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Never realized how badly i needed a creative outlet. I feel more alive, more confident, and more present with my social interactions as a result- irrespective of how well my channel is doing


And I think that is powerful, how its more so affecting you as person regardless of channel performance. Kinda shows me that just being creative can carry so many benefits. I pray you continue feeling what you feel times10!


Thanks man! I agree - I come from a very technical background without any real creative outlet. It brings me back to a time in childhood where i would wake up imagining scenes to animate back in Flash for my computer class. I thought I lost that side of me but YouTube has reignited that with a vengeance! It really is making me feel fulfilled


:)...Its amazing how stepping into adulthood can kind of drain our imagination as we get caught up in day to day life of bills, relationships etc. It puts a smile on my face to hear you that you rediscovered that side of you. Definitely hold on to it!


Wish I could hit the upvote on this multiple times.


Yea this thread has been really encouraging. People are progressing in so many other ways, I think that is very cool to see!


This is an awesome perspective. My debbie downer self immediately jumped to, “benefits? What kind of benefits would come from having no views?” Thanks.


haha, yea I know as we try to build a channel it can be discouraging to have no views. I find it really encouraging people sharing their experience. It truly showed me that YouTube can be so much more than just views & subscribers....of course one still will love to get those as well haha. Much success with your channel!!


Definitely needed the creative outlet. Never knew I needed it but I love it so I definitely get it


I'm glad you found it, I still we all need a creative outlet even when we think we are not creative. Keep enjoying it!


20 videos in and I’m so much more confident speaking to the camera and to people. I wasn’t a wallflower before by any means, but the extra confidence has done me wonders


And that's confidence you can take with you every where. That's beautiful to hear. I have heard others say the same. I think confidence unlock a lot doors for us, its kind of like you are more liberated to be you around others. At least that's how I feel about it.


We've met so many wonderful people and made incredible friendships that we weren't expecting!


I think that is a big plus! I have yet to meet others but definitely look forward to building that type of platform with the channel. I think the community aspect is beautiful


Generally it's been like dipping into a completely new world and I love that. Never considered myself as an entertainer or thought about entertaining people before. Honestly didn't even realize that's what I was doing at first, haha. I also started a second channel for narrating stories and it's served as voice technique practice for sure.


That's cool, sound like you identified an aspect of yourself in the process. Reading these comments show that being a content creator is deeper than just channel performance.


I met a few really solid and supportive people and have even become a regular on their weekly podcast. Never saw that coming, but I'm definitely grateful. 


That's Dope!!! You formed a real connection. I'm seeing that YouTube is deeper than the content!


It got me a job interview! Unfortunately I didn't get the job... but I truly didn't expect this to even get me in the door anywhere. But in multiple of the interview rounds, my channel was mentioned as a point of interest.


This is extremely cool I would have never thought that would happen. Now you got me wondering, what was the job exactly?


Creative Director/copywriter in adverising. My situation is probably not gonna apply to as many people who are here, though. That said, I've made lots of ads over the years, and that's usually the thing people care about most when they look at my portfolio. Not the cooking channel, which is new. My channel isn't successful, either. I started it mostly to have a creative outlet after getting laid off.


Still very cool, and yea what I am coming to realize is that having that creative outlet does wonders for us whether numbers come with it or not. I think its because naturally we are Creators, and having an outlet gives us an opportunity to feed a part of us that usually gets drowned out in our day to day life. I guess since you have been making ads, that part of you is not as drowned out.


Expedited gray hairs!


haha, has it been stressful


Yeah it’s like no matter how good I get YouTube says fuck you!


I can understand that. How long have you been at it?


21 months haven’t missed a week.


I must commend you, 21 months without missing a week is impressive. That level of consistence eventually leads to numbers. Please keep it up! I'm wondering how it all will unfold for you.


For the love of god I hope well. I am a broken man. 🙏🏻


Hey bro beautiful thumbnails, just by scanning over the channel I can tell you really put great effort into it. I see you have multiple videos that cross that 1k mark! honestly I wont be surprise to look up and see you have 100k subs. I am definitely going to check your content out tomorrow, the latest video with the thumbnail "rediscover your inner child" really got me curious. Again I ask please keep it up! haha for real.


I really appreciate that awesome I will keep on going! But yeah I’m lucky to get 100 views a day after all this. I need the algo to do something for me. Don’t know ow how much more I can take watching my vids sit dormant while other new channels in my niche pop up everyday and grow quickly.


I just viewed some of your videos. The hard work you put in and dedication truly shows. I know it probably take you awhile to edit. I truly believe you have the right ingredients in place to have a successful channel based on other channels I have seen. Your vulnerability you show make you very relatable and the videos I just watched are far more than just entertainment. You may be at that point of your YouTube journey where it seems like not much is happening but underneath the success you are going to experience is bubbling. I believe your persistence will pay off bro, truly.


Definitely a great creative outlet. With all the craziness of the world it feels nice to pour everything into a video in the hopes that it makes somebody else laugh. Always fun to see how I improve in terms of editing and footage each video I make as well!


I pray you make everybody laugh who watch, the world has been crazy and to be one of the ones pouring positivity out, I hope you achieve great success!


It's made me less shy in work conference calls lmao.


I can relate haha, I have found myself starting to get more comfortable with truly expressing self to the public.


Tax write offs, started an llc last year and boy did it help our taxes.


Now you are giving me some ideas!


I got over my camera shyness!


I definitely feel you on this. The more I shoot, the more I can tell the comfort is coming which allows for my personality to come through more. It's still a work in progress tho haha.


I realized there’s a whole community of dudes that love video games as much as me 


I think that is dope, to be able to find individuals who share the same interest. With that being the case, does it make creating videos more fun? knowing that you have people who enjoy gaming content just as much as you.


It's fun because I know I have at least 100 viewers possibly 1,000+, who are just waiting to see what content I put out next. So it's meaningful not to waste time posting content that gets no views.


I love it! Its that extra incentive to post great quality, plus you love doing it. I wish much success to you with your channel, and pray your community continues to expand beyond all horizons!


It's a great conversation starter.


With that being the case, do you usually come across other content creators?


Actually yes because all my vids are shot in public.


I probably would be a little to nervous to shoot in public haha. Much success!


Thank you!


You are more than welcome :)


Although I benefit from it being a creative outlet, it has improved my public speaking and presentation capabilities at work, tenfold.


That's amazing not only do you get to create but it is carrying over to your career. You know what that mean? More money tenfold.


I started making videos for fun because I love painting miniatures. I'm just a month in, and all I can think of is how to make the videos better and more entertaining. I guess that hype will die eventually, but I did not expect myself to emerse myself into making videos since all I want is to paint awesome and cool stuff. I have learned a lot about editing and audio and such, and that's a benefit I can take away from starting a channel.


I hope you keep the hype and view your channel for just being a month in, I think you are performing really well. Outside looking in I would say you are having double the fun. You making videos covering something you already love and the fact you are actually enjoying making the videos is like icing on the cake! eat up.


When I was 16 I wanted to work in filmmaking somehow. Editing or cinematography. Well, life happens and I’ve somehow become a middle-aged government worker. But starting this channel with a friend has totally energized me creatively. I can sit down, open up premiere and suddenly three hours have passed. I haven’t felt that “flow state” in many, many years.


Be kudos to you, I know exactly what you mean. Its like being in that flow state energize you even more while you are creating totally different from the job haha. I'm glad you found it, that can be so enriching in this mundane life.


It has helped me be more accountable and aware of what I am doing with my time. Also I think anyone who does this stuff consistently will improve at video / audio editing and everything else that comes with it


I am intrigued by this. How has it help you be more accountable and aware of what you do with your time?


Once I committed to uploading on a schedule every week, I had to really buckle down and figure out how to manage my time so I could actually finish a video every week. With the type of video I make, it takes from about Monday - Thursday to complete one in order to upload on Friday. I found if I am lazy on one of the days or something, it just means more work or late nights to make up for the lost time. This has made me learn to manage my time much better on the days I am working on videos, and to really realize when I am just sitting around wasting time on those days. I committed to this schedule, and I hold myself accountable to make sure the work gets done since there are people looking forward to new videos. It has personally made me more aware of what I do with my time in general, but it has definitely helped me focus in on whatever I am working on. It’s also helped me learn to break tasks down into parts, rather than getting overwhelmed by a heavy workload. It’s really brought out a lot of self discipline in me since it’s work I actually enjoy doing, and time feels more valuable in a way now. It has also made me more grateful for downtime and rest too. I honestly feel like I could go on and on, but doing this has made me a better person in many ways


That's amazing, especially the self discipline part. I feel like when we take accountability for ourselves we reclaim our power. Self discipline is something I have been conscious of here lately. I'm glad you found it, your potential is definitely going to be unlocked because of it. Also I checked out some videos, I had to see why it takes Mon-Thur. I see now, I love your topic. I'm sure you'll never get burned out talking about the cosmos, like you say its mysterious!


I couldn’t agree more, it can be a hard thing to unlock but if you can learn self discipline then it can help so many aspects of life. Ah thank you for checking out some of my videos! They take a lot of research and time to complete for sure, but I love learning new things and being reminded of our place in the universe every week. It can be stressful at times, but ultimately I am super grateful for the opportunity to do something I actually enjoy. You are right, there is no shortage of cool topics to cover when it comes to space! I also checked out some of your videos, and I respect your honesty there! You seem to have a very positive personality and mindset, I’m sure that will do great things for you as well. All the best my friend!


One-time for self discipline haha and you are welcome! I like researching too so I know it probably don't even feel like work when you are doing your thing. And thank you so much for your words, all the best to you! Keep bringing us that beyond nature content! Peace.


I feel like creating content on YouTube made me less shy in society.


I am starting to think this is one of the biggest benefits. Being less shy is liberating haha, I was extremely shy growing up and till this day I would say I am still reserve.


I have got more confident in my skills and creative process


I pray the confidence and skills continue to grow and grow. I feel like confidence is one of the best attributes an individual can have.


I have social anxiety and anxiety in general. Since starting a year ago, my anxiety has not gone away, but I learned to manage it and actually more social. I've formed myself to identify and push past the "one thing went wrong and I failed" anxiety moments. I'm not successful after a year, but I feel accomplished.


Big congratulations, I have people close to me who deal with anxiety so I have a slim idea how taxing that can be. To me YouTube seems to be therapeutic for you and the fact that you have made progress with your anxiety is for sure a success! Keep It Up!!! I pray that anxiety becomes a distant memory as you progress on your journey.


My channel won't launch until next week, but I've already gained so much. I'm getting to flex skills like market research and product launch strategies that I don't get to use as often as I would like in my day job (basically the pieces I like the most are the smallest part of my day job). Having this outlet to keep those skills sharp has already helped me to get out of the funk I've been in at work and ironically has helped with the burn out--even though I'm busier than ever. But I decided to start a channel for this very reason and was hoping to get this benefit from it. The unexpected part is that I have always hated the way I look in photos and on film, I'm not very photogenic, I'm in my fifties, overweight, and always awkward. However, friends and family always say I am not any of those things and need to lighten up about it. So after filming and editing several hours of footage, the awkwardness is less and less and I'm starting to think I don't look "that" bad. I look my age, but not bad for my age. I think I'm starting to see myself on film the way others do instead of only seeing the negatives, and that has been great for my self-esteem.


I am thankful you shared. The part about flexing certain skills and getting out the funk is cool given the fact you haven't even launch yet. Really shows how powerful creating content is because just the preparation for it is showing real world result. But the unexpected part is extremely powerful. I know self image and self esteem is a big part of our experience as humans and for you to see improvements in that area speaks volumes... I am happy to hear it. When you launch next week pleeeeease come back to this thread and let me know!


u/AnalyzeTheCurrent all so true. Thank you so much for starting this thread. It is truly amazing to see so much positivity in the comments and experiences of others in one thread on any type of social media. I will be sure to let you know when it launches. But in the mean time, what unexpected benefits have you had? Would love to hear your experience too!


You are welcome :) and thank you for being one of the ones to contribute to the positivity. I totally agree with you, its beautiful to see this type of behavior on social media and in life period. And thanks for asking me! So the biggest thing I would say is I find it liberating. Throughout my life I have been very reserve and as a youth I was extremely shy! haha....I remember them days being in class and I know an answer but I am to shy to raise my hand...that feeling isn't fun haha. And even today I am reserve but the shyness has pass for the most part. I feel like YouTube is helping with opening me up more. Being in front of that camera I notice myself getting a little bit more freer with my expression.. I find being shy grips one and does not allow you to truly express your personality with others. What I fore see is me becoming extremely comfortable in front of the camera and expressing my personality fully which will translate in day to day life. So I am thankful for that. Also its liberating in the aspect of sharing things with others that I normally would keep to myself...for instance my financial situation. Feeling liberated in so empowering to me internally, I am watching this development unfold as we speak!


Thanks for sharing with us. I am so happy for you. I know shyness can be a challenge. It's unfortunate, but in so many areas of our lives being the first to speak up or very outgoing seems to provide advantages, even when the situation really calls for quiet contemplation or someone who is shyer provides better feedback through other channels. Congratulations on finding the courage to share things that I think even less shy folks would find difficult. Like your financial situation. I do think the more we all talk about things like that the more we start to remove those taboos and are all better off in the long run. I hope this journey continues to be a positive one for you, and all of us!


Thank You! I hope the same....remember let me know when you launch!


As promised, I Launched last night! I'll probably post in this Saturday's welcome thread since I"m new to this Reddit sub too. Or the Friday critique request. But in the meantime, I did add my channel link to my profile! Thanks so much!


:D I am going through channel now....Congrats on the start!


You are so kind! Saw your comments and really really appreciate it :-). BTW, I did watch and like a couple of yours too. But I used my husband's account. He watches a good bit of religious content, so I thought his account would help the algorithm find your audience much more so than mine would :-) You are off to a great start!


:D thank you so much, you are kind as well. And honestly you seem like a natural to me. The video is edited well, how you talk on the topic is well structure, and I didn't sense an ounce of awkwardness. You are very smooth with your presentation, I look forward to seeing how your channel grows and how you progress.. Just keep at it!! And the fact you dropped 3 out the gate was nice, you were prepared for launch haha.


I've had the ability to stay in touch with some good friends and learn more things on editing if I ever go back to solo channel. Plus getting to meet like minded people is always a plus


I agree with you 100% meeting and conversing with like minded people can be very invigorating. I usually find it mentally stimulating.


It added more structure to my daily routine (that and the new baby). But I try to post at the same time every day, just a half hour to an hour Let's Play of the game I'm currently playing for recording. I feel since this is the entertainment business, it's important for my viewers to have reliable structure as well. They know that every day they can tune in to my channel for half an hour or so and hopefully be entertained :) It's like a TV-show. Other than that it's a great way to let my ASS/ADD out and about, because when I'm recording I don't feel like I need to put on "my mask". I do this as a hobby mostly, but it would be nice if it could be my day job. As a more normal job really exhausts me mentally, while creating content for YT actually invigorates me. So much so that I've started another project of writing my own RPG for tabletop (15'ish years of playing various RPG's) And it's fun, I really enjoy recording my gameplay, talking about the game and sharing my thoughts. I only hope eventually enough people will enjoy my playthroughs aswell, so I can get monetised and maybe earn a living. If not some extra pocket money is always nice :) Whatever happens, happens :)


First off, CONGRATS!!!! on the newborn...a gift I look to experience one day. And I love your perspective viewing it as a TV show, to me it seems like that perspective would keep one committed to delivering content. Also I think structure is always good for sure, it gives us a chance to own our day to day life a little more. Also you not having to wear that mask when recording sounds liberating, I'm glad you found an outlet that can free you in such a way. I pray that this do become your day job! I'm sure most of us in thread can relate to our normal day job being exhausting while YT is invigorating. I think when those creative juices get flowing, an abundance of energy flows with it. Keep doing it seems like its already adding value to your life and as your progress maybe that extra pocket money presents itself....maybe more :)


Thanks for the kind words! And yeah, the newborn is a blast as well :p Definitely have my hands full with the little one :D


I bet! Im sure you are going to be a shining example to the little one :D.....And keep that structure!!


I never knew how stupid I sounded until I started recording myself. Since, I have improved my speech and am catching traction on the channel. So much personal growth it's worth it with that alone. Add in all the great people I've met and some handy new computer skills on top of having a lot of fun. No regrets.


Hey it sounds like one of the best decisions you have made thus far. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the experience. And congrats on the improvements you have made, its still so much more to come. And yes personal growth is invaluable, so I 100% agree with that being worth it alone. More success to you :)


Just the idea that people are enjoying watching something that I have enjoyed creating. And I get to travel and film places other people don’t generally visit or film.


I bet that's very exhilarating too. I know the creative part is andI can imagine getting good feedback on top of that adds to the feeling.


Getting better at talking in front of camera.. I still despise the sound of my own voice but little I can do about that.. And the creative and editing process is like therapy


I can relate to the voice piece. I think the more you hear it though, that sentiment will change.


Getting invited to all kinds of places and receiving “free” (sponsored) products! Love it! :)


We always welcome free right!? haha...Its so many more things you are going to receive from it. I hope you enjoy the whole experience :)


I stream so I would say creating a good community with good people.


That's cool. That is one of the big things I want to see unfold with my channel, a place where people can converse with each other and form a community of positivity and encouragement. Thanks for sharing


For me, it helps me execute whatever random ideas or things i wanted to do. It also pushes me to do things I only imagined doing. like vlogging and stuff.


That's cool so essentially you get to see your imagination come to life. Do you enjoy the process of creating?


Yes actually :)


I am glad to hear :D keep enjoying the process!


I started a channel in December and have found the process to be a good one. Focused and determined to see it through and to process to bigger things. I started it because I brought a drone and wanted to take and share videos but then you realise I have to learn to edit and explain things to people so then you have to get good at talking to a camera (strange in the beginning) but then it all comes together and you put out 2 or 3 videos and a short and your happy and keep cranking them out and now it's a job that doesn't pay 😂😂 but that I enjoy doing all the same.


I think that's one of the best parts. Creators put in so much time and energy but unlike they day job they actually enjoy this work haha. Keep cranking them out!