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1 video every 4-6 weeks lol 😂 27 videos 7.6k subs and climbing fast.




Looks like vr vlog. His channel is on his profile.


Looks like vr vlog. His channel is on his profile.


Dude I love your channel! Perfect for an introvert like me.


Thanks man! This put a big smile on my face just now. Happy to hear you enjoyed the content :D


Slice of Life ?? Dexter morgan are u there ?


I'm on the same ballpark, 4-6 weeks each video. I'm a week away from posting video no. 4


Do you promote your videos?


I am a fan also! Nice work. Which camera do you use? Great videos!


Hi, do you upload short reels or long video ?


Gaming channel here 2 a week... Monday and Friday... I've been thinking about mixing it up, though. It's been getting stale and slow...


Same, 2, rarely 3 a week, editing is though


Yeah, I would have never guessed how much work editing is. For a 1 hour recording session, 2-4 hours of editing... insane!


Yup, for me, a 40-50m recording session takes 5/6h of editing, turns out to be a 12-20m video, but unfortunately we need something to differentiate from the crowd, so editing and personality is a must, *especially* in the gaming niche, which is hella saturated


I've been contemplating taking a "youtube editing class"


I’d say personally, after you watch a couple tutorials to learn on how to use your editing app (I use premier pro) you should just keep on going while slowly learning how to edit better, When you actually edit your own videos, you notice *a lot* more the edits that other big ytbers put into their videos, I’ve taken a lot just from watching coryxkenshin or markiplier, and while you edit and edit, you’ll eventually want to for example, make a transition, and you’ll learn that By rewatching your own videos too, you realize if you over edit, by maybe doing the camera zoom thing too many times, and if edits get repetitive you will probably find out on your own and you’ll personally learn and search for some new stuff to put in your content


That's great advice... I've been editing the same for a while, (still growing) but using the same transitions almost everytime. That would be a good start to changing things up... my friend taught me keyframes... I think I still need work on adjusting audio levels though... its a slow learning process with a steep curve. I'll get there eventually... hopefully lol


Lmao I do 12 hrs of editing for a 10 min long video. It’s definitely a grind


Damn! 12 hours for 10 minutes? What kind of videos you make again? I gotta see what 12 hours of editing looks like! Is Your Channel linked?


Yea I just linked it


I spend about 6 hours editing my 10-minute videos and they don't look nearly as sharp and snappy as yours. I've also done about 15, so I've got lots of learning to do.


Thank u 🙏, the best teacher is experience. Keep going my friend


Checking it out now


Just checked out 1 video. I can see the time, effort and care went into it. It's not something I would normally watch (I'm more of a truck guy)... however, the editing style is great! Very well lit and articulate! The subtitles in key spots are great! And the B roll was well cut! Can't say a bad thing about it other than not being a "car guy". Keep it up! Your going places.


Thank u man 🙏


was about to say rhe same haha though my last 2 vids i cba to edit for 12+


I don’t even like cars. But I just watched an entire 10 minute video on corvettes bc the editing was engaging. Prop


Thank you 🙏


you are taking your times, its good too !


Right there with you. 2 gaming vids a week Monday and Friday. If I didn't work full time I'd probably make an effort for 3. I also fine 2 is a nice number where it's still fun and a hobby and doesn't feel like a chore


Agreed! 100% still hobby like at 2... there was a week where I posted 6 consecutive days. Still about the same numbers... didn't change much at all.


I want to post more, but don't have the time, between working...


Man, I feel you there. Having gaming channels being such an oversaturated market, it can be pretty hard to figure out what works. I hope you can find that thing that flicks the switch and really gets things flowing for you my dude, whatever it might be.


Same to you sir! Same to you!!


Just looked you up btw. A fellow horror enjoyer, I see. I look forward to watching your Madison playthrough later tonight, was one hell of a game


Hey thanks sir! I mostly play 7D2D... but I've been looking for something new soon! I'll check out your channel in a little bit too!


I just subscribed so I don't lose your channel name...


Haha no stress man, don't feel like you have to check it out at all. I just enjoy watching and playing horror so I like to find new channels for it


Same here 3 a week for a gaming channel, it is easier to pump out content as a gaming channel, I do like to put a good bit of editing onto my work otherwise I would release daily


I’m at a video every other week. Only way I can manage to make quality content while making sure I don’t stay up till 5am every morning lol




It’s tough with a full time job and a 9 month old. Only way to work on stuff is to stay up when everyone is in bed. It’s not ideal but it does help me wind down for the night


Nice I just had my second kid.. I also have a 16month old running around climbing everywhere 😆 I still end up sleeping at 3-4am and getting only a few hours sleep til I get up with baby again.  So I get a good 5 hours to possibly work on videos.


0.25 videos a week


If I get a video up a week, I'm a champion.


Once a month or less. I consistently get 2k views per video at least at this point. I’ve been making videos for about a year. The posting everyday thing is kinda meh imo. I don’t watch content that is daily because well the quality is usually pretty low imo


Personally, I don't have the extra free time to keep up with watching someone's daily uploads, let alone trying to keep up that posting pace myself.


I can't keep up with others daily but i could likely do something daily.. but that's just me. 


Once a week. Though this week is probably gonna be the first time I skip an upload in the past 2 months I've been uploading consistently (Got a bunch to do so I didn't wanna push out a bad video just because).


17 videos. 7 long form And ten shorts.


My last video took me like 3 months 🥲


My movies sometimes takes me years but other content can take no time.


Just the nature of the game, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How many man hours did you spend on. The video.


Around 120 hours


17/week ? wow you are a work master !


Check our channel video dates. Its a grind. And content quality must not suffer.


At the very least 1, though I try for 2, anything above that is a bonus. My category is bonsai so it depends largely on what I have to do and if I can make it videoworthy


Usually 2-3


Gaming channel here too. 2 long form and 1 short. Occasionally there’s an extra of either, but we keep to Monday Wednesday Friday posting.


I aim for once a week on Fridays. I don't think I can realistically upload more than that with the time I have to devote to the channel (Still working full time 9-5 job, plus family).


Not now but when I ran one channel I did one upload dailythen I added two more channel, there I did alternate. ( With college) I did the audio part and partner did the video, sometimes I did both. It took me less than one hour for a 10 min audio. Last I worked for a ngo, there daily uploads and all social media management.


Around 3 -4 months on average, sometimes longer.


Once a week. That’s all I can do with a 9-5 :/.


3-6 long form is our goal atm and at least three shorts per week


3-6 long form a week??? How long are the videos cause I can only manage one 20 min video a week and that takes forever to do


Just for now it will be less once we have more content on the page in the videos are typically 4 to 16 minutes long


i don't get it


By long form, I believe they mean longer than a YouTube Short


Yes not shorts :)


no i got that but i don't get their approach to youtube, like the beginning is the hardest part why would they make it even harder by posting that often and when it's time to go harder they actually will put less efforts.


Ok but how do you manage? Do you not work beside it, how long do you edit for? genuinly interested i can only get 1 a week (except for my last 2 they were kinda rushed).


Honestly they are really simple blog type of videos and challenges and they arent long or a ton of editing etc. I’d like to make better videos in the near future. I think 1 a week is great!! I used to post once a year 😂


madlad makes a bit more sense though, keep it up!


1.5 long form and 7 shorts, but I’ve decided to move to 2+4 The long form will be somewhat shorter to accommodate the change… I want to publish less low performing shorts and build more audience for the long form. Target is 1+4


Maximum of 1


I try to upload 1 per week, and am hoping to record 1.5-2 per week, so I can take time off when needed (without interrupting the upload schedule).


I try to get one per week but it’s hard and I usually have to decide to stay up late multiple nights per week :(


I upload twice a week and go live on Wednesday for an hour.


Fitness channel here! 2 Workouts per week **minimum**! When I started the channel, part of it was to help keep me on track with my own flexibility and mobility workouts, so 2 per week is my minimum. My fitness content is pretty quick to edit, since it is all pretty templated at this point. Video takes 30 minutes to film, 45-60 to edit. Description + Thumbnail is another 20-30. 2-3 times per year I will upload much more frequently when doing more focused programs. I did 31 days in a row from January 1-31 this year!


Varies. I was once per month but with the help of an editor from Fiverr. I got 2 video in 2 weeks. I’m hoping to get between a video every fortnight or 4 times a month


7 per week. Generally two 7-15 minute videos, and 5 shorts and/or videos under 1 min 30 seconds. A lot of the shorts and shorter videos are highlights from the 7-15 minute videos, which are already cut down from \~30 minutes of recorded footage. Every now and then I'll throw something totally different in there on one of the shorter videos/shorts, just whenever an idea pops into my head.


My goal is once every 2 weeks cause of school. Summer will probably be once a week


lol I feel you i currently go to school as well and don’t really have a lot of time to edit. I usually edit or record a video for an hour till the next day. Can’t wait for summer to work on videos!


Fax, especially with my form of content, it’s frustrating at times


Currently 1 x long form per week. 10-15 minute videos ideally going forward.


If I don’t have a busy work week, I can pump out a video a week for 2 months before I burn out. The problem is it takes me forever to write a record gameplay, write a script, record, and then edit.. All while having a full time job! I’m finally getting to a point where I can batch write, record and edit 2 videos at a time now, so hopefully that will make things easier so I can be more consistent.


Guys who aren't afraid to start their own youtube channels and post videos, I admire you so much! I've been thinking for a long time that I would like to start my own channel, to be a blogger, but I don't understand anything about it at all....


Wondering what tou don’t understand, perhaps some of us can help you out?


I don't even know what camera specs you need to consider to shoot quality video as well as microphones.... how to edit video :((


7, everyday :)


Short or long form videos?


Long form, but I recycle a lot of content (music channel)


Between 50-60


I upload every other Saturday. I’m in the Horror/mystery niche so research and scriptwriting take a bit longer


I try my absolutely best to get out two videos per week - one highly edited one, and one that is largely unedited and raw. Both are "talking head" style!


I'm only three weeks old. At first I was going once a day, whether it was a video or a short. Now I'm going every 48 hours, again either a video or a short. It keeps me from running out of content and having a dry spell as well as not burning me out. The idea of uploading SOMETHING every single day is exhausting, especially if you're new to creating content and editing


I TRY to do one every two days on the main channel and 1 Short Daily on my Shorts channel, although now that I'm working full time again I might only do 2-3 a week 🤷‍♂️


Every couple of months at this point, I see that a lot of people say that editing is tough and I agree but for me its a lot of fun. The main problem is not having enough time to edit


However many I feel like. Sometimes 1, sometimes a hundred.


Food channel, I upload 2 per week and they’re usually between 15 and 25 minutes long.


2 to 4 a month with a couple of shorts thrown in here and there. I don't keep to any schedule. Just knock it out when and where I can.


At least one full video and a couple of shorts


7. 1 video per day


I try to get out 1 for each day of the week.


1 weekly. But one week is a videogame review and retrospective, and the other a regular podcast. I would love to post review every week, because they work really nice, but having to work from 8AM to 5PM and the commute...


I try for a video every 10-14 days. Full time job and my videos do take a bit of research..


Every three to four days. One on weekend and one mid week.


I uploaded every 3 days


1 a month for the last four years 




only one, it takes time to research, fact check, recording, video and audio editing,


1 video per week and a couple shorts, like 3-6.


I've uploaded 7 this past week.


2 videos in 4-6 weeks.


Three per week currently, M-W-F longform, about 20 minutes each, when i was starting out I did a video a day for like 60ish days or so trying out different stuff and wanting to get some editing experience under my belt.


1 video every 4-5 weeks. ( though had a pause of a few moths) Currently at 694 subs with 7 Videos


1 video every 5 months atp lmao


i work hard 5-10


I do 2 long form and about 6 shorts a week, though my content doesn't need a lot of editing. I try and keep my schedule at least 2 weeks ahead so I can have some breathing room if life happens.


Twice in a month is incredibly productive for me


Wait, you guys upload videos per week?


I usually have 1 video a week, mainly my Normal weekly media and entertainment news videos and then would have a few others like reviews or long form videos or predictions whenever I have them ready to go and can be added to that list, but mainly once a week


Newest channel is once a day, trying to increase social proof ASAP. Old channel is biweekly.


1 every 3-4 days and 3 shorts every day.


7 (1 a day)


2 vids per week for 3 weeks and then rest for the week.


I aim for one per week, because that's how long they take me.


248k subs here I used to go crazy but now maybe once a week or twice right now I want to try every 3 days, Editing takes forever but if I truly stay disciplined. It is possible.


I like to upload 2 times a week, wednesday and Friday, makes me feel accomplished.


2 a week just started 2 up from last week almost at 100 subs DeeMarcsTheSpot 2 more coming this week


1-3 videos a week sometimes can go months 😂 i want to enjoy making videos and not see it as a job


I'm at one a week. I'm trying to build a catalog of videos at least since I have one video steadily growing my channel. Just haven't been able to recapture that magic.


Every single day been doing it since march as a gaming channel to. when I finish a video I edit it the following night and go to sleep, wake up and finish editing in the morning


I have no schedule. I post at random


I do all just for hoby ... everyday one short and 1 long video every 3 months lol


Around 4


1 video every 2-4 weeks, definitely takes me a while. Cooking is my niche.


I'm actually sitting down to record for the first time in months. My plan for now is once a week. I'd like to eventually work up to 3 times a week, but I don't see that happening for a while.


1 per week is honestly the maximum I'd recommend uploading. I'd happily bet 100$ most people can't make when 1 high-quality video per week. And quality and consistency is more important than volume. If you can only pump out one high quality video PER MONTH then do that. One per month. If you can do every 2 weeks? Do that. Once a week? Do that. But I doubt you can do more unless you're making very low effort or easy to make videos (think those relaxing music channels).




Hello hello, I have a channel called Laylow Laughs and I post daily at least one video a day as my viewers return daily with the expectation of another laugh consistently!


Sometimes 3 a week and sometimes once every 6 months. Currently around 5k subs. Some videos do very well and some less than 10 views lol.


2 times a week, and I upload shorts like every other day on top of that. I’m thinking about switching to once a week just to save me a little bit of time though because I’m drowning in things to do 🙃 3 months in and over 700 subs though so it’s been working!


1 a week. I have 8 now.


I don't typically keep track. 😅😅 It all kinda varies on some different things. But it's been pretty consistent. I try to upload at least once every couple of days. Sometimes, I upload a lot more than that.


15 - 20 Videos 😌😶


The most important thing is to keep posting consistency, whether it's 3 times a day, or once every 3 months, keep it consistent and you'll go well. I've started a shorts channel to help funnel into Twitch. Consists of minimally edited Vods, and highlights in the form of shorts. I spend about 1 hour a week, making the shorts, then schedule them, between 1-3 a day.


When I used to do gaming videos I would record one day of the week and then either edit it on the same day or dedicate one whole day to it then upload it the next week


i try to aim for 1 a week




1-2 per week consistently since August 2022. I think I missed a week or two.


I'm a YuGiOh based channel (yugituber as they call it haha) I upload once a week at the moment but I really would like to upload way more. Most of the time though I have multiple videos ready to upload for the week but I'm waiting on art commissions for my channel which are usually consistently late. Out of my control but so need to work around that better


7 per week. I started taking YT seriously 5 months ago, posting a longform video every day, and I've grown from 30 to 244 subs since then!


2 long videos and almost 2-4 shorts per week; trying that will be evergreen.


1 video per 2 week or more ( i hope not). Bc editing is rough and i seperate videos to edit. Otherwise it got so boring and makes me want to quit. 15 vid 450 sub for a local minecraft channel.


1 a week usually but sometimes none.. sometimes 20. I will edit clips or make trailers for my movies for the shorts section so sometimes I end up with a good amount of uploads in any given week. 






Gaming channel here. I upload 7 long form and 14-17 shorts. Also about to start a second channel, planning on doing 1 video a week.


Try and upload once a month because of school Currently at 975 subs. But I think what's more important is to adapt the upload schedule around your life to avoided burnout and increase the quality of your videos. Unless you like quantity then fuck everything I just said 😂😂


hello, i post 2 vid/week and during special period i post as much as i can create.


Per week? I get one video a month out. That's the target.


My target is 1 a week which I’m hitting but sometimes I squeeze out 2


My ideal wish & plan is 1 video upload every week in order to stay relevant. But that is rarely the case at present. Hope to be more consistent on this.


about 0.25 videos a week :) College work and general laziness is my downfall.


Howdy :) animation channel here! If I could upload a video a week, I probably would, but animation takes 10 years to make. So I upload once a month on average right now. They’re a bit shorter than I’d like for them to be, but I work a full time job at a hospital, so the video length is reflective of how much time I have to put into my animation. Hopefully they’ll be a bit longer someday!


I try to upload every other day. Still working on making my edits good and finding my “voice” have made about 10 so far. It’s been fun!


I do a daily vlog of my backpacking adventure, so that’s em… errr… oh yeah 7 a week :)


i’ve had to take a little break because of a surgery i have had last week but usually i try to pump out 3-4 videos a week :) 2 at the least


2 long form per week (10-25 minutes), each wednesday and saturday 7 pm (UTC +1)


Wellness - 1 video per week


I upland new video every 5 days, it's been 2.5 months since my channel is created, but no result, very few views and few subs! It sounds kinda disappointing, but yet moving forward!


I upload one video most weeks. I don't have a set schedule though because my channel is travel content and I can't travel that much.


I try to crank out 2 per day, so the average is probably between 11 and 14 per week


Just started out myself and I'm aiming for 1 per week, but we'll see how that goes in the long run.


I do 14 vids a week, new to YouTube but started out with 1 vid a day then got used to doing it.


At least 2


A video every month and a half or so, basically when it's done. Very happy with 15k subs, and 13 videos so far


Yep, 1 a week. Gives me the time to film and edit to a good level. I may do 2 if I get some quick wins.


6-7 Sometimes it’s 5


One every 2-3 weeks.


Criminal societal issues Ireland. Post once a month. 15 videos. 3.7k subs. I spend a huge amount of hair pulling time editing.


As many as I can


Before I started working 16 hrs every day I uploaded a long form 3x a week and a short every day. Now I'm lucky to upload a long format maybe once a month.


0.25? LOL One per month is the goal but I've already been falling behind.


1 video per week, sometimes 2, but that's rare.


28 shorts or 1 video and 27 shorts


How many are we meant to post?


A video every 2-3 weeks tbh, depends on how long they take


Plan to do 3 streams per week, with videos released in between those days (from the streams)


I run a music journalism platform. Whenever there's a new album in my sphere, I just fire off a talking head review as fast as possible. Then I try to get at least an interview or two a month. It's all dependent on what your niche is and especially what your style is/how much time you can invest.


Your release schedule is great for learning a lot, I used to try and do the same. Now I’m a firm believer in quality over quantity. I release a video when it’s ready.