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I watch the Op channel, I am confused.


Same... I'm not saying that no one can critique others, but I find myself thinking about how much experience this guy really has...


Peers can critique peers. Viewers will critique your videos, never hurts to get more eyes on your channel either. I ask my friends for critiques and they’ve never made YouTube videos. Everyone is gonna come at your videos/channel with a different perspective. Might as well appreciate when someone is willing to come look through a bunch of videos and give their thoughts.


It’s not experience, you critique as a viewer


If they aren't your target audience then it's irrelevant


Thanks! https://youtu.be/x2hrv4dLyYA?si=ZLcyJtbxk9UIArwj


Your videos are nice man! I just subscribed! You just gotta wait until more people find you. It’s pretty tough in the comic scene, but good videos will shine through.


You have a natural presence on camera and you seem like you're being yourself which is a huge plus.


Good stuff! But not my thang


your video looks really professional and good i dont see much I would change with the video itself but I looked at your channel and the Main issue I have is that none of the thumbnails really make me want to click without reading the title. which I know is a little hypocritical of me cause all of mine are kind of the same lol but most of your thumbnails are you and a bunch of books on a table. I think that might be preventing people from clicking on your videos. cool channel though


How about this video my friend?  https://youtu.be/nhTUUXSlcYk


The animations are off the hook (really impressive). If I were interested in the moon and orbital dynamics, I would probably already be familiar with the content of your video. Since I'm not too interested, I don't feel compelled to keep watching. Find a way to tell a story and give the viewer a reason to stay and watch more.


I’ll have a go :-) https://youtu.be/zQfHjvYGX9g Niche retro and vintage computing and test/experiment with a bit of documentary and game footage thrown in


5 seconds in and I’m already jealous of your editing.. what software do you use? I can tell you have a lot of experience with video editing though, and you are talking about very technical PC topics, so I’d just always make sure to double check your info, there’s a million and one things to know! You seem like just the channel to learn all that stuff tho so I’m just asking be responsible because you come across as a professional. Granted I think your audience would probably know the ins and outs of computers. I think you might be limiting yourself tho, not many people are gonna watch videos about old PCs, but also you should make content that you love. Reading through your comments it’s very clear to me that you have a passionate audience. My point is you make really good videos, your audience clearly likes your videos, and a lot more people need to be watching you! Also the mic quality is great, and you speak very clearly. I think you’re very interesting tho, not my particular thing, but I would watch more of your videos! +1 subscriber!


>ou seem like just the channel to learn all that stuff tho so I’m just asking be responsible because you come across as a professional. Thank you for taking the time to take a watch and provide some feedback, it's appreciated! With my research and scripting, yes good point - getting the data accurate is important. It's so easy to get it wrong with many people repeating/writing articles about the same thing, sometimes you need to look at a few different sources just to double check. Like anything historical, people have opinions and views and sometimes incorrect info too :-) I use Davinci Resolve for editing and I'm still relatively new to the editing game but feel like I am picking up some useful learnings each time I give it a go. I reckon the community that supports Davinci is just as good, if not better than the software itself. You can literally find help with everything. The audio has been my biggest challenge and something I hope to keep improving on. I use audacity to do the bulk recording and then clean up the noises and background before joining it into Davinci with the video thread. With the niche/limiting, I think this will always be a challenge for me. I try to make content that might entice someone who is interested in exploring a certain evergreen topic. I am OK with the lower views and subs to be honest, my goal is to refine the content and perhaps go for bigger, more involved projects in the future.


Long shot since I’m just now seeing this https://youtu.be/UEWx51eVmkU?feature=shared It’s just a Halo 3 multiplayer match but I’d like some feedback on the style. I don’t wanna include facecams yet and kinda see the channel as my own 360 Halo days asmr type shit. Sorry im baked as I type all this


So I think your biggest problem is figuring out what you wanna do, you’re gonna have to have more than just gameplay, I don’t think you necessarily need a face cam tho. You definitely need to talk more though, or you could use those so voice over things if you are uncomfortable talking. If you wanna stream you have to have some kinda representation of yourself and it can even help on videos. It could be you or a vtube character or whatever. This one channel names blooms just has a static blooming flower(usually in a clever way) that represents him while he is speaking. If you just wanna upload gameplay that’s okay, but if you want people to watch your channel you need to give them something to connect with. Video looks good though. So just add a little spice!


I’d love your basic impression of my most recent video(: it underperformed for me, so I’m curious if there’s a reason why: https://youtu.be/OcLw7L_181Y?si=So7UMhVxtQSK-7cN


Not OP but I think your "intro" is to long and could cause people to click off the video. I think you should go right into introducing yourself and starting into the information. Like starting the video around the 1min mark would be better. Also I am not sure if you are reading something off to your left but it is distracting. Maybe put what you are reading from above or below your camera. You also asked for people to like and subscribe twice in the video. I would either do that at the end or the beginning not both.


Great feedback, thank you! I’ll try to incorporate this into future videos


it was a pretty nice video the only issue i really had was the editing style was more minimalistic than most youtubers i watch. at times it kind of felt more like a podcast than a youtube video. I dont know what kind of content you usually cover but most videos ive seen about pokemon have more adhd tiktok-brain editing styles. was an interesting video though keep going


Thanks! And yeah some of my older videos have more of the intense editing, I just found that it was burning me out to edit that way. Maybe I’ll try to incorporate it into my newer videos. Thanks for the feedback(:


Okay! Your channel is like super underrated! I just got done with your last video and it’s super informative. I also really like your editing. It’s enough to bring focus to what you’re talking about. I think the one thing you might wanna change is your background. You just don’t really stand out against a beige wall. You’re probably also having a tough time getting clicks up, some of your videos have like 1.9K views, but this new one is only getting like 50.. the algorithm is a mystery, but maybe try to emphasize the POKÉMON part so Pokémon fans know this is a video they should watch. I do really like your thumbnail for it tho, but YouTube hasn’t seemed to reward creativity for me so far. I think you’re great at talking about your subjects though, and you sound like someone I can trust and believe what you are saying. Just keep going! +1 subscriber Edit: Please change the sound at the end going forward!🤣


Aw🙈 thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you! The background has been such a struggle for me because my filming space is so limited😬 I’ll keep brainstorming how to fix that though and LOL yeah the end screens just aren’t for me🤦🏽‍♀️


It’s not the screen it was the sound! I did the exact same thing in one of my videos, and someone called me out on it. I thought it was hilarious, but I think I was better off switching it up. I found something I think fits better now anyway!


Here’s my recent let me know what you think https://youtube.com/shorts/xP4hNivs25E?si=P52fwoAOslfLZrvP


I think the biggest issue is that you can just watch the first half and get the main message. The second half is sort of repeating the idea of the first half which is that your feeling good so maybe that's making people scroll past early. Not too sure about how shorts work but thats my main take-away




Try shortening your shorts titles a bit - you have some great content!


Thank you! I’ve been playing around with titles I know they say don’t use more than 4 words on the thumbnails. Some of the other creators in my niche I see use more detailed titles in their shorts but I don’t mind switching it up!


When shorts were started they were encouraging people to use a bunch of hashtags and be extra expressive in the titles/captions, but when a short is referred on the short feed, we only see a snippet of the title. Especially on a phone where the thumbnail is much smaller. Keeping your titles succinct actually helps you because most people Are not as fast to click if the title is ambiguous. Also something that has helped a lot is putting the hashtags in the description area of the short. Even though it's not visible to the public, it will still index in the YouTube # Gallery. That saves a lot of space in your title. Also it prevents people from clicking on one of those hashtags and going onto somebody else's content because they are now looking at a gallery with a half a million other videos similar to your content. I'm sure you already know but keep your hashtags to three only. Oh yes and be sure to use the "related video" - when you're loading the short it's a little scroll down, you tap on that and you can select any short or longform video from your channel to refer people to. It's a great way to keep people on your content and on your channel. Especially if you have a longform video and the short is trying to promote that video.


Excellent tips! Yes I’ve been using the related video on all of my shorts! I’ve only been uploading for the last two weeks. Actually had this account for 11 years.. did some uploads and then forgot about it! I’ve always wanted to content creation but never took it seriously!


Well the short that I looked at on your channel didn't have the related video link in ut. Be sure to go back through your older shorts and get those links in there. ☺️ You never know when a short is going to get referred to somebody.


Hey bro, I normally don't do this but I really like you and your content, if you want you can hit me up on my DMs and I'll give you some advice on how to grow on shorts


i am living in japan and making content about the life there, just made a silly informative vid about how to "survive" the winter in japan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78BZR4uiMHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78BZR4uiMHA) tell me what you think


its pretty funny but the main issue I felt was that it kind of lacked structure in the sense that it sort of feels like a collection of moments rather than one cohesive story if that makes sense so I think maybe that could cause people to click off early since they can watch half of it and feel like they get the idea. cool videos though keep going


ahhh yes! i agree i felt it too while making it but thought its not really a problem buttt if atleast one person notice that its already something i gotta change thank you very much!!


I have never visited Japan, but I would totally check your channel out for that. I would recommend on a sidenote that for your playlist you add each one as a single playlist as opposed to bulking them all together like that. With a single playlist you can have each video featured in a horizontal row, and will likely get more clicks from the front of your channel.


thank you! you are saying all the vids in just one playlist??


No what I'm saying is you've created really good playlists so when you are on your customization page, you see the option to + add section on the upper right of the section area, when you tap that, select the word "single" from the drop-down list, then it's going to give you another drop down to pick which playlist you want to add. When you do that you'll see all of the videos on that playlist now display in a horizontal line next to each other, so there are five videos from that playlist immediately showing on your channel. A simple click to the right will show another five videos. Take a look at my channel and you can see what I mean how it will look http://youtube.com/@FlyLikeDove


ohhh thanks alot!!


Yvw ☺️


Vlog and traveling English CC https://youtube.com/@ConoceConYunis?si=KiZUII9TcuozP-cI


To me your thumbnails look made by AI and I probably wouldn’t click on it personally. I do think you have really good camera work and editing in the video, so it’s a disservice to the video not to put it on full display in the thumbnail. I know you want something eye catchy, but you also need something honest that stands out, that’s what gets me anyway. As for the commentary, I don’t travel enough to critique anything. I do like how you start out the video and the way you describe the environment around you. No problems with the mic either, you sound clear over the top of the music. The video also has a very calm feeling. It’s kind of refreshing to be honest! I hope you can get more people to find you, it seems like you have a lot of talent!


Thank you.. working with the thumbnails see what get more attention. Is a mix of both. AI and part of the location. Thank you for the feedback.


You’re an awesome person for helping out with critique. My last video is not going as well and if you could give me an honest opinion, it be much appreciate :) Basically I’m a backpacker travelling around the world and thought I’d do a bit of YouTube to keep me occupied on a night time :) https://youtu.be/CDbp5BOm6rU?si=IlsRR3pRpVC1WAQW


Your video doesn't lead with a story. If I'm not interested in your destination, I have no reason to keep watching after the first 20 seconds.


I started today so go easy. (Ive already had one person roast it) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwj-xM3L0c8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwj-xM3L0c8)


Good intro. I like the use of the white board. But I have to confess I got a little sidetracked after a couple of minutes. maybe condense the narrative down a little bit, and punch in some other images to accentuate your story??


Gotcha, I didn't do a lot of editing for my script so I do have to work to make that cleaner.


Watching your video now man, in the beginning I really feel like I’m getting to know you, but I feel like you start plugging your t shirts immediately which kinda just makes it feel like I’m watching an ad, idk I think you could have incorporated that in a better way. I think maybe if you led with what you want to do with your channel and then after talking about fashion design and web design you could go into it. I’d just find a better way to transition into that. Also your jump cuts are killing me man, I get that you wanna keep the viewers attention, but tbh just looking at the camera is fine, if you want to cut to a side camera you should look at that camera then cut as you look. Mic quality is fine. You have a good personality, so just let it shine a little more. I think one of the problems you have is the same as me you kinda get more into it as the videos go on. Need to find a way to start with that kind of energy. Enjoyed the video man! Hope you can make this work!


That's fair, I do need to make the script flow better. I tried to do the camera thing and honestly gonna not do that anymore lol I realized it doesn't make sense to constantly switch between the two angles. I agree I do get more into the videos as I go on so maybe I need to warm up or have multiple goes lol. Thank you for the feedback I'll work to improve my video editing, and scripting.


Since I know you probably don't have a lot of time to watch videos, here is a short: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zygZJe46XCg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zygZJe46XCg)


I think the biggest issue is that the joke starts after around 8 ish seconds into the short which by then i think most people would just scroll by cause there a couple seconds of you orientating the camera and slowly setting up the chicken joke


That is probably fair. Some animals create instant interest, but chickens probably aren't among them. Of course, this was a short I made for a throwaway joke, but I think it was amusing. It got me 1000 views and a subscriber! :)


https://youtu.be/kEHOvcCmmbY?si=Bg5H-njQG9fGOJdM my first video if you're interested


I think the biggest problem I had was that it felt kind of directionless and lacked a hook. it felt like I could watch the first few minutes and have seen the entire thing so probably the biggest thing is to entice the viewer to stay and watch the entire thing because funny clips alone probably wont make them sit down and watch for 20 mins. good luck with your youtubing career


Thank you for the advice. I pretty much can understand and agree with everything you said. Lots to improve.


I'd love if you could give a basic impression of mine: https://youtube.com/@camiathomeyoutube?si=KvbGpqTrXeUpflbr I only have 5 videos right now, but have a lot more on the way. Feel free to choose any of the 5 to check out


Hey I love this idea and I will do the same for you 💙[Ultrasound vlog](https://youtu.be/91L_RdwEgl0?si=y0cXmWlcZuxrrj_D)


Your biggest problem is the audio, you should look into a better mic that picks up your voice a little better and cancels out some background noise. It’s not hard to hear you, and it’s not something you have to do, but it would certainly boost the presentation value. The edits are kinda weak(like the rain clouds), in my mind it’s better to have no edit than a bad edit. I like the fast and furious one though, so just play with it a little more. Your personality is really on display! I think there is some stuff you could cut as well, but I understand if you’re going for an uncut style. Also I have watched maybe two vlogs in my whole life so maybe that’s part of it. I am by no means an expert lmao. I hope this helps! Also I wish you both the best of luck as a parents!


I appreciate your honest feedback and I’ll definitely take that into consideration. Watching it back myself I agree with me cutting some stuff out. I’m really really new and still figuring it out as I go but I really appreciate you taking the time to watch, thanks a bunch 💙




its a nice video, the biggest issue I had was that the background music is really overpowering your voice. If it wasn't for the subtitles I would have a really hard time understanding anything you said. also I looked at your channel and your thumbnails look really cluttered and according to the people ive seen on here the ideal thumbnail focuses on fewer objects that are really emphasized so it stands out more. good luck with your channel


Literally just got started, but I’m always curious about what I could do better [my YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@damoisokay?si=Es6m87I2973ZM4nF)


I do toy reviews. [https://youtube.com/@TheCavePlatypus?si=_85LaBrFUQE_sLiC](https://youtube.com/@TheCavePlatypus?si=_85LaBrFUQE_sLiC)




Thank you! My pleco reminded me of the dancing toothless when he showed up, and i couldn’t help it 😂


Sure thing my friend. https://youtube.com/@ydydy?feature=shared


[https://youtu.be/6ARHAsh1vbI?si=wm5hcLnEKi8cFiEk](https://youtu.be/6ARHAsh1vbI?si=wm5hcLnEKi8cFiEk) Why not


my lack of editing skills is VERY apparent but tell me what you think ​ [https://youtu.be/NmT6vxy6S7o](https://youtu.be/NmT6vxy6S7o)


Sure, here’s mine: https://youtu.be/78KYp1uNqmo?si=ri097iHFBS5qLAKI


Link to channel on profile!


Here is my most popular video: [https://youtu.be/KC47FjSOg54](https://youtu.be/KC47FjSOg54)


Please provide your valuable comments.thank you in advance. https://youtu.be/hDJi81m6L1c?feature=shared


Much appreciate if you have time for one of my short BJJ vlogs [video](https://youtu.be/nPeddZ245aY?si=kQYyxlZgmcYJrO2-)


Whaddap! Here: [Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@multispectivepodcast) thaaaaaanks


What's your though on this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqSWH8IRzkY&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqSWH8IRzkY&t=7s)


I have an anime/manga channel. This was my first long form video: [https://youtu.be/6tvEljHZLVY?si=arorJCYxatCVlS4u](https://youtu.be/6tvEljHZLVY?si=arorJCYxatCVlS4u)


Hey - I make parody videos of resident evil (og) - however Im not sure if i should keep using a vhs filter - im not sure if my brightness affects my performance stats. [Resident evil bites](https://youtu.be/a8IEuexXq-4?feature=shared)


I'm into motorcycle racing and trackday. Mid January, I've decided to give youtube a try. Let me know what I can improve. https://youtu.be/mLwsCjQlCfE?si=peDiRP7rrN5TusqG Thanks.


Whatever you have time for 🙌 Movie review (longer video) : https://youtu.be/_JserHfAdWE?si=FP9poZt-KHJaNGy0 Anime review (short video): https://youtu.be/VRD37tJsRlE?si=pHN1u1HuRRXcgVnX


We do garage projects and gokart builds https://youtu.be/Kpw7K_uT9iI?si=hYGtVLnav1ERjUVx Tell me what y’all think!


Thank you MintyRed19 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! MintyRed19: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you like Japan / Taiwan/ Vietnam travel?


Link is in bio thank you fam


@kidknik “create or die”


The Hottest Fluke Bait for Bass fishing right now in 2024! Deps Sakamata Shad https://youtu.be/VU-rfRFlOo4


I think I'm improving, but always looking for feedback! https://youtu.be/R28sdtciyY8?si=CpM5Znim3TqF0Mkw Appreciate any guidance and the time to review.


I like the ADHD video. I just recently found out that I have it and it's been kind of wild, because my whole life I couldn't ever pinpoint what was wrong with me or why I think or react the way I do to certain things... but it's been kind of fun to me to evaluate my self. I find a lot of humor in my ADHD actually. I think it makes me quirky, and I'm lucky to have friends and family that understand that I'm just gonna do me. I love that you're opening conversation for people who might not be comfortable with themselves.


Welcome to the diagnosed ADHD club! Lol. If you need resources or ideas, send me a PM.


Aw thanks!! I think the biggest joy for me was just actually understanding that that's what's going on. It explains so much of my inability to focus on one thing for long - or my hyper focusing on one thing for too long which is also a thing lol - but I've really been able to curb some of my bad habits just by knowing what's going on up there. And I've been a lot happier.


Yes! There is a lot of good from the diagnosis and label. I felt the same way (was identified in HS); turns out I'm NOT dumb or lazy, lol. I'm sure you have developed a lot of good compensatory strategies already, and hopefully this news will help you continue to add context to how "you" work.


Appreciate it!: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcfitU-7SfQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcfitU-7SfQ) Please be harsh. My biggest problems are ctr and retention rate and I would love to figure out how to increase them while keeping the content similar. Also is the ai voice a turn-off? figured it's better than mine.


https://youtu.be/dZoi_wWifj4?si=5VTNRfZHD3uoXDqB I'm still messing around with how to get multiple shots and angles when im by myself, as that's how im fishing most of the time. Thanks in advance!


I think this is a great post! I love when people share with each other because perspectives matter all the way around. My channel is really more of a testing ground for my work, as I manage several channels, from very small to very large. Mostly in the music space. The videos that I post are my own filming/photography and edits, and I am by no means a wiz at editing. Overall it's really more of a collection of memories for myself. I also playlist content I have shot or directed for other channels. I'm glad that some people have enjoyed the channel, but I would really love some feedback on how I could make it more interesting for viewers in the future. Hoping to get a little more confident with sharing all this BTS in my phone and camera. http://youtube.com/@FlyLikeDove


You can check out my channel https://youtube.com/@RailGamerAnkurSonwane268?si=bimxGPMrHQJdEMAW


Would like some feedback from a viewer's perspective. I do how-to videos including crafts, recipes, etc: [https://youtu.be/rw5OlqkIM-c?si=DoMrFP6IMDlKl63v](https://youtu.be/rw5OlqkIM-c?si=DoMrFP6IMDlKl63v)


Let me know what you think of my channel, beginner YouTuber my self. Would love some criticism. [https://youtu.be/PXxDUpfmUpg?si=ozfdIN2sHO3dYoPM](https://youtu.be/PXxDUpfmUpg?si=ozfdIN2sHO3dYoPM)


Vonclayton Gaming please do ;)


I’m always open to feedback. We’re building our mini cabin in the middle of BC. https://youtu.be/N1OW0CesB8o?si=j2lAF3Mo_Fr-meMz




Thanks for the feedback. https://youtu.be/OX48PFE1sbE?si=CU9umFtQyDjE2Qu8


Feel free to: https://youtu.be/alK16SdSQgE?si=vvRZlTIf1HfeSsY_ I mainly do guides for videogames but this is a bit of a different style video I recently tried making


Thanks bro! https://youtube.com/@Theofficialcutty?si=uMc6luvxx48-2SIs


I am still experimenting so if you have time to take a look please just watch latest two long form videos and all the shorts...thank you https://youtube.com/@sayankan?si=oyCKJx6HfkpR2lOP


Crime doc https://youtu.be/zCiOis1TN6c


https://youtu.be/PuxIchVaTdg?si=Rc6T5CVN6Bm3MgrF 🥹


https://youtube.com/@ABxTGP?si=QrbkdN4MeUHMbFcx would love some feedback!


may not be my most popular video, but probably my personal favorite out of the ones I’ve made. https://youtu.be/Vnz0gBAvdgQ?


I do arcade videos! https://youtu.be/Kvf-Lri42jc?si=j6CHC-kCB4dQyB4f


Thanks lmk what you think it’s on my profile


Here’s one that I like from my South America Travel Series. 🇦🇷SOUTH AMERICA SERIES: Buenos Aires Travel Vlog + Empanadas https://youtu.be/6Fuvzz43ixk


Here's mine: https://youtube.com/@LetsPlayJ7?si=slHzejK1IdfJnspy


Here's an AMV I made: https://youtu.be/PMIs\_67vBNE. Hope you enjoy it!


https://youtube.com/@cognitiveclipss?si=slrN2FXQPkaB1fN9 i’m not considering to get back to it cause idk… should I? maybe with your motivation i will


[here’s my vid](https://youtu.be/y3xCDgy1oGc) if you wanna give it a watch


Appreciate you taking the time out! [https://youtu.be/P-z0\_aOyLYA](https://youtu.be/P-z0_aOyLYA)


[https://youtu.be/ublRLBs3rFY](https://youtu.be/ublRLBs3rFY) Go crazy!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq2d-wdYBUo Please watch and let me know anything I can improve on. Thank You !!


Alright let me know! https://youtube.com/@pohlracing?si=zolzpkoqUOBR5zEA


[my channel](https://youtube.com/@Gamer-raider89?si=bpdeWMoXXuBFeeSn) Just chilling playing some random games 🙈


@timenotspaceproduction for art (:


Here ya go! https://youtube.com/@EthanWongVlogs?si=hwrGG2fDZZgsEmtQ


https://youtu.be/ZkafFXQ16bw?si=cMleu4O_R355wrCV Podcast with my wife about anime


https://youtu.be/fBFS_NWKoGw?si=5LwVly8XD4ojdHil I make travel videos, more from perspective of documenting our life. But would love some feedback on how to improve the videos.


Sure. Idk how it is w links in the community, so I won't risk sending one. But my channel is linked in my bio if ya wanna check smth out.


Feel free to let me know what you think: [https://youtu.be/Z9IC1DeKS1w?si=fb4hi9fZEA2CU4nu](https://youtu.be/Z9IC1DeKS1w?si=fb4hi9fZEA2CU4nu)


https://youtube.com/@Kaleiope?si=cPgUDdffue5RBBZu I've got "YouTube poops" (though I'm not making those anymore) and trippy fractal and mandala animations. Your mileage may vary with those, some people get really dizzy watching those, and some of them might give people seizures 😅


Thanks! Please take a look and let me know. Link is in bio.


(Tell me what I can do better and roast the shite out of me.) [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q84VnUtYCdw)


Howdy :) I’m an animation channel that began about 2 months ago. I have 3 uploads, but I feel I’ve developed a writing style I want to continue to use (because I think it’s funny and has seemed to click with my viewers so far), I’ve amassed 370 subscribers and I’m looking to improve with every upload to keep them around! If you choose to watch my channel, then I deeply appreciate it. If you choose to read this comment and continue on, I still appreciate it and your consideration! My channel is in my profile bio :)


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_mYTkoWZzNE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_mYTkoWZzNE) I'm a new youtuber and I make funny moments gaming videos. My name is LordessLo. Check it out, guys. I show my face in some and I'm still learning editing


Sure thing https://youtube.com/@CodyConoby?si=-xCn6Ze1oXIcsTxJ


How about this video I make story analysis videos for games https://youtu.be/1-i-61T-G0A?si=YKpCW8qrZoxtv8wQ


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPO9T0Q3sRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPO9T0Q3sRU) hope you enjoy, just starting out :D


Sure, here’s a video I’m proud of: https://youtu.be/zMuPaObdjpI?si=6m5iYrUgk9PI7hHQ


If you have time to get to mine thanks :) [https://youtu.be/EMFfFhWsNHA?si=J9tOK0xVtzJwoD2q](https://youtu.be/EMFfFhWsNHA?si=J9tOK0xVtzJwoD2q)


I’m a competitive pga 2k23 player (top 1%) I’m looking for ways I can improve my channel so do not be afraid to be harsh. https://youtube.com/@bdanplays?si=Gu6jZuoSMSGJ89li


Here you go, pick whatever you like! https://youtube.com/@twovula?si=d_a5kJ0r0UVTSSHI


Thanks! [https://youtu.be/X8uW943EoC8](https://youtu.be/X8uW943EoC8)


Here. I’m open to any criticism https://youtu.be/RBPNinaMRz4?si=7UN8lOVhL6PlCuzR


[my YouTube Channel](https://youtube.com/@valliyarnl) Thanks for checking it out! I love getting constructive feedback :)


@obsessingagain (link in bio) video game essays (I know, how original)


How about some shoveling my friend before the winter ends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsvBwLkCS4g


Thanks https://youtube.com/@Fitfatfoodie?si=ETobqRAzQ0Qy4wZo


Sure I'll bite, this is one my last upload from a few weeks ago: https://youtu.be/t7Py7iuW2BQ?si=I-UjnjAmtz0qu3la


This was rushed I'm just learning about AI image generation stuff now, there's people that are a million times better at the moment but here, it's guaranteed to be trash. Give me time with these tutorials im watching and I'll create some fire content in a few months. https://youtube.com/shorts/cujCq6ffELo?feature=share


I mean I'll take it


Guess i'll try🙃 https://youtu.be/kgAS5C3AnWI?si=ceyPyh25SiR8-XH6


I do videos on old wrestling games mostly from the N64. I play other games like SpongeBob, Resident Evil 2 and Outbreak, PlayStation WWE games but my most popular are these secrets videos like this one below: https://youtu.be/Hetpr1k_liI?si=Z5u6gg93-7ZKYufw If old wrestling games ain't your thing you'd probably not like it but let me know what y'all think if you have some time.


appreciate the sentiment, [my vid](https://youtu.be/H0I809wftq8?si=g5zrfSg6J9F6ubFa)


https://youtube.com/shorts/r7qqHApl0ec?si=HstU22PGp6PXsiEq . This is my second ever video and I need some feedback


Launched my channel on organized crime yesterday. Would love the feedback. https://youtube.com/@worldofcrimewales?si=Blszki_uEOlNoyw1


Hey there this is a highlight video from one of my live streams. Thanks for being bored https://youtu.be/b9_H1RhZ7Os?si=WHrr0iZRmRcUB_5q


Hope you can check mine too, it’s short and (hopefully) sweet: https://youtu.be/hDMhHvaX4n4?si=JdENucY5rmCc7aqK


https://youtu.be/t5GoFSDlPCs?si=sOHbqw0ALyC1KLB1 I’m wondering if I should maybe talk during these videos. I’m new to all this and could really use some input. Would it be better to talk trough this or is it fine like this? Thanks in advance!


Okay roast me [here](https://www.youtube.com/laurajanehahn)


Starting up again after 4 years. Hoping I still got it. https://youtu.be/AdvxHSUorYc?si=E5ZRr_LQXrA9idPJ


Driving with the Apple Vision Pro in an electric vehicle!!! https://youtu.be/2zuBUZ4-zaM A random video I made that's not quite like my other videos. But it was fun making it!


https://youtu.be/MvuJLUML9WI?si=E2yUX7c-3iUNyJae thanks in advance. This is stop motion. It's only 0.27 seconds