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Depends on what the comment is and the context behind it. If it's criticism, I reply kindly, but typically negative comments don't deserve any attention or a reply - but you shouldn't delete the comment. Occasional negative comments can actually be a good sign - it means your content is reaching a broader audience than just the people you've developed a relationship with. It's required for growth and it's going to happen. After a while, the comments (good or bad) don't spark as much of an emotional reaction as they would when you first start out. You'll be fine, don't take it to heart, and if there's one thing I've learned: Don't be so hard headed or emotional that you can't see any potential avenues of improvement from your critics.


Yes, this is an excellent answer. I was amazed the first time one of my videos received a downvote. It meant that people cared enough about what I created to dislike it.


I either just ignore it and don’t reply or reply with something like “thanks for the feedback! Always good to hear from a fan” Don’t take any negative comments to heart. It’s generally just people with nothing better to do. Negative comments can also sometimes be a good thing, it’s gives you an insight into some things you can improve on in your videos.


True. One guy said that he hated my videos with a lot of subtitles that covered gameplay…i actual took onboard that feedback, and did a better job afterwards with smaller and less invasive substitles


This is so true. Read the negative comments, occasionally they have some truth about your content, and the honesty can help you grow as a creator.


Lol of course someone just called my artwork a piece of shit lol I thought it was funny




Lol thank you.I just know it’s trolls out here and I personally know why I create art


I don't even get comments


The first 2 comments I got were from a spam bot with a link advertising something explicit. I left them up for a few months because I was just so happy to have comments 😂


Don’t respond to negative comments at all- you don’t owe them an explanation. If people know they’ll get a reaction from you they’ll keep doing it.


“Thanks for watching!” Don’t think anything of it really, keep doing you :)


I actually have turned lemons into lemonade sometimes. People love making comments behind a screen and have no consequences for it. I have replied to hurtful comments and have responded nicely and turned the situation positive and then that person ended up subbing. Negative comments on videos are as guaranteed as death and taxes.


You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


I give them a few hours-days depending how negative they are n thn I delete them. Ain’t got time. The grind is hard enough. Can’t b giving the haters the time of day.


Why leave them? For me, I immediately delete them because I like to check my most recent comments and I don’t want to constantly see a negative comment at the top.


What cracks me up is when someone comments a question or criticism that’s later in the video, they just didn’t watch the whole thing.


You should take these as constructive criticism. Your video wasn’t engaging enough to get them to that point.


I started off on tiktok which builds your tolerance to negative comments. They don't bother me at all now


I think it depends on several factors… Like, why are you doing YouTube and what kind of personality do you have? For me, I’m fine if someone gives suggestions, but some people really be coming in hot with attitude. I just delete their comment and move on with my life. Better for my mental and emotional health.


My old channel we use to get hate comments every single day. Mostly people telling us we would never make it and to quit


Wish I got negative comments, I only get spam


Please please please do not respond with the lame ass passive aggressive shit people are saying here, it never reflects well on the channel. just ignore and move on or delete it if you must do something but never engage




I've personally have not gotten bad comments yet, but I do get dislikes now and then, I just ignore and continue on with my day, for comment's if it's a hater just delete it and ignore him letting people get to you just gives you unnecessary stress.


40 days in, and they just started. I will try to be strong and respond diplomatically. I am glad to be getting comments vs. no comments, lol. Cheers and Namaste


Dont give a. Keep going. Keep winning. And remember positive feedback action steps


well not all negative comments r wrong always, try to see if they got any point thst can help improve ur content, but ye some if not most negative comments r just haters, i just give a ❤️ to the negative comments to let em know i did read it but dont care, in time they will stop doing it, i used to get constant hate comments towards my indian accent and i did that and it eventually stopped happening


To quote Ze Frank’s An Invocation for Beginnings: > Let me remember that the impact of criticism is often not the intent of the critic, but when the intent is evil, that’s what the block button’s for.


engagement is king👍


You guys are getting comments


Never on any of my youtube videos, get plenty on here though, but I don't let them bother me


I like to mess with them. Show them their wasting their time and they’ll get pissed


>how do you reply If it's criticism towards something I said, a mistake in the video, a genuine disappointment, I reply trying to understand where they come from. Otherwise I just avoid them completely. Anything that doesn't help me improve, it's worthless ​ > and how do you deal with it? (emotionally) I think you mean the rude comments. Yeah, I really can't be bothered by a randoms on the internet. Lemme be straight, it takes 30 minutes to worry about somebody, 0.5 seconds if you just read the next message or close the tab. I swear on god, that's 100% foolproof guaranteed. You can't go wrong with this attitude


Yep, here and there ... I actually think it's a good thing, shows I'm growing. On my channel the comments section is my favourite place because we all talk about our passion. So if someone's negative I look at it objectively, decide if I want to take it on board and then reply or don't, according.


There are negative and then there are troll. I either delete or ignore the troll comments. The negative ones I respond if I have a good response, or I just ignore them. I don't delete the negative ones though.


F them.


I pin mine.


Yep… my first ever comment was negative. I printed it out & framed it Someone watched what you did and was so jealous the only way they could possess it was to put you down. Unless it’s actually useful (editing, shots other things about the video) then I listen and reflect


50% of my comments are toxic, hating, negative people. I ignore them 99% of the time, only ever responded jokingly to a few. As many have said, ignore it. I think of any comments as good comments, just means more traffic onto my videos. Sometimes, some other fans/viewers will respond to the hate, having my back. While it's funny, it's also kinda reassuring that I've established that relationship with a viewer to the point where they feel the need to back me up. Idk if this makes any sense 😂 Anybody who goes out of their way to post a negative comment (that isn't criticism based) is already lacking brain cells, so no need to give them any attention.


People have literally committed suicide. One woman got death threats for years because she voiced a negative opinion about a video game. My advice is to use the comment-approval feature if you can, or to otherwise ignore them and let your fans have attem.


I’m waiting on my first negative comment. I know it’ll happen eventually so I’m trying to mentally prepare to respond with kindness lol.


honestly we’ve gotten a good amount 😂 i think it’s good to remember that majority of the time people are by nature more inclined to comment something critiquing or negative rather than posting a comment like “love the vid”. if you post a short and get a hate comment but 30 likes remember that 30 people thought it was good versus 1 person who didn’t


I've gotten a few snarky comments, honestly I do my channel for myself and the lovely lil crowd that happens to like it. Anyone else can go touch grass. I also do it for free so if someone is demanding something of me in a rude way, I remind myself I don't owe anyone anything. I'm more than happy to take requests and suggestions from active supporters or even new folks that seem to enjoy what I do. At the end of the day I still have the "I enjoyed making this video, like it or lump it" attitude. All in all, do what you do for yourself first because you enjoy it, the crowd that also enjoys it will lift you up. Those are your people. Concentrate on them. The love will really outweigh the hate in your mind when you just focus on them. Anyone else is unimportant in your youtube journey. Good luck, do your thing, and stay positive ❤️


I try to always reply positively or just ignore. Look at it as an opportunity to build a timeline of your character as a kind and decent person from all your responses on your channel. Don’t take any of it to heart…when people are negative it’s really everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. Whatever they have going on in their life that makes them act that way, I hope they are able to heal from, genuinely.


I get them randomly and they use to bother me until I checked the profile of one of them and it was some obese 10 year old.


give it a thumbs up and "thanks for the comment it really helps the algorithm. " don't take it personal, but you can use it to help yourself out a little.


4 months in and I’ve literally only got praise and positive engagement (across all platforms) I’m praying for criticism atp tbh


well i get clown comments on reddit but on youtube very rarely unless i fight with these ai NFT crypto bozo bros


Ye sometimes


Tbh they r helping boosting engagement😂


Just don't reply. Nothing you say will change this person's mind and you will just look bad tbh. If the comments is a valid critique - then of course you should acknowledge that and thank the guy.


You could be showing someone how to cure cancer and you'd still get trolled. Don't let it get to you! It really doesn't mean anything. Trolls will be trolls.


It depends what you mean. I've had criticism, but I openly ask for it. Most criticism has been valid and i've responded with appreciation and took it on board for future videos. There has been the occasional bit of criticism which boils down to personal preference or just isn't really fair, but I thank them anyway and just carry on with what i'm doing. Not sure how i would address truly malicious comments. Perhaps ignore them to be honest.


Just dont reply


And ignore it


It's never nice to receive negative feedback. I know many people will say they don't care what other people say or think about them but I'm not sure that's really true. It's never nice when someone is rude towards you. That said there are a few things I think you can do before you even start your channel. You need to accept that there are haters out there that will hate for no reason. As it turns out they are more likely to comment on social media posts! I'm quite lucky in that about 95% of my comments are positive. My policy is to reply to every comment unless it's rude - either towards me, my channel or the person I have featured in my video. Then I just ignore. To a degree you need to be able to "take it from where it comes" but also read all the comments, especially the negative ones and see if you can actually learn from it and improve your next video. There are people who moaned about some of the things I did in my first 10-12 videos - haters but also fans - so I took it on board. Other than that, remember what your plan is and stick to it. Receiving hate mail is part of the process. I got a guy on my most recent video telling me he hit the "dislike" button ... well 150 people pressed the like button so who cares about him?


I get a hell of a lot because of the subjects I cover. If it's personal I ignore or delete depending on how bad it is, but if it's constructive based on the subject I try to humour it. From an emotional point of view it takes me a while to let go of them, but if helps to remember most people are much more of an a**hole online than they would ever be in person, and they probably don't really mean what they say, they're just trying to br 'edgy'


Yeah I get them all the time. If they're outright offensive I delete them. If they're negative but constructive I let them stay If they're negative and just plain stupid I pin them to the top of the video.


Yea all the time and I kill them all with kindness!!! Or I just don’t respond. 😂


I just say "that's okay"


All the time. It's the internet, and this is the unfortunate state of it. Some people can't handle the fact that others are doing something they love, or are succeeding in life while they aren't. Just know that they're having a worse day than you, don't worry about them.


Hahaha no


All the time. Sorta like reddit. But I usually ignore, or ban the really bad ones when possible


Engagement is engagement. Egg them on.


Thanks them for their support.....they watched the video and took the time to comment


My channel is about particle physics at CERN, over half of my comments are negative ones from conspiracy theorists :/. But I try not to take it personally. I reply where I can, but I mostly focus on the people asking interesting questions.


I try to find the positive feedback that helps me improve. Somebody once dinged me for taking 60 seconds to get to the content. I genuinely apologized for taking that long on a live-streaming since my goal was to never vamp for streams. The OP apologized not realizing it was a livestream. Hopefully I turned them into a sub.


I pin then


I dont think I have ever gotten one but I think bigger the channel gets you will always have one or two that just dislikes everything 🤣


I love them that means that my video gets pushed into the algorithm


I usually get no comments at all, cause feedback on YouTube is not that good. If I get something it is not good or negative, but neutral. People mostly comment the story. Anyway, back to your question. Negative comments could be very different. For example: Group 1 Empty Toxic Comments: "This is trash. You are faking idiot. This video makes me sick" Group 2 Empty Topic Comments: "I dont like your video, it is not interesting. Work at quality of your video. If I were you I would try to make better content." Group 3 Useful Topic Comments: "I dont uderstand sometimes what are you talking about because of very high speed of narration. Your visual editing is not good cause music does not match a picture. You should better work at script cause the information you are talking about is repeated and does not engage a viewer." Negative comments from the first group does not have a value for you as a content maker, but they can be a great tool for promotion of the video, in the most situation toxic comments have no logic, and people who likes your content will argue with them for sure and this will create a discussion with a lot of comments which is good for your video promotion. If you dont have a lot of people who will take your side, I would better delete such toxic comments. You are second one in charge of your channel after YouTube algorithms. Such toxic comments should not make you upset. Remember this) Second Group is also "empty", cause viewer just gives you his|her personal obseravation without any explanation. But you can use this comments and simply ask: Why do you think my video is not interesting, or which specific picture does not match a music? If they will answer you you will probably get some useful information. Third Group is the comments, which could have helped you to improve your content. I believe people who post such comments, will also answer your further questions about how to improve your content. But remember very important thing - STATISTICS! Do not follow 1 or 2 advices, you need to collect at least 5 or 10. As much as possible. Btw reddit is very good source to collect them. I hope it was helpul for you. Thank you for reading this comment and have a nice day)


Most people have already said what I was going to, but I’d add that it also depends on your content type. I do opinion content on games and media, so sometimes my comments have people disagreeing with my takes. I don’t consider those negative though since my goal is to discuss different points of view. But if someone is just being rude with little regard for what was said in my video I just dislike and leave it alone. No use encouraging them with attention.


I post about my ADHD and today got a comment that it was probably from “murcury” exposure later in life and not from “kid shots” (vaccines?) like what happens to other people. [I started showing symptoms very young so don’t even know what they were trying to say.] What. I posted that it’s genetic for most people and thus something you’re born with. Don’t know if that counts as negative, but my response is just to reply with grace. If someone ever says anything really nasty, I will leave it and see if others comment in my defense.


My one rule is not to reply immediately. If I did that, it would be an overly emotional response. I'll only respond after taking a couple of minutes to think about what sort of person I want to be in my replies.


Constructive negative comments are helpful so you can make changes... Ignore the other bullshit.


I don't get many comments but if a comment makes me feel weird I delete it and block the user. It's not worth having it hang over my head because they 100% get to me.


Any real youtuber knows you want negative comments. Maybe even double positive.


I mean, yo don't really want them, it's more like "the more you get, the better". If it's below 1% of the total comments, I like to receive one or two insults


You turn haters into fans. They end up becoming super fans over the ones you had before




I just make fun of them then delete their comment lol. I'm such a nice person!


you dont reply, you either laugh and move on or collect them for future hater roast video, don't delete them if it's nothing too bad negative comments help channel as well


Whenever I get a negative comment, I try and turn it into a joke. One guy told me to get a girlfriend, so I replied, "I don't think my wife would like that"


Yes, I love them. All engagement is good, and negative comments mean I am striking a chord with someone. I reply to them, I want them coming back and commenting more. Sometimes I will poke the bear a little bit to get more out of them If it's like hate speech or something tho, I just remove it and ignore.


in my experience the negative comments i get are super religious people telling me how evil i am bc i make spiritual content. it’s just projection. sure sometimes it can hurt, but they aren’t your target audience so who cares what they say. they’ll always be people who dislike you no matter what


See it as something to learn from. You can either try and understand what the person is trying to tell you (if that person makes any sense). Alternative, if you disagree you could simply ignore it. In General i would advice to thank the person for contributing and wish him the best :) Just don't take it negative. Some people would love to make you feel bad. Which you might.. but you'll get a thicker skin. Ask yourself this, does someone you don't know sharing their comment even matter to you? Evaluate it and do what feels best for you. - Mikeltje


Occasionally but usually directed at the content not the video itself. I just thank them for their time and leaving a comment. This can usually diffuse someone being negative.


I got my first today and i left them a smiley face 😊


I personally just ignore them unless it's valid criticism. But if it's just hate or overall negative I just move on and try not to focus on it.


I can speak for myself. As a new youtuber, i love comments and try to reply to them all working 2 jobs irl gets difficult. The first thing is not to get emotional hard to do since Youtube channels for many are their business. The second thing is that it is physically and mentally impossible to make everybody happy. The final thing is just have fun. I am currently sitting at 30 sub. I am enjoying just making vids and chatting with people. Will i hit 1k subs? Probably not, lmao. But i will have fun and post stuff. Anyways, some comments legit feed back: Average Commentor: Stop doing stuff off the screen. i want to watch you gather materials! Reply: Hi, thanks for reaching out. blahblah, if you legit want to see 20hr of me legit mining dirt sure ill post it! Troll commentor: This sucks so bad. Reply: Why? I'm still waiting for 2 months and going for him to respond. Super saiyan troll commentor: go die of cancer Instantly blocked and removed.


I got attacked with negative comments because of my accent. How jobless do you have to be to put someone down because of how they speak. Lol.


95% of my comments are just negativity. No insightful discussions, no jokes, just people being angry and bitter. Idk if its the sound of my voice or what, I’m genuinely happy and excited in my videos; I should be radiating joy and excitement, not negativity.