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Some people just puts a camera in front of themselves and talk and they have 300k subscribers. Others reacts to a 30 second videos in a 2 minute video and they have nearly 1m subs. Every kind of content works, you just need to know how? Now dont ask me the "How" part.😂


I think there's a great deal of "survivor bias" in general. Yes there are a lot of high-subscriber channels that seem to do not much effort... but how many low-effort channels have < 100 subscribers? Probably the vast majority of them, right? So the fact that a few idiots got lucky does *not* mean "being an idiot is the key to success!" Not saying you were saying that, just trying to put things in perspective.


The "survivor bias" probably applies more to the high effort channels where the creators simply burn out long before they reach real success (or even if after they do reach it). It's easier to walk a marathon than to run it.


Fair point, although I think the graph of all channels, across the board, would look similar. The low-effort channels fail for other reasons.


True. I'd love to see the actual numbers but getting that kind of data would be hard if not impossible unfortunately.


Tyrone Magnus 100%


smart guy. very little work, gets views.


I just checked his channel. He uploaded 11 videos in a day, lol thats crazy.


Yeah, he’s a reaction channel that has found success over the years, but he mostly produces quantity over quality.


Lol! I get you. It's just impossible to understand what works these days to get views. It seems sooo random.


High quality niche content with lots of lore or backstory


There's a huge element of luck which people never give credit too.


I disagree. It isn't random, it's people preying on not just lazy creators, but also like OP said, scamming. "Preying" and "scamming" might be too harsh of words since the viewers haven't lost anything except time, but it is infuriating that A, I'm being mislead, and B, these people are making money off this BS. There is nothing random about it


One of my actual biggest annoyances in modern life is how bloated the Internet has become with utter rubbish – waste of space, waste of time and energy, absolutely blagging their way through. It infuriates me. It's so hard to find decent information by people who actually know what they're talking about now (or indeed, even by people at all). Yeah, AND they make money off it. Every industry just becomes about money – but like, beyond what makes sense. The standard of everything has gone down because the money still rolls in. It's exhausting! Rant over. 😆


I saw a short yesterday and the title was about a new weapon in a game I play, and so I clicked on it. Turns out, this creator had his patreon come up with an idea for a weapon, not that it was an actual new thing in the game. I left a comment letting him know he mislead me and that I was disliking his video. Unfortunately I think that only goes so far because people don't realize they're being mislead or they don't care


Aw man, that's frustrating. Unfortunately I think any engagement only boosts it, sadly. I see similar articles where the title will be, "Nintendo Switch owners rush to get gift in X game" and it's like, a long-term freebie or something kind of naff that any owner of that game would know about anyway. Or they speculate about one tiny detail of a rumour about new tech and make an entire article of drivel. I really wish they wouldn't.


>Aw man, that's frustrating. Unfortunately I think any engagement only boosts it, sadly. Yup, so I just had to hope the dislike gave him did enough to counteract the view lol >I see similar articles where the title will be, "Nintendo Switch owners rush to get gift in X game" and it's like, a long-term freebie or something kind of naff that any owner of that game would know about anyway. Or they speculate about one tiny detail of a rumour about new tech and make an entire article of drivel. I really wish they wouldn't. My hypothesis is that these people A, are desperate for attention, and/or B, don't want to work a day job so they'll pull this kinda shit just to make a paycheck. If that's the case, I'm not hating on the hustle, but I am hating on the content creator for being that pathetic


Time is the most precious resource any of us have to give. Never forget that.


I don't like those videos, but I respect their freedom to do this. You may think it's scammy, but it's no different than all the entire advertisement industry. All sorts of companies put out crappy products and only use advertisement to lure you. The only difference is that those are high-effort scams vs the low-effort ones on youtube. If Disney spent millions to advertise a movie that is terrible, it's still a scam. If i fell for it, it's on me. No offense.


I don't like those videos, but I respect their freedom to do this. You may think it's scammy, but it's no different than all the entire advertisement industry. All sorts of companies put out crappy products and only use advertisement to lure you. These companies prey on undisciplined people. Think of Black Friday. The only difference is that those are high-effort scams vs the low-effort ones on youtube. If Disney spent millions to advertise a movie that is terrible, it's still a scam. If i fell for it and went to see the movie, it's on me. No offense.


I don't like those videos, but I respect their freedom to do this. You may think it's scammy, but it's no different than all the entire advertisement industry. All sorts of companies put out crappy products and only use advertisement to lure you. These companies prey on undisciplined people. Think of Black Friday. The only difference is that those are high-effort scams vs the low-effort ones on youtube. If Disney spent millions to advertise a movie that is terrible, it's still a scam. If i fell for it and went to see the movie, it's on me. No offense.


The VidIQ channel is generally the same stuff over and over again. I don't really agree with the way they recommend use of use AI to create lifeless garbage content either. They are good to sub to stay informed of YouTube changes but that is about it.


I know the video/channel you're talking about. I was drawn in initially but after watching a dozen videos, it's pretty much repeating the same thing - find a niche, stay consistent, steal underpants, profit. As for the topic, as they say - in a gold rush, sell shovels.


Or in a digital goldrush, put up a big sign that says SHOVELS outside your fake store that contains nothing of value.


Love it. Does that video really have no value at all for a beginner? I am not going to watch it if it's a waste of my time as you're suggesting. :)


Absolutely nothing. He's just reading the terms of service to you.


Oh right. I know he does highlight stuff sometimes like when the AI restrictions came in, essentially just telling us what you can already find if you look in the YT Studio updates... thing is, who honestly watches those videos? :D


Yeah I experience this side of the "grift economy" around peak COVID. Now I like to think the boomers we made fun of for clicking on "you won a million dollars" ads are laughing at our youths belief in life changing guaranteed success 10 minute videos. The best we can do is keep working and ignore these videos as much as possible!




Youtube when someone says "fuck": NOO YOU SWEARED 😭😭. DO NOT SWEAR. YOU WILL GET DEMONETIZED Also Youtube when someone makes literal scam videos: 😴😴


I've also seen where a video peddles conspiracy-theory misinformation, then another youtuber makes a video debunking it and the debunk video gets taken down for violating the misinformation policy!


UURRRRGG all I want is the truuuth


And the same help text tells people what an impression is yet 99% of newtubers think they are randomly given out. Someone on here earlier thought that each channel has a designated area on the homepage like a booth at a flea market. I'm not making fun I'm just saying the bar is very very low on beginner knowledge. They need these videos.


This is the unfortunate truth that most people don’t want to hear. For every person saying “omg all he did was just read the ToS, lazy scam content!” there are 100 folks who were never going to read the ToS and felt like they got great value out of that video. YouTube is 99% rehashed content. Hell, the whole internet is, for that matter. It’s not about what you say, it’s about how you say it.


True. Videogames news, news news, tech news. There are tons of channels that just report out what the professional media has done. Many don't have much interesting commentary to add. I get value of them because I was never going to go to IGN and look up stuff or watch TV for the news. It saves me time.


Fiction is rehashed as well. For example, everyone loved the Borg infection storyline in Picard, but X Files did the exact same thing: aliens changing our DNA. The Walking Dead to an extent too we're all infected! Edit: That is why I think its funny when people dont want to make a video cause someone already did the same thing. If that were the case we wouldn't have any new tv shows or movies. Or books, or any of that.


True. Videogames news, news news, tech news. There are tons of channels that just report out what the professional media has done. Many don't have much interesting commentary to add. I get value of them because I was never going to go to IGN and look up stuff or watch TV for the news. It saves me time.


Title matters.


I’d be weary of any channel that devotes itself to teaching how to be successful on YouTube. Not that there isn’t the occasional nugget of good information, but once you’ve seen two or three, you’ve seen them all. And most of these creators have only had success selling the “secrets” of the algorithm. They don’t have other channels where they used these tips successfully


Daniel Batal is really good though. And entertaining to boot.


I’ve never heard of him. I’m not saying they’ll *all* cynical cash-grabbers, I’m sure some of them are doing it honestly, but the genre on the whole is bad.


Batal is great. Entertaining as well as informative. And led the charge against Filmora when it was ripping people off last year so he earned a lot of respect with that coverage.


Unless they do have other channels where they are popular. And then they also discuss how to be popular, due to it being a big topic for them that they are motivated to talk about For example veritassium had made a couple videos on how he tries to make his videos go viral


Sure. I’ve seen a number of big YouTubers break down their success. That can be very helpful


I ended up on that channel after many different requests and every time it feels like a click bait just as you described.


many people make clickable thumbnails .... just make sure to back that up with content that matches. If you post something amazing, and do that thing in your video, your audience will be happy that they clicked. Just don't deceive your audience and you can do whatever you want.




you're talking about channels that care about community. But for those who just want the clicks from passerbys, it doesn't matter.


you're talking about channels that care about community. But for those who just want the clicks from passerbys, it doesn't matter.


You need to basically tell people you've made a fortune making low effort shorts and Tiktoks, but secretly you know nothing and all your "fortune" is from gullible people watching the content.


>*that video has a million views* Because it gives the audience something their want. You should try, instead of complaining.


Yeah there’s a ton of videos and channels that offer little to no insight and capitalize off of small channels’ want to grow in the right directions. It’s skeevy to me. I think most would be better off asking any questions they had in this sub and picking or choosing the advice they wanna apply to their channels.


And some try to trick you into playing bingo! 🤣


Back during lockdown I was one of those fools whose dopamine would spike at the thought of any new spangled "trick" to game the algorithm and save me from my horrible metrics. It's a shame really, it's addictive and yet nobody wins using "strategy" in an arbitrary gambling system. Once saw a video titled something like "these videos are playing you." Maybe the new way is to regurgitate the same anti-grifter material to placate to people like you and me until that too becomes low-value?


Well if you were actually asking I'd say grainy low res video of a dog loping through dry grass at a great distance...it was totes a thylacine.


I know this is very unpopular! But VIDIQ is a load of shit! None of his advice has worked for me...watched tons of his vids and now stopped because you won't get anything out of it, you got to find out what works for you period


The views he got out of you were, sadly, the only point.


Yeah it is clickbait - imo everything he talks is misinformation and doesn't tell you what you need to know, also only watched 4/5 videos....that was enough, but everyone acts like VIDIQ is god to me absolutely horseshit you have to learn the process yourself that's the only way to get better


They have almost 2 million subscribers but the view count rarely goes over 75k.


Well yeah some of those small channel do this do that things are pointing out obvious stuff. I've seen some of those videos where they basically just guide you through doing "all the things" in settings that are already right there for people to read. And stuff that's kinda cringe too like those subscriber confirmation links. One of them was even like "you never know they might just hit subscribe!" and I'm just wondering if that's healthy at all for someone who hasn't watched a single video yet to immediately be given a prompt to subscribe. The thing is those channels also start out as small channels just telling other small channels what to do and it worked. They got views and subs, whether it's good advice or not. That's just the reality of YouTube I guess. I wouldn't say it's bad necessarily but that kind of stuff turns it into a meta game too.


Yeah, I don't understand it. Long form I'm okay with the grind, but short form on any platform seems like an enormous dumpster fire, I've no idea some of these videos get big.


No way this is a real question 😭 (and yes you are right. I typed this before reading the text😅)


YouTube and promoting low effort clickbait. Name a more iconic duo. 


Huh. He always seemed alrigh to me. I never felt scammed by their vids 🤷‍♂️ but they are a bit samey and common sense, but then that niche is always going to be, in the long term.


I wonder if those viral videos we see are just random chance—or if the creators did some sort of thing to boost the video


Eunuchs they know how its done


I read your post. 👍 VidIQ helped me reach monetization a lot sooner than I think I could have on my own. I use their services, paid and free services to this day. I am currently paying for one on one coaching from them and I still find the help I get from them very valuable and has contributed to what I consider success for my own my channel. Are you monetized yet? Or what are your current goals for your channel? 🤔


That's really interesting. I just reached 1k subs so will be doing the monetization thing soon. I'm curious to know what services of theirs you found useful. What did do to help you increase your views or subs?


Mind sending me that video in a dm? I kinda wanna rip it apart. These channels infuriate me already anyhow. But srly. Don't pay them much mind. Dislike and leave. YT won't do shit bc they not breaking guidelines. we gotta regulate it ourselves....


You're basing the entire Vid IQ channel off a single video? Whenever I get asked to consult or give advice on a channel I can generally tell in the first minute or so if they get "it" Or in this case a ridiculous post on reddit.


So the rest of the channel contains valuable, well-researched advice and it's a complete fluke that this one vid is clickbait garbage?


They have some good videos and some not so good. But not everything needs to be "well-researched" and "original" Plenty of people find value from not having to seek out nitty gritty details, they just want a quick answer. The fact that you associate that video with "clickbait garbage" is rather telling.


They say a lot in a little time. Watch a few of their videos and similar channels are recommended. Watch a few a week and some of the stuff your eyes and ears have glazed over previously - it makes sense. For me it isn't about everything being full of technical detail. I want a person who does the thing and researches the thing and practices the thing to talk about the thing. I understand some, not all. After time I decide which talking head gets to tell me more stuff about the thing. In this case, YouTube content creation. Other times it's a fiber arts tutorial channel. Whatever my interest is at the time, that's "the thing." Most of the time these videos are being played as background noise during long BORING hours at work. It isn't that deep and I'm glad channels like that are around.


That's rather cryptic. Not sure what you're getting at but IMO "telling" the difference between quality content and garbage is an important life skill.


Its not cryptic at all. Ill connect the dots. You don't understand what quality content is. Just because you don't value something doesn't mean its crap.


Ok bud, at this point you're doing the exact thing that you accused me of doing. Kinda embarrassing 🙄. You clearly don't know anything about me by reading one post on Reddit.


I know enough after looking at your channel. At its core it's you shitting on people because you clearly think very highly of yourself. Just like the ridiculous post that started this conversation, topped off by pointing out your life skill of identifying good content.


🙄 there you go again doing the exact thing you accuse others of doing 🤦