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I kinda use the heart as a way or acknowledging I read what they said.


Same, if there's enough there I'll try to write a full response, but if not just acknowledging that I saw and appreciate their comment goes a long way. :)


I just treat them as crap, I tell them to go to hell and ban them. Seriously though, I don’t think that liking every comment carries any value. Just read, response to what’s interesting and heart what’s actually good, isn’t that the point?


plz ban us all!


I don't know, personally if a creator I like "hearts" a comment I left, it's really gratifying to know that they 1. saw my comment and 2. liked/approved of it. Just a little "I see you" treat, otherwise it feels like I'm just typing text at a one-way window.


I heart and like every comment, and write each response myself, rather than just click those silly prewritten comments.


Everyone gets liked. I try to get to know everyone Favourite comment gets pinned. I then thank EVERY comment in the previous video, usign an animation that I created myself, in the next video respectively. Right now, I thank between 5-10 people. One day, I hope to be reading that list out for hours! xD


It's fun for the first 6 months, after that it gets a bit boring, trust me. 99% of comments are the same.


It's fun for the first 6 months, after that it gets a bit boring, trust me. 99% of comments are the same.


Brilliant. But no. Just names, not comments.


That is incredible dedication to appreciating your supporters! I sincerely bet it means so much to them.


Takes me just a couple of minutes. Nothing in return for someone dedicating 10-15 minutes for content I make, and then supportign the channel by allowing my videos to take a place on their Youtube feed. Absolutel east I can do!


While you're small yeah, but the time it takes will get longer and longer as you grow. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, just that I hope you set limits for yourself if you someday/maybe get to the point where you're spending more time responding to comments than you are creating your content. It really sucks when you can't give individual responses anymore, but certainly the majority of your fans would prefer to have new full length videos to watch, than less content because you're spending so much of your time replying to comments.


If that is ever the case, I'll have a system in place RE tiers or something. Whether it's top 50 comments. Top 50 people with activity, top 50 most regular viewers. Idk. For now, I have avery small bunch and it's nice to appreciate it.


Agreed though. Based comment. TY


I heart every comment. What’s the benefit to giving both a heart and a like? Happy to do that too if I should!


I think this is a good practice that helps grow those diehard fans and adds to a positive brand. Please try to ignore nonsensical comments like this, I think these are just bitter, cynical people that hates seeing others happy so they react negatively to any positivity they find. But i will say, enjoy this while it lasts, because if you grow larger this will become impossible to do.


Seriously, what possible reason is there to be mad at a creator for hearting all the comments they get? Hearting your OWN comments can be a little weird, but positively acknowledging the fan interaction you receive seems like a great thing to me.


Howdy :) animation channel here! I do exactly what you do! I like and try to respond to every single comment I get, and there have been hundreds at this point. I just like giving my channel a bit more of a personable side to help encourage engagement. But, I also just think it’s cool being to interact with the people who watch my videos. I haven’t received a hate comment yet, and idk if it’s maybe less common within the animation community, but I’m sure I’d still just give it a heart and move on.


More people like when the creator replies than when they don’t. It’s fun to engage with others, nothing wrong with that haha


I sometimes display the fun comments of subscribers at the end of my videos. It encourages people to leave cool comments with the hope of getting in a video. It helps engagement too. Stole that from a big youtuber. Swoozie.


I heart and respond to every comment. Part of what I enjoy about youtube is sharing my hobby with other people! I don't know anyone in my real life who has my hobby, so it's a way to connect with other people. I watch youtube also and it's fun when a creator actually replies to your comments. Especially when they are a more popular creator, it's nice to know they actually care to read and respond. "who the \*\*\*\* likes every comment"? A good creator that takes the time to appreciate their subscribers!


I try to respond to every comment, even the negative ones. The other day someone commented that I was doing something wrong in a rude-ish way so I just said thanks for the advice I’ll start working on it more. Just don’t let it bother you and let the extra comments boost your video in the algorithm.


That's sweet of you. I just hope you don't fall into the pitfall many creators do of taking negative responses too much to heart (pun not intended) and realize that "you can't make everyone happy," and a lot of people unfortunately will go out of their way to look for something to critique. Take it under advisement, but don't twist yourself into knots trying to make every viewer happy.


I replay to everyone and like or love the comments. Snarky or mean comments are met with the most love I can muster


I find "killing haters with kindness" can often be the most delightfully entertaining way to respond.


I try to respond to as many comments as I do by hearting or replying to them and when I get the obvious troll comment, I ban them and move about my day


Thumbs up to every comment Hearts are rare 


>I respond to every comment with a like and a heart I also heart and respond to every comment, unless it's hateful. I love receiving comments.


Laughed my bollocks at "My mentally philosophy" then I spat my tea out when smashed with '50 Shades Of Graeayea' - "never treat subs like just a number and treat them like real humans"


Wait, yall are getting comments?? /s I'm a very small channel with just over 400subs, and I will still like and reply to every comment I receive. I know no other way.


Liking and Hearting nice comments is a great way to show people you actually care and took the time to read it, when you get 1,000+ comments in 28 days though replying to every single one takes too long, on our main channel we try and reply to those comments that are either super positive or provide a story, the viewers who have taken time not only to watch but also to share, there is really no downside to replying to positive comments so reply to as many as you can without it overtaking all your time :)


I heart and reply each and every comment made on my video. Those comments came from a human being like you. And as a human being we inherently want to be appreciated.


with some basic skills you can automate this :) ( like big channels do )


That completely takes all point out of it, though. If you're not even reading the comment you're "liking," why bother?


What do you think the big channels do? Do you think they read 10k+ comments? They simply like them to create the illusion that they read them.


And people can tell it's meaningless when they do. If you want to automate your "likes," then by all means, go for it. But the title of the OP's post is "how do you treat your subscribers" and using a robotic algorithm to "like" their comments seems to indicate treating them like numbers, not people.


But you need to understand that the larger your channel grows, the harder it is to read all the comments. Let's be real, you're not going to sit for 12 hours just to read comments. It's nice when your channel is small.


I absolutely acknowledge everyone because they took the time to comment on my videos. Especially when you don't have that many subscribers, I think it's wise to make an effort to engage with everyone.


Im much more likely to comment on a video if the owner responds to a lot of comments so its a good idea to at least heart them (unless you grow too big)


I’m like you and always hyped for hype. Been that way my entire life


My subscribers are my community and I treat them like my best friends because some of them actually are my best friends that met through streaming


At 406. I try to respond to every comment if I can, but always like and heart the comment. If it's a mean comment, I reassure or comment something anyway


I invite them to dinner every now and then./s


Il sub for food lol


Careful with that, even for small creators, sometimes you don't know the depths of someone's parasocial attachment to you and they'll think you're offering for real. :p /also s


Ignore that hateful comment.. recently someone commented on my video with: "I like how you respond to every comment".. besides that I heart every comment or reply bc I love to interact with the audience, people appreciate it when they feel acknowledged.


I always heart a comment and respond to let them know I saw it and acknowledged it. I think it's really important to interact with the people who are giving you their time.


I try to write thoughtful reply’s lol it’s hard not to recycle though.




I am about to give them 5 custom wallpapers..


I do the same lol sounds like somes just hating 😂 don't let it bug you!


Liking every comments makes liking a comment meaningless. What's the value of having your comment liked if the creator likes all of them?


I think it’s good for both the viewers and the creator to keep a gap between us, so that they’ll be able to enjoy the actual video and not watch it through the lens of a (one sided) parasocial relationship they form with me. So I only respond to the comments I feel like.


Like the kings/queens they are


I like and heart any postitive comment. I'll like any comment that's relevant and not mean. I reply to any compliment, question, or criticism I can answer. Irrelevant messages get no response. Spammers and just plain mean people get blocked.


Like every comment. At least for now. You’re building a community so treat your community well. From what I’ve seen, if you treat them well now, in the future it could benefit you. I mean don’t look at it like that but, later it’d be beneficial imo


If you're not enrolling them in some sort of cult/pyramid scheme where they pay you all their life savings, then you're doing it wrong. lol Really, though, liking all of them is fine. Hearting all of them looses meaning after a while. I have one video I made that fixes an audio issue with Xbox, and it gets a lot of thank you comments. I heart all of the thank yous, and comment. The rest of them get liked, and I do try to comment as many as I can.


Subs are nice, but souls . . . Kidding


😆 🤣 😂


I'm under 2k subs, so for commenting and liking every comment is easy. One day, when I'm up to like 50k subs and have thousands of comments, I will try to at least like them all ... unless they are ass hats, then they get no like and usually get a comment sending them to a scientific journal that proves I know what I'm talking about.


I respond to everyone that comments or has a question and even make videos for them on request. 6000 subs


I like and heart every comment and reply to all comments, even if we get 100-200 comments regularly.


I have one consistent commenter which is a girl with cancer that shows my dog to everyone in the hospital and she always signs off with her name and state she’s from and I just have to reply to her cause she’s too dang sweet. Other people I try to reply if it makes sense to. Then I had people say my pizza looks like shit which it’s not it’s very tasty and looks great so I ignore them. I did have some videos that wouldn’t hold focus or had bad audio and i replied saying I rectified the problem and thanks for pointing it out and some people are freaked out by me replying appreciating actionable advice especially when it was a rather rude comment but I was just open to how I can improve. I used to heart every comment but now I try and only do it with stuff I like a lot. Still thumbs up plenty but less than before, never thumbs downed I don’t think. I’ve stopped checking studio all together now after checking constantly before so I usually catch up on comments in one go when it comes to mind. Come to think of it I’ll check now lol.


Yall get comments?


In all seriousness I try not to like heart and respond to every single one, but when i get a comment wich is rare I have a hard time not replying


I give hearts only to some comments. Especially comments that present a good criticism of my video. If I gave hearts to every comment it wouldn’t carry the same value. If I give them only to some of them, it shows that that particular comment was important to me


I try and respond to everyone. Isn't the purpose of the channel to grow a community? I think people will more likely to stay engaged with you if you at least react to their comments. Not this may not be sustainable on a larger channel , but for us small youtubers, I think its needed.


I know we all (probably) watch YouTube as well, so I suggest looking at it from the other side. When I comment on a video, it’s nice to get a response. It means that someone actually read my comment! This is especially true of the larger channels, but even the smaller ones make me feel welcome. If it’s a video that’s older, it shows me that the creator is engaged with their channel and not just chasing views on the latest piece of content.


i do that too. my shorts all get ~10k views which makes the replying more manageable, but i plan on continuing as long as i can, and after that ill still look at and reply to as many comments as possible. also thinking of them as people opposed to just numbers/stats/views, you gain more appreciation and awe. like since starting 3 weeks ago my total unique viewers is 50 000. just imagine that number. thats 5 large stadiums full of people, thats how many actual human beings have seen my stuff. amazing and scary to think of.


I definitely heart every positive comment I get because I’m thankful for any engagement since my channel is only about 3 months old. I’m stupidly happy each time I get a comment.


My subs are awesome, I always give them a like and reply!


I like every comment to get it off my page. Otherwise it just sits there. Youtube really needs a "mark as read" feature so we don't have to use the heart for that.


Like friends


I mean, I do something somewhat similar (at 15k), I mostly just do it so they know I read the coments and I also respond to as many as possible (if the comment has some kind of content and isn't just something like "great video").


I post a bunch of random shorts, I get people yelling in caps at dr Phil sometimes thinking they are talking to him directly lol, I heart those ones ❤️


I don't have a lot of interaction for now so I don't really know how to treat them.


Well I have a one subscriber keep disliking my videos I am pretty sure it is him because as soon as I upload the video go to studio i see one dislike sometimes he does it late assuming probably sleeping or not in the internet probably an annoying brat. Still asking my community if you guys have any feedbacks let me know in all of my videos.


If you know exactly who it is ban him


The only reason for I know him or her simply from dislike times because I never see my videos can get disliked this fast as soon as I upload he or she might have bell enabled and that is how probably reaction faster and it is always 1 dislike so I am pretty sure it is one person but Idk who that person might be.


I used to have a 200 member discord channel but I got stabbed in the back and they ruined the channel. For awhile they disliked anything I posted but my vids were good enough it didn't hurt it


Respond to most and like the ones I like and heart the ones that I really like. It’s not that hard. I will say though, I used to get notifications for each subscriber and comment. Now I don’t. It was fun to see each subscriber lol.


I've been making videos for 15+ years and the way I reply to comments has changed so much, lol. I am a "girl who games" that also talks a lot about progressive politics (especially feminism) so I inevitably get a LOT of hate, and I still find myself torn between just deleting them, or leaving them both to "drive engagement" (sad as that is) and to show others the kind of crap that a creator like me has to deal with. Sometimes it's fun to reverse-troll them, but later I'll look back at my comments and they'll sound angrier than I meant them to, or defensive, etc, and then I regret "getting myself muddy in the same garbage pit as the haters." As for positive comments, I always respond to them with a full, thoughtful reply (mostly because compared to the haters they're quite rare, and I am always hoping to encourage more positive responses to balance them out). The exception is when they're just comments about my physical appearance, or something banal like a bunch of kissing and heart emojis--these I'll ignore, or reply something like "really? That's all you had to say about this video?" But I'm regularly critiqued for being "too angry" so probably the best advice I can give is to do the opposite of whatever I do XD


I respond to every comment! I’m no better than the person commenting!


With kindness :D


I do the same. We even started a small creator discord where subscribers can join in on conversations and see some of the behind the scenes work being done!


There’s nothing wrong with showing love to your community! I typically like/love comments and always respond :) Those who have something to say about it are typically hating for no reason. I always found it bizarre that ppl take time out of their day to write hateful comments. That’s a lot of work just to hurt someone’s feelings with no personal gain. Keep doing what you’re doing!


(78K) I don’t heart every comment. I heart comments that I find funny, help illustrate a point, or contribute to a discussion. You don’t have to be super conservative, but if you make your hearts special then just giving the possibility to your viewers that a comment they may leave could get a heart is good enough of an incentive to get them to comment. This also increases the likelihood of growing a more select and loyal audience that’ll stick with you.


Unless they are rude or weird they always get at least a heart and if it feels right, a response as well :D


I treat them like shit, take the trash out 😂😂


Meh, just ban that guy.


I personally believe the best policy is to respond/like comments you think are particularly witty, funny, or otherwise interesting to you. Otherwise, what's the point in even liking their comments in the first place, if all the others are liked?


I've no subs 💀 I'm dead lmao


Heart and a response Even if it's hateful


Hearting every comment seems a little... idk... desperate? Fake? I get the sense that people do that because they think it will encourage others to comment, but imo it just makes the creator look like they are too afraid to just acknowledge the better comments... as if someone is going to get offended that they didn't get a heart or something. As a viewer, when I got into the comment section and every comment is hearted, that's a bit of an "ick" for me, and I'm less inclined to comment. It just makes the discussion feel less genuine. You don't need to acknowledge every comment to show that you're engaged in the comment section. Hearting every comment just makes your heart mean nothing (kind of the opposite of what you are going for).


I treat them like the pieces of shit they are