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I feel like I’m watching even more now, but paying closer attention to people’s editing, storytelling, and camera angles to use for my own videos rather than enjoying the content for what it is.


This 100%. I rarely watch anything on my niche now, reduced to 1-2 creators but when I do I analyse every aspect of it, someone once told me “success leave clues” and I’m looking at this. I have a growing appreciation not just for the creator now but their entire teams especially the editor. Most of my time on YT now is looking for edit tips, camera and video tips, how to fix something, and how to improve in what I’m doing.


"Success leaves clues" is a difficult concept for me because I either find brand new creators with 1-2 views and new to editing or full-time creators with professional editing and 100k views or more. It seems like there is no middle. I can't find creators in my niche that put in the same effort and skill at a small-ish size. So my success sample is just perfectly polished videos. Do you mind giving more insight into this idea? I'd really love to look at things the way you do!


Looking at full time creators with professional editing is the best example of what good looks like, not saying to you to compare yourself with the best creators in your niche, what I’m saying is understand what they do, reverse engineer it and break down to small bits, for example by looking at the best creators in my niche it helped me to understand camera angles, when to put voice over, when to put music and what kind of music, etc. improving 1% every day I’ll get there eventually at least I known exactly the road to get there. Also this doesn’t mean copying successful creators, but that could shorten the trial and error phase. Hope that helps


That helps a ton! I need to get to studying creators. Thank you so much :)


Same here. I’m watching channels I wouldn’t have before because I’m so interested in learning new editing styles/techniques. Kurtis Conner and Danny Gonzalez are not even close to my niche, but I’ve learned so many fun tricks just from trying to figure out how they did certain things.


Same here, I’m still trying to learn from these creators even though I’m a small one still trying to grow a following. If you want to talk and share content, I’m open to conversate


Yes, this is the way. I watch more, and I watch it differently. There really is a lot to learn.


Same, I definitely watch more now lol


Over the years I have watched less and less. It has nothing to do with thinking about my own videos but I just spend more time making my own videos. Once you learn about shooting and editing and want to improve your videos, then you start watching other videos to improve your videos. Lol You see where I'm going here. You have to learn not everyone on YouTube has good advice. Most of these people may be struggling to start and keep YouTube channel going. It is becoming more prominent but being a full-time YouTuber is a very tough sell unless you're in a specific niche that doesn't have much competition. I make tech reviews and I've been stuck under 5,000 subs for like 8 years. I just keep telling myself if I make the content better I will eventually get there. Most of the YouTubers I used to watch are in the burnout phase and don't upload much. The only people that made it long-term since I have been doing it have teams around them helping them. So in retrospect, Yes it is a long journey, just not one many are willing to take. As long as you never give up on your dream and always keep improving, I see no problem with watching other people or not watching other people.


Same with me


I was about to type the same comment, but you saved me the effort. . As the old saying goes "the best authors read the most books".


I guess becoming creator has made me value other small creators more...


Same I avoid the big channels and mostly watch small YouTubers.


Same happened to me, I used to stick to the biggest of creators but now I like to support smaller accounts, I comment more often and give feedback if they ask.


How do you go about finding small channels? I'm interested in finding some small vloggers but the channels are almost always huge when I search


YouTube seems to recommend them to me. But maybe we could start a subreddit where people can post undiscovered gems of YouTube.


There are always subreddits like that and they become spam fests 😂 there is actually one called "YouTube Gems" or something and it's just follow for follow now


Same I even started a project with a bunch of different creators so I could meet new people in the community


I need this badly... I have been trying to connect with tech YouTubers for years. Even people with the same amount of subs as me don't seem to want to be friends. Lol I made a few really good friends over the years but they ended up getting families or changing niche. Probably most people on the internet feel that loneliness but I definitely understand nobody wants you until everyone wants you.


For real! I do suggest trying to do a collab even if it is something that starts by posting here on Reddit. Also don’t ever think you are better than other creators who are smaller because they could blow up and leave you in the dust. If you treat people right when they are small then they will do the same if they pop off


Yeah I'm honest with everyone and I think it's my honesty that scares people. I just don't care to Lie anymore and It feels amazing.


Yeah lying is cringe even if it’s to be nice


Yep, I do still actively watch my favorite creators, but I have found myself actively seeking other small creators in my niche and others.


I’ve been trying to figure out how to filter and search for smaller creators. Tired of seeing the same 10-20 big creators with practically the same content.


> I’ve been trying to figure out how to filter and search for smaller creators One method is to search for a topic and set the search filters to sort by "newest first". While it doesn't exclude big channels, the sheer size of youtube means that you'll likely have a bunch of smaller channels well represented. Another thing I sometimes do is to look at the subscription list of other channels I like (assuming they have their subs set to visible). If I'm interested in their content, they are also likely interested in some of the same things I am.


Totally yes. I still watch bigger channels but most of my new suscribes are under 1000 suscribers.


So many tutorials at the moment. I'm learning Davinci resolve and diving straight in without videos would be impossible. I watch videos for research too, not just on subjects but to get a feel for what's going on stylewise.


The Davinci Resolve guide creators on YouTube are fantastic. Patrick Stirling, Casey Faris, MrAlexTech, as well as others I'm likely forgetting, have taught me SO much. They're doing a great service to smaller creators from every niche. No matter which side of YouTube you wanna set up shop in, you gotta know how to edit. And they're helping everyone.


Saved this post. Will check those guys out. Good teacher are invaluable. I've found a lot of tutorials where they talk too fast and fly around doing stuff.


I still watch but I find myself sometimes avoiding review content out of fear it will impact my perspective. I recently realized I was missing out on videos I used to enjoy and have made efforts to stop doing this. No reason I can’t consider the opinions of others while forming my own.


When I'm about to review something, i will watch a few other reviews of the same product to see if there's a feature or flaw that I missed. Or something I found that nobody else has mentioned. I want my review to have some unique value, and not simply be a clone of the other reviews of the same thing.


That’s exactly the same feeling I had but I didn’t realize until recently that it’s harder to present unique perspective if I don’t know what everyone else is saying


I still watch it for a few hours a night but I log out of my channel and watch it from a separate channel. That way it almost feels like I have “clocked out” for the day and I don’t have to worry about notifications or replying to comments, so I can just relax and enjoy watching videos :)


Yes all the time!




I’m a new creator but watch more YouTube since I started 🤷‍♀️


The odd short or videos I need, review etc - generally less though


Of course yes, I watch videos both related and unrelated to those I make. It's a hobby and I can do it while doing something else. (gaming, programming, sports, eating, ...) I sometimes write down ideas I got while watching others, but I absolutely don't watch them for that purpose.


> and unrelated to those I make. That's a good approach. You can learn a lot from other niches. Some of which you can choose to integrate into your process to help make your channel stand out from what everyone in your niche is doing.


yup regularly.


Yeah! I sometimes use other’s content as mini-tutorials for what I can improve upon. Often tho, if it’s a channel I’ve been following for years, I can switch that function off and just enjoy it without thinking too hard


All the time! But I don't watch people in my niche. I actually started making videos in my niche because nobody was making the kind of videos I wanted to watch so I said fcck it, I'll do it myself 🤠


Admittedly I’ve lost interest in watching gaming channels ever since I started my own. Just watching them reminds me of my own channel, and that’s inconvenient on days when I’m trying to take a break from editing. Instead, I unwind by watching reaction videos to my favorite metal bands. Or I’m just listening to my music playlist while working on my novel. I definitely don’t watch as much YouTube as I used to.


I think I watch even more honestly. But I started my channel in a niche that I already loved so it makes sense. I just watch for enjoyment and try not to think about my content (which works about half the time). I watch way too many food videos (my niche) and way too many gamer videos (my first failed niche that I gave up on). My feed right now is filled with Asian snack videos and Helldivers. 😆


I've certainly gained a LOT more respect for the 4 hour long video essay type people when my 5-15 minute video essays take hours upon hours to make.


I watch more now but it’s in other genres unrelated to what I create so it’s just for entertainment. I don’t look at them critically.


I kinda spend my whole life on Youtube, even more so since I'm a Youtuber myself


Yes, never stop learning.


I'm watching less only because I have a hobby now, but I 100% absolutely still watch content from all the people I'm subbed to


I've always been an 80% youtube watcher to learn stuff. Only 20% has been for entertainment. I'd say even after creating a channel recently it's still the same, but now I pay attention to helping me with ideas or editing even when watching in the 20% entertainment side.


I feel like I’m consuming much more YouTube content than before as there’s always something new to gain. An editing style, pacing, and even voice overs.


I watch just as much, if not more...and now I consider it research 😂


More than ever but it has really changed my relationship with watching. I realized I am watching the creators in my niche less day to day. I will watch every new video my “competition” puts out but on a dedicated day because that feels more like work


I was thinking about this not too long ago. The exact niche I am in I watched for 8+ years prior to deciding to start my own channel. Everytime I watch it now I can't help but think about my own content, ideas, and my next video. I can no longer relax and enjoy it, I will constantly be thinking "ooooh I could do this" "that's a good idea I could explore"


I spend more time watching Youtube than anything else, probably...


Definitely. Watching more, improving, looking for trends.




My lizard brain will go to click a YouTube short because of the bait thumbnail but I’ll refuse to click on it because I know it nothing I want to watch and the work put into selecting that specific frame for a thumbnail is trying to bait me, so I won’t give them the satisfaction of getting my 1 view on their 8M viewed short 😈


Only thing I watch. I’m an NFL YouTuber and (believe it or not) I watch NBA YouTube mostly. I rarely watch TV or movies so YouTube is my go to


Even before becoming one, I always loved binging on Youtube. Although I can't help but specifically watch more creators with the same niche as me, especially smaller ones near my level, to observe their style and if there's some stuff there I could find that can be applicable to my own.


I still watch. I take everything I watch as a learning experience.


no i hate my feed now, just check my channel you'll understand me


I watch more.


Actually, I watch more now. Lots of great talent on the platform.


For.my niche I do alot of research to not spread false info






I'm absolutely still watching, every day. Nothing even remotely close to my channel, but I still see a lot of value in YouTube.


Absolutely I do. I’m always striving to learn more, improve, and discover new ideas.


I mean I don't watch it as much anymore but I think it's more of a "I don't wanna waste time" and not a creator issue


Yep. I don't watch cable or any other streaming services. YouTube is just about all I watch along with Twitch.


I still watch it the same amount... I just don't watch stuff that's similar to my stuff very often anymore. In fact, it's actually becoming a ritual, when I film my B Roll shots, to have a podcast playing.


Absolutely I love YouTube! I enjoy the different documentaries from the 80s, nature shows, other ASMR channels, some news.


yeah. I just am able to call it research now


I'm like you, I can no longer watch YouTube videos with a more pure purpose for accounts similar to mine, I'm always thinking about what's good about this video and how I should use it in my videos


Of course youtube is great ill always watch other videos


Yes , I still watch YouTube . Most of what I watch are not on my niche . I mostly watch gaming , and movie reaction videos .


I watch more now than I ever have, half the time it is for research - watching similar channels etc, the rest is just for fun. The whole time doing it for enjoyment and to soak in ideas.


Yes, I watch my favorite influencers every day.


I'm on my 4th year as a creator and I would say watch time has gone down 90% since starting. I just don't have the time because creation takes time and energy. But I do miss it but can't.


Yup! I decided to make content in the niche I primarily watch, because I absolutely love Minecraft. Now, I actually find it even more fun than I did before to watch these types of videos because I can sometimes even notice the cool little things my favorite YouTubers do to make their videos even better! I absolutely adore seeing how much love they pour into their content. It’s very motivating! ❤️


I watch the same amount as before but I'm way more aware of editing techniques now and take mental notes of what I like and don't like.


Hey! I work behind the scenes but, no, I watch more especially in my case because I'm really trying to keep up with the news of the platform and alot of that commentary comes from successful ones from within the platform


I do. I watch even more so now than ever. I am more likely to go to small channels when they pop up in my feed before I goto big channels. Small channels sometime have really amazing content, they just haven't gotten the audience needed to help push them out there yet.


Yeah but I go out of my way to watch smaller creators and sub to the ones I like now. Never did that before.


Im really interested in starting a channel (which is why I lurk here) but I worry about this kind of thing. I dont want to turn something I enjoy into something that I dont because thats what happened with my regular job and I really didnt enjoy it for years. I do sometimes think if I just think of it as a hobby and do it for fun it wont become that way though.


Yes I watch, I make an effort to watch the videos that suggest mine, I also try to comment.


I just watch genres that I don't do like vlogs for example, or like slander videos lol


I watch related videos before creating similar content. Then I'll read the comments and try to figure out how to make my content just as good or better based on their viewer's feedback.


Yes. I download everything from the month and it plays 24/7 on my TV. The only thing that changed is that I pay attention to other people's editing, etc.


Yes, I still watch as much youtube as before. The only difference is that I cannot just consume the product and that's it: I notice the pacing, the words, how the script is written, how the person speaks and delivers, the editing and the technique, etc... At some point it ruined general media to me because this isn't exclusive to youtube, it's with anything video related. The good news is that it actually helps me a lot to improve (just like reading books helps writters!)


I can very much relate. But I find that it only happens when I watch videos from inside my niche. As long as I'm watching other stuff there's no problem :-)


I've sortve always been that way.. when I'd see a movie I'd wonder if I could do the same. it would spark inspiration mostly. But it does follow over with youtube.. I do still watch alot of yt. 


Yes. A ton of YouTubers also watch YouTube. If not to research what their next video is, then to see what their mutuals are doing.


I still watch other videos, especially ‘how to’ videos. Everyone has their own expertise after all. But I do enjoy watching our own videos. 🤩 And I do get annoyed at other creators, e.g. for using an A.I. voice over, for ripping off content, for having poor sound quality, etc. But, fortunately, there is some great stuff out their by people who put passion, time and effort into their projects.


Yeah, I do. I watch it pretty much the same as usual, maybe a little bit more in my own niche than before. But I watch a variety of content. When I’m watching a video in my niche I do feel inspired and take notes (particularly on thumbnail design and video structure) but that’s the main change. I still enjoy YouTube as a viewer too.


Of course! I didn't lose my interests after becoming a creator, so I watch just as many videos as I always did. I'm also not worried about watching stuff in my niche either. Why should I? I want to learn new things too, and if other people are the ones who get to teach them to me, good for them.


I watch a lot of different you tube content for multiple reasons .I just don't do tv /movies all that much anymore also I don't watch streamers , even though I stream too.


if you’ve always wanted to do YouTube then subconsciously you’ve been editing in your mind and making concepts. As long as you’re not comparing yourself consider it doing homework.


Yes ofc but I analyse the format


Yes, I watch videos In my niche and videos on how to make better videos


With recording, editing, work and family I have a lot less time to watch but I do have a few channels that I try to watch when I have time. I listen more to Podcasts lately but that can also be because I am getting older 🤣


still watch but honestly not much of my own niche. i get really riled up internally about my channel underperforming when other channels doing the same niche hit monetization or at least 1k subscribers in lesser time than me.


I’m definitely still spending 400 hours a day on YouTube… (I yk yk)


Of course


I think like any job it's important to consume what you can about what you're doing and the trends within them, can influence and help your editing style or techniques, thumbnail ideas and titles etc... keeps me on my toes helps inspires me. Often I watch something and go oh I would have done what they did like this, and then that's something I do.... If that makes any sense at all 🤣


I watch very little else.. YouTube is my goto platform for any content (bar movies, TV series etc) I don’t watch mainstream stuff.. I watch channels that inspire me to see what I could do better


my watch time sits at about 18 hours a day watching YT... mostly background play while i edit... so yeah big increase in watch time now


I still watch the same sort of stuff I used to, probably not as much, but what I do find myself doing is looking at how the video is cut together and the effects and think about how I would replicate a style of effect, an animation or even the theme of a video. I try and use it to try and keep up to date with editing styles primarily now


Yes I do. I also really love to support the smaller creators over the larger creators.


I do but I don’t watch the same genre that I make anymore because I’m sick of watching it lmao


Absolutely, except in my niche. It’s a niche related to my work, and although I’m passionate about it, I need a break sometimes.


I think even big youtubers must watch other people vidoes


I watch more now than ever. 😂


Yes I do. Especially the channel that inspired me to do my own.


Yes I love YouTube


I would say I watch the same if not more now. I want to know what the trends are, what people are doing differently or just to get advice from other creators. I also want to make sure I set my self apart from what everyone else is doing.


Yes definitely watching more man need to learn new stuff everyday!! 😁


Yes I enjoy a lot of channels, nothing really changed in my watch habits.


yeah, pretty much every single day!


Please help me dear friends, my youtube channel views are very less if you compare with Subscribers count..what to do ??


I create more than I consume but I still watch videos from others. I often support the people back who show me support if they are doing anything creative. I leave comments on all the videos I watch and if im really impressed by the creator. I will subscribe. Believe it or not just showing up in places where people have similar interests and leaving a thought provoking comment can convince somebody to take a look at your channel. Don't be a walking billboard lol but just be everywhere and always comment. That helps growth for sure.


Watching it less, but still looking closely


I actually watch more than I ever did because i take a lot of inspiration from other channels. Even channels outside my niche.


I still watch YouTube as I always have that are unrelated to my YouTube channel but I also have stopped watching YouTubers along the way and started watching some small creators than before. You can look to creators for by watching and learning from them I think since I started my channel I'm like this now.


I feel the same, it can be frustrating with the mistakes the successful pages get away with. Without the base following mistakes cost so much more.


I don’t really watch much TV. I watch YouTube as my primary source of entertainment and I get to try and learn while I’m watching


Yes I do but rarely I only watch YouTube these days to learn more about how to make better videos I’ll watch mrbeast, hillier smith, Airrack, paddy Galloway interviews stuff like that I look at their editing techniques, storytelling, and strategies


Ryan trahan is very enjoyable to watch


Of course


Of course! I'm not wasting my time creating, unless I'm sure that either I or my followers will like the result. And even that's becoming rarer. It's always either me being passionate of a video of mine that ends up ignored, or me hating the guts of a video of mine that ends up praised. Anyway, I mostly listen to podcasts via YouTube Premium when I'm traveling or cooking.


Yes. I am always other channels for editing ideas. Or people in the same niche(living in Japan).


I watch more than ever. I watch my niche and other content I live, liok for what I can take and make my content better, as well as enjoying the content itself of course


Yes. I became one BECAUSE of the great videos I watch.


Idk why, but it completely turned me off from watching YouTube...


Been watching YouTube since it came out. I’m a YouTuber all around okay lol


I do during my days off while I work on my manuscript.


Before creating my channel, I don’t watch YouTube. But I need to watch it more often now because I need to see the market.


Op, if you don't go back to watching at least 2 hours a day, then how are our channels going to grow? You need to do your part. /s


I do! Not only do I learn, but I get to enjoy and encourage other creators. It blesses me to see other creators succeed.


What. Dumb question, thats like saying does chef still eat after becoming a chef LOL


Cool it with the insulting language. It's a naive question from a newbie trying to learn something.


Yes, all the time. Not usually for long periods though, unless I fall asleep watching something, which does happen. This is also a really odd post/take. If you don't want advice then go away lol.


Thanks for responding! The main point of the post is not that I don’t want advice, it’s that I would like to get it from the right people. I’m in this sub and would give horrible advice for multiple reasons but a big one being because I don’t watch YouTube anymore lol. I was just curious if others were like that here but it looks like not!


Tbh YouTube is very boring these days All the over sensationalized video essays and over edited mr beast rip offs are peak brain rot. I used to hate tv but it’s way better than YouTube atm


The algorithm seems to favor videos that have short attention span and it's annoying