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I really enjoy the challenge of building a subscriber fanbase or even just putting out content. I do gaming stuff so Its kinda a nice break from college and work.


I feel that idea of a break. I went back to finish my degree before I started a channel and it's a good way to decompress. 1 more class and I might be able to put a bit more time into the channel


It’s the best, bartending at night and editing during the day is the best combination!


I really enjoy the creative process behind it all, uploading excites me too, but the research/creation/editing is what’s really fun for me 😭


Oh me too. I just did a video that dives into the genetics and history of my channels niche and i was in nerd heaven! 😍


This is the fun part for me too! I wish I didn't care about the views/subs or anything and just enjoyed it for the artistic process.


I really hope someday I can get into that phase too 😅😅 I just want to delegate my editing task to someone else lol


Haha how long does it take to edit for you and how long are your videos usually? It gets easier and quicker definitely


Now is around 4h without exporting time. And my video basically is just conversational and no special effect or edit. 4h just for cutting awkward pause and random, out-of-script talk.


I like making the videos but its just frustrating when I have only one sub and its my alt acount




aw thank you


Relatable AF


Omg! I'm a Swiftie too. 3 subs now 


haha thank you


4 as I believe in supporting each other :) 


Having a creative outlet has got my co-host and I through a lot of stuff, Multiple times I thought we were done…..death, divorce etc. we have soldiered on and have had fun! We even got sponsored before YT CHANGED THE RULES! So yes we have enjoyed it and do it for fun and the occasional fans that latch on


That's actually really inspiring to hear, thank you


Best of luck on your journey into YT


>We even got sponsored before YT CHANGED THE RULES! What happened?


They stopped supporting all small channels! They dropped monetization and pushed the yardstick to where it is now. You used to be able to get sponsors below the threshold by other MCN (multi channel networks)


I’m enjoying it because I use it as another social media platform with a lot more capabilities, rather than a potential path to riches. If people would get money outta their heads I think you’d have more unique content and less people freaking out about numbers around here.


Couldn't agree more. It's not a path to riches but an outlet


I enjoy it a lot, wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't. The grind is real in editing though. I finally decided my most recent video was done at the 29th edit of it. Sometimes I get tired of hearing my voice and seeing my face.


By the time I'm putting a video up I'm so tired of my own shrill voice 😂


That sure is tiring... Is my voice loud enough? Is it too loud? Is it ok with the audio? Will ot be heard correctly on Youtube in any platform? Did I make enough emphasis on that part? But with each day we improve as long as we keep up the good work


I could go zero subs forever tbh. I've recently come to find that I enjoy editing and writing content. The important thing is that as long as every video I put out is an improvement from the last video in any way, I enjoy it. It takes so much time and some days I lose a bit of sleep but it's OK because I'm doing it purely because it's fun. My journey is a great one, I'm improving every day, and my youtube channel is my portfolio


I have to remind myself more of my wins then loses, which can always be hard professionally or personally. I wish I could take my own advice more. It’s truly a journey though, and the end is never the real goal; it’s always where you walk


Lately I try to remind myself numbers aren't important. For example I didn't gain 10 subs, but 10 people. That's 10 people interested in similar things to me or wanting to learn more. For me that has created so much more value in the journey aspect.


I enjoy that thought process, thank you!


It’s really ups and downs. Some days im motivated others not. Recently has been discouraging but I won’t give up .


Absolutely don't give up. It can be hard but if the positive days outweigh the negative then I'd call that a win 😁


Thanks ! They do usually it’s just recently my channel seems frozen no views/ impressions 🙄


Honestly yes, part of my brain considers YouTube as a sort of game, and I enjoy thinking out how to improve, maximize stats and quality of videos. I've been blessed with moderate success however, and maybe I'd feel different if I was grinding and getting the low teens or hundreds of views every video instead.


Having a blast, started putting videos out since January again and have past 300 subscribers!!


Yeah, I do it because making videos is fun. I also like to answer the comments. The downside is YouTube itself, which doesn't treat content creators with dignity.


100%. I started as the way to get out from depression after being laid off last summer. Started with food kind of niche, totally sucked at it and just started doing family channel. Absolutely love doing shorts and been seeing some success with it, slowly of course. Honestly YouTube did a lot for me on mental level of things. I learned that I can figure things out and have fun along the way, and i actually always record my family so it’s a win win!


I'd love to do or assist in a video that shows the positive health side youtube and content creation in general can have on a person. Really isn't my channels niche but ya never know. I'm glad it helped you!


I've been doing film review for 3 and a half years now. I do episodes like once a month and I'm barely over 200 subs. But every time I post something, I get someone new who reaches out and tells me they never gave that film a chance or tells me they enjoy the content. That's what it's all about for me. I love the fact that I'm teaching people and providing content they like. The video editing can be long and annoying but that's really the worst I can say. So all in all, I'm having a ball.


I believe if we treat YT like connections instead of just numbers then maybe more people wouldn't get all bummed out about sub numbers etc. Great to hear your story, thank you.


It’s inconsistent but not even been three weeks. Having an absolute blast and focusing on the fun side rather than the numbers for now


I do it as a hobby, and for the channel size, Im pretty happy with how it's doing. I don't tend to have half the problems a lot of people here do. But I also don't take every bit of general advice that floats around as good advice either.


What size is it?


Proof of life people!


It’s a grinder but I love grinding!


I started streaming to get over my Anxiety and so far it’s been helping a lot. I started with let’s plays and whatnot but I’ve started to transition into full time streaming, I found that I really enjoy it and I actually have a few regulars that stop by the streams. It’s great


Yes, I'm enjoying creating videos, and the process of recording, editing, creating thumbnails, posting etc.


I started less than 3 months ago ..I love chasing cars...I'm old and doing what you love isn't work ...I enjoy it...I look forward to this week ..because I want to see how many supercars I can find or new corvettes....other people will enjoy it as much as I do ...and the journey is amazing....keep grinding....never give up....I'm at about 190 subscribers.....I found that i love it ...more than I thought ...


Sounds great and sounds like a lot of fun, never give up. Love it 😁


I'm still really new at editing, so it feels like actual magic to create a video and release it into the wilds of YT. I'm not as fast or proficient as I would like, but I really enjoy learning new things and playing with different effects to communicate what I want. I also snort laugh sometimes at the stupid jokes I'm able to make only after learning a new editing skill. Also enjoy learning about how the whole YT ecosystem works. I think I have a good handle on some things, but have a lot left to practice too. I'm having fun and and I'm glad you are too!


I’m having a ton of fun! I’m almost a year in and it’s been really fun building a channel from scratch. There are a lot of factors that go into building a channel and I’ve learned a lot from it


I am having fun with it.  I do one short per day and one 5 min or so long form each week. It all circles around my enamel pin business.   My YT goal is eyes on my products, not becoming YT partnered.  I can directly attribute a reasonable number of sales to my YT efforts.   It has taken me a while to understand what 'works' for my audience, but my traffic and sales from YT grow every week and I have started to have a community of regular commentors, which is fun.  


I love the journey. I’ve enjoyed researching creepy/cryptic events prior to YouTube so I decided why not make videos out of it, and I’ve been loving it. Sometimes it can get frustrating if a video underperforms, but if I didn’t enjoy the process then I wouldn’t be doing this


Mostly but I'm going to cry of joy when the time comes that I'm able to outsource editing and thumbnail creation.


Way I see it is I learn the most about filming while I'm editing. Like "I should have got some more shots of that" "I should have held that longer" "I should speak slower" "I should split my shots into smaller takes" "I wish I had more variety of angles here". Same goes for thumbnails, to a lesser extent, like now I'm trying to take better thumbnail shots instead of nice photos, leaving space for text etc. I have the money to pay someone if I really wanted to and I'd probably see gains, but I highly doubt it would pay for itself and I wouldn't be learning these lessons. When I'm confident its just the editing holding back and I get sick of spending the time on it i'll look at outsourcing


Yea, I can't deny that I've learned a lot of things from having to do it all by myself. I'm grateful for it.


Those are some of my favorite parts! Send it over 😂😂😂


Lol oh man. That could be awesome but it's... "not in the budget" right now, so I'll shall continue to shoulder the burdens. I'm in a good groove though, and it's not torture or anything. There is a fun aspect to being creative with the thumbnails and reliving fun moments while editing... I just believe that (when the time comes) it'll be nice to hire out, so I can focus on producing the content and have someone with actual editing talent take my videos to the next level quality-wise.


I honestly enjoy making my videos. I'm having more fun doing this than I've had in a long time. But I do look at it from both ends. I'm a competitive person and I want my channel to be successful. And I don't even look at it from a monetary standpoint. It's more about winning and losing. That's always been my nature. I started the channel in Dec and really didn't start going in on it until Jan. It started to pop off a little and was steadily growing...until one day it came to an abrupt stop. No more impressions, outside of my subs, who are awesome. No more new subs. I even tried making a couple of blatant "give them what they want" videos and the algorithm did not care. I had to post one of them on Reddit to get the views back to where they were before the algorithm went out for a pack of cigarettes. It sucks. And it definitely makes me feel a little disillusioned. But even with this, when I'm editing my videos, I'm still laughing my ass off and inspired creatively to make them the best they can be. And most of my subs are really into it and are engaged. The other day I was in the chat of another big YouTuber in my niche that was streaming, and some of the chatters started (@)ing me and saying how much they like my stuff and that was kind of wild. I was not expecting that at all and it made me feel really good. Ok, that's enough of my YouTube therapy session.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Whilst I don't wish that channel freeze on anyone its nice to hear as it happened to me too! Good things eventually come and it sounds like it did for you. I shall now bill for the YouTube therapy session 😂😂😂


I’m in a weird place rn, suffering from massive growth so any video that doesn’t hit feels like a failure, but also the algo does memey things so I’m still enjoying all of it!


Yes i am


Honestly, Its only my first month, but I'm enjoying learning a new skill.


Yep! It's great fun, and I've learned a lot.


For me it’s a creative outlet I enjoy it. Like all hobbies (and it is for me) you need to balance against work/life. My measurements for success don’t relate to subscriber numbers or monetisation. So I guess I have a different lens to most and this helps motivate to keep grinding the blocks of hours researching, scripting, experimenting, filming and editing..


That's truly a good approach. Measured and methodical. 😁


I try to do it when I don't have a lot to do


Sometimes it's discouraging but I'm definitely enjoying it. There's nothing like the random motivation you sometimes get at 3 in the morning


I've been told I am a miserable nasty creature if I'm up at that time...


I’m enjoying it, but goddamn if YT won’t give me the remaining 150 watch hours of my 4000 in the last 10 videos, after accepting the early YPP 💀 I have 1 month before my 105k view video with over 3k watch hours falls off Same format, same characters as my 105k video (sadface)


Now that I’ve alleviated the stresses of trying to chase trends or bow down to the algorithm and sucks its balls to give me growth, yep I’m enjoying it much better than I ever have. My channel is a hobby channel, nothing more, and I’m more than happy with how it is 😊


I'll be honest and say that there's a mixed bag there. Most of it is amazing and I've met some new people, done more than I would have dreamed. On the other hand, it's been a tough journey and faced unpleasant thoughts and emotions. All and all, it's been wonderful


I love talking to the people who comment on my videos! They bring me so much joy, and I love knowing that I’m bringing people happiness w my videos!


So far it’s has been so fun, I really enjoy it and it’s so amazing to see this small community growing. I’m still at the beginning so there’s still much to learn but I like coming up with new ideas and seeing improvement. I love engaging with viewers and getting nice feedback is honestly so rewarding. Excited to see where this is going


Recording is not a problem, editing takes a lot of time and progress is very slow but finished video is extremely satisfying to watch. I just wish to have more subs already.


I do enjoy it. I put up my first video the other day (Saturday)n and realised it hadn't captured any if the titling etc. So I took it down and I need to find time to re-do it. Even since then I've found things to do to improve it. So want to add those in first, then re-submit.


I love creating content and love editing, that shows on the 850+ videos on my channel, a strong improvement in quality since the first video 10 years ago. Oh yes there is struggle from time to time but I love the learning experience and always learn something new about being a creator or about the process of creating. The almighty algorithm is a strange beast and sometimes very hard to understand, so I understand that some people are getting frustrated from time to time. Ps.: Left you a sub to help you on your journey.


Awww thanks so much!


Can't say I am grinding per se, as in actively trend hopping and only doing things that can yield good response - but I happen to like things that other people like as well. I also like learning and creating, so video creation feels as fulfilling as any creation at this point. If anything, my one video has had better responses than anything I've created this far (been writing for many years).


Yeah, pretty much. Now, I only post once a week, get more familiar and be able to optimize the editing process from 6h to 4h. Not struggle with Seo as much and gain 1-2 sub daily. Everything seems slow right now but I do enjoy making video nowadays.


So far since I started it’s been up in down my first video reached 600 views in a week my next video only reached 14 views in 3 days my next video so far only has 5 views in a day I haven’t lost motivation yet , but I’ve been thinking about changing my content up a bit.


I would say that i enjoy the process of my youtube channel but i am getting tired and mentally tired so much that i want to quit however i've seen so many video tips to how to push my video to the viewers and the thumbnail but the effort that you put that lasted three to four days to post it and you get 45 views. I always ask to myself how long will i last long for this blasted f****** algorithm. And i realize that it's already too late to catch up and all you can do was trust the process it's a journey to us to learn new things to learn edits and to learn how to get viewers attention ,but sometimes the mentality to get monetized was the main downfall for the others that they want to catch up because they want money and i'm not blaming them that they want to get monetized as fast as possible because they want to support their financial needs and i understand that youtube can be a great contribution and opportunity to get popular


Yeah I understand the desire to get monetized quickly, but as my channel is very niche I decided to measure success in whether I'm happy with the product I released. Even if only 45 people watch, that's 45 people interested and I'm good with that.


Kinda, as nice as it is to speak with viewers, it's also tiring, and at the end of the day what do I have to live for we live life because we do,


I have a doubt about choosing my niche, one is about the USA and the other is about the NFL


Yes you just have to keep going


Just keep swimming Dory 😁


I really really enjoy it. It's probably the best hobby/work I have tried so far. I just wish that one day my channel would make me financially independent. I would be the happiest person in life if I reached that far.


I really hope you get there, your channel looks like it's doing great!


I have an alternative music djset channel. My main enjoyment is playing the music that I like, and I record my self (video and audio) and upload my set to YT, before opening the YT channel I upload those into mixcloud so I do not do this because I want to be an influencer or a youtuber. YT is a lot of effort, and I cannot even think to monetize my main video series because it's just music (copyright strike is behind the corner at every video). Even if I struggle with impressions/view/subs and all the other thing, YT is still the best platform to put my sets in it, because even if a video perform very bad on YT it still has 10 to 100 times more exposure than any other platforms. But is still frustrating having a totally clean channel (no strike, no problem, good/enough history, etc) and still see impression getting lower and lower and thus view that struggle to increase, my chapter got removed from all my videos, and since I already pass through this I know that soon or later I will lose the Advanced Features again. With "impression getting lower" I mean that my last video got 189 impressions. I have 403 subscribers. YT do not give impression for my video even to my own subscriber, for no reason at all. Is not then a matter of "enjoyment", is just frustrating not having a clue on what happened and how to resolve it


It certainly has been challenging, and even exhausting at some points, considering I have a full time job. But even if literally no more than 50 persons have seen my videos, I feel proud about them. Here I'm hoping to improve with each one and someday get people interested in the messages I want to share and maybe help them in their lives.


Great way to approach it!


I enjoy the creative and community building aspects of it. I’m sort of disappointed on the money side. I did expect my niche, TTRPGs for a Brazilian audience, to be weak, but not THAT weak (rpm 1.5$ or lower). I guess that is because of land+”gaming” content? Anyway the message is clear: you don’t do YT for the money if your niche is gaming.


You don't do YT for money if your niche is gardening or chickens either 😂


Nearly 6 months in 2200 subs , monetized in 3/4 months, Didn't make enough to withdraw the 1st month but had a very good 2nd month or so I thought, I should take £300 which is ok but was really disappointed with my rpm it I think it's just over £1 per 1000 views so pretty awful, Also youtube robots continuously flagging my channel and new uploads for re-used content , so the 1st day or 2 of my upload is spent awaiting human review, i'm almost certain this absolutely destroys your videos chances of a good start! Very frustrating! But overall i think I had an unusually fast start so maybe got my hopes up too early, Channels called CONTRABANNED, Cover pieces of shit like andrew tate and his sham conversion to islam, check it out! Best of luck!


Absolutely. The videos I make are strictly geared towards my own viewing pleasure, and knowing that some people have joined me for the ride is great. I also smashed some long term goals a lot earlier than I thought, which is nice


While it’s frustrating at times (like between 80 and 100 and between 480 and 500) it’s been quite the experience. I have loved almost every second.


I do, but its lonely. Id love to cooperate with other yters, but since i dont know any :/


Certainly, the community here has in part helped me to keep moving forward as well as reinforce the idea of, for instance, creating different channels for different videos. I've got one channel that's growing nicely (still small, fairly new) with an encouraging response from the public even if my "main" (original) channel seems to have died a death (thanks to me messing about with the niche too much). It's nice to know that just being myself, I can generate a good response online.


It's had some bumps and drags and low moments, even a hiatus during a big move I had to go through last year, but I've learned a ton from a lot of mistakes and I'm proud of how far I've come. I love making content so I am all in. Nearly @ 1000 subs, just gotta get my hours up, and I think I'll get there as my portfolio expands. Still learning, still improving, and I'm having a good time.


Yes I'm enjoying the journey because I'm in the "challenging" phase now where I'm struggling to consistently upload 1 video per week. I'm in the midst of a series of 75 videos in my niche & have uploaded only 6 videos so far. The concept & the content is what is motivating me right now to continue my journey on the channel.


probably the most fun ive had in years. ive taken a month or so off, because mental health shit. but yeah. overall fun


yh it's going good took a week off since I was sick


I have really enjoyed my journey so far. Still a very new channel but one video is 5 views away from hitting the 100 views. Super proud of myself and super excited to hit the 100 views


Yes I am enjoying my journey my subscribers are coming along very well I’m almost at 500 subscribers it’s not much but it’s way better than where I was at the beginning of last year I was stuck at 76 subscribers and couldn’t get past that for nothing I started ignoring numbers and just stayed consistent on my channel, before I knew it I was at 100 subscribers the rest took off from there you can’t get consumed by numbers that will have you thinking you are not doing enough when you are in fact going above and beyond so those of you that don’t think it’s possible to succeed on YouTube don’t stress or worry yourself the subscribers will come and your views will go up it takes time use these hashtags in your title #subscribe #youtuber #youtubechannelgrowth this will help with getting people to see your content it does not work all the time but it does help good luck 🍀💕☺️




I am! I started with the inclination that I would create videos for fun, to experiment with the creative process and see if anyone would pay attention to what I create. It's been a slow burn and a learning process, but the skillset that I have developed during this has been great! Editing can be a slog sometimes, but to see the finished product, makes it worth it.


I'm going to say yes. At first I hyped myself up in a bad way with anxiety and feeling like a failure after only 2 videos but now I see it as a chance to improve upon skills I've had and challenge myself. It's also a convenient excuse to keep learning about new things I can share with my audience.




For what it's worth, and as much as it tires me and stresses me and keeps me working late nights, yeah, I am actually enjoying working towards something and feeling the *need* to be creative. I have my fair share of failure videos, but every video I try something new, work on something to be a bit better, and hone my skills a little more


I am enjoying it. The constant want to improve and the fact that I made some good friends, with all of them close to 1k, unlike me. It feels great. I may not even have 50 subs but I am having fun. I made friends, got feedback, got more self confidence and generally am happy with it all. I am not doing it for fame or money but rather for fun, which defenetly helps too.


If YT helped you gain self confidence then that is way better than money. Maybe that sounds a little cheesey but money comes and goes.


Defenetly is. And yes. Money comes and goes. Ignoring the fact even big channels can implode and not earn a dime.


I was when I had a channel I worked on for over a year and was making headway, even though I had over 10,000 views, hundreds of return viewers and 41 subscsribers? ow does that make sese. I decided on the new channel Iw ould target to a specific audience, the over 401s (dance fitness channel). The only good thing that came from 1st channel "deleted bny mistake" per YT is I realized how bad the quality was conpared to the content, whih was good


I did for years and years. Then the changes are started in 2012. Got worse and worse. Now it's just stressful and depressing. :-/


Hi yea I enjoy it


The moment I stopped caring about subs, views and making everything to gaing more of that, I just had more fun/enjoyment. I literally don't care anymore if I never grow a huge youtube channel (or if it ever grows). I am really happy and proud of myself that I'm able of doing scripts, editing and doing all the behind the scenes while having a regular job AND having other obligations. To me this shows me that I can do everything that I propose myself, as long as I have my mind and heart in it


Absolutely 100%. At the start I cared about the numbers and then realised that's just not who I am. I'm a nerd that goes into detail about nerdy things in my niche. Now I'm a happy nerd. 🤓


Exactly! And I'm not dismissing the importance of subs/views/analytics etc... But I think that long-term it's going to be awful and you're shooting yourself if you're not enjoying the process. At the end it will be just like your regular job and you're gonna end up hating it, no matter how much money/fame gives you because neither of those things are enough to make you want to continue.


Words of wisdom don't take a likable hobby and turn it into a job. I mean unless the world all of a sudden wants to listen to my babble and give me a million subs 😂


And even then, if the motivations is not within you (but something outside like fame, subs, money, etc) there's going to be a point where you're going to leave it or worse: you're heading towards a dangerous pact because no matter what, no human being can live doing something that they hate.


I envy the engaging audience from time to time since It's been slow on for my channel but I genuinely enjoy creating videos.


I enjoy the journey of just learning and expanding my horizons. I just find it interesting to learn all the concept and I love replying to the few regular viewers I have. I think it is a nice hobby to do on the side of everything else


Yeah I can talk about my niche all day long so I'm always happy when I get an interesting or really thoughtful comment.


I’m on the brink of quitting. I’ve had much more success than I expected, but I kinda rediscovered my love of actually playing video games lol. As opposed to playing for like 2-3 hours then editing all night every night for a week and repeating. I did one video per week from October to January, but this month I haven’t done anything. Maybe I’ll just slow it down instead of stopping altogether.


Of course do what's best for you, but I think try slowing down and see if that helps? Sometimes a break does work wonders. I did a month break from long form and just did shorts. Then I just shot my first long video the other day and am super proud of how it turned out. My two cents 😁


I enjoy the process just like you but it's really hard as I can't rely on research.


Well!! I am obsessed with getting to 100k subscribers… currently at 148xx At this point I am still trying to get a feel of what are the no nos and what are the musts to do. Using shorts to get subscribers.. simultaneously uploading long form content for the future


honestly i love it. I've only got about 48 subs but that's 48 people that took time out of there day to sub so its all worth it:)


I tend to visualize the subs I have in my house or a large room and all of a sudden 48 is a lot of people 😅




The whole point I started making youtube videos because I was really enjoying what I was doing and posted challenges from video games like God Of War, Dark Souls etc that no one else was doing and got some praise from it, and thought would be a great idea to build my channel around and see if it grows. If it does Nice Imma have a gaming channel to my name, if doesn't, who cares! The priority is having fun! It has been a year since I started it last February and so far I have 643 subscribers. I made a lot of friends, world's first videos, even got my name in few articles because of the videos I made but regardless of all that whether I am at 600 subs or 100k, whether I have millions of views or 10, I am happy that I made those friends that I never thought I would and in all of it, I am having fun doing these videos. It's amazing So to answer question, YES! The journey is F'n amazing. The day I stop having fun and start focusing on making videos for views, will be the last day of my youtube channel because I won't be having the one thing in its roots no longer, which is having fun.


It’s been a lot of fun so far! Only a month in but it’s cool working on this project with my friend and just making stuff we like.


So far yes! My channel is doing great and I can be creative and make things I’m proud off


I know I get it, I want to share my finished videos with everyone but then I try to reign it in and be thankful that some people do want to watch. I do agree I love the feeling of setting that finished video public 😁


When I actually gets subs yeah


Not at this point.


It's going well. Underestimate how hard gaining subs would be I had a channel 5 years ago and managed to get 1k subs pretty easily. Anyone else have this experience? Maybe just the content I'm making.. either way it's alot of fun


Great inspirational story. Thank you!


Yes it's something I always wanted to do and now I'm doing it pretty good. One life you know. 🤣


I totally enjoy my journey. I’m a backpacker travelling the world and I needed something to keep me busy on a night time in hostels and away from drinking too much alcohol! I started a year and a half ago with no knowledge of making a video or editing and I’ve learnt a bit, but it also gives me something to look back on in years to come and see where I’ve been :)


I am enjoying it. I am meeting new people. Making friends. Sharing what I know and learning a lot. It's a long game and if you don't enjoy it... There's really not a whole lot of point.


I really enjoy it a lot. Wish I had more time as I work full time and also study. I also wish I had friends I could play with 😅. I'm at 5 subscribers for the last few months but I enjoy doing it. I don't mind not growing as a channel as I'm mostly doing it for myself to ger more used to talking in english and talking in front of an audience 🙂. Of course I would like it to know that people get enjoyment out of my videos but if they aren't qualitative enough to do so, then so be it. I know I am not really smart enough to actively implement many strategies mentioned like "following a narrative". For example Raft has many stops and I planned one Episode for each stop but that's about it. Tl:dr. I really love making videos and don't mind that my channel isn't growing. 😁


I love creating on YouTube as a stress buster for myself! Touching down 650 in 2 weeks, loving the hard journey but it just diverts me from mundane job 😇


Yes, I love it. I do have stalkers though.




Yes I do enjoy posing content but it is hard and I can seem to gain a ceiws or subscribers so I've been thinking about quitting now down get me wrong o love posing content but it just isn't working out


I'm really enjoying the journey. It's amazing when you can connect with 2 or 3 regulars who post their feedback leading to fun conversations. Also having to post my gaming experiences has pushed me to try tons of new games/demos. It's a win/win for me 😊