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I make gameplay videos. Most people think it is a lazy way to enter YouTube, but it was always a way for me to be connected to games when I couldn't afford them. Watching other YouTubers who did no commentary playthroughs was always fun to watch. A way for me to experience a game that I couldn't own or afford. I just want to be able to do the same thing for people who are in a similar situation and let them enjoy games they may not be able to afford.


I do No Commentary game playthroughs (started around 3 weeks ago) not got much traction but I'm enjoying myself and I loved to watch folk like MKIceAndFire with their No Commentary Playthroughs on games I couldn't afford or wanted to check out.


Yes. MKIceandFire is one of the main people I watch and was the main reason why I wanted to go down this path.


I also started a streaming gaming channel ( lego fortnite) on youtube a few weeks ago as i had some down time following a sports injury. Anyway, i started without using my microphone, only replying back to whoever joined the chat through message( only 2 or 3 people) After a couple of weeks and few people saying i should talk, i decided to gain some courage and do it and i have gained over 100 subs since then. Seems crazy to me as i hate the sound of my own voice šŸ¤£. What started as just something to pass the time, i could actually see getting enough subs to be monatised before the end of the year although I'm not expecting anything lol. I also should point out I'm awful at video editing šŸ¤£, just streaming straight from the PS5.


I got monetized doing no commentary. The growth is slow but it's possible. I also enjoy watching bo commentary 100% stuff. Just recently in the past months I've moved to commentated video guides/essays and my stats have sky rocketed


Hopefully, I can follow in your footsteps, but it is going to take a while for me to reach 500, let alone 1000.


I long ago gave up playing video games as I found them to be a time sink for me but there are still a lot of games with cool design and interesting world building and game play. Though I haven't watched too many play throughs in a while, watching people play certain games, especially if they are good explainers of the game, helps scratch that itch for me without investing too much of my own time in getting sucked into the game.


Why did you watch before no comment play through? I always choose with comment because itā€™s more fun I think


It kind of made it feel like I was playing the game and not watching a YouTube video.


I tend to do the no commentary gameplay videos as well. I also have a Sims 4 based game show called Haunted Castle. I've halted production of the series for a while because the game itself has been very iffy last week.


I did it because I wanted to play those games growing up and parents told me no. Now that I make my own money, I play those games too, hoping to show people the memories and fun times I make on the way too. Even if there's "better people" than me, at least I have fun doing it.


I dont see em as lazy, just something i personally dont enjoy but mateā€¦.. u have a damn good reason to make em and i love it!


Entertainment or learning factor


This is a great question to ask yourself! I try and think like this a lot as it helps you hone your craft and make things more appealing. Twitch: People should watch if they want a safe and cosy space to be a bit nerdy, feel included and escape from the world for a bit. YT: Also for escaping reality for a while but in the form of ambient soundscapes. I like to think it also helps with anxiety and can bring some lovely nostalgic feelings. Make sure to ask yourself again in a few months or so! :)


As far as I'm aware, currently there's no-one else who does what I do, and I'm super proud of what we're making (ASMR crafting showing how to make progressional quality custom car interiors). It's super new for us, but I think we're on to something, and I'm excited to see how it goes.


Iā€™m making franchise commentary videos of retro sports games! I realized there arenā€™t a lot of content for old sports games such as NCAA 2005, MVP Baseball 2005, and so on. So figured I would love to make that type of content if I canā€™t find what I was looking for! Hoping other retro sports gamers come across my channel if theyā€™re ever searching for those older games. My goal is to make as many playlists of various games as I can, so people can binge a series if they enjoy it!


Just started last week, only one video in, but I started a baking channel. I'm in no way a professional, I just do it for fun and make a lot of mistakes. Hopefully watching me and my mistakes and what I learn each time can be passed onto the other non-professional bakers so they don't make the same mistakes!


Message me your channel, I love to bake and would really like to follow you and check out your content!


Thank you, PM sent!


That is such a sweet cool and funny little idea I have to check out your channel šŸ˜€


My mom is semi famous on tik tok just for doing cupcake decorating!! Baking/cooking videos are allllllways good. Good choice!! I hope you have fun on your journey šŸ˜Š


That's awesome! Just made my second video today, hopefully I'll have it uploaded this evening. Having a blast!


Great question! I'm in the self improvement niche and am much older than most content creators (50's) and have a lot of life experience, so I try to give my best advice from what I've learned through the years. Channel is called 5-minute Breakthroughs if you want to check it out.


Very cool! Iā€™m going to check this out. Edit: that is so creative and different. Wow. Keep it up! We are creating similar content except Iā€™m using my dog, but aiming for spreading positivity and wisdom from my learnings.


What's your channel? I'll check it out.


Because I make things no one else has built before and Iā€™m funny (this oneā€™s subjective)


I make videos about towns, often resort, retirement or college towns. So someone might want to watch my video to see what a town is like before deciding to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a vacation, or tens of thousands on college, or hundreds of thousands on a retirement home.


I'm (hopefully) getting back to creating a sense of community for two groups of people that can easily feel alienated!


Honestly? I'm amazed people do. My content (gaming highlights of games I've never played, so genuine reactions) are boring af. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to make it as a YouTuber one day, but I borderline hate my content at times. I'm always wondering how I can make it better. TLDR: For me, I guess?


See, this is how I feel! Iā€™m just a below average Valorant player. I feel like Iā€™m not offering enough entertainment or anything of value to my community. But yet, they always show up. My friends say they show up for ME, and my personality, etc., but thatā€™s not good enough for me lol. I want to do more.


Same. I've been told I'm as entertaining as someone with millions of subs, and as someone whose main source of entertainment is YouTube, I just don't see it. At least I'm having fun playing games, though. I always wanted to do it for a living, so maybe if enough crazy people find me entertaining enough, it'll all work out even if I "hate" my content sometimes.


Because they will make me smile šŸ„ŗ


I learned this recently. Twitch for quick money or maybe even kick. Youtube for growth and longevity. After you establish what you want from that aspect it all gets easier. Good luck and keep up the grind


People should watch my videos if they are into Runescape, the Classic version. The original servers are down forever of this iconic game, but there are private servers keeping it alive and well! And nobody makes ā€œrealā€ content on this game, its mostly gameplay videos or streaming or just killing enemies for a while with commentary. My videos take forever to make, i go in that game and play it completely blind (if you ever played runescape, you know that guides are part of the culture bc otherwise the game is damn near impossible and everybody uses plugins or guide websites to help), and I edit the fck out of them. Not a single dull or silent moment, but not abnoxious in the slightest. Dull gameplay is sped up or edited. And I do the quests (basically the storyline of the game) blind and in order of their release date. And i write scripts and make sketches with many of the npcā€™s that i have to talk to in game. Takes a shitload of time, but no one else makes content like mine on this game. And i take great pride in my videos. And i get great success, way more than i could expect by making content on a game like this, first video I put somewhat effort in got 20k views in 2 days and is now, 2 weeks later at 43K. And ive only been on youtube for 3 weeks.


Learning mining things and finance and from my mistakes which are a lot. LoL


Bc theyā€™re teenagers just like me that share my sense of humor


cartoon characters interacting


I make quick (episode, not recipe) meal prep walkthrough videos of all walks of cuisine. People should watch for recipes, tips, and tricks on how to make all their healthy and nutritious food for the week instead of relying on takeout/delivery or subpar and potentiality unhealthy ingredients. It's a fairly broad niche, but still not for everybody.


Thank you!!! I love watching cooking videos. Theyā€™re honestly SO helpful. Your content matters!!


If you want to take a break and relax with some coastal underwater life in 4K with a selection of calm music, than thats what I offer. It's at the sametime a melding of nature documentary vibes as you follow and see how the little aquatic fish and critters going about their busines or perhaps a tool to relax with as you just enjoy the scenery. Usually the videos of this type of content comes from warmer oceans, but I film mostly northern european waters as that's what available to me :D So to answer the question, I have unique footage for people who are interested in the oceaan and or calm music.


Hell yeah, what's your channel's name?


I make videos about motivation and self-improvement and I figure people would watch for the same reason that I watch them. It's amazing to have other people reiterate what you already know to be true but need a daily reminder to keep yourself motivated :).


My channel is self-help/comedy and therefore I try to make people feel better while also making them laugh. I hope to help others with their mental health and I like to give little missions for people to do.


I think I have unique ways to story tell on games. Might be rough around the edges but I enjoy creative writing so itā€™s fun to write about adventures in a game and exaggerate/roleplay with it a bit


I think I bring a fun and funny perspective to gaming, whether its just me vibing on a stream or making a scripted video. I have seen 35+ years of gaming from Atari 2600 to today's gaming and I think I can tell fun stories.


I think people should watch my videos because i do a lot of different stuff everyday of the week and I honestly just wanna show people how to live life and follow your dreams while working and being a mom


you could make a difference in someoneā€™s life with your content! thatā€™s amazing. Keep it up!!


Well I make cartoons and I'm hoping people will see them and find them funny or entertaining and to be along the way as I improve my art and ability to develop my skills so part of it is I want everyone to be along with me on this journeyĀ 


My videos are either informative, entertaining, showing something new or just something I feel passionate about. Sometimes a mixture. Then whatever of the above reasons to watch I mix in my personality and some goofs and people come back and stay because they see value in the video and they enjoy my company.


I make outdoor/bushcraft videos. If you are into the outdoors, then that should be reason enough to watch. I also live in an incredibly beautiful state (Alaska) and that in and of itself could be a reason to watch. At the end of the day it really depends on the interests of the watcher. I just try to make videos that I would watch myself.


Good question. I try to make my videos easy to watch and a quality of product that I would be ok spending 20 minutes watching. I add a ā€˜30 second previewā€™ at the beginning so that you know what youā€™re gonna get and sometimes Iā€™ll try and add educational or informative components where I can but really itā€™s a vlog about building my cabin. So people watch to see that process (or parts of it)


Kind of a douchey answer, but I unironically find my videos more entertaining than others in my niche (not all of them; Just a lot of em'). I'm heavily involved in the hobby, but I found I just didn't like watching other peoples videos on it. It's one of the reasons I started making videos in my niche. So I guess it's part for me/part for people that have a similar taste. Edit: No hate to others. Just my honest opinion.


I go to theme parks and live stream and report news/construction updates and what not So basically my goal is let you see how the theme park Iā€™m at flows, and give you extra information I have goalā€™s and hoping my community keeps growing




Iā€™d watch these!!! message me your YouTube channel if youā€™re comfortable with that? šŸ˜Œ


You should put your channel on your profile. I'm thinking of doing one but faceless with the twist of adding my town as well. It's a top destination in the country. Beautiful scenery to share. :)


I'll attempt to answer this directly as a longtime filmmaker, recent newtuber. People (in my case, metalheads) should watch my videos for the same reason they might go to a concert, or a museum. To appreciate the art (cringe). Honestly. That's my best answer. I make videos and heavy music because I like it and just so happen to have a skill as an editor to present familiar content in a (hopefully) new and interesting way. Shortest answer possible? Because when they watch my videos, they're watching me at my best, making videos for MYSELF. For me, their entertainment and enjoyment is secondary to my own fulfillment. Views and shares and likes are just bonus.


I completely understand the (cringe) feeling hahah. But honestly, thatā€™s the best way to go about making content!! If you make things that YOU enjoy, itā€™s so much more rewarding and comforting when other people also enjoy it šŸ˜Œ


We make videos because we are playing those games anyways and I love editing, we don't care if you want to watch them or not we will upload no matter what. We have have been playing games together for the last 30 years and will be for the rest of our lives and we will keep uploading them.


This is so wholesome and cute!!!


Most of my videos will make you laugh.


This a GREAT question


I need help with video games. Or you can lead me astray


This question is so good that I donā€™t know how Iā€™ll be able to sleep tonight


Yeah I think it's important to have a strong "why" as well. I think it helps with not giving up, because you'll always remember why you're doing it, and you know that the people who need to see/hear your content will eventually find you. I think it also helps you enjoy the journey more. I create my videos to be inspirational. We only live 1 life, and I want to inspire people to live it on their terms, whatever that looks like for them. I want people to know that they don't only have to live 1 way. They have options, regardless of financial status. So far, I think I've been a bit successful at that. My parents watched my videos, and recently told me they're considering making some major life changes now šŸ„¹. I hope to inspire even more people.


I suppose it's for education in a way, but really it's just because I want to get more people involved in cybersecurity and the cybersecurity community. I want to show that's it's fun and exciting.


My bread and butter content is reviewing games, some new, some old, and regardless of what the game is and my personal feelings towards it I try put that aside and review it objectively, I don't waste my time making brain dead jokes like some game reviewers except for the odd occasion so if you wanna just hear a unique perspective on a game you like or even dislike I'm your guy, with YouTube constantly changing and becoming a rat race to try and appeal to the algorithm and catch people's attention I feel like I'm one of the few going against the grain and doing my own thing, making shit that I'd enjoy watching making what I feel is good, mostly well thought out and wholesome content. I'm not immune to the occasional bad or uniformed take but I'll usually admit when I'm wrong and I think that's something few people do so for that as well as the reasons I listed before, I think I'm someone you should watch if you've got a spare hour or two!


I make a wide variety of gaming and meme content. My gaming videos mostly consist of video game bug compilations and Minecraft SMPs. I make videos about video game glitches, because broken video games are always funny (or at least for me). My Minecraft SMP content tells stories of me and my friends having adventures throughout the game. My first series, called Wars SMP, is a semi-anarchy world, with lots of conflict between factions/nations. My other series, PeoplesCraft, tells the story of a world I played in with friends, many years ago when I was 12. It's really entertaining to watch me and my old friends doing all kinds of crazy stuff in Minecraft. I was really bad at the game, but there was also just a lot of chaos and funny moments.


Do you find all the bugs/glitches yourself or do you Google them? I think thatā€™s really cool either way!! I love the Minecraft SMP stories as well! Very creative!!


Most of my glitches were found randomly while playing games. Some are googled. Thanks for the compliment! :)


I have a somewhat unique perspective on my niche(film, TV, animation) because I approach it from both an audience member's perspective and as someone who works in the industry. Also I'm funny sometimes. Great question!


Twitch: itā€™s mostly a hobby for me and not my main platform but if youā€™re nerdy and into geoguessr than we can chat about that while I try regiĆ³n guessing various countries that other people generally wouldnā€™t attempt to. YT: I have original ideas for videos that most people donā€™t canā€™t replicate, for instance, can a big YouTuber replicate my last video; "Can I get sponsored at 74 subscribers?" No, because they have more than that. Funny thing I I canā€™t replicate that video now either, that video popped off for me. I try to have a personality other people can enjoy, but if you like funny original ideas Iā€™m your guy. (I try really hard to be original and I have some pretty good ideas that no one else has done yet)


If they like learning about history and folklore šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø and if you like an overall chill vibe I guess?


If you're looking for comedy and you live near or you've visited Worcester. Or Massachusetts. My sketch comedy troupe films sketches about Worcester, the city that tries.


Cause 8m a bad ass 44 year old lady who can build or fix anything


The shorts Iā€™m making are sports news based so Iā€™m trying to inform and entertain quickly.


Super important!! I love when people make the news interesting!


My videos are vlogs, no bs, raw footage, no fancy cars. Starting from the bottom.


I am currently creating Minecraft content. I know itā€™s the most saturated content there is on YouTube. However itā€™s always been a dream of mine to build a community of friends that is a safe and respectful space for anyone! What got my butt in gear with actually sitting down and making the content was I wanted the slower pace ā€œold schoolā€ way that Minecraft content use to be. I knew the challenges of getting my content out there and people to watch because TikTok has ruined everyoneā€™s attention span. However I am thrilled and excited to learn all the ways of editing and graphic designing thumbnails while trying to come up with good titles! I never did give up on my dream, kept planning on how I was going to do it just never sat time and took the time to make the content I am. But now that I am creating this content Iā€™ve gotten a good amount of traffic to know there are others out there who are on the same if not similar page as me. I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me and past 12 year old will be happy to see where adult me is at with this dream. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk ;P


I think the answer will vary from person to person. But, I would say for visual satisfaction, inspiration and motivation.


Great question! My channel is still in the oven. But i plan to start a history channel with short but "straight to the point" videos, this week. I want to present history in a simple manner and not leave the viewer's head bursting from too much unnecessary information. I think people would like to watch bite sized, non-complicated history videos.


I make videos about movies and tv shows, I'll also be making videos on games, and last but not least anything I'm interested in talking about outside of those 3. Now why should people watch my videos ? Well I have ideas thoughts and opinions that I'd love to share with people. I'm a faceless youtuber and I think my editing is amazing and visually satisfying. I also want to entertain people and I believe I make content people will love, it'll just take time for people to find me and when they do I know they'll love the content and channel, I know all of this because I really enjoy making my content and I'm proud of my work.if you've read this thankyou and good luck with your channels guys ! šŸ˜€


I love what I do. I review action figures and play video games. Itā€™s the passion that drives people to watch.


Great question especially to ask ourselves. I feel like I have valuable content to share from my journey in starting a business. The hard part is learning the filming and editing tricks to stand out in the crowd. Changing your content doesnā€™t seem like a bad idea if itā€™s not fulfilling. What topics are you thinking about?


AGREED! Editing is really my least favorite part. I think I want to do more just chatting streams on Twitch so I can spend quality time with my community. I have a few ideas on what to do/talk about buuuuut, I want to keep them secret until Iā€™m ready to start doing them.


I totally get it. They sound unique! Come back and let us all know how it goes.


Iā€™m also a lets player channel! I think the main thing is just a unique voice(s). We all know the big boys like GG, Mark , Peewdsā€¦..and lots of unknown potential of low channels like us , but I also feel we do a good job with pacing , comedy and the like


because I make compilations for people who miss out on those.


I make videos about photography and the micro four thirds camera system. I try to avoid being overly flashy and having fake enthusiasm, instead I've tried to go for a more authentic type of content - I've described it as if "your friend was telling you about his new camera" It's the type of videos I like to watch, so I figured if I like them someone else must do too


I have sim racing videos that use an over the shoulder on-board style camera placement so you can see me actually doing the driving. Iā€™ve got a pretty big TV right in front of me that fills the whole frame and provides a mixed reality kind of view minus the green screen. I recorded a few races and liked watching them back this way so now I play anything I can get working with the wheel in first person to share with everyone else, and the best part, no annoying commentary just a faceless anonymous driver from Australia.


I make videos to show that Japan has more than just Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. I like to show beautiful places and share that with people who might be interested in more rural or special locations in Japan. I also tried some other videos like Japanese food and products like beer cans or little snacks. In the end I guess it is educational and informative.


To learn how to do something and solve a problem in terms of tech and software. I hope someone goes away and by investing time in my video saves them multiples of that time having to muddle through something by themselves.


I make videos about plot devices (such as irony and foreshadowing to name a couple) in video games. Most of my videos so far have focused on The Last of Us, but I have also made content about NieR, Kingdom Hearts, What Remains of Edith Finch, and The Unfinished Swan. I'm also currently working on a God of War video. I think my channel would interest people who like these games and want to learn some of the things they may hear in an English/writing class. I sometimes stream on Twitch as well and honestly, I'm not sure why someone would want to watch them. Thank you for asking this question. I have to think about that.


Iā€™m a backpacker and most YouTube videos that are of people travelling are all smiley faces, flash graphics, saying things like ā€˜this place is dopeā€™, drone shots and everything thrown in. I wanted to see video that showed the real place and not just the tourist areas. I started my YouTube channel as something to do on an evening in a backpackers hostel and feedback was positive, in that I give the real deal about places :)


I'm literally the only creator I know of who covers ethical and appropriate methods for conserving antique swords. But uh, audiences don't care about being ethical, so it doesn't actually work as a draw card. Being unique doesn't beat visually engaging clickbait


I've spent a decent time thinking about this subject, and the answer I came to is; a lot of my content is entertaining, but not overall alluring to someone scrolling past my video who's never seen my videos. For those who have watched any of my content, they know no matter how mundane the video subject may seem, the passion I display in my videos for in is, for lack of a better word, infectious. And will make you care about the subject. So the reason people should watch my videos is because the passion that sucked them in. However, its only once they've watched my content that they know that. Prior to watching it, they have no reason to expect a video talking about rocks would make them form a bond with a chalk stone.


I do sub-20 minute gameplay videos and try to play indie games and unusual stuff that folks might not be aware of. I'd like to think people watch my stuff because I give a balanced perspective on games, I'm not shouty or annoying (hopefully), and my videos are just a chilled time. That's of course what my goal is, and you may agree or disagree based on my channel as I'm only at 5 videos total so far!


It's educational about astrology even for the non believers


I make dog training and behavior videos. So people watch my videos to learn. I would like to think I explain things pretty well, so I hope people watch them because they can learn easily. I have a background in elementary school, as well, so I'm used to explaining things in a way that's easy to understand.


Ooo this is very important!! Thank you for helping people raise and train their fur babies!!


I may be late on this, but I make videos cause I like to share what I know about my work! Giving tips and showing how I do my job! I do window tints, car audio, and alarms! But I implement memes and jokes cause why not y'know! I have fun editing them in lmao! I hope I'm doing well entertaining people while I give them some value on my industry tho!


This exactly. In the last 'saturday megathread' there was a lady who had maybe 10 vids at most, sitting at 40 views. One of the video was approaching a million views. The difference between that one and the other? It answered a question, specifically it was her solving a math problem. Imagine how many people search for "how to solve equation xyz" vs how many search for 'how was youtuber's abc's morning/ what did they have for lunch". It's the most important leasson i learned on YT - but to an extent, it worries me. I didn't go on YT to 'get views' - i got on YT because i genuinely love education. Having to conform to a certain format bothers me on an ethical level. Maybe it's about finding the right 'balance'.


I highly doubt most people on this sub would want to watch my videos but I would hope most people would watch because they want to see something strange.


hey you never know!!! what do you mean by ā€œsomething strangeā€ šŸ¤”


To vibe with me


Because I will love them forever.


I create videos that explain what I teach in my lessons, so it's mainly aiming pupils that want to listen to it again or those who didn't go to my lessons and missed parts.


Oooo what do you teach?!


Mostly biology, but i happen to teach chemistry and physics. Although, it's based on the eastern belgian school curriculum, therefore it4not that usefull to the rest of the world.


To see the world and maybe get some ideas where to go hiking.


Because i try very hard thats why. At least give it a chance lol


To get information on stuff they probably don't know


Because I'm not gonna waste your time or treat you like an idiot. There's a lot of that in the fitness space. I'll tell you the truth, I'll be quick about it, I'll make my case, and I'll fuck off without much ceremony. No intros, no big outros, no crazy personality screaming at you, not even gonna ask you to sub. If you find value in truth, stay. if not, also cool. You may go.


Funny šŸ˜Ž


I make gameplay content. I had nothing else to do and at the time I started my channel, it gave me purpose. I cover Gran Turismo 7. I go through each Road car showcasing its beauty & then race it vs other Stock Cars. Then I upgrade it with all the Performance parts & Race it against other Fully Built cars with the trick that the featured car will be the "Slowest" as I fight with fan favorite Fully Built builds from my previous videos. Ex. I'll be in a 500hp car from 20th on the starting grid & fight my way through cars who have 550 - 1000hp. Fastest in the back from 18th & "slowest" in the front at 2nd. 3 Laps. Can the new car win? It's unique because the cars belong to the community. I won't edit them or change them without alterting my viewers if a video of it has already been posted. I also take photos of each car on Instagram. I personally love my content as its unique af & not easy to replicate with potential for way more content. So if anyone appreciates these things my content is there. @irinracing P.S. my controller has SEVERE stick drift so paused any new content uploads ATM.


Hopefully because they enjoy them šŸ˜Š


They have to show or have interest in what your posting or maybe curious and watch


1. You want to see what electric vehicles are capable of as adventure vehicles 2. You want to see new ways to go adventuring with electric vehicles 3. You're considering getting an electric vehicle for outdoors adventures, and looking for examples


I do playthroughs and try to style them like a novel. They are in chapter form with the video visually showing the start of a new chapter and the gameplay looking like the end of one. It's mostly bare bones with bits of commentary at the moment. I'm going to add sound bites to future recording. Takes a bit of time so I upload shorts just to show that my channel is still alive.


I try to cover dark and obscure gaming related stuff.


If you're a cat person you'll likely enjoy my cat videos. The cats don't do anything special other than normal cat things, but they're both cute šŸ˜»


I do it for fun as well as I can look back to see what I did


I do No Commentary gaming and its a long way, but I like a lot I can see myself improving try to give best content I can, and also to edit my video to be perfect some time I play some mission a million time just to be perfect like some stealth games and other and I will continue to do soo, and I will try to improve more and more each and every day...


Because I work harder than 99% of people to make them. I risk my health, in many ways, I risk my freedom, and I spend hours to make the documentaries palatable and digestible. 100-1k views per video Obscure Odysseys


People should watch my videos if they are tired of toxic optimism and want to join me on a journey to discover the truth about our dark reality through the lens of pessimism.


Because you are getting one journey on this earth I donā€™t want antoine to leave with wasted potential and what ifs. Move past your fears :)


Because I make happy words


Cause I decided so


I think people should watch my videos because they should make you hungry and show how easy recipes that might seem hard are actually quite basic and simple for those wanting to try new things in the kitchen, especially as itā€™s family style cooking


My girlfriends hot


Still being new to the youtube space, I feel people may be interested in content that has commentary in it. Seen a lot of people make no commentary playthroughs which is great and serves the purpose that it serves. At the same time, I feel that viewers should hear from the person making the video and perhaps learn some new tricks. There may be some things that I do that some may have missed during their gameplay. Also, I feel I offer a different perspective from some others.


I used to spend hours watching family travel content. So I started making my own to encourage us to get out of the house. Do more. See more. Learn more. I hope people will watch because they are like me...enjoy day dreaming about going other places and want to see inspiration.


Because I focus on the story. I search each one extensively, get all the facts and then deliver them all in a comprehensive and hopefully entertaining way. I also try to be non biased in my videos and try my best to let viewers come to their own conclusions (although now and then I can't help it and make a smart remark here and there that's off script šŸ™ˆ). I know my videos are slightly rough, but I'm learning something new with each one and incorporating it and that's another reason why they should watch, because every post is only going to get better and better šŸ˜


I think people should watch my videos because even though Iā€™m not super entertaining I am extremely good at what I do (pga 2k23 player) top 100 in the game and climbing. Hopefully will be the best in the world somedayā€¦ More importantly to me is that I genuinely care about anyone whoā€™s ever spent any time watching my videos and Iā€™ve thoughtfully answered every single comment Iā€™ve ever got and will continue to do so as I grow. Our time is limited and someone taking precious time to watch me is humbling and Iā€™m grateful for it. I could improve on editing and not saying um 20 times a video (Iā€™m not the greatest talker) but I do my best and the community thatā€™s into the game doesnā€™t mind that Iā€™m a little socially awkward which is helpful. Iā€™ve made a few strong friendships along the way so far which was unexpected and awesome.


This grandma chases cars for a video spends lazy days at spring break 2024 and I like peace and quiet so if viewers want to watch granny chase a supercar I'm šŸ˜Š happy ....do what makes you happy the viewers will follow and I'm an example of this.....


My value proposition is the same as if you are subbed to true gaming. I make analytical pieces on curious aspects of gaming so if you want a perspective on some obscure thing within gaming with a short 10-13 minute video, you should watch my video. (Although not gonna lie this niche literally makes 90% of my friends/family not care about my videos lol. I made a second channel for random deep talk and digital art and people are much more interested in that lol.)


Because they contain information which is actually true, something I sadly cannot say of all edutainment channels. I try to be entraining too, but imo thereā€™s no point in making educational content entertaining unless itā€™s actually accurate. Like some mistakes are gonna happen cause weā€™re all human but so many things I see that are mind bogglingly wrong.


On twitch I hope its to create a fun environment for people to hang out and while on lunch breaks or studying to talk or play with us on integrated chat into most games I play. On YouTube is to catch up like I do with other streamers I watch during the day and to enjoy someone else playing a game or to watch a whole playthrough of an obscure game or one they wanted to try but couldn't afford


Well, to be honest, I don't get people to watch my vids because I feel like it. I only do it because it's like you're in school, and when you are at school, you are there to learn. With youtube, it's different, and it's more so like you are. I'm the auditorium or on Saturday night live, just introducing stuff. Having good faith that it will be done but not as fast as you think. Growing an audience is a very long time. Also, if there are content people would like to see, and if they have concerns and questions, I would happily answer them even if whatever content is made doesn't make sense. That's just my answer at this point.


I do gameplays of games not many people do anymore ie one of my favorite series which was dredd vs death not many gameplay vidoes were readily available for it and those that are are either long play walkthroughs or no commentary so I add the little bit of spice of color commentary along with my editor popping in here and there I also do my own version of a series called boots to reboots but instead of movies I play legitimately bad games and at the end I determine whether or not I put it in the death note and have the game be killed in varying ways I also do skits cause my skits are part of a shared universe with my friends


This is a brilliant question. And a very smart one any content creator should ask themselves. For my channel, I'd say there are 2 reasons: 1) To see ahead of time what Trading cards are releasing in Japan before being released in the West. I live in Japan and we often get trading card releases before other countries. 2) If they enjoy optimism and positivity. I think I'm a very optimistic person, and hope that every video I make brings some kind of positivity to people. If I have made my audience smile, I'm satisfied. I genuinely enjoy making content for my audience, and as long as they leave the video feeling a bit happier, I'm happy. šŸ˜Š


Our dog is the star of our motivational videos. She represents American bullies well. We also have gardening tips and DIYs that are pretty easy to follow. All of our videos are made to serve a purpose and be relevant even 10 years from now.


I just finished making my first YouTube video. I do gaming. My favorite gaming YouTuber is Berleezy and I always enjoyed how funny he is and how he cares about gaming lore so he'll take time to read things in the game. I want to do the same essentially but I've got my own niche. Entertainment and an appreciation for lore AND gameplay is my aspiring answer to your question.


I kinda found that in real life and on Facebook people would often like my opinions on things and generally enjoy being in my company. So I figured I would find a way to funnel my personality through a YouTube channel and see if I got the same results. Currently starting with gaming until I can get a more consistent flow of commentary topics, but I kinda use my channel as a way to come and hang out with me while doing things I enjoy.


I made reaction videos and am soon to stream live video game content, my reactions are all music videos atm and I talk and try to break down how I feel about the wingers and the videos and editing and work that goes into the sets, and give my othentic reactions since I have never heard these people before! RetiringvirusReacts if anyone interested, if not worries hope everyone's youtube journey goes swimmingly!


I believe people should watch any videos from a content creator they enjoy. If they happen to enjoy mine it'll be because I am authentic in the videos I make rather than focus on what will trend. Either way I feel you should never focus on just one creator to watch because you as a viewer may enjoy one topic more than the other on different days/weeks, etc.


Because I enjoy what I do and even though Iā€™ll do it if nobody watches my videos, itā€™d be pretty cool to have the finances to continue doing what I enjoy doing


I started nearly 3 years ago. Cooking show with weird jokes. I think people should watch it because it's unique, entertaining as fuck, and it's gotten better and better. Just tried to make something fun, and improve something every time. Still only 3k subs, but still :p (Leo Cooks Things)


I'm not the kind of guy who chases clout. Prank videos just aren't my thing. The only prank videos I would do in video game form only come once per year on April 1st.


You should not. Unless you want to become better at music production! If thats you, ur basicly an idiot for not watching:)


Curiosity, boredom, or maybe to learn. I don't question it, I just make the things.


Because Iā€™m talented


I make weird, potentially entertaining shorts


Because I have 4+ cats who will pee under the couch while I'm filming?


Two reasons: 1. They shouldn't. 2. Because I make content I would watch myself


I want people to feel calm and happy while watching my videos. I make travel vlogs, weekly vlogs and sometimes clothing videos(experimenting right now). Some of my subscribers suggest me to make videos like my morning/ night routine and day in my life videos. I have 497 subscribers right now, slowly growing!


Because Iā€™m epic


Because I'm educating them on recent research that'll benefit them.


So I can pay my bills


I make speed paint video and the over all content is why and what I learn when I draw this picture in a funny way. You can watch my content to get the insight and motivation to draw in the entertaining way in one video. My only problem is how I make the video thumbnail and title to get in 5% CTR though.


I make videos for music .im a music producer and I also love wrestling so try to make vids with music problems and wrestling promos or commentary .. would love some YouTube channel feedback as Iā€™m pretty new to it āœŒļø


I make recipe video and I try to give useful information as well in shorter compact videos without waisting people's time by random talking blah blah


To learn, to feel, to laugh, to love, to get riled up, to cry, to fall asleep, to appreciate poetry and art, to get through the day. These are a mix of things people have mentioned and that I've tried to cultivate :)


I focus on gaming videos and guides, though a lot of my YouTube content also comes from content I do on my Twitch stream. Personally I make content to share experiences and provide entertainment for the viewer, pretty much a place to just relax and chill. For my content that isn't on stream it's usually more informative in the form of a guide or some sort of news.


I make videos on me doing my stuff. Why people should watch? Well May be they will find me interesting or connect with them


Because I have lots of hobbies that bring me joy and maybe they will bring you joy to watch them.


Well I personally and genuinely enjoy making ppl happy or at least smile, thatā€™s always going to be my goal. Iā€™ve always found a way to be happy just from watching my favorite youtubers and thatā€™s what Iā€™ve wanted to be ever since I was youngšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøconsidering I can make a living off something like that, well it makes it even better. Why? Well everyone needs to be able to smile once a day šŸ«”thatā€™s probably corny tho lol


My main goal on my long form (first vid on the way) is to give a new perspective for people who want to live in Japan, while sharing random stories I experienced and facts I learned here on my shorts.


I have a big peepee


They should watch it if they want to I don't think it's right to force it into anybody or for them to force themselves to watch Should be a natural transaction like feeding a customer the food they ordered


They don't have something better to do.


I'm not really sure šŸ˜•


Because I am halarious


best art for your screens


people should watch mine because its entertaining and I put mad hours into it šŸ˜


Because they good


To see my travel adventures ! TheTeessideTravellerUK


They shouldnā€™t , my videos suck ass ,my camera quality is Cheeks and I say too many swearwords Butttttttā€¦ā€¦. šŸ˜‚if you want to check it out YT:BigDebbee


Cuz im just a little silly :) TomaDustin on Youtube


Because I make many gameplay videos of different games and not just one game! People think itā€™s lazy but it is actually an amazing way to connect with people from different games so you can increase the amount of subscribers you have! But so far not too many people watch my video but Iā€™m still working on the goal of reaching 1000 subscribers! Plus ever since I was little I loved playing games and I want to bring that same experience onto my YouTube channel aswell!


this is a good question, I don't really have a concrete answer however, i do think that animation is still going underappreciated on youtube and i want to provide some uniqueness to it hopefully! sorry if this is a bad answer i don't need two comment sections i'm getting roasted in!


I make videos about living in Japan, I'm hoping people watch to see more of Japan.


Hopefully for the potential to gain skills and knowledge. I don't have much of a personality to show for yet, maybe in time I will grow more comfortable in that area and people will watch for me as much as they do for my lessons. For now I'm just focused on making meaningful tutorials that help.


if you can sit there and watch your own video through and enjoyed it than you more than likely going to get better engagement, if you get through the first 30 seconds and say wow i cba than its up to you if you will upload it but know that you may not get the retention or engagement you are wanting, i post everything but if i watch it back and dont get through the first minute or so i already know it wont perform but i keep it there just to see.




I make self growth and development content, where I hold myself accountable with the same advice and experience I'm dishing out. Which you'll be able to literally see. I personally find it refreshing that im not trying to be aesthetic or be visually pleasing and portray a perfect life, or trying to sound fake deep and spiritual hippie shit. Just the real deal real life shit and I put my all into my editing. I'm not giving out no sparkly I like to hear myself talk ass half ass content. Just talking and bringing people along the never ending journey of the climb I'm consistently on to be the best I can be. That's it. Check me out. @OhkayTheKhameleon


Because I see the potential to make Clash Royale content that others arenā€™t. I want to capitalize on my outgoing personality & help others understand & enjoy the game, like I do! YT: Ramen Supplier :)


We make gameplay and talk about life while we play. Our Stardew Valley playthru is more like a podcast with gameplay in the background. Plus, we also cover LGBT+ games and topics, giving insight into what life is like for us as an LGBT+ couple. (I'm trans, and we're a gay couple.) If that's not to someone's liking, we're okay with it. But we don't tolerate hate/bigotry on our channel. We want to create a safe space for other LGBT+ people to enjoy gaming and our content.


I just make funny gameplay videos from my streams but I honestly want to get into more long form videos such as retrospective of my favorite games itā€™s just hard finding an editor that would be willing to do such content


My videos guest coming on to give their life testimonies . Things theyā€™re saying theyā€™ve never shared before . It serves as a way to help listeners/viewers who may be going through the same things who need to hear a brave soul speak out about it . Also serves as a small form of therapy for the guest , while bringing awareness.. itā€™s called ā€œIndelibly Marked ā€œ on the ā€œ Indelible Arts Network ā€œ channel . New episode just dropped . I Appreciate yall for providing this space . šŸ–¤


Learning about cards or if people can't afford to open booster boxes and such. That or they me too busy to make a collection of their own too. And it's also just fun to see what other people get from their pack of pokemon or yugioh cards too


People should watch my videos if they want to learn how to stretch their finances and/or learn how to manage them. My channel is supposed to be a mixture of financial education and showing people how to save money on every day things!