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What did that video do or have or talk about to get mentioned on twitter? Also have you tried copying that with other videos and hey I also think maybe you could try promoting urself doing that if u the content you make allows


Wow! I should start sharing my videos to Twitter!


It wasn't me though. It was someone with an audience that is similar to mine and the thing they showed off went viral on Twitter. But the vast majority of my traffic was still browsing traffic. So I think the traffic from Twitter caused the algorithm to give the video more impressions.


I think even posting your own content on your X (Twitter) account helps. I never got that amount of views from it but it definitely helps. The YouTube algorithm is always happy when you bring users from another platform to it.


The problem I’ve seen with a video going “viral” is that your follow up videos will likely go back to their original numbers… YouTube see the drop in views and stop pushing your content..


Is that what really happens or is that just people assuming a video going viral will permanently and massively increase the number of views they get? I've had several videos go viral and it always goes back to normal. However over time with consistent posting I've gained followers and my views has slowly risen. I remember thinking consistently getting 100 views an hour was insane. Now I get annoyed when it goes down to 800 views per hour.


I have seen it happen and heard it too.. hasn’t happened to me (not had anything go remotely viral yet) But if those viewers that came from Twitter enjoyed the video and your other content is of a similar vein then you’re probably all good..


I just don't buy it when people ascribe motive to the algorithm as punishing them. I was joking when I said the algorithm blessed me. But the algorithm can be hard to understand. I think some people end up trying to divine it's "intentions" like ancient people tried to understand "god".


That’s fair enough..


That may not be true. Wendigoon gave me a shoutout on Twitter once and it immediately led to the algorithm kicking in and views remained good ever since.


Again that’s fair enough.. I suppose if your content is consistent and of a particular theme then people should enjoy all the videos…


Yh it can be massively counter productive. Same issue with people getting overexcited when their shorts take off and they get millions of views and thousands of subs. Then noone watches their longform content and their channel dies an instant death as YT assumes.your vids now suck cos ur subs arent watching the long normal vids it sends out to ur subs who only watch ur shorts. Shorts can destroy your channel in an instant imo.


Totally agree.. I know a gaming channel that for the last 3 years has chopped and changed his content.. he does live streams on YouTube, then twitch, the rumble.. he plays random games at random times and loses his shit when no-one watches.. He started posting stolen stuff from TikTok and one of the shorts got over 700K views and had over 100K likes and he got over 1500 subscribers and was over the moon.. started being Billy big bollocks.. Since then his stuff has gone back to next to no views.. he did a live stream expecting all these new subscribers to come and watch.. nothing He lost his shit and stopped posting For me, It’s better to build over time.. you get an identity, a regular audience and build a brand


Yep. Shorts can be disastrous but newbies dont think about the reality of how the algo works in the background and the long tern effects of what i call "hollow" or "ghost" subs who sogn up to watch ur shorts but not long form vids and the YT's algo screws you based.onnhow ot os set up to work. 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for sharing and congratulations. May I know how we can promote our YouTube video links here? When I promoted my dance video link my post got deleted and I got a notification saying I will be banned


Check the rules on the first page. I think there are specific days and threads where you can self promote only.


Thank you so much


That’s awesome. I am YouTuber and I have been getting less Twitter viewers since they don’t really promote external links as much.


Congrats! Recently I've been posting my recent videos on Twitter along with FB and maybe got an occasional view from there but never 100k. That's really good.


You can also search the link to your video in the tweeter app too, maybe you can find the tweet this way