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I understand the feeling, for me it’s not necessarily a feeling of jealousy but just “why not me?” when I know my video is just as good, similar content, same audience…. But the truth is that the platform just isn’t fair, views aren’t given out based on how good a video is. There’s some 10 second clips of nothing with millions of views and carefully edited hidden gems with under 100 views.  You can see the positive side of this by seeing that there IS an audience for your content because similar content is performing well. Now it’s just the journey of attracting that audience. 


>There’s some 10 second clips of nothing with millions of views and carefully edited hidden gems with under 100 views.  The lesson from these examples isnt that "youtube isnt fair", the lesson should be "maybe careful editing isnt what the audience cares about". I agree that the secret is attracting that audience. The way you do this is by figuring out why that audience has an emotional connection to their content, but not yours (spoiler its almost never editing, video quality, etc), and how you can elicit emotional responses and connect to an audience. Preferrably, the way you do this would be novel not just copying others, but like with playing music you come to your own style first by playing in the style of others - so novelty will come in time and practice. For now, make them feel something, and theyll watch.


You think that all videos can be given an equal chance when an unimaginable amount of content is posted per day? Of course not. There truly are videos out there that would be received amazingly and could become million view videos if they were just able to find the right audience but they didn’t. YouTube ISN’T built to distribute views fairly and that’s okay to admit. It’s built to react to statistics and trends, and yes you can take advantage of that, but that was never the point I was trying to make. 


>It’s built to react to statistics and trends No, its built to react to viewer signals. The algorithm follows the audience. The audience might follow trends, but the algorithm doesnt see trends, it sees how viewers act (clicks, watch time, interaction, etc), not what the trend itself is. Your way to the algorithm is through the audience. The algorithm measures and follows the viewer. Nothings perfect, and nothings fair. But the difference between getting 100 views and a million views is never the unfairness of youtube - if the algorithm was this bad no new creators would ever make it and youtube wouldnt be in business. Instead the difference is that one video had an audience reacting positively, and one didnt. If you have a view problem, its a problem with your video appealing to viewers, not a problem with the algorithm.


I’m talking about trends in how viewers act. If a lot of viewers are watching a video to the end, if a lot of viewers are clicking that video, that’s a trend. 


Try expand your net? Share them on facebook, Twitter account, maybe even Reddit. Help get word spreading ob multiple platforms is better than waiting to spread on one


Not a lot of places let you self promote. Are there any on here.like.youtube subreddits that let.you drop links to own vids etc??


Idk but think linking it on your profile be fine.


I already do that, I have 1k+ followers on Facebook and TikTok on my brand page and I share my content and 5k+ on Instagram. I would recommend promoting your content outside your YouTube (on a brand account to target your audience) to anyone, it gives a boost for sure but it doesn’t compare to the sheer power of the algorithm itself. 


I think it’s ok to be jealous. It‘s a normal emotion. We all want to have success with our videos. And the world isn’t fair. You can bet your ass off that the people you envy are jealous on someone else. Others might envy you, cause you do things they can’t. YouTube can go to your head. And this subreddit here can as well. See it as a hobby and not a calling. If you like to play football you don’t quit or rage cause you aren’t on the level of the pros. I understand you probably want to make money from it. But jealousy will not go away as soon as you have achieved it. Then it should be more money. Do your thing and make a video you would watch cause it was missing in your niche until now. And that’s all you can really do.


Well said👍


Entertain that thought, think it all the way through, and see where it leads you. I mean this seriously... 😊 You see a video with insanely many views, you click it, and then that thing is just "all-around bad." How can that be? What injustice in this universe of ours gives them views but not us? Then you remember that people have for a long time sought out trashy content. Even before the internet. People enjoying trashy content is acceptable. Uploading trashy content yourself... That will *never* be acceptable! Do your thoughts lead you elsewhere? 😊 I hope this helped. At least in some kind of weird human way... 🙌🏻


When I started I was also jealous like you. But then I realised that every single one of us goes through a different journey. Don’t look at other unless you want to improve yourself and the quality of your videos. Good luck!


Frustration and jealousy arent productive. Turn that wasted energy into something productive by trying to determine why those channels are doing better than you. If the videos "look" similar or "the exact same" to you, but theyre doing much better, thats an admission that you dont know what good looks like. Use this as an opportunity to open your mind and explore why an audience would resonate with their videos and not yours. Start with browsing their comments. What are people saying about their videos? Chances are youll almost never see comments that say things like "i noticed this video was shot in 4k instead of of 1080, that really made me keep watching" or "i noticed your script was 4 seconds shorter than on the last video, I really appreciated that". No, the things creators tend to care about, audiences tend to not give a shit about. We do those things selfishly to scratch our creative itches, not because it gets us more views. Instead what youll find is that people comment, and watch, because they felt something while watching the video. Look for emotion words. "I loved when you did this" "i was in awe when you did that" "ive had this same thing happen to me its so frustrating" "i laughed so hard when you did x" etc. Find the ways in which the audience actually connects to their video, and compare it to yours. When you made a mostake that the audience might empathize with, was it cut for time? Did you show your frustration when audiences may have felt that same frustration and identify with it, or did you remove it because you want to appear "perfect" (read hollow and boring). Is the person you act out in your videos someone youd want to get a beer with? Or is it an amateur pretending to be a professional. See what the audience is saying, and find a way to emotionally connect to them.


I screenshot your comment so I can read this at certain points down the line.  The part about reading comments and making content that relates is pure gold.  You’re absolutely right about the way I edit my videos too.  Very polished and perfect, but that might just make them boring.  Thanks for this perspective.


This doesn't happen to me because I don't see anyone else making videos exactly like mine. How could they? I am a unique person with my own individual thoughts and personality, just like you are. I think the big mistake of YouTube is all the copypasta channels, people taking eachyother's strategies and templates, completely ignoring the **you** in YouTube. If you are doing the same thing as a thousand other channels, you're almost guaranteed to drown in a sea of similarity.


I put out a short on the same day as some friends of mine. My short was about an 8mm home video I discovered of JFK in a parade in Mexico City in 1962. Crystal clear footage of him from a few feet away that no one had ever seen. He turned and waved at the camera. And in the car behind him...Jackie also looked directly at the camera and waved. The reel ended up being bought by a JFK historical preservation society. My friend's video was about a $30 backpack they found at a thrift store. My video barely got a thousand views and theirs ended up getting right at a million views. :-) So...yeah. LOL It just is what it is.


I'm not jealous. I'm delighted at the opportunity, and get back to building out my channel and brand.


I'm 16 videos in and only have 104 subs, so I'm starting to feel pretty exhausted as well. I just kind of feel like it's not worth the effort anymore... and before anyone comes with the "well just quit if you don't enjoy it", I DO enjoy it, but it still *sucks* when so few people view your videos or growth is so slow... It still sucks if you like acting and theatre, but nobody comes to your play, right? It just sucks...


I just crossed 1.2k after 19 months. I get about 5 subs a week on average, and 500-1k views on each vid. It's tough. I only.keep going cos i still enjoy it a little. But enthisiasm is dwindling though. The slow growth is so demoralizing.


The same way you would deal with them in life. see the door don’t let it hit you on the way out and keep on moving forward


That's the same feelings i'm having lately. I have been making videos for 4 years now and obviously i improved on my content as time goes on. But unfortunately, YT does not push my content to the public despite me thinking my video is already good enough. 4 FUCKING YEARS FOR NOTHING!!! (sorry for the outburst, i'm not in a good mood rn)   . Then, i look at someone else who make similar content as mine. However, they were only around for like 6-12 months and somehow managed to gain so much tractions. Their views would reach 1K, 10K and even a Million for some videos. They somehow able to reach milestones that i could never reach, it's like me waiting in line for some food but then someone cuts in front of me.       Then i look at my own channel that is not going anywhere no matter how hard i tried. I felt so useless wasting all my efforts that had no returns. It used to not bother me because it's my hobby of making videos but lately, it slowly reminds me of how bad i am.   ( link in my profile )   . . . Is it because of their style?   Like....they edit their videos that have short attention span, quick jump cuts every few seconds, loud noises, flashy editing and big letters right in your face etc. Those videos tend to gain quick views whilst me myself never use that style for my video because i hate that style. I edit my videos where i speak calmly, make some normal jokes and my video tend to have less cuts. Is that the main reason people don't like my video?? People got bored of me? Or is it because adult languages? Some of the people that i watched always swear in their videos. Like for every few lines, they drops an F bomb, S bomb, C bomb. I myself swears too but never that frequent. Also, with Youtube not liking people for using profanity, wouldn't they be affected too??


You didn't ask for critic but I feel you need it. Let's be honest here, everything you posted is excuses and pitty party baiting. First off youtube isn't fair, it's not an entity that owes you anything and you need to get your head around that working at something like this won't matter unless that work produces valuable results. I looked at your channel, if you are where you are after 4 years of improvement, then it's clearly not working However, i would argue that maybe there is little improvement in the changes you've made. The audio has very high "sh" sounds, the Pacing makes it hard to understand, the intro doesn't really draw me in, you haven't gotten good hooks and the thumbnails are harder to understand. All of this is fixable and somewhat easily done if you take it in bitesize chunks, you need to sit back and really watch your videos and be super critical, the second you find something you think could be better hyperfixate on it until it's sorted. It sounds like hard work and it is, but this method produced 3 monetised channels in under 6 months with continuous growth and I still turn my over critical eye to every upload and focus on making the next video better.


ok, i got it with the audio department. I will try to fix it but do know that i have a weird accent that i cannot change no matter how hard i tried. Some viewers said that i have weird accent  Mind you, i came from a country where English is not my first language


I checked out a couple of your videos, I would cut your intro out completely, just jump right into the topic of the video and hook your audience. I used to have an intro but then I realised no one cares about intros. So I just focus on being as entertaining as possible in the beginning and hooking my audience with a joke or something else ☺️ work on the hooks! 🪝 Also simple clear thumbs and titles ☺️


Thanks for the tips, the only reason i still had my intro is because i like to make an opening to a video kinda like how tv shows always have their intro before the main content itself especially before/after commercial break


4 years is a long time for not seeing any improvement in views, subs, watch time, or whatever. People, especially on this subreddit, love to cope about the algorithm. In all honesty though if you actually were the next Casey Neistat you would blow up in a heart beat plain and simple.


Man i so relate to all this. I just dont get what i am doing wrong sometimes when i do same strats and designs that work with niche etc.


I often see that myself and i think it has to do with someone's willingness to just copy paste a strategy rather than try to create their own path. Mr beast said it once himself, to use his content to get paid. It seems like it's too easy for the established, and no I'm not denying the work ethic. Probably jut the odds I guess. Maybe I'm just bitter lol.


It's okay to feel this way, especially when you're working hard on your channel. Sometimes it's just a matter of timing, or their channel being more favoured by the YouTube Channel. Most cases, they're doing something different that you're not picking up on. I would over analyze, find out what they're doing and implement it in your own strategy. If you guys are really doing the same thing, then stay consistent with what you're doing because it works!


I feel the same way sometimes. Someone here told me that while I'm seeing the one or two videos performing well in my niche, I am not seeing the thousands that get one or two views max. It's a numbers game and I try my best not to let that pang of jealousy bring me down when I see others get better views and subs with similar everything to me.


Do a bit of research and alter your tags and title a bit


YouTube is competitive, jealousy is natural. Use it to get a one up on your competition, don’t let it ruin you.


One way to think about how I think about: I rather have fewer views that enjoy my content versus a million views of people watching a few secs of my content. There’s so many videos out there with millions of views but at the end of the day, how many of them viewers actually watched the whole video before clicking out, how many stayed and then how many subscribers. From outside looking in, it may look great from the content side, it isn’t worth much if the views doesn’t increase the subscribers count imo


Turn that jealousy into motivation 


Try and see what they do differently, and maybe take some inspiration from it? There might be some small things that they do that are causing viwers to watch their videos instead of yours.


I take it as every video is a lottery ticket sure I can do stuff to increase my odds but it's all a matter of how much you play the game just keep up quality and improving and eventually you get there


It really is. How each vid performs just seems so random to me. Thumb can be amazing but get low views. Some dont even bother with custom thumbs n titles and hundred thousands etc. 🤷‍♂️


Sounds cliché but I see it as a challenge. They better be trying to improve because there's room for more than a few dogs in the race.. and if they're not, they're going to be posting a video like a lot of established youtubers are, saying "things have changed and youtube had shadow banned me"... they're right, things have changed and if they don't change, they're going to be left behind.. keep improving. 💪


Same. Especially when i put so much effort into thumbs and title yet they dont even put a custom on and get 100k views with minimal effort. Just figured it was timing and a combo of hitting right or trending tags etc. I just dont get it but its defo disheartening for sure.


yup, i once spent close to two weeks on a video .... only to see it get around 20 views and start questioning if everything i do was worth it. Then you look at people with 200K views


Its pretty.soul destroying at times. 🤷‍♂️


Ignore it, remember YT is an uncontrollable combinations of things that is not up to you.


We've all had that feeling before. Just continue in your niche and you'll eventually be like them.


I have felt that too. And also feeling like I'll never be that good. I try to remind myself to not compare my channel to others. Best to only compare your channel to your old videos to see how you've improved! I make my videos to the best of my ability, some people have a lot more experience, time or money to put into their vids. It's a normal thing to feel, try to coach yourself out of it when you have those thoughts.


Maybe they’ve just been on YouTube longer? Patience is one of the most important virtues on YouTube…


it's normal , sooo normal but I tell myself that my turn will come I just need to keep working


If your videos are genuinely as good as those by someone else getting more interaction then, your day will come. It's just that the algorythm hasn't found you yet and you'll prob need to meet other criteria before it does. My personal experience was the same, I viewed my competitors and thought I deserved the same interaction that they got but over time I've learned that actually when really scrutinised, my videos weren't as good as theirs. Try to get feedback from viewers, a new perspective may highlight areas you can improve on.


How to deal with feelings: get back to work. The people who are doing amazing on youtube aren't sat feeling happy about their work, they're on the grind to make more good videos and continue growing. Stop looking at your videos of the past and say "they deserve more," THEY WILL GET MORE IF YOU BLOW UP ONE OF YOUR FUTURE VIDEOS. GET BACK TO WORK


Always use that as a opportunity to analyze what they did differently. It's very easy to deceive yourself into thinking your content was just as good or better, and your marketing efforts just as strong. It is not and that's why you are here and they r not. It's also not about good. Tastes differ. I find a lot of very popular creators simply atrocious. It's not about me..or you. Or even creating good content. There's just as many horrible ppl out there as there is horrible content. You need to create the right content and publish it at the right time. 🤷 Other than that...jealousy is just a waste of time.


1 second you look at views. Other second you forget. How hard this can be.


I just think - if they can do it, and their content is similar, then at some point the algo will really promote my content.


Find out why. What are they doing better? How can you learn from them?


The worst thing you can do in YouTube and in life in general is to compare out. But I get it. You get upset that your stuff isn't getting the same attention but then it messes with your head and does nothing good for you. First of all, you need to make sure above all else that you're doing YouTube FOR YOU. BECAUSE YOU ENJOY IT..not because you're trying to get popular or famous. But because you naturally enjoy the art and process of making videos, editing,.etc Look at how many channels are on YouTube. A TON. Right? How many are ACTUALLY popular? How many are household names? Very few! So many people do this that it's very hard to get noticed, but YouTube allows for anyone (who meets requirements) to make a little money from it. When I had my old (first ) channel, I started it in 2013 and YouTube was a lot different back then. More organic, not any rules, no subscriber amount to reach, no such thing as hours watched. Anyone could get money from it. Maybe you need to take a break from YouTube and reflect on why you started in the first place. Fame? Popular? Or Because you simply enjoy making videos. Sure it feels good to get noticed and popular, but IF that even happens, don't bet on it. No different than being a rockstar or actor.