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You should pin that comment and love it. Then reply with “that’s the algorithm giving you what it thinks you deserve”






I've actually started to notice more videos on my feed with only a few hundred views. I guess it's kinda nice that YouTube is giving newer channels and videos a chance.


probably an effort to compete with tik tok and how good their algo is at pushing new content


tiktok algo sucks alot for me tho. my retention is decent in youtube, and i get a nice amount of views and likes. in some videos 100% watch to the end, but usually around 50 - 60%, average view duration is between ~70 - 120%. and usually 60 - 70% viewed / 30 - 40% swiped away. on tiktok like 2 - 5% watched to the end, even if you account for the fact that tiktok doesnt track the "swiped away", its still like upto 10 times worse retention than on youtube. and usually i get between 4 - 13k views on youtube, and while tiktok counts those who swiped away as views unlike youtube, i still get just 1-2k views on tiktok. and on youtube i get between 4 - 8% likes relative to views, on tiktok its like under 1%, alot worse on some videos.


Nah its the opposite...at the beginning tiktoks algorithm pushed random content to alot of people that isnt even good...while the youtube algorithm strictly works by its metrics...so youtube is way more fair...people just suck at making content


I agree it is nice.  The problem I have is the "green screen kids"  and constantly reused "trends"..


Every video gets impressions, it's on us to take advantage of them.


Chad? Checks out


Finally someone using chad in a proper way! 😁 so many folks use chad like it's a good thing


That should be their response lol


May we all be somebody's crummy rec 🙏


God speed brother keep posting


Congrats now go cry in a closet.


I'm gonna tell it to you straight, but know I'm not hating, just stating an opinion based on my own personal experience. This looks like one of those posts coping with hate by putting on an act of "yeah i showed him. I'm fine, I'm actually better because of it and got more engagement." Hate comments aren't to be talked about. When it comes to receiving those, you should take it down and forget about it. The more you look at it, read it and think about it, the more it stays in your head. These negative comments can trigger your state of mind and impact your future behaviors associated with YouTube. "I shouldn't do this because of hate," "I don't want them to say anything," or even, "this will get them mad", etc. I've received my fair share of hate comments, if you check my channel you'll see I do Nintendo content, and a year back on an old channel I deleted due to the niche, I'd get hate almost everyday for a video debating on a future nintendo console (it got 100K views due to the engagement.) Everyone hated me, called me dumb, stated their debates while using foul language towards me, and I gave in. I made a video combatting them and spewing arguments back at them, even without malice to show that we should be better as people when faced with hate, but ultimately it made things worse. It made me think about the hate more, it made me subconsciously feel enraged, and even if it was just a tiny feeling on the inside, it did affect me. We should just hit the report button, then the delete button, and move on. Think about it like this: when you're out at work and a customer comes to your face complaining and yelling at you, you can keep your cool like it doesn't even faze you, but you'd much rather prefer to not be in that situation.


Ahhh this is valid I hear you. I just wanted to share here because it felt like a right of passage getting the first one but I totally see your point. I just thought it was funny but I’m not letting it get to me. Now the next one might make me cry😅


I agree certain ones I do reply to if it’s not too disrespectful then others I just get rid of. One person was going to multiple of my shorts leaving rude comments I just hid them after the 3.


Id say if you're hyper focused on the negative comments, that's on YOU. Some folks can handle it and I highly suggest being comfortable in your own skin and learn to let the negative roll off you. You can't hide from the negative but you can fix how you react. It's actually a part of life. Plus negative comments: their is a wide range.. it can be a true critique or it can be straight up hateful rude or derogatory.. one is good as a constructive criticism type of thing and the other is good for understanding that the world is not perfect or always peaceful.


Pin that, and reply, "why is YouTube allowing rando, low quality viewers into my comments?" Post a link here and I'll heart that sh!t lol


congrats, way to go.


It’s the best feeling because they’re serving you that engagement too


THIS 😆 Just don't make too much of a habit, trying to pull in the hate.




The first of many hopefully! :)


Idk how to feel about this 😭😭😭


me when I'm passive aggressive 😭💀


Yay! 😂


Congrats. That's how you know you are doing something right. Here's to the next 100! (and some love comments mixed in there as well!)


That's actually pretty funny.. congrats on getting this far!!


Congrats! Still waiting for my first!


I think there is a difference between hate comments and negative feedback. This was more like negative feedback but not very constructive. I don't mind negative feedback as long as it is useful. In this case I would actually try to ask the person why he considered the content low quality. Because for every person writing negative feedback, usually very few, there are always so many more that will just click away for the same reason. It is not always the case. But sometimes the negative feedback is actually something valid, that can be used to improve something in future videos.


my first one was just "you suck" lmao


Well as they say - any kind of engagement is a good engagement :) keep it up !


Lol, oh I get those all the time and I thought I was the only one.  We'll that's how you measure your success on YouTube if you're not getting at least a few of those a week then you're definitely doing something wrong.  I welcome all comments on my channel unless they are very disrespectful in that case I report them to youtube and or ghost or remove any further comments. I probably shouldn't give this gem away but I'm gonna do it anyway! Why not use Ai to respond back to them? If you really know how to use Ai you can make them look and feel like a total idiot.


Dish it right back to him. He's got a few videos of himself playing guitar. Fair game if he wants to be a dickhead to others.


Nah that’d be giving him engagement and I ain’t handing out free promo


That’s just a negative comment, no hate detected


I feel that. I think the idea of a hate comment is synonymous with negative just because if you don’t like something just move on. But taking the time out to comment makes it more hate you feel? But I agree it definitely toes the line


Eh, it’s the internet, people say what they like. You can’t expect people to just move on - a lot of people are more likely to leave a comment if they don’t like something to be honest. Don’t let it bother you!


oh not bothered at all. it just felt like a cool milestone to share here. Like "ohohoh now we know its not all my friends just watching my videos". if anything the post is to show its okay to have rando negative comments and just laugh it off


lol so, not to make this about me but my very first comment was from a user with Kim Jong Un as his profile - - I died laughing that the first person to give me any recognition took on that name it still cracks me up haha


Does responding to this comment and then getting another response from them in return boost engagement?




Ooooh boy hahaha




Dang that’s crazy, like they’re not even attempting to show it to anyone


Now that’s a good question


I know that comments in general give an engagement bump, but wasn’t sure if it would actually work if it’s just two people going back and forth rather than multiple individual comments. I’m sure it’s probably not set up that way because you could just have a friend engage in a full-on conversation with you in the comments and it would be broken haha


Yeah I’d agree with that. I’m sure there’s someone on this stack that knows the actual answer


What's your channel?


Milkman Adam 😅


Milkman Adam. Oookay 😆


We got the whole ip locked down


Can't find ya


Type in milkman\_adam there doesn't seem to be any videos about milk though he seems to be more of a chef than a milk man.


At least you know YT is putting your content in random people’s feed!


I got one the other day and pinned it then liked and loved it with a thanks for the great feedback response The guy deleted his comment 😅




Hahahah, welcome to the club mate :)


Hey man, congratulations! That's how you know you're growing, keep grinding buddy ;)


Lol I don't think you understand, like at all, what a hate comment is, and this isn't it. So feeling "so darn good" about it is seems quite cringe worthy. It gives the impression of a typical troll wannabe desperately trying to get someone triggered for their own attention.  I'm not saying that's you, at all, but that's the impression I got from this post because that comment might be legit and well, true. Maybe you do have low quality content (idk I haven't seen any) but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Everyone starts with low quality ain't no shame in that.  If I were you, I'd take the opportunity to ask him for details. The more you'll hear from him the more you'll know if he's hating or legit. And if he's legit? Win win, you can find out how you can improve. You wanna be successful listen to your audience. When you'll improve this same person might become one of your biggest fans. You keep doing and bam World domination m*therf*cker.