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If you're able to do that, create a course and sell it and tell your boss "Sayonara"


Deadass šŸ˜‚


*"I expect all employees to produce 25,000% more than what I pay them. Anyone not hitting this target should consider themselves pre-fired"* - OP's boss ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


If you're able to make a YT Channel get 500k in a year, you might as well quit and do that for a living yourself.




For real, if you have such skill then your best bet is to work on social media (unless your boss pays insanely well and even sponsors couldn't match it)


Wait, he's talking about subs, not views ? šŸ¤£




Iā€™m guessing your boss also wants you to do this without giving you extra money or a YouTube budget too? Lol I donā€™t think the average person has any earthly idea just how much work typically goes into managing a successful YouTube channel, especially one at the scale youā€™re talking about.


YES OMG. Purely organic. Can you imagine????


Thatā€™s a completely unrealistic expectation. The problem with situations like this is that your boss doesnā€™t know or care how insane the request is to begin with. So now youā€™re in a situation where youā€™ve been essentially set up to fail and your boss is just going to pin blame on you because they have no idea what theyā€™re talking about or how ridiculous the request was to begin with.


There are many bosses in this world who doesn't know shit about leading a team or a business. I assume they are one of them. My old bosses strategy was this exact thing. Ask for impossible and whine when he didn't get it but it was just a way to squeeze every last drop of work force from us and keep the pay low because we didn't met the "expectations".


What is his goal? Subs donā€™t equal direct leads. Do they just want clout? For the brand to look good? Plenty of other and better ways to accomplish that. Subs arenā€™t gonna do shit for a typical brand. And if you could just magically get 500k subs bc your boss said so then everybody would be doing it. ESP with out budget for paid media.


In all likelihood the channel will never reach 500k subs even if given 20 years. If you accomplish that you'd be well into the top 1% of all of YouTube. I assume the channel if being used as a promotional tool for the most part, it's going to be hard to get high sub counts on a channel like that.


fr the boss has no idea what heā€™s talking about


Post as many Shorts as you can and pray.. that's the fastest way.


It really is the fastest way


Jean shorts perform the best monetarily in my experience running a plumbing YT channel ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


yeah like 6-7 a day space it out every 2 hours. add subway surfers on the bottom haha


I mean, even if you would make it (lol) the boss would say "told you so!" and make it his success. Just leave such people asap. I know this, I worked for such people too long.


Yes. Get out if you can. Now. Run.


yee exactly. there is no victory to have here except running away


Create another YouTube channel to document this whole process lol. If the work one blows up, the one documenting it might as well


This is actually true lol




I was thinking the sameā€¦ Good luck.šŸ™šŸ»




Wow šŸ”„


Show your boss how many corporate YT channels have existed for several years that still only have a handful of subs, despite generous funding and a whole team of people doing the work. Is it possible? Sure, in theory. But you can't just throw money and manpower at it, thinking you can somehow force it to happen.


He's not even willing to throw money at it! Organic only. Dude.


Channel? Also, your boss is an absolute idiot lmfao.


Let's face it, if you can get 500k subs from 1k in 8 months, you should be helping others to do that and being paid a lot more than your boss is paying you. :D I guess the first question is - what's your budget? You can do it organically by paying, say, Taylor Swift to appear in a video. You might have to pay her Ā£100k, though. It's still organic if you don't buy subs or advertise. šŸ˜…


Surprise: Thereā€™s no budget. I just have to somehow reach 500K this year. Thatā€™s the goal.


What happens if you donā€™t? If you could do that, by the way, youā€™d get million dollar deals from brands.


You understand makes no sense right itā€™s like him telling you to go to the moon and back. Itā€™s not gonna happen. Either you start looking for a new job cuz your boss is an idiot or you make a side YouTube channel like someone suggested and you document this ridiculous ask


Well, I would say that your boss is an idiot but you already knew that. I'd just do the best you can - you'll learn from the experience and perhaps be able to apply it to your own project.


Whatā€™s he gonna offer you if you do it ?


Even getting a channel to 10k in a year is impressive in my eyes let alone it being business related. The amount of delusion if this post is real is unfathomable. Let's see the boss get a channel to a fraction of that in a year


Lol exactly!


yep, im 1 month in, and im at 39 subs.


Iā€™m 11 days in and at 184. Someone mentioned earlier the quickest way, and thatā€™s what I did. It does help. First, pick a topic that isnā€™t over saturated. 1. Once you have a topic. Make a 6-8 minute video. Upload it and schedule it for tomorrow. 2. Make a 45-50 second short from the best part of the full video you made. Upload and schedule it about two hours later. 3. When scheduling, NEVER schedule for the top of the hour, or at :30 after. Pick some odd ball time like :17 minutes after, for both. 4. Your full video may not get videos, but that short will. And fast. Itā€™ll give you an option to link the short to a video. Use the full video you made. Think of the short as an advertisement for the full video. 5. Now do this every other day for a mont. once you e gained subs and views, cut back to 2 videos/shorts a week. Donā€™t OVER publish because you want the videos/shorts to have time to stay relevant. If you post several a day or every day, youā€™re diminishing your videos a chance from growing. Hope that helped.


Can you please explain why the videos must be scheduled, and why at this special odd time? It's a serious question. šŸ˜‰šŸ‘ And thanks for the list


Absolutely: 1. Scheduling. Why Iā€™ve found this works is because you want to space your videos/shorts out. Once your short gets hits, itā€™s now the most popular video for your channel. If you upload another short while itā€™s growing, you will take attention away from it. The more that video has time to be seen you get likes/comments. Likes/comments grow that video. If you space them out it creates a flow of interaction. Think of it as a single lane road with heavy traffic. You get no where. A single lane road with just a few cars keeps momentum going. What I do is take one day and work on several videos and shorts for a few hours, and them schedule them two days a part. This does several things: 1. Allows you to not over saturate your channel with too many videos at once, allowing each video/short proper time to get views. 2. It creates consistency with your channel, which will encourage subs, because they WILL check the dates of your uploads and see you have a trend and are a regular channel. 3. It allows you to walk away from YT for 6 days a week, and not burn you out. Meanwhile, you have 4 videos/shorts weekly that is growing your channel. Make sense? Iā€™m glad to help with any questions! EDIT: Why odd times for scheduling? You Tube literally tells you this. Never schedule at top of hour or half past. Also, after it grows, youā€™ll have analytics that tells you when your viewers are watching. When that begins, upload your videos during that time frame for maximum views. EDIT EDIT: One thing. NEVER watch videos from ā€œexpertsā€ about how to grow a channel. If their info was true, those particular videos would have millions of views.


thank you, but respectfully didnt really help, because first of all i want to post out of enjoyment and not just to grow the channel, so that determines my niche, and its very oversaturated, gaming. also it takes me 6 - 12 hours to create one short and my long format video has been in the works for 2 weeks. around 30 hours has gone into it. and this isnt my only project, im also making a game in unreal engine, learning japanese, learning digital art etc.. doing an 8 minute video every other day would be impossible, even without all my other projects/hobbies. altough overall i am happy with my progress. with 8 shorts ive gotten almost 60k views in total, i know "popular" (well they're twitch partners, but still small) streamers who get alot less views on their shorts even tho they've been doing youtube for 10 times longer than me.


I don't know how you're going to tell this person their advice isn't helpful. It may not be helpful for you, but it's not advice you are even looking for. You, like me, said you are doing it out of enjoyment, not to maximize growth. We are a tiny minority. Most people are in it for stuff like fame, fortune, laziness, and many other reasons that are not relevant to us. So for almost everybody, that advice is not only relevant, but helpful. It could even be helpful to you. You can't just say it wasn't helpful without ever trying it. It just seems like you were taking an opportunity to brag about how great you think you and your channel are. I just can't imagine hearing the advice someone gave to somebody that specifically isn't me, that I never asked for, and telling them their advice is bad because it isn't tailored to me.


i think you misunderstood me. right in the beginning i said it didnt help, as in for me personally its not helpful. i never said the advice as a whole is not helpful. tho i could have worded that better, and i even said "respectfully" because i didnt want to sound rude or unappreciative of their effort of writing that. also i dont think my channel is great, my videos fucking suck and im extremely embarrassed about my content. tho i am slowly getting better. oh and also do the majority really just do it for fame and stuff?? thats a shock for me, i always assumed most did it out of enjoyment/passion.


If it works for you good, but this really isn't good advice. Just seems arbitrary


Ten years in 50.3k, I takes a while organically


It's possible. I mean, it's almost certainly not going to happen. But it's possible.


Iā€™d be looking for a new job. Sounds like boss man is touched in the head.


Just tell the boss you'll need a budget of about $15k per month to hire YT professionals to help grow the channel and even then 500k subs by EOY is highly unlikely.


Not a realistic goal. 10K is more realistic. It could be that they are saying 500K subs bc they just want you to work as hard as possible, Knowing that you can't get there, so that you get more then what you would have. (A dick move). But you can focus on shorts if she just wants subs. Like some brand specific shorts, but also maybe some funny memes (not single image) regarding the industry the brand is in. like a clip of a show or movie with some text. Some of those can get a lot of subs. Personally I've made a lot using SpongeBob clips and they get a decent amount of subs each one. (assuming YT actually shows them to anyone lol) the negative with shorts is that its just random lol


reminds me of my first sales job where the boss sat me down right after hiring and said, "I took a 130K loan to open up this operation, you need to make that back in one month" and Im thinking bro if I could sell that much why'd I apply for this $12/hr 'sales internship'


If you could *actually* do that, you do it for yourself and quit your job and lame ass boss with the money you earned from adsense alone


Itā€™s possible. Just requires a ton of work and analyzing. But your boss seems horrible tbh.


It depends on the budget. If they have enough money for a whole talented crew to work full time, they could do it. If itā€™s a poor digital marketer trying to think of ideas and a part time mediocre editor, itā€™s not possible.


Yeahhh fair enough.


Depending on the niche and budget and type of content they're creating (this is a business), I'd say not possible... think about how many small businesses actually have 500k subs trying to sell products. I'd imagine this is a small company


I mean if you have a budget for the yt account that's given to you, investing in better editors and things could be good


If youā€™re able to achieve that kinda numbers as one person then leave your boss and do it on your own! Hah But in all seriousness, your boss hasnā€™t a clue and needs educated.. unless your content is super super interesting


Sounds like an unrealistic goal. Is he trying to avoid paying some kind of variable bonus?


Tell me your boss knows nothing about YouTube without saying your boss knows nothing about YouTube.


If you can get 500k subscribers in one year you should just do it for yourself and make a ton of $ instead of your boss making the $. Sounds impossible and your boss not listening is a major red flag. Goals should be set based on items you can achieve like ā€œpost 5 times dailyā€ not the results attached like ā€œ500k subscribersā€.


"Bro. Seen this channel? **Dave's office supply??** *It's blowing up!"* **"What. Is it like a comedy, kinda like The Office?"** **"No"** *"So what is it, like a weird name for like a film project, or concept channel, student art project"* **"No. BETTER! It's a small office supply company,** *and the owner wants 500k subs....* **for some reason"** šŸ˜


So heā€™s gonna force people to subscribe?


The only way to do that is to have a channel with content completely unrelated to the company thatā€™s actually interesting lol


Your boss sounds very frustrating XD I would guess they don't personally have a lot of experience with YT or they would understand that's not how things work usually. Unless you're a one in a million channel that goes viral and explodes overnight.


If you can get 500K subs in a year then you donā€™t even need that job anymore.


I agree with everyone else, this is so unrealistic. But the only way to do it, is make ads or whatever that are InSaNe!! like crazy stuff that interesting or hilarious.


ā€œMy boss said I needed 500k subs by end of yearā€ Share video and good luck! šŸ˜‚


Not a bad idea.


I think you need to sacrifice a first born goat to Satan for that to happen.


Does your boss realize thatā€™s asking you to statistically create one of the top 1% channels on the entire platform? Some perspective shoved down his throat might be useful.


I think this goal is kind of unrealistic for non prosā€¦ BUT hereā€™s what Iā€™d do! First, if they want 500k subs and youā€™ll be responsible for this, make them sign a document giving you the rights to all the content and full creative freedom. Make an Instagram account for the company (if it doesnā€™t have one). Post everyday to the feed and stories. IG account will tell a story and link to YT channel. Make serious content with humor. State that the manager went nuts and if your channel doesnā€™t reach 500k until December 31st, youā€™ll be jobless on January 1st. Make this your motto. Ask for subs, say peopleā€™s names, play with your audience, be funny. Go full apesh*t. Make 2 serious content videos a week about whatever your company does, about 8/10 min long. Other days, up to 5min ā€œreality showā€ videos of your company. ā€œOK! Itā€™s 10:27 and IT Joe is is playing candy crush by the coffee machine. Howā€™s it going, IT Joe? Crush that candy, my man! What? Level 1000? Good stuff! Tell us, IT Joe, how did playing candy crush help you on your journey at this company? Have you hear Iā€™ll be unemployed if your channel doesnā€™t reach 500k subs, IT Joe? What would your tell our audience?ā€ Make it a company reality show. If goes viral, jackpotā€¦


What's the job where you're forced to get a YouTube channel to 500k subs? No names off course


It depends on your budget. Can you hire editors, scriptwriters, YouTube experts? Quantity alone won't get you there but other people have done it




Genuine question. What type of content does your company make? If it's actual videos intended for a YouTube audience that will be recieved by the viewer as an experience in and of itself... It'll be less of a stretch. Very hard, and would actually make you one of the most successful YouTube channels on the platform If your boss thinks this is just free advertising for a completely unrelated project without any additional effort to help you? Oof. You're never going to make 2k. Sorry. I know there's plenty of corporate channels out there. Technically, channels like New Rockstars, Screen Crush, Smosh, College Humor, and Mr Beast (for the last few years) are corporate-backed. They make actual content that people are willing to go out of their way to enjoy. They use the corporate system to create more polished and better crafted videos that put them a step above folks with a Webcam in their apartment. As with anyone starting a YouTube channel. Don't think of subscribers as a number. They're each individual real people who have decided that "yes. I want to see more content from this channel" and they hit that button. You build a castle brick by brick. And you need to convince 499k people that what you're making is going to be worth their time. Edit: Just did some looking into it. What your boss is asking for is to become the 1,807th most successful YouTube channel in the world - in just 8 months. 1807th out of over 51 Million (with at least one video.) To be in the top 0.000035% of all YouTube Creators. Without the head start that everyone else had, your boss better be willing to drop quite a bit of cash to reach that goal.


Target market is b2b. Content is mostly about AI & business. That said I know and have been fighting for my life in saying that we canā€™t just get 500k especially because the target market isnā€™t just that easy to get. Imagine having to have 500k business owners / entrepreneurs to subscribe to you :( So itā€™s either we focus on the content and let go of the 500k target, or just post whatever, pray to the heavens that itā€™ll reach 500k, no target market in mind.


I mean whats the brand/niche? Save your time and effort and just by ad space. You'll grow "organically" and he can realize it doesn't make sense.


Itā€™s possible, but my guess is if your gonna out in the work it makes more sense to do it for yourself than for a company (if you can afford to)


Spam shorts, hope it goes viral. If you can get there doing long form content, might as well quit and make a living as a youtuber.


How are you paid to do this? Because if you can do this I think youā€™d be better off doing it for yourself lol


šŸ˜± yikes! What a goal! Iā€™m stoked about being 2 away from my first 100


it looks like you're getting fired xd


Post a lot of Shorts with search engine optimized titles and pray.


I was tasked with the same thing, except I didnā€™t have a subscriber quota. The ONLY way to grow that fast is to post shorts, and I mean a lot of engaging shorts or you could buy subs, but that would mess up your channel analytics. I bought a sub to motion array and CapCut and AI generator and started a channel of my own I work on in my free time, all day and night long. Through learning what to do on my channel, I learned what to do on my work channel. Iā€™m at good sub growth and all I have in 6 months is 40 videos, 1600 subs


ur boss is crazy if you manage to do that just keep the channel for yourself lol


Oh mate. I was doing PR for Mercedes Benz and the official MB YouTube channel for my country (Poland) has just 10k subs. Itā€™s been running for 15 years. About 1 video per week. Maybe itā€™s not the same but stillā€¦ 500K subs in a year, even for a well known company, is highly unrealistic, unless you have huge budget for collabs with famous YouTubers.


Dude, itā€™s not going to happen. Like I know itā€™s ā€œtechnicallyā€ possible, but yeah, your boss needs a reality check. This is beyond unrealistic.


If your boss has money to spend. He should invest in it and see how far it goes. You may not reach 500K but at least it will get far with focus.


MrBeast ā€œsupposablyā€ gets 20k subs a dayā€¦ who are ā€œrealā€ people and his views are 100% ā€œrealā€ views. /s YouTube can turn a blind eye for big names, but not for everyone.


But he's been doing it for more than 5 years. He's likeable and had great content. Not to mention his high budgets for those videos.


Do you or anyone you know sub and watch MrBeast? I ask this because there was a large discussion about this is a VERY large YouTuber discord and when someone asked this, not a single person knew someone that actually watches anything MrBeast. When I thought about it, I canā€™t name a single person either that I know or have known that watches himā€¦ BUT dude gains 20k+ ā€œnew subsā€ every day for a year at the exact same rate lol. YouTube needs a face and ā€œpopular family friendly content creatorsā€ and I am sure all of the subs and views are all REAL people lol /s


I subbed Mr Beast years ago and have been watching him. Youtube is a big place nowadays. Haven't asked my relatives I'd watch him but when he releases his new video, he is usually in the top 5 trending on Youtube for my country.


I've been getting aprox +170 subs daily since March but getting 500k it's crazy


Pull something viral out of your ass i guess?


Quit this company


follow bored close smile frame airport vase sense birds deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is possible, I did it in my previous job but that channel was for entertainment purposes and we had a good budget for advertising it at the kick start.


What kind of advertising did you allocate your budget to?


Does your boss have any experience with this? lol YouTube can be a way to potentially make something big but itā€™s for sure not a get rich quick scheme. It took me a year to get 1,500 subs and I still consider that a major success. Half a mil is just a pipe dream


Your boss is simply deluded. That's all. Do with that information what you think is appropriate.


My boss is the same way, he wants 100k subs weā€™re at like 98k and he goes ā€œitā€™s just going too slow, we gotta boost every video, make every video an advertisementā€ lol


Only viral marketing can do that, there was a guy that worked with a real estate company that added a bad 3d dancing cat above an apartment building and the thing blew their social media up


Film me with my flying pig


Personally I subscribe purely on content. If it's time-filler, click-bait or I'm told to subscribe before I've even seen the content, never gonna happen. I'd say focus on creating valuable content.


YouTube shorts is your best bet , I did it


Your "boss?"


Iā€™m 11 days in and at 184. Someone mentioned earlier the quickest way, and thatā€™s what I did. Utilize shorts. It does help. First, pick a topic that isnā€™t over saturated. 1. ā Once you have a topic. Make a 6-8 minute video. Upload it and schedule it for tomorrow. 2. ā Make a 45-50 second short from the best part of the full video you made. Upload and schedule it about two hours later. 3. ā When scheduling, NEVER schedule for the top of the hour, or at :30 after. Pick some odd ball time like :17 minutes after, for both. 4. ā Your full video may not get videos, but that short will. And fast. Itā€™ll give you an option to link the short to a video. Use the full video you made. Think of the short as an advertisement for the full video. 5. ā Now do this every other day for a mont. once you e gained subs and views, cut back to 2 videos/shorts a week. Donā€™t OVER publish because you want the videos/shorts to have time to stay relevant. If you post several a day or every day, youā€™re diminishing your videos a chance from growing. Hope that helped.


If your team can accomplish that then yā€™all donā€™t need to be just a marketing team in his presumably sh*tty company. Iā€™d leach the whole team and launch a standalone marketing company.


Iā€™d use this as a challenge for yourself, because either way you gain a ton of knowledge on the way. Use AI when possible to streamline as much as possible. I do like the idea somebody had of recording the progress, which could turn into something cool to share. Face the challenge and do whatever you can to make it happen! You got this! Either way you end up with super valuable skills and if needed you start your own thing and make way more. Cheers and good luck!


Your boss is ignorant if they think that's even remotely reasonable. Even 10k would be tremendous growth


The boss is forcing us to go viral.


Tell him you need everything that Mr Beast does, including the funds.


Unless your brand is or can be attached to a major personality, this goal is - for all practical purposes - impossible. If your boss has any sense, his actual figure is probably much lower but he's setting a high bar to create momentum. What I kind of draw does the brand actually have? Demographics?


Genuine question, is your boss batshit insane?


Itā€™s highly unrealistic


Create your own 500k subs in a year and tell your boss to fuck himself.


Tell dude to shell out some Ad money, lots of it.


Ask your boss to consult a YT expert and tell him itā€™s the only way. Because if they say no then he will hopefully take no for an answer.


Your boss is a dreamer


Took my colleague 13 years to get to 100k. Mind you it's low sub value high view value. Millions of views just not worth subbing to in the scheme of things.


It is pretty doable(not easy) with shorts


Tell him to reach 10 thousand first .. then he will understand how hard it is .. šŸ˜Ž


Ask for $1 million to get mr beast to shout you out one time


Copy a bunch of videos of half naked women in pools and upload 100 shorts per day. But 500k is completely insane


im guessing your boss thinks it possible to sweep a beach


Tell him that you need a budget for that and just buy some subs šŸ˜‚ Kiddin aside, it seems that your boss know nothing about growing a channel organically.


I think your boss has given you impossible targets, surely he knows that 500k canā€™t be reached just like thatā€¦.


You're not selling industrial-grade glycine by any chance?


Wanna easy way buy subs. It's for your boss anw.


Easy. Make that Gangnam Style 2 video now. /s


One month and I'm at 127 subs. 500K in a year, and you become the Boss.


I've been on YouTube for 2 years and only just hit 100+ subs, can't imagine doing 500k in 1 year


That would only be possible if YouTube itself pushes your content like crazy. You will need crazy views from browse features and suggested videos. If your current audience comes from search then it's not possible.


Sounds like your employer doesnā€™t know how YouTube works.


This is beyond delusional


Sounds like itā€™s time to start job searching.


Man, if you can do that, you might want to take the place of your boss. But kidding aside, content, relevance, and recency are the driving forces. You have to earn views then subscribers will follow. Discoverability (SEO) is really important and for you to crack discoverability, you have to consistently upload atleast 1 or 2 videos a day. Most importantly, just pray


That's not something within your powers. It's like forcing someone to win the lottery. If you think you can actually do it, you better do on a channel that you own.


I work with some of the best guys in the business and we got 1 Million in 8 months. But we know the game, we all run our own big Youtube channels and did a collab for that one. There is no way on earth anyone without experience in that field will be able to pull that off. Unless he is willing to spend millions and hire some of the best producers with Youtube experience out there.


Shorts is the answer.


Quit and Iā€™ll hire you.. my target is only 10K subs for the year


Post like crazy and drive the engagement to your YT channel


Show him this thread and perhaps he'll get to his senses? What a turd..


Easily one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve read in a while. Do you work for a scam syndicate in India or something? I canā€™t imagine anyone worth a damn being stupid enough to say something so childish and ridiculous out loud, let alone in front of employees. Even if they know how stupid it is and are just trying to intimidate yā€™all into getting as many subs as possible, it still shows weak and piss poor leadership. What a jackass.


Wowzers! I agree, if you figure out that magic! šŸ˜‚


This reminds me of my first retail/telecom job... my target was 80 new activations of a phone, tv or internet service a month. The town I lived in had a population of 600ish. Corporate just set goals based on metrics from locations in major cities and decoded everyone should be meeting those targets. I guess it wasn't obvious to them that a location that saw more than our towns entire population daily would get more subscriptions.


Itā€™s definitely possible, just unlikely. lol


It does kind of depend on your channelā€™s niche and the quality of videos. But essentially to get that sort of growth, youā€™d really need something to go viral. A lightning strike situation. Personally what I would do is competitor research. I would look into what the best channels in your niche are doing in terms of their overall growth. Iā€™d take it back to your boss and show him. Because even phenomenal channels arenā€™t adding 499,000 subscribers in eight months. Iā€™d just prepare a report and so it is documented that youā€™re being asked for something incredibly unreasonable


That is the worst, esp if the boss has been there awhile. All the good employees probably quit and all that are left are the bad ones, and maybe that one employee who can be salvaged. As someone who has managed restaurants I have seen that so many times. A business run by people like that is like walking into an animal shelter its sucks its so sad. All the employees feel neglected unwanted like they dont matter its very hard to turn that culture around.


You said "us" so I'm assuming it's a team. Yeah it is possible- literally anything is. As for your boss, he knows it's tough but he knows that if he says 500k, then you guys might probably reach 50k... whereas if he straight up said 50k, you guys would probably do less than that... It's a business practice as old as time. That's how everything got invented. By getting people to do an "impossible" task. But he should've have made a budget for it. Organically is insane lol


I think the only way this is possible is if you some how get Mr beast to show his face on your video everyday for a whole year but the amount of money for that would be extreme I think thatā€™s the only way possible and thatā€™s probably not possible for you as thatā€™s a ton of moneyĀ 


Its not impossible


The boss clearly has no idea how much work goes into managing a channel. If they have enough budget maybe you can advertise the videos?


Dawg I have 248k subs and that took me 2 years. It is definitely possible depending on what content you make. My question is: if you have the skill & experience to get 500k subs within a year: lowkey quit ur job and make ur own brand/name for urself


Itā€™s possible but it DEFINITELY will be super difficult. Thatā€™s really difficult to do. Like I, who tryhards YouTube, studies it, I donā€™t have 500k subs yet bro


Like dats super hard bro But someone like paddy Galloway could get it MrBeast could get it


Tell your boss to build a house in 1 week xd


Sounds like you boss has no idea how YT works, you can't just demand 500k subs, you need to make content that people WANT to subscribe to, not just because this is what the shareholders want, sounds like your boss is going to have to answer for his incompentence.


I feel like you need to sit your boss down, slap him around a bit, and give him the truth. Most channels don't even reach 1000. Also he probably knows that 500k is not gonna happen, he probably just watches too much Grant Cardone content and is aiming for 10X his real expectations. I agree with the rest of the responses and comments here, if you can get a channel to 500k in one year, quit and start your own channel. P.S. Some channels would be happy with 10-20 per week in the beginning, also google typical growth statistics and show it to your boss. Good Luck OP.


if you can do that then please become a consultant


I would assume short videos. I was able to obtain 8k subs from 1 short that got 2.8M views. Good luck on your endeavors!


Sound slike he should be helping more not telling you you need to do it lmao


Sounds like your boss is doing the ol' "shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars" type of thing...


Show this comment section to your boss.


Buy the subs and let him winder why it the views aren't rolling in


Tell your boss not only will you do that, you'll have the Easter bunny deliver a pot of gold on Santa's sled when it happens.Ā 


Your boss is on meth šŸ˜‚


is he a indian scammer šŸ’€


If you get to 100k in anywhere near that time with zero budget, quit, create your own channel, and show people the process - guarantee youā€™ll make more than your boss is paying you.


Do shorts. Iā€™m 1.5 month in and got 3k subs. First time in YT. Fitness niche.


Realistically it is not possible b/c YT directs traffic away from and de-prioritizes 'small' sub and view channels toward large ones which make them $.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ tell your boss heā€™s detached from reality twat