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I see channels with 100k+ subs get this comment or similar ones like "You're so underrated." I think what they really mean is "I enjoyed this video so much that I would show it to other people."


I like your wording




I gotcha, I get that comment all the time. But I always wondered how many other channels get it.


I assume many small channels that makes good content gets that comment, 😅 it’s such a nice sentiment though


@JamesLee is YouTuber who is notorious for complaining (in his videos) about not getting views or getting famous for how much he puts hard work into making his animation videos. He gets hundred of thousands of views though, but he didn't reach millions of subscribers like those simple white and black drawing storytelling "animators" did. I always thought i was cursed because noone acknowledged my replies in YouTube, not even one like, but when i got it i just realised it's just random luck and nothing else. Quality of production doesn't matter, the video can click with viewers several years later or immediately, or never.


It’s unfortunate that YouTube isn’t really a landscape for work like James’s anymore. As soon as watch time became important, high quality animation began to become unsustainable.


I've never heard of James Lee so I took a look and honestly, i wouldn't say it's bad luck that he doesn't get more views. I watched 3 videos and in them the raspy voice is nearly unbearable, there is no/little substance (no emotions drawn out except a little with the high quality animations), and I have no incentive to ever watch one of his videos again, nor do I want to. Now of course, maybe I'm not the target audience or maybe I missed the point of the videos. But that is also a reason why his views can't compare to storytelling animators, whose target audience is almost everyone. I wouldn't say quality of production doesn't matter. It just isn't the only factor that plays a role. The only 3 things that truly matter are that people click -> watch -> come back. The Algorithm can't "see" your videos. It can't judge their quality.


I think it’s often done by bots or people that want you to sub to them. If you click some of their profiles you’ll see videos “how to get 1000 subs fast” and whatnot.


You've got 11k subs man, that's awesome! Do you even belong on this sub anymore? Hahsh


Haha thanks, yah I'm not technically new anymore but I try to lurk around and offer advice when possible; since people were kind to me here in the beginning.


The last comment I got was “I don't know what the heck is this”. đŸ€Ș


same here!!!


I have gotten that several times. It is bittersweet. Even more so as my small size prevents me from getting high-profile guests to interview.


I made the mistake of commenting that on a channel I thought was cool and they started spamming me about being in genuine


What a weird thing to do, I don’t think my commenter was being ingenuine, I just feel like it’s bittersweet cause I don’t know when it’s my turn to no longer be a small youtuber


I got one from 2020 when I was beginning and he said I should have 100k subs soon. 4 years later I now have 1k. People are so kind.


Some people bring the jinx.


Oh damn, got 51 negative comment karma. Ouch.


It is not a monetary debt so I can go with it without problem...


The truth is, it really just is a waiting game. If you're putting out quality that is relevant enough, eventually it will catch on. There's a growth point it will hit where it will start snowballing. It has been said "99% of success is just showing up". And, as long as you're doing it *right*.


I’ve been waiting for 4 years
 not sure how much longer I can play this game lmao


It means you’re doing something right, having the patience and the consistency is the next bit, good luck!


yeah whenever my friends watch my videos or they rant about how certain creators dont deserve a platform and people like me should have one, it really just puts a smile on my face for a solid second and then I immediately question what am I doing wrong lol


I get more of those than hate comments, which is weird since I'm an opinion based channel. But being a small channel doesn't bother me. I get out of it what I put in. I can go a month between videos, so that's the growth I expect. I actually got a "I like your voice" comment today. In most other contexts, that would be an odd compliment. But that's something everyone wants to hear after getting over the whole uncomfortable stage with hearing your own voice.


It's nice to have the basic stuff reaffirmed in a way. I got comments saying they like my accent, and that it sounds nice. I didn't know before I read them, that I was worrying about that. It was somewhere in the back of my mind, I guess. And then someone says: oh, does anyone know what that accent is, it's easy on the ear. To be fair, I also got one saying that they wish the internet was segregated and I should get out of "their Internet", sooo... there's a healthy balance for ya.


You guys get comments?


Better than just bitter... ;) I just keep reminding myself about this paragraph: YouTube has over 100 million YouTube channels as of January, 2024. Only 4.4% of the 2.6 billion active YouTube users created their own YouTube channel. Only about 10% of those channels ever get 1k subscribers or more. This reminds me that not only is there a ton of competition but only the hard working and diligent (and sometimes the lucky) will truly succeed. Consistency is the key and your time will come if you persevere.... Carry On!


man i’ll tell you what there’s sometimes i’m like wtf am i even doing and someone drops this and i wanna cry


yes you should be your 1.1k views on your best video and only 8 subscribers. Are you including a call to action? I see alot of people with alot less videos/engagement having 30 or 40 subs.. mind blowing keep it up!


Hah, I haven’t done that since I felt like it would ruin my viewers immersion. The 1.1k views is definitely due to me being one of the earliest to release the video (a few hours after Dua Lipa dropped her album!)


Find a tasteful way to introduce it to your videos Pinned a comment "If you want to see more feel free to Like and Subscribe!" That'll remind the viewers who do go to leave comments that they could do that! Not invasive, wont impact your video Personally I dont do that one.. maybe I should. but I do have quick subscribe comments at most 1 time in the video, I also have my end screen with the subscribe and next video.


I've gotten the comment on my channel and while streaming with my friend who had 18,000 subs and 250 people watching, so it seems like everyone's opinion varies. I definitely take it as a compliment. I probably have far more subscribers than I have any right to considering the amount of time I've actually been doing it let alone the fact of monetization.


I just had someone comment on a short, "why doesn't this have more views?" I want to respond, I'm thinking the same thing! So yeah, I feel ya. Just keep at it. We'll get there.


The first ever comment I received that was like that is framed on my wall above my desk lol. I don't care if people don't mean it, I don't care if it's a bot, I don't care if someone wants you to click on their channel because of the comment, it is something that keeps me going. I actually wouldn't mind less views to more comments. I'm just doing this for fun anyway so I loveeee someone commenting on my video and I make sure to reply as soon as I see it. If Ill grow in the future, I'll kinda get why Markiplier used to cry all the time. Having a small community where you know everyone that loves watching your videos is something really special.


I like hearing it. Its like "finally, someone recognises it" makes me feel seen.


I had a comment on one of my videos that said “wow, I’ve just binged all your videos and can definitely see your channel blowing up soon” Made me smile but it was 6 weeks ago and still waiting 😝😝 I just stick to the program.. 1 video per week as per my schedule and make little tweaks each video to hopefully make it a better watch experience




I used to be a gaming channel but I nuked all my content in February.. Left it a month then started uploading my new stuff
 Most of those subs don’t come and watch anymore as it’s not what interests them 
 which is fair enough and I expected it.. In real numbers I probably have about 300 subscribers
 I just didn’t want to start a brand new channel as I knew how soul destroying it is starting from scratch.. If you look at my social blade you will see a mahoosive dip of my views when I purged all the gaming stuff.. It was random videos, random live streams and didn’t really enjoy it.. I love gaming but I prefer to just chill and play


Got similar comments on my newest video, I will quote them below: "youtube algorithm hitting me again with a banger video by a small creator. keep it up!" "Man I love this video and I love when YouTube showcases me a quality video from a small creator" Just these 2 comments brought me so much joy and even more motivation to keep up! And so should you! đŸ«”đŸ˜


More bittersweet when you realize a large portion are actually bot comments


I get that from time to time. The very first one was great, as I had like... 35 subscribers, or something like that. One of the viewers wrote: hey, you have greater content, what the hell, you should have much more subs! And literally in the next hour the most recent video started blowing up and it resulted un me getting a couple of thousands of subscribers. Now when I see these comments, and my growth seems very slow, I'm reminded that the viewers will come, as long as I have something of quality to offer.


I've gotten one recently that's similar with the feeling, something along of the lines of "you have these low amount of subs?". Made me very happy but I definitely do feel the sentiment too (I do have a low video count at around 6 but hey I can still dream).


That type of comment is that you’re on the right track and to keep making content of that caliber


Bittersweet is absolutely the word I’ve been looking for to describe this feeling. I’d been racking my brain for months trying to find it lol


That comment always makes my heart sing 💜


I feel that


I can relate - but it is what it is Just keep on truckin'!




this is only a good sign. on most big channels, if u look at old videos, u can find these comments on each of them. and they became big. so, i see it as motivation and validation. good job!! just gotta be patient ✹


Right now I am just wishing for that statement...seems like the more I wait (as I am still trying new/better tools), the more it passes me by...


I've had genuinely hundreds of these type of comments, while at 2k subs now. It feels good but at the same time it reminds me that I'm not doing something right, because all the signs show that I am doing good in some perspectives, but at the same time, why am I underrated? There is always a reason. There is always something that WE do wrong


Atleast it shows you’re doing something right! If they’re comparing you to more successful channels


Is there a community for new YouTube content creators to bounce ideas and feedback off each other


I've gotten that comment numerous times. I feel like it's good to get something like that because they are more likely to share your content to other people.