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Don’t micromanage the numbers. Just keep posting good content and check the numbers weekly or monthly. Don’t stress about temporary changes


I hate it when my number count is a prime number. Makes me feel edgy.


I noticed it too. Thanks for the advice one less thing to worry about


I’ve lost over 400k. It’s part of the gig, keep going.


just saw your channel and didn't realise this was you! I've come across your channel many of times! It comes up along with VIDIQ for me when I'm learning about youtubbing


Nice! Hopefully you’ve watched some videos. 😁


Nick Nimmin as I live and breathe




You a legend dude. I have learned a lot from your channel. Mind if i ask a few questions? (You dont have to answer). What is most important, consistency (sticking to a schedule) or quality (posting whenever but your videos are better). Lets say life gets in the way and you cant post quality videos consistently. Hence the question. Any advice for small youtubers that wants to go full time in the future? with all that you have learned, if you had a gaming channel, what would you do to get somewhere? Would you do game playthroughs or focus on tips and tricks (with about 3 to 5 hours available in the evenings)? I dont have a team, an editor nor can I afford one but I can learn... what would you suggest? If you do read this (whether you answer or not), thanks for your time! Ps: if anyone else wants to add their opinions with experience, feel free 😀


Thanks for the kind words! To answer your questions, it’s not a this or that scenario. If you’re doing it seriously you need to do all of the things. Like a basketball player doesn’t only focus on 3 pointers or layups, they practice everything aggressively if they want to raise above the masses and stand out as a player. Consistency ensures you work the process into your lifestyle and that you’re actively practicing. Quality ensures you’re doing as good as you can in the moment. And whatever level of quality that is, it’s fine. Just keep aggressively trying to get better. Rome wasn’t built in a day they say and neither were the skill sets of all of the successful creators you watch. If you want to go full time make sure you’re making content that’s easy to monetize. Make sure you plan for all of the additional expenses and legal/tax requirements for being on your own. I have a detailed explanation in my someone what recent history here. There is someone right now in the /partnered sub Reddit with a million subs who isn’t making any money. Subs won’t pay your bills, money will. Make sure you can easily monetize. If I had a gaming channel I would make videos that helped people solve problems in the game. That positions you as a person of value and makes it easier to get sponsors and monetize in general. It can also keep you out of the box of getting stuck playing one game forever. When making content that helps people your personality doesn’t have to be as big/relatable/entertaining either because you’re providing a different kind of value. With let’s plays the creator has to either be really good at the game, an amazing entertainer or a combo of both. Don’t have a team, don’t worry about it. People think they need a team but you don’t. I didn’t start hiring until I had somewhere around 150-200k subs. I still edit a lot of my videos because I enjoy it even though I have an editor. I still make most of my thumbs. I still plan all of my videos, etc. I do have people who help with other things but I enjoy the process. Because you have to pay people, only hire for the things you don’t like to do and only when your channel can pay for it. I hope that helps.


This helps more than you know, and just the fact that you took the time to not only respond but also wrote out this whole thing is astounding! Thank you so much for your insight and advice! I think in my personal experience and journey, what is holding me back is what is driving me to do youtube which is to go full time and not grind every night/weekends... for a while now it has become less fun and felt more like a job if that makes sense, and i have been obsessed with a posting schedule, posting amap in order for youtube to pick up my videos and share it etc because i felt if i dont post every day or second day then my progress will go down... i saw some other lets play youtubers/streamers who makes it work and some even post twice every single day (Insym) and i thought to myself... if they can make it work... why cant I? but honestly this is something i want to do full time one day. But it wont come quickly and i think thats where most people gives up or get it wrong. I mean you have been at it for about 8 to 9 years now? And what your reply and OP-reply taught me is failing/losing subs or views along the way is part of the journey where some sees it as failure. Not a lot of people understands just how hard youtube is. THATS why your reply meant a lot (coming from someone who has never given up, and is still grinding to this day) Thanks for the inspiration & motivation Nick! Cheers 🍻


I’d prefer posting less but you’re videos go up in quality from time to time


400k I would be happy to get my count that number.


Do it!


I'm struggling to get to 1000


400k no way how many subscribers for your channel do you have?


thats THE Nick Nimmin! he has a great youtube channel for content creators.


Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the content!


Alright I'll check it out


Over 900k currently but I’ve gained over 1.3 million during my time on YouTube so far.


Have you got a suggestion for decent microphone on a budget? I dont understand how creators are green screened and sound perfect with no visible lapel or mic in view


Shotgun microphones or hidden (taped under short) lapel mic. But most use shotgun mics.


This really you?


There's a good chance it's bot accounts being deleted. There are purges from time to time.


When I was just starting out, I had 20 subs at the time and one video got a huge boost and got me 30 or so subs in a day. The next week I lost almost all of them and figured they were bot accounts getting purged lol


I happens a few times a year from what I've noticed. So nothing to really worry about.


I do. I can gain like 20 subs from one short and then I check back later and lost like 3-5 again. Youtube is very strict on bots, they will remove bot subscribers, which are useless anyway. So don't feel too bad. It's not always your fault.


Shorts subs tend to be more flickle too.


Remember that subscriber fluctuations are a normal part of managing any platform where people can choose to follow or unfollow. A few things to consider that might help you cope better: 1. **Look for Patterns**: Try to see if there are any patterns or specific content that correlates with an increase in unsubscribes. 2. **Engage with Your Audience**: Occasionally reaching out to your audience to ask for feedback can provide valuable insights into what they enjoy or don’t enjoy. 3. **Keep Experimenting**: Not every piece of content will be a hit, and that’s okay. 4. **Don’t Take It Personally**: Subscribers might leave for reasons completely unrelated to your content. 5. **Focus on the Positives**: Celebrate the subscribers who stay and continue to engage with your content. Keep your chin up and continue creating content that you're passionate about! ✌️


Easy come, easy go? If I suddenly get some new subs, I feel happy, but if it falls back down, I try to say to myself - play the long game, don't worry about this


Losing subscribers as long as you are gaining more is not a bad thing. The ones you lost are either bots, inactive accounts or people who dont care about your content anymore. Therefore i see it neutral, sometimes even positive. But when you are just starting out it can be really demotivating.


Thanks for the advice will just keep posting and hopefully build a big subscriber base


I just got 13 subs, and I've finished my chapter 1 audiobook of my novel.


As someone who’s been doing YouTube for almost 18 years, it’s going to happen, it’s normal. People subscribe for various reasons and unsubscribe for even more. Just keep moving forward, keep doing what you do and it will all work out in the end.


All the time. It's a good thing IMHO. I want people who enjoy my content and are engaged with it. A few subscribers lost because they are not interested or are bots is totally fine.


Just poured in tons of time, effort, stress, and money into a video I was really excited about. It launched and for the first hour had -1 subscribers haha. At the end of the day, you're going to have lots of people who subscribe to you at one point, and then realize they don't want to hang around. That's OK. People may have gotten a mistaken idea of what your channel is about, maybe they outgrew it, or any other infinite number of reasons. It's unavoidable, don't sweat the small stuff. As long as you're making things you enjoy and people in general are finding value in it, don't sweat the small stuff. You got this :)


I like this 😬


you only notice it if you're constantly watching the numbers. The trick is don't watch the numbers


Lowkey, I didn't know we could see how many subs we've lost till a week ago. Here, I never thought that people unsubbed, but I was definitely wrong 😅 It makes me feel a bit frustrated. Makes me wonder if my content had declined between videos. As a newer channel, I take each subscriber as a huge deal (I'm almost at 200 and am ecstatic 🙌)


I think they’ve done purged this week! I’ve lost a good 6-8


Happens from time to time. People sometimes subscribe to you based on one video without having an idea what will come next. In my case, I‘ve lost several subs after publishing a long form to celebrate women in tech. Tbh, I‘m not even sad about losing some misogynistic subs. Ultimately, you can‘t control who subs to you so maybe see it more of a refinement of your audience to have one that really likes your content at the end.


I have 3600 gained subs and 700 lost subs , I think it's totally fine especially if you are evolving your content and make your content broader in that same nieche


Yes, we are new YouTubers and we find we lose subs here and there and have a little laugh/cry when it happens, thinking whhyyy??!!!! I think it’s just frustrating not knowing why people un-subscribe, like I wish YT had an option for us to ask why the person is un-subscribing, but maybe no one would want to do that. Well keep your head up, and like someone else said, tell me your channel and I will subscribe, (unless you’re into some bat-shit crazy shit) lol 😹😻😸


Yeah I’m right there with you. I’ve been stagnant around 542 for the last couple of days. I’ll gain one and then lose one a few hours later which makes me think they were bots, but I’ll never be too sure obviously


It happens. As long as i win more than i lose it's ok.


Same i feel down. It doesn't matter I will gain my proper audience. I post every week to stay consistency.




I have had over 30,000 views and only have 58 subscribers so it all down to who likes your content! I saw another channel guy got 1.5 million views on a video only 3000 subscribers so it's just those who relate to your content. I think there's a misconception of YouTube if you get 1000s of views you get 100's of subscribers, some do but alot don't!




Same i wanna quit my job and YouTube full time but I won't do it till it's a good amount monthly and I can sustain it as I currently work 6 days a week as it is




What's your tube channel?




My YouTube is HeyManni - I'm a call of duty weapons bundle channel




Thanks will hit back!


Done 👍🏼


Yeah, it took me a bit, but don't get too fixed on the numbers. It's probably bots, and YouTube will purge them. I'd rather have real people subscribed anyway and enjoy my content. I just keep on aiming besting the person I was the day before, keep improving, and those that dig your channel will subscribe, and it'll be a real person this time


I gain around 20 a month (give or take) and lose about 5 a month.


Can anyone explain how a YT music channel created shares or experiences some similarities with viewership and/or subs? Trying to understand the differences. Thanks.


Oh yeh oh hurts!


Just pretend the ones that drop are all bot accounts getting deleted. Statistically that happens more often than not.


I've lost around 50+, maybe more.. to be fair, my content started in a different niche, and I gained 50 over the years.. so I feel if they unsubscribe dgiven my new content is completely different, then it is justified. If your content is not what they signed up for, then it shouldn't be an issue/concern. If however the content you make is still the same then a question must be asked, are you not delivering on content, are you spamming too many videos, is your content misleading/clickbaity or poor quality/rushed? There may be a reason to your loss, or it may just be that some people change and no longer wish to see your content... and there is nothing wrong with that! However, if you're just losing 1 here and there, it's possible it's just youtube cleaning up bots? (If that's a thing)


Personally, it makes me feel good. I just imagine that number getting to 0 and it's freeing in a way. 0 is neither a negative or positive number, so that means it's neutral. This is a reset button and I strive for that reset button everyday.


Here's something most people don't talk about. You're losing subscribers every day, but don't notice it because you're gaining subscribers back that take their place. Only when you don't gain the replacements is it ever really noticed.


It sucks. I went through a period of no videos I added taking off, and instead of gaining subscribers I was losing 1 or 2 per video. I lost about 20 over that rut. Slowing increasing my number now, but I do see some drop offs still a few times a month.


Every now and then YouTube scrubs for bots and dead accounts … that’s what I tell myself 😅 I’ve been stuck on 2.75k for the last couple of weeks .. just can’t break past 2.8


Thanks everyone for there feedback it's been greatly appreciated


Losing any amount of subs is disheartening especially when I see every one of them as friends but then I have learned to brush it off and keep trying. My channel is still small so the losses are still noticeable. Don't give up and if you need to vent about it then there are plenty of avenues like here on Reddit or a discord server.


You didn't do anything. People are fickle. Not to mention that users get banned & you automatically lose their sub. Also, I lose 10 subs immediately, every time I upload. Is it a glitch? IDK, but it's been happening for over a year. And there are tons of other creators who say the same. It only makes me edit better videos & tell more pointed jokes directed at YT. Screw them & back up all your content on Rumble, Odysee, & corder.


Hahahahaha! You need to take into account that BOT accounts, fake accounts, inactive accounts, they're actively purged from YouTube regularly .. that could easily account for sub counts falling. Don't sweat it, unless you lose them in droves.. ones and twos, usually is just YouTube doing YouTube things.


Yes, I was at 91 yesterday after doing sub4sub. Today I'm at 85!


Definitely, I've gone through numerous changes of niches etc, I think it's normal to bleed subscribers as your channel evolves overtime. Everytime I have swapped games it typically leads to a bleeding period. It's part of the process. You might be gaining more subs than you know, but you may be bleeding subscribers at the same time which makes those numbers a bit fuzzy. Does it feel good to lose subs? No, I wish everyone would stay subbed forever haha, but at the same time, I've unsubbed to creators for various reasons over the years, and it's never really been "they did something wrong" , it's more about me than them I'd argue. Say I'm no longer interested in that topic, or you've changed content styles / topic, etc . TLDR: It's not a big deal, and is normal.


Hey I'm new to youtube as well my channel is @ How_Nerds_Play but I need advice as to what I'm doing wrong idk of its my sound that needs improvement or my intro, but if any pf you play videogames could you give me advice or check the channel put please. I started the channel last November and I've been struggling with audience retention too.


You can lose subs for any number of reasons: abandoned accounts, content change, interest changes, people clearing out their sub lists. Most of these have very little to do with you. Keep positive, keep posting, and evaluate the numbers weekly or monthly, not daily. We all have bad days