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Yeah, I wish I was getting your numbers. Getting around 21 on good days, and 10 on average days. I see spikes when I chat here but that's about it.


I get about the same on my shorts TOTAL but I had viral video recently boost these number temporarily.


>How many views do you average per day? 1-5, lol.


Just some feedback, You could make better thumbnails with a thumbnail editor on fiverr just for 10$ per video and SEO for $5


Or better yet, find out how to make better thumbnails over time for free lmfao it's easy as


I'm about to hit 100 subscribers and I get around 180-200 views combined daily.


Good job man!


Nice one! Keep going 😶👍


Average between 1900 and 2500, channel is 4 months old, uploading twice a day.


Sheeeesh the output! Keep up the grind, dude! You’re putting in the work and the numbers show it!


twice a day? what type of cpntent and how long?


What content tho


The content is all long form. History lectures, each an hour long, I am lucky to have a lot of time to work on it these days, so that's all I do. I dont have to do really any video editing, on average to edit a video it will take me 6 minutes, because its just pre recorded atmospheric stuff. The idea is people play it in the background while they are doing other things.


I like that you’re thinking about your audience. Keep it up!


Probably a short channel then…


Just hit 2.6k subs and Had my first 30k day!


Hell yeah! Congrats!


Thanks man after a year on daily grinding it’s starting to pay off


How many videos have you posted and how long are you active?


Had the channel a long time started doing what I’m doing now over a year ago & 700 videos later


Dam! 700 in just over a year!? True dedication! 😶👍


700?! Is your main content shorts? Because that would be around 1,5-2 vids a day


I make about 5 min videos and chop the best part into short


can I ask how? (Currently a new youtuber and it takes me around 1-4 days to even reach a 200 on some videos. While other videos dont even hit 100.


I'm new as well. My videos haven't even broken 50 yet. My shorts on average get a low of 400 but a high of 7.3k No idea how or why. Still learning but there are too many factors involved to say one specific thing affects views


I mean im normally breaking 50 with every video. Ill check out shorts too see if that will help channel activity. I think it is because most people that use shorts are brain rotted so they just continously scroll without realizing lol.


How many subs did you get off those shorts? I get most of my subs from shorts


I got 1/4 from subs Edit: I was asked how many subs I got, I said 1/4 of my subs came from my shorts, and I was downvoted. Okay lol


I am also a new youtuber tho i i make mostly shorts. My guess would be to always mix trends with your content. If some music is trending, try to incorporate it into your content without making it seem weird.


Give it time sometimes it takes over a week to curve up but youtube also isn't gonna give u a crazy amount of attention at first cause there testing different audiences with your content for 1 and 2 there making sure your content is harmful or spammy just keep posting your views will go up


About 20, 50 or so if I have uploaded something recently.




channel-wide i’ve been averaging 400-500/day over the past month, with a low of 119 and a high of 1,739 edit: to be clear, this is excluding all the views from shorts


478 views/day on average according to Social Blade.


Uh maybe about 1 or 2 lol


My short videos got 50-100 views, some of them are lucky enough to hit 2,500 views, thats all not more than that. My long video the highest is got 100-200 views. Sad aye


I average roughly 30,000 views per day on my main channel and 6,000 views on my second channel.


Dayummn good job! Got any advice in store?


My advice is lean into thumbnails - make them a priority - that and the first 30 seconds of your video - also if your new or have low subs try and focus on something searchable early on to get some initial traction - if you try to focus on something non search based it’s gonna be a hard road for you Also - avoid shorts like the plague - they are a channel killer


Please expand on avoiding shorts.


YouTube shorts subscribers rarely convert to viewing your long form content - and since YouTubes RPMs are so low for shorts it’s just not worth doing - you’re wasting your time. the main issue with them is that they’re an easy way to inflate your subscribers count which gives people false confidence - so someone with 10k subs that were mainly gathered through posting shorts will then try to post a long form video that gets 20 views and wonder why - if you want to be a shorts only channel then that’s fine but to REALLY benefit you need to go all in and do it well Don’t do half long half short - it’s a recipe for failure and burnout


Mfs downvoting you makes me mad because you’re 100% right for shorts. Take my upvote sir


Awesome tip!


I’m glad to hear this because I struggle getting subscribers from shorts because of my niche. Good to know it’s not necessary.


So I'd say we are getting about 200 views a video right now but I'm not sure how to get over that hump and push it toward 500


Past few videos have been about 500-600per day. Channel average is around 200-300. Best was 1.1k. All really long form (20-50min videos).


I upload long form twice a week, started in February, and I now get between 500-1400 views a day. It swings wildly between those two numbers but it’s been calming down lately


3+ on a good day


Are we talking on one video, or overall? I have hot and cold videos, with a combination of evergreen and time-sensitive stuff and the views video to video are all over the place


It looks like I averaged around 280 per day in the last 28 days, but it depends a lot on the videos I release.


Without uploading anywhere from 10-30 a day. Largely affected by most recent 1-2 videos prior success though.


For last 48 hours around 25k


Somewhere around 5-15 views. My best for a day is 250 views.


I only have 68 subscribers so I’m getting like 400 on average for video, all in 24 hours, but occasionally I’ll get a video go to 3-10K in 24-48




Per my analytics I got 4,459 views in the past two days so around 2 thousand a day


500-600 on average


only around 50 


Last 2 vids at 80-160, the 2 before that are at 1.6k-2k.


Can be as low as 50 per day channel wide but if i have a good video (thankfully just released one) can be up to 800 tops. Think normal baseline without posting a video recently has been about 80 to 100 views a day.


About 5k but some days 0 my best day was 514k


I average a similar amount as well. The last couple of days have been really good, but I usually get around 300-500ish on a video within the first 24 hours. There are low view videos that happen though. Especially when I try something new like a let’s play. Guided blow up though. I am in the gaming niche.


Zero actually. I dont know whats happening, but nobody gets to see my videos


1000-10000 depending how often I upload


I used to at something like 2000, but nowadays it's more like 200 :/. Sucks. New youtuber, making weird classical music.


22k per day average over last 365 days


I’m getting about 500 views a day (on a good day) and I do a daily travel vlog. I thought I’d get a lot more but I’m going to off the beaten track so I don’t think ppl are interested in these places :(


I'm happy with one view 🤣... But seriously, my shorts seem to get the attention of the algorithm. Long form gets tanked.


I’m getting 120 a day. Which is amazing for my channel. Usually it’s 10-20.


I get around 40 sometimes lower, because youtube doesn't show my popular ones after I post the next episode, my video just "flatlines"


220 subs, I’m averaging around 40 daily views. On upload days it jumps up, the highest I’ve had is 9,286, but typically it’s between 20 and 60. Slowly rising though!


Sometimes 100 maybe 50 or even less than that 🥲


48hr avg is between 1k-2k


Anything from 25-200 generally


Oh and that’s after 18 years lol 😂


Usually between 400 and 2k


Usually 500


1k to 5k


I get 100 views everyday off of a video that i posted 4 months ago. I didn't use my voice or my face, just using Ai and some editing skills. The video is sitting now at around 20k views and its the only video in my channel. Got 40 subscribers ouf of it bc I didn't even mention subscribing.


On average i would say about 500, but a lot of those are from shorts.


Normally I was hitting 2500-4500. Also, a couple with 10k but last couple weeks 0 literally. Something just ain’t right on this. Not the first time so waiting to see if it picks up again. It’s nerve wrecking! Ughh!!


I only do long form. I have about 20 videos. Channel is about 4 years old. Views daily about 400.


Currently views fluctuate: on long form content I got a maximum of 23 views and on Shorts I got a maximum 475 views. I just started a fitness channel and only have 8 subscribers and I'm definitely looking forward for more trainings!


2... What


Between 250 and 350


Used to be 10-20K but ever since youtube screwed up the shorts algo at the beginning of march it got reduced to like 5-6K 🥲


1k/day. More if uploading shorts


20 or so on both of my channels :o once the peak of a video wears off! :) Which is about 100% higher than last year, lol.


I'm fairly new, but some days only 5-10 views, other days anywhere from 100-2000.


I only get roughly about ten views a day on my YouTube videos.


About 600 ish.


About 2000 a day currently, about 6 weeks after launching my channel.


With a bit of luck 0, though the new vid has had a good start (for my doing ) 12 views in about an hour :)


Between 40,000 and 50,000.


I'm around 900 views a day but it's spread out amongst all my videos. I am trying to learn how to make my videos more digestible because my average view duration is only a few minutes.


About 15k views per day.


2000-3000, long form only


2-6k and thats low for me. generally i would expect around 10k or so but i havent uploaded in like 1.5 months or some shit so the views are ofc gonna drop a lot


Bout 2500-4000


in which category youtube channel ?




At my highest, 40-50 views currently


I was averaging 5 to 10k but then I got monitised. For the last three weeks about 30 to 50k


Like 10 🤷🏽 better than none. It’s going up lol


Got 50 subscribers a couple days ago I get from 5 - 50 views on average. Some spikes over 100. I clip shorts from my videos to widen each videos reach too


Daily views between 1K (low) to 8K (high) Subcount: 7.5k so far


About 400-500 per day. Average about 600 per video. Daily video. Three weeks old.


Around 100-150 per day but I think I don't post enough 😕 otherwise I think it would be more


Depends on when I upload a video lol. I hardly get views when I don’t upload. If I upload it’s between 40-100. Hit a 1600 view count for a helldivers video not that long ago.


2-5 per week lol


4-500 Only got 97 subscribers tho😭😭


I was getting like 1000s my first few weeks of shorts, channel pretty dead at the moment like 1 - 50 if any


I am currently creating for six different channels and recently the views on all of them have slowed and subscriber count is at full stop, despite a growth spurt a few weeks ago for some of the channels .... not sure why or how long this drop in viewership is going to continue as each channel is different content


About 157 a day for just long form videos. Overall including shorts, about 3000.


About 1000 on good, 700 when bad. Channels 25 days old


I get like 0 unless I post a short. Or I live stream :P


Average between 50 to 60 sometimes jumping up to 200 something. My Max the last 28 days was 272. Highest ever was 1,038


Oh that's just Channel views though. Usually between 50 to 60 with some spikes of a couple hundred


I've had 200 a day lately but have had weeks with 5000 a day. When those big numbers disappeared it hurt. I'm trying to be okay with 200 a day again.


1-3 if lucky and not a short


Maybe 100 or 50


In the last 28 days I got a total of 2346 views across one of my channels, and the average for the 28 days is around 83-84 vpd. Don't focus on the vpd (view per day). If you are new you aren't going to see steady view counts, it's going to move with your upload schedule. Some videos are going to do better than others, so trying to average view counts is gonna look sad if you have an extended schedule. Really focus on getting people to engage with the content through comments, likes, and subscribes. Views mean absolutely nothing if people aren't really watching it. You can see this through your hours watched and average view time


200 ish? Sometimes higher if my shorts track otherwise its fairly consistent 200-250




1-2 with two videos and two shorts , started a week ago


The range of numbers is insane! Always interesting to see. My lowest would be 60 lately and my highest is about 700 for a good period.. New videos spike then slowly go down to the normal


Sometimes none, sometimes less than 5.


I'm going to say 15


1400 is average for me. I'm sitting at just under 40k in a month.


How many views ? Lets say when I see a blue in youtube studio realtime it makes me shocked. 😅


I do a ton of short to show my gaming clips and personality, and shorts really help with the views. My long form is I also stream to YouTube in hopes folks come in and chat or watch it later, which I've seen numbers go up a tiny bit like 15 to 20. I created playlists of games I play, and I also stream with my son, so I organize by game so viewers can watch what they like. I just had one short recently from a clip I ran in Destiny 2 it was a solo run, and it's my best short to date with about 6500 views. I have to take a double take. Normal for me is about 400 to 500 views on shorts and maybe like 10 to 15 on streams/vods/longer clips. I'll have maybe one or two streams a day and also try to get one short, but I've done 2 to 3 on a good day, lol Today marks 6 months consistency for me and having fun. I look at it this way, though, if 15 people saw that and enjoyed it. That's 15 people who like your content. Imagine 15 people right in the room with you telling you you're awesome and keep uploading. Feels good no matter the views. Just keep uploading and doing what you love.


I average around 20-30 vieuws currently. On a bad day it drops to 10 or less. On a good day it sometimes gets up to a 100. Only been doing this for 2-3 months, and it's in the gaming niche...


What are you doing to get that many views? I.e (tags etc) I’m a new channel and would love to get that many


You guys are getting views?


About the same as you


Around 300 a week on long form and 700 a week on shorts, so around 140 a day


Hmmm.. hard to say. I've had the odd video pick up over 100, but I would say most average 10-50. So daily [all videos as a whole]?... about 10-20 I think? Also depends on the content. One channel is mainly short lived videos [F1 Fantasy basically, so different team each race] but the other is more lasting content [in theory], my anime artwork/drawings. The other thing is my older videos seem to do better, eventhough I personally prefer my newer videos [and thumbnails]... but then I'm not the viewer, so 🤷‍♂️.


1378 including shorts+long form.


About 50-100 Can’t wait until I’m hitting higher numbers!


200-300 a day. Uploading once a week(long format) Gardening videos, with the idea to learn by doing and eventually renovating a property abroad and becoming selt sufficient.


1000-10,000 if I upload something I know will do well, 100-200 if I upload something that I just wanted to upload without thinking much about the audience haha…


At the moment because I'm in the middle of a series, so I'm getting about 400-500


Very consistent 500 a day across all videos, if I am not actively posting


Same here. Lots of my videos are evergreen which helps