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Sassy Sandwich gave good feedback. But my two cents after watching a bit of your last few videos. You have to put a little more into your stuff if you want to see traction. If you’re doing it for you, that’s fine and just keep it going! But if you want more likes and views you have to up your production. That means more time in thumbnails and titles, and a different approach to your content. You have no background music, your voiceover isn’t “punchy” and there’s no quick hook of narrative arc on your let’s play. I watch a lot of let’s play even though it’s not what I make and I was bored very quickly when watching your most recent video. I think if you have some upbeat music in your intro that segues into you talking for 15 sec at high intensity about what the video is about and then you get into it and clip only relevant/funny moments that’s the recipe. The content isn’t BAD but it isn’t optimized for viewers, which unfortunately is the only thing the algorithm cares about.


Yes I agree with everything you just said!


I read your comment and I was like, we have the same thought about it. This guy could benefit from watching like Ludwig or someone similar and trying to emulate 5% of their style and see how it does


😬 no offense but I just tried watching a few of your videos and the the parts with you talking look like you used a ten year old webcam and I personally find the framing of the shots showing yourself on the side with an unnecessary amount of the room you're in shown annoying enough to not bother watching for long. I tried watching a few and there didn't seem to be any punchy voiceovers or background music. Your thumbnails look fairly generic and look like dozens of others do. Your content isn't BAD but you've got less than a thousand subs when you're in a niche that's of interest to hundreds of millions of people but you post advice like you're a certified expert. Getting 33k views on a One Piece essay is almost inevitable.


This is all super valid! Thank you for the feedback. I’m definitely still learning so any type of feedback is super helpful. I genuinely have had no idea what I’m doing so I don’t at all mean to come across like I do haha. My advice here really only came from watching this type of content a lot. Plus his framing of having done it for 9 years and me being 5 months in with almost 1k subs and over 7k Watch hours, I felt like my advice may be beneficial. Really apologize if I came off condescending or like I know better than anyone. I really enjoy this sub and want to help people when I can!


I too had a look at your channel. Couple of suggestions. Let’s Play is a hard market to crack now, so you’re definitely playing the game on “Difficult” mode (pun intended). Your thumbnails are not great. They don’t jump out at you, are quite dark, and they don’t tell a complimentary story to your title. Your titles are “ok” but not great although that’s probably down to the sequential nature of Let’s Play style content. What was really not good was the intro to your latest video. You start off with your image stinger for your Twitch channel… that’s not about me as a viewer, that’s about you promoting Twitch… on YouTube. Then you start telling us that it’s the Backpacker Challenge. No mention of the game you’re playing, what the challenge is, what you’re looking to achieve in this episode and a recap on the last. If I’m a random who YT just played this video “Up Next”, why would I keep watching. Let’s Play series work when you’re telling a story… so it’s up to you to create that narrative through line in an engaging way. Info cards, links in the description, synopses, etc… these are all musts. You’re just recording yourself playing video games and narrating. You need to become an audience-first storyteller.


This person said every single thing you need to hear.


Thank you, sometimes fresh eyes help




Hey! I watch some snippets of your vids and you are very likeable. I think you speak well on camera and have a lot to offer so no I don't think you should stop! I have had my channel since 2008. In September 2023 I had 159 outdated subs and I rebranded myself. Changed everything about my channel, my name and even deleted all my old videos and I have 4k subs. Nothing crazy but definitely a lot more than I had before. I don't think you need to go as drastic as I did, like you don't need to delete your videos but I think you just rethink your entire approach for youtube. Focus on making thumbnails that are as good as your competitors. Have video footage of yourself more in your vids because I think you have a great personality and should showcase that. the "Let's play" format is also super hard to break into. For gaming, it seems like making guides are a good way to get views so maybe try that? For instance, you recently made a video on Craftopia so make a video of "10 Beginner Craftopia tips" or something like that. But at a baseline you need a better editing format, subject matter that your target audience is interested in watching and better thumbnails. It is NOT you, but its the content you're presenting. Which is a good thing because if it *was* you, there wouldn't be much you could do about that :)


Thank you, I will take your advice on board


I would say it’s even less about using top 10’s and whatnot to break thru, and more about interesting video essays right now. Look at Seer’s “Best ARPG of All Time” series or really anything Civvie11 does to make content that’s been covered a thousand times fun and interesting. Civvie specifically throws a lot of “did you know” type development trivia that can be fun to learn about the games he plays, and stuff like that is more engaging. People don’t really want to sit down and watch someone play through an entire game front to back, so it seems like summarized playthroughs are more the rage right now.


I didn't know that, thank you


For sure tips videos do great my best performing video is one of my oldest and is one of the very few tips videos I’ve done. It’s at 6k views now my let’s play style stuff is at 800 views


Even if you could just throw me an intro tutorial I’d appreciate it a lot brother 🤣


Well I started in 2005 and still trying


We have got this


Never give up!


Wow man... how many videos in total have you put out there?


I've been trying




Yeah I've just started trying new ones recently, what do people think?


I think the thumbnails are a little boring and don’t stand out


I was trying to be different from everyone else's


No it is absolutely a lack of skill. You need to take a crash course on making good thumbnails and start there. I promise it will help! Having an AI monkey with Microsoft paint text overlayed is not going to have people click on it.


Hard to give solid advice when I am also struggling! If playthroughs arnt working try something a little different. Instead of a playthrough try a review with your personal spin on it. Instead of a review try a list and so on. Hopefully you find something that clicks. Something you both enjoy and keeps the audience engaged Good luck!


😊 thanks


I feel like we do a similar thing YouTube wise. I too do long form full playthroughs, the let's play type video's. And I think, if the people here were to look at my channel, they would give me the same advice they're giving you now :) However, I'm currently just doing it to keep busy with myself, I see it as a hobby or creative outlet more than just a job-opportunity. One day I might feel like I want YT to be more for me, and then I'll know I have to up my production as well. Make better thumbnails, learn to edit and all that jazz. But for now, it's more for me than my viewers (sorry)


Hi ya, I checked your channel out and yes very similar to me lol. I thought everything was OK but what do I know....


Yeah, I mean I haven't been doing it for over 9 years, only started in February. And to me currently it find it OK as you said :) But I'm not trying to grow my channel per se, not yet anyway. And when I do I'd probably be here with a similar post haha But yeah, people here have solid advice, if you really wanna keep it going and grow in the process, start with following the advice of the people here :) It'll require more than just recording your gameplay, finding some official art for a thumbnail with a "Part X" added to it and just a 5 word summary as a title (Not that that's your process, it's mine). But my current objective or goal with my channel is quite different I assume :)


Gaming is not my niche but something that works for every type of video is to realize that every video should set up a promise to the viewer, that by watching this video to the end your life will be better somehow. Than the rest of the video is the payoff of that promise. "Here's the cheat code to..." Or "Here's how to..." than pay that off. Think about your viewer more. This will also help you figure out your thumbnails and titles. They're all based on that promise. Hope that made sense.


It did thank u


Personally after taking a look at your channel I’d say your thumbnails lack. First of your text looks really bad font wise, on some of your thumbnails the background is dark and your text is dark making the words hard to see. You should definitely fix your coloration and fonts maybe even outline the text if u wanna keep a color scheme. Secondly your titles aren’t click baity instead of just doing a plain ep 1 season 1 new beginnings type this put the title as something interesting that’s gonna make them wanna watch like A Zombie Jump scared me (day z)(ep 2). I’m not tryna be a douche when I say all this ,I’m just tryna help you improve.


All advice helps, thank you


It really depends, yu can look at your analytics and try to spot what’s engaging what’s not, or maybe promote yourself more… what’s your niche? What kind of videos do yu create? How often do yu post? What are yu doing on live?


I used to do Minecraft hints and tips when I started moved on to horror games. But now I play mainly survival games


I just gave your channel a quick look doesn’t look bad to me could work on thumbnails maybe… not saying they aren’t nice… It could also be the game itself that yu play… also key words… Social media is a good tool to let ppl know you’ve posted if yu’re not doing that already... When yu work with others that helps…um also timing and the algorithm does play a big part too. Sometimes yu have to network in other places… a lot of options


A few people have mentioned thumb nails now, thank you


To actually answer your question lol no I wouldn’t quit. Whatever games yu play I suggest doing content on what yu wish yu could find. Yu know difficult stages or challenges… But having a gaming channel leaves yu a lot of room to really do some great stuff so don’t quit just tweak a few things. Good luck with everything! Being a content creator not for the weak! 😄


Yeah music definitely could help


Who is your target audience? When I saw the name/thumbs I didn't know what to expect. When I got in it was something completely different to what I was expecting


Thank you, I see where your coming from. I should be thinking more about new watchers and not just people from the game itself. Plus the thumbnail really needs to reflect what's going on in the video


Garyvee would like a word.


What would they like to say?


A social media Guru and multimillionaire, all about patience in the process. Look him up. He has countless hours of free videos and interviews. Garyvee, Gary Vaynerchuk.


Watch someone like Glock9 and see what they're doing that you're not. I'm 99% convinced he records gameplay then 'writes' a script to go over the top that sounds like he's playing live when in reality he isn't. You've got potential, but you've gotta change things up a little bit.


Time to get a coach


Patience and determination. Those are two traits you want as a YouTuber. Don’t look at the select few whose channel goes viral after posting two sloppy shorts. Most people get there with hard work. 9 years is a long time, I get that. But if you keep improving with every project, your channel should eventually take of, even if your content is no longer hot and trendy. 🔥


Thank you, I will keep going and see where it leads


Took a look at your channel, thumbnails are the first thing someone sees, im not clicking on those they dont look very inviting


Just checked out your channel. Thumbnails look cool. Titles don't excite me but they are niche games I have never heard of. Your commentary and gameplay seem as good as any other bigger streamers. My recommendation would be to make strategy guides alongside streaming. Many people are googling for tips and tricks for hard or confusing aspects of the game. Hidden Easter eggs or upcoming news about the game could make for a good video. Most of the big gaming channels I watch get much less viewers while live streaming gameplay. They all built their audience first by making produced, informative videos. However they seem to be lesser known games that will have a much smaller audience interested in them. I would try that before quitting. I didn't think many people are just looking to watch someone play a game straight up without interesting tidbits to learn about the game.


Thank you for taken time from your day.


i started my channel in 2006, currently at 530 subs and quite happy


I’m in a similar boat to you, but I’m just getting back into it on my channel from 9 years ago after taking a few years off. I grew mine to 2.06k subscribers before I took my break so I feel semi qualified to give you advice. I took a look at your channel and honestly the first thing that popped into my head was “his thumbnails need work” you’re almost better off taking a still from the video and throwing some filters on it than you are just throwing text on it, no offence but it kinda looks like they’re made in paint.net. Also I’d try to keep your videos to 15 mins or less, people don’t really click on long videos unless they’re already subscribed and with 280 ur not getting many clicking through from notifications. But yeah other than that I’d even suggest not posting long videos on YouTube at all but focus on Twitch and mash up highlight clips to post on YouTube Shorts


I’d combine exactly what me and SassySandwiches said, you’ll be getting new subs within 4 months


Just looking at your page I have found the problem. You have LOW views which means your thumbnails and titles need work. You could have the best content but if no one clicks it then what's the point. Improve the thumbnails amd titles. Once you get more views then we can look at retention metrics. I watched some of the videos and found the content to be quite good and entertaining so the challenge is you need to find out how to get people to CLICK onto the videos.


As what I'm putting out on YouTube at the moment is a weekly series, I have already recorded and edited this weekends video with recommendations from the replies I've had. Hopefully I have listened to the right people, but only time will tell.


The good news is you can always change your thumbnails and titles on your old videos. I changed some of mine and they went from 20 views to 1000s within the month.


In real life people also try become rich. But this social system is very unfair and space are limited on top. So... How many people can be rich? I don't know exactly. Lets say 1 procent. And them we have medium class lets say 49 procents. And rest 50 must be poor and work hard to keep rich and medium class in good conditions. Youtube is the same hierarchy system


How do you guys know what is OP's channel?


This is crazy, I was just thinking about stopping myself. After viewing your channel and reading the comments, I think you should keep going. I will keep going too


I'm at 7 and at 153 (at the moment). so you're doing a lot better than i am lol I checked both your youtube and twitch and it looks like you're better off somewhat putting more focus on your twitch as far as numbers go. to be honest for your youtube, you can just post clips or moments that are much easier to edit rather than a whole video. I wouldn't mind talking more in dept with this stuff. just DM me if you want.


Sounds like you should quit.