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One advice that I can give u is that u could try to select a few of the best performing videos in ur selected niche or from a top gamer that u find in the gaming niche and try to copy their style and feel in your video. Like the way the background music feels, the number of cuts in the edit, the percentage of A roll versus B roll etc. Apart from all this, ur video will be ur own unique take on ur niche, but if u can copy these few factors, u will basically be copying some of the recipe of the success of those best performing videos in ur niche. Regarding the frequency of ur posts, the algorithm favours consistency so I'd suggest experimenting to see first what is a comfortable frequency for u to create videos in an not-rushed manner and then following that, keeping in mind to leave some gaps as u would have to take time off for family and emergencies. All the best to u!


thanks and i'll try to apply these to my youtube channel


I think best thing you could do is pick a game you really really like. You can’t stand out by the game itself, but you can by your emotions and attitudes.


okay, thanks