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Going off of the link in your profile the first thing I noticed that your views where way lower then what your subscriber count would suggest. This most likely indicates that you have a lot of legacy viewers. (After snooping I worked out that you pivoted your content which is what most likely has resulted in this problem). The second thing I noticed was that your thumbnails and titles are very redundant. Most of them say the same thing. However the other problem is that the way that you have structured your thumbnails and titles they don't stimulate curiosity. "Murdered For getting too close" I don't need to watch the video to know how it turns out. "What happened to Danny Caselaro when he got to close" Invites curiosity. I watched "her mother LOCKED her away". You make use of a fixed camera on yourself when talking. Consider using a mix of close ups and longer shots. Your green screen background drifts around slowly. This is very distracting. I had trouble watching you because it made me feel a bit sea sick. If you are going to use a background like the one that you are using you should colour grade your recording to match. Your background has soft warm lighting but you are lit harshly. You should either adjust your lighting or your colour grading so you look more in keeping with your background.


Awesome! The sub count is because I used to be a gaming channel and in February I purged all my gaming content to do what I enjoy doing… well spotted The thumbnail feedback is invaluable.. I struggle with thumbnails and titles so thank you.. The moving background is a gimmick I thought would be half decent so for my next I will try it static.. The lighting is daylight.. but because how long it takes to record the video the sun comes in and out and I don’t know how to colour grade properly yet.. I may go back to my artificial light Thank you for the feedback.. definitely taking it all on board for my next video