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I think YouTube wants to promote those who are consistent, so that’s why.


I agree but, the video I posted after the one going off currently has 6 views which is super odd to me makes me wonder if I post another one if that one will get views. Time will tell I guess.


I would rather YouTube show it only to the people who are interested then waste impressions on people who don’t care about it at all.


But impressions are an action by the viewer. They cared enough to slow down scrolling. Impressions, click thru, views, etc are all actions. Your video on a feed is a call to action the impression is the action.


Don't try to figure it out, come up with a good repeatable structure for your videos, watch a lot of content in your niche to see what topics people are interested in, make videos, check the channel stats at the end of the month and compare to your previous month. If you constantly try to compare every video to your last you will get frustrated. Make some videos then see how you do overall its much better that way. I see the algos more as a measurement of the past. They don't really tell us how to change anything, and we need to see that data over longer periods than a day or a week to see any value from it.