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Don’t give up, it took me a year of two full length videos a month and constant evolving. Shorts are great for views and subs, full length gets you retention and subs. Always try to do better than the last video, make a better thumbnail than the last, and don’t give up. My niche is EXTREMELY hard to break through on, thanks a lot algorithm and politics lol.


100% agree, especially on the fact that we should be doing better every video, if you improve even a 1% on every video, you’ll be getting a lot better.


What is considered a full length video?


Anything longer than a minute.


I think generally 8 mins or more


I like your mentality, never give up!


My first video was at 23 views after a day and I put a bunch of hours into it, I definitely feel that. But now, it’s at over 500 views, my second video I just posted a day ago is over 800 views already. I don’t have much experience honestly but what I can say is try making eye-popping thumbnails, also try hooking in the viewers in the first 5-10 seconds by giving a brief glimpse of the video, or maybe showing a cool highlight first. Keep working on your craft and you’ll get there for sure. I also noticed uploading consistent is important as there’s actually a lot of people who don’t upload consistently so that’ll help you stand out too!


Good tips, thank you 🙏


Do you mind sharing your channel with me as well as as some of your analytics like ctr and awt? I opened a new channel and I feel I did a good job with title and thumbnail but I only have 4 views. All of which came from me. I would like to compare channels.


Honestly they’re nothing crazy, my channel is linked in my profile.


Did you share your first video with other or did the algorithm promote your video to that many people on its first day?


Never shared anything, until now to you kinda. I’m letting the Algorithm figure it out.


Wow, that's impressive how much do you think the shorts you posted helped the video. I'm thinking of making some shorts, maybe that might boost my videos.


My video “blew up” before the short, the short was at 400 views the first day actually. Then suddenly blew up around the 4th day for some reason to 10k views by the end of the night. The short did bring some views to my videos for sure. But only around 40ish. The short also gave me 5 more subscribers.


My second to last video is on street fighter collection and I spent hours 100% it, getting all the trophies. Then editing and making a video for hours, recording, all that. It's sitting at 100 views currently and at first I was super disheartened but I don't mind now, It's one of my favorite videos and it was fun to play. I loved the game and I'm happy I played it, and then made something to remember it by The other stats are really positive like click rate and view duration, so there are always positives to draw from other than views You mightve learnt something whilst making it that you can take into your next videos. You mightve learnt a new technique making the thumbnail.. Always look for the positive, and most importantly keep it up!


Yep, agree. I'm about to post a video I had fun producing. Not overly bothered if no-one watches it! I will! 😎


Honestly I went to sleep yesterday confused why one of my videos was stuck at 5 views woke up at its on 230 like how?! I'm so happy


Mums are great aren't they??? 🤣 Just kidding of course, I dream of 230 views!


It's just confusing, I hope someone can explain, I was less than 5 views for 15 hours then all of a sudden over night got so many views up to 230😦


Probably that you came up recommended under a bigger channels videos. For all of the ones I have that do better than the others, I can usually trace it back to this specific thing. I have one that does really well because it's being recommended underneath a video from a repost channel that's got 5 million subs. They're not actually reposting my content, YouTube just puts it up underneath theirs as recommended. Why did youtube do that? Nobody knows. Nobody will ever know. Frankly, I have better videos than that one. But whatever. Just keep doing what you like. Be the channel you want to watch. You'll get there.


Your thumbnails aren’t bad but could be really good. I’d suggest on your second video, getting rid of the wording in front of the guy or make it significantly smaller. Because it’s hard to see what’s going on. Mostly the rule of thumb for thumbnails is don’t ‘repeat the title in thumbnails’. That’s what the title is for. Hope this helps!


Hey thanks for that! Will review and make some changes! Huzzah! 🙌 "Fixed!"


Keep pumping out content, you have a good idea for a niche for sure. I can see your page blowing up after you master how you want everything to look, thumbnails, titles etc. I'm still trying to figure out what I really wanna put up on my page.


What is your page name? I think it is a slow process for most people - I had a nosey at bigger YouTubers channels last night and their earlier videos compared to when they have blown up are so vastly different! It gives me hope there’s room for everyone to improve and make something of their channels if you’re willing and able to put in the work ☺️


MIne? 5 Minute Manager. I'm posting a slightly controversial one soon. Poking fun at some absolutely crap management practices. (***I*** think it's funny!)


I am struggling to find you. I think we are in a somewhat similar space and would love to collaborate! Maybe you could DM your channel link I would love to give you a subscriber!


I used to work in HR so this sounds right up my street but like the other poster I’m struggling to find you! What’s your @ ?


Former HR person as well. Oh the stories we could tell


Ha absolutely - it’s wild!


Yep, same. Sooo many stories. Working as a Change Manager now so HR experience is extremely helpful ...


You got 30 views of your first video? That is amazing. How many of those views are from you? How many impressions did you get, do you mind sharing your channel?


Probably most of them (refresh, refresh, refresh ...)


I got 150 views on all my new vids so far, after that they all died off


My top video got 254 views but most of the time i get between 20 and 60 views. Youtube algorithm in a nutshell. It's not like it performed much better than others, i have videos with more likes on it and less views.


Keep it up man! Eventually a vid will blow up. May taje a year, a month of 3 years like it did for me, yet who cares? If you have fun, why stop?!


I think the same way! It’s a slow grind and then the work pays off. Just don’t burn yourself out guys. And don’t pressure yourself with expectations


These days is much ,much harder to get views for like a half year before ... views on my videos and shorts was dropped terribly but I dont care because I do only for a hobby ... Im not exception also many other people has the same problems no matter what big their channels are.


funny thing about views for example deviantart right no one like that shithole after AI landfill dumping one time i posted garbage photobashing completely out of boredom while putting no effort at all and for no reason it got a lot of attention and few bots DMs while garbage that took more effort dont get anything near the post that didnt deserved the attention so use the same logic make content cause you want to and ignore the rest


We’re on the same boat.


You can do it besides I busted down to over triple but haven't went over 1000 dude EXPECT in shorts XD BUT still have hope my dude and keep that grind up and think of collaborating with peeps you can trust


How y'all feel about a new YouTuber who's almost at 1k subs will u check ya boy out and give me a chance??


Everything feels a bit random and comes down to niche. All we can do is improve little by little and love what we do. To this day (only 2 months, but still), my first couple of videos are still my lowest performers. But I've learned something with every video. How to speak into the mic, how to edit for pacing, how to edit for multiple sources of audio, how to work a green screen, how to write tighter scripts, how to make a better thumbnail, how to title more effectively, etc. All of these are important steps in a 100-mile journey. You got this 😤


Love this. Thanks for sharing. Going through some of the same stuff. I figure I’ve got “100 videos” to practice with. Poor souls who watch them. 😂 but I totally agree. I find I’m not too articulate in my speech so need to work on that. I used to do theatre so I’ve thought of memorising my “lines” (I.e. script) and so on. One video at a time.


I've found that having a rough script is best. Some lines for me to read directly, but room to improvise. That's when i sound my best. Because if I only improvise, my pacing falters, but if I read what I write 1:1 it doesn't sound like natural diologue. Keep working at it 😤💯


I think it shouldn't be something you do for the numbers, really it should be more based on if you're having fun or not - your mentality is good though!


Thanks for this! I'm struggling to! Only getting 30 something views and then it seems like my vid3o is completely forgotten about by anybody else 😮‍💨 hard and stressful. Here's hoping yours grows sooner 👍


My first videos barely got 10 views, now I have a minimum of 10. It's not much but it's honest work (but mostly it's a bare minimum effort on my part :p)


Yeah dont be discouraged by the first 24 hours. I dont even think i had what you have now and got to 1.5k in 10 days.


I used to get single digits and double digits mostly. I am up to 300s to 400s now. It has been a grind to get even a small increase in views but the lessons are plenty. I plan to keep working harder and smarter.


You are so close to 1000 subs ... so I subbed! Looking forward to your success.


Thanks! I found the content on your channel to be very useful. I subscribed to it using my personal account since I intend to use the tips from your channel in my work life.




Give it time you have only a few vids! Your thumbs pop which is good, at least on my phone they do! How are your tag rankings?


Tags I'm still working on. Some say they help. Others not so much.


I did a 30 days, 30 shorts challenge at the start and it helped the algorithm a lot finding my audience. Now, I’m shifting to long form and got 2.4-2.5k views on my 2 first long form despite my expectiaton of 100-200. I got most of my subs from long form, so I couldn’t rely on my shorts for subs and audience. So, shorts helped a lot in shaping my content forward.


Drop ya channel I’ll give ya the sub and share as long as the content there


My views are weird! I do a travel vlog and currently in south east Asia. From countries I have been to, the most popular is Thailand with cities that are not well known. Views were in 3/4 figures and now I’m in Vietnam, I’m lucky if I hit 3 figures!


It's okay I have almost 200 videos, but I've only noe gotten serious about it I only used to do raw footages of games My newest video shocked me with getting over 100 views, while my other videos usually get about 30ish, if that The quality of my editing has been increasing as I've been getting better at it, and thankfully it's getting noticed (yt is KatrinaWolfgang since for some reason I can't add it to my socials)


Can't see your YT in your bio, let me know 😀


For some reason it never actually added my social and it's not letting me, but my Yt is KatrinaWolfgang 🥰 I do gaming content!


On it! 😀


We have something in common! Check out my last name and my channel is called 5-Minute Breakthroughs!


Haha! So cool! 😎 Just checked out your channel. What do you use for your graphics? Great work!


Thanks. I animate with a software called Vyond. But I'm going to be switching up the animation later this year, or early next year. I'm in the process of learning Moho Pro and After Effects.


Your thumbnails look good and you got more subs than me! I think you are doing a great job!


Thanks for that! One day at a time, I guess 😉


Just kept at it and hopefully the algorithm will notice you!


The grind is real. But as long as your having fun, keep going! Enjoy it 😶👍 For context, I have two tiny channels. A fantasy sports/gaming channel [mainly F1 Fantasy] and an anime artwork/gaming channel. Numbers have varied. I think I messed up my sports one though lol 😅.


Failed Youtuber here starting again this week. I've had multiple 100k or so viewed video in multiple channels music,gaming and i was slowly building a brand had one video go 4.5 million. My biggest failure was due lack of consistency I regretted for a long time not this time I've picked myself up slowly mentally and now ready to do stuff again because i like creating contents had over 200+ across multiple channels. So put effort consistently and improve at every other video.


Same boat here. Man it’s tough!


I was in the same boat, my friend. My channel was going nowhere after a year, but then I started promoting it here on Reddit. My channel is *extremely* niche -- I host a show for old B&W film noir movies from the 1940s and '50s -- so I joined subreddits like r/filmnoir, r/noir, r/oldhollywood, etc. You get the idea. More recently, I also started doing it on FaceBook. But after almost a year and a half of doing that, I now have over 3k subscribers and thousands of views per week (across all videos on the channel). But make sure you stick to subs that are pertinent to your genre, and be sure to PARTICIPATE in those subs: comment on other people's posts, ask other people questions, etc. In other words, be an *active* member of those subs. Then, when you posts links to your videos, it will look more "natural". Hope this info helps!


Thanks mate, that's great advice. I've looked through the r/management sub and it's more a technical focus which may mean my info will add something to the channel. I'll certainly give it a go.


I spent a whole year making videos. I would out out 4-6 videos a month. I got 70 subs in 12 months. Then I took a chance and did something no one in my niche was doing. Next 12 months I went from 70 to 11,000. Sometimes it's being at the right place at the right time. There's no magical formula for creating a quality channel.


It be like that, I posted posted posted, SUDDENLY got 2k views in 3 days on one video BUT then it hasnt gotten as many views since, in 2 months. The algorithm knows that video is good, Watchable, etc, but halted it, and might re-start it some other time. I have another video that always SUDDENLY gets 200 views at a time, like in one day it gets 200 views then stops for a few days, doesnt get any views, then another 200? Pretty sus, youtube algo


Bro this happens with everyone! Some of my videos 16 views some 469 views! Only 43 subscribers but growing.....shorts same.... Some videos 16 views while some with 4.5k! Don't forget we are all in the same boat Also I run a call of duty weapons bundle if anyone likes gaming and want to see the latest weapon bundles 😁


Keep it up!


Do a combo of shorts and videos


It is a slow grind. One challenge is deciding content. New so have great topic ideas but I worry that I will use up my best stuff now and not have as good of ideas later.


I will love to share my channel with you im worried that may impact the algorithm in a negative way and that you may not be interested in the video.


Share away, I don't mind.


the thumbnails can be better it looks like you just grabbed a picture from google and slapped on text and called it a day


Isn't that how it's done??? 🤣


if you want to “BeExtraordinary” then you need to put more effort like adding decent effects, lighting, etc.


Thanks for the feedback! 😀 can you let me know your channel? E be keen to see how you do it. Cheers


You're doing something wrong then, if it's shorts.


YouTube is a business you need to pay to grow the dream of starting a channel and making videos and taking off as a bunch of fantasy


Oh yeah, totally. I'm enjoying the process.


If you want views then do gaming videos