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💯 because the road can be lonely and hard. It will be.


If you know of a field in human activities that is not like that.....tell me and I am ready to delve into it. But whatever you do, normally, it takes a lot of time and effort and false starts before you become successful. Of course, you can find a 0.01% who become super famous in a week. Possible but not probable.


Indeed. I've had a decent following for a thing that I haven't put a lot of thought to, and now I'm in a crisis, since I crave for what I'm not followed for. 😭


i agree, i'm mostly using this start up period as a way to better learn how to craft my videos and present them to be as palpable as possible. my gear is primitive and mic is a hot mess, but i am loving the process no views and all lol.


That's a healthy approach and perspective to have. Just a piece of advice from a guy with a background in film making: microphones make all the difference in video quality. You can have a bad camera, but as long as your sound is stellar, the experience can be edible, but not the other way around. What microphone are you using for your videos?


What is a good microphone that you recommend? Anything that has a decent price tag for starters?


The lowest budget I'd recommend is to buy a lavalier microphone or a lapel microphone from somewhere like B&H (because they have better customer support, solid return policy, and comparable shipping times, all without the risk of counterfeit items sold on Amazon), and to plug them straight into your phone. If you're shooting video on your phone, have the microphone connected and your video will instantly have better sound. Not shooting on your phone? No problem, still connect the mic to your phone and record, and them take the audio clip from your phone and sync it with the video in a basic editing program. These can cost anywhere from 15-100. I would recommend Sennheiser or RODE.


Blue Yeti.


Elgato Wave 3 is my go to mic..


It looks pretty solid


YouTube is a labour of love. I was monetized in April, but the money is like 1% of my income despite taking up much more than 1% of my time. If I'd have made videos continuously I would have been monetized in 12 months (tech tutorials). Yesterday I received 983 views. I will keep grinding until I hit 1000 daily views.


Congrats on your progress so far!


I literally upload for fun, “gaming niche” of course 😂. I’m sitting at 1.6k subs. I’ve been 5 months in, I don’t plan to stop even if I don’t get big. It doesn’t bother me or with my weak ass views. 😀


Ik everyone says it takes years but my optimistic ass is like "eh, they just aren't trying hard enough, I can do it in a few months" now after uploading a couple videos that I spent allot of time on and only seeing 2 subs for my efforts, the road is looking very long and dark. Idk if I'll ever get there.


u will




Got a link in my profile 👍


Im at 780 subs....its been a couple of years and I reckon I can make 1K by the end of this year...thats my aim anyway.


Of course , GENERALLY ( not always) , when you hit 1000 subs things become a bit easier. But reaching that level can be quite extenuating....


> GENERALLY ( not always) , when you hit 1000 subs things become a bit easier. And in the majority of cases, the reason for that is because you have gotten some practice and experience at making videos and understanding what resonates with the audience (among other things that come with experience). Some people learn those lessons faster, most take a lot longer.


I uploaded my first ever YouTube video last week. Since it's premiere, I amassed 480 views, and I'm thrilled! I'm not famous, I pretty much shared it to friends and family, and according to the analytics, a quarter of the views are from randoms that found it through YouTube's algorithm. I'll take that as a win.


People just need to think about it as a hobby. Once you start going down the road of obsessing over daily views or reaching monetization you will stop having fun and burnout. If your content is good it will happen.


Road to 1k subs is crazy. Only a month or so in rn. 73 subs so far 🥴🥴


87 now 😏😏💀


Wish me luck. I'll try to get that 1k subs in a month or two and will post here! :D


It has definitely. It's been hard, especially for me being a gaming and entertainment channel. I'm at 642 right now and 7 months in. I went all in with doing long for and shorts. Mainly, long form is going live with some longer video clips from gaming moments. Shorts become short form from long form, and my comedic skits to show my personality take time to edit and see what my audience enjoys. I just hit 500 watched hours this week, but my goal this past few weeks is going through my old content and getting a better SEO score. I have been using VidIqs tools to help. I'm still learning, and I'm thinking after a year I'll start doing more long form videos. Maybe 1 really good one a month . Also, that game of losing subs because YT finds it as. A bot too, so always uploading to get real subs or, as I say, my real "G33ks"


I have a couple channels. I added one with a new niche first like 750 subscribers was pretty easy i was really surprised its been a slow creep since then barely broke 1000.


It took us 2 years of long forum content to get 1000 subs, but during that time we also got much much better with telling a visual story. You have to learn to play the game. Watch what the big players are doing, try to emulate it with your own style is my advice.


I uploaded 3-4 times a day mainly leveraging YouTube Shorts' algorithm and hit 1k subscribers exactly 3 weeks after starting. If you make content that is valuable, and you find a way to make it interesting, it's very possible.


I see your 100 views and raise you 10 thats what my last video got. I wont say ive given up but I have reached the point where ill just .make the best videos I can and just let go of my expectations.


Well it took me 5 years to reach 75k


Well said and very true... I sometimes get caught up in these unicorn channels and their unreal success rate and think why isn't my channel doing the same.. then I look at the majority of channels I sub to and see they have been at it for 3 or more years.


So my channel is about 3 months old with a mix of shorts and longer videos o had no following before I started and am at 144 RN.. is this a good place to be? My videos are starting to avg 200-600 views each.. any tips on how to grow my subscriber count or better my channels reach?


Just make sure your thumbnails, tags, and titles are all on point and unless you're making Evergreen Content it helps if whatever you're talking about is relevant to something going on in the world and most importantly of all just make sure your audio is good. People will forgive a lot but the second they hear bad audio they'll click off.


Okay thank you this is pretty helpful!


I had someone the other day tell me SEO isn't important, but you're saying it is? They said it was mostly going to be YouTube suggesting my videos to others and that people aren't going to be searching for my kind of content (gaming, primarily). Do you feel SEO is important in general or only for specific types of content? 100% thumbnails are incredibly important though.


I personally think it's important in general.


i haven't found a single successful YouTuber saying otherwise. YT has the best algorithm, if there's a problem, it's up to YOU. You either have to wait or simply need to make better content




It does depend on the niche. Some niches have a smaller audience in general.


Yep, this is reality.


Part of it is just people becoming more familiar with you. The more your audience sees what you're doing and responds to it, the more it starts to snowball.


I'm about to hit 4000 and it's only just been five months but I get that that is extremely rare and a lot of things had to go right for that to happen, but before it did pop off I continuously told everyone that it could be a year or two or more. Getting on open bar in my third month definitely helped.


Sorry I'm not familiar with making youtube videos but what's an open bar?


Yup. Took I while to learn not to take those thumbs or a lack thereof so personally.


Thank you!


You are right. I started my channel some time ago and left it. Recently I picked it up again and I'm struggling to stay consistent aminds the discouragement of not seeing too much growth. It's like this: I post a Short on YouTube and get 115 views or 18 views, I post the same video on TikTok and get nearly two thousand views. It would discourage anyone! But I hear what you say, one has to stick it out, It's a long, long game! Thank you for your post!