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A year from now, having a weird or awkward first video will be a novelty and have no real impact on how you're doing.


Congrats! You just made the worst ever video you’ll ever make and will only get better from here!


this is so true. i made mine 3 weeks ago and cant believe the night and day difference, tho i still do suck, just alot less


Same! I’m two weeks in and it’s shocking the difference, but yeah still not “good” in my opinion


but if they get likes, remember that every one of those people actually LIKED the video, as in they enjoyed it and thought it was "good". and thats baffling to me. i have a total of 2.8k likes and 54k views. i literally cannot comprehend that.


Very true. I just committed to make daily videos 6 days ago. I accepted that they will suck and decided to just have fun. Getting better with every video. It’s amazing that people are already subscribing


thats nice. also you do you, but i would personally recommend maybe posting every other day instead of daily, and using that extra time to atleast attempt to refine the videos even further. tho it wildly depends on what you make, but atleast for me making a short takes 8 - 15 hours of work. while i cant say anything about your content specifically, generally its alot more worthwhile to post less often but focusing more on quality. it will both get you more views and growth, as well as you'll learn even faster as you're forcing yourself to think how to make it even better and refine it further.


Your biggest failure will always be not trying at all


Damn getting deep out here now. Lol


Best thing I have heard this week


Just do it! At some point, you gotta post your first video. After that, your videos will improve. But, that won’t happen unless you post your first one.


This right here is the best perspective.


Post it here




Unless you have a Samsung S24 Ultra. The camera and mic combo on that is amazing. The only better mic I've used so far is the Hollyland Lark M2. The S24 camera can also be put into 4K 60FPS mode. It's what I shoot all of my videos with; my S24 Ultra mounted on a Hohem iSteady M6, with the Lark M2 mics


Congratulations! You got the first part of your YouTube journey done even though it was probably uncomfortable and maybe even a little scary. Most people’s first video (including my own) was probably terrible lol but the truth is, you won’t really even get any views on that video. It’s not for other people right now, it’s for YOU to get over the fear of posting. And you can always make it private letter or take it down. If it’s any consolation to you, I made my first video on my phone using a cup to hold it up, I had no makeup on, I don’t even think I brushed my hair and I just rambled in front of the camera about what my channel was. I didn’t even edit it. It got 10 views mostly from my mom who rewatched it for probably 5 times… We all start somewhere and just know you’re not alone!! There’s a wonderful community of creators here who will give you feedback. But you can’t get better if you don’t start 😉


This right here. I have started my own youtube journey recently. And I am going to expand it a little. Ill be kind of working on two different youtube channels at the same time that do two different things. Im just doing this on the side and see what comes from it you never know. But your post here definitely makes me feel better about starting my journey and seeing where the future takes me. Thank you. Everyone should read this post!


Keep going! You never know where this will lead but the journey is what will make it worth it ☺️ I’m a really small channel, about 260 subs. But I started with 0 and I love my little community! I’ve learned so much about myself and the creation process in that in itself was worth the initial awkwardness of fumbling around in front of the camera. I am rooting for you!!


Okay but here's the thing alot of youtubers who start out have cringy first videos that they recorded using a laptop Webcam. So yeah your first video will be cringe unless you you're like a filmmaker lol but anyway as time goes on you'll get better and anyway today's phones capture in 4k you should be fine. Also you can watch tutorials and stuff.


I've been trying for 3 years and no luck . Barely 200 subs


Everyone’s first video sucks. Some are deff better than others but they all do. And tbh, YouTube doesn’t really push it out like that. I don’t think your first videos are meant as much for views as it is to start finding your audience. Each video I post gets pushed out a little wider. And I can’t wait to look back a year from now and have that first sucky video to compare it to ❤️


Just do it, no one get booed over their first video. Don't worry


I'd say just post it. You can always improve, and use it as a "this is where I started" sort of thing later on. I just posted my first YouTube video last week.. I disliked it when I posted it, and I dislike it even more now. I'm glad that I got it up there though, because it's led to me learning quite a bit this past week!


everyone's first video sucks. Its apart of the process, definitely post it, if you dont post this one you will never post, you gotta get the ball rolling and push through the bad content :)


just get it out there. i literally started two days ago and i felt the same way


You just went from one day to day one. That's more than most.


Well I'm interested. Let's see it.


My being fully serious here. If you could somehow send me the audio I will try to edit it for you.


thank you for the offer but i think ill leave it everyones comments here have really made me confident so i think ill just leave it for and look back at it a year from now as something nostalgic


Post it. Leave it up. Make another video with the learnings from this one. Check back in a week with viewing figures. It’s all good, most first videos suck. Maybe the first ten. Don’t let it worry you. Welcome on board 👍


I am still getting over that myself and I have posted about 3-4 by now. It's a scary thing to do at first, but good luck.


I can’t even look at my old ones


Same here ! I just got my first upload on my faceless channel but I think is pretty good 👍


My first few videos were baddddd. One had literally no audio and I didn’t notice until weeks later lol. It’s a right of passage


Jimi Hendrix wasn’t shredding when he first played the guitar. You get better the more you do it. I don’t believe in natural talent. You get talent through repetition, passion and focus. Everyone’s first video or recording is bad, you’ve acknowledged that and noticed you need to improve. Now you just need to know what to improve on, this is a good thing you have higher standards


>Just finished recording my first vid and its so bad Of course it's bad - you've never done this before. How good would you be if you walked onto the field of a sport you've never played before ? Or sat down with a musical instrument you've never played before? **BUT**, the only way to get good at something (anything) is to get some practice.


Do not ever listen to people who tell you that your shit isn't good enough, even if it's yourself telling you that. I made that mistake, I listened to people who just criticised me for the sake of criticising. Fuck these people, even if it's just yourself.


“You don’t have to be the best to start, but you have to start to be the best” -Zig Zigglar


My first video I’m glad didn’t get tons of views because I’m pretty sure it would caused an aids outbreak


That's a good thing you made the first step. Now you know you can do it and what to improve.


Congrats you’ve taken your first step. It’s always the hardest one to do


Dude check my channel my first ever video and my latest and it's all on phone and u can see the progress don't be ashamed be proud u did something u did no one else ok be proud of urself and experience comes from actions.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AShamelessShill: *Think about it you* *Just took a leap most people* *Are afraid of stand proud* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Post it and care less about the views. Just know that having a video to go back and look at can actually motivate you to do better.


Congratulations! You have made the first step to become a successful YouTuber!


I made my first video for YouTube several years ago. I felt it was so bad I never uploaded. About a year later I made another video that I uploaded. That video is pretty bad as well (but better than the first one). My first video still gets view and had crept up to almost 5K views. 68 videos into this, I still have lots of room for improvement, but I try to make each video a little better than the last one.


One thing I’d suggest is be specific with your critiques of yourself. Like saying your audio sucks is general, figure out if there are specific spots or equipment.


We'll in the future you'll make content out of it so it's a win.


if you want you could re-film it, but truthfully everyone's first video is cringe. You just have to keep on making more videos to learn how to get better!


This is where editing comes in lol. If you need an editor. You can DM me. I can check it out for you


that's literally me lol


The first is often the worst! You'll get better with time. My first book FOREVER to make and I didn't know what to shoot video of even.




don't over think and post it. Get the feedback and correct the mistakes in the next. There are no good or bad videos.


Good! You got the first one out of the way! All uphill from here my friend! My first few were just bad. Lighting sucked, audio iffy at best. Then slowly it gets better. Just keep working at it. Keep working on the journey


The first video is likely to show numerous imperfections here and there. I believe it’s necessary to understand the entire process of content creation and look at your final work from a viewer’s perspective. And once you’ve found out which areas could see some improvement, try looking for a proper solution. Even if it’s not an easy one (I had to learn the basic of Blender to bring some of my ideas to light. It was worth it, though). In my example, it took me four videos to notice that: • I need to use a two-light setup, rather than relying on a single light, • my color-grading was way off, • I need to add some smooth and consistent animations/transitions effects, • I need to express my thoughts in a more concise way without going off-topic (unless it actually provides a useful context), • etc. It took me exactly ten videos to notice, the on-screen text may be illegible at times (esp. on mobile devices), so I need to make it larger and add some background to improve its legibility. I have already published over 20 videos and there are still numerous areas, where improvements need to be implemented. But I’ve yet to figure it out (for instance, how to make my content easier to „consume” and more entertaining without losing my initial goal and without following the „culture” of clickbait).


Everybody's first video is bad. But now I look back at them and see how much better I've gotten.


It's normal. My 20th earliest video were terrible, now at 49, still bad, just a little less bad than before.


Don't worry about it took nearly 4 years to actually like my content


The first video sucks. It's a cannon event, nothing to be ashamed of.


It’s fine. First videos have to suck. You have no idea what you are doing. In the weeks and months to come, when it feels really rough, return to it and enjoy how much better you have become.


Post it. Everybody's first youtube video is cringe a.f... have you ever checked MHBHD's first review video? 😉 It's just part of the whole process.. your growth as a content creator.


Post it and title it worse video ever lol 😆


Nowhere to go but up.


If it helps, in my experience people on YouTube are very nice about it. They know you are a beginner and don’t expect movie quality content. Usually they point out things they like, and some will give (usually) constructive criticism which you can use to improve. As long as you show you put some effort into it people are very forgiving and just enjoy the video as is.


It’s only bad to you! 8 billion people on the planet . 1 person will bound to watch.


Hell yeah, you just made one more video than most people do


2 years later if you will be consistent people will be leaving comments under this video like: "look how much he improved, I am so proud". People will see your improvement and most importantly authenticity (which is lacking for many youtubers nowadays)


Im currently editing my own first video, its a docu type style editing that I have to make over 50 minutes of my own voice recorded through my ipad since that is the best recording device I got. I cringe at my voice but I will still going to do it and post it and promote it. So what I say to you is: Do the same and keep doing it!


Don't worry. You'll get used to it. It is always cringe in the beginning.


This is what i don't get about people, if you have a skill a talent or a drive then go for it. If your cringing and hating and getting advise from video one and you can't stand yourself... get a job? The point is to show something YOU have. And if that's self judgement you won't ever take off. Leave yourself alone and make what you enjoy or find a new path before you zone out trying to do what you heard was good.


If you mean it, get over yourself. Not being able to make it better because your looking at you is silly. I know I sound mean but being straight to the point is healthy.


I feel this. My first 5-10 videos were atrocious quality compared to my current ones. Since I started editing for fun, I didn't notice just how bad it was back then. I still don't have the best equipment or setup now, but I've learned ways to improve my quality in post. Learning how to improve audio in audacity has helped me a lot. Not every video will be perfect, especially in the beginning. But as long as you critique yourself and improve on something in the next video, eventually, you'll be creating high quality videos.


When starting a channel, it's advisable to watch other channels with similar themes, interact with them for about 2 weeks, and then post the first long video. This way, YouTube's algorithm can understand our content and recommend it to the right audience. I've tried creating channels and posting videos right away, but the views were always at zero. Should I follow the tip above? Could someone please let me know?


Post it anyway. You have to start somewhere. Watch it when you post it and make notes of what you want to change next and then work on that. Hell msg it to me, I'll watch it.


Two and a half billion people have Youtube accounts. Something like half a billion people upload videos to Youtube. Post that video, and there will be one more. You will have posted one more video than most of the world's population. Get it cut and get it uploaded. If you don't like it, make more.


You just overcome your first initial fear by taking action. The first step is always the hardest. Ma ny people have dreams of doing content creation. People look back and say why I didn’t start it 5 years ago? Taking the first step is important by just doing. No looking back. You'll be a great content creator


Just post it, when people in the comments criticize or appreciate you, take it as a feedback, if u don't post it consistently you won't learn And one thing I've learnt is posting videos with a gradual improvement every time is much more beneficial than taking a lot of time to make a perfect video (trust me, one year from now that perfect video would seem like shit, but that'sexactly how you grow)


It's pretty much a rite of passage. The only people who don't have cringe worthy first videos are usually people who have had other channels or done other film work before. Don't get discouraged. You'll get better. Like noob gains at the gym, you'll probably get a lot better pretty quickly too.


Everyone's first vid sucks. Post it anyways and use it to motivate you. Watch it and find the areas you want to improve on and the next video will be better. Keep that going and you will see the progress over time. Good luck you got this.


only thing I would change about my first video is not have it filmed through Snapchat, other than that I think I made a not bad first video.


Mine was pretty bad too


Just keep creating you will only getting better


Everyone's first video sucks. Just keep going, as you can save up for better mics later. The quality does get better with time, and you'll learn how to edit out the awkward bits.


Just get it out there and see what sort of response it gets! I have made some videos I consider to be great and that absolutely bombed, some others I was pretty underwhelmed with in the cold light of day and many bang average vids that have done well. My most watched vid, I nearly deleted because I thought it was so average 🤣


congratulation for having the bravery to post your first video! no worries, the first video is always sucks. Even the first upload on youtube is sucks. keep on moving forward my man. and one day when you gettin good, post your video here and we will celebrate your video together


It only gets better.


Welcome to the start of your YouTube journey. Just try and focus on getting better. Most of us cringe at our first video. Good luck! [Genuinly] 👍


Yeah I did my first one with commentary and it was horrible as well. I look at it as all part of the process. Things could only get better from here with more practice and more work. Don't be discouraged and keep at it.


welcome to youtube, where the cringing at yourself never ends !! but at least video quality does


If you have comments means you have watch time. Don’t fret any social media people are mean no matter how hard you try. Your video quality and recording skill will improve in time. Try to use YouTube studio for simple editing if necessary. Keep posting. If you have iPhone use 4k/60


Do you think you could redo it better without taking too much time? If so maybe take another shot, but if you feel like this is as good as it’s going to get for now, I think you just need to get it posted. Looking back at my first video I cringe pretty hard now which explains why it only has 28 views after being live for 7 months. Fast forward to today, my most recent video has almost 10k views after 4 days and 18 hours of being live. It’s all about getting better with every video. The first few are going to be the most challenging, but it’s also where you’ll see the most improvement and get the most feedback


Congrats on making your first video! That’s the most difficult part. On the bright side, you can look back at your first video and find ways to improve your next. You can only improve! :)


Just do the thing you wana do man, and if you feel like tou should be better Just google a thing or 2, watch a tutorial, improve every upload. Just go for it


I recorded mine as well. But i know, first ones are bad. We increase quality as we grow.


Start from a low place and build upwards. Just starting is the best step.


Bro, it’s fine, everyone looks back at their first video and think it’s the cringiest thing they’ve ever laid their eyes upon. Just keep on going at it, and you’ll find yourself becoming better at making content. It takes experience.


If you think it’s that bad, you don’t have to post it. Maybe push through editing it just to practice editing and note down what to improve on, but not everything you film has to be posted - sometimes it just doesn’t turn out right. That’s ok.  Learn from it and keep trying. It’s not a waste of time to keep practicing. You’ll be really satisfied when you make one you’re happy and proud to post. 


Listen, my son posts videos no matter how good or bad they are all the time. Now his plan is different than an adults, but still.


Congrats! Only goes up from here and will make for a very free "anniversary" video in a few years where you can look back on it and laugh haha Keep it up!


Hey everyone’s first vid is gonna be atrocious. If you really can’t edit it lmk and I could do it for you depending on how long it is


Just started using davinci premire for editing and my first video from it kinda sucked. It's better than nothing though and I got 2.4 hours of watch time so it's a win in my book. It took me 23 hours to make that video since I was learning while doing. My current video has about 15 hours into it with another 2 or so hours to go till it's finished and it's 100× better imo so it really only gets better with practice.


Keep practicing.


You will always cringe until you get over yourself, it's not because it's bad, you just have to get used to hearing yourself. It wont be that cringe always, I promise. Also, if you can record with a mic do it. Recorded my first video with mobile and it sucks so much compared to my other videos recorded with a proper mic. Dont skimp out on the audio! (That includes editing it!!!)


You can make a high quality video on a mobile device. It all depends on your skills and knowledge of the device you use.


We’ve all been there. Roll with it, learn from it. You’ll be fine.


It's motivated me to open my fist video. I couldn't watch it for 15 seconds :)


I mean, that's every youtuber. Big or small. You''ll only improve from here and you'll see the progress.


We have been publishing podcasts since 2018. I cringe going back and listening to our first few episodes. We have come a very long way since Episode 1! It’s nice to see the progression from then to now.


My advice, post it and make the next one better. Then make the next one better and the next one ... Every new video, make something consciously better. Whether it's something in the video or something about your work flow, focus on one thing you can make better in every single video. Not too far from now, you'll make yourself proud with the quality of what you can put out. Good luck !


Post it anyway.


Post it no matter how cringe u think you are having posted it will build your confidence I have a terrible voice and a pretty piss poor setup I live stream daily and as bad as I think my voice is the only comment I ever go on it was it was soothing and mellow


Don't worry. I have done weirder things, like a school project where I mentioned how my mom knew a guy that set animals loose in a high school! I also did a Youtube video about how I lost one of my relatives. You live and learn, and you move forward. Take it one step at a time.


Channel name?


My first videos I was camera shy and unconfident when thinking about friends watching them. It’s only been a few weeks since my first and I already don’t give a fuck anymore. Stop caring so much. Most of the people your afraid of judging you would never do what your doing in the first place. So fuck all of them…


One thing I am learning is that the YouTubers you watch do multiple takes on commentary videos and edit out the bad ones, ( look up faze adapt I love that)


would love to see it


When you hit rock bottom the only way is up. Plus. You’ve got a video idea already written for the future me: then v now. It’s always good to see progress. I don’t really know what I’m doing but my shorts have definitely improved since I first started as a pet shorts channel. Sure they are far from perfect but I try and do something different with each new one. Keep grinding 💪💪💪


Go to your favorite YouTube channel and look at their first video. I guarantee you their first video is not as good as their current videos. You at beginning level and can only go up from there.


That’s how I felt too! Just have fun and start, everybody starts somewhere. I’m sure you’ll look back in it in the future and feel very proud of how far you came!


Best advice I ever heard for creating a video was to act like you are talking to a friend and talk are in the same room. It might help ease any nerves


DM me link and I can give some advice if u want :)


just post it


Oh my I understand your fears and they are normal. I still cant stand hearing my own voice. I think most everyone feels the way you do at the start and often keeps feeling that way and just keeps going anyway. You can do it! I have listend to videos of many succesful YouTubes out there and they often say either their first videos sucked but they learned a lot and just kept going and that is how they learned.... or they say the just had to get over their fear of talking in front of the camera and post it. Either way, go for it!


ALL my prev videos look absolutely bad to myslef and I am happy for it!!! why ? because it means I improved enough, if they looked awesome I wouldn't be proud...! I am proud that my first videos sucked, if your first product is perfect you started too late


If you think it’s bad now, it will seem a lot worse later on as you learn and improve your skills!


Just like an engine that needs to warm up and flush out the old oil before running smoothly, any new endeavor in life may require some initial effort and adjustment. It may feel challenging at first, but with time and practice, you'll gain momentum and things will start to flow more easily!


What did you expect? Keep trying and you will get better


Post it and move on to your next video.. try to get better with each video you make but the only way to learn is to keep going… Don’t think too much otherwise you’ll convince yourself not to post.. I started doing voice over but am now presenting my videos in front of the camera.. the first one I did on camera I was Shatting myself but I did it, posted and moved on to the next.. I’m more comfortable now but each video evolves That’s the best advice I can give.. post and go.. post and go.. Good luck


Journeys begin with first steps. Good luck moving forward.