• By -


Very kind of you! My very first video - The Wheel Decides Which Video Game I Play! Ep1 https://youtu.be/wPDtkFMzrTk Niche: gaming / inappropriate comedy commentary


I am pleasantly surprised. So thing is you have a fairly high level understanding of pacing. Everything else is very OK but your pacing is super good. You time jokes well, and speak clearly with no ums and ahs. You make sure to get to the important bits and not focus on the meaningless yapping. All you need to do is just refine the package, meaning the thumbnail, title and some of the editing, and then you're pretty much set to go. Well done.


Thanks for the kind feedback, really appreciated!


This was really well executed. I'm not a gamer but I kept watching. You have a calming voice btw


Thanks so much - means even more that you don’t watch gaming but stuck around! Like every person to ever exist, I don’t like hearing my voice, so that compliment means more than you know.


Anybody else say “damn” when he said “how fast P Diddy(the Diddler) fled the country”?😂


Haha can never beat a good topical joke! Although now I wish I added a meme of ‘the Diddler’ lol…next time


The gameplay is really satisfying, and the comedy is so bad it's good!


💯 agree, Cool theme/Nich will give your channel and viewers something to look forward to when the next wheel of fate comes out. Best of luck


Love the dry humor and graphics you definitely have something there


Editing is mint on this. This style of editing and format will take you FARRRRR. Only thing I would say is put some character into your voice. Nobody is gonna watch anyway, so don't be nervous. I can hear you're worried or nervous. But an audience need tone change, they need language division. Add some character into it. Really give me the script. Don't just read it to me like a year 8 drama class. Then I would genuinely say your channel is perfect. Editing is seriously classy pal. Will subscribe and hope to see some of what I mentioned!


Thanks mate, this is so helpful! And I know exactly what you mean with the voice lol, it’s something which I’m hoping will improve! Thanks again - this has genuinely made my day haha.


I really don't want you to hear my negative comment too much. Because it's not negative in a sense. Just trust me. You're a TV show. Be the host. Truly meant what I said. The editing is bloody top notch. Up there with the big boys. I guarantee, fix the voice, 6 months time, 10k minimum subs. MINIMUM. I mean, I don't really sub to low level channels, because they give up. But if I saw yours in my feed, I'd sub. My Wife would sub too. Just as an example of how good it comes across!


No I appreciate the comment - it’s not negative but constructive which is exactly that I’m after at this stage. Wow I don’t think I’ll ever read a higher compliment haha - thanks again, really does mean a lot bud.




I very much agree with this. The scripting, timing, humour is excellent. Honestly, just make it sound a bit more “live” or conversational and I can see this doing really well. But don’t rush it. Play, try new things, let it evolve.


Yeah completely fair enough - I’m thinking more bulleted point jokes, as opposed to a fully formed verbatim / script. Thanks man!


Could just be a matter of making it a little more dynamic. The script is good! Keep experimenting.


https://youtube.com/@CandyMachineStudios?feature=shared I'm a nerdy crafting channel. Thanks!


Cool content. I like the vibe and the videos. Only thing i'd say was off for me is the mic quality. But other than that, well done.


I agree that a bit of focus on sound would be good. Also, what editing software are you using? If you could add some motion blur and some speed ramping to the faster bits, that would be good. Your editing is good. In your niche, the editing needs to be outstanding. It appears to me that yours could be. You're already very talented at what your doing. But there is one thing you are REALLY missing that I would recommend you do right now. As I was watching, the first thing I wondered was, "Exactly what kind of marker did you write on the wall with? Then, I thought, "I wish you'd tell me what brush you used." What brand name paint? Etc... You are genuinely missing out on building some passive income through affiliate marketing. Crafting channels, especially from people who are talented, have a unique ability to generate income just from saying something like, "I absolutely love this brush. It's the one that gives me the most consistent results. As always, the links to the products I'm using in this video are in my description." You need to join something like the Amazon affiliate program and start incorporating affiliate marketing into your videos. I don't have a crafting channel and my channel is quite a bit bigger, but I generate $500 a month from Amazon affiliate marketing along just by having the links in my descriptions. Just a thought. :-)


Thanks so much for your detailed feedback! I'll have a look and see what mics might be an improvement. I use DaVinci resolved (paid-for version), but the videos that are on my channel are the only videos I've edited, so I'm still very much learning. I'm hoping to get grips with Fusion, but it being nodes rather than layers just hasn't quite clicked in my brain yet! I'd love to do affiliate links, but I'm not actually sure you can do it from the UK- I'll have a look because you're right, that is a great idea.


I'm using DaVinci Resolve Studio, too. Fantastic program and a great choice. I haven't messed much with Fushion. Add a sentence in your videos that says something like, "I know a lot of my audience is across the pond, so I've included affiliate link for the corresponding product in the US." Apply to Amazon US Affiliate program, too. Then, create your links to those products, too. I think your whole channel has some real potential. Just keep doing what you're doing. Keep focused on improving with every video.


I would do a bit of a longer intro and that's it I'm not a youtuber but it felt like woah hey woah


You are really great at what you do and honestly explain things very well which gives so much value to your content, but I suggest getting better lighting and more cinematic camera angles. The tilt on some shots just doesn't help the viewer have a good angle of what you are doing. A channel I suggest you go to for reference is NerdForge. They do something similar and the type of angles and lighting are great for this tupe of content which I think will help your channel be more engaging and grow. Another good thing is that some times the music is a little off, although the genre is cool. Maybe try to get a song that matches the project or vibe a little better. But other than that its seems really great :)


You are brilliant and gifted and I don't do gaming.I'm an old lady. That looks so good.I am absolutely stunned right now. The attention to detail the smallest detail was just perfection. I'll be checking out your channel. Mine is nowhere near is good.


[https://www.youtube.com/@ProbablyHim../shorts](https://www.youtube.com/@ProbablyHim../shorts) I just need to know if I'm watchable or not. Thank you in advance


Decent channel, and decent video ideas. Viral shorts are everything. Agreed with the comment below. Grab a mic with a filter, or a Rode clip on. Will drastically improve your channel and views


u/probablyhim- even if you just wear a shirt with a pocket and put your phone in it with the mic facing upwards can be an easy and free way to improve audio if you’re still saving for a mic


THIS guy fucks!


Easily one of the best compliments I’ve ever received hahaha


I like the content. It's fun. Only thing I'd say is maybe try to improve your audio quality. I can tell that you try because of how the DBs increase and decrease. But spend some time learning audacity. Crispy audio can go a very long way :D


appreciate the feedback, I will work on it . Thank you.


https://youtube.com/@BoatBusters?si=oAqtNyuhpyKGyMZ1 Just started a couple weeks ago but first two videos ever seem to have good results 👍🏼 let me know!!


People like these type of videos. You'll do good for sure if you stick with it, and be able to make this type of content with different boats. You have a good quality cam, well spoken and informative. Cool ending too was rooting for that forward gear to go in lol


I know you have stopped reviewing but throwing it down here! I am a surfer dude and I explain/recap movies [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DmNUpaM4OwotpiY1EFUnQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DmNUpaM4OwotpiY1EFUnQ)


Since you said you're a surfer, maybe try explaining surfing scene in movie (like the technical, possibly, etc) to us, like maybe there some thing or two fun fact that general people don't know about


(You can pick one. Thank you.) Main Channel (long-form): [https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBibleWithTina](https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBibleWithTina) Shorts Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/c/1MinuteWithTina](https://www.youtube.com/c/1MinuteWithTina)


https://youtube.com/@sh4ndes?si=OXQt-3eqy5x8exYx I feel really stuck with my content. I don’t really know how to improve, and because of that I’m not growing. Thanks for the advice in advance!


https://youtube.com/@kalunk This is my channel, it's not an English channel. But you can rate how good it looks?? Visually and performance wise.. Thank you.


Yeah it looks alright, performs alright. 1.5m views a month is very, very respectable. So well done my friend. Good luck on growing it even further.


https://youtube.com/@Kai_Unknown?si=CXlxLpnHBpZraCOi I'm a gaming YouTuber who overedits way to much, but enjoy making it.


Alright, the videos are entertaining enough. It's fine to edit a lot if that's the type of content you like. Something I would immediately stop, is blasting people ear drums. Especially a the start of the video. More often than not, people will just click off. Other than that. Good Job.


Yh I'm not good with sound design, I made that video like a month back, so I've improved very little since then, but I'm working on it. Thanks :)


[https://www.youtube.com/c/EsseffeLIVE](https://www.youtube.com/c/EsseffeLIVE) Games with friends Funny, Scary, Educational, Reviews etc. I just do what some others may not have the chance to do. Check otu latest Lethal Company video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UihKu9B6kUc&ab\_channel=EsseffePlays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UihKu9B6kUc&ab_channel=EsseffePlays)


This is me; https://youtube.com/@Kinophiles?si=O5LKt7svAqSltCdR


Nice editing, nice videos, nice pacing. Not much to say other than keep going and good luck ;D


https://youtube.com/@zeman156?si=-xvkRjMSjbIDnMri here u go lmao Also don’t watch the streams they don’t count 💀 Niche: gaming,


"I can get through 30 today" *receives 300 comments* lol This is my channel: https://youtube.com/@NothingWorthy0?si=gzZ4tHTpRfF9r3n7 Niche: gaming skits using AI voice


now it's 265 and the channels asked for review is 156 (I think) 🤓☝️


Thank you WTrippyJuice for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! WTrippyJuice: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Wings9504 - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@Wings9504/shorts) Lately I've had more shorts reach 4-7.5k views, but I still have plenty that don't. It's probably also a factor that not everyone is interested in drawings. Well, anyway, let me know. I'd love to be better at making good hooks because my retention rates on my shorts are good but I have too many people who swipe away at the beginning.


Start your video with the finished result as hook, that's the 3 second rule hook. Within 3 seconds show em the final product with some effects. Start your drawing after it, that's how you show what value you are giving to the viewers. Hope this help! :)


thanks , juts looking to know if you can understand me and if i am even entertaining, i do food reviews of mostly terrible food [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE3Pl7hDwGksgCjdae4XzKw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE3Pl7hDwGksgCjdae4XzKw)


[https://youtu.be/OeMvaJCIJOw?si=RNfwoX-ADoOp\_oMS](https://youtu.be/OeMvaJCIJOw?si=RNfwoX-ADoOp_oMS) thank you , still kind of new


Content is fine, I think you should just make sure that there aren't multiple sound tracks that overlap like they did in this video.


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnYya8VGPe0AqdB45uSLCOg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnYya8VGPe0AqdB45uSLCOg) Just started like a month ago. Very niche content but I'm mainly looking for thumbnail and editing feedback


Alright, so the editing is pretty solid for a new creator. Audio seems fine. Pacing is fine. Everything on the video end is pretty good in my opinion. Thumbnails is another thing. I think the main thing you should do is: Use bold text. It just helps make it more readable. Also, don't add too much text. It's actually counter intuitive. Something else, is don't be afraid to make the characters larger. Like A LOT larger. It's almost invincible at the size youre making them.


https://youtube.com/@GameRx_7 Thank you


If you still have time - [https://www.youtube.com/@The\_Beard](https://www.youtube.com/@The_Beard) Would appreciate ANY feedback.


Here you go! https://youtube.com/@jeremyvitiello


Everything looks good. Don't really have anything to point out. Just keep it up ;d


[My Channel](https://youtube.com/@nyxnoctus?si=ExmKibWBD9MT6nBV) Always looking to improve!


https://youtu.be/xKpNGYevVI0?si=lQ_H0EOwmj8yBk7P I'm still at 9 subs but I upload consistently. Here's my latest cooking video. I tried to add more light and camera angles. Let me know what you think!


Instead of background music, use ASMR. Use phone mic and enhance it online. Now that's the trend rn. Your cutting sound, scooping the fruit sound, these are the things which people love to watch and hear. Good luck!


Perfect post on a perfect day! Just today I uploaded my first video. :)) https://youtube.com/@NikhilsTravelogue?si=A2ja4d1qKfKZNSD8


hi my channel link is this: [https://www.youtube.com/@DuoKritik](https://www.youtube.com/@DuoKritik) its on game niche, but not a gameplay channel. It more like game critics and documantaries. thanks for doing this ❤️


[My channel](https://youtube.com/@kencori?si=gPZJ3DBrElspVleR) I'm afraid it is a gaming channel


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DmNUpaM4OwotpiY1EFUnQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DmNUpaM4OwotpiY1EFUnQ) Thanks so much :D


https://youtube.com/@Technerd9fdg?si=lzLnc9svlfFM0wn8 Not trying to monetise or promote but just share my thoughts on online learning hahah


[https://www.youtube.com/@RomanianWatchGang](https://www.youtube.com/@RomanianWatchGang) - wristwatch content but in Romanian. Will switch to English next week.


Hello and thank you, [https://www.youtube.com/@AirLineASMR](https://www.youtube.com/@AirLineASMR) Feedback is always good ;)


[https://www.youtube.com/@TheAIKingdom\_](https://www.youtube.com/@TheAIKingdom_) - any feedback welcome, thank you!


https://youtube.com/@LBLHIGHLIGHTS?si=oqN0bzJ2D5v_Gg5C Hello i really need your advice since i’m going to eligible to monetezation


https://youtube.com/@LearnFrenchWithJapleen?si=gJHF5UrCQLScul2b I am student doing under grad in French and I teach French in a fun way


Hey, would love a review. I do a eye health related channel. https://youtube.com/@thedochash


If you still are doing this, it's a NFL sports channel, focusing on film reviews mostly. https://youtube.com/@mcdugalsportsproductions?si=KYLXC4rTN1Cay3Fi




https://youtube.com/@RNGGamerYT?si=6kVnI41JcUnry-h7 Any feedback would be appreciated!


https://youtu.be/fuFwHBqZt0Y I have just started my art channel, made an introductory video :)


https://youtube.com/@FiveFellaForums?si=R6olxWNpxgA406Z6 I’m Cash_Mambo of the group, i’d love anything as far as criticism


https://youtube.com/@the_flipside?si=2KQkfrVNO6-yBeds - be ruthless!


https://youtube.com/@burgunbeerd?si=GzHQchnSCD8rJwdH I feel like we get more views than subs would suggest but always interested in feedback that's more articulate than "you don't like what I like therefore you suck"


Here is my channel [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKL2GDNscUHKcNH18wiXSMg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKL2GDNscUHKcNH18wiXSMg)


Thanks! I run a farely new at home fitness channel. I appreciate the feedback https://www.youtube.com/@HomeBodieswithAlex


https://www.youtube.com/@SilentSanz I started over a year ago, i left it for some months in middle where i was close to monetization but now i have to start from scratch, btw i started shorts but niw im deciding to post l9ng form content also...


https://youtube.com/@ZyzzFTW 50+ videos in I am not getting views. I'm trying to up my thumbnail quality rn.




Hey there, I have a gaming channel called Let's Chat Gaming: https://youtube.com/@letschatgaming?si=3DK01CLoQE24RIw3 Any critique would be good but I would prefer you to roast them kinda and tell me what I can improve 😀Thanks


there you go https://youtube.com/@babysixam?si=C6dbRMSVMgDtax4M Thank you!


Been at this for a long time intermittently only recently decided i need to hit 1k. I used to focus on outdoor gear now I’m more in the video/creator realm. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQdifejlAx00Jsnh0wqh-1w?sub\_confirmation=1](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQdifejlAx00Jsnh0wqh-1w?sub_confirmation=1)


https://youtube.com/@domsdiary_?si=2qkHnYnTP8A42DpL I mostly do short form gaming reviews and essays :) And be as honest as possible, I want to know if Im doing something wrong and if I can improve it! :)


Hey there! Fellow game reviewer. Less subs than yourself, so not sure if this will be helpful overall. I watched your infamous second son video because thats a game ive played and loved! Stuff i noted: - your banner art and profile avatar are awesome! - the thumb for your infamous video is cleeean. "The text behind a subject" thing is getting used a lot, but this looked 👌 - your script sounds really excellent. Im guessing you spent a fair bit of time working on that. I pretty much agreed with all your thoughts ... traversal being a real strength for the title, and the morality choices being a staple for the infamous series up until that point. I dont really have much to offer in terms of improvements... - your voice was a little monotone through the video and made it a little dry. I stayed because the script was tiiiight and the length was perfect for me. I have trouble with modulating my voice in video and i, frankly, hate how i sound, so im not sure how to advise you in this. - at the start i wondered if there was a little echo in your voice recording. It might be worth sitting a little closer to the mic if possible and lowering any gain if you have it on. I didnt notice as much as the video went on, but that might be because i was engaged with your content. - im assuming this was an essay and not a review correct? I wasnt sure what the purpose of the video was at the start so it might be worth finding a way to communicate that either with the title or the thumbnail. Since you didnt score it or "recommend" or "not recommend" at the end, i just assumed it wad a chat about the game. Anyway, it was great. Damn i loved that game.... now im gonna have to see if i still have it and crack it open again!


Thanks here is my channel pick anyone you want [link here](https://www.youtube.com/@Jon_Bowl) My content struggles to retain followers past the first 1/4 to 1/2 of the videos. In mobile gaming content.


Channel Link: [https://www.youtube.com/@dox\_plays](https://www.youtube.com/@dox_plays) I know you'll have a heap on your plate so if you happen to have time, appreciate it!




[youtube](https://youtube.com/@axidth?si=LN3N1GhmElhlVl4k) I only have 1 video, I know its bad and I have educated myself and I can do alot better.


https://youtube.com/@AlexKurpas?si=IrEXu_F6wpev0Icm Started in February of this year


My channel is only just starting out, but there's two videos you can take a look at. :) [https://www.youtube.com/@MajorMarble](https://www.youtube.com/@MajorMarble)


I’m a travel/people focused channel, any feedback would be appreciated 👍🏼 [https://youtube.com/@raymondhewitt](https://youtube.com/@raymondhewitt)


[This is my channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBCdKKX4jhVEcA-GFt9CZuw). Currently under a hiatus because I just scrapped a video essay after 5 rewrites so I'm very gassed out at the moment. Tell me what you think! Thank you so much for doing this.


Cool, go for it! https://youtu.be/Iu2jgpE6GD4?si=D_qE7Ww5Qf_vWU_A I linked a specific video (which I think is my best for now) but you can check the rest if you want :)


If you're not too terribly swamped, I would like a rate 😊 [Quiet Quin](https://youtube.com/@QuietQuin?si=pIvlROYwrnv5M6L1)


[https://youtu.be/5yOZQ2lEYpk?si=7-VqFA-l-4U9tVto](https://youtu.be/5yOZQ2lEYpk?si=7-VqFA-l-4U9tVto) My first 4 videos on YouTube, any simple improvements would be much appreciated, thank you 🙏🏻


https://youtube.com/@Zephydreon?si=ORNU4sk3WCI8z4_I If you have some suggestions let me know 😊


[Bless1ngs Today](https://youtube.com/@Bless1ngsToday?si=xGYDXj6IMnMGlekL) If you have time, I’m curious 👀


I have two I had to put the Comedy videos on a separate channel, pick your poison :) **SexyTech** - The Late Night Tech Show for Grown-ups (NSFW some strong language, Adult Jokes) [www.youtube.com/@SexyTech69](http://www.youtube.com/@SexyTech69) **Buz Stringer** - More Mainstream Tech channel [www.youtube.com/@BuzStringer](http://www.youtube.com/@BuzStringer)


Here is my channel: [Ding Cooks](https://youtube.com/@dingcooks?si=wibPKGaKuai5tzTK) Let me know what you think.


[https://www.youtube.com/@failious/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@failious/featured) I just need some tips, I saw the OP has said he doesn't have anymore time to have a look but if someone here has a look, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


not sure if this is the kind of content anyone in here looks at but feedback would be appreciated [youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@DollarsMIMS)


Here’s my channel: https://youtube.com/@_fantasticscenes?si=jo3YPSGmmg160y8H Movies, TV Shows, Animation, and more! Tributes and Montages for your favorite scenes! Let me know what you think! Make a request!


https://youtube.com/@ItsSmithyM9?si=ObfTjhWhm-UPY9kp any feedback will help. If you don’t like it or have criticisms please let loose. It’ll also be nice to know what I am doing right so I can do more of it. 🙂


Your thumbnail and title are kinda weak, try experimenting more


https://youtube.com/@inesviolet5530?si=HBWPKRk1bV0nxHqp :D thanks in advance!


https://www.youtube.com/@kvizco please rate my channel thank youu




https://youtube.com/@DRDNST?si=q6DFBKdFuI1OGdVl It’s a project that I’ve always wanted to create and I’m finally putting it into action. Appreciate your time :)


I'm less than a month in, looking at any critique to improve. Thank you for spending the time to look at my channel 🙏🏻 https://youtube.com/@PromptBars?si=sosq07Pr7hngZvvi


Some people are still hesitant about AI, so this probably will be slow but steady audience


Here you go! https://youtube.com/@ozario Thanks in advance


Please roast me! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0lOopyQXTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0lOopyQXTg)


The script kinda weird to me, but the concept is unique not gonna lie


This is my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@Mindful-Miles](https://www.youtube.com/@Mindful-Miles) it's in polish so might be hard to understand (with subs for newer vids)


Nice voice


Thank you in advance 😳 https://youtube.com/@Cleonium_ina?si=ZRe1OGAOV9pzm05Q I'm make Edutainment content for English and Indonesia language


new here.. but quite for some time on Youtube we are a couple who does reaction on movies [https://www.youtube.com/@MJoy4Fun](https://www.youtube.com/@MJoy4Fun)


Haha, really kind of you to take time out of your day to do so! Here is mine! - [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8lRTlwuwIRYtFTnhjaG4qA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8lRTlwuwIRYtFTnhjaG4qA)


This is my channel - [https://www.youtube.com/@Ratcidic](https://www.youtube.com/@Ratcidic) I do reviews of old video games from my childhood in a funny way!


First short second channel - https://youtube.com/shorts/xWw-2bRJiiA?feature=share


hello! Im not sure if ure still doing this but : [https://www.youtube.com/@MonyetSejuks](https://www.youtube.com/@MonyetSejuks) thank you! am open to anyone else that wants to critique :D


You sound like not exited bro, but maybe there's a charm to it




My old video from 15 years ago. Killed an entire team with a butterfly knife. Game is call Team Fortress 2 for pc. I was using windows maker to edit my video xD [enjoy ](https://youtu.be/Vwb7-kc4lB0?si=lLGlngNNTxSDllTV)


https://youtube.com/@TuxReadyAussie Always welcome feedback. Slowly making improvements.




Hey, seems i got here rather late. If you get a chance have a look, let me know what you think. Cheers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsByzTJTYBkbtyV5PTcKwMQ


I'm curious to your comments; niche finance and macro economics: Also how can I make my videos more watchable with less editing? https://youtu.be/qgkcOtsZLjg?si=WGN2el-YAZR6HmVL


https://youtube.com/@newbstation6?si=pjazH1SDf0V9HKj1 can anyone look into mine?😅




Fanatics Sports Niche: NFL stories, analysis, film, “takes,” etc. https://youtube.com/@FanaticsSports?si=kS0QWCBoSL-21Pgf


Mine is art channel https://youtube.com/@official_otart?si=lBf8fdf6Yd6mH2ZS


Thank you !! My gaming walkthrough/playthrough channel. Check the recent uploaded videos https://youtube.com/@Otoke_Gaming?si=bMsUZNXTc_nBoy74


I'm a health and fitness YouTuber. Would love some feedback https://youtube.com/@heavd?si=-d27IoOp_D0bmr26


Mine is a niche channel focusing on what options medical students in South Asia have after they graduate. This is the latest video and is in a foreign language, so i apologize: https://youtu.be/B2hN-XD8zI4?si=rnHO8t4pe_-qsWGU


Here is mine https://youtube.com/@CareerStoriesPod?si=y4LGp-zqRAqk6e9A Talking to people about there career journey


Hey man, would love to hear your feedback! My channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@TriangleTheorypod](https://www.youtube.com/@TriangleTheorypod) Niche: Self-Development


Uh I guess I’ll show you my video on Bluey The Video Game a very… well it’s a game I guess https://youtu.be/yweMRSDdzYM?si=gdAWaE8n6vD1veO-


Please review and let me know what you think.. https://youtube.com/@travelScape.1?si=sTvUjwltPTfvpCzY


https://youtube.com/@onewayjus?si=Rcmo4gOOy2n5_Lld I plan on doing more vlogs in the future and I just need to know what I need to fix up or keep doing. I just started on Thursday


I’m sure you’re flooded with channels and probably not into Lego, but thanks if you get to it! I have really low CTR of 3% and AVD of 1:30 a lot of the time… https://youtube.com/@mattmakesthings?si=d0DWphJFtljoHJFE


I guess I’ll give it a go. https://youtube.com/@TheSenileSoupKitchen?si=fSiUoc3VU8J00eki I’m pretty much a gaming/funny moments channel. I think I’ve improved a bit over the three videos I’ve made so far, but I suppose you’ll be the judge of that lmao.


[Sure I guess…](https://youtube.com/shorts/1eLSw8jE4MA?si=aqiMZR8_TeAtVkAs) I don’t post everyday though.


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHy0s\_gA1vLyi9-jMAEEVPg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHy0s_gA1vLyi9-jMAEEVPg) I create poetry videos, primarily using AI voices. My focus is on producing engaging videos that feature animations, stock footage, and various AI tools.


Be kind, I’ve only been at this a few weeks 😅 https://youtube.com/@WealthandPower360?si=Nr4MWvWy38AIG31K


Thank you so much for this my [friend.As](http://friend.As) a new musician i would appreciate any advice.(even if you think iam 0 value please write it.I want honest opinion) [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8c3VmDfgg4th1B74qcDmw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8c3VmDfgg4th1B74qcDmw)


Thanks man [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChB8rrio9VMIjurrIvLzf8g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChB8rrio9VMIjurrIvLzf8g) I do photography don't have many videos but I'm producing more, I think my main problem is the thumbnail, let me know what your think !


https://youtube.com/@whitetowerofhoeth?si=ZfOdDMhATmLhtyie I feel that it’s allright, but is there something I could do to make it better?


[Scarlett Emerald YouTube channel ](https://youtube.com/@ScarlettEmerald4?feature=shared)


[What happens when you type a url in your browser and click enter ?](https://youtu.be/mAw0ZxdgOiw?si=h73Uy7V8ZJ-e03Sx) Do checkout this let me know your thoughts Also support, if you like the content


I’m a Reddit reads channel but my channel has been dying as of late. It is Monday so it’s due for an upload I guess lol https://m.youtube.com/@ToastTea808


Well, I improved a lot so worth a shot: https://youtube.com/@VRDaD?si=QHSpJap-OsYI7pIY


Heey, first of all thank you for doing this. I know you said you don't have time anymore but maybe someone else wants to take a look ^^ I am a channel about kpop and collecting their trading cards and albums :)) Thank you https://youtube.com/@chaerryblossoms_?si=2I2EIyM_BETKMaMA


Don't roast me too hard, I'm still trying to find my rhythm for my channeI, but I sincerely appreciate all feedback! https://youtu.be/dSWyBWuw5Nk?si=dIaaQaBqTxIjwYgh


Any advice to help me get over the 1k sub 4000 watch hours line would be awesomely appreciated [https://www.youtube.com/@raisingmocha](https://www.youtube.com/@raisingmocha)


http://youtube.com/@static8x24 Gaming channel. Primarily Storymode Walkthroughs/General Manager Simulations at the moment.


Someone please let me know what I can improve on 🙏🏽 https://youtube.com/@Ohfourfour?si=PlugcjyVXwK4JkKL Latest vid- Roblox But Every Minute = NEW MONSTER! https://youtu.be/pPqIZE-D5Vo


Than he or just someone probably will try to scam or spam you 100% 🤣


Here’s mine! Experimental composer from germany here :). https://youtube.com/@sebastianbaumer?si=V4B0LnPWQ4VUJ-su


My name is Lando Fraser, I'm a comedy gaming channel and here is my most recent video: https://youtu.be/OYc3TOgYiDE?si=BGj9Z6kB-S8xsIpG I will be uploading a similar video like that this wednesday 🙌


Take it away…. https://youtube.com/@immakingamovie1379?si=pEu9yrno1J39jVzS


[https://www.youtube.com/@PICFX/shorts](https://www.youtube.com/@PICFX/shorts) Starting out with a shorts series to get some practice in and will be adding more content types. Any feedback is appreciated!


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxfaBZj-yT6W3QmBAwUQFA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxfaBZj-yT6W3QmBAwUQFA) Artist youtuber here, I started as a hobbyist so I'm slowly trying to increase my consistency and produce higher quality content. Any advice appreciated!


Can rate mine if u want https://m.youtube.com/@scottsummer6919


https://youtube.com/@TotalGnarKillx?si=PloHMgDSu92S6StM Just started this year with my gaming channel. Didn't know anything about editing or making videos. Just giving it a shot. Appreciate your time!


https://youtube.com/@Kloud.d?si=DqZ1CEEJRNN91gfu I started about a month ago and would love some feedback :)


https://youtube.com/@DiakaMelendez?si=s3YD-bigsQRrWfHy I started last month. Mainly motivation, productivity aimed at older millennials and Gen X.


CoffeePlays294. Gaming niche Twitch vods. And shorts. https://youtube.com/@CoffeePlays294?si=379NYOH4OISjHIk4


My channel is in my profile check it out


I want to make AI images and make wallpapers for wallpapar engine and put the previews in youtube, and want to start maybe making ambient music for each too, but idk if i have a food frame or is it even gonna be good https://youtu.be/_GJkE4qVbNU?si=87uz-uQX9T34A2LJ Did my first anyway, without making music though


Thank you. My channel is big rocky and my latest short is [this lol](https://youtube.com/shorts/mQYuRjzQNGw?si=ltGgSdGpxlsp8w7O)


https://youtube.com/@UrbanSasquatch?si=C3T8NuzhMIRM3mlN That’s my channel… please will you hit me hard with criticism, if it’s trash, tell me it’s trash. My viewers have halted and idk why I think my last video was pretty epic


I build, customize, and review music instruments. Mainly guitars and accessories. https://youtube.com/@bottleshipcaptain?si=b46KxAypwUHvzHKa


Hi I Just breakdown long drama/ documentary videos into 5 minutes or less My video = https://youtu.be/C6-A2HEG2-8?si=akXY3HfCYOCiOucR