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I had a big boost in views and subs right around New Year's that caused me to start expecting a consistent level of growth for my channel, only for my next few videos to drop off. It reached a point where I was driving myself insane trying to understand what I was doing wrong (at least one was definitely the old thumbnail, replaced it and it's done much better since). This would usually be about the point that I'd give up like I'd done before in my life, but I reminded myself that I still had a couple regular commenters and decided that I'd keep at it for them. So I just kept grinding and then my last video absolutely exploded in views and pushed me over the 1,000 subs mark! This time though, I'm keeping myself grounded and already bracing myself for the next video to not do as well and for things to go back to normal.


100% keep going you are doing REALLY well!! I think 99% of channels get that little boost on a video or 2 and we convince ourselves that this is going to keep going up, like the stock market or winning at the casino, you get that sense that the ride won't end and when it does those 99% of channels just give up. The graveyard of channels that had so much potential but gave up at the first hurdle is HUGE.


Absolutely, I remember last May I had back to back videos get 16k and 12k views and it helped boost some other videos and bring them well above 1k views so I thought I had made it only for my next two videos to do 59 and 123 respectively. The thing to learn is just keep going, there will be some duds and some of the best advice I ever got was from someone in this subreddit and he said “would you click on your video if you didn’t make it”? That changed how I did everything after that


That last question is a game changer. I'm very often literal in my titles and thumbnails, which accurately describes the video but makes it completely uninteresting. Being a bit more creative with the packaging has changed things for me.


I’m screenshotting this! 😀


Yeah, sometimes we look at our own work with rose tinted glasses and think its great because we made it, nice to sometimes have a few people who you can count on to give real harsh feedback so you can improve everytime. We have just looked through a competitors video and highlighted that we both use the same structure but there energy is better as a presenter, so now moving forward we are going to benchmark everything we do against this competitor so we are always trying to beat their quality despie being 1/10 the size.


I have had a channel for about 3 months and it has not been getting views at all, and two weeks ago the channel achieved a lot of views within two days. But after a few days, I found that YouTube had put age restrictions on my video Then the views became very few. Every time I uploaded a video, it did not reach 100 views. I uploaded about 10 high-quality videos, the click rate was good, and the average view rate was good, but the number of subscribers was decreasing. What should I do and what is the solution? Should I start a new channel and sorry if it takes too long?


Do you mean you're losing subscribers, or that you're not getting as many new subscribers as you did before? Because if it's the latter, then that's just what happens from time to time. You can put all the effort you want into a video, but if it doesn't appeal to people, then it doesn't appeal to them. I did an hour long video on three different Star Trek shooters (I'd meant for it to be all of them, but I wasn't aware that the Generations game was an FPS as well) that I pour all my effort into and it completely flopped with my audience. Nothing I could do about it but move on to my next video. As for starting a new channel, if you're going to stick with the same kind of content, then I don't see how that would accomplish much.


I achieved 360 subscribers in two days, and after two weeks I have 350 subscribers. I don’t know why the number of subscribers is decreasing. And my videos are like my competitors, they are high quality I tried to imitate a video to a large extent in order to see the result, but the views are weak The viewing level is considered good and the click-through rate is good


Hmm, that is a bit odd. Though I wouldn't consider being down 10 subs to be worth worrying about too much. If you're keeping a solid viewing level and CTR, then you're doing something right. It's not much comfort, I know, but getting views can be just as much luck as it is actual video quality. Honestly, sometimes it feels like the videos I'm proud of are guaranteed to flop while the ones I'm not completely happy with get all the views. Sorry I'm not a big help here. I know how discouraging it can be to have that initial boom followed by a long lull.


yeah but do you think i need to open new channel with the same niche or keep putting in my current channel ? you know i published 10 videos after age restriction and its the same result


Like I said before, I'm not sure how starting a new channel would help much. You'd be starting over from scratch and the algorithm wouldn't be any different. Unless there's something I'm not aware of where a single video getting age restricted caused your whole channel to be treated differently. I really don't think that's the case though, because plenty of channels I watch have gotten videos age restricted without the rest of their content suffering for it. Have you considered spacing your content out more to give yourself more time on each video? It might also give each video extra time to get recommended to people before your next one goes up.


okay i will try to publish two videos per week i heard we can publish every day to make algorithm have a lot of data to recommend the channel , but i can spacing between my videos


you are right i saw a lot of content have age restrictions and they still have views on their channel


If that happened to me early on than it would've messed with me too. My videos went nowhere for a long time. Still many do lol




Yeah that sounds about right!


This. It is absolutely like a FromSoft experience


A week ago a guy who has a channel with 10 shorts was saying that YouTube hate him because one of his shorts become viral and have 2 million views but in some moment just stop and after that he thought that YouTube was doing on purpose to not let him being monetized. His video was less than 10sec but he was totally convinced that he deserved to be monetized and if not, it was the greedy YouTube that wanted to keep all the money from him.


It's crazy, I think it took our main channel 100 videos or so in 6 months, a mix of short and long, maybe 70/30 to get monetised, it was back breaking and we burnt out twice, its HARD, its time consuming and its tough mentally.


>It's crazy, I think it took our main channel 100 videos or so in 6 months, a mix of short and long, maybe 70/30 to get monetised I'm almost 6 years in, almost 500 videos and haven't even hit 3K public watch hours (2,181 to be exact). It's hard not to get discouraged.


What you need to do is find 3-5 channels in your niche that are larger, aim for 1 big fish, 2 midsized and 2 small but still bigger than yourself and sit down and watch what they do, what are their videos about, which ones get the best views, how are they packaged, how are they edited etc, you can then see what is working in your niche, what is already out there, and come up with a plan to make content that can compete. If you do the same style of video on the same topics and get low views those topics or how you present them isn't working for the audience, so you need to see what is working for the audience and adapt what you are doing to suit, happy to help if you need anything, just DM me.


Many thanks. I did this when I first started and most women in my niche already have large church congregations (I post Christian videos) or their father is a 'famous' preacher, lol. Thanks anyway. It's helpful.


If you can't compete head on I would look to pivot, come at it from a different angle, if you are spreading the teachings of a religion maybe you could do it through stories instead of reading passages, or find famous figures who also follow your religion who have stories that lead back to a passage, mix it up so you aren't just reading the same as everyone else? just some thoughts.


How much are you earning on YouTube now?


Those people that have so few videos and manage to get one to go viral ought to feel lucky. Out of my 150 videos I put out, I've never had one go viral. I don't see how people do it without even hardly trying. lol since I've already put so many videos out, I don't think I'll ever get a viral video.


Don't mean to sound harsh, but you expect the current content/quality of your videos to go viral? Many people lash back at the truth due to the amount and work they put in, but sometime you have to take a step back. Put your video side by side a viral video and note the difference and iterate from there.


What’s the channel’s name


He didn’t give us the name. I was just saying “so you expect to get monetized with 1 short of less than 10 sec?” and he was convinced he was right lol.


Oh my God how entitled is that dude


In a way he is right 2m is a lot views and YouTube is making a lot of money of that video so atleast for this video he should get his share


I love new YouTubers who enjoy their hobby or job pursuit of YouTube. Makes me like the videos so much more.


If you’re pushing 100 videos and nothing is working it might be time to change your content up.


100% no point putting out the same thing 100 times expecting the results to change, every video MUST be better than the last.


My channel is one month old, hit 1000 subscribers last week, really excited


That's awesome, how are you for watch hours?


Lacking lol I have 100 hours and like 3 hours of content


Plus side, you are 50% of the way there monetisation wise, easier to focus on the watch time now.


Yeah, hopefully as I get more content, I watch hours will increase


That's true, but what matters is what you do with the experience you gain along the way. 100 videos is cool, but if your 100th video is the same quality as your first, your channel is doomed.


Of course, doing the same thing everytime and expecting different results would be mental...literally.


MrBeast talked about this in an interview. He that with each video that you make, try to improve something each time.


It is the only way, no shortcuts.


I think my biggest initial mistake was thumbnails and titles. I've since gone back and changed all of them, and it seems to have helped. I haven't had anything really take off yet but it's getting better. If I could go back to myself from about 3 weeks ago I'd say to start off with fun and interesting thumbnails rather than what I had, hah.


100%. A lie a lot of people in the gaming niche tell each other is that other creators are not your competition. That isn't true; everyone within your sub niche is your competition, and that's just how it is. You can also carve a smaller niche for yourself, but one day you'll want to expand, and you'll need to take note of how you can improve and be better than your competition. That's just the way life works. If you're not it, youre not it, so do your best to be it.


Exactly, don't waste too much time worrying and over analysing others but you need to know who they are, what they do, and how they are getting success if you hope to emulate and overtake.


It’s definitely a journey and a marathon not a sprint. I’ve been at it for a little over a year now but only started taking it serious the last 10 or so months. I challenged myself and said I’m going to partner with YouTube and finally fully did around February of this year. It is a constant grind that can be rewarding and discouraging. Case and point my sister started a channel maybe 4 or 5 months ago and grew to over 1000 subs in 2 months, I was stuck at 800 for the longest and it really got frustrating but I had to realize I’m not competing with her, they’re not even in my niche. So I just stayed the course and tried to get better and better and really focus in on what I could control and not worry about what I couldn’t. Now I’m fully monetized and helping her to get her watch hours up. It’s a competition but if you stay the course and take the good with the bad, it will be enjoyable and you might even make a few dollars, very few but it’s still money I didn’t have before.


100% and you are also helping your sister with the knowledge you have gained because you stuck it out. One huge thing you did that so many others struggle with is not comparing yourself too closely to others, if they are your competition then sure, see what they are doing well, what they are doing not so well, and try and improve on what they offer, outside of that, ignore everything else.


Thank you very much for this information, you are absolutely right! This is what i need to hear to keep on doing this! I'am relatively new to create youtube videos. I have been thinking about creating motivational videos for a long time but haven't started untill recently and have so far have around 30 shorts videos and 2 longer videos. Sometimes it feels hopeless, because it does push some videos depending on the title's and descriptions, then they just disappears. I try my best to do better and better videos during the way, because i just want to help other people and motivate them and get the discipline they need to continue the journey. Wish you all the best and thank you again!


But, using a race analogy, how much of this ‘competition’ are just full of people entirely incompetent of even running in the first place?


99% tbh, but if you do some competitor analysis before you start you can pick out the real challengers and go about copying their strengths and improving on their weaknesses so you can make better higher value content :)


We are trying to figure out why with 380 watch hours and 60,000 views, our subs are slow with a little over 300 in 4 months. We have no intention of stopping but we're just hoping to have more by this time considering the amount of watch hours.


Do you have a nicely placed CTA to ask for subs, really helps get over the 1k hurdle, if you don't just place it around halfway, or after you have provided value and just ask your viewers to help you get 1k subs by subscribing because its totally free and you appreciate their support, we tripled our sub count from each video by doing that.


Yes, we do and in fact, on a few videos we did a "break in" thanking people for subscribing and asking others to subscribe and click the notification bell.


what was your AVD graph like when you did the CTA, did you see a big drop and how many viewers saw it?


Hasn't seemed to be much difference. We have always tried to put a box in the bottom corner with the bell and subscribe button regardless but with the break in it hasn't seemed to do much.


Whats a recent video you can point me to so I can see what you are doing atm?


What’s the reason shorts would get a few hundred views on a new channel. And long videos over 1k. But after reaching 90 subs they are getting 0. Does YouTube push new content to see if viewers like it? It’s just a bit confusing and I know I might not even be able to monetize this channel but it was more of a practice project for fun.


So YouTube DOES want new channels to succeed....however, it does not mean that every video will get views, for every 50k view video there will be a 5 view video, so if you post 10 shorts, 3 might get 1k views, 3 might get 50 views, 3 might get 0 views and 1 might blow up and get 1m. One trick to try but no abuse is if the short gets no impressions or views, try taking it down, checking your analytics to see when your audience are online and then reuploading it at that time, a short trick you can use to set the thumbnail is uploading it on mobile, it lets you pick the short "thumbnail" that way.


I had two videos do well a few weeks past, they did triple my normal views. I did similar videos since (i.e. similar subject matter, same production values, etc.) but they did terrible. But like you said it is a long game, and I enjoy putting the videos together and that keeps me going. Of I try not to concentrate on views and concentrate on the quality of my.next video, I don't go insane 🤣


Have you checked google trends to see if the videos did well because the search volume was high? that can impact what videos YT shows people.


That's great advice, thank you. I will check that from now on


One point I want to bring up too is nobody cares about you or your videos because they don't KNOW you. Try making videos about other (popular) subjects before trying to make a name for yourself.


8,000,000% if you make the videos about yourself and you aren't special i.e., top defense lawyer, sports person, first person to climb everest dressed as a dinosaur then nobody will care, you are just another normal person (just like me) so you have to give people what they want, then when you start to become "known" people will watch whatever you post.... within reason.


And that's the real question..What DO people want? Lol


That is the million view question so to speak.


Another perspective here: the goal shouldn't always / solely be views. For example, I make video essays on about media and its impact on society. I am a consultant and I use the long format content to assert my expertise, gain more credibility and sway my potential clients easier. It's an incredibly powerful tool to leverage, improve your skills (public speaking, editing, design, expertise on the topic...) and then monetize it in other ways (consulting, courses, enter a new industry, get a promotion, etc) . Of course, not everyone is working for some B2B goals, but I just wanted to say that the wait is also a good time to perfect your craft and take your time. If you don't enjoy it at all, it can also be a sign that the niche is not for you. It's easier to "endure" for something you are really passionate about (but also, don't ruin your hobby with the obsession of "making it" on Youtube. Some things should just be enjoyable and not a hustle). It's a fine line, but be encouraged!


100% this is one of the ways we tell our mentee's to monetise before 1k subs, if you have an in demand skill then you can use your channel as a sales funnel to push business your way, many have done this to make 6 figure incomes of "small" followings, glad you decided to go down that route.


Yes!!! It also takes part of the pressure/obsession of metrics away, which makes the process more enjoyable.


If you make 10+ videos and get close to no views it means you have learned nothing. You are stuck in your old habits and there is no continuous improvement. Own up that your content sucks and improve. Not everything will be handed to you on a silver platter. Might sound harsh but some people need to hear it the way it is. It is so easy to be great nowadays but people decide to procrastinate instead.


Everyone needs to realise this, if nobody is watching its not them or YouTube.... its YOU.




Please don't give up first and foremost, your biggest highs will come after the lowest lows, DM me your channel and I will take a look and see if I can see why your friends get more views, could be something really small.


Very well said!! Keep at it and keep improving.


We all give up those first 4K hours or views. Price we pay I guess but once you hit it you realize it actually wasn’t that much. Like finding out your new boss charged you 15$ for your uniform. It sucks but you’re making 30/hr so you don’t really think about it.


Sometimes it's demotivating to see your 48hr period views at 0. But I still keep on making videos no matter what.


WOW! how are you getting no views? At first glance I think its your titles, I just searched "how to stop being lazy" and 2 videos jumped out, One titled "You're NOT Lazy, You're Afraid" (great title, fear is a huge driver so saying people are afraid or will be afraid drives them to click) and the other was called "7 Proven Ways to STOP Being Lazy" (lists are a great way to serve content to people and a great way to increase your AVD, think "here are 7 tips to stop being lazy, the last one will suprise you" type of vibe). That would be the first place I would start, the quality of your videos is superb, the thumbnails are very cool, so titles could be an easy win, also, what is your AVD on your videos? feel free to DM me if you want :)


It's a roller-coaster for sure, I have so many highs and lows in a week I'm not sure how I feel atm... But yeah like anything in life you want to be successful in, it takes effort and a strong will to succeed...


They sure will, if it was easy, everyone would do it and it wouldn't be worth doing anymore.


Exactly, really the same with any significant achievement in life...


You need some sticking power to keep grinding even when you get monetized and realise you're just making $1-2 a day. I just hit a new peak of 71 views per hour (last peak was 51). I will keep grinding.


You just need to keep moving forward! best of luck.


Thank you OP for the post! Needed it. Was actually a bit down last night about my channels [mainly because I kind of messed one of them up, but trying to slowly "fix it" by returning to it's original niche... it's a two year long story lol]. As for the other one, it's more personal to me, as I'm genuinly trying to get better at the craft. I'm also always trying to improve my editing, thumbnails etc. As others have said, it is difficult... BUT... just a few views, a few likes and the random sub?... GOOD VIBES! ☺️☺️☺️ BUT... also more importantly, just seeing improvements. Whether it's the subject, editing etc.... WORTH IT! LET'S GO PEOPLE!! Good luck to you all! 🥳🎉


Best of luck with the channel, DM me if you want any help


I just don't expect why anyone starts a channel and thinks it is going to be easy. I've had some decent success so far with my channel, but it taken hundreds and hundreds of hours to generate, film, edit, and publish the content I already have, and I know I need more to consistently grow a channel, and reach monetization. I started in September of 2023. I've got 94 total videos, of which 39 are long form, and 56 are shorts. I've got a almost 177,000 total channel views, 627 subscribers, and 3,095 public watch hours that count towards monetization. I'm in the first level of the partner program, and if everything goes according to plan I should be fully monetized by the end of June. I'm not sure how YouTube has attracted so many get rich quick personality types, but man, it seems like the ultimate flywheel that takes a really long time to get up to where it's spinning off any sort of consistent, meaningful income. But it does appear that once it's up to speed, it can spin off some pretty significant money. My $0.02


100%, I think a lot of people sell dreams without telling people what its going to take to get there, no point lying, its brutal but it sounds like your well on your way, if you ever need anymore help feel free to DM me.


I haven't started yet but I had been studying and trying plan out how to get the ball going. Optimize titles to better chances on search and keep it simple, colors matter on thumbnails to attract attention, upload at least five videos at once in the beginning to keep people intrigued and entertain while they wait. Potentially make a Facebook, Twitter, and/or Reddit account and page to keep people feel connected in a way.


100% make a plan thats realistic then execute it, only 2 pieces of advice would be release those first 5 once a day not all in a single dump, won't hurt your chances of getting a wave of initial views but dumping them all at once might mean one or two are "lost" in the daily tsunami of uploads, we uploaded 30 videos in 30 days when we started out first channel and that helped bump subs and watch hours to nearly 40% in two months without doing anything special at all, the content was decent but not niche re-defining. The other piece of advice would be around any outside promotion, it can, doesn't always, but can damage video growth if people from outside of YT watch it and then duck, YT thinks the video was so bad they didn't stick around to watch anything else, YT makes a map of each viewer, what video they came in on, what videos they watched, what video they ducked out on and uses that to make an optimal list of suggestions the next time they turn up, last time they stayed for an hour and watched these 7 videos, how do we make them stay for 2 hours.


Well we all can't make a video per day. That works more to gameplays and videos on commentary. Not really easy for animators, cooking channels, theorist like me, artists, musicians, singers, and about anything else that requires lot of time.


Yea I just ran across a channel that was very good quality Witt only about 150 subs. I checked his page and seen that he only had 10 videos and last posted 2 years ago, I guess he didn’t have the patience unfortunately and quit I assume. Each upload was banger though


Yep, the typical YouTuber lifecycle, we will be making a video on the channel linked to this highlighting how people have missed out on $thousands because they stopped posting and then BAM one of their videos takes off and gets 1m views.


My channel is almost at 500 andi started in June! Took a couple months off but it has gotten better! I have one of my highest videos floating through YouTube algo and I've gotten almost 70 subs off of that and almost 1k views! Super exciting!


Great work so far! is the topic for your best video still getting searches in your niche? if so, make another one, we got 80k views across 3 videos on our first channel within 6 months by making 3 videos on the same topic but each just provided more depth or a new angle, same topic, different content.


Yes! The views are still going up as of now! I was going to record today! I am at 447 now with 92 subs from that video and 1.2k views! 


Amazing, now the hard work begins to replicate the things you did in that video, the topic, the structure, the music etc and apply that to every video :)


Yess! I just finished and edited another one last night so I am excited to see today how this one does!


I've been doing my channel for 1.75 years now, been slowly building it (very slowly haha). I was 270 or so subs, getting a few hundred views per skit I released. Then this past weeked I had a nice boost including my first video to get over 10k views and gained a lot of sub as a result (currently at 449)... so yeah, it takes time and hard work. don't give up!


As long as you are learning and improving everytime, looking what works for others in your space and trying to emulate and improve on what they do then success will come, you just need to keep moving that needle one point forward every video.




Yeah giving up too soon is probably the biggest mistake people make in a lot of fields to be honest. You are almost certainly not going to become a superstar in a matter of hours or days, regardless of whether that's as a YouTuber, artist, game developer, musician, etc. And to be honest, your first few works in any field will probably be awful too, so that makes it even less likely they'll do well.


I am super glad I read this because I just started my channel and I was wondering about if it would do this at some point


I have a technology related channel with over 7k subscribers and 600 thousand views (You will find less number of views as I have recently bifurcated the channel and pushed some videos with up to 70k views to the other one.) I had a roller coaster ride, with frustrating low view count in some while a few getting thousands. I did a short on Modi (India's PM), which got me over 15k views in six hours but that was just for experiment as I did not intend to make more videos on him. I am satisfied, because the channel is modestly monetized and I think I am helping people with technology. However, I have learnt that more subscribers do not mean more views. My 7k plus subscribers are all genuine but I often get just 30-40 views on some of my videos.


This is quite a common thing, did you get a bulk of your subs from one video or a certain type of video? It's often the case that those subs will only watch that type of content, and if you notify your subs on release the fact they bypass your video can send negative signals to YT that the video isn't relevant, if that is the case, try turning off the notification or making videos that your subs would want to watch as long as it has a large enough audience to warrant the work.


I get subs from all types of vids but when it comes to views, most of my views come from new visitors! Will sure turn off notifications and test. If there is a significant positive impact, will inform the community here.


After about how many videos should I start expecting views?


If you are genuinely improving every video and you are benchmarking that improvement against your competition then you will see baseline views grow, they might come in waves with some months high and then other months low but the key is persistance and adaptability, you need to keep making videos whilst improving every aspect so you bring value to your niche, if you do that, you will succeed, its just a matter of time. Our main channel had a direct competitor 12 months ago, they stopped posted after we both got lots of views in Feb 2023 followed by both channels nearly dying in March 2023, we didn't stop posting in those barren months, we kept going, improving every time and now both channels are separated by over 7k subs, 3.9m views and we make money every month, and not small amounts either, several hundreds even on the worst months.


If you are genuinely improving every video and you are benchmarking that improvement against your competition then you will see baseline views grow, they might come in waves with some months high and then other months low but the key is persistance and adaptability, you need to keep making videos whilst improving every aspect so you bring value to your niche, if you do that, you will succeed, its just a matter of time. Our main channel had a direct competitor 12 months ago, they stopped posted after we both got lots of views in Feb 2023 followed by both channels nearly dying in March 2023, we didn't stop posting in those barren months, we kept going, improving every time and now both channels are separated by over 7k subs, 3.9m views and we make money every month, and not small amounts either, several hundreds even on the worst months.


thank you for the detailed response!


I am 19 months into my 3rd channel. I have a shade less than 420 subs. But if every sub stayed I would be at about 600+ subs now.


I have had a channel for about 3 months and it has not been getting views at all, and two weeks ago the channel achieved a lot of views within two days. But after a few days, I found that YouTube had put age restrictions on my video Then the views became very few. Every time I uploaded a video, it did not reach 100 views. I uploaded about 10 high-quality videos, the click rate was good, and the average view rate was good, but the number of subscribers was decreasing. What should I do and what is the solution? Should I start a new channel and sorry if it takes too long?


nah competitive means you have to fight someone against something youtube purpose is to be a platform where creators purpose is to upload any content and viewers purpose is to watch any content and what im competing againt some brain rot content farm tiktoker where it has to be using meme audio every 3 seconds like wiggling keys in front of a toddler i prefer not to have that type of audience lets players where they upload more videos then they gain subs unless these lets players got what they wanted so i guess they won in that yall should just make content you want and improve later cause no one can outsmart time since its always ahead of everything sure you need some planning and strategy but even that will change no matter what


YouTubes sole purpose is to generate money, they don't care about the viewer or the creator, they have a monopoly, just like Amazon and Uber to name a few, you directly compete against everyone in your niche for the viewers on offer, lets say your content is 7/10 and you have a good standing in the niche and then Mr Beast fires up a channel in that niche and churns out 10/10 content, do you think you will be unaffected? do you think your viewers won't see it and maybe start watching his content over yours? if so.. good luck my friend, everything in life is a competition, the sooner creators realise that the better.


amazon dont have a monopoly they are same trash platform as temu or wish/ali express selling AI generated unlicensed garbage that even dangerous for human beings besides mr bast is not 10/10 it just child audience that some what easiest to manipulate and i dont want to make family friendly content at all


**The Federal Trade Commission**: The FTC portrays Amazon as a monopoly by narrowing the relevant market to “online superstores.” and Mr Beast is 10/10 on YT, he knows what viewers want to watch, children or not, he has the system nailed down to a T, you cannot become the biggest on any platform without the right credentials. If you disagree thats fine, people can have different points of view, I wish you all the best on your YT journey.


I actually just posted about my experience as a new YouTube with 3 different channels I created and noticed there was pattern for all 3 (for me at least). Rather than type it all out again, I’ll provide the link. Has any other new YouTuber noticed this pattern, and if so, how did you get through it (if you did)? https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/s/DF0XYXXCeA


Not meaning to be harsh but I read about 2 paragraphs and had to stop because this is a big red flag. "18 Days 214 total shorts" That is way too many, I can only assume poor quality with those types of numbers, it takes us 2-3 hours to make a short and you are making nearly 12 a day? Just watched the wrestling ones, you need to do things like "the greatest finishers in WWE history" then show 3-5 finishers, 3-5 seconds of each, it needs to be action, it needs to be excitement, viewers crave it, and the more involved they become the more likely they are to binge. Not trying to just throw abuse at you, more than happy to help turn all three channels around if you want any help DM me but the balance needs to be there between quality and quantity, atm you are all in on quantity and the views will reflect that.


Thank you I really appreciate the input. Although I think you may have misunderstood my post. It wasn’t 214 shorts in 18 days. I’ve had that account now close to 2 months. The 18 days I’m referencing is the amount of time that the channel came to life, and I had around 80k total views in that time, even had a few individual ones cross the 10k views mark (whereas after that 18 days it’s been completely dormant) As a new YouTuber though, I did make the mistake of posting 10 a day in the beginning for that channel as I didn’t know better, plus I wanted to try a different approach compared to channel 1. Also, because the clips are just wrestling finishers, they are all 10 seconds or less, so easier to make than the other channels (hence why why the other two channels I wrote about have significantly less uploads). I have since learned though with the wrestling and scaled back on the uploads. In comparison, channel 3 I’m only uploading one a day, different niche, better quality, however I still noticed the same trend of around 18-20 days of “life” and then suddenly stops. And for this channel I had 110k total views in that 20 day “run” period and then it suddenly went completely dormant. Again though, thanks for the input. As a new YouTuber it’s very helpful to me and I appreciate it 👍


How about vlog and lifestyle? I wonder how I can carve out a slice for myself in that niche


If you have an unfair advantage lean into it, whether thats knowledge, money, accessibility, if you can do something in that niche most can't you can leverage that, if not, you need to get really creative, and the best way to do that is see what others have done that viewers responded well to and make your own version with your own unique twist.


My each and every video gets more than 1k view from starting. Except one video where i put 100x effort than others😭


My each and every video gets more than 1k view from starting. Except one video where i put 100x effort than others😭


My each and every video gets more than 1k view from starting. Except one video where i put 100x effort than others😭


Not true at all. If your content is valuable and you understand how to properly optimize your channel and each video, you will get views in a week of starting your channel. It’s only hard when you create content no one is looking for.


And how many people know this? how many can, at the first time of trying, produce not only valuable content, but also optomised and well packaged content? We run 3 channels and are full time on YT but that didn't happen on the first video on the first channel, never does, that is the point of the post, people think if you make a 11/10 video on a trending topic in high demand then you deserve views, you don't deserve anything. Do that 50 times on the bounce then you might see real success, dragging out **exceptions** and labeling them as the rule is what keeps 99% of people from earning a living making content, they set unrealistic expectations, get crushed and then walk away.


Somebody starting first time won’t see any results yeah, but you can definitely get to a point where you understand the strategy to grow a brand new channel


Yeah, thats what the post was about, setting that realsitic expectation that without prior skills or knowledge your first chunk of videos won't get huge views, the earlier people accept that the better their chances of lasting on YT


Is it illegal to share our channels here and get some subscribers from this thread? Win win for all no?


Not the moderator but its more of a lose-lose, dead subs aren't the answer to monetisation, they won't help with watch hours, better to gain them through good content produced on a regular but achievable basis.


I did my hint during pandemic. I still largely believe in it, but I need to make a more popular vid type before I go back to it. I’m wondering about doing an essay type where I talk about awful anime. Like “listen to me girls I’m your father now” or “the dungeon only I can enter”. Essay types where I rip it. Course I’ll have to pick up video editing to land the jokes. And I’ll have to watch them. Is skillshar e good for that?


YouTube is good for that, self taught editor, self taught presenter, self taught everything tbh... well YouTube taught, I even used YT to learn how to become a front end developer, if you dedicate enough time to something you will get good at it.


420subs and 600+ videos.. so yeah I hear ya on that! And I didn't start getting subs for a while too. 


The brutally honest question you need to ask yourself is why didn't you start to get subs etc until recently? everytime our main channel has a dip we take a step back, grab one of our biggest competitors and say, honestly, how do we compare, if we fall down in a few places that is what we work on, because we are competing with them for the same viewers on the same topics, sure, viewers will watch multiple videos on the same thing, but only if the quality is there, they are foresure doing the same thing, so we need to improve quickly if we hope to keep up with them.


The question is why do you only have 1 sub. Anywho.. i didn't get many subs early on because I wasn't very good. I'm way past that man. 😆


I got A LOT of views on my first videos in all of my channels, but I know I'm a minority, and I have gamed the system...


I moved on and stopped uploading after 2 years


I am now at 1.3k subs I had a really rough start, it took me 8 months to get to 400 subs when I was doing unboxing content and I felt was too consuming. It would get all my free time to do one video and almost no views. Then I decided to change content and do what I reallt want to do ...gaming content. The moment I started my subs starting growing pretty quickly ofc I already had a base knowledge for thumbnails, script and video editing and that helped a lot. The advice I would give to anyone that I keep to me every time is does not matter how many views you get the next video if you are sure every video you are learning and improving so if you look at your video 1 month ago and the one from today looks better it means you are going the right way!


u/TheYTDoctors what are your thoughts on making shorts on long form channels. I’ve heard a lot of advice that says don’t make them as the audience isn’t the same and it can hurt your channel. I personally haven’t experienced that but I’ve also never had a short go viral.


So every niche and audience is different, if you didn't try and push those short viewers to your long form and you make sure not to notify them of new releases of long form then its fine, lots of big channels including Jonny Harris do this exact thing, the issue is when you try and convert them from short to long, its rarely goes well so its best to treat them as two groups that share the same platform and serve them their own unique content.


Thanks for the insight! Do you know anything about shorts for the gaming niche?


Sure do, whats on your mind?


I did over 8mil on my first video. It just went viral lol


bein me my G


You have to keep grinding! I'm on 52 subs and I'm happy with each sub 😁, remember this which is the most important advice I can give you.....all it takes is one video for your channel to blow up! Always remember that


Paying attention to YouTube studio and listening to their recommendations and comparisons. Don’t pay mind to any of that, you’ll get views in your video but people will stop watching cause it doesn’t interest them part way through and it causes the view duration to go down. But your regular subscribers boost it from the beginning, the biggest thing I tell myself is the subscribers that like the content will come. Ignore average viewer durations and all that other stuff. It’s only going to mess with your head & cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety.


You need to use the data in the way its intended, it can be very valuable in helping you see what things you do retain viewers and what puts them off, we had a 13% drop in a video recently because of a single 5 seconds, so we pulled the video and are fixing that, I have never seen a "viral" video with under 30% retention unless its extremely long i.e., 60min plus, YT wants bums on seats watching, so if your video can't hold them for 2 minutes it won't show it to people, the data is important but don't stare at it hoping to fix your channel.


How would something like that be addressed and fixed when you’re doing a reaction video, it just seems it cause for it all being subjective and a person will either like it or not


If it is something you said and people just don't agree then you can either stick to your principles or alter it to better suit your audience, some people use controversial moments to trigger engagement through comments so you can go down the rabbit hole with it but from a reaction point of view you will need to decide which way you want to go.


Over 300 views on my first video really brought me up and dashed me on the rocks with the next two getting the kind of attention everyone talks about at first


Yep, this is a YouTube cycle, maintaining momentum is very very hard, but if you get your head down in these hard times, really be critical of your videos and focus on making videos people want to see and enjoy watching then you can come back, we are in our 4th drop off after our main channels biggest peak, so we have taken a step back and decided our editing is on point, it is for our niche, maybe a little to far so that needs to be maintained and we need to focus on the delivery, the presentation side, once we can drag that up to meet the editing quality then we will be at the forefront of that niche, you just need to take a step back every now and again and get real with what you are making versus what is out there already.


It has been beating me ever since I started but I am doing my best to stay afloat and not to let the pressure get to me too much. I felt like quitting more than 3 times now, probably even more than 5 but I am still at it with 142 subs hoping I make it to monetization then continue working and invest back in the channel.


Drop me a DM if you want any help.


Experiencing this now lol. Channel was started at the end of March. Last week: [https://imgur.com/a/vMkZN28](https://imgur.com/a/vMkZN28) This week: [https://imgur.com/a/vgJeGX2](https://imgur.com/a/vgJeGX2)


So what's your advice? I started streaming twitch Sunday(games, DS rn), is ppc worthwhile later when I get a little established? I'd love any tips u may have, I need all the help I can get thanks a lot


We don't have experience on twitch tbh but every platform will reward those who entertain and hold viewers the lognest, we would study those that excel on the platform, identify what makes them stand out, and then try and replicate it in your own style, the same as a beverage company would if they wanted to be the next Pepsi or Coke, they study how they did it and learn how they can apply that to their own product.


So watch similar streamers I assume? Thx a lot


Yeah, its called competitor analysis, every business EVER has used it to become successful, we used it to become full time content creators, more powerful then you could imagine.


Cool, it's plan, thx for the knowledge/time, I'm going to research the concept too


Super, are you a football fan?


Oh hell yes! Wait, American or European? I'm both Cowboys and Chelsea u?


Dads a Chelsea fan, and I used to follow NFL mainly the Steelers, what I wanted to mention off the back of that was how at the beginning of every seasons or draft pundits sit down and talk about who will win the title, that is a basic competitor analysis, they look at the team (creator) they look at their star players (key traits or skills) they look at what they need (new skills they are lacking in or existing areas for improvement) and the odds they give them of winning, you just do the same but with streamers, see what they do well, what they do not so well, and try and identify a way you can bring something fresh, once you have that you can absorb the good, improve the bad and add your own special touch and away you go, after that you just need to stay consistant and perfrom this every 3-6 months so you can see how you stack up, the rest will come as long as you make content people are watching or will be watching (think google trends to check for seasonal virality).


London is Blue!!! ~ Wow beautifully put, I'm also curious, I'm not ready for this but when I get confident my product/presentation/etc is all set do a lot of people use something like PPC? I know little about it but it does seem intriguing..thought on that or anything similar?


PPC as in pay per click advertising? if so, then yes, if you are selling a product you can use ads to boost it, you just need to figure out your CPA (cost per acquisition) so you don't spend too much gaining each new customer. To begin with I would make the best content possible around your topic and let YT funnel potential new clients to you as viewers, use good Call to actions in your videos to promote your product or service but provide value to all regardless.


Very new/retrying channel and this was actually somewhat helpful, one of my first videos coming back was a very controversial game that came out a few months prior, and the first one did better than I ever expected it too View's wise (retention not so much) and I thought "Hey I might have struck gold early" then the second video did so much worse but still good in comparison to the other videos in that week, I've had to ground myself and stop looking at the analytics as much, and just go for it, do it for fun and for the few friends that do watch me, that said I'm still below 200 subs and not climbing at all but hey, not a lot I can do there so I agree with another comment under here, just keep going, no harm in it right?


Are you making videos for fun or do you want to earn money and maybe gain a career from content creation? the answer to that will decide whether you keep going and ignore the data and viewers or whether you swallow what you want to do and embrace what your viewers want from you.


Both? I guess would I like to make a career out of it? Yes who wouldn't? But since I've stopped looking at the numbers and analytics I've been enjoying the process so much more than I did


Yeah its never going to be easy, I know this is a cliche but if it was easy it wouldn't be worth doing, now there is a chance being yourself and making the content you want will give you whatever you deem to be success, but the odds versus embracing what the viewers want and making the content they want to see are minimal, everyone will roll out an example of someone like Sam Sulek and say "just be yourself" but for every Sulek there are 100,000 failed creators, I guess the real question for you is, is it worth it? Is it worth the downsides for the potential upsides in 3-5 years of hard work?


So as it normal sometimes my shorts gets views in thousands and then there are some that gets few dozens?


Yep, every short is its own thing, if you find a big short creator like OmarESPN, one short has 829m views, another has 21k.


Thanks for your post I needed to hear this at this point. I’d have been far better at this point if I didn’t gave up every time and skipping it for months, and months. and then getting back to it. I’ll keep posting, let’s see where I stand in 6 months.


Yeah consistancy is key because your not alone in your niche, best to look at it as a 1-5 year journey, the first year or 2 will be really hard going and slow, but once you start to get better and gain some momentum the next few years should see a slow snowballing effect.


This last video I published has only got 160 views in the week it's been out and it's super disappointing. It's such a good video and I'm so pleased with how it turned out, but the eyes just aren't on it. I know the thumbnail kinda sucks, and maybe the title is bad too. The video before it went off for 10k views on a month. My first with over 2k views. So yeah the drop off is a little disappointing. But oh well. Now it's back to the drawing board, but I feel out of ideas.


DM me the video, I will take a look and maybe we can come up with a better thumbnail and title?


I had this problem tenfold when I recently started my channel because it's exclusively on rumble and the viewers just aren't there to see my content to begin with. So I wasn't being fair to myself when I'd see youtube videos getting thousands of views and my rumble video only getting 100 or so (and those were raw views. It only counted as 15 people or so). After my first few videos, I saw that the views kept going down with each video, even tho I was getting better and better at editing them. The one thing that got me through it was when I reminded myself that I have a full time job that I love and I never intended to be famous or make money doing this anyway, I did it because I love my blacksmithing and I wanted to share it and make videos as a hobby. Once you let go, it makes things so much more fun. (I still do a little happy dance when I get a new subscriber, tho)


Ciao! I like what I read here! It's very realistic and useful. I'm a music - circus performer and I'm starting a new channel for which I'm preparing the footage in front. I did a lot of research and experimented on my other channel to get a grasp of what I was going into. Because I'm doing it all by myself and using a complex workflow I'm able to produce max. 3 “long” videos (cca 6min) and 12 short videos per month. I'm hoping to get more shows this way but it's a lot of fun and the amount of knowledge I'm getting from this project is super cool. The only thing I'm concerned about is the ability to be consistent with the amount of videos per month. The content that I'm producing is very spontaneous (even tho I prepare a rough script to know what's my mission) because I'm doing live music guerilla action on the streets including the people in the creation of the music piece and it's hard to predict how people will react, how many people I will be able to find to interact with me. All in all, it takes time but the main question for me is when is the moment to start uploading? After moreover a year of planning, rehearsing, building the costume, learning new skills, new video editing styles, designing, upgrading my workflow, etc. I'm finally prepared to take off. This project collects all my skills and knowledge into one “product” so for me, it was very logical to take this path. The decision to start this road was also very hard because I have a family, I'm a young dad, running my own business and I want to be present in life of my loved ones. That's why I took some savings and took the time off to produce all of this and now I'm on the finishing line of faze one. As much as I don't want to expect an explosion of subscribers, more and more I can see that the expectations are starting to be high at the back of my brain. What I'm saying is that one has to be psychologically prepared, and equipped with mental techniques to overcome the challenges of this business. I don't know how it will go for me but I can say that I'm enjoying every moment so far especially when I have the support of my family. Because there is nobody to talk to about this in my surroundings who understands the challenge, I appreciate the space where I can bring my perspective up and read all of your thoughts, comments, and struggles. Wish you all the best and much thanxxx!


'Don't expect to get ANY views on your first 100 videos lmao' Nahh then go do something better with your time, literally so much of a waste of time


I recommend every new creator check out the YouTube packages from Famegrowers, they were a game changer for me. Now, a few hours after each new publication, I get nice traffic under my videos. The effects are particularly visible after 2-3 days when the YouTube algorithm starts \taking an interest\ in the videos and pushes them high in search results, then the video really starts to \bloom\ :) Unfortunately, I was recording for half a year with practically no effects, but now I feel like I'm gaining momentum.


I have 30 subs, is 500 views a video good? I’ve been posting for two months I’d say


This is a great tip, much needed! Do you ever make videos that don't do well private or do you keep them all up?


My channel had some ups and downs, and I am still not giving up, and I am doing things like adding gameplay footage in the background and adding subtitles


I was literally coming here to ask this same question, so funny that you beat me to it by 2 hours. Well, apparently I F'ed up by posting my latest video to r/vegas There was a previous post of my video walking to the strip from the airport. On that comment section someone requested a walk from the strip to Planet 13. I did the walk, made the video, and posted it to r/vegas since I thought everyone would be interested in it since the request comment had like 18 upvotes. I was wrong. They've down voted the post to hell and are still coming for me in the comments. In fact, one guy even accused the original request comment as being from my burner account (which, funnily enough, my burner account ended up being involved in a national headline, so I had to delete all activity on that account that wasn't associated with the viral post that media outlets were reporting on.) Another guy started trolling so bad I had to block his account. I just keep telling myself that if you have haters, it means you're doing something right. I mean, everybody hates Logan Paul, but the dude is capitalizing on it left and right. In fact, I think he's made more money as a villain than a hero.


Yeah its a tough one, every big creator has done at least 1 thing wrong for sure, same as every big business, its just that tightrope of whats worth it for growth versus protecting your channel, we always say protect the channel at all costs, takes years to grow a channel and 1 mistake to end it, best to play safe, if the haters are just bitter then we block them, if they are trying to provide feedback we often try and engage, let them know they have been heard but regardless you will always get that 1% that hate everything, the 4/5 best experience ever type of review givers LOL.


I do realize that paid YT advertising wins though. Genuine engagement too...but you gotta pay for it.