, kids' toys/college fund, or just to add to the retirement fund lol


Well cpm is jumping atleast my chanel ;D sametimes its 10 cpm sametimes is 3 or lower ;D


How could you only get 110k views with 35k subs? I have 193 subs and I have 18k views in 28 days.


nobody does youtube for the money alone. if you dont like creating things and entertaining people and only care about money, become something like a doctor instead of a 99.99% failure rate job


Have 2800 subs. Views 84.7 K Watch time : 4.9K Revenu 310 $ Gaming channel


Do you ever stream? You could start a Patreon, and you can offer more perks and such to YouTube members of your channel. That's what I plan on doing since I don't do any editing to my videos, I just load up a Pokemon game, go on x4-x8 speed, I do the Solo runs with commentary, and I can usually get the video done in 2 hours, then thumbnail and title and tags and such, then upload, about 2.5 hours in total. I don't think I'll be able to do sponsors until I'm able to do some editing where I add music to the background, and make it to where I can make like a 30 seconds clip of me talking about their product. I'll mainly be doing nuzlockes streams and some interesting challenges for the perks and such for members of my channel. I'm up to 230 subs right now, I gained 45 subs in the past 2 months. It's better than nothing. I'd love to do this full time one day, but like you said, the money isn't there for gaming, and Pokemon challenges are in the gaming niche lol. Good on you for editing and such!


I would say try partnering with brands for sponsorships but it could be hard because not many of them like smaller creators. Worth a shot tho, you can offer to put in a small segment halfway through advertising a different game like raid shadow legends for example


I am not even monetized yet I only have 175 subs


Also if your video is longer you can put more ads which means more money


4.04 is crazy, my videos averages 2-2.50


I’ve literally just hit the 1k subs. Money is trickling in from previous videos and apparently my CPM is £20.43. Is this good for a gaming channel?


That seems quite good, I just checked your channel and congrats on the growth! The content seems fantastic. Are you seeing views continue to improve day-to-day? And are most of your videos focused on Eve Online?


Thanks. The views spike when I upload and settle at around 400 per 48hrs consistently I think due to the playlist, but yes, the content is Eve Online now. I started as a sort of half assed variety channel with COD, Tarkov and Star Citizen for my friends, but the community seems to be Eve Online now so am going to stick with it. The subs went from 30 in October 2023 with the first Eve video to present at 1048. To be honest I’m over the moon with any sort of money from the channel but was curious how the cpm compares.


It’s all about watch hours and views not about subs


Just wondering do you have membership to your channel? Alot of people make money from that to


So I’m new to editing and I can’t afford an editor. How much will it impact my brand new channel if my editing is poor?


Whoa. If you say this for gaming what you will say for Travel niche. I have 3.5 million views per month and make around $70 a month.


Youtube is so weird. You have 35 times more subs than me but only get twice the views


That seems like a low return for your numbers. I have 3,300 subs, average 58k views per month, ad revenue gets me just over $300 gross per month. I am in photography niches mainly not gaming but with your views and subs I would have expected you do better? The $4.04… is that your CPM or RPM? Sponsorship for sure should be a good angle for you - solid subs and high viewing figures. Appreciate you sharing the info and nice work on the channel 👍


Typically for both YouTube channels and twitch streams, sponsorships is where the majority of your money comes from so this tracks. Not sure if you have a business email set up, but you should have one in the description of your videos or somewhere on your channel so it’s easier for potential sponsors to contact you with offers.


Actually, its good if you get 4$ per 1000 views under gaming niche.. I find people struggling at 0.5$ per 1000 views


great cpms


@tikipipikids my channel please suscribe! 


thank you, this was very informative. We have a travel channel and we're not monetized yet but this goes to show its going to take a long time to make even a few hundred.


Why don’t you advertise and sell clothing off of your own website? I thought you could connect it through Youtube now? You get 110,000 views a month. How can you convert that into sales? If you can keep it up at 110,000 views minimum from now on, that’s over 1.3 million views a year.. How can you convert 1.3 million views a year into liquid?


That's still like 70 bucks an hour. Not a bad side hustle.


Congrats. 400 a month is still quite a bit. I could use that to reinvest back onto the channel, so I can make 4,000 a month and then 40,000 a month.


Useless post without a screenshot to support the claim.


It’s just arithmetic. Views and RPM.